29-06-2019 : “Be the Best”:-
The NFTE leaders President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Secy, Com. Rajpal offered garlands, Shawls, Bauquette etc to Shri Anupam Srivastav, CMD, BSNL on last working day of his retirement. We wished him happy retired life. His message is appended below;-
“It is certainly emotional moment of my life when I bid adieu to my BSNL family which is so close to my heart.
Today, I am sure with combined energy, zeal and support of all of you, BSNL shall not only endure the current challenges but emerge more stronger and resilient.
Let us continue to “Be the Best”.
29-06-2019 : New CMD, BSNL:-
Shri P.K. Purwar will take charge of CMD, BSNL on 1st July, 2019. The CHQ heartily welcome and assure fullest cooperation to tide over the present crisis in the PSU.
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29-06-2019 : The A and N, Andhra, NE-1, Kolkata Telephones and NTR circles are required to send correct J.E. departmental vacancies by 3rd July, 2019. S/C, S/T and minority candidates be imparted necessary training. BSNL 7-11/2018-Rectt, DT-28-06-2019.
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29-06-2019 : Com. N.T. Sajwani, former Secretary General of NFTE (BSNL) has expired today at Bhopal. Prior to election as Secy General in 2007 he had been circle Secy of E-3 and after Corporatization Circle Secy of NFTE (BSNL) for decades. He had been stalwart of NFTE (BSNL). The CHQ is saddened with the death news and convey heart felt condolences to the bereaved family. Pray departed soul rest in peace. Cremation date and time are awaited as family is away from Bhopal.
29-06-2019 : Bereavement:-
Comrade Prem Kumar Nighawan, Senior Section supervisor and District Secretary of E-3 and NFTE (BSNL) at Rohtak from year 1990 to 2009 breathed his last on 24th June, 2019. He was very active, alert and courageous leader. The CHQ mourns his death and convey heartfelt condolence. Let the departed soul rest in peace.
29-06-2019 : BSNL’s worsening condition- Hon’ble Minister of Communication and IT has been requested to intervene urgently for grant of financial package to BSNL for continuance of its operations undisturbed and uninterrupted. TF-6/7, dt-28-06-2019.
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28-06-2019 : IDA increased 05.3% w.e.f. 01-07-2019. Total IDA now 146.7%.
28-06-2019 : Reply from Hon’ble Minister on BSNL issues – questions raised by Shri Pankaj Choudhary and other Members of Parliament (question No.-830, 61, 682).
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28-06-2019 : Corporate office issued instructions on closure of HRMS server. Letter No.-7-09/2019/Estt.V, dt-27-06-2019.
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28-06-2019 : Corporate office seeking information in detail with regard to temporary workers of BSNL, for sending a reply to Lok Sabha unstarred question No.-1856 (Dy No 2009). F. No.-9-2/2019-LE, dt-27-06-2019.
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28-06-2019 : Corporate office issued clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointment kept in abeyance thereof – reg. Letter No.-273-18/2013/CGA/Estt.-IV, dt-27-06-2019.
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27-06-2019 : Corporate office letter to All CGMs advance action regarding Monetization of land/buildings of BSNL. Letter No.-501-44/2017-BT, dt-26-06-2019.
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27-06-2019 : Starred question No. 879 answered by Minister of communications on revival of BSNL in Lok Sabha today.
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26-06-2019 : Reportedly it is learnt that the proposal of DOT for lowering retirement age from 60 to 58 years has been turned down from top level.
26-06-2019 : All Circle Secretaries please note: The authorization letter to represent in 8th membership verification have been sent to all circles except TF Jabalpur today by speed post. Kindly collect and hand over the CGM’s copy in the Circle office.
25-06-2019 : List of Circle co-ordinators of NFTE BSNL. Letter No.-TF-1/1(C-8), dt-25-06-2019.
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24-06-2019 : It is decided to hold committee meeting constituted for 8th membership verification on 20-07-2019 at New Delhi. All the committee members(11) are requested to attend the meeting sharply at 10.30 hrs on 20-07-2019. Name of the committee members (1) Com. C.K. Mathiavanan, Vice President (CHQ) and Circle Secy, Chennai. (2) Com. K.S. Seshadri, Dy. General Secretary. (3) Com. S.P. Malhan, Secy (CHQ). (4) Com. S.M. Chilamwar, Circle Secy, Chhattisgarh.. (5) Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secy (CHQ) and Circle Secy, Gujrat. (6) Com. Mahabir Singh, Secy (CHQ) and Circle Secy, Jharkhand. (7) Com. Ranjan Dani, Circle Secy, Maharashtra. (8) Com. K. Natarajan, Circle Secy, Tamilnadu. (9) Com. Sanjay Dube, Circle Secy, UP€. (10)Com. Surjit Singh, Circle Secy, Punjab. (11) Com. Rajesh Kumar Chaubey, Circle Secy, Bihar. Note:- No deputationist will be treated as Committee member.
22-06-2019 : Govt. (DOT) is planning to take over of ALTTC Campus, Ghaziabad, which is having more than 80 acres of land and many buildings. NFTE BSNL strongly oppose the move of Govt (DOT) in this matter. File No.-3-32/2019-NTI.Admn, dt-21-06-2019.
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22-06-2019 : Advisory against formation of alliance in 8th membership verification for recognition of majority representative union (s) of Non-Executives employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/39-1/SR/2018/Pt, dt-21-06-2019.
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22-06-2019 : Extension of trade union facilities during 8th Membership Verification of non-executives’ unions in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-21-06-2019.
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21-06-2019 : NFTE BSNL submitted application for 8th membership verification on 19-06-2019. Letter No.-TF-1/1(c-8), dt-19-06-2019.
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21-06-2019 : Comrades, there is no authentic information regarding VRS and lowering of retirement age. Please don’t be panic with Whatsapp’s information. NFTE is vigilant and observing the development in the matter.
20-06-2019 : Corporate office letter to all IFA’s on reimbursement of Employee Cost of BSNL employees deputed in CCAs/TERM Cell – regds. Letter No.-500-163/2017-18/CA-III/BSNL, dt-18-06-2019.
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19-06-2019 : Meeting with CMD BSNL:-
President and G.S. met the CMD, BSNL today and apprised him in detail about the present situation in the field due to non-allotment of adequate fund. The services are badly affected.
CMD replied that the corporate office expects loan from the bank to handle the crisis.
A copy of the letter addressed to Hon’ble MOC for revival of BSNL was also handed over to him.
The CMD was also told about the sufferings of staff in Assam and NE-I Circle.
19-06-2019 : Com. M. Parasha Ramulu, T.T, District Secretary of Sangareddy SSA (Telangana) expired on 18-06-2019 at about 21.20 hrs at Prime hospital Hyderabad. He was a committed and dedicated disciplined soldier of NFTE. He worked as Circle President of combined A.P. Circle for some time. He was a true disciple of late OPG. He also worked in deferent posts in organization at Circle level, presently he is a member of R-JCM. NFTE Telangana Circle lost a dashing and daring Leader at this juncture. NFTE CHQ condoles the untimely death of Comrade and share the grief of the family. He was survived with wife and daughter. We pray the almighty let his soul rest in peace.
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19-06-2019 : Revamping and revival of BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-18-06-2019.
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19-06-2019 : Creation of Assistant Manager Posts in Telecom Circles and PGM offices – reg. Letter No.-TF-24/2, dt-18-06-2019.
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19-06-2019 : Restrictions in grant of leave in foreign trips – case of Gujrat Telecom Circle. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-18-06-2019.
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17-06-2019 : Vacancy details for the JTO LICE in r/o V.Y 2017 -18. Letter No.-12-4/2018-Rectt, dt-14-06-2019.
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17-06-2019 : Issuance of POs of TSMs of Eastern UP Circle vide DOT No.—27-01-SNG/UP(E)TC, dt-31-05-2019. BSNL HQR No.-269-2/2011-P-IV/LE(Vol.IV)(Pt), dt-13-06-2019.
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15-06-2019 : Control of expenditure under the head vehicle running. File No.-16-4/2018/CB(part), dt-14-06-2019.
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15-06-2019 : Presidential orders issued:- The Pos in respect of S/S Baidyanath Pandey, Ram Sajiwan Pal, Ashok Kumar Singh and late Manik Chand etc of UP(E) have been sent to circle office by BSNL HQR.
The cases of Bihar are being persued.
14-06-2019 : Shri Arvind Vadnerkar has been selected as Director (HR), BSNL New Delhi.
PESB Meeting Minutes 69/2019, dt-14-06-2019.
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14-06-2019 : Meeting with Director (Finance):- President and General Secretary met the Director (F) and apprised him the situation prevailing in the field due to non-allotment of adequate fund.
(1) Electricity connections are being disconnected affecting the services and tarnishing the image of company. Even vehicles relating to maintenance job are at stand still contract labourers are not being paid wages affecting maintenance. LIC, GPF and Pension contribution are not being remitted.
The special allowance sanctioned for J&K staff is not yet paid despite sanction by BSNL HQR.
Director (F) replied that 1st priority of management is to pay salary of staff. He is fully aware of situation. He has ordered not to purchase equipments and “OLA” be used funds will be allotted as and when situation improves.
14-06-2019 : Non declaration of result of JTO LICE for VY- 2016-17. TF-14/2(b), dt-14-06-2019.
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14-06-2019 : Formation of Business Area – Case of Tamilnadu Circle. Letter No.-TF-022, dt-13-06-2019.
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14-06-2019 : 8th Membership Verification:- A detailed letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-12-06-2019 has been issued incorporating guidelines for 8th membership verification. The guidelines be carefully studied at Circle/District levels for action.
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13-06-2019 : Bail out the BSNL from financial crisis – Press Coverage:-
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13-06-2019 : Brief of Extended National Executive Committee Meeting at Mysore (Karnataka) (08-06-2019 to 10-06-2019):-
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13-06-2019 : Extended National Executive Meeting at Mysuru (open session) :-
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13-06-2019 : Meeting with GM(Rectt):- President, General Secretary and two office bearers of SNATTA met the GM (Rectt) and handed over the detailed representation of discrepancies occurred in last LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre. She promised to get the points considered by the committee already formed for the purpose.
13-06-2019 : JE LICE:- Action is under process to notify the LICE for promotion to JE Cadre. The notification was issued earlier as such three months notice will not be required
13-06-2019 : Meeting with GM (Restg):-
Discussions have taken place with the GM (Restg) regarding formation of Business Area in Tamilandu. The discussions have also taken place with Director (HR) on 12-06-2019 in the matter.
13-06-2019 : Issues decided to be included:- The National Executive meeting at Mysore decided the following issues also but same could not be included yesterday.
(1)Frame new promotion policy for non-executive employees.
(2) Prevent compulsory retirement under clause 55 (A) of CDA Rules, 2006.
12-06-2019 : Membership Verification Committee:- The National Executive committee in its meeting held from 08-06-2019 to 10-06-2019 decided to form a committee to face the 8th verification and to coordinate the activities. The names are as below.
(1) Com. C.K. Mathiavanan, Vice President (CHQ) and Circle Secy, Chennai.
(2) Com. K.S. Seshadri, Dy. General Secretary.
(3) Com. S.P. Malhan, Secy (CHQ).
(4) Com. S.M. Chilamwar, Circle Secy, Chhattisgarh..
(5) Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secy (CHQ) and Circle Secy, Gujrat.
(6) Com. Mahabir Singh, Secy (CHQ) and Circle Secy, Jharkhand.
(7) Com. Ranjan Dani, Circle Secy, Maharashtra.
(8) Com. K. Natarajan, Circle Secy, Tamilnadu.
(9) Com. Sanjay Dube, Circle Secy, UP€.
(10)Com. Surjit Singh, Circle Secy, Punjab.
(11) Com. Rajesh Kumar, Circle Secy, Bihar.
12-06-2019 : Discrepancies in the LICE, held on 26-05-2019, for promotion to JTO Cadre-reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-12-06-2019.
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12-06-2019 : Decision taken in National Executive meeting of NFTE (BSNL) held at Mysore from 8th to 10th June, 2019:-
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12-06-2019 : Validation of data of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors (TSMs) in ERP for payment of wages – reg. File No.-11-1/2019-LE, dt-06-06-2019.
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12-06-2019 : MOU with Canara Bank for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees. Letter No.-1-9/BBF/STAFF LOAN/2017-18, dt-10-06-2019.
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10-06-2019 : The Extended National Executive Committee meeting started on 08-06-2019. The flag hosting ceremony took place in front of RTTC building, Mysore in a grand manner, hundreds of Comrades were present at that time. Com. Islam Ahmad All India President hoisted the National flag and Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary hoisted the NFTE flag. Com Islam Ahmad presided over the meeting, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary welcomed all the office bearers, Secretaries, invitees, guests and District Secretaries to this memorable NEC at Mysore. Com. C. Singh has given all details on our given agenda point with all latest details on wage revision, promotion policy etc. He noted that 8th membership verification is very near so he requested all be vigilant and meet every employee for their strong support to save BSNL at this juncture. Majority of Central office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Invitees and District Secretaries from all circles attended the meeting.
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06-06-2019 : NEC at Mysore from 08th June to 10th June, 2019:-
Venue - RTTC (Regional Telecom Training Centre) T.K. Layout, Near Kamakshi Hospital Mysore – 570009.
All participants are requested to pay Rs. 1200/- as delegation fee after reaching at venue. Reception Committee will provide accommodation and food only after getting delegation fee from each individual participants. For any query/help please contact Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy.G.S. Mobile No.- 09449348733, Com. Krishna Reddy, Circle Secretary Mobile No.- 09448101010.
04-06-2019 : NFTE (BSNL) CHQ extends a very happy Eid-ul-Fiter to all members/well wishers. (Eid-Mubarak).
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04-06-2019 : DO letter No.-34-1/2018-S&M-CM, dt-03-06-2019 from Shri Sheetla Prasad Director (HR) to all CGMs with an instruction to manage the work in field area as per annexure of this letter.
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03-06-2019 : Activities from Amritsar to Mysore. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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03-06-2019 : Ban on transfer of non-executive employees till completion of 8th membership verification, which notified to be held on 16-09-2019. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018-(i), dt-03-06-2019.
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03-06-2019 : Notice for holding 8th membership verification of non-executive workers to extend recognition to majority representative union (s). Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018-(i), dt-03-06-2019.
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01-06-2019 : Central head quarter of National Federation of Telecom Employees, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi, on behalf of its thousands of members throughout the country heartily congratulates and welcome Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad on assuming as Hon’ble Minister of Communications, electronics, IT and Minister of Law and Justice. Shri Prasad is a prominent Advocate and known to every one as a prompt decision taking personality. The BSNL workers have got a light in darkness and all are in a full confident that the dynamic role and act of Hon’ble Minister of Communications will certainly bring out the BSNL over present crisis. We are always ready to work hard, support and cooperate for revival of BSNL.
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01-06-2019 : Proposal for lowering the age of superannuation from 60 to 58 years in respect of BSNL employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-01-06-2019.
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31-05-2019 : Economy Measures – economy in effecting Transfer/posting of officers/BSNL employees from one place to another – instructions thereof. Letter No.-400-06/2019-Pers.I, dt-29-05-2019.
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31-05-2019 : Appointment of Chief Returning Officer – conduct of 8th membership verification for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL regarding. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018-I, dt-28-05-2019.
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31-05-2019 : Constitution of a Core Group to deal with matters relating to holding of 8th membership verification process for grant of recognition to majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-5-1/SR/2018-ii, dt-28-05-2019.
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28-05-2019 : Meeting with CMD BSNL:- President, G.S. met CMD BSNL on 27-05-2019 and discussed the NE-I Circle staff issue, payment of arrears of pay and allowances on permanent absorption in BSNL in respect of Shir D.N. Yadav T.T. UP (East), non remittance of bank loans and society recoveries, non- payment of electricity bills and wages to casual/contract Mazdoors. CMD-BSNL reciprocated positively and assured to look into the matter.
27-05-2019 : Exploratory meeting of 8th membership verification held today at 9th floor conference hall of Corporate office New Delhi. Shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR) was in Chair. Smt. Smita Luthra GM(Rect), Shri A.K. Sinha DGM (SR) and full SR team were present in the meeting. All most all the unions participated in the discussions. GM(SR) collected the views of unions and told that it will be placed before competent authority and decision will be intimated to all unions. Management placed tentative schedule for holding the 8th membership verification, which was not finalized. Management viewed to complete the process of 8th membership verification between 3rd June to 18th September, 2019.
27-05-2019 : Proposal for lowering of superannuation age from 60 to 58 years in respect of BSNL employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-27-05-2019.
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27-05-2019 : Regular selection and posting of Directors in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-36/2, dt-27-05-2019.
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25-05-2019 : Consolidation of SSAs with the Business Area will not affect the transfer liability of non-executive employees. In other words they will not be transferred out of the SSA. The matter was earlier taken up and BSNL HQR vide No.-4-02/2014 Restg Vol.-III, dt-01-02-2016.
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25-05-2019 : Payment of special concessions to BSNL employees working in Kashmir Valley:-
President and Treasurer, Com. Rajamouli met the GM (Banking), Shri Bhatt on 24th May and requested for allotment of necessary fund for payment of special concessions allowance as per Corporate office letter No.-39-8/2001-TE-II (Pt-II), dt-06-03-2019. A copy of letter No.-TF-010, dt-30-04-2019 was also handed over. He agreed to take appropriate action.
(II) The GM (Bank) was further apprised that the amounts recovered have not been remitted to Banks, Societies etc. he assured for necessary action within 3-4 days. He
told about the paucity of fund also.
25-05-2019 : Minutes of the 38th meeting of the National Council held on 29th March under the Chairpersonship of Director (HR), BSNL Board. Letter No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2018, dt-24-05-2019.
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22-05-2019 : Grant of Special Casual Leave of the National Executive Members of NFTE. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018, dt-22-05-2019.
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21-05-2019 : As per the decision of AUAB meeting held on 17-05-2019, AUAB have written a letter to The Secretary (Telecom) Department of Telecommunications, regarding non-granting of meeting to discuss issues raised by the AUAB. Letter No.-UA/2019/88, dt-21-05-2019.
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21-05-2019 : As per the decision of AUAB meeting held on 17-05-2019, AUAB have written a letter to The Secretary (Telecom) Department of Telecommunications, with regard to replying DoP&PW queries on Pension revision. Letter No.-UA/2019/89, dt-21-05-2019.
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20-05-2019 : Corporate office letter on model guidelines/operating procedure for dealing with cases of unauthorized absence, absconding and long absentee officers/officials. File No.-250-4/2019-Estt-III, dt-16-05-2019.
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20-05-2019 : Shri S.K. Gupta, Director (Finance) have written a D.O. letter to all CGMs and IFAs, Telecom Circles/Telecom Districts & Maintenance Regions by saying “the liquidity position of the company will start improving and expected that normalcy in liquidity position will be restored by the next quarter of the financial year”. File No.-16-4/2019/RB/(P), dt-16-05-2019.
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17-05-2019 : Meeting of the AUAB held on 16-05-2019. Letter No.-UA/2019/87, dt-17-05-2019.
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17-05-2019 : Conduct of 8th Membership Verification of Non-Executive employees in BSNL – Holding of exploratory meeting thereof. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-17-05-2019.
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17-05-2019 : Com. R.G. Prakesh Reddy, T.T. Tumakuru SSA, expired on 17-05-2019 at 04-45am. He was an active Comrade of NFTE and Assistant District Secretary. NFTE CHQ condoles the death and share the grief of the family.
16-05-2019 : Conduct of 8th Membership Verification of Non-Executive employees in BSNL – Holding of exploratory meeting thereof. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-16-05-2019.
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16-05-2019 : Tele-density and Market Share Report as on 28-02-2019. Letter No.-1-2(1)/Market Share/2018-CP&M, dt-09-05-2019.
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16-05-2019 : Shri H.S. Sohal an IFS Cadre officer of batch 1987 has been appointed new Chief Vigilance officer of BSNL by shifting Shri Kashyap the incumbent CVO to the Power Gird Corporation of India.
15-05-2019 : Circle Secretaries please note:- All the Circle Secretaries are requested to kindly intimate the number of participants viz District Secretaries/Visitors in Extended National Executive Committee meeting at Mysore scheduled to be held from 08-06-2019 to 10-06-2019. Intimation should reach to reception committee upto 20-05-2019 so that the adequate arrangement of lodging and fooding may be provided by the reception committee. Kindly cooperate with the reception committee to get better arrangement – G.S. NFTE.
Contact Numbers:-
(1) Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. – 09449348733.
(2) Com. Krishna Reddy , Circle Secretary – 09448101010.
(3) Com. Nagendra, D.S. Mysure – 09449041010.
(4) Com. Madhawa Gauda, Organising Secretary – 09480825656.
15-05-2019 : 6th Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Telangana:-
The CEC held on 14.05.2019 in CPI Office at Khammam, under the Presidentship of Com. Narender, Circle President. The meeting begun with flag hoisting ceremony, Com. T.Narender Circle President hoisted National Flag, Com. C.Singh, General Secretary hoisted NFTE Flag, Com. C.Singh, G.S.Com. Chandra Shekar Rao CS, A.P.,Com V.K.Muthu All India Invitgee. Com. Baga Hemantha Rao District Secretary CPI, Com.Cleiment District Secretary AITUC Leader attended and addressed the meeting. Com. A.Rajamouli Circle Secretary explained the developments in BSNL and other issues like 3rd Wage Revision, pension revision, etc. All the District Secretaries/Circle Office bearers of Telangana and active comrades participated in the deliberations on issues like transfer policy, 8th Membership verification, Medical Policy etc. Com. C.Singh G.S. have given spirited speech upon the need of unity to face the challenges to save BSNL and workers. He assured the house that 3rd wage revision is top most priority in all issues. If the Government failed to honour the commitments, we will fight out unitedly to achieve them. He cautioned all to be more vigilant and get ready for sacrifices to reach our goal.
The reception committee honoured all the District Secretaries/Circle office bearers with NFTE Khandwa and bouquet and they presented a memento to G.S., C.S., Circle President and all India Invitee. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. T.Durga Rao District Secretary, Khammam.
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15-05-2019 : Resuming the negotiations for revision of wages of the Non-Executives- reg. dt-14-05-2019.
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13-05-2019 : Non-holding of the 8th Membership Verification for the Non-Executives in BSNL – reg. dt-13-05-2019.
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11-05-2019 : Provision of Mobile connection to retired/retiring BSNL employees in view of closure of WLL services: Regarding. Letter No.-PGM (NWO) CFA/CLOSING OF CDMA N/W/2017-18/56, dt-09-05-2019.
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10-05-2019 : Status of pending presidential orders:-
(1) The case of POs related to four employees of UP(E) and one employee of Assam is being sent to DOT for final approval.
(2) The cancelled P.O. in respect of Shri Upendra Giri A.T.T. has been restored by DOT and order is being issued by the BSNL.
(3) The issue of POs in respect of 65 officials of Bihar circle, further communication has been made to Bihar circle to submit the proper relevant documents.
(4) The POs of Shri Brij Ratan Prasad A.T.T. and Shri Mahabir Pandit A.T.T. have been approved by the DOT and order is being issued by BSNL HQR.
10-05-2019 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Technician (Erstwhile Telecom Mechanic) to be held on 08-09-2019 – reg. Letter No.-TT/RE/32-12/2018/4, dt-09-05-2019.
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10-05-2019 : Holding of LICE for promotion of Group ‘c’ employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2017-18, scheduled on 28-04-2019 (Sunday)---Rescheduling of examination on Sunday 26th May, 2019. Letter No.-12-4/2018-Rectt, dt-09-05-2019.
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10-05-2019 : Vindictive act of CGMT NE-I Circle Shilong against Shri Akbar Syiemlieh A.O.S and Circle Secretary NFTE BSNL, NE-I, Circle. Letter No.-TF-017, dt-10-05-2019.
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10-05-2019 : NTR (New Delhi) Circle Conference:- The Circle conference NTR (New Delhi) held in CTO dormitory on 09-05-2019, under the Presidentship of Com. A.P. Tripati. More than 200 Comrades from all corners of New Delhi attended the conference. The presence of women employees were in good number. Com. Rajpal, Circle Secretary welcomed Com. C. Singh, G.S. and honoured him with garland and a Shawl. Com. C. Singh G.S. explained in his address about the importance of agitations in P&T movement. He noted that the three day strike was a big success in the country. Now, the strike impact is giving good results. He explained in detail upon 3rd PRC, VRS, Reduction of age, pension revision, pension contribution on actual basic, directly recruited staff problems and allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL. He emphasized that united struggles are need of the hour for revival of BSNL and settlement of pending issues of employees. Besides participating in joint struggle, NFTE is always in fore front at all levels and CHQ is always taking action to settle the issues viz examinations, promotions and creation of new Cadres etc. He said holding of JE/TT examinations are in pipeline. Com. Rajamouli,CHQ Treasurer addressed the meeting on 8th membership verification and appealed all to be more vigilant in the coming days. Com. H.N. Sharma, C.S. Corporate office and all District Secretaries of NTR Circle were also present in the conference. Com. A.P. Tripathi, Com. Rajpal and Com. Deepak Kumar O.S. were elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer respectively. CHQ congrats the newly elected office bearers of NTR (New Delhi) circle. The conference ended with vote of thanks by Com. Rajpal Circle Secretary.
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10-05-2019 : Corporate office letter validation of data of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors (TSMs) in ERP for payment of wages from April, 2019 – reg. File No.-11-1/2019-LE, dt-18-04-2019
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09-05-2019 : Meeting with GM(SR):- General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli CHQ Treasurer met with Shri A.M. Gupta GM (SR) and discussed the issue of membership verification, merger of circles message was circulating in social media and the vindictive action of CGMT NE-I Circle against Circle Secretary.
The GM (SR) reciprocated and told that the management is trying to start the process of membership verification. (ii) Regarding merger of circles, he reported that BSNL Board has not approved as yet.
(iii) Regarding vindictive action by CGMT NE-I Circle against Circle Secretary, the GM (SR) suggested to take up the issue at higher level.
07-05-2019 : Applications called for granting special increment to officials, who have performed well in National and International sports events. Applications should reach to Corporate office before 31-05-2019, duly recommended by Secretary, BSNL circle sports and cultural board. Letter No.-30-2/2009-BSNL (Sports), dt-03-05-2019.
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06-05-2019 : Com. T.V. Chalapthy AOS, All India organizing Secretary of SEWA BSNL and his Team have got an excellence certificate from General Manager BSNL, Kolar SSA (Karnataka Circle) for the best performance during the financial year 2018-19. NFTE CHQ congratulates Com. Chalapthy and his team for their hard work.
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06-05-2019 : Holding of LICE for promotion of Group ‘C’ employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) [ JTO (T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2017-18, scheduled on 28-04-2019 (Sunday) –Rescheduling of exam. Letter No.-12-4/2018-Rectt, dt-30-04-2019.
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03-05-2019 : The postponed JTO LICE is rescheduled for 26th May tentatively.
02-05-2019 : Evolving of new promotion policy vis-à-vis redressal of hardships and suffering of employees in NEPP – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-02-05-2019.
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02-05-2019 : Project Aishwarya – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-02-05-2019.
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02-05-2019 : Farewell to Com. Vasantha Treasurer of Circle office District union and Com. Puspha Malegar Secretary BSNL Women’s Welfare Association. On their retirement on 30-04-2019. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. NFT(BSNL), Com. A. Rajashekhar Distt. Secretary, Circle office Bangalore, Com. Madhavan and others greeted and felicitated to the Comrades on their retirement on superannuation.
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02-05-2019 : Ensure 100% error free pay fixation and post Audit of pay fixation to avoid over payment BSNL No.-1-06/2016-PAT (BSNL), dt-01-05-2019.
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01-05-2019 : “May Day” Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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01-05-2019 : Message of Smt. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR) issued on the last date i.e. 30-04-2019 of her office.
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01-05-2019 : Approval for holding of LICE for Junior Hindi Translator for the recruitment year 2018 issued by Corporate office in letter No.-250-7/2019-Estt-III, dt-29-04-2019.
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01-05-2019 : Minutes of meeting of the representatives of the NFTE with Director (HR) held on 22-04-2019. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018, dt-29-04-2019.
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01-05-2019 : CHQ extend greetings to all on the eve of “May Day”. Let us celebrate the great festival of workers with enthusiasm and remember those who sacrificed their lives for the cause of working class.
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01-05-2019 : Revision in income limit for dependency for availing medical facility – reg. Letter No.-TF-32/2, dt-30-04-2019.
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01-05-2019 : Request for another opportunity to exercise option for NEPP – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-30-04-2019.
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01-05-2019 : Wage revision of non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/8/PRC, dt-30-04-2019.
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30-04-2019 : Allotment of fund for payment of special concession to Central Govt employees or PSUs falling under the control of central Govt – reg. Letter No.-TF-010, dt-30-04-2019.
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29-04-2019 : Grand felicitation to Smt. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR) and Chairman of National Council in course of National Council meeting held on 29-04-2019. Smt. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR) retiring on 30-04-2019. The leader staff side, Secretary staff side and National Council member, Com. Islam honoured her with a Shawl, Bouque,and Memento.
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29-04-2019 : Shri Banwarilal Varshney, CGM, NTP, New Delhi has been appointed as Director Business Enterprise on interim measure with immediate effect vide DOT letter No.-E-1/3/2019-PSA, dt-26-04-2019.
29-04-2019 : Brief of 38th National Council Meeting:-
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29-04-2019 : JTO LICE examination postponed due to technical fault. The examination will be re-scheduled shortly.
27-04-2019 : All Circle/District Secretaries please note:- The extended National Executive Committee meeting will be held from 8th June to 10th June, 2019 at Mysore (Karnataka). The Venue of the meeting is “Regional Telecom Training Centre” near Kamakshi Hospital, Layout Kuvempu Nagar Mysore. RTTC contact No.-0821-2878903. Distance from Bangalore to Mysore: By (a) Train route distance 126 km duration of journey 2.30 hrs. (b) By bus Route distance 147 Kms duration of Journey 3.00 hrs. (Frequent Trains and buses available from Bangalore to Mysore) Buses available from Bangalore airport to Mysore distance 145 Kms. Contact Mobile numbers:- (1) Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S. – 09449348733 (2) Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy, C.S. – 09448101010 (3) Com. Nagendra D.S. Mysore – 09449041010 (4) Com. Mahadeva Gouda, Org. Secretary, Mysore – 09480325656.
Delegate fee for Extended National Executive Committee Meeting is Rs. 1200/-.
27-04-2019 : Shri Suresh Kumar Gupta (IP and TAFS – 1988) will hold additional charge of Director (F) with immediate effect as interim measure. DOT letter No.-E-1-3/2019-PSA, dt-26-04-2019.
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27-04-2019 : Shri Sheetla Prasad, presently CGM (West) will hold additional charge of Director (CM) with immediate effect as interim measure. DOT Letter No.-E-1-3/2019-PSA, dt-26-04-2019.
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27-04-2019 : Re-designation committee meeting held on 26-04-2019 to finalise the designation of left out 19 Cadres in the pay scale of NE-1 to NE-3. These cadres are Ayah, Bearer, Beldar, Chowkidar, Cleaner, Duftary, Farash, Khalasi, Lady Chowkidar, Mali, Office Peon, Peon, Safaiwala, Shramik, Sweeper, Washboy, Dish Cleaner, Waterman and Gateman. After prolonged discussion, it was decided to accord “Attendant” designation to these 19 left out Cadres. Com. C. Singh, G.S. and Com. A. Rajamouli attended from NFTE in the meeting.
27-04-2019 : NFTE, BSNLEU jointly given a letter to CMD BSNL for issuing notification to conduct 8th membership verification.
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27-04-2019 : The union in meeting with Director (HR) on 22-04-2019 raised the issue of hardships being faced by the employees in repatriation from rural to urban area after completion of the prescribed tenure due to issue of orders No.-400-06/2019-Pers-I, dt-14-03-2019 for economy measures. There was blanket ban for non-executives for repatriation on company’s cost. Earlier, union has also sought Director (HR)’ intervention vide letter No.-TF-20/3, dt-28-03-2019. The orders have now been modified vide BSNL HQR No.-400-06/2019-Pers-I, dt-26-04-2019.
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26-04-2019 : Notice issued for holding the Extended National Executive Committee Meeting at Mysore from 08-06-2019 to 10-06-2019. Letter No.-TF-4/1, dt-26-04-2019.
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26-04-2019 : Absorption in BSNL vis-à-vis issuance of Presidential orders – case of Shri Sreenivasalu, Telecom Technician, Karnataka Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-26-04-2019.
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26-04-2019 : Issuance of POs of TSMs – Case of M.P. Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-26-04-2019.
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26-04-2019 : Settle the claims of staff including housekeeping as well as vendors performing maintenance job. TF-6/7, dt-26-04-2019 to CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.
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25-04-2019 : NEC meeting of H.P. Circle at Sundarnagar:-
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23-04-2019 : Holding of 38th meeting of National Council – reg. F. No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2018, dt-10-04-2019.
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22-04-2019 : Scheduled meeting with Director (HR):- A scheduled meeting was held today with Director (HR) in which the GM (SR), GM(Rectt), Dy. GMT (Est), Dy. GMT (Pers) and Dy. GMT (SEA) were present. The union was represented by President and General Secretary.
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22-04-2019 : Meeting with CMD BSNL:- The informal meeting between CMD, BSNL and union took place today. The following items were raised and discussed.
(1) Ban on compassionate appointment:- The union conveyed its grievance against unilateral decision of ban in CGA. He was firmly told that unions should be consulted on such issue. The CMD told that it is due to pressure of independent Directors in Board. The letter TF-16/6, dt-18-04-2019 on the issue was handed over.
(2) VRS proposal vis-à-vis revival plan of BSNL:- CMD told there is no financial crisis at present and VRS is unlikely to come early.
The CMD agreed to meet unions shortly to discuss the strengthening the financial health of the BSNL. This was response of CMD on the demand. The union was represented by President and General Secretary.
22-04-2019 : Revision of pension of the absorbed combined service pensioners of BSNL from 01-01-2017-reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-20-04-2019.
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22-04-2019 : VRS proposal for revival of BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-20-04-2019.
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22-04-2019 : Ban in compassionate ground appointment – reg. Letter No.-TF-16/6, dt-18-04-2019.
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20-04-2019 : District Executive Committee meeting of NFTE (BSNL) Mysuru SSA:-
Com. K. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. NFTE (BSNL), Com. K.C. Krishna Reddy C.S. KTK, Com. Ravi, CHQ invitee, Com. Rajshekhar D.S. CGMT office BG, Com. Nagendra, D.S. Mysore, Com. Dinesh Distt. Treasurer Mysore and all the Branch Secretaries of Mysuru were present in the meeting. Meeting was presided over by Com. Deoraj Distt. President Mysuru. It was a preliminary meeting for preparation of 3 days NEC to be held at Mysuru from 8th June to 10th June, 2019.
All the participants spoke to extend full support to the circle union to make the NEC a very grand success.
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20-04-2019 : BSNL Employee/Staff loan accounts with overdue & NPA accounts with UBI. F. No.-1-9/BBF/STAFF LOAN/2018-19, dt-16-04-2019.
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20-04-2019 : The sanction of fund BSNL welfare board to the circles for F/Y 2018-19. Letter No.-13-01/2018-BSNL(WL), dt-10-04-2019.
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18-04-2019 : Meeting of Joint Committee for Change of Designation of left out Non-Executive Employees in BSNL. Letter No.-2-4/2007/Restg./Vol III, dt-16-04-2019.
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18-04-2019 : Extended NEC at Mysuru (Karnataka):- The meeting is limited to all CHQ office bearers Circle Secretaries, Invitees and it is extended upto District Secretaries only. It has been brought to the notice of the CHQ that large number of our members have decided to come at Mysuru from Circles, it is not permissible as the reception Committee will not provide food and accommodation to those who are not authorise to attend the meeting.
18-04-2019 : Holding of next 8th membership verification for electing majority unions of non-executive union in BSNL – regarding. Letter No.-TF-1/1(C-8), dt-18-04-2019.
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13-04-2019 : CHQ extends its best wishes to all staff members of BSNL on the eve of birthday of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and appeal all the branches to hold meeting and celebrate the day to remember Baba Sahib and his Preaches - Educate, unite and struggle to achieve the goal.
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12-04-2019 : Minutes of the meeting held on 11-04-2019 with Director HR with the unions and associations which served the notice of demonstration to protest. The issue of VRS which is going to be imposed by the Govt in name of revival plan. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. participated in meeting on behalf of NFTE (BSNL).
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12-04-2019 : Massive demonstration against hidden agenda of the Govt to downsizing the number of staff of BSNL in name of VRS to lead it towards privatization – photo view.
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12-04-2019 : Board of trustees of O.P.G. Memorial trust Bengaluru Karnataka Circle;- Brief background – A piece of land was purchased by the then All India Telecom Employees union – Group ‘C’ at Vijayanagar Bengaluru to construct a building for union.
Com. O.P. Gupta G.S. E-III laid down the foundation stone of the building on 05-10-1980 and after construction of a simple house it was inaugurated by Com. O.P. Gupta Ji on 18-07-1986. After corporatization of DOT/DTS all the unions affiliated to NFTE amalgamated with one umbrella union in name of NFTE (BSNL). Unions were amalgamated but the building was still under the ownership of E-III union upto four/five month before. The said simple house have re-innovated and now it is a very high profile building. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. NFTE and Com. Krishna Reddy C.S. NFTE Karnataka took several pain and efforts for formation of a trust which can protect, develop and take all the care of building. After a hard work by leaders ultimately the trust was formed which was inaugurated on 09-04-2019 in presence of Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and Com. Islam Ahmad, President. We congratulate Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. and Com. Krishna Reddy C.S. Karnataka for their vital role played by them in formation of the trust.
The headquarter thanks to all the members of NFTE and leadership too for this creative role which will be the model of others.
We furnish below the names and mobile numbers of the Trustees.
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12-04-2019 : Extended National Executive Committee Meeting of our union will take place from 8th June, 2019 to 10th June 2019. All the Circle Secretaries, CHQ office bearers and invitees are requested to book their tickets to avoid difficulties. Please book your arrival at Mysore on 7th evening or 8th early morning. Return ticket may be booked on 10th evening. 3rd AC class rate will be paid to all members of National Executive only. Since it is an extended meeting District Secretaries are requested to attend the meeting from their own fund. Venue of the NEC - RTTC Mysore. Click to get the route map of RTTC Mysore.
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11-04-2019 : Inaugural function of “OPG Memorial Trust” and Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Karnataka Circle on 09-04-2019 at Bangaluru:-
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11-04-2019 : The 98th birthday of the great grandeur Com. O.P. Gupta Ji celebrated on 8th April, 2019 at flower Bazar Telephone Exchange campus. The function was organized by Chennai circle under the Leadership of Com. C.K. Mathivanan, Circle Secretary, Chennai and CHQ Vice President, New Delhi. On the occasion Smt. Kalawati CGMT Chennai, Circle was also present which up lead the value of the function. A large presence of workers including women employees was a symbol of love towards our unparallel leader Com. O.P.G. The meeting was addressed by Com. Islam Ahmad, Com. R.K, Com. C.K.M. Coms. Chandeshwar Singh, Lingamurthy, Vijyakumar, Natrajan, Babu ilengo, Anandan and Ravi Kumar. All the leaders shared their experiences and memories about Com. O.P. Gupta Ji.
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11-04-2019 : Guidelines relating to Transfer and posting – rationalization of expenditure regarding. Letter No.-412-07/2019-Pers.I, dt-08-04-2019.
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11-04-2019 : Revised rate of IDA w.e.f. 01-04-2019. Letter No.-14/2012-PAT (BSNL), dt-10-04-2019.
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11-04-2019 : Holding of 38th meeting of National Council – regarding. F. No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2018, dt-10-04-2019.
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11-04-2019 : Items submitted for discussion in the 38th meeting of National Council.
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10-04-2019 : Compassionate Ground Appointment (CGA) – keeping in abeyance thereof. Letter No.- 273-18/2013/CGA/Estt- IV, dt-09-04-2019.
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09-04-2019 : “PENSION PITHAMAGAN COM. O.P. GUPTA” – Book releasing function on 08-04-2019:-
NFTE BSNL Tamilnadu Circle Union arranged a grand public meeting on 08/04/2019 at TN Circle Office on the occasion of Com O P Gupta's 98th Birth Day. Com. P. Kamaraj Circle President presided over the meeting. Com. K. Natarajan welcomed the gathering. Our All India President Com Islam Ji released a book titled “Pension Pithamagan Com. O. P. Gupta” authoured by Our Think-tank Com Pattabi and co-authored by Our Veteran leader Com RK . Com. Pattabi introduced the book and explained in detail the forethought and wisdom of Com. OPG which resulted in achieving the Government Pension from Consolidated fund of India. Also he dealt in detail the importance of Rule 37-A in the current scenario. Our General Secretary Com. Chandeshwar Singh addressed the gathering. He dealt in detail the current scenario in BSNL. He further insisted that no circle union should unilaterally approach the court on any issue having All India implications, particularly on 2000 agreement , because the outcome may affect the entire DOT/BSNL employees/retires. Com K Vallinayagam erstwhile SG FNTO who is one among the signatory of the historical pension agreement attended the function and in his address he recalled his association with Com OPG and the memories of the negotiation with the then BJP Government. He also cautioned about approaching the Court on the basis of the 2000 agreement.
Com C K Mathivanan Vice President CHQ, Com V Subburaman GS TEPU, Com. R. Venkatachalam Circle Secretary & Com. Muthyalu AGS of AIBSNLPWA, Com. Balaram CS SEWA BSNL, Com. Valanarasu CS SNEA Com. Duraiarasan CS AIBSNLEA, Com. Krishnan CS TEPU also addressed the meeting. Com. Veeraragavan, Com. S. S. Gopalakrishnan Ex Secretary Federation, Com. Tamilmani Ex CP, Com A Semmalamudham Special Invitee CHQ, and nearly 300 Comrades from all over TamilNadu took part in the meeting.
Com RK in his Concluding speech thanked one and all for their cooperation in successful release of the book in time and recalled the memories of the pension struggle and requested all to carry forward the legacy and tradition of NFTE. With vote of thanks by Com G S Muralidharan ACS the meeting concluded.
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09-04-2019 : All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to organise powerful demonstration on 12-04-2019 to oppose VRS:-
In the name of revival of BSNL, the government is moving fast to implement VRS in BSNL. The DoT has not bothered to discuss it's so called revival plan of BSNL with the unions and associations, which are important stake-holders of BSNL. Further, the government has unilaterally decided to divert the income to be generated through the monetisation of BSNL's lands, to fund the VRS. This is nothing, but a well thought of plan, to deprive BSNL of the funds needed for it’s development and financial revival. Further, VRS is the government's strategy to cut down the size of BSNL's employees, so as to make it attractive for privatisation. The unions and associations which are opposing VRS have called on the employees to organise protest demonstrations throughout the country on 12-04-2019. We request all the circle and district unions to mobilise maximum number of employees and to make the demonstration a huge success.
09-04-2019 : Notice for holding protest demonstration on 12-04-2019, opposing VRS – reg. dt-09-04-2019.
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08-04-2019 : Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, birthday celebrations held at Hyderabad (Telangana):-
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08-04-2019 : Birth anniversary of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji:- The visionary, unparallel tallest personality of P&T movement born on 08-04-1922. Com. O.P. Gupta Ji - symbol of unity, struggle and settlement.
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06-04-2019 : DPE issues order for increase in IDA from April 2019.
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06-04-2019 : The AITUC condemns the deliberate attempts to wind up BSNL.
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06-04-2019 : Huge March to Sanchar Bhawan and massive meeting at Jantar Mantar:-
As per the call of the AUAB, thousands of Executives and Non-Executives participated in the massive March to Sanchar Bhawan held today. The rally started from Eastern Court at 11:45 hrs. It was stopped at Jantar Mantar where a huge meeting was conducted. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, Chairman, AUAB, presided. It was addressed by Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU, Com. Dr. Kango, Vice President, AITUC. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convenor, AUAB, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com.Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS and Com.Rasheed Khan, AGS, TEPU. We heartily thank the thousands of comrades who enthusiastically participated in this rally from the nooks and corners of the country, to demand the implementation of the charter of demands of the AUAB.
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06-04-2019 : Meeting between the AUAB and the Additional Secretary, DoT:-
At the end of today’s rally and massive meeting at Jantar Mantar, the leaders of the AUAB were taken to the DoT, by the police personnel. A meeting took place between Shri Anshu Prakash, Additional Secretary, DoT and the AUAB. Ms. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR), and Shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR), BSNL, were also present. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convenor, AUAB, Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE & Chairman, AUAB, Com.K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com.Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA and Com.Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, participated in this meeting. The AUAB demanded that the DoT should hold discussion with the AUAB on the charter of demands already submitted to the Secretary, Telecom. The AUAB also insisted that the meeting of the Committee (Institutional Mechanism), formed for periodic interaction between the AUAB and the DoT, should be convened. The Additional Secretary, told that this would be looked into. Further, the AUAB questioned how break-in-service under FR 17A could be imposed on the BSNL employees for going on strike, eventhough FR 17A is not part of the BSNL CDA Rules. To this, the Additional Secretary, DoT, directed the Director (HR), BSNL, to look into the matter.
04-04-2019 : All Circle Secretaries please note, as per the decision of AUAB meeting held on 25-03-2019, “Sanchar Bhavan March” will start sharp by 11.30 hrs from Eastern Court, Janpath on 05-04-2019. We request our Comrades, who are participating in the March, please reach to CHQ office by 10.00 a.m.
04-04-2019 : Restrictions in grant of leave in foreign trips – Case of Gujrat Telecom Circle. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-04-04-2019.
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04-04-2019 : Austerity measures – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-04-04-2019.
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03-04-2019 : Meeting at PMO:- According to reliable sources the PMO held meeting with Secy, DOT and CMD, BSNL on second instant. The PMO has reportedly asked the DOT to prepare papers on the following items expeditiously.
(1) Early allotment of 4G spectrum.
(2) VRS proposal to employees of age 50 years and above.
(3) Monetisatioin of assets (Buildings and lands).
02-04-2019 : AUAB writes a letter to CMD BSNL on threat to impose wage cut for participating in the March to Sanchar Bhawan. Letter No.-UA/2019/86, dt-01-04-2019.
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02-04-2019 : AUAB writes a letter to CMD BSNL on wrong calculation of pay cut for the 3 day strike – reg. Letter No.-UA/2019/86(i), dt-01-04-2019.
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02-04-2019 : Corporate office letter on special drive for dealing with cases of unauthorized absence, absconding and long absentee officers/officials. F. No.-250-4/2019-Estt-III, dt-01-04-2019.
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01-04-2019 : LICEs for promotion to JE and TT Cadres:- President met the GM (Rectt) and mentioned the resentment prevailing amongst the employees over inordinate delay in holding offline LICEs for promotion to JE and T.T. Cadres. She promised for early notification. The file relating to TT LICE has been moved for vetting by Establishment branch.
01-04-2019 : DOT’s utter neglect:- There are five posts of working Directors viz CFA, CM, Enterprise, HR and Finance in BSNL. The posts of Director of consumer Mobility and Finance are vacant for last many years. The post of Director (Enterprise) has also fallen vacant due to retirement of Shri N.K. Mehta on 31st March. Smt Sujata Ray, Director (HR) will also be retiring on 30th April.
Strangely, the owner, DOT is not bothered to ensure the selection and filling up the posts in time. This is severely affecting the performance of BSNL. If it is not neglect of the owner then. What it is ?.
01-04-2019 : MASSIVE SANCHAR BHAVAN MARCH ON 05-04-2019:- All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to mobilize our Comrades for participation in the March on 05-04-2019 in big number. CHQ making all out efforts to provide accommodation to participants. Kindly contact Com. Mahavir Singh Secretary CHQ, Mob. No.-9431177884 and Com. A. Rajamouli, Mob. No.-9013781183, for more details.
01-04-2019 : The District Conference of Hassan SSA (Karnataka) held on 29-03-2019. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. attended and addressed the meeting.
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01-04-2019 : 2.6% increase in IDA from 01-04-2019. (Total 138.8+2.6=141.4% from 01-04-2019)
01-04-2019 : Turning Point. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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29-03-2019 : Mutual Transfers:- The 5 years service condition is not necessary in mutual transfers. BSNL No.-5-32/2017-Estt-IV/Rule -8, dt-23-02-2017.
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29-03-2019 : Meeting with PGM(Prs), Sr. GM(Est) and Dy. GM(Est):- President and G.S. met the officers at Corporate office on 28th instant. The following issues were raised and pressed.
(1) There should not be delay in repatriation of employees to the urban area after completion of three years tenure in rural side due to economy drive.
(2) The processing for creation of AM posts in circle offices etc be accelerated.
(3) The case of Shri Maru be resolved expeditiously.
(4) The JAO R/R be finalized. The screening test qualified personnel be afforded another opportunity to appear in JAO LICE.
29-03-2019 : Non-executive employees must be repatriated from rural to urban area after completion of 3 years tenure and TA/DA should not be the excuse. TF-20/3, dt-28-3-2019 to Director (HR).
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28-03-2019 : Meeting between CMD BSNL and the representatives of the AUAB:-
A meeting between the representatives of the AUAB and Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL, was held today the 28.03.2019. Ms. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR) was also present. Com.P. Abhimanyu, Convenor, AUAB, Com.Chandeswar Singh, Chairman, AUAB, Com.K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. Pathak, AGS, AIGETOA, Com.Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, Com.Rewati Prasad, BSNL ATM and Com.Kabeer Das, GS, BSNL OA, participated in the meeting. The following issues were discussed.
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28-03-2019 : Provision for review in respect of prematurely retired personnel as per CDA rules – reg. Letter No.-TF-13/8, dt-28-03-2019.
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28-03-2019 : On the representation of Committee of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners' Association, DoP&PW writes to DOT on revision of Pension of Pre 2017 retirees.
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27-03-2019 : Sealing of CGMT, PGMT and other offices at Ahmadabad by Municipal Corporation authorities – reg. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-27-03-2019.
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27-03-2019 : Closure of Telephone Exchanges/BTSs due to non-payment of dues of Electricity bills. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-27-03-2019.
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27-03-2019 : Acknowledgement of our letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-08-03-2019 regarding Governments commitment to ensure financial viability of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
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26-03-2019 : Congrats to Leaders of UP(East) Circle NFTE BSNL for their dedication towards BSNL services:-
The NFTE union lead by Com. B.P. Singh Circle President and Com. Sanjay Dubey Circle Secretary organized a “SIM Sale Camp” at G.P.O Gate Lucknow on 24-03-2019. The Camp was inaugurated by Shri R.C. Ray CGMT UP(East). Shri Ray CGMT sat with staff in the Camp for hours together and explained various schemas launched by BSNL Corporate office. The presence of CGMT in the Camp encouraged the workers. Com. A.K. Ray Circle Treasurer, Com. A.K. Singh, ADS and Com. Atim Chaturvedi Distt. Treasurer played a vital role to make the camp a big success. NFTE CHQ congratulating the CGMT as well as the union leaders for this act of dedication towards BSNL.
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26-03-2019 : AUAB meeting reviewed the preparation for March to Sanchar Bhawan on 05.04.2019:-
A meeting of the AUAB was held today the 25.03.2019, in the NFTE BSNL office. The representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, BSNL OA, BSNL MS, AIGETOA and BSNL ATM were present. The meeting was presided over by Com.Chandeswar Singh, Chairman, AUAB and GS, NFTE BSNL. The meeting reviewed the preparation for the ensuing March to Sanchar Bhawan programme to be held on 05th April, 2019. All the unions and associations had given their expected number of members to be participated in the programme. The meeting decided to prepare a poster and the same will be send to all circles for circulation. The meeting further decided that the leaders of AUAB will be approaching to all political parties with request to address the gathering of the employees on that day. It is also decided that the General Secretaries / Representatives of AUAB will meet CMD BSNL on 27.03.2019 against repressive measures taken by the Management under FR 17A.
25-03-2019 : Extension of “Term Group Insurance Scheme" in respect of Non-Executive employees in BSNL:- The GM(Trg) held preliminary discussions with the two recognized unions for introduction of voluntary “Term Group Insurance Scheme” for non-executive employees.
The annual payment of premium will be advantageous and same can be renewed every year. The risk coverage of 20 lakhs will get approval locally. Further tripartite discussions will take place between LIC, management and unions. The scheme will be voluntary. The union was represented by G.S. and President.
25-03-2019 : Release fund to M/S MIOT Hospital, Chennai Hospital for Indoor Treatment of staff belonging to CHTD, Tamilnadu Circle, STP and STR. TF-32/5, dt-25-03-2019 to Director (HR).
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25-03-2019 : The Govt, DOT, must honour the assurances and commitments contained in the agreement of dt 08-09-2000, signed with the two federations, to keep the BSNL financially viable and strong else its very credibility will be doubted in future. TF -6/7, dt-25-03-2019 to Secy, DOT, referring to PMO’s communication of dated 3rd January, 2019.
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23-03-2019 : Martyr Day:- Shaheed Bhagat Singh alongwith his two Comrades Sukhdev and Raj Guru were sent to gallows by Britishers on March 23 in year 1931. The great revolutionary leader should not be remembered only for the sacrifice and nationalism, but his firm ideal of equality and equity. The CHQ records its homage to the Martyrs.
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23-03-2019 : Homage on 1st Death Anniversary:-
NFTE BSNL Karnataka Circle conducted 1st death anniversary of Comrade M Krishnamohan, Circle President and District Secretary Bangalore Telecom District on 21st Match 2019 at Union Office, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ, Com. A.C. Krishnamohan Reddy Circle Secretary NFTE, Com. T. Jagadesh, Circle Secretary SEWA BSNL, Com. Sathyanaraya Naidu, D.S. BGTD Com. Ranganna District President Com A Ravi District Treasurer and Rajashekar DS NFTE BSNL Circle Office and District Office bearers, Branch Secretaries and active NFTE BSNL members participated in 1st Anniversary.
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22-03-2019 : Funds released:- The funds released for March salary and medical claims.
22-03-2019 : Imposition of break-in-service under FR 17A is not supported by Rules. AUAB Vide No.-UA/2019/82, dt-22-03-2019 writes to CMD, BSNL to desist from the imposition.
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22-03-2019 : AUAB letter No.-UA/2019/81, dt-20-03-2019 to Secy, DOT, New Delhi with the request to grant meeting to discuss Charter of demands.
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22-03-2019 : DOT letter No.- 51-01/2019-SU-IV, dt-20-03-2019 to all Chief Secretaries of States and UTS not to disconnect electricity of Telecom Installations relating to BSNL.
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20-03-2019 : Wish you all a very hearty, happy, clourful and joyful Holi.
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19-03-2019 : The 19th All India BSNL Sports and Cultural Tournament 2019-20 suspension regarding. Letter No.-36-8/2018-BSNL(Sports), dt-15-03-2019.
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19-03-2019 : Make "Sanchar Bhavan March" a big success on 05.04.2019 at New Delhi :- For settlement of our genuine demands, AUAB have given a call "March to Sanchar Bhavan " on 05.04.2019. All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to intimate the number of comrades attending the March on 05.04.2019 at New Delhi within 3 days to CHQ.... General Secretary, New Delhi.
19-03-2019 : Realisation of Pension contributions from BSNL in respect of absorbed employees:- According to reliable sources the DOT has submitted the detailed proposal to the Department of expenditures in the Ministry of Finance for realization of Pension Contributions in respect of DOT absorbed BSNL employees on actual pay instead of maximum, once this is accepted the discrimination being done in this regard will come to an end and the BSNL will be liberated from unjust financial burden.
15-03-2019 : Liabilities cleared upto January, 2019:- President and Com. H.N. Sharma, Circle Secy, Corporate office met the GM(Banking), Shri Bhatt and enquired about clearance of the liabilities. He informed all liabilities including of cooperative Societies and union’s subscription have been cleared upto January, 2019.
Circle/District union must inform to CHQ the factual position by Monday, 18th March, positively.
15-03-2019 : Participate in the Massive March to Sanchar Bhawan to be held on 05.04.2019:-
The government is taking calculated steps to kill BSNL, to facilitate Reliance Jio to capture the entire telecom market. The DoT, which is the Administrative Ministry of BSNL, is meticulously implementing the government decisions to finish off BSNL. The steps being taken by the government and the DoT have placed BSNL in such a critical condition, that the employees are unable to get their salary today. The DoT is not allowing BSNL to take bank loan for it’s operational expenditures (OPEX). The DoT is deliberately not making payment of Rs.2,500 crore to BSNL, for the works that the latter has executed for the government. Due to shortage of funds, BSNL is not even able to pay electricity bills, which has resulted in disconnection of EB connections to BTSs and Exchanges. This in turn is seriously affecting the services. The AUAB discussed all these issues during the last 3 days and has firmly decided to expose the conspiracies of the government and the DoT, to the people of this country. Hence, the AUAB has decided to organise a massive March to Sanchar Bhawan on 05.04.2019. It has decided to invite the leaders of all political parties to address this rally. All the circle and district unions are requested to mobilise the maximum number of employees for the rally, and to make it historic event.
15-03-2019 : Circular – All unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB), Letter No.-UA/2019/80, dt-14-03-2019. (Hindi version)
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15-03-2019 : Payment of salary and clearance of liabilities – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-15-03-2019.
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14-03-2019 : Circular – All unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB), Letter No.-UA/2019/80, dt-14-03-2019.
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14-03-2019 : We congrats the CGMT Maharashtra and Leaders of AUAB Maharashtra for their efforts and approach to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, requesting him to allow some time to BSNL to pay the outstanding electricity bills and requested not to disconnect the line of electricity for BSNL installation. The request was accepted and reported that instructions to the District level authorities of Maharashtra State Electricity Board have been given, to not to disconnect the electricity line of BSNL installations till further order. The similar approach may be done in other circles also.
14-03-2019 : Applicability of FR17A in respect of BSNL employees – reg. TF-13/3, dt-14-03-2019.
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13-03-2019 : The AUAB held a meeting with the CMD BSNL today morning, regarding payment of salary. It is assured by the CMD BSNL that the February salary will be disbursed by 20-03-2019. The AUAB demanded a full fledged meeting between the AUAB and the BSNL Management, to discuss the road map for bringing BSNL out of the crisis. The CMD BSNL agreed to hold it shortly.
13-03-2019 : Open meeting at Sangali:-5th district conference of Sangli SSA was conducted on 10th March in a very befitting manner. Big hoardings of Com. Guptaji, Com. Vichare Ji and Com. Chandeshwarji were displayed at the entrance. Grand decoration in and around venue witnessed tremendous enthusiasm of Sangli Comrades. More than 200 employees including AUAB leaders attended the conference. District secretaries & comrades from adjoining SSAs Satara, Kolhapur had come to listen to chief Guest and General Secretary Com. C. Singh. In his detailed speech of one hour he elaborated on all burning issues faced by BSNL and employees. He assured to do every effort to get salary in time. He also told that vindictive action against executives will be compelled to be withdrawn. Agitation will also continue at Delhi for getting letter of comfort and viability of BSNL along with clearance of dues of all employees. There is no need to be panic, courage & confidence will certainly overcome this crisis, he added. Employees should be aware of blackships spreading confusion, rumours and wrong messages through social media, he also appealed. have given a very patient hearing to the deliberation. Com. Mansing Patil presided the open session. Com. Aslam Patel co-ordinated the function. Circle secretary Com. Ranjan Dani appealed to defeat all ill motives of DOT and Govt to discourage the employees and dismantle BSNL. Senior leader Com.Harish Moktali, DGM Shri Patil and Shri Yadav also addressed. Com. M.R.Patil, Com. C.G.Jagtap and Com. D.V.Mandlik elected unanimously as district president, secretary and Treasurer respectively. Maharashtra circle Treasurer Com. R.P.Joshi was among the dignitaries on the Dias. This conference has created new confidence & fighting spirit in entire western Maharashtra Comrades.
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12-03-2019 : Non payment of salary AUAB to meet today at 14.30:- Yesterday on 11-03-2019 it was reported that the revenue flow is less than the expectation which may create difficulty in payment of salary as assured by the CMD BSNL on 07-03-2019, hence G.S. NFTE and Com. P. Abhimanyu G.S. BSNLEU tried to met the CMD but due to his ill health, he left the office. Ultimately we met Director (HR) and discussed regarding salary payment in detail. She accepted that the money flow from field units is less than expectation. She also added that an emergent meeting of BSNL Board is taking place on 12-03-2019. To review the situation an emergent meeting of AUAB has also been convened at 14.30 hrs on 12-03-2015.
12-03-2019 : Issue of Superannuation Benefits of Directly Recruited employees of BSNL – status there of. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2018(Pt.), dt-12-03-2019.
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12-03-2019 : Data of candidates securing minimum qualifying marks in JAO LICE against 40% quota – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(c), dt-11-03-2019.
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12-03-2019 : Injustice in upgradation and fixation of pay case Shri S.M. Maru, O.S. Bharuch SSA in Gujrat Circle – reg. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-11-03-2019.
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12-03-2019 : LICE for promotion to Telecom Technician Cadre for year 2018-reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-11-03-2019.
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12-03-2019 : Letter from AUAB to Hon’ble MOC (C) to allow BSNL to take loan from Banks to over come from the present crisis.
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12-03-2019 : For urgent attention of Circle and District Secretaries:- Inflow of revenue from the field units to BSNL HQR is not encouraging and below expectations.
The Circle and District Secretaries are requested to exert at their respective levels so that maximum revenue is realised and remitted to Corporate office. The salary payment very much depends on revenue receipts.
12-03-2019 : Circle unions must inform:- The CMD, BSNL told to unions on 07-03-2019 that all the liabilities (GPF/Pension Contributions, Group LIC instalments, EPF and Bank loan instalments, Societies etc) have been cleared upto February, 2019.
Circle unions are requested to equip us with the actual information through mail or SMS.
11-03-2019 : Income Tax Exemption Notification on Gratuity received upto 20 lakhs. Previously it is upto 10 lakhs. Now it is upto 20 lakhs exemption from Income tax.
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09-03-2019 : Grand meeting of AUAB, Pune was arranged today at Bakirao Road exchange:- Despite second Saturday the conference hall was packed with more than 150 comrades including woman employees. Com. C. Singh, General Secretary NFTE and Chairman AUAB has enlightened the audience on the present crisis in BSNL and challenges before the employees. All the doubts, fears and apprehensions were elaborated in detail through his inspiring speech for one and half hour. He underlined the necessity of Strong Unity and United struggle to overcome the present morass in BSNL. Employees need not to become panic and should not support any disruptive propaganda by mischief mongers, he added. Victimisation of executive leaders will be fought tooth and nail and vindictive action will be compelled to be withdrawn. All must remain United and do everything to save BSNL, to safeguard rights of the workers and to defeat the game plan of Modi govt to dismantle this vital PSU,BSNL.Com. Ranjan Dani Circle Secretary also addressed the meeting and appealed to firmly believe on our leadership and remain ready for sacrifice to save our beloved organisation, BSNL. Com. Jakati, D.S. BSNLEU, Com. Prayag Pisal SNEA & Com. Sudhir Dinkar, D.S. AIBSNLEA, addressed the meeting amidst tremendous response from the employees. Com. Dilip Jagdale D.S.,NFTE and all India Invitee co-ordinated the meeting in very nice manner. Many Comrades of SEWA and all unions along with dashing leader of NFTE Com. Sunanda Pardeshi, Com. R.P.Joshi NFTE Circle Treasurer were also present among prominent leaders in the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Suhas Shah.
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09-03-2019 : Government’s Commitment to ensure Financial Viability of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-08-03-2019.
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09-03-2019 : Mutual Exchange for transfer – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/3(c), dt-08-03-2019.
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09-03-2019 : Acknowledgement received from PMO office with reference to letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-26-12-2018 on financial viability of BSNL.
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08-03-2019 : Results of JTO (LICE) for the promotion of Group "C" employees to the Grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) in BSNL under 50 % quota for the RY 2016-17, held on 20.01.2019. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-08-03-2019.
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08-03-2019 : National Convention of Workers held on 05-03-2019 in Constitution Club Annexe, New Delhi – Charter of Demands (Hindi version).
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08-03-2019 : National Convention of Workers held on 05-03-2019 in Constitution Club Annexe, New Delhi – Charter of Demands (English version).
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08-03-2019 : BSNL HQR vide No.-1-9/BBF/Staff Loan/2018-19, dt-07-03-2019 has issued instructions to all CGMs intimating that funds relating to Bank Loan from union bank of India have been released.
Employees may contact to UBI for regularisation of their accounts at the earliest.
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08-03-2019 : 3 Day Strike Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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08-03-2019 : Clearance of Liabilities:- The BSNL HQR has deposited and cleared the liabilities of GPF/Pension contribution, Group LIC, Bank Loans instalments, Electricity bills, Rentals, Societies recoveries etc upto February, 2019.
Salary of February, 2019 will be paid by March 15th and thereafter it will be on due date.
08-03-2019 : Meeting with Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD/BSNL: AUAB leaders met CMD/BSNL and held discussions regarding payment of salary for the month February, 2019 and the repressive measures initiated under FR 17A against the employees on strike, especially the Executives. GSs and senior leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNLMS, BSNLOA and TEPU were present. DIR(HR) was also present in the meeting.
CMD informed that the salary will be paid by next week end, according to the present cash flow.
On the repressive measures, AUAB explained that FR 17A is not part of CDA Rules or it is not adopted by BSNL so far and hence it is not applicable for BSNL employees. The action initiated under FR 17A is not valid, AUAB explained to management. Director (HR) assured to look into the matter.
07-03-2019 : Honoring Women this Women’s Day – 08-03-2019:-
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07-03-2019 : Corporate office letter on Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached /subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central of Central Govt. Letter No.-39-8/2001-TE-II (Pt.II), dt-06-03-2019.
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06-03-2019 : The AUAB to hold it's emergent meeting tomorrow:-
An emergent meeting of the AUAB will be held at 11:00 am tomorrow, at BSNL MS office. The BSNL Corporate Management and DoT are responsible for the denial of payment of salary to the employees for the month of February, 2019. Despite severe protests from the employees, the Corporate Management has not taken any action so far, to arrange payment of salary to the employees. This indifference cannot be allowed. Further, the BSNL Management has started issuing show-cause notice to the leaders of the Executive Associations, for their role in organising the 3 day strike. The Management has also informed that break-in-service would be imposed for participating in the 3 day strike. The AUAB meeting, being held tomorrow, will discuss all these issues and will take decisions for taking appropriate actions.
05-03-2019 : AUAB Leaders could not meet CMD BSNL as it was reported that he is not feeling well and could not come in office today.
05-03-2019 : Meeting with Director (F):- AUAB Leader met Director (F) Shri Bazal and discussed about payment of salary to staff for the month of February, 2019 and the AUAB Leaders condemned the act of discrimination in payment of salary. The Director (F) assured that the salary may be paid within 4 or 5 days.
05-03-2019 : Central Trade unions organized a convention of workers in Constitution Club Annexe, New Delhi today under the joint presidium. The Leaders said in one voice that the present Govt at Centre is taking decisions against working class of this country. And slowly and strongly taking steps to close all the PSU’s in the country. The leaders said the present Govt is pro-corporative and anti-people/anti-worker. Com. C. Singh, G.S. Com. Surjit Singh C.S. Punjab, Com. Swatantra Kumar, Com. A. Rajamouli, Com. Mohinder Singh, Com. Vinay Raina, and Com. Jeevan Kumar attended the convention from NFTE BSNL.
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05-03-2019 : Corporate office letter on maintenance of reservation registers and roster registers at SSAs (Districts)/Circles/BSNL CO- reg. Letter No.-65-1/2019-SCT/126, dt-15-02-2019.
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02-03-2019 : National Convention of Workers to be held from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm on 5th March 2019, at Constitution Club Annexe, V.P. House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.
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02-03-2019 : CHQ receiving messages from various Circles that good efforts have been taken by AUAB Leaders in submission of memorandum to MP’s in their area. NFTE CHQ conveys sincere thanks to them.
02-03-2019 : Protest Lunch hour demonstrations conducted at various places in the country on 01-03-2019, for non-payment of February, 2019 Salary – View of photos.
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02-03-2019 : Shri B. Vinod Kumar Ji, Hon’ble Loka Sabha Member of Karimnagar constituency (Telengana) have written a letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 01-03-2019, requesting to look into the issues of BSNL employees.
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01-03-2019 : Protest Lunch hour demonstrations conducted at various places in the country for non-payment of February, 2019 Salary – View of photos.
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01-03-2019 : AUAB writes to the CMD BSNL and the Secretary, Telecom, intimating about the protest demonstrations, against non-payment of salary, for the month of February, 2019.
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01-03-2019 : 5th Circle Conference of Assam:-
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01-03-2019 : All Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to organize successful Lunch Hour demonstration today, with the co-operation of all Unions/Associations at all levels, to express our protest for non-payment of salary for the month of February, 2019.
01-03-2019 : AUAB calls on the employees to organise demonstrations today (i.e. 01-03-2019), protesting the non-payment of salary - view AUAB circular.
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28-02-2019 : March to the PMO is postponed in view of the tension prevailing in the border:-
In continuation of the 3 day strike, the AUAB had given call to organise a March to the PMO on 06.03.2019, for pressing the settlement of the demands. However, tension is building up in the India Pakistan border. In view of this situation, the AUAB has decided to postpone the March to the PMO. Next date of the March will be announced in due course.
28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Karim Nagar (Telangana) submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Vinod Kumar.
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28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Davanagere (Karnataka) submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Siddeswar Ji.
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28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Vijayawada (A.P.) submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Kesineni Nani.
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28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Belgaum (Karnataka) submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Suresh Angadi.
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28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Shimoga (Karnataka) submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Raghavendra Ji.
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28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Gulbarga SSA (Karnataka) submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Mallikarjun Kharge, opposition Leader in Lok Sabha.
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28-02-2019 : AUAB Leaders of Mahaboob Nagar SSA Submitted a Memorundam to Honourable M.P. Sri. A.P. Jithender Reddy, M.P. Mahaboob Nagar.
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28-02-2019 : Deduction of TDS on payment of Encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) against shortfall in Earned Leave (EL) of 300 days on retirement. Letter No.-1-03/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-27-02-2019.
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27-02-2019 : AUAB leaders of Rajgarh SSA (M.P.) submitted memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Rodmal Ji Nagar today.
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27-02-2019 : AUAB leaders of Narsing Pur (M.P.) submitted memorandum to Shri Tiwari Ji, Personal Secretary of Hon’ble Rajyasabha, M.P. Shri Kailash Soni Ji.
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27-02-2019 : AUAB leaders of Ambala (Haryana) submitted memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Kumari Shailaja on 26-02-2019.
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27-02-2019 : AUAB leaders submitted memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Shri Druvanarayana of Chamaraja Nagar (Karnataka).
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27-02-2019 : AUAB leaders submitted memorandum to Hon’ble M.P. Ravneet Singh of Ludhiana (Punjab).
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27-02-2019 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) for promotion of Group ‘C’ employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2017-18 for vacancies [for working eligible BSNL employees only]. Letter No.-12-4/2018-Rectt, dt-26-02-2019.
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26-02-2019 : AUAB leaders submitted a memorandum to Shri Om Birla, Hon’ble M.P. Kota (Rajasthan).
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26-02-2019 : AUAB leaders of Mangalore Telecom District submitted a memorandum to Shri Naleen Kumar Kotil, Hon’ble M.P. (Karnataka).
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26-02-2019 : AUAB leaders submitted a memorandum to Shri Prahlad Joshi, Hon’ble M.P. Hubli (Karnataka).
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26-02-2019 : AUAB leaders submitted a memorandum to Shri Shivakumar Udasi, Hon’ble M.P. Gadag (Karnataka).
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26-02-2019 : AUAB leaders submitted a memorandum to Shri Prathap Simha, Hon’ble M.P. Mysore and Kodagu (Karnataka).
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26-02-2019 : AUAB leaders of Sangareddy SSA (Telangana) submitted a memorandum to Shri Kotha Prabhakar Reddy, Hon’ble M.P. (Medak Loka Sabha Constituency) today (i.e. 26-02-2019) at Hyderabad.
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23-02-2019 : Submitting memorandum to the MPs :- The AUAB meeting, held on 20.02.2019, has decided to carry on with the campaign programme, demanding settlement of employees demands as well as issues connected with the revival of BSNL. In this connection, the AUAB has given call to submit memorandum to all the MPs, seeking their support for the settlement of the issues. The AUAB has also decided that, the memorandum should be submitted to the MPs by 28.02.2019. All circle and district secretaries are requested to complete this job within the stipulated time, by having close coordination with the other constituents of the AUAB. A copy of the memorandum to be submitted is attached.
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22-02-2019 : Normalcy should be restored and the Management should desist from taking punitive measures on the employees:-
The representatives of AUAB met Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL, today. Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. S. Sivakumar, President, AIBSNLEA, Com. Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGETOA, Com. Rewti Prasad, AGS, ATM and Com.H.P. Singh, Dy.GS, BSNLOA were present. The representatives told the CMD BSNL that they compelled to go on the strike in view of the total negative attitude of DoT, with regards to the demands of the AUAB. The representative stated that more than 80% of the Executives and Non-Executives participated in the strike. “Now that the strike is over, the employees are fully prepared to provide better service to the customers”, stated the representatives. Further, they requested the CMD BSNL that normalcy should be restored and that the Management should desist from taking any punitive measure on the employees.
22-02-2019 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Technician (erst-while Mechanic) for the Recruitment year 2018 ----Approval thereof. Letter No.-250-2/2014-Estt-III, dt-22-02-2019.
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22-02-2019 : Review of result of failed SC/ST candidates in LICEs regarding. Letter No.-25-1/2016-Rectt, dt-21-02-2019.
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22-02-2019 : For BSNL, it is expected that 75,000 employees could possibly retire in natural course and it might also help the organisation, where the wage bill is 60 per cent, come back to a sound financial position. In case of MTNL, the HR bill is 85-90 per cent of the revenue. The VRS estimates are Rs 2,120 crore for MTNL and Rs 6,365 crore for BSNL and both these are proposed to be funded through bonds over a 10-year period to minimize cost pressure on the government, the sources added, while stating that with mass retirements coming, the pension obligations of the government will also go up to some extent. "The restructuring would address two main issues. The first core issue is for the employees and a VRS package in line with the Gujarat model which the organisations believe will be quite attractive and may find 50 per cent takers and the second step would address the issue of huge debt which both BSNL and MTNL carry. "MTNL has a debt of Rs 20,000 crore and BSNL Rs 15,000 crore. In order to ensure that the outgo to the government is minimum and there is least cost implication, it has been proposed by the DoT (to DDC) that the VRS and MTNLs BWA interests be funded through a 10-year term bond issue. Secondly, the debt be completely financed through lease of land. The model adopted for reducing the debt is land monetisation through lease because they have substantive assets," the sources said. MTNL has sought refund of interest on a loan it had taken earlier to acquire the BWA spectrum. The DCC suggested that the lease proposal of these PSUs are handled through the mechanism of DIPAM or the department of disinvestment which has an institutional set up to do it across ministries. See part No ... 3.
22-02-2019 : DOT proposes issuing 10 years bonds, monetising assets reduce debts BSNL, MTNL :- No decision, however, has been taken on the BSNL-MTNL revival plans discussed in the meeting. The Digital Communications Commission, an inter-ministerial panel of DoT, on Thursday discussed the revival proposals of two of its struggling PSUs - BSNL and MTNL - where the department proposed issue of 10-year bonds to fund their VRS plans and that their huge land assets be monetised through leasing to reduce their rising debts. The revival of MTNL and BSNL was also discussed at the meeting. Both the organisations face the biggest common hurdle of a very large legacy of staff which has been given by DoT to them. So, restructuring would be essential for revival being planned, official sources said. No decision has, however, been taken on BSNL-MTNL revival plans discussed in the meeting. Informed sources said: "What was impressed upon the DCC was that DoT believes that telecom is a strategic sector and therefore the governments presence in this sector is desirable and these are organisations with considerable strength, capabilities and strong asset base." BSNL had given two proposals -- VRS and land monetisation. BSNL has 1.76 lakh employees while MTNL has 22 thousand employees. In both, the majority of them are above the age of 50. Three issues were raised in the package of MTNL -- VRS, refund of Broadband Wireless spectrum (BWA) interest and land monetisation. In the case of MTNL, the sources said it was estimated that over the next five years, about 16,000 employees will retire. So with VRS, their exits will be accelerated a bit and that the task of bringing back the company to health becomes faster. See part no ....2.
22-02-2019 : Plan to monetise BharatNet assets approved :-The Digital Communications Commission (DCC), the inter-ministerial panel of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), has given in-principle nod for monetisation of fibre assets of BharatNet. These assets will be offered to the private telcos through auction, lease for 20 years or by outright sale. The DCC took up the issue of marketing of the fibre asset as BharatNet had failed to ensure effective utilisation of this costly asset. Most assets, around 2.5 lakh km of fibre, will be offered to the private sector. It was also decided the DoT should also look at the outright sale as well as a different model of leasing. The Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) has been asked to work out various sales and outright leasing options within 10 days. The DCC has decided to put as many as 20 fibre assets or pairs on auctions for private entities for a 20-year lease term after retaining four, in the 2.5 lakh km of optic fibre cable (OFC) deployed under the BharatNet-I programme. So far, no estimation on revenue proceeds has been made and will be worked. Under the BharatNet scheme, over 100,000 gram panchayats has been provided with the fibre network, but states are not coming forward to utilise it, said a DoT official. –IANS
21-02-2019 : Meeting with GM(SR):- General Secretary met with Shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR) and discussed the issue of partisan transfer in some circle by SSA Heads creating industrial un –peace. G.S. apprised that the Corporate office should ensure implementation of transfer policy in its letter spirits alongwith the immunity transfers issues also. But it is not adhered by the SSA Heads at several places. The GM reciprocated in positive and assured to address the problem if it is found genuine.
21-02-2019 : 3rd Strike view received today from different circles.
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20-02-2019 : Decisions of the AUAB meeting held on 20-02-2019:- A meeting of the AUAB was held today to review the 3 day strike and also to chalk out the future course of action. General Secretaries / Senior officer bearers of all the constituents of the AUAB participated. The meeting whole heartedly thanked the entire Executives and Non-Executives who made the 3 day strike a historic success. The meeting also congratulated the circle and district level AUAB, for effectively organising the strike. With the view to carry forward the movement further to settle the charter of demands, the following programme of action is finalised.
• Conducting March to PMO on 06.03.2019, by mobilising the employees from the surrounding circles.
• Memorandum to be submitted to all the MPs, latest by 28.02.2019.
• To send messages to the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Honarable Minister of State for Communications on Twitter.
• Meeting the Honarable Minister of State for Communications wherever possible by our comrades.
20-02-2019 : Strike View of third day strike of Circles:-
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20-02-2019 : Organise the 3rd day strike most effectively- AUAB calls on the employees:-
The AUAB conducted it’s review meeting today evening. General Secretaries and senior office bearers of the constituents of the AUAB participated in the meeting. The meeting reviewed the 2nd day strike that has taken place in various circles. The meeting expressed it’s satisfaction that the 2nd day strike was very successful. In fact, in some circles, the strike percentage has improved, compared to the 1st day strike. The meeting also took serious note of the letter issued by the Corporate Office, threatening to take action under FR 17A. The meeting resolved to inform the employees that, this attempt of the Management would be stiffly resisted by the AUAB. The meeting also took note of the strike particulars of the various circles, circulated by the Corporate Office. The figures contained factually incorrect details. Finally, the meeting decided to take all out efforts to organise the 3rd day strike more effectively.
19-02-2019 : Strike views of different Circles and SSAs of dated 18th and 19th February.
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19-02-2019 : Mammoth Demonstration at the gate of BSNL HQR:- A mammoth demonstration was organized by the striking employees of BSNL HQR, NTP and NTR in support of their demands AUAB leaders addressed the large gathering.
19-02-2019 : First day strike a roaring success - AUAB congratulates the employees:-
The AUAB has heartily congratulated the Non-Executives and Executives of BSNL, for making the 1st day strike a roaring success. In it’s meeting held at 15:30 hrs today, the AUAB reviewed the 1st day strike. General Secretaries and senior office bearers of all the constituents of the AUAB attended. As per the report received from circles, the 1st day strike is near total. It is also observed that the strike is taking place in a totally peaceful manner. On one side, in it’s statement issued through the Press Information Bureau late last evening, the DoT had stated that, it is in the process of negotiating with the AUAB, to resolve the issues. However, on the other side, THE DOT HAS NOT COME FORWARD TO INVITE THE AUAB FOR TALKS, even after the employees have en-masse joined the 1st day strike. This only shows the double- talk of the DoT. Under these circumstances, today’s meeting of the AUAB, resolved to call upon the employees to intensify the strike, and make it a cent percent success on the 2nd and 3rd day.
19-02-2019 : Intensify the struggle:- There has been unprecedented response of Call of strike beginning from 18th February. The Comrades have worked hard for the success of the strike. The CHQ congratulates all and extends greetings.
The struggle must continue with full zeal and vigour. Let it be intensified beyond description. Hit Hard…Hit Hard.
18-02-2019 : First day strike is massive one in BSNL called by AUAB – Red Salute to Comrades who organized throughout the country who made it a grand success. The Executives and Non-Executives have participated in the historic Strike to save BSNL and for settlement of our demands. NFTE BSNL congratulates one and all and also request to all to make the 2nd day strike a big success on 19-02-2019.
18-02-2019 : On the Call of AUAB 3 day strike started at different places in the country – view of photos.
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18-02-2019 : Talks fail – AUAB decides to go ahead with the strike. Letter No.-UA/2019/72, dt-15-02-2019.
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18-02-2019 : Agitation programme by All Unions and Associations of BSNL. BSNL/7-3/SR/2018-II, dt-16-02-2019.
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18-02-2019 : Appeal from BSNL. BSNL/7-3/SR/2018/1, dt-15-02-2019.
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18-02-2019 : Discussion with CLC on 15-02-2019. BSNL/7-3/SR/2018, dt-14-02-2019.
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18-02-2019 : Press release issued by AUAB on the eve of strike taking place from 18th February.
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18-02-2019 : National Trade union centres extend support to AUAB 3 days strike .
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18-02-2019 :
Sad news:- Com. Chandi Ram Malik Retired Ex. Distt. Secy. NFTE BSNL and presently Circle Vice president of Haryana circle expired on dated 15-02-2015. Great loss for the union. CHQ shares the grief and conveys heartfelt condolences.
17-02-2019 :
It is a do or die situation - AUAB calls on the employees to organise the 3Day strike massively :- The AUAB held it's crucial meeting today. General Secretaries / senior leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE , SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, ATM, TEPU and BSNL OA participated. The meeting reviewed the preparations going on throughout the country for the 3day strike. All the General Secretaries gave their reports on the preparations. It is very encouraging to note that, excellent preparations are going on. Especially, the momentum has picked up tremendously in the last 2 days. After considering all the factors, the meeting unanimously decided to go ahead with the strike. It starts from midnight (00:00 hrs.) today. If any clarification is required, comrades are requested to contact their respective General Secretaries.
16-02-2019 : Glimpses of meetings, Rallies and demonstrations taking place from 14th to 17th February at different places.
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16-02-2019 :
AUAB holds review meeting - Decides to go ahead with the strike:- A meeting of the AUAB was held today. General Secretaries and senior office bearers of BSNLEU, NFTE , SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, ATM, TEPU and BSNL OA participated. The meeting paid homage to the 40 CRPF personnel martyred in terror attack at Pulwama. The preparations that have been made in various circles, to make the strike successful, was reviewed. The meeting expressed it's concern that, the DoT has not even come forward to hold any discussion with the AUAB so far. After detailed review, the meeting unanimously decided to go ahead with the strike. The meeting decided to call upon the circle and district organisations of the constituents, to make the last minute preparations for the success of the strike. The meeting also decided to call upon the employees to hold condolence meetings outside office premises at 10:00 am on 18-02-2019, and pay homage to the 40 CRPF personnel martyred in terror attack at Pulwama. |
15-02-2019 :
Talks fail - AUAB decides to go ahead with
the strike:- Today the CMD
BSNL and Director HR met the AUAB leaders.
The AUAB representatives told the Management
that, they are prepared to accept 3rd Pay
Revision with 5 % fitment, as offered earlier
by the DoT. However, they demanded that this
commitment should be given in writing by the
DoT, so that the AUAB can consider deferment
of the strike. Even this demand of the AUAB
is not accepted. Further, the DoT has also
diluted it's earlier assurance to give DA
neutralization. The DoT is demanding that the
AUAB should call off the strike, in view of
the terror attack in Pulwama. The Secretary,
Telecom, has put a condition that she would
not meet the AUAB leaders, unless they call
off the strike. Immediately after the meeting
with the BSNL Management, all the General
Secretaries of the AUAB met and decided to go
ahead with the strike. The AUAB has also
decided to exempt J&K circle from the strike,
to ensure maintenance of services, in the
backdrop of the terror attack. The AUAB
requests all the circle and district unions
to organize the strike powerfully. |
15-02-2019 :
Exempting j&k Circle from the 3 day strike.
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13-02-2019 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:- The AUAB leaders met the CMD, BSNL on 12 th evening
and held prolonged discussion on the demands. The leaders
firmly reiterated to organise 3 days strike commencing
from 18 th February.
Further, the proposal of management to pay the salary of
staff of February by 15 th March was also rejected. |
13-02-2019 :
Foreign trips- restrictions on Gujrat Circle.
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13-02-2019 :
Hardships to employees due to non-release of recoveries to the concerned authorities viz LIC, Bank etc.
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13-02-2019 :
Holding of LICE for Promotion to Telecom
Technician Cadre.
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12-02-2019 : AUAB meeting at Gaziabad:- A mass meeting is organized by AUAB UP (West) Circle today at 11.30 am under the Chairmanship of Com. Sompal Saini, Circle Secretary NFTE and Chairman AUAB UP (West). Com. Upendra Singh, C.S. BSNLEU welcomed all the leaders of AUAB. The gathering was addressed by Com. Sompal Saini, Com. Upendra Singh, Com. Abhimanyu Convener AUAB and G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, National Chairman AUAB and G.S. NFTE, Com. Suresh Kumar, G.S. BSNLMS, Com. Sheo Kumar National President AIBSNLEA. Com. H.P. Singh, AGS BSNLOA, Com. Sanjeev Kumar AGS SNEA. Speakers explained the reason of deferment of 3rd December, 2018 strike and explained the outcome till the date. The workers present in the meeting reciprocated by shouting slogan to participate in the strike cent percent.
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12-02-2019 : Meeting with Sr. GM(Est)/Sr. GM(EF):- President accompanied with Circle Secy, J&K met Sr. GM(Est) and raised and discussed the items enumerated below.
(1) Special allowance to J&K BSNL staff:- The file has gone to EF branch for concurrence. Sr. GM (EF) assured for clearing the file urgently.
(i) Special Valley allowance for Srinagar (KMR):-CGM’s proposal is awaited.
(2) Restriction on leave for proceeding to foreign trips in Gujrat:- Sr. GM(Est) wanted concrete cases for appropriate action.
(3) Com. Maru’s pay case:- Corporate office will furnish feed back to union for discussions and resolution shortly.
12-02-2019 : Meeting with GM(SR):- President and Circle Secy J&K, Com. Ashaq Ahmad met and discussed the following issue:-
(1) Denial of facility of immunity from Transfers in respect of Treasurer, Com. Mallah in Silchar (Assam) and Assistant Circle Secy, NE-1 Circle.
Both the CGMs have been directed to resolve the issue.
12-02-2019 : AUAB circular No.-UA/2019/71, dt-11-02-2019 for 3 days strike.
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11-02-2019 : BSNL Vide letter No.-BSNL/Admn-I/15-17/18, dt-05-02-2019 has sought views and suggestions for review of exiting medical policy. Circle Secretaries/District Secretaries are requested to send their views by 16th February so that the CHQ may act accordingly.
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11-02-2019 : Resolutions:-
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11-02-2019 : Brief of Circle Secretaries meeting held at Hyderabad from 09.02.2019 to 10.02.2019:-
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09-02-2019 : Circle Secretaries meeting started at Hyderabad in Central Court Hotel Under the president ship of Com.Islam Ahmed. General Secretary have given elaborate note on agenda points. It is proud to say that Com.G.Krishna Reddy ACS, Telangana have donated one lakh to All India Union. The house congratulated him for his noble gesture.
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09-02-2019 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Engineer (JE) under 50% quota for RY 2017 – Change in Schedule reg. Letter No.-7-11/2018-Rectt, dt-08-02-2019.
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07-02-2019 : Open session in Asman Mahal Auditirium on 06.02.2019:- On the occasion BSNLEU Circle working committee meeting, under the president ship of Com. Mohan Reddy. A seminar was organised On 3 day strike which begins from 18.02.2019. Com. Abhimanyu, G.S., BSNLEU, Com.Laxman All India president of AIGETOA, Com. Kabeer Das, G.S., BSNLOA, Com. Srinivas Reddy, AGS., BSNLEA and Circle secretaries of NFTE, BSNLEU, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA,attended and addressed the meeting. All Unions/Associations have spoken with one voice for success of 3 day strike. From NFTE BSNL Com. T.Narender, Circle President, Com. V.K.Muthu, DS., Hyderabad Telecom District and Com. G. Krishna Reddy, ACS., attended the seminar.
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07-02-2019 : AUAB meeting with Addl. Sect(T), DoT:-
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07-02-2019 : A grand felicitation to Com. R.G. Dixit Circle Secretary Rajasthan on 02-02-2019 at Jaipur:- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. attended and felicitated Com. R.G. Dixit in a well organized felicitation function by the NFTE (BSNL) Jaipur SSA under the leadership of Com. B.D. Sharma D.S. Com. Satyanaryan, Com. Banwarilal Sharma, Com. Ganesh, played a vital role in orgnising the function a remememrable one.
All the Circle Secretaries of unions and associations attended and addressed the gathering and felicitated Com. Dixit. Com. Dixit who retired on 31-01-2019 on superannuation. All speakers appreciated the role and behaviour of Com. Dixit as a Trade union leader as well as in his official functioning as office superintendent.
06-02-2019 : DISTRICT CONFERENCE OF PALANPUR TELECOM DISTRICT:- The conference was held on 26th January, 2019 in the Conference Hall of Bansi Restaurant, Abu Road, Palanpur under the President ship of Com. Gulabsinh Lalsinh Parmar, District President. A well numbered Comrades from various parts of the district attended the meeting. Before starting the meeting two minutes mourn was observed in memory of Expired Officials. The District president welcomed the invitees and members. Shri Ram Govind Prasad, District Secretary, addressed the house and gave a brief about the functioning of the district union during his tenure as DS. The meeting was attended and addressed by Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secretary CHQ and Circle Secretary, Gujarat. Shri Bhatia in his speech elaborately described the prevailing situation of the 3rd pay revision, 4G spectrum, pension revision & pension contribution on actual basic etc and made aware the challenges to be faced in the coming days to achieve our demands. He also emphasised the need of strengthening the organisation from grass route level by opening branches wherever necessary to face the forthcoming membership verification effectively. The meeting unanimously elected Com. Gulabsinh Lalsinh Parmar, Retd. OS (G), Com. Ram Govind Prasad, TT and Com. Subesh Bhagat, TT as District President, District Secretary & Treasurer. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Shri Gulabsinh Lalsinh Parmar, President.
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06-02-2019 : DISTRICT CONFERENCE OF BHARUCH TELECOM DISTRICT:- The conference was held on 03rd Feburary, 2019 in the Labhuben Mistry Hall, Bharuch under the President ship of Com. A.R.Trivedi District President. A well numbered Comrades from various parts of the district attended the meeting. Before starting the meeting two minutes mourn was observed in memory of Expired Officials. The District president welcomed the invitees and members to the meeting. Shri Y.G.Patel, District Secretary, addressed the house and gave a brief about the functioning of the district union during his tenure as DS. The meeting was attended and addressed by Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secretary CHQ and Circle Secretary, Gujarat. Shri Bhatia in his speech elaborately described the prevailing situation of the 3rd pay revision, 4G spectrum, pension revision & pension contribution on actual basic etc and made aware the challenges to be faced in the coming days to achieve our demands. He also emphasised the need of strengthening the organisation from grass route level by opening branches wherever necessary to face the forthcoming membership verification effectively. The meeting unanimously elected Com. A.R.Trivedi, J.E. , Com. Y.G.Patel, O.S. and Com. P.R.Singh, TT as District President, District Secretary & Treasurer. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Shri A.R.Trivedi, President.
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05-02-2019 : 2nd District Conference of Hyderabad on 04.02.2019:- A disciplined District conference was held in Asman Mahal Auditirium, under the Presidentship of Com. M.Vittal. More than 200 comrades including women Comrades from all corners of Hyderabad attended the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary, NFTE-BSNL hoisted the NFTE flag aft er hoisting National Flag by Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Telangana. Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary submitted annual report and audited accounts for the year from 22.12.2016 to 03.02.2019. Both reports were approved unanimously. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary inaugurated the conference with his open remarks on status of 3rd Pay revision and financial condition of BSNL. He appealed all to make 3 days strike called by AUAB a big success. Com. P. Anjaneyulu, D.S., Mahaboob Nagar, Com. I. Satyanarayana, D.S. , Circle office, Com. M.Parashuramulu, D.S., Sanga Reddy, Com. P.Rama Rao, D.S., Warangal, Com. T.Durga Rao, D.S., Khammam, Com. Anjaneyulu, D.S., SEWA-BSNL and Com. Madhu, D.S., Pensioners association attended and addressed the meeting. Com. A.Raja Mouli, Circle secretary have given details on 3rd wage revision, Term Insurance Policy, examinations and Compassionate Ground Appointments issues. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary again exhorted the importance of unity among the workers at this point of time. The attitude of management is quite against to BSNL development. He explained in detail the anti PSU policies of present Government in centre. Reception committee honoured all guests, District secretaries and all reception committee members with shawl and mementos. Com. M.Vittal, Com. V.K.Muthu and J.Laxmaiah were elected as District President, District Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Com. P. Paran Jyothi, was nominated as the Chief Patron. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. P.Paran Jyothi.
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05-02-2019 : Open session of FNTO on 03.02.2019:- On the occasion of 5 th All india Confrance of FNTO, a seminar was conducted under the presidentship of Com.K. Thomas Jhon. Com. G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC, Sri Mallu Batti Vikramarka, opposition congress party leader, Sri. Dasoju Sravan, spokespersion AICC, Sri. Obedulla Kothwal, DCC President Mahaboob Nagar, Com.Srinivas Reddy, AGS., AIBSNLEA, Com. Padmanabha Rao, AGS., SNEA, Com Suresh Kumar, GS.,BSNL MS, Com. Kabeer Das, G.S., BSNLOA, Com. Anil Kumar, President, BSNL ATM and Com. R.C.Pande G.S., BTEU, attended and addressed the meeting. Circle Secretaries of NFTE-BSNL., AIBSNLEA and SNEA participated in the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary, NFTE-BSNL and Chairmen AUAB have given details on 3rd wage revision status. He appealed to all Secretaries including FNTO to join in strike, which will begins from 00.00 hrs of 18.02.2019.
05-02-2019 : Acute paucity of fund in the field affecting services – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-05-02-2019.
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05-02-2019 : Recommendation of “Niti Ayog” for closure sale of BSNL – reg . Letter No.-TF-6/4, dt-05-02-2019.
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05-02-2019 : Circle Secretaries please note:- Venue of the Circle Secretaries meeting is – Central Court Hotel, Near HDFC Bank, Lakadi Ka Pool, Hyderabad. (1) Distance from Hyderabad Airport (Shamshabad) – 30KMs. (2) Distance from Secundrabad Rly Station – 9 KMs. (3) Distance from Nampally (Hyderabad) Rly Station – 1 Km. Please contact following Comrades on their Cell phone noted against their name for any enquiry and help – (1) Com. A. Rajamouli, C.S. Telangana:- 9440064440, (2) Com. V.K. Muthu, D.S. Hyderabad:- 9441205816, (3) Com. N. Venkateshwar, ACS/TS:-9494949099, (3) Com. J. Laxmaiah, V.P. Hyderabad :- 9440690752.
04-02-2019 : CGMs meeting is taking place on 5th and 6th February at Delhi.
04-02-2019 : Meeting with PGM (Pers) and Dy. GM(F and P):- The President and Circle Secy of C.O. met the officers and demanded that the screening Test qualified personnel be afforded another chance to appear in JAO LICE. This be kept in view while finalizing the RR.
04-02-2019 : Meeting with GM(SR):- President and Circle Secy of Corporate office met the GM (SR) and mentioned following issues;-
(1) Cancellation of transfer orders of Shri R.B. Das, Assistant Circle Secy of NE-1 Circle.
(2) (i) Cancellation of transfer orders of Shri Syamlal Mallah, Treasurer at Silchar.
(ii) Cancellation of transfer orders of Shri Sridam Ch. Debnath as he has crossed 56 years of age.
04-02-2019 : The designation of Draughtsman of Telecom has been changed into Junior Engineer (Telecom) i.e. JE (T). Necessary amendments in the R/R may be done accordingly. BSNL No.-250-9/2016-Estt, dt-04-02-2019.
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04-02-2019 : BSNL HQR vide communication NO.-11-1/2019-LE, dt-01-02-2019 has clarified on various items viz EPF/GPF, weekly off, Gratuity, ESI, stagnation increment, wages etc relating to TSMs. These are frequently enquired for arranging payment through ERP.
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02-02-2019 : AUAB Circular dated 1st February, 2019 to all General Secretaries of the unions in AUAB for mobilization of workers in support of demands and to make the three days strike commencing from 18th February successful. Letter No.-UA/2019/70, dt-01-02-2019. (Hindi version)
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02-02-2019 : AUAB Circular dated 1st February, 2019 to all General Secretaries of the unions in AUAB for mobilization of workers in support of demands and to make the three days strike commencing from 18th February successful. Letter No.-UA/2019/70, dt-01-02-2019.
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01-02-2019 : AUAB served strike notice to the Secretary DOT and CMD. Letter No.-UA/2019/69, dt-01-02-2019.
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01-02-2019 : Recommendations of IIM (A) on Revival of BSNL Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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30-01-2019 : Meeting between AUAB and the Additional Secretary, Telecom:-
A meeting was held today between the AUAB and Shri Anshu Prakash, Additional Secretary(Telecom). AUAB representatives in the Committee for Periodic Interaction, Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convener, AUAB, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE & Chairman, AUAB, Com. K.Sebastin, GS, SNEA and Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, participated. From the DoT side, Shri R.K. Khandelwal, Joint Secretary(Admn.) Shri S.K. Jain, DDG (Estt.), Shri Rajeev Kumar, DDG (Budget), also participated. Ms. Sujata T. Ray, Director (HR) and Shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR), represented BSNL. Detailed discussion took place on the 3rd Pay Revision, 4G spectrum, Payment of Pension Contribution on actual basic pay and Pension Revision issues. As regards the 3rd Pay Revision, in today's meeting, the DoT side offered Pay Revision with 5% fitment. If the AUAB accepted that, then this issue would be placed for the approval of the Digital Commission (erstwhile Telecom Commission) meeting, to be held on 05-02-2019, and that thereafter it would be taken for the approval of the Cabinet, said the DoT side. The AUAB stated that 5% fitment is very low and that they could not accept it. Thereafter, the AS(T) suggested that the AUAB representatives could discuss the issue with the CMD BSNL and could come back to him within a day or two. It may be recollected that in the meeting held on 03-12-2018, the Honourable Minister of State for Communications had stated that 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment was not possible. Further, in the last meeting held with the Additional Secretary (Telecom), 3rd Pay Revision with 0% fitment was offered by the DoT side.
30-01-2019 : All Circle Secretaries please note, the weather condition of Hyderabad at present somewhat cold. So, kindly bring warm clothes with you for staying in Hyderabad on 09-02-2019 & 10-02-2019. G.S.
30-01-2019 : Shri P.K.Purwar, CMD, MTNL has been selected by PSEB as the next CMD., BSNL. NFTE CHQ Congratulates Shri P.K. Purwar Ji.
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30-01-2019 : Conference at Bhopal:- District Conference of union was held on 30th instant under Presidentship of Com. Rameshwar Dube at P and T community centre with enormous pomp and show. Shri Suryabanshi, GM (HR) was Chief Guest. Com. K.S. Thakur has completed 25 years as District Secy as such “Rajat Jayanti Samaroh” was organized. The office bearers of BSNLEU, SNEA, TOA, SEWA BSNL etc as well as senior leader Com. Totrey participated and graced the occasion.
Com. Islam addressed the delegate and open sessions and acquainted the large gathering of more than 400 with the latest development on important issues. Coms. Rameshwar Dube, K.S. Thakur and Mayank Chaturvedi have been elected as President, District Secy and Treasurer of the union.
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29-01-2019 : Shri George Mathew Fernandes was a Trade unionist, Politician, Journalist and agriculturist passed away on 29-01-2019 at the age of 88. As a trade unionist, he organized many strikes in 1950s and 1960s at Bombay. He also organized the 1974 Railway men Strike, when he was the President of All India Railway men Federation. NFTE BSNL pays its homage to Shri George Fernandes.
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29-01-2019 : Corporate office letter on Management Trainee (MTs) (INTERNAL) of Telecom Operations in BSNL – Postponement of last date of registration. Letter No.-74-1/2018-Rectt, dt-28-01-2019.
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29-01-2019 : Corporate office letter on information in request of casual labourers who had been conferred Temporary Status on or before 30-09-2000 and who have been appointed subsequently as Telecom Mechanic in BSNL. File No.-11-1/2015- LE(Part.), dt-28-01-2019.
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28-01-2019 : AUAB meeting held on 25-01-2019 in NFTE union office under the Chairmanship of Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE and Chairman AUAB, Com. P. Abhimanyu G.S. BSNLEU and Convener have given all details on strike demands. After thread bare discussions on the status of demands and also observed that there is no much development upon the demands as promised by CMD BSNL, DOT Secretary and Hon’ble Minister of Communications (IC) in various meetings (24-02-2018, 02-12-2018, 03-12-2018, 10-01-2019). So, AUAB decided to go on 3 day strike, which begins from 18-02-2019 at all levels, and also conduct street meetings from 11-02-2019 to 15-02-2019 with press meets on 12th and 13th February, 2019. All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to make the agitational programme a success with the co-operation of all unions/associations for settlement of our demands (viz 3rd wage revision, pension revision etc).
28-01-2019 : 4th CWC of A.P. Circle held on 23-01-2019 and 24-01-2019 at Tirupati (holy place)
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28-01-2019 : The Circle extended committee meeting of Kerala held on 23/01/2019 at Thiruvalla.
The meeting presided over by Com. Samsudeen circle President .
Circle Secy Com. Mohankumar explained
the scope of the meeting with welcome address.
The General Manager, Pattanam Thitta
inaugurated the seminar on BSNL viability.
Then Com. Kamaraj Secy, HQR explained the strike demands, settlement and today's position. And also he explained the IIM (A) interim report recommendations etc
Com P.K. Radhakrishnan Spl invitee given
extended felicitation address in the house.
Dist secretaries took part in the deliberations on agenda points.
The Meeting ended with vote of thanks.
25-01-2019 : NFTE CHQ extends Republic Day greetings to one and all.
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25-01-2019 : Meeting of the AUAB held today (25-01-2019) – Circular.
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25-01-2019 : All HR functions of finance wing of Corporate office has been merged with the Personnel branch and here after it will be handled by PGM (Pers). Letter No.-500-53/2016/ERP/Pers.I, dt-24-01-2019.
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25-01-2019 : Framing of new RR of JAO – reg. Letter No.TF-14/2(c), dt-25-01-2019.
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25-01-2019 : Redesignation of Cadres – reg. Letter No.-TF-53, dt-25-01-2019.
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25-01-2019 : Vacant posts of Directors in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-36/2, dt-25-01-2019.
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24-01-2019 : President and Circle Secretary of Corporate office met the GM (Banking) and informed him about the disconnection of electricity of exchanges and BTS affecting services. He told Rs. 99 crores have been distributed to the circles on 23rd instant to meet the energy expenditures. The DOT has stopped payment of rural subsidy from year 2014 and the Corporate office is facing difficulties in running unviable services. Further, he promised to clear the amount of GPF contributions and banks instalments shortly.
24-01-2019 : Launch of New Plans/Offers by CFA wing of BSNL. Letter No.-CFA/2018/4, dt-23-01-2019.
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23-01-2019 : AUAB meeting to be held on 25.01.2019 to discuss about further course of action on 3rd PRC:- The AUAB has already issued letter to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications (IC), on 17.01.2019, expressing it’s extreme unhappiness over the delay in the settlement of 3rd Pay Revision. The representatives of the AUAB met Shri Anshu Prakash, Additional Secretary, Telecom, on 17.01.2019, and informed that the AUAB would be compelled to go on strike, if the issue is not resolved expeditiously. The Additional Secretary, Telecom, assured that further discussion would take place in this week. However, so far the AUAB has not received any communication from the DoT for talks. Considering the urgency of the issue, the AUAB has decided to convene a meeting on 25.01.2019, for taking appropriate action on this issue. Accordingly, the AUAB meeting will be held at 11:00 am on 25.01.2019.
22-01-2019 : Meeting with the Sr. GM(Est):-
President and Circle Secy of Corporate office met the Sr. GM(Est) and the Dy. GMs (Est) and raised the following issues.
(1) JE LICE be held for years 2017 and 2018 both.
(2) Placement of Shri S.M. Maru, Sr. TOA (P) of Gujrat in higher scale of pay and grant of NEPP upgradations.
(3) Minimum Pension of Rs. 9000/- for DOT absorbed employees akin to CG employees.
22-01-2019 : Non-deposit of LIC installments etc:- The HQR has submitted a detailed letter enlisting to the effect that the installments of banks, LIC, Pension and GPF contributions, cooperative societies etc are not being credited to the accredited authorities. The President and General Secretary tried to meet the CMD, Director (HR) and (F) and GM (Banking) on 21st instant but they were not available. Finally, the GM (SR) was apprised of the alarming situation who agreed to bring the scenario into the notice of Director (HR).
22-01-2019 : Govt of India has issued notification for 10% reservation of posts and services including in educational institutions in respect of economically weaker sections (EWSs) from 1st February, 2019. DOP No.-36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dt-19-01-2019.
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22-01-2019 : Some MTNL employees took absorption in BSNL as per Court and DOT orders. After prolonged and ceaseless persuasion the Corporate office issued orders in letter No.-BSNL/3/SR/2016 (Pt), dt-16-01-2019 for drawl of IDA arrears. The contents in the letter were confusing and not at all distinct. The CHQ intervened on 21-01-2019 and thereafter revised orders issued vide No.-BSNL/3/SR/2016 (Pt), dt-22-01-2019.
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22-01-2019 : Director (HR) in the 37th National Council agreed to write to DOT for applicability of DOP/DOT orders for minimum pension of Rs. 9,000/- in respect of BSNL absorbees. TF-11/3, dt-21-01-2019 to Director (HR), BSNL, New Delhi.
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22-01-2019 : Mobile connections be provided where employees including retired personnel are being deprived of concessional phones on the plea of non-feasible area. TF-19/3, dt-21-01-2019 to CMD BSNL, New Delhi.
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22-01-2019 : Minimum Pension for absorbed DOT employees be Rs. 9,000/- Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-21-01-2019 to DDG (Est), DOT, New Delhi.
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21-01-2019 : Circle Executive Committee meeting of Gujrat Circle at Vadodara on 19-01-2019:- The Circle Executive committee meeting of Gujrat Circle begins at 11.00 am under the presidentship of Com. H.R. Tiwari, Circle President. Com. N.J. Bhatia placed the report and spoken about the activities of Circle union. Out of 18 SSA 15 were present in the meeting and took part in debate. All the District Secretaries placed the organizational position in their District. After lunch the meeting was addressed by Com. H.R. Tiwari, Com. N.J. Bhatia Sectary CHQ, Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ and Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary. Com. N.J. Bhatia replied all the queries raised by the speakers on behalf of District union and he explained the functioning of Circle union/Circle Council and the issues settled by the Circle union. Com. Mahabir Singh exhorted in detail the issues of organization as well as the issues of head quarter level.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. cautioned the workers to be more vigilant for protection of our BSNL Company as well as to achieve our demands, pending at the level of DOT. He added that the situation is compelling the union and association to resume the deferred strike as the things are not moving honestly at DOT level. He appealed to the workers to keep themselves ready for any type of struggle. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. H.R. Tiwari.
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21-01-2019 : Organisational meeting at Anand (Nadiyad) SSA in Gujrat Circle on 18-01-2019:- In a well decorated hall of lions club of Anand a huge attended meeting of BSNL workers took place in which irrespective of unions and associations employees attended the meeting. From management Shire Sahu GMTD Nadiyad and the DGMS AGMs have attended. Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ, Com. N.J. Bhatia Secretary CHQ and C.S. Gujrat, Com. H.R. Tiwari AI vice President attended on behalf of headquarter and address the meeting. Com. M.Y. Vohra District Secretary welcomed all the guest in a grand manner and he placed the initial speech in the house. Com. N.J. Bhatia explained the functioning of Circle union and exhorted the HR related issues settled within the jurisdiction of Circle union. Com.Mahabir Singh Secretary, CHQ spoken upon organizational issues in detail and he touched the strike demands for which strike was called from 3rd December. Com. Chandeshwar Singh in his speech clarified the reason of deferment of strike and exhorted in detail how the meeting between DOT top level officers and latter with Hon’ble State Minister of Communication (I/C) took place. He explained the status of 3rd pay/wage revision and other HR issues, Promotions, Examination recruitment in the Cadre of TT and multitasking Cadre. The meeting concluded after vote of thanks by Com. M.Y. Vohra.
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21-01-2019 : Unscheduled and unpleasant hardships to the employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-21-01-2019.
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21-01-2019 : Second JTO LICE on 28th April, 2019. BSNL No.-13-04/2018-Rectt, dt-18-01-2019.
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21-01-2019 : Minutes of 37th NC meeting BSNL/39-3/SR/2018, dt-17-01-2019.
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21-01-2019 : The Designation of Draughtsman of Telecom changed into Junior Engineer (Telecom) i.e. JE (T). BSNL No.-2-4/2007-Restg Vol-III(Pt), dt-15-01-2019.
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21-01-2019 : “Affordability” clause in DPE guidelines can be relaxed by the approval of Cabinet only. DPE letter No.-W-02/004/2018-DPE-WC, dt-10-01-2019 to Ministry of steel.
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17-01-2019 : AUAB writes to the Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications - Informs strike will become unavoidable due to the delay in the settlement of the 3rd Pay Revision.
As per the decision taken in meeting held yesterday, letter has been written to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications, by the AUAB, communicating it's unhappiness over the delay in the settlement of the 3rd Pay Revision issues. In the letter, the AUAB has stated that it would be compelled to go on strike, if no positive outcome comes on the issue. The letter was delivered by hand to the Private Secretary to the Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications today, by the AUAB representatives. |
17-01-2019 : Time is running out and strike will become unavoidable - AUAB meeting decides to inform the government.
A meeting of the AUAB was held yesterday. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE & Chairman, AUAB, presided over the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convenor, AUAB, welcomed everyone and presented the agenda item to be discussed in the meeting. General Secretaries / Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNL MS and BSNL OA, were present in the meeting. The meeting reviewed the progress in the settlement of the demands of the AUAB. The meeting assessed that reasonable progress is made on the demands of 4G spectrum and payment of pension contribution on actual basic pay. However, the meeting came to the conclusion that, no substantial progress has come on the issues of 3rd Pay Revision and Pension Revision. The meeting also came to the assessment that the time available for the settlement of demands is only upto February, 2019 and that the announcement for Parliament elections may come any time in March, 2019. Once the elections are announced, the Code of Discipline will also come into effect and no demand could be settled thereafter. In view of the above reasons, the meeting decided to convey to the government that, the AUAB would be compelled to give call for the strike. The meeting also decided that the AUAB should meet the Additional Secretary, Telecom, in person, and communicate this. |
16-01-2019 : LICE for promotion to JE Cadre for RY 2017-reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-16-01-2019.
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16-01-2019 : Direction of CGHs headquarter to its field unit hospitals. Letter No.-48-3/2018-Pen (B), dt-14-01-2019.
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16-01-2019 : Com. Dinkar Jadhav Distt. Secretary, Kolhapur is no more:- Com. Dinkar Jadhav a dynamic leader of NFTE and Distt. Secretary Kolhapur Distt. (MH) took his last breath on 15th January. The NFTE lost a valuable leader who had kept our flag high in a big SSA like Kolhapur. Under his dynamic leadership NFTE never lost in any verification in Kolhapur District. It is due to untiring efforts for the organistion by Com. Jhadav. We convey our deep condolences to the bereaved family as well as Comrades of Maharashtra Circle to bear this sorrow. Red Salute to Com. Dinkar Jadhav.
16-01-2019 :
Meeting between CMD BSNL and the AUAB on 3rd Pay Revision issue.
In the meeting held on 10.01.2019, the Additional Secretary, Telecom, directed the AUAB to hold a discussion with the BSNL Management on the 3rd Pay Revision issue, and to come back to him for a meeting in the following week. Accordingly, a meeting took place between the AUAB and the CMD BSNL today. The Director (HR) was also present in the meeting. From the AUAB, Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convenor, Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE & Chairman, Com.K.Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com.Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGETOA, Com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, Com. Rewati Prasad, AGS, ATM and Com.H.P. Singh, Dy.GS, BSNL OA, were present. Discussion took place on the issue of 3rd Pay Revision. The AUAB representatives categorically demanded that 3rd Pay Revision should be settled with 15% fitment. The CMD BSNL also stated that the BSNL Management sticks on to it’s earlier position that 3rd Pay Revision should be settled with 15% fitment. The CMD also assured to issue the record of discussion in respect of 3% increase in superannuation benefit for BSNL recruits staff and rest left amount will be paid in next financial year. The AUAB pointed out that the notification for Parliament election would be issued any time in the month of March, and that the available time for the settlement of 3rd Pay Revision was very less. The representatives also pointed out that the AUAB would be constrained to restart the agitation, if no favourable settlement comes on time.
16-01-2019 : Post launch activities for SAMPANN – Implementation of Comprehensive Pension Management System (CPMS) – reg. Letter No.-48-3/2018-Pen (B), dt-14-01-2019.
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15-01-2019 : Wage loss to non-executive employees, other than JEs, vis-à-vis grant of one increment – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/9, dt-15-01-2019.
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15-01-2019 : Happy and hearty greetings to all BSNL family on the occasion of Lohri, Makar Shankrati, Pongal and Bihu festivals.
14-01-2019 : Hindi version of Meeting of the Committee for Periodic Interaction and meeting between the AUAB, and the Additional Secretary. Letter No.-UA/2019/63, dt-12-01-2019.
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12-01-2019 : Holding “offline” LICE for promotion to the Cadre of Junior Engineer – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-12-01-2019.
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12-01-2019 : Meeting of the Committee for Periodic Interaction and meeting between the AUAB, and the Additional Secretary. Letter No.-UA/2019/63, dt-12-01-2019.
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11-01-2019 : Penalty imposed on individual employee by Banks/Society for non remittance of EMI of loans even after deduction from their salary. Letter No.-TF-8/8, dt-11-01-2019.
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10-01-2019 : CHQ extends thanks and congrats the Comrades for participating in two days General Strike on 8th & 9th January 2019. In this strike Comrades of Maharashtra Circle have proved once again the tradition of struggle in the state and have done the best in this historic strike.
10-01-2019 : Meeting with Shri Ashutosh Gupta GM(Training):- G.S. met Shri Gupta and discuss the issue of implementation of Term insurance for non-executive Cadres as it has been already finalized for executives. Shri Gupta reported that the issue of Term insurance in respect of executives will be finalized on 11-01-2019 and MOU will be signed with LIC. On completion of it the process for implementing Term insurance to non-executives staff will be initiated with in very short period.
10-01-2019 : Meeting with Sr. GM(Est):- General Secretary met to Shri Saurabh Tyagi Sr. GM(Est) on 09-01-2019 and requested to issue instruction in respect of special concession to BSNL employees working in Kashmir Valley.
G.S. also discussed the issue of Com. M.S. Maru O.S. WTR Gujrat Circle regarding denial of placement of scale w.e.f. 01-12-1998 under restructuring scheme The Sr. GM reciprocated positive in both the issue.
10-01-2019 : Settlement of issue related to reduction in pay in the revised pay scale in respect of Non-Executive employees (other than TTAs) appointed between 01-01-2007 and 07-05-2010 as compared to their pay in the pre-revised pay scales – reg. Letter No.-1-02/2012-PAT (BSNL), dt-08-01-2019.
The issue was taken by NFTE and pursued constantly to remove discrimination between non-executives as the TTAs were granted one extra increment in lieu of reduction in pay. This is an achievement of NFTE.
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10-01-2019 : Meeting of Joint Committee for Change of Designation of left out Non-Executive Employees in BSNL. Letter No-2/4/2007/Restg./Vol.III, dt-08-01-2019.
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09-01-2019 : A meeting of Institutional Mechanism to review the development of strike issues:- A meeting of the Committee for periodic review will be held tomorrow at 16.00 hrs at 2nd floor committee hall, Sanchar Bhawan New Delhi. From AUAB Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE and Chairman AUAB, Com. P. Abhimanyu G.S. BSNLEU and Convener AUAB, Com. K. Sabastin G.S. SNEA and Com. Prahalad Ray G.S. AIBSNLEA will attend and participate in the meeting.
09-01-2019 : Circular of AUAB regarding its internal meeting on 08-01-2019 and meeting with Secretary (T) on 09-01-2019.
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09-01-2019 : Meeting with Secretary DOT and Additional Secretary DOT today;- The AUAB leaders met Ms. Aruna Sundararajan Secretary Telecom and Shri Anshu Prakash Additional Secretary Telecom. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS. NFTE and Chairman AUAB, Com. P. Abhimanyu G.S. BSNLEU Convener AUAB, Com. K. Sebastin G.S. SNEA and Com. Prahalad Rai G.S. AIBSNLEA took part in the discussion and they expressed their concern over the slow implementation of the assurances given by the Hon’ble MoS(C). In reply, the Secretary, Telecom, told that a status report on all the issues would be given to the AUAB, by the DoT, in the Committee meeting to be held tomorrow. She requested the AUAB representatives to meet her thereafter, and apprise her of the actions need to be taken. In today’s discussion, the Secretary, Telecom, was requested to give four representatives to the AUAB in the Committee (Institutional Mechanism), which was accepted by her.
09-01-2019 : View of General Strike on 09-01-2019 at different places in the country.
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09-01-2019 : Special concession to the Central Govt employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt. Letter No.-TF-10/7(a), dt-09-01-2019.
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09-01-2019 : BSNL issued order for implementation of IDA increased w.e.f. 01-01-2019 based on DPE OM. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-08-01-2019.
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09-01-2019 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Engineer (JE) under 50% quota for RY 2017. Letter No.-7-11/2018-Rectt, dt-08-01-2019.
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08-01-2019 : Conciliation proceeding by Regional Labour Commissioner (Central);- A tripartite conciliation took place in office of RLC(C) in which (1) Shri Manish Vimal Director (SR) DOT, Shri S.S. Prasad DGM (Est), Shri A.K. Sinha DGM (SR) from BSNL, from AUAB. Com. C. Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Rashid Khan AGS TEPU, Com. Kabir Das G.S. BSNLOA, Com. H.P. Singh BSNLMS were participated. For proceeding and memorandum submitted by Director (SR) DOT along with status of strike issues and office memorandum.
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08-01-2019 : View of General Strike on 08-01-2019 at different places in the country.
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08-01-2019 : Denial of placement in restructured higher pay scale of CDA Rs. 5500-9000 w.e.f. 01-12-1998 as per DOT letter No.-1-38/MPP-98, dt-20-04-99 resulting loss in NEPP upgradation – reg. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-07-01-2019.
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07-01-2019 : Rich tributes/homage paid to Com. O.P. Gupta Ji on his 6th Death Anniversary day, CHQ receiving news of the meetings held at different places on 06-01-2019.
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07-01-2019 : The Central Trade unions press release issued to media in a press meet on 7th January, 2019 at AITUC Bhawan, New Delhi.
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07-01-2019 : Two days Nationwide strike begins from 8th January, 2019:- Based on decision taken in workers convention held on 28th September, 2018, the Nationwide strike of all the workers will start on 08th January, 2019. All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to ensure participation of workers enmasse to defeat the anti BSNL and other public sectors policy of the Central Govt. Also take part in rallies organized by the striking workers throughout the country. Comrades this strike is historic one and against the anti workers, Labourers, Farmers and specially anti PSUs policy of the Govt. hence it is our responsibility to make the strike a grand success being a part of it.
07-01-2019 : Answer of unstarred question No.-2625 by Hon’ble State Minister for Communications (I/C) on 04-01-2019 in Rajya Sabha – 4G spectrum for BSNL.
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07-01-2019 : Circle Secretaries please note:- Venue of the Circle Secretaries meeting is – Central Court Hotel, Near HDFC Bank, Lakadi Ka Pool, Hyderabad.
(1) Distance from Hyderabad Airport (Shamshabad) – 30KMs. (2) Distance from Secundrabad Rly Station – 9 KMs. (3) Distance from Nampally (Hyderabad) Rly Station – 1 Km.
Please contact following Comrades on their Cell phone noted against their name for any enquiry and help – (1) Com. A. Rajamouli, C.S. Telangana:- 9440064440, (2) Com. V.K. Muthu, D.S. Hyderabad:- 9441205816, (3) Com. N. Venkateshwar, ACS/TS:-9494949099, (3) Com. J. Laxmaiah, V.P. Hyderabad :- 9440690752.
07-01-2019 : Notice issued for Circle Secretaries meeting at Hyderabad on 9th & 10th February, 2019.
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04-01-2019 : It is decided to hold Circle Secretaries meeting at Hyderabad on 9th and 10th February, 2019. All Circle Secretaries are requested to book your tickets to avoid inconvenience. Other details will follow.
04-01-2019 : All the Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to organize Lunch Hour Demonstrations and Gate Meeting on 05-01-2019 and also request you to explain the two day strike ( 8th and 9th January, 2019) demands.
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04-01-2019 : AUAB of Karnataka Circle conducted General Body meeting on 02-01-2019:-
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03-01-2019 : DPE issued 3.2% increased IDA order. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE (WC)-GL-II/19, dt-3-01-2019.
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03-01-2019 : AUAB letter to Shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR) on mechanism for periodic interaction – proposing names of the AUAB representatives – reg. Letter No.-UA/2019/60, dt-03-01-2019.
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03-01-2019 : Message from Director (HR) on New Years Day (Sandesh).
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03-01-2019 : Two Day General Strike on 08th & 09th January, 2019 - Join enmasse –Appeal from NFTE, BSNLEU, BSNLMS and TEPU (Hindi version).
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02-01-2019 : Two Day General Strike on 08th & 09th January, 2019 - Join enmasse – Appeal from NFTE, BSNLEU, BSNLMS and TEPU.
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02-01-2019 : All the Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to organize Lunch Hour Demonstrations and Gate Meeting on 05-01-2019 and also request you to explain the two day strike ( 8th and 9th January, 2019) demands.
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02-01-2019 : Com. Omprakash Gupta – The Tallest Personality of P&T Movement. Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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01-01-2019 : 3.2% increase in IDA from 01-01-2019 i.e. total 135.6%+3.2% =138.8% from 01-01-2019.
01-01-2019 : AUAB writes letter to CMD BSNL on reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58. Letter No.-UA/2018/58, dt-31-12-2018.
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01-01-2019 : Two days General Strike on 8th and 9th January, 2019 – Poster (English & Hindi).
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31-12-2018 : WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR – 2019.
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31-12-2018 : NFTE BSNL strongly protesting and condemning the Hidden agenda of BSNL management’s proposal for reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58 yrs. It only revealed through the DOT letter dated 19-12-2018. AUAB leaders held discussions on strike demands with CMD BSNL/Addl. Secy DOT/ Secretary DOT on 02-12-2018 and with Hon’ble Minister on 03-12-2018. The point of discussion on reduction of retirement age have not noticed anywhere in the discussions held on those days. It is quite surprising and also it is a serious situation at this juncture. AUAB will not accept the reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58. The AUAB will fight tooth and nail to settle the wage revision.
31-12-2018 : 6th Death Anniversary of Com. OPG is on 06-01-2019:- All Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to hold the meetings by remembering his noble deeds in up liftment of down trodden people. Com. OPG succeeded in regularizing more than one lakh Casual Mazdoors in one stroke and also achieved Govt Pension to absorbed employees in BSNL (PSU). It was an historic one. Kindly pay rich tributes/homage to Com. OPG, father of NFPTE/NFTE.
31-12-2018 : Com. C. Singh G.S, Com. Rajpal Secy CHQ, Com. Rajamouli and Com. Jeevan visited the house of Smt. Usha Ji, O.S. NTR, retired recently, consoled and share the grief of family. Her husband expired on 26-12-2018, evening in New Delhi.
31-12-2018 : Corporate office letter on Austerity Measures in BSNL. F. No.-1-4/BFCI/BRC/Compstt./2018-19, dt-28-12-2018.
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29-12-2018 : Performance of BSNL and MTNL - Lok Sabha Q&A on 26-12-2018:
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29-12-2018 : Chennai Telephones of AUAB organized a mass meeting at Flower Bazar Telephone Exchange campus on 28-12-2018 at 15.30 hrs under the Presidentship of Com. C.K. Mathivanan, C.S. Chennai Telephones and Chairman AUAB. Com. Kanniapan C.S. BSNLEU and Convener AUAB welcomed all the Leaders. The leaders from Central headquarters of AUAB attended and addressed the meeting. A huge gathering of workers including woman employees participated the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Shiva Kumar President AIBSNLEA, Com. Rajan, Treasurer SNEA and Com. V. Subburaman G.S. TEPU addressed the gathering and explained the latest position on strike demands and also they exhorted in detail under which situation the proposed strike was deferred.
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29-12-2018 : Mass meeting of workers at CGMT office campus on 28-12-2018:- T.N. Circle of AUAB organised a joint mass meeting of executive and non-executive employees under the Chairmanship of Com. Natrajan C.S. NFTE and Chairman AUAB. A large number of employees including woman employees participated in the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Com. Chandeshwar Singh, Chairman AUAB, and G.S. NFTE (BSNL), Com. P. Abhimanyu Convener AUAB and G.S. BSNLEU and Com. Shiva Kumar President AIBSNLEA and Com. Rajan, Treasurer of SNEA and Com. Subbu Raman G.S. TEPU. The leaders exhorted the strike issues and explained the discussion held with Hon’ble Minister of state for Communications (I/C) and also explained the reason for deferment of Strike. Com. Natrajan Circle Secretary NFTE and Chairman AUAB T.N. and Com. Chillapa AGS BSNLEU and Convener AUAB, TN spoken before the Central leaders.
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29-12-2018 : Grand felicitation to Com. P.N. Perumal All India President, SEWA BSNL:- Com. P.N. Perumal President SEWA BSNL will be retiring on superannuation on 31-12-2018:- The SEWA (BSNL) of Tamilnadu Circle organized a felicitation ceremony to Com. P.N. Perumal, President SEWA (BSNL) at Rajeev Gandhi CTTC Chennai on 28-12-2018. All most all the officers of Tamilnadu and Chennai Telephones, including CGMT TN attended the function. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE alongwith Com. C.K. Mathivanan, C.S. Chennai Telephones and Vice President CHQ, Com. P. Kamraj, Secretary CHQ, Com. Natrajan C.S. TN, Com. Sethu All India Invitee and Com. Murali participated in the function. The leaders honoured Com. Perumal with garland and offered a shawl, memento as a token of love.
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28-12-2018 : DOT seeks some more clarifications from BSNL on implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL. In respect of board level and below board level executives. Letter No.-11-1/2017-SU.II, dt-19-12-2018.
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28-12-2018 : Meeting with Sr. GM(Est):- President met the Sr. GM(Est) today and mentioned the following issues for settlement.
(1) Approval of selected CGA candidates of Circles including Telengana and Andhra separately.
(2) Wage revision of casual labourers delinking it with the 3rd PRC.
Data is being collected.
(3) Minimum pension of Rs. 9,000/- in respect of BSNL absorbees. Matter is being taken up again with the DOT.
28-12-2018 : AUAB letter to CMD BSNL on settlement of 30% superannuation benefits by BSNL – inordinate delay in issuing record of discussion – reg. Letter No.-UA/2018/57, dt-27-12-2018.
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28-12-2018 : Conciliation under section 12 of Industrial Dispute Act, 1927 in the O/o Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) will be held on 08-01-2019 at 11.30 am. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2018 (pt), dt-27-12-2018.
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27-12-2018 : Financial health of “Bharat Sanchar Limited”. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-27-12-2018 to Shri Manoj Sinha Ji, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, New Delhi.
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27-12-2018 : Govt to ensure Financial Viability of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited - Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-26-12-2018 to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.
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27-12-2018 : Minimum Pension should be Rs. 9, 000/- in respect of absorbed. BSNL employees – . Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-26-12-2018 to Director (HR) BSNL.
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27-12-2018 : LICE for promotion to JE Cadre under 50% quota – Case of Shri Kelhugunyu Vizo, T.T. Kohima of NE-II Circle. Letter No.-14/2(a), dt-26-12-2018.
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27-12-2018 : Wage revision of casual labourers. Letter No.-TF-31/1, dt-26-12-2018 to Director (HR).
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27-12-2018 : Request to evolve the new promotion policy for Non-Executive employees – reg. Letter No.- TF-26/6, dt-26-12-2018.
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26-12-2018 : Com. M. Sitaram Ex. Circle President of unified A.P. Circle and presently District President of Vizianagaram SSA, expired on 24-12-2018, at the age of 70 yrs. He was a dedicated and committed leader of NFPTE/NFTE in unified A.P. Circle. CHQ condoles the death and share the grief of family.
26-12-2018 : AUAB letter to Secretary, DOT on Pension Contribution on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale – early reply to the clarification sought by Dept of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance on the methodology reg. Letter No.-UA/2017/26, dt-26-12-2018.
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26-12-2018 : Notice issued by NFTE, BSNLEU, BSNLMS and TEPU for joining the two day General Strike that is taking place on 8th and 9th January, 2019.
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26-12-2018 : AUAB letter to DOT Secretary on Formation of an institutional mechanism, as per the directive of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications (IC) – reg. Letter No.-UA/2018/55, dt-24-12-2018.
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24-12-2018 : Wish you a Happy Christmas.
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24-12-2018 : 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU held at Mysore from 17-12-2018 to 20-12-2018. Com. Animesh Mitra, Com. P. Abhimanyu, Com. Swapan Chakraborthy and Com. Gokul Borah were elected unanimously as All India President, General Secretary, Dy. General Secretary and Treasurer respectively. NFTE CHQ congratulates them.
22-12-2018 : West Bengal Circle Conference on 21st & 22nd December, 2018 at Krishna Nagar (WB):-
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22-12-2018 : Maharashtra, UP(E), Andhra and Jharkhand Circles have been selected as Pilot Circles in which three Telephone Exchanges having 20 or less connections. Will be selected in different geographical locations by CGMs in consultation with IFA and M/S Ernst and young LLP for study to find out alternative for monetization etc. The BSNL HQR vide No.-7-1/2016(PHM)/Pt-II, dt-20-12-2018 has issued details in this regard.
The Circle/District Secretaries may study and offer comments for appropriate action at CHQ level.
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21-12-2018 : Corporate office letter on LICE for promotion to the grade of JE(Erstwhile TTA) under 50% quota for the recruitment year 2016 held on 28-01-2018 ----omission and commission in result. Letter No.-7-2/2018-Rectt, dt-21-12-2018.
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21-12-2018 : Paucity of funds in field:- President and Secy, Com. Kamraj held discussions today with the GM (Banking) about hardships of staff due to non-deposit of installments of bank loans. The employees are facing penalties for their no fault. He promised and assured it will be deposited before 31-12-2018 alongwith the GPF and Pension contributions.
21-12-2018 : LICE for promotion to the grade of JE (Erstwhile TTA) under 50% quota for the recruitment year 2016 held on 28-01-2018 ---review of failed SC & ST candidates. Letter No.-7-2/2018-Rectt, dt-20-12-2018.
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20-12-2018 : President and Secy (HQ), Com. Kamraj met the Sr. GM(Est) and GM(Rectt) and raised the following issues:-
(1) LICE for Telecom Technician Cadre – Both the officers agreed to issue orders.
(2) Review of S/T JE LICE result - The decision on committee report is expected within 3/4 days.
20-12-2018 : Reimbursement of pay and allowances of BSNL employees working in CCAs and Term Cells. The DOT has to reimburse the amount to the BSNL and for this details are to be sent by the Circle office.
The circle unions may persue the matter at their respective levels. BSNL No.-500-163/2018-19/CA-III/BSNL, dt-19-12-2018.
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19-12-2018 : LICE for promotion to Telecom Technician Cadre – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-19-12-2018.
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19-12-2018 : Financial crunch affecting the BSNL services – request for urgent attention and intervention. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-19-12-2018.
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19-12-2018 : Meeting with CMD:- President and General Secretary met the CMD BSNL today and apprised him about financial crunch being faced by the field units. The union leaders pointed out and insisted that the management should cut down its expenditures and it should begin from Corporate office. Corporate office is withholding GPF, Pension contributions instead of depositing the same to Govt. Bank loans recovered from salary of staff are not being deposited to the banks. The CMD after long discussions promised that the present situation will ease within 15 days.
19-12-2018 : Holding of online LICE for Junior Engineer (JE) under 50% quota for Recruitment year 2017 for vacancies up to 31-03-2018 (Revised). Letter No.-7-11/2018-Rectt, dt-17-12-2018.
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18-12-2018 : Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. attended and addressed the open session and seminar at Mysore on 17-12-2018 at 1700 hrs. BSNLEU organized seminar on the subject” Revival of BSNL” on the occasion of their All India Conference. Com. C. Singh, G.S. have expressed his views on the subject that the unity of all unions/associations is need of the hour at this juncture to save BSNL and its employees. There is no compromise on our demands also. Shri Mani CGM Karnataka, Shri Manish Kumar, GM(Restg), Com. Prahalad Rai, G.S. AIBSNLEA, Com. Sabastin, G.S. SNEA, Com. Suresh Kumar, GS BSNLMS and Com. H.P. Singh Dy. G.S. BSNL OA attended and addressed the seminar.
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The conference was held on 15th December, 2018 in the Conference Hall of Circuit House, Shahibaugh, Ahmedabad under the President ship of Com. R.M. Patel, District President. A well numbered Comrades from various parts of the district attended the meeting. Before starting the meeting two minutes mourn was observed in memory of Late Com. B.K. Brahmbhatt, Sr.Leader NFTE. The District president welcomed the invitees and members to the meeting. Com. Nilesh A. Patel, Treasurer submitted the Accounts of the District for last two years and the same was passed by the house. Shri A.S. Solanki, District Secretary, addressed the house and given a brief about the functioning of the district union during his tenure as DS. During his period the NFTE Union has considerably increased the membership and stood number one in ATD.
The meeting was attended and addressed by Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secretary CHQ and Circle Secretary, Gujarat. Shri Bhatia in his speech elaborately described the prevailing situation of the 3rd pay revision, 4G spectrum, pension revision & pension contribution on actual basic etc and made aware the challenges to be faced in the coming days to achieve our demands. He also emphasised the need of strengthening the organisation from grass route level by opening branches wherever necessary to face the forthcoming membership verification effectively. He congratulated the entire District Body and all the active members for taking the NFTE as number one Union in Ahmedabad Telecom. District. The meeting unanimously elected Com. R.M. Patel, OS (G), Com. A.S. Solanki, Rtd.TT and Com. Nilesh A Patel, AOS as District President, District Secretary & Treasurer. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Shri R.M. Patel, President.
18-12-2018 : Corporate office letter on holding of limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) for promotion of Group ‘C’ employees to the grade of Junior Telecom officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] in BSNL under 50% quota for VY 2016-17 for vacancies [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-17-12-2018.
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17-12-2018 : Circle working committee of Maharashtra on 15-12-2018 and 16-12-2018:-
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17-12-2018 : The CWC unanimously passed a resolution by congratulating Com. C. Singh, G.S’s role and his skill to maintain unity among all unions/associations (AUAB) as a Chairman. After meeting with MOC, it yielded good progress for early settlement of pension contribution on actual basic, allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL, delinking of pay revision with pension revision, fruitful heat generated for settlement of 3rd PRC and settlement of left out issues in 2nd PRC. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. Bandi Circle President.
16-12-2018 : Com. N.J. Bhatia Circle Secretary Gujrat and Secretary CHQ Berieved. We Shocked to know, the sudden death of his elder daughter at the age of 31 years. She took her last breath today early morning. CHQ extends a very deep condolence and stand with Com. Bhatia to share the grief.
15-12-2018 : Mass meeting at Kanpur on 14th December, 2018:- District Conference of Kanpur SSA was held at CTO Campus on 14-12-2018. On this occasion the Comrades of Kanpur SSA felicitated Com. G.N. Gupta and Com. Tripathi in a grand manner. A large number of employees including women employees were present in the function. The meeting was open for all. Com. Ram Nath Pandey former Circle Secy of UP (East) and All India President remembered the contribution of Com. G.N. Gupta in trade union movement throughout his life and he appealed to him to continue his services to strengthen the NFTE. Com. Sanjay Dubey Circle Secy UP (East), Com. Islam Ahmad President, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and District Secretaries of Kanpur SSAs were also present in the meeting. Apart from the union, Shri Mahendra Pati, PGM Kanpur, Shri Manish Kumar, GM (Mobile), DGM Finance and other officers were also attended and graced the occasion. General Secretary exhorted the issues of indefinite strike and explained the issues one by one in detail. He narrated the details of discussion held with CMD/Addl. Secretary DOT/DOT Secretary on 02-12-2018 and with Hon’ble Minister on 3rd December, 2018. Com. Islam Ahmad in his speech explained the financial condition of BSNL and urge upon the workers to be more vigilant and help to keep the financial health of BSNL in good condition. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by Com. Ram Nath Pandey.
14-12-2018 : Hold Joint General Body meetings during the period from 26th to 29th December, 2018. Letter No.-UA/2018/54, dt-13-12-2018.
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14-12-2018 :
The NFTE BSNL Tamilnadu Circle Union conducted District Secretaries meeting at Union Office / CGM TN Circle Office Chennai on 11/12/2018:- The meeting was presided by Com P. Kamaraj Circle President. In his presidential address he gave outline of the outcome of talks between Minister and AUAB. Com. K. Natarajan Circle Secretary explained the situation under which the Indefinite Strike call by AUAB was deferred and emphasized to keep the sprit and unity of AUAB for future struggle. Com. Subbaraman General Secretary TEPU/ LPF addressed the meeting and gave the details of negotiation held on 02nd and 3rd of DEC 2018. Com. Pattabi Ex Circle Secretary gave brief on the positive movement of our Strike Demands. All District Secretaries took part in the discussion and explained in detail their field experience during preparatory works of Indefinite strike and the scenario after defer the agitational programme. They explained the expectation of the common workers and their strong belief in the movement of AUAB. Com. S Palaniappan Vice President CHQ NFTE, Com. A. Semmalamudham Special Invitee CHQ , Com. L.Subbarayan circle treasurer, Com Muralidharan ACS, Com. Muthayalu AGS Pensioner Association, Com. S.S. Gopalakrishnan, Ex. Secretary and Circle Office Bearers also addressed the meeting. Com RK in his concluding speech requested all functionaries to explain to the rank and file in their respective district the positive outcomes of the Indefinite Strike Call. With vote of thanks the meeting concluded by 0730 PM. The Meeting Unanimously resolved to request the CHQ to emphasis the DOT and BSNL for (1) The appointing of the Special officer for speedy movement of 4G file --- (2) To constitute a committee (institutional mechanism) comprising with the senior officers of DOT/BSNL and AUAB for day today interaction with DOT, BSNL and AUAB on the progress of the strike Demands. (3) Conclude the negotiation of wage committee talks finalize and sign the agreement for Non Executives at the earliest. (4) Release of required funds to meet the day to day operational expenditure like Payment of EB Bills, Wages for Contract labours, Medical bills, GPF, loans and advances of Employees.
13-12-2018 :Meeting with Sr. G.M.(Estt)-G.S and Com. Sheshadri Dy. G.S met with Sr. G.M Estt and disscussed the pending HR issues like.
Presidential order to left out TSMs case of Bihar, UP East, Assam and MP circles. It is reported that the required reports and relevent papers have been received & it is under Scruitany. The G.M. assured to finalise it at earliest possible..
Absorption of Shri D.N. Yadav, T.T UP (East) in BSNL. The file is sent to Director HR for Approval.
Date of LICE for Promotion in the Cadre of TT. Recruitment Branch will finalise the date and publish it..
12-12-2018 : Formation of institutional mechanism system to review the progress of strike issues – In the meeting with AUAB on 3rd December, 2018 Hon’ble Minister of state (IC) for communication directed to constitute a committee (institutional mechanism) comprising with the senior officers of DOT/BSNL and AUAB. The meeting will be chaired by Shri Anshu Prakash, Addl. Secretary DOT. As reported the file is under movement for approval of the committee and after approval a meeting of this committee will take place very soon to review the progress on strike issues.
12-12-2018 : Record of discussion and decision taken in the meeting of AUAB and circulated vide No.-UA/2018/52, dt-11-12-2018.
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12-12-2018 : Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operations) in BSNL from External Candidates. Letter No.-74-1(2)/2018-Rectt, dt-11-12-2018.
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11-12-2018 : LICE for promotion to Junior Engineer (T) Cadre – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/20(a), dt-11-12-2018.
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11-12-2018 : Recruitment of Management Trainee (Telecom Operations) in BSNL from Internal Candidates. Letter No.-74-1(1)/2018-Rectt, dt-11-12-2018.
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07-12-2018 : AUAB writes letter to Ms. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary Telecom for implementation of the direction of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, with regards to putting in place on institutional mechanism for periodic interaction between the DoT and the AUAB. Letter No.-UA/2018/51, dt-06-12-2018.
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07-12-2018 : AUAB writes letter to Shri Narendra Modi Ji, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India with regard to unlawful detention of two BSNL officers by the Jharkhand police – requesting to take appropriate action. Letter No.-UA/2018/50, dt-06-12-2018.
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07-12-2018 : Corporate office letter on merger of Telecom Stores with West Bengal Circle at Kolkata – reg. Letter No.-4-2/2014-Rstg, dt-03-12-2018.
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07-12-2018 : Sanction of Adhoc grant amounting to Rs. 1,41,93,163 to 24 Circles. Letter No.-13-01/2018/BSNL(WL), dt-30-11-2018.
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07-12-2018 : Holding of LICE JTO (T) scheduled on 20-01-2019---Imparting pre-exam training to SC/ST/Minorities candidates. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-06-12-2018.
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07-12-2018 : Corporate office letter on implementation of voluntary Group Term Insurance Scheme for the BSNL Executives – Calling of options regarding. Letter No.-8-1/2017-Restg(Pt), dt-05-12-2018.
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07-12-2018 : Corporate office letter on capitalization of amount under the head ‘Repairs & Maintenance’ of Buildings, Staff quarters & Guest Houses/ Inspections Quarters – reg. F. No.-16-4/2018/CB (Part), dt-27-11-2018.
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05-12-2018 : BSNL’s two officers, DE and SDE, taken into police custody due to no network at Dumka, Jharkhand – The Chief Minister Jharkhand was on tour at Dumka. There was no mobile network at the Station. This irritated the state authorities and the DE/SDE were taken into custody at midnight on Monday from their respective residences. How the officers can be held responsible for no signal. This is high handedness of authorities. We condemn and large protest against this.
The CHQ leaders tried to meet CMD to apprise him the unpleasant treatment and to take remedial action against the erring authorities. Due to Management committee meeting CHQ leaders could not meet him.
05-12-2018 : Why AUAB leaders deferred the strike from 03-12-2018:- AUAB leaders well organized strike preparatory meetings from 24-11-2018 at different places in the country . All the Circle/District/ Branch leaders have made an hectic campaign for success of the strike from 03-12-2018. The strike call compelled the BSNL/DOT management to call the AUAB leaders on 02-12-2018 (Sunday) for discussion on strike demands. The Hon’ble Minister MoC(I/C) also hold talks with AUAB leaders at 12.00 pm on 03-12-2018. We strongly feel that the strike call has resolved major demands of AUAB which are as follows.
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05-12-2018 : Com. Jayaram Yadav, Ex. Secretary of Purulia SSA (W.B.) expired at 2.00 pm on 03-12-2018. CHQ condoles the death and share the grief of family.
04-12-2018 : Deferment of indefinite strike from 03-12-2018 – reg. Letter No.-UA/2018/49, dt-04-12-2018.
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04-12-2018 : DOT has issued record of discussions of the meeting held with the Hon’ble MOC I/C on 3rd December, 2018 with the AUAB leaders. The record of discussions has been sent vide BSNL letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2018, dt-04-12-2018.
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04-12-2018 : Vetting of Vacancies in r/o JTO LICE for the VY 2016-17. Letter No.-82-1/2018-Rectt. and 12-2/2018, Rectt, dt-04-12-2018.
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04-12-2018 : Retention of waiting list of candidates for appointment on Compassionate grounds – reg. Letter No.-TF-16/5, dt-04-12-2018.
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03-12-2018 : Decisions of All Unions of Associations of BSNL (AUAB) meeting held today in NFTE office.
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03-12-2018 : Brief of discussions with BSNL management, Addl. Secretary DOT/ Secretary DOT on 02-12-2018 (Sunday):-
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03-12-2018 : Meeting with Hon’ble MOC I/C at 1200 hours today on the issue of wage revision of BSNL Executive and non-executive employees.
03-12-2018 : Strike deferred till 9th December, 2018 in the light of positive response from Secretary, Departmental of Telecom, New Delhi.
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02-12-2018 : Massive Indefinite Strike. Editorial (Telecom), English, Hindi.
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02-12-2018 : Massive spirited strike preparatory meetings were held from 24-11-2018 at different places in the country on the call of AUAB. There was tremendous support from all Executives and Non- Executives. NFTE BSNL conveys revolutionary greetings to one and all.
02-12-2018 : Corporate office issued notification for holding JTO (LICE) 50% departmental quota on 20-01-2019. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-30-11-2018.
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01-12-2018 : AUAB strike preparatory meeting at Mumbai (Maharashtra) on 01-12-2018:- Com. Ranjan Dani C.S. NFTE and Chairman AUAB Maharashtra Circle was in Chair. More than one thousand executives and non-executives including large number of woman employees were assembled in the meeting. Circle level leaders Com. Nalwade C.S. BSNLEU and Convener AUAB, Com. V. Gosavi Secretary, CHQ NFTE. Com. K.P. Nair AGS AIBSNLEA, Com. John Vergls AGS BSNLEU addressed the meeting. Leaders from National AUAB Com. Chandeshwar Singh Chairman AUAB and G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu convener AUAB and G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Suresh Kumar, G.S. BSNLMS attended and addressed the meeting. The Leaders of AUAB explained all issues of five demands and exhorted the anti labour policies of Central Govt and also the Govt in centre is trying to ruin the PSUs of the country. They added that if our demands are not settled in full, the entire work force of BSNL will go on indefinite strike from 3rd December, 2018. All the assembled workers shouted slogans in fevour of strike and raised both hands to join the strike fully. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. Ranjan Dani Chairman AUAB Maharashtra Circle.
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01-12-2018 : Strike preparatory campaign meeting at Hyderabad in Asman Mahal on 30-11-2018:- AUAB Telengana Circle organized massive preparatory meeting in Asman Mahal. More than 400 executives and non-executives attended the meeting. The hall was packed with Comrades the meeting presided over by Com. J. Sampath Rao C.S. BSNLEU and convener AUAB. Com. Seshadri, DGS, NFTE, Com.Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU, Com. Srinivasulu Reddy, AGS AIBSNLEA, Kabirdas, GS BSNLOA, Anilkumar, President, BSNL ATM, G.Mohan Reddy, Organising secretary, BSNLEU, Jaganmohan Reddy, Circle President, SNEA, Veerabhadra Rao, CS, AIGETOA, G.Saigoud, CS AIBSNLEA, Com. V.K. Muthu all India invitee NFTE and D.S. HTD and Yellamaiah, C.S. BSNL ATM addressed the meeting. The leaders appealed all to make the strike a big success from 03-12-2018.
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01-12-2018 : A massive strike preparatory meeting held under the Presidentship of Com. Sompal Saini, C.S. UP(W) and Chairman AUAB at Meerut in the premises of GMTD office on 30-11-2018:-Com. Upender Tevatiya C.S. BSNLEU and Convener AUAB invited all the leaders and given details on strike demands. More than six hundred executives and non-executives attended the spirited preparatory meeting. Com. A. Rajamouli Financial Secretary NFTE, Com. Balbir Singh All India President BSNLEU, Com. Jagmohan Meena, C.S. AIBSNL EA, Com. Devesh Sharma O.S. (North) AIBSNL EA, Com. Janarden Yadav, C.S. AIBSNL OA, Com. Inder Singh BSNLMS, Com. Ansar Ali President BSNL EU, Com. Surender Pal President NFTE, Com. Vikas Gautam, ACS SEWA, Com. Sanjay Chaudhry AIGETOA, Com. Meena District President SNEA and Com. Sukhbeer Singh, BSNLEU addressed the meeting on strike demands. They also appealed all to make the strike 100% in UP(W) circle, Which will begin from 03-12-20108. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Sompal Saini C.S. NFTE.
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01-12-2018 : AUAB meeting was conducted at CGMT Office Bangalore on 30th November 2018:- Com. Kamaraj Secretary NFTE Chq, Com Ashokbabu V.P Chq BSNLEU addressed the meeting. Com A.C Krishna Reddy Chairman AUAB, Com C.K. Gundana Convener AUAB, Com Heremat C.S AIBSNLEA, Com Makkannanavar ACS SNEA, Com. Naidu D.S NFTE, Com Sudharshan D.S BSNLEU, Com Rajashekar DS NFTE, Circle office, Com Giresh DS BSNLEU Circle office, Com Muniraj C.S TEPU and other senior leaders of AUAB were attended and addressed the meeting.
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30-11-2018 : AUAB mass meeting at Patna:- The Circle level constituents of AUAB orgnised a mass meeting at Patna on 30-11-2018.
Com. Mahabir Singh, Secretary CHQ NFTE (BSNL), Com. Swapan Chakraborty Dy. General Secretary, BSNLEU, Com. Washi Ahamd, Astt. General Secretary, AIGETOA and representative of AIBSNLEA attended and addressed the huge gathering of workers including a large number of women employees. Before central leaders the Circle Secretaries of AUAB addressed the meeting and assured total strike from 3rd December. The central leaders explained the demands and exhorted for indefinite strike. The leaders appealed to workers to join the strike enmass and defeat the anti workers and anti PSU policies of the Govt. Comrades Swapan Chakraborty Dy. G.S. BSNLEU, Mahabir Singh, Secy NFTE HQR and Comrade Washi Ahmad AGS, AGETOA addressed the large gathering.
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30-11-2018 : Mass meeting at Ranchi:- A mass meeting under the banner of AUAB was held at Ranchi on 29th November. Near about 400 employees assembled. Comrades Mahabir Singh, Secy NFTE HQR and Swapan Chakraborty Dy. G.S. BSNLEU addressed the gathering. The Circle Secretaries of different unions were present and addressed the meeting. The central leaders explained the demands and appealed to the workers to join the strike enmass to achieve the demands.
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30-11-2018 : Comrades of AUAB arranged a press meet at Press club Guwahati to highlight the indefinite strike called by AUAB w.e.f. 03-12-2018. Com. P.C. Patgiri, Circle Secretary, NFTE (BSNL) participated from NFTE.
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30-11-2018 : BSNL is being denied level playing ground by preferring and allotting 4G spectrums to private Telecom Companies- Press Coverage.
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30-11-2018 : Report on AUAB meeting in AP on 29-12-2018:- A huge gathering of about 600 staff members meeting under the banner of AUAB, of AP circle has took place on 29-11-2018 at 3.30PM in BSNL Bhavan,Chuttugunta, Vijayawada under the chairman ship of Com. Chandrashekhar Rao, chairman, AUAB & CS-NFTE,AP. First Com. Rama Rao DS,BSNLEU invited all the CHQ leaders of AUAB and all circle secretaries to the dias. Com. K.S. Seshadri, DGS-NFTE, Com. Challappa, AGS BSNLEU, Com. B.Srinivasa Reddy, AGS-AIBSNLEA, Com. Fazal Ahmed, Circle president-AIGETOA, S.M.Ali, AGS-BSNL-ATM, Com. S.S.T. Sai, Circle Treasurer SNEA, Com. P.Asokababu, Convener-AUAB,AP circle and all the circle secretaries of respective union of AUAB. All the leaders explained the need of the indefinite strike commencing from 3-12-2018 and requested the staff members to participate with 100% successful. All the staff members including lady comrades also patiencely sit in the meeting even late hours. All are eagerly hear the speeches of the leaders regarding leads the circumstances of indefinite strike. Com. K.S.Seshadry AGS,NFTE explained in detail about the assurances given to the BSNL at the time of formation of the BSNL especially in case of financial viability of the company and also recent assurances of communication minister on 24-2-2018. We have to fulfill the assurances of the Govt through agitations/strikes. The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks made by com. A. Nagendrababu, DS,NFTE Krishna SSA.
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29-11-2018 : Central Trade Unions write to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble Minister on the indefinite strike in BSNL from 03-12-2018.
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29-11-2018 : AUAB conducted Lunch hour demonstration at Eastern Court, New Delhi today. Com. Islam Ahmad President NFTE, Com. Shiv Kumar President AIBSNLEA, Com. H.P. Singh, Dy. G.S. BSNLOA addressed on strike demands. Com. Rajpal C.S. NTR, Com. Naresh V.P. CHQ, Com. H.N. Sharma, C.S. Corporate office, Com. Rajamouli and Comrades from NTR, NTP, C.O. participated in the demonstration. Com. R.S. Chauhan, C.S. BSNLEU, NTR conveyed thanks to all participants and appealed all on behalf of AUAB to make indefinite strike from 03-12-2018 a big success.
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29-11-2018 : AUAB meeting at Ludhiana (Punjab) at 12.00 hrs on 29-11-2018:- The meeting held under the Chairmanship of Com. Surjeet Singh, Circle Secretary NFTE and Chairman AUAB Punjab Circle. The meeting started with welcome speech by Com. Balbir Singh, Convener AUAB Punjab Circle. All the Circle Secretaries of all the constituents unions and associations were present on the dias. Leaders from central headquarters of AUAB Com. Chandeshwar Singh, Chairman AUAB and G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu convener AUAB and G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Ravisheel Verma, G.S. AIGETOA, Com. Suresh Kumar, G.S. BSNLMS and Com. Prahalad Rai, G.S. AIBSNLEA attended and addressed the meeting and explained the issues of demand for which the workers are going to participate in the indefinite strike from 3rd December, 2018. The leaders exhorted in detail the steps taken by AUAB and they told that when even after nine months, the DOT did not moved to fulfill the assurances given by our Hon’ble Minister Shri Manoj Sinha Jee on 24th February, 2018. Then there was no option left except to hit hard to defeat the anti workers and anti BSNL policy of the Govt and the beaurocrates sitting in DOT. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. Surjeet Singh.
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29-11-2018 : The Circle conference of NFTE (BSNL) Corporate office took place today under the Presidentship of Com. M.P. Singh at TRC Kidwai Bhawan, New Delhi. President Vice President, Secy (Com. Rajpal) and Treasurer attended, Com. Islam explained the strike issues in detail and said indefinite strike will begin from 3rd December, 2018. Comrades M.P. Singh, H.N. Sharma and Dharmpal Mallik have been elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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28-11-2018 : Lunch hour demonstration at Corporate office:- AUAB leaders conducted lunch hour demonstration at Corporate office today. A well number of executives and non-executives assembled (i.e. 28-11-2018) in front of Corporate office and raised spirtited slogans against the indifferent attitude of DOT and MOC, who failed to address the demands raised by AUAB. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE Chairman AUAB, Com. Prahalad Rai, G.S. AIBSNLEA, Com. Suresh Kumar G.S. BSNLMS and Com. Ravisheel Verma G.S. AIGETOA addressed the gathering on the status of our demands. The leaders appealed all to make indefinite strike a big success which begins from 03-12-2018. Com. Islam Ahmad, President, Com. Rajamouli, Com. H.N. Sharma C.S. C.O, Com. M.P. Singh, President C.O. and Comrades from Corporate office participated in the demonstration. Com. Shiv Kumar President, AIBSNLEA and Com. H.P. Singh, Dy. G.S. BSNLOA were also present in the programme. Com. R.S. Chauhan, C.S. BSNLEU conveyed thanks to all for making the demonstration a success.
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28-11-2018 : AUAB convention at Lucknow on 27-11-2018:- A well organized convention held under the Chairmanship of Com. Sanjay Duby Circle Secretary of NFTE and Chairman AUAB. The local leaders of AUAB attended and addressed the meeting as Com. R.K. Mishra convener and C.S. BSNLEU, Com. R.K. Gupta, C.S. TEPU, Com. A.K. Mishra SNEA, Com. Verma AIBSNLEA, Com. Sanjay Duby BSNLMS. Central leaders of AUAB Com. Chandeshwar Singh, Chairman, G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu convener, G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Ajay Singh, National President BSNLMS and Com. Shiv Kumar National President AIBSNLEA. The central leaders explained all the five demands of AUAB and exhorted the anti BSNL and anti workers policy of Govt in Centre.
They added that the strike is inevitable as no initiative is being taken by the Govt to satisfy the agitating workers.
More than 500 workers including woman employees were present in the meeting and all shouted slogans to join indefinite strike w.e.f. 03-12-2018.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Sanjay Duby, Chairman AUAB, UP (East).
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28-11-2018 : Avoidance of damage/cable cut/cable theft of optical Fiber Cables/Copper Cable. Letter No.-7-8/2017(PHM)/Part-I, dt-27-11-2018.
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28-11-2018 : Sanction of final circles sports grant to 17 Circles. Letter No.-29-1/2018-BSNL(Sports), dt-27-11-2018.
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28-11-2018 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Steno Grade D to the grade of PA (Personal Assistant) in BSNL corporate office. F. No.-58-1/2018-Rectt, dt-26-11-2018.
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28-11-2018 : An inspired strike preparatory meeting at Jaipur on 27-11-2018:- AUAB of Rajasthan circle organized indefinite strike preparatory meeting on 27-11-2018 in the premises of PGMTD office Jaipur under the Chairmanship of Com. R.G. Dixit, C.S. NFTE. More than 500 executives and non-executives participated in the meeting. Com. Ashok Parik Convener welcomed all the CHQ leaders and explained the importance of the meeting at this juncture. Com. Prahlad Rai, G.S. AIBSNLEA, Com. Suresh Kumar, G.S. BSNLMS, Com. H.P. Singh, Dy. G.S. BSNL OA, Com. Rajamouli, Financial Secretary, NFTE, Com. Swapan Chakraborthy, Dy. G.S. BSNLEU, Com. R.R. Sharma Circle President SNEA, Com. Ajit Kumar, Circle Advisor AIGETOA, and Com. Rashid Khan AGS TEPU addressed the gathering on strike demands 3rd PRC/wage revision, allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL, pension revision, pension contribution on actual basic and left out issues of 2nd PRC. And also appealed to make the indefinite strike from 03-12-2018 a big success to achieve our genuine/assured demands. All the participants in the meeting assured that 100% strike will take place in the circle from 03-12-2018. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. R.G. Dixit, Chairman AUAB of Rajasthan Circle.
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27-11-2018 : AUAB convention at Shimla (H.P.) on 26-11-2018 :- Com. Nand Lal Sharma C.S. NFTE & Chairman AUAB H.P was in chair. All the Circle representatives of AUAB were present in the meeting. Com. Mohinder Singh and Com. Vinay Raina both Vice President of NFTE CHQ and Com. Balbir Singh, President BSNLEU attended and addressed the meeting on behalf of central AUAB. The central leaders explained all the five demands for which indefinite strike has been called w.e.f. 3rd December, 2018 and exhorted the anti BSNL policy of the Govt. in centre. The appealed to the workers to participate the strike in mass to defeat the anti workers anti BSNL policy of the Govt and to achieve our all the five demands of workers. The workers shouted slogans and pledged to participate in strike by raising both hands. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. R.D. Sharma President, SNEA and Com. Chandra Negi, Circle Secretary, AIGETOA.
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26-11-2018 : AUAB Meeting at Ahmadabad. An excellent strike mobilization meeting arranged by AUAB in Gujarat Circle at Ahmadabad today (i.e. 26/11/2018):-
A huge gathering of employees from all part of Gujarat including women employees participated in the meeting. N.J. Bhatia, Chairman Circle AUAB and Com. D.K. Bakotra, Convener AUAB welcomed and honored the Central Leaders of AUAB.
The meeting was chaired & addressed by Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secretary CHQ & Circle Secretary NFTE Gujarat. Other speakers from the Circle were Com. D.K. Bakotra, CS BSNLEU, Com. J.K. Patel, CS AIBSNLEA, Com. Mathew, CS AIGETOA,, Com. P.K. Rathod, CS BMS, Com. B.S. Khandvelkar, CS ATM & Com. M.S. Vora, TEPU have addressed the gathering. Com. B.K. Prajapti, Dist. Secretary, Circle Office, SNEA attended the meeting on behalf of CS SNEA. All the speakers deliberated the necessity of the strike and requested to participate the strike on 3rd December, 2018. All the speakers assured that the strike will be 100% in Gujarat.
From central AUAB Com. P. Abhimanyu, Convener & G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, Chairman AUAB, & GS NFTE, Com. Prahlad Rai, Member AUAB & GS AIBSNLEA & Com. Suresh Kumar, Member AUAB & GS BMS & Com. M.K. Dave, AGS BSNLEU attended & addressed the meeting. The leaders explained about the demands by AUAB and they declared that if the demands are not settled the indefinite strike is inevitable and it will continue till the settlement of all the five demands. All the central leaders appealed the employees of Gujarat to participate in the strike without any fear and make the strike 100% in Gujarat.
More than 450 workers throughout Gujarat participated in the meeting. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks to the participants by Com. N.J. Bhatia. Much enthusiasm observed from the gathering who shouted slogans in favor of unity and indefinite strike.
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26-11-2018 : Limited Internal Competitive examination (LICE) for promotion of internal candidates…Regarding providing computer based online examination training to Group C & D. Letter No.- 79-2/2016-Rectt, dt-26-11-2018.
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26-11-2018 : Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL employees. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 (Pt), dt-22-11-2018.
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26-11-2018 : Why indefinite strike:-
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26-11-2018 : AUAB Meeting at Bhopal. A grand preparatory meeting arranged by AUAB Madhya Pradesh circle in Bhopal on 24/11/2018, in a grand manner.
A huge gathering of workers including women employees participated in the meeting. Com. Habib Khan. Chairman and Com. Prakash Sharma, Convenor of AUAB welcomed and honoured the Central Leaders.
The meeting attended and addressed by Com. K.S. Thakur, Organising Secretary, CHQ NFTE. Com. Thakur addressed the meeting on behalf of NFTE Circle Union. Other speakers, Com. Dutta Majumdar, C.S. SNEA, Com. Pravej Khan C.S. AIBSNLEA and Com. Devendra Saini, C.S. AIGETOA addressed the meeting.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh Chairman, G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu, Convenor, G.S. BSNLEU of AUAB addressed and explained about the demands given in the notice by AUAB and they declared that if the demands are not settled, the indefinite strike is inevitable. It will continue till the settlement of all the five demands.
More than 500 workers have participated in the meeting. The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks to the participants by Com. Prakash Sharma.
Workers shouted slogans in favour of unity and indefinite strike.
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24-11-2018 : CHQ extends congratulations to all members and well wishers on the 64th foundation day of NFPTE. On this day in the year 1954 the mighty orgnisation was founded. On this occasion we remember the contribution of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, who fought for the working class till his last moment of life.
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24-11-2018 : A massive meeting organised today at Ambala (Haryana circle) in front gate of GMTD office. More than 200 executives and non- executives reached at the gate in intime. The meeting addressed by Com. S.P. Malhan Secy.CHQ NFTE BSNL, Com. Balbir Singh President BSNLEU CHQ, Com. Shiv Kumar President, AIBSNLEA CHQ, Com. Tiwari vice president AIGETOA CHQ, and Com. Surinder Singh Sindhu Circle Secy, SNEA. Com. Kiranpal, President NFTE, Com.Gurdeep Singh AIBSNLEA and Com. Jairnel Singh ACS SNEA worked hard for success of the meeting in very short notice. Com. Malkiyat Singh, D.S. NFTE Ambala, Com. Com M. S. Kadiyan, Circle Secy, BSNLEU, Com Darbara Singh Circle Secy, AIBSNLEA and Com. Tejbir Punia, Astt. Circle Secy, NFTE (BSNL) also attended the meeting. All the Circle and Distt. representatives of AUAB Haryana circle ensured to make the 3rd December Indefinite strike 100% in the circle.
At the end Com. Malhan wished a big success of indefinite strike in the circle from 03-12-2018.
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24-11-2018 : Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer – reg. Letter No.-28-6/2017-SCT (Part-I)/1041, dt-20-11-2018.
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24-11-2018 : Restructuring and re-distribution of Hindi Cadre Posts in BSNL – regarding. Letter No.-E-11022/1/2007-Rajbhasha, dt-19-11-2018.
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22-11-2018 : Specimen Poster of AUAB for Indefinite Strike w.e.f. 03-12-2018:- Circle Secretaries/District Secretaries are requested to download it and arrange printing and pasting it at every BSNL offices/exchanges under your jurisdiction.
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22-11-2018 : The Director (HR) and the CMD BSNL called the Leaders of AUAB at 15.30 hrs and 17.00 hrs respectively. The AUAB submitted the explanatory notes on the issues of indefinite strike. The staff side submitted that the strike will take place as per schedule if demands are not settled before 03-12-2018.
22-11-2018 : Submitting explanatory note on the charter of demands for the indefinite strike from 03-12-2018 – reg. Letter No.-UA/2018/46, dt-22-11-2018.
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22-11-2018 : Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S. NFTE (BSNL) addressed a gathering of pensioners who were sitting on hunger strike at Bangalore under the Banner of All India BSNL Pensioners Welfare Association today.
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22-11-2018 : Implementation of voluntary Group Term Insurance Scheme for the BSNL Executives – Calling of options regarding. Letter No.-8-1/2017-Restg(Pt), dt-14-11-2018.
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22-11-2018 : Meeting with Director (HR):- President and General Secretary met the Director (HR) and raised the following issues:-
(1) Flood advance to staff in Tamilandu circle union pointed out some districts are badly affected due to flood. The staff affected be paid flood advance. Shri readily agreed to this.
(2) Restrictions in grant of leave to staff proceeding to abroad in Gujrat. The representation was handed over and she readily agreed to speak to CGM, Gujrat.
22-11-2018 : Informal meeting with GM(Rectt):- President and Circle Secretary Corporate office met GM (Rectt) today and raised the following issues:-
(1) Notification of TT(TM) LICE – GM (Rectt) agreed to issue orders at the earliest.
(2) JTO LICE – The syllabus is of diploma standard and the questions should be same standard . She agreed to this.
(3) Review of ST Candidates result of LICE JE – Committee has been formed at Corporate office to review the result.
(4) LICE JE case of Comrade Vizo of NE-2 Circle – representation has been handed over and she agreed to get it considered.
22-11-2018 : Payment of financial assistance to employees effected in Gaja Cyclone in Tamilnadu Circle. Letter to CMD, TF16/9(a), dt-22-11-2018.
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22-11-2018 : Payment of financial assistance/advance to the employees of BSNL in Gaja Cyclone effected area in Tamilnadu Circle. Letter to Director (HR) & (F)-16/9(a), dt-22-11-2018.
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22-11-2018 : Term Group Insurance Scheme:-
The BSNL HQR vide letter No.-8-1/2017-Restg(Pt), dt—14-11-2018 has issued orders for implementation of voluntary Group insurance scheme in respect of Executive staff. The union has taken up the matter for similar treatment in respect of D/R staff of BSNL who have no social security. It has been persued ceaselessly informally and through representations. Finally it was discussed in the National council meeting on 20-11-2018 under item 12 and it has been decided to implement the said scheme for willing non-executive employees and the process will be completed by March, 2019.
22-11-2018 : Preserve and uphold rich traditions of NFPTE:- The NFPTE formed on 24th November, 1954 played glorious and ever remembering role for the prosperity and well beings of central Govt. employees in general and Post and Telegraph workers in particular. The great organization organized strikes in 1960 and 1968 for pay revision and need based minimum wage respectively. Sequel to bifurcation of P & T Department into P&T the NFTE came into existence. The organization took rebirth as NFTE (BSNL) after conversion of Telecom Services into BSNL. The NFTE and NFTE (BSNL) ensured Govt Pension and Job Security to employees. Absorbed in the BSNL. This has been revolutionary achievement as there is no other PSU where Govt Pension is available. The symbol, nine hands, of NFTE (BSNL) is derived from NFTE as nine unions were compulsorily affiliated. Let us remember the mighty orgnisation on 24th November and pledge to face the present challenges and onslaughts being thrust by the Govt with courage, wisdom and firm determination.
22-11-2018 : Foreign Trips – restrictions regarding in Gujrat Circle. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-20-11-2018.
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20-11-2018 : The daughter of Com. H.R. Tiwari, Vice President CHQ has breathed her last today. NFTE CHQ extend a very deep condolence.
20-11-2018 : Brief of NC meeting held on 20th November, 2018:-
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20-11-2018 : Decisions taken in the 12th Meeting of BSNL staff welfare Board. Letter No.-12/1/2017-BSNL(WL), dt-19-11-2018.
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20-11-2018 :
Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) under 50% quota notified on 30-10-2018 ---Notification issued on 30-10-2018. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-15-11-2018.
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19-11-2018 : President, General Secretary and Com. N.J. Bhatia, Secretary CHQ met with GM(Pers) today and discussed the issue of creation of Post of Astt. Manager at Circle and SSA level. The GM reciprocated and replied that committee has been constituted for study of the issue and report. When staff side reacted that within three months no progress has been seen. The G.M. told that the committee will be directed to complete the task in next one month.
The leaders met to GM (SR) also and reminded to resolve the pending HR issues.
17-11-2018 : General Secretary attended and addressed an orgnisational meeting at Adilabad (Telangana Circle) today on 17th November, 2018:- meeting was large attended by workers of All unions and associations. Good number of officers were present meeting. Attendance ladies workers also in good numbers. G.S. in his speech exhorted the issues on strike demands and focused upon the indefinite strike under the banner of AUAB schedule from 3rd December, 2018. Com. A. Rajamouli spoke in Telugu and explained all the issue in very effective way. Workers supported the strike by raising hands and shouting slogans. Com. Jain and Com. Muthu, D.S. Hyderabad, Com. Venktesh, Asst. Circle Secretary, Telangana were also present in the meeting. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by District Secretary Adilabad.
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17-11-2018 : 5th Circle Working committee of Telangana at Nizamabad on 16.11.2018:- The CWC held under the presidium of Com. Raja Ratnam, Com. N.K.Jain, Com. Panchakshari, Com. Buchi Reddy and Com.Sadiq Miya. Circle Secretary, Com. A.Rajamouli, Telangana hosted National Flag, Com. C.Singh, General Secretary, All India hosted NFTE Flag, at CSC near Busstand, Nizamabad. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary is Chief Guest to the meeting. Com. V.K..Muthu, Permanent invite attended from CHQ. The CWC held in Mudhiraj Bhavan in a grand manner. Com. Mastan Vali District Secretary, Com.Venkat Goud District President, Com K.C.Reddy reception committee chairmen, Com.Srinivas Reddy, Vice Chairmen, reception committee and all active comrades of Nizamabad, took lot of pain for conducting the meeting. Except Two district secretaries all attended the meeting. Com. C.Singh, G.S. inaugurated the subject committee and explained 3rd PRC status at all India level. The DOT management have issued a letter on 06.11.2018, which is against to the discussions held with secretary DOT on 02.11.2018 with AUAB Leaders. So, AUAB decided to go on indefinite strike from 03.12.2018 in the country. And he appealed all to make it success. Sri. Kalyan, General Manager, and Sri. Mustafa Mohiuddin DGM ( Tech ), attended the meeting along with other officials. They also expressed that our foremost duty is to save BSNL. Com. V.K.Muthu, Permanent Invite address the meeting on organization. All district secretaries have spoken on agenda point particularly on medical policy. Circle secretary have given all details of 3rd PRC status after 14.11.2018. He also have given development on transfer issue of Warangal SSA. The reception committee honored General Secretary, Circle secretary, permanent invite, District secretaries and Circle office bearers with shawl bocke and bag. All have appreciated the reception committee district secretary, District president for making good arrangement for success of CWC. The meeting ended with vote of thanks Com. Rajanna.
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16-11-2018 : Strike notice served to CMD BSNL by the leaders of AUAB today – Photo view.
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16-11-2018 : Notice for indefinite strike from 03-12-2018 – reg. Letter No.-UA/2018/44, dt-15-11-2018.
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16-11-2018 : All Unions and Associations of BSNL Karnataka Circle Bangalore all the Circle Secretaries, BGTD District Secretaries/Circle Office and active Leader's met Hon’ble Minister of State of Communications (IC) Shri Manoj Sinha Ji and submitted memorandum of demands on behalf of AUAB Karnataka Circle Bangalore. Leader's apprised the Minister and expressed their anguish regarding delay in implementation of 3rd PRC (wage revision wedding 01.01.2017). Honrabl Minister expressed that regarding wage revision I am fully aware and I am thinking of implementation of revival plan of BSNL and it's takes approximately one month time, referring pension contribution on actual pay, allotment of 4G spectrum DOT already decided to do the needful other issues nothing has been decided. He visited to Bangalore on the occasion of Security Assurance Facility, Mandatory Testing and certification of Telecom Equipment portal and Saral Sanchar protal on 15th November 2018 at City Telephone Exchange Sampangi Ramanagara Bangalore DOT Secretary Smt. Aruba Sundram also present in the inaugural function.
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15-11-2018 : Extension of Payment of Gratuity to Casual Labourers working in BSNL. File No.-11-3/2014-LE(i), dt-14-11-2018.
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14-11-2018 : Indefinite Strike from 3rd December, 2018:- In a meeting held under the Chairmanship of Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE, decided to call upon all the executive and non-executive employees of BSNL to strike of the work totally w.e.f. 03-12-2018 and Boycott the work of Govt. project being executed by BSNL employees.
14-11-2018 : AUAB circular based on meeting held on 14-11-2018 at 10.30 am in NFTE union office. Letter No.-UA/2018/43, dt-14-11-2018.
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14-11-2018 : CHQ receives continuously the news and photos related to success of rally throughout the country and extends its heartiest thanks to all the workers who fought today under the banner of AUAB today.
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14-11-2018 : Memorandum to PS to Minister of communication today after Rally a delegation of the leaders of AUAB met to Shri Saket Kumar, IAS PS to Hon’ble Minister of Communication and handed over a memorandum on behalf of entire employees of BSNL. The leaders also explained each issue of demand and requested to submitted to Hon’ble Minister of communication. Shri Saket Kumar ji reciprocated positively and assured to convey the feelings of the workers to the Hon’ble Minister.
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14-11-2018 : A massive and Powerful Rally at New Delhi:- All the union and Association played a very active role to make the rally a historic one. The rally was started from Eastern Court and marched towards Parliament Street. The march was resisted by closing the road with barricade. A meeting was conducted there under the Chairmanship of Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE & Chairman AUAB. Com. Singh in his initial speech explained the situation of 3rd PRC and other demand of AUAB. Com. P. Abhimanyu, G.S. BSNLEU and convenor of AUAB in his speech exhorted and explained the decision taken by AUAB in its meeting held at 10.30 today in NFTE union office. He added that it has been decided to go on indefinite strike w.e.f. 3rd December, 2018 for which preparation and motivation of workers must be started from today. NFTE participated in rally with a large number of workers from Punjab, UP(West), Haryana and Rajasthan circle, Com. H.N. Sharma, C.S. Corporate office, New Delhi. Haryana circle was lead by Com. S.P. Malhan, Secretary CHQ. HQR extends its heartiest thanks to Com. Sompal Saini, C.S. UP(West), Com. Surjeet Singh C.S. Punjab, Com. R.G. Dixit C.S. Rajasthan and Com. Malhan Secretary CHQ for their active participation in rally.
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13-11-2018 : Guidelines for forwarding of applications of BSNL employees for outside direct employment ---regarding. Letter No.-250-20/2014-Estt-III, dt-12-11-2018.
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13-11-2018 : Request for declaration of additional result from waiting list against vacancy for DRJAO 2017 quota reg…U.O. No.-10-1/2017-Rectt, dt-09-11-2018.
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12-11-2018 : Holding of rallies by BSNL employees, demanding implementation of the assurances given by the Hon’ble MoS (C)- reg. Letter No.-UA/2017/41(i), dt-12-11-2018.
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10-11-2018 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of internal candidates ---Regarding providing computer based online examination training to Group C & D aspiring candidates thereof. Letter No.-79-2/2016-Rectt, dt-09-11-2018.
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10-11-2018 : Examination/Recruitment Calendar of BSNL (2018-19), Letter No.-78-1/2016-Rectt, dt-09-11-2018.
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09-11-2018 : Issue of Presidential order to left out staff opted for absorption in BSNL:- The issue is under continues persuasion from CHQ, but due to no positive response and feedback from Circles issue is pending abnormally. Due to series of festival in north India no high level officers concern with the issues are available in Corporate office G.S. discussed with DGM (Est) and it was reported that the GM (HR) of concern circles are being called in last week of this month with all relevant documents for screening and check-up, so that the issue may be settled at Corporate office itself without further delay. Let us hope for better. Most sufferings are with retired employees, who did not get even a single penny after their retirement due to non-issuance of POs to them. They have opted in proper time but due to negligence and lapse at the part of circle management the issue is still unsettled and the poor employees and their family members are suffering.
The leaders at circle level are requested to kindly pursue the issue at circle level and ensure to send feedback in proper manner as asked for by the corporate office.
08-11-2018 : 37th National Council meeting is fixed on 20th November, 2018. The staff side meeting will take place on 19-11-2018. F. No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2017 pt, dt-08-11-2018.
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06-11-2018 : NFTE – BSNL wishes a happy and prosperous Deepawali to one and all.
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06-11-2018 : All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to organise powerful Rallies on 14-11-2018 at all levels with co-operation of all unions/associations. For this purpose, kindly ensure the police permission with route map. At the end of rallies, submit a memorandum to respective CGM’s/PGM’s/GM’s.
06-11-2018 : Meeting with CMD:- President, G.S. and Secy HQR, Com. Rajpal met the CMD on 5th instant and held discussions on the following problems.
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05-11-2018 : Funds relating to GPF and Pension contributions released for deposit in CCAs today.
05-11-2018 : Creation of Multi-Tasking staff in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-15/83, dt-05-11-2018. Letter No. TF-15/83, dt-05-11-2018.
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05-11-2018 : Opening of CSCs on Holidays/Sundays – reg. Letter No.-TF-19/1, dt-05-11-2018.
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05-11-2018 : Non-deposit of GPF contributions etc in CCA – Case of Gujrat and other Circles. Letter No.-TF-11/11, dt-05-11-2018.
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05-11-2018 : Holding of LICEs to the Cadres of Telecom Technicians and Junior Engineer (T) – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-02-11-2018.
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05-11-2018 : Denial of regularisation of “Reserved Trained Pool staff” against vacancies – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-02-11-2018.
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03-11-2018 : Meeting between the Secretary, Telecom and the AUAB on 02-11-2018 – Circular.
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02-11-2018 : Our Heritage – “The great Citadel of transformative years”. Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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01-11-2018 : Grand Farewell:-
Smt. Usha Gupta, Assistant Circle Secretary of NFTE NTR was accorded a grand retirement farewell today. Hundreds of employees participated. CHQ leader President, Dy. G.S. and Treasurer attended and addressed the large gathering. Com. Rajpal, Circle Secy and Secy, HQR conducted the function. Com. A.P. Tripathi Presided the meeting.
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01-11-2018 : Informal meeting with GM(Finance and Banking):- President and Dy. G.S. met the GM(F and B) and apprised him about non-payment of GPF in Gujrat as Circle office has not deposited the realised contributions with the CCA. He promised to act shortly. The action of circle administration withholding the contribution is unfortunate and due notice be taken.
01-11-2018 : Director (CFA):-
Shri Vivek Bangzal has joined BSNL as Director (CFA). President and Dy. G.S. met him today and wished him good inning in the PSU.
01-11-2018 : Enhancement of contribution for superannuation benefit for directly recruited BSNL employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), dt-29-10-2018.
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01-11-2018 : Introduction of “Term Group Scheme” in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-16/3(b), dt-29-10-2018.
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31-10-2018 : Meeting with representatives of All Unions & Associations of BSNL (AUAB) on 02-11-2018. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2018 (pt), dt-30-10-2018.
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31-10-2018 : Day long “Dharna” programme successfully organised at different places in the country on the call of AUAB on 24-10-2018. NFTE CHQ congratulates one and all – View of Photos.
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31-10-2018 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) under 50% quota for VY 2016-17 & 2017-18 for vacancies upto 31-03-2018. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-30-10-2018.
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31-10-2018 : Day long Dharna Programme was organised in the country at all levels successfully. NFTE BSNL conveys revolutionary greetings to all. We request you all keep the Temp alive, till settlement of our genuine demands. And we have to take a pledge to Save BSNL at any cost.
31-10-2018 : Dharna at Corporate office (Eastern Court) New Delhi on 30-10-2018:- A successful Dharna held at Corporate office on 30-10-2018. Com. C. Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. Swapan Chakrabarty Dy. G.S. BSNL EU, Com. Prahalad Rai, G.S. AIBSNL EA, Com. G.L. Jogi patron SENA (I), Com. Ravisheel, G.S. AIGETOA, Com. H.P. Singh, Dy. G.S. BSNLOA and Com. Kishan Singh, G.S. all India retired BSNL executive association addressed the gathering with one voice. They all said the assurances given by Hon’ble Minister Shri Manoj Sinha Ji on 24-02-2018 to AUAB were not resolved even after 8 months. They expressed their dissatisfaction in this context. They said if the issues were not settled early, then there is no option except to go on indefinite strike. The Comrades of NTR, Corporate office, Eastern Court building, Haryana and Meerut were well present from morning 10.30 hrs. Com. Islam Ahmad, President, Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S, Com. Rajpal Secretary, CHQ, Com. H.N. Sharma, C.S. C.O, Com. Naresh Kumar, V.P. CHQ, Com. M.P. Singh, President C.O. and A. Rajamouli attended Dharna programme from NFTE BSNL.
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30-10-2018 : Wage revision of casual labourers on CDA pattern – reg. Letter No.-TF-31/1, dt-30-10-2018.
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30-10-2018 : Clarification regarding preparation of Circle Gradation List/All India Eligibility List in the Cadre of JTO(T)-reg. Letter No.-5-6/2014-Estt-IV/4, dt-29-10-2028.
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30-10-2018 : Dharna programme started at Corporate office (Eastern Court) at 10.30 hours, New Delhi.
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30-10-2018 : Hangama Services – reg. Letter No.-TF-19/3, dt-22-10-2018.
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29-10-2018 : Comrades, No change in the scheduled “Dharna” programme tomorrow. i.e. 30-10-2018. Kindly organise “Dharna” programme a big success on 30-10-2018 at all levels successfully.
29-10-2018 : On the Call of AUAB, press conferences were conducted at different places in the country. NFTE CHQ congratulates one and all – view of photos.
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29-10-2018 : Adhoc payment of PLI – reg. Letter No.-TF-7/1, dt-29-10-2018.
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29-10-2018 : Settlement of claims (Medical Indoor/Outdoor, TA/DA etc) of staff – reg. Letter No.-TF-32/6, dt-29-10-2018.
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29-10-2018 : Third Pay Revision of non-executive employees – delay reg. Letter No.-TF-9/8/PRC, dt-29-10-2018.
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29-10-2018 : Endorsement of appeal issued vide No. BSNL/7-1/SR/2018(pt), dt-28-10-2018 against Agitational Programme by All unions & Associations of BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2018 (pt), dt-29-10-2018.
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27-10-2018 : GM (SR) Shri A.M. Gupta addressed the house (NEC) on 25th October:-
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27-10-2018 : NEC - Brief Resume of open session:-
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27-10-2018 : Resolutions adopted in NEC meeting held at Haridawar from 24-10-2018 to 25-10-2018.
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27-10-2018 : AUAB have given a call for agitational programme from 29-10-2018. All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to conduct the programme successfully with co-operation of all unions/associations at all levels. (1) Press meet on 29-10-2018. (2) Day long Dharna on 30-10-2018. (3) Rallies at SSA/Circle level to submit memorandum to GMs/CGMs.
26-10-2018 : On the call of General Secretary, the following circles have send donations to Kerala flood relief . We request other circles to send donations to help people, who have not send earlier. (1) Rajasthan – Rs. 11,000.00/- (2) T/F Bombay - Rs. 5,000.00/- (3) Punjab – Rs. 50,000.00/-
(4) M.P. – Rs. 26,300/- (5) Orissa – 5000/- (6) Chennai Telephones – Rs. 1,05,000/- (7) Assam – Rs. 7000/-.
26-10-2018 : Communication by Unions/Associations with DOT. Letter No.-BSNL/39-4/SR/2018, dt-15-10-2018.
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25-10-2018 : Second Day of National Executive Committee meeting started at 09.15 hour. Circle Secretaries have participated in the debate on the agenda issues (3rd PRC, PLI, New promotion policy etc.).
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24-10-2018 : National Executive Committee Meeting started today at Hardawar (Radha Krishna Dham) under the Presidentship of Com. Islam Ahmad, All India President after flag hoisting ceremony. The National flag hoisted by Com. Islam Ahmad, All India President, NFTE Flag hoisted by Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary. The subject committee started with opening remarks by Com. Islam Ahmad. Com. C. Singh, G.S. have given all details on notified agenda, Com. Subburaman, G.S. TEPU inaugurated the subject committee and appreciated the role of NFTE in wage negotiations.
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24-10-2018 : Request for declaration of additional result from waiting list against vacancy for DR JAO 2017 – Regarding. Letter No.-4-20/2017-SEA BSNL, dt-22-10-2018.
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23-10-2018 : Payment of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No.-26-9-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE, dated 01-01-2010. File No.-11-1/2017-LE, dt-22-10-2018.
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22-10-2018 : Laying of foundation stone for construction of union building at Eluru (A.P.Circle) on 20-10-2018:- The foundation stone laid by Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. at 04.46 am on 20-10-2018 after completion of vastu pooja performed by Com. Chandra Shekar Rao and his family. Com. K.Venketeshwar Rao Distt.Secretary have taken all pains to do the work in the early hours alongwith Com. G. Pandu Ranga Rao ACS, Com. MSN ADS, Com. Bhogesh, Com. P. Rama Krishna, B.S, Com. M.V. Ramana, D.S. SEWA, Com. N.V. Subramanyeshwar Rao, Permanent invite CHQ, Com. Purna Chander Rao, D.S. Guntur, Shri Hariprasad AGM(A) and Com. A. Rajamouli CHQ, Treasurer. More than twenty active Comrades including women employees were present on the occasion. At about 7.00 am the GM Eluru came to the spot and performed Puja at the sight. After words, District Executive body meeting took place under the Presidentship Com. Ramesh. Com. K. Venketeshwar Rao D.S. Eluru narrated the back ground history of construction of union building. He thanked one and all for participating in the function and urged the co-operation of all to complete the noble task. Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S., Com. Rajamouli, Treasurer, Com. T.V. Ramanamurthy Secretary CHQ, Com. Chandra Shekar Rao, C.S. A.P. and Com. Purna Chander Rao, D.S. Guntur addressed the meeting on current issues. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.K.V.
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18-10-2018 : HAPPY DUSSEHRA:-
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17-10-2018 : It is learnt that TF Kharagpur has bèen blown up by Titli on 12th October'2018. One member of NFTE union. Named Rutha kishku, has been seriously injured and hospitalised. We convey our regards for speedy recovery.
17-10-2018 : Non-implementation of the assurances given by the Hon’ble MoS(C) – Issuing notice for agitational programme – reg. Letter No.-UA/2018/38, dt-16-10-2018.
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16-10-2018 : Clarification on dependency of Parents of BSNL employees under BSNLMRS. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-8/14, dt-12-10-2018.
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15-10-2018 : “Active Festival Season” campaign by BSNL employees. Letter No.-27-24/2015/S&M-CM/58, dt-11-10-2018,
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13-10-2018 : Supply of data on age profile of BSNL employees on monthly basis.
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13-10-2018 : Payment of pending medical bills:- Shri Y.N. Singh, GM(F & Banking) reciprocated and replied to G.S. and Dy. G.S. NFTE on 12-10-2018 that the funds will be transferred alongwith salary payment for the month of October, 2018. Circle Secretaries are requested to keep close watch for proper demand of funds by Circle management from corporate office, so that all pending Medical claims may be paid to the staff.
11-10-2018 : Data of candidates who got minimum qualifying marks in JAO Part-II LICE against 40% quota but not promoted due to not coming in the merit – reg. Letter No.-4-19/2007-SEA, dt-10-10-2018.
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10-10-2018 : 7th meeting of Joint Wage Revision Committee:- The 7th meeting of joint wage revision committee took place on 9th instant under the Chairmanship of Shri H.C. Pant. All the members of staff and management side were present.
After prolonged discussions the staff side agreed to the pay scales proposal. Thereafter, issue of perks viz HRA etc was taken up. The management side proposed freezing of HRA and other allowances in the analogy of executives. The staff side rejected the proposal and firmly told that the HRA is not negotiable and cannot agree for its stoppage. The management side will discuss the matter with the top management and thereafter with the unions. The HRA must be revised with the revision of pay scales.
10-10-2018 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates – regarding. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-09-10-2018.
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10-10-2018 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates – regarding. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XXIV/18, dt-03-10-2018.
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10-10-2018 : Constitution of National Council – Addition to the list of staff side members – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-8/SR/2013, dt-10-10-2018.
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10-10-2018 : Grant of Special Casual Leave to the National Executive Members of NFTE – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018/pt, dt-09-10-2018.
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09-10-2018 : The AUAB resumes agitational programme - calls upon the employees to get ready for strike:-
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09-10-2018 : Meeting with CMD:- President and General Secretary met the CMD today and apprised him the concerns of employees about the functioning of BSNL. Union pressed for following.
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09-10-2018 : Informal meeting with Sr. GM(Est):- President and General Secretary held informal meeting today with the Sr. GM(Est) and the following problems were discussed.
(1) Multi skilling staff:- The Sr. GM(Est) replied that information have been collected and work is in progress on the issue.
(2) POs of TSMs:- The Circles are yet to respond relating to detailed inputs from Bihar, East (UP) Circles. Orders will be issued to the Circles to depute the GMs (HR) to come to Corporate office alongwith necessary information for issuance of Pos.
(3) 15% promotion to JE Cadre on seniority basis:- The Sr. GM(Est) told the difficulty in it as amendment in R/R will be needed. Some other method will be examined.
09-10-2018 : ‘2G scam in NE, Rs. 11 lakh towers to cost Rs. 80 lakh. (Source, Times of India, dt-09-10-2018).
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08-10-2018 : 5th Circle Conference of Haryana:-
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08-10-2018 : Reply from Corporate office to General Secretary NFTE BSNL regarding Haryana Services provided in M.H. Circle. Letter No.-14-7/2018-BBVAS (Vol.II), dt-28-09-2018.
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06-10-2018 : Beware of rumour mongers:- Comrade, Don’t believe Rumours/Whatsapp messages upon 3rd wage revision. To know the facts in respect of 3rd wage revision developments, kindly contact CHQ.
06-10-2018 : AUAB meeting in NFTE office on 08-10-2018 at 15.30 hours:-The AUAB leaders will meet in NFTE office to discuss the pending issues such as wage revision, pension revision, payment of pension on actual basic, allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL and superannuation benefits of DR employees.
06-10-2018 : Meeting with CMD BSNL:- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE, Com. Abhimanyu, G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Swapan Chakrabarty, Dy. G.S. BSNLEU and Com. K.S. Sheshadari, Dy. G.S, NFTE met CMD BSNL on 05-10-2018 to discuss the pending crucial issues. The leaders have brought the notice of CMD BSNL that there is inordinate delay in seeking relaxation from affordability clause, settlement of 3rd wage revision of the non-executives and handing over the Kerala flood relief amount to Chief Minister Kerala.
06-10-2018 : Time to Draft New Promotion Policy. Editorial, (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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05-10-2018 : Message from Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL. D.O. No.-1/OSD to CMD/Ojas/2018, dt-04-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : Eligibility of Candidates possessing higher qualification to appear in JE LICE – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-05-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : Telecom Services in BSNL vis-à-vis financial viability of the PSU – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-05-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : LICE for promotion to JE Cadre under 50/- quota for year 2016 – relaxation reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-05-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : Corporate office letter to all CGM’s for furnishing break up of vacancies, for holding of online LICE for JEs (TTA) under 50% quota for recruiting year 2017 and vacancies up to 31-03-2018, latest by 08-10-2018. Letter No.-7-11/2018-Rectt, dt-04-10-2018
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05-10-2018 : Corporate office letter to all CGM’s for furnishing full details of part time casual labourers, full time Casual Labourers/Temporary status mazdoors latest by 15-10-2018. File No.-16-1/2018-LE, dt-04-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : DPE orders on IDA increase w.e.f . 01.10.2018. Letter No.-W-02//2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XXIV/18, dt-03-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : Next meeting of the joint committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL – regarding. F. No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-03-10-2018.
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05-10-2018 : Corporate office letter on contribution under Superannuation Pension Scheme for directly recruited employees who are on deputation in other organization/department. F. No.-1-07/2017-PAT(BSNL), dt-04-10-2018.
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04-10-2018 : According to reliable sources the BSNL Board has approved the following HR proposals.
(1) Gratuity for casual labourers.
(2) Compensate wage loss to the non-executive employees, entered in BSNL on or after 01-01-2007, other than the JEs.
04-10-2018 : Circles to respond urgently:- The BSNL management has outsourced the operation maintenance, sales and marketing of BTS sites vide letter of 3rd October. It is already uploaded in the website.
Circle Secretaries, Central office bearers and District Secretaries may study the communication and send their comments and reactions on the decision of outsourcing.
04-10-2018 : The BSNL Board meeting is taking place today. HR matters may be taken for approval. The case of grant of one increment to non-executives akin to JEs is in the agenda.
04-10-2018 : Review of JE LICE 50% quota result:- The JE LICE 50% quota result were declared vide BSNL letter No.-7-2/2017-Rectt, dt-20-04-2018 and 14-6-2018. These were disappointing as percentage was only to the tune of 1.2%. There were circles where not even single candidate passed. The union strongly protested and persued for review vigorously at all levels. A scheduled meeting also took place with Director (HR) in which GM (Rectt) and GM(SR) were present and definite orders were passed for the review of the result. The issue was raised in the National Council meeting as well.
The sincere efforts of union with the cogent reasons have brought the result. The corporate office vide letter No.-7-2/2017-Rectt, dt-03-10-2018 has issued the revised results after the clearance of Director (HR). Many Many congrats to successful candidates.
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04-10-2018 : Outsourcing of BSNL sites:- The management committee of the BSNL Board has issued “Advance Work order” for outsourcing of maintenance and operation of BSNL’s Non-collocated BTS sites. BSNL No.-61-11/2018/CMTS Infra/O&M/Post AWO/16, dt-03-10-2018.
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03-10-2018 : JAO R/R:-
Proposed JAO R/R is awaiting approval of the competent authority.
03-10-2018 : Meeting with DDG(Est) and DDG(Personnel) in DOT:- President and Dy. G.S. met the officers in DOT and held discussions on issues.
(1) Pension revision:- Matter is linked with the 3rd pay revision. However, DOT has sought clarification from DOP (Pension) if pension can be revised before pay revision. Some queries have been sought by DOP (Pension).
(2) POs of TSMs:- DDG(Pers) was apprised of delay in issue of POs. The cases of M.P. Circle was referred to him.
03-10-2018 : Message from Smt. Sujata ‘T’ Ray, Director (HR) on 18th BSNL foundation day.
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01-10-2018 : JE LICE review result:- The concerned file is in submission at the highest level.
01-10-2018 : IDA pay fixation to MTNL staff absorbed in BSNL:- The issue will be resolved soon.
01-10-2018 : Relaxation for S/T Candidates in LICE JE:- Matter brought into the notice of GM(Rectt) who assured for another look into the case.
01-10-2018 : Change of Designation of major Cadres of Non-Executives in BSNL – Guidelines regarding. Letter No.-250-9/2016-Estt-III, dt-01-10-2018.
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01-10-2018 : Bifurcation of erstwhile A.P. Circle – review of facilities to JTOs and below level grade (non-executives) transferred from Hyderabad to Circle office, Vijayawada, A.P. Circle – regarding. Letter No.-317-04/2012-Pers.I(Pt), dt-01-10-2018.
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01-10-2018 : BSNL formation Day:- The mighty BSNL completed 18 yrs successfully. Now BSNL is facing stiff completion with Private Operators. Even though, our Customers having good faith upon us. This is the right time to work hard to save BSNL and its employees we have come across many up and down in the last 18 yrs. We salute our employees for their hard work and convey best wishes to all our beloved customers. G.S.
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29-09-2018 : On the call of CHQ, donations for "Kerala flood releif fund", have been received from the following circles. CHQ extends warm greetings to them and request left out Circles to send liberal donation, whatever funds permits in the circle. Kindly note, no individual donation should be collected from members.
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29-09-2018 : National Convention of Central Trade Unions held in Malvankar Hall on 28-09-2018 -- Hindi version of draft declaration.
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29-09-2018 : Corporate office informed all the Circles to furnish documents verification and training status of directly recruited JAO 2017. Letter No.-4-20/2017-SEA BSNL, dt-28-09-2018.
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28-09-2018 : 3rd Pay Revision:- The joint wage revision committee met today under the Chairmanship of Shri H.C. Pant. The staff side demanded enhancement of maximum of NE-4 and NE-5 scales by one increment to prevent stagnation. The official side agreed to consider this. The next meeting will take place on 09-10-2018 at 1530 hours in which allowances etc will be discussed.
28-09-2018 : 7.6% increase in IDA from 01-10-2018 : Total 128% + 7.6% = 135.6% (w.e.f. 01-10-2018).
28-09-2018 : View of National Convention photos (held at Malvankar Hall, New Delhi).
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28-09-2018 : Reception Committee formed at Haridwar to hold the National Executive Meeting from 24-10-2018 to 25-10-2018.
Contact mobile numbers – (1) Com. A.B. Uniyal, C.S. and working Chairman, mob. No.-9412055881, (2) Com. Sompal Saini, General Secretary mob. No.-9412231010 (3) Com. Ram Kumar Tiwari, joint General Secretary, Mob No.-9412159444 (4) Nidesh Kumar, Astt. Treasurer, Mob. No.-9410996640, (5) Com. V.K. Sharma, Media Incharge, Mob. No.-9411114577.
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28-09-2018 : All Central Trade unions called for 2 days country wide strike on 08-01-2019 & 09-01-2019:- A convention of all central trade unions held today in Malvankar Hall, New Delhi. The motive of convention is “strengthen the struggle for safe guarding unions/labour laws --- Fight back pro corporate, anti people and anti national policies --- Strengthen workers unity for fraternity and social harmony”. The leaders of INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF and UTUC. Spoken with one voice, how the working class of the country is facing difficulties. The convention have unanimously approved the draft declaration. From NFTE, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S, Com. Islam Ahmad, President, Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S. Com. A. Rajamouli and Com. M.P. Singh participated in the convention.
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28-09-2018 : All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) writes to Shri Pon Radhakrishnan, Hon'ble Minister of State for Finance, on the issue of payment of pension contribution.
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27-09-2018 : Holding of Online LICE for JTO (T) under 50% quota for VY: 2016-17 and VY: 2017-18 for vacancies up to 31-03-2018. Letter No.-12-2/2018-Rectt, dt-26-09-2018.
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26-09-2018 : Staff Side of the Joint Wage Negotiating Committee reviews the progress in wage revision:-
A meeting of the Staff Side of the Joint Wage Negotiating Committee was held yesterday the 25.09.2018, at NFTE’s office. The meeting was attended by Com. P. Abhimanyu, G.S, BSNLEU, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S, NFTE, Com. Islam Ahmed, President, NFTE, Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, BSNLEU, Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy.GS, NFTE, Com. Animesh Mitra, Vice President, BSNLEU and A. Rajamouli, Treasurer, NFTE. The meeting took stock of the progress of the ongoing wage negotiation. Especially, once again the pay scales proposed by the Management Side were scrutinised. No live case has come to the notice of the Staff Side, wherein stagnation is likely to arise. The meeting is also of the opinion that the agreement on the pay scales should be signed expeditiously, for onward submission for the approval of the DoT. Further, it is also decided that the negotiation on allowances and perks should be started immediately. It should be noted that the approval of the DoT is necessary only for the pay scales. So far as the perks and allowances are concerned, they need not go to the approval of the DoT, since the BSNL Board itself is empowered to approve them.
26-09-2018 : Wrong perception in granting pay scale on 1st upgardation (under NEPP) – case of Shri S.M. Maru, O.S. working at Bharuch under GM WTR Ahmadabad. Letter No.-TF-07, dt-26-09-2018.
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26-09-2018 : Orgainsational Meeting at Purulia (W.B.):- An orgnisational meeting was called at Purulia (West Bengal Circle) on 21-09-2018 on the occasion of 5th District Conference of SSA. The meeting was presided over by Com. Pulak Ganguli Circle President. All most all the District Secretaries of W.B. Circle attended the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ attended and addressed the meeting and exhorted the issues of wage revision, pension contribution an maximum of the scale of the BSNL employees and other HR issues. Com. Mahabir Singh explained the orgnisational positon of NFTE in all India level and worried about the situation of W.B. Circle. Com. Pulak Ganguli in his presidential speech narrated the real situation at ground level and advised the workers to think seriously how to strengthen the BSNL. Com. Gafur Ansari, Com. Prem Kumar Singh, Com. Ms. Payal, and Com . Manoj Kumar Bhagat were elected as District President, District Secretary, District Treasurer and Astt. District Secretary respectively.
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A new slogan with a commitment to achive the target and to ensure survival and financial viability of Company (BSNL), “ Now BSNL at your Door Step” launched by MS. Marykom, M.P. (Rajyasabha and the Brand Ambassador of BSNL) on 24-09-2018 evening. Shri Anupam Srivastava CMD, BSNL, Smt. Sujata ‘T’ Ray, Dirctor (HR & Finance), Shri N.K. Mehta, Director (EB), all the top level officers of Corporate office and CGM’s were present on the occasion. The leaders of unions/assoiciaitons were also invited to share historic event. NFTE represented by Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S. and Com. A. Rajamouli, Treasurer. The inaugural function was orgainsed at ground floor lounge of BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi.
(2) DECISIONS OF AUAB to implement the said programme at all levels:- Each and every non-executive and execute has to dedicate one day in a week participating in sales and marketing activites. (This is far the employees other than those who are posted in the marketing). (2) Separate committee at Circle and District levels should be formed for marketing, FTTH, Braod Band, leased lines and mobile connections. These committees should periodically meet and review the improvements that have been made.
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26-09-2018 : The Writ Petition filed by AUAB against Tower Subsidiary formation in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court was listed for hearing on 25-09-2018. Due to paucity of time, the case did not come up for hearing and posted to 31-01-2019.
26-09-2018 : Constitution of Committee for creation of Assistant Managers post in Telecom Circle and PGM offices. Letter No.-132-1/2018-CSS, dt-24-09-2018.
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19-09-2018 : FR22(I)(a) (I) benefits to the officiating JTOs:-
The said issue stands resolved after very long period. The union has made sustained and serious efforts for its resolution. The brave Comrades of Kerala fought the legal battle.
Sequel to decision of Kerala High Court the union sought. Its settlement through the National Council. Its settlement was avoided in the name of SLP which was out rightly rejected by Supreme Court. The union immediately demanded implementation of the verdict. Ultimately management has decided to resolve the matter and issued orders contained in letter No.-3-8/2010-Estt-IV(Pt), dt-18-09-2018.
Congrats Congrats.
19-09-2018 : Meeting with GM(Rectt):-
President, Dy. G.S. and Secy, Com. Kamraj met GM(Rectt) today and discussed some issues. The replies are mentioned below.
(1) JTO LICE:- LICE will take place in January, 2019 and the notification for this will be issued accordingly.
(2) JE LICE:- It is scheduled to take place in March, 2019.
(3) JE LICE result review:- The GM(Rectt) firmly maintained that it will be done within two weeks. The delay has taken place due to fact that the officials were on leave.
(4) LICE TT(Telecom Mechanic):- The Establishment section of BSNL HQR has not sent the necessary approval. It appears the Corporate office intends to hold TT LICE after JE LICE.
Union will make suitable representation for early LICE.
19-09-2018 : BSNL Board meeting scheduled to take place today has been cancelled.
19-09-2018 : Fixation of pay under FR-22(1)(a)(i) to the officials, who were screening test passed & were officiating in the grade of JTO. Letter No-3-8/2010-Estt-IV(Pt), dt-18-09-2018.
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19-09-2018 : Golden Year of Historic One Day Strike of 19th September, 1968:-
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18-09-2018 : BSNL Board meeting is taking place on 19th September, 2018. It is learnt two HR issues may come up for discussions.
18-09-2018 : Meeting with GM(Restg):-President, Dy. G.S. and Secy, Com. Kamraj met GM(Restg) and raised the following issues for settlement.
(1) Treatment of Suspension period:- It should be as in the case of CCS/CCA Rules. Amendment is necessary in BSNL CDA Rules, 2006.
(2) Provision of Review be incorporated in case of compulsory retirement as per BSNL CDA Rule, 55(A).
(3) Redesignation of Draughtsmen of Telecom as Junior Engineer.
17-09-2018 : Extension of FR 22(i) a (I) benefit to officiating JTOs:- orders are being issued expect within 2 days.
17-09-2018 : LICE for JTO Cadre promotion for the years 2016-17 and 2017-18:- Vacancies have furnished to Rectt Cell by Estt branch for LICEs for promotion to JTO Cadre.
17-09-2018 : Maintain unity to achieve the Goal:-
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15-09-2018 : Reimbursement of salary and allowances expenditures by DOT in respect of BSNL staff on deputation – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-14-09-2018.
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15-09-2018 : One more chance extended for confirmation examination to such candidates who have exhausted all the prescribed chances. BSNL No.-250-10/2009-Pers III, dt-10-09-2018.
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15-09-2018 : Approval accorded by BSNL HQR to depute qualified candidates of year 2014 for training and promotion as JE provisionally as per Andhra High Court’s judgment. BSNL No.-211-13/2018-Estt, dt-10-09-2018.
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15-09-2018 : Revision of wages of casual labourers – reg. Letter No.-TF-31/1, dt-13-09-2018.
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14-09-2018 :Joint Wage Revision Committee – The meeting of joint wage revision committee was held today(14/09/2018) under the chairmanship of Sri. H. C. Pant. The pay scales supplied by the management have been accepted by the staff side, How ever one week time was sought to avoid the chance of stagnation. If any case comes to notice, the CHQ promptly be informed.
The next joint wage revision committee will take place on 28/09/2018 at 15:30 hrs. The staff side will meet on 25/09/2018 at 15:00 hrs in NFTE BSNL office to discuss the issue of allowances. |
13-09-2018 : Downgrading of OTBP Sr. TOAs from the scale of Rs. 7100-10100 to 6500-9325 on option under NEPP – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-13-09-2018.
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13-09-2018 : Change the designation of sports persons. Letter No.-32-4/2018-BSNL(Sports), dt-10-09-2018.
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12-09-2018 : All Circle/District Secretaries please note:- The subscription of Rs. 44/-, per member/month, be distributed as follows. CHQ = 14/-, Circle = 15/-, District = 10/-, Branch = Rs. 5/-. G.S.
12-09-2018 : Orders issued for promotion of LICE qualified personnel to JE Cadre in Telangana:-
BSNL HQR has issued orders for LICE qualified candidates of year 2014 to JE Cadre who were denied on the plea of degree qualification from Ambedkar University. They were not having 10-2 qualification. The attempt to file SLP against High Court Judgment has been thwarted due to timely intervention of Director (HR). Congrats Congrats.
12-09-2018 : Letters related to issuance of pending Presidential order in respect of left out casual Labourer, for kind attention of concern Circle Secretaries of UP(E) and Bihar to persue the case at Circle level.
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12-09-2018 : The joint committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL will be held on 14th September, 2018 at 15.30 hours.
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12-09-2018 : Request to evolve new promotion policy for non-executives – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-12-09-2018.
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12-09-2018 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:- President, General Secretary and Treasurer, Com. Rajmouli met the CMD on date discussed the following problems.
(1) Hangama Service on landline phones at Maharashtra:-
Union urged him to stop the service as it is causing annoyance to the subscribers. CMD replied that the demand is being seriously considered.
(2) Maintenance, operation, sales and marketing of BTS towers by ITI, Bengaluru:-
It is on the basis of Tender process and BSNL will be saving Rs. 1,000/- crores. Moreover, It is obligatory also.
(3) Introduction of new Promotion Policy:-
Union demanded to evolve new promotion policy for non-executive staff akin to executive staff. The CMD responded positively.
11-09-2018 : Extension to TSMs regularized on or after 01-10-2000 in BSNL and covered under Rule 37A of CCS (Pension) Rules for granting 1st NEPP at par with the DOT absorbed employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-11-09-2018.
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11-09-2018 : Bifurcation of erstwhile A.P. Circle – addressing of different issues including transfer of non-executive staff from Hyderabad to Vijayawada etc. Letter No.-317-04/2012-Pers.I(Pt), dt-10-09-2018.
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11-09-2018 : Leader staff side consulted before submission of Agenda items for Council meeting. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018, dt-07-09-2018.
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10-09-2018 : 4th Meeting of Joint Wage Revision Committee:- The meeting took place today under the Chairmanship of Shri H.C. Pant. Surprisingly management made an about turn and was not inclined to increase span of scales to avoid stagnation on the plea of deposit of pension contribution to DOT. The staff side resisted and made it clear not to accept the proposal in which stagnation chances occur. Fitment below 15% will also be not acceptable. After prolonged discussions the management gave a proposal of scales which will be discussed on 11-09-2018 at 15.00 hours between BSNL EU and NFTE. The next meeting with the management side will be held on 14-09-2018 at 1530 hours.
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10-09-2018 : Circle working committee meeting of M.P. Circle held at Bhopal on 8th & 9th September, 2018:- The meeting was held under the Presidentship of Com. A. K. Mishra . More than 200 Comrades from all branches attended the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. General Secretary, Com. Habib Khan, Circle Secretary, Com. K. S. Thakur Org. Secretary CHQ, Com. M.D. Salodkar Circle Treasurer, Com. Narendra Rathore, ACS ,Com. Dinesh Yadav, ACS, COM Rameshwar Dubey ACS, Com. Bajpai ACS&DS (Gwalior), Com. Mayank Chaturvedi, ADS/Special Invitee, and all District Secretaries of M.P. Circle attended and addressed the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary explained the development on 3rd PRC and achievements of NFTE BSNL in recent past. The District Secretaries explained the staff problems facing in their SSA’s. Com. K. S. Thakur explained that the M.P. Circle have settled long pending problem of Comrade Panna Lal Saroj, T.T, Who got the promotion from ATT to TT and have received arrears of Rs. 272422/- . Com. Panna Lal Saroj, T.T. have expressed thanks to one and all. Com. Habib Khan, C.S. clarified the issues raised by the District Secretaries in the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Habib Khan, C.S.
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10-09-2018 : SNATTA All India Conference:-
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10-09-2018 : The BSNL has awarded Advance work order to ITI, Bengaluru for maintenance, operation, sales and marketing of 6945 BTS towers amounting to Rs. 6633.56 crores for 10 years.
Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-10-09-2018 to Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.
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10-09-2018 : Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Bihar held on 08-09-2018:- The meeting of circle executive committee started with initial speech of Com. Shrawan Dubey Circle Secretary Bihar. Com Ratnesh Mishra was in Chair.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. addressed the meeting before the debate begins on given agenda. G.S. in his speech exhorted the issues like 3rd wage revision, Pension Contribution on maximum of the scale, Pension revision, 4G spectrum and said improvement of services of BSNL is needed to increase the Customer base for improvement of the financial position of BSNL at this juncture.
After speech of G.S. the debate on agenda was started and out of 20 District Secretaries 14 were present who took part in the debate and they also pointed out the sufferings of worker in their SSA, where the issues related to H.R. are pending. Most of them reported that the medical bills of indoor treatment even in empanelled hospitals are not paid from last one year.
After completion of speech by District Secretaries, Com. Shrawan Dubey delivered the winding speech and explained the situation under which things are not moving fast. The G.S. suggested to submit a list of grievances to CGMT Bihar with all details and appeal to settle it, if those were not being settled within a targeted period, the issues should be sent to CHQ before taking any decision for agitational programme.
Com. Ratnesh Mishra addressed the gathering and appreciated the leaders for attending the meeting within a short notice.
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08-09-2018 : Will ITI fulfill the task:-
The BSNL has awarded advance work order, AWO, to ITI Bangaluru for maintenance and operation of BTS as well as sales/marketing task for ten years.
The ITI was awarded projects/work earlier also by BSNL but failed to come to expectation and expansion of services suffered.
It is very doubtful if ITI will be in position to attend the task?. Apprehension are that ultimately the work will be attended by vendors.
08-09-2018 : Minutes of the Staff Welfare Board meeting held on 3.8.2018. Letter No. 12-1/2017-BSNL(WL), dt-07-09-2018.
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08-09-2018 : Simultaneous action of prosecution and initiation of departmental proceedings – guidance thereof – reg. Letter No.-29-3/2018-VA, dt-07-09-2018.
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08-09-2018 : FAQ on Retention of quarters beyond the permissible limits. F. No.-BSNL/6-1/SR/2017, dt-06-09-2018.
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07-09-2018 : The designations of employees borne in the scales from NE-4 to NE-6 changed vide BSNL letter No.-2-4/2007-Restg, Vol-III(Pt), dt-06th September, 2018. The change of designation of officials in the scales of NE-1 to NE-3 is being persued by the union. It will be resolved soon.
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07-09-2018 : President, Circle President (Com. M.P. Singh) and Circle Secy Com. H.N. Sharma of Corporate office met the officers on 6th August and discussed the problems appended below:-
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07-09-2018 : Minutes of meeting held on 27-08-2018 of joint committee for wage revision of non-executives staff. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-04-09-2018.
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07-09-2018 : Clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointment of rejected cases – reg. Letter No.-273-18/2013/CGA/Estt.-IV, dt-04-09-2018.
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06-09-2018 : Union demand new promotion scheme for non-executives keeping in view of the changes and hardships of staff. CMD’s intervention urged vide TF-26/6, dt-06-09-2018.
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06-09-2018 : Rounding of 0.5 to the next integer in awarding marks – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-06-09-2018.
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06-09-2018 : Items for discussion in the 37th National Council Meeting.
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06-09-2018 : Meeting with Director (PSU) at DOT:- President and General Secretary met the Director (PSU) on 5th September and held discussions on some issues. The information are as below.
(1) Relaxation in affordability clause for Pay revision of non-executive employees:-
The Cabinet note for granting relaxation in affordability clause of DPE guidelines will be for executives and non-executives both.
(2) Pension revision of retired personnel before wage revision:-
The DOT has sought clarification from Department of Pension if Pension revision can be done before wage revision.
(3) Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL:-
Matter under active consideration.
(4) BSNL is depositing more than Rs. 700 crores per year to DOT as Pension contribution of its employees.
06-09-2018 : Grand felicitation to Com. P. Kamraj, Secretary CHQ & President TN Circle NFTE BSNL on 01-09-2018 at Pondicherry:- NFTE members of Pondicherry arranged a impressive party and a massive meeting by inviting all the senior Trade union Leaders irrespective of unions on retirement of Com. P. Kamraj, O.S. who retired on 31-08-2018 on superannuation.
From NFTE head quarter Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and Com. Sammalamudham Permanente Invitee of CHQ attended the meeting. Sr. Com. R.K. Com. R. Pattabiraman, Com. Jaipal, Com.S.S. Gopal Krishnan former Secretary CHQ. Com. G. Jayaraman Former Secretary CHQ, Com. Sethu, Com. Murali and all most all the District Secretaries and Circle office bearers participated in the function. Several Leader from other organisation also attended the function and felicitated Com. P. Kamraj they addressed the meeting organized on the occasion as Com. Shiv Kumar All India President AIBSNLEA, Com. Vijay Kumar, Dy. C.S. TEPU, Com. P.N. Perumal, All India President SEWA(BSNL), Com. Chellppa AGS BSNL EU and other leaders addressed and extended their best wishes to Com. Kamraj. The felicitation meeting was attended by a large numbers of workers including ladies.
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05-09-2018 : District working committee meeting of NFTE BSNL Bangalore Telecom District held on 3rd September, 2018 under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna District President, Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Deputy General Secretary Chq, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy, Circle Secretary, Com. Sathyanaraya Naidu DS BGTD, Com. A Ravi District Treasurer and Special Invitee Chq, Com. Shanmugam ADS attended and addressed the meeting Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary explained recent development of PRC and NFTE BSNL’s achievements / functioning of Chq etc. More than 100 Comrades participated.
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05-09-2018 : Upgradation of Senior Accountants to the Executive Grade – reg. Letter No.-TF-24/2(h), dt-04-09-2018.
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05-09-2018 : “Hangama Service” on Landline connections in Maharashtra Circle – reg. Letter No.-TF-19/3, dt-04-09-2018.
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05-09-2018 : Inordinate delay in settlement of Pension cases of retired personnel in Himachal Circle. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-04-09-2018.
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05-09-2018 : Change of designation of Draughtsman – reg. Letter No.-TF-53, dt-04-09-2018.
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05-09-2018 : Meeting with Director (HR):- The President and General Secretary held informal discussions on 04-09-2018 with Director (HR) on following items and told her about inattention at lower level for their settlement.
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05-09-2018 : The items of National Council were discussed on 8th August, 2018. The minutes of the meeting have been issued vide letter No.-BSNL/39-5/SR/2018, dt-31-08-2018.
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01-09-2018 : “No Pay Commission in Future” for Central Govt employees. The changes in Pay and allowance would be made taking into account inflation.
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01-09-2018 :
Message from Sujata T. Ray Director (HR):- She has appealed:- “…to balance the expectations and aspirations of all the groups”. “… devote full energy and focused efforts for improving the productivity of the Company”.
BSNL is undoubtedly “Plural Society” but the largest group of non-executives employees are not only neglected but blatantly discriminated due to mindset of some officers adorning the Chairs at BSNL HQR. Every attempt is being made to deny their rightful claims by approaching to High Courts and Supreme Court.
It is high time to realize the expectations and aspirations of non-executives staff.
Will the mindset change?.
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01-09-2018 : Formal orders granting relaxation to the last JE LICE issued vide BSNL HQR letter No.-7-2/2017-Rectt, dt-31-08-2018. It appears some reconciliation is needed in view of contents mentioned in Corporate office letter No.-9-2/2016-Rectt, dt-28-08-2017. Union will make suitable representation, if necessary. The union expresses thanks to BSNL management for the decision although it was overdue. The union has systematically persued the grievance ceaselessly with cogent reasons and arguments. Ultimately justice prevailed.
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31-08-2018 : Voluntary contribution of one day basic pay by BSNL employees for the victims of flood in Kerala State. Letter No.-1-14/2018-PAT(BSNL), dt-29-08-2018.
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31-08-2018 : Informal meeting with Sr. GM(Est):- President met the Sr. GM(Est) on 30th instant and raised the following issues.
(1) Delay in settlement of Pension cases at Himachal:- The complaint of delay was well taken by Sr. GM(Est) and agreed to take action to accelerate the settlement of pension cases. “DOT Cell” at Himachal is reportedly in different.
(2) Pos of TSMs regularized as ATTs (RMs):- Sr. GM(Est) was requested to intervene as incomplete information are coming from Circle Viz East UP, Bihar, M.P. etc due to which settlement is getting delayed.
(3) Finalisation of vacancies for JTO LICE:- Sr. GM(Est) has asserted that it will be finalized within 2 to 3 days
30-08-2018 : Meeting of Sub-Committee:- The informal meeting of the Sub- Committee of joint committee of wage revision took place today and views were exchanged.
President represented the NFTE.
30-08-2018 : BSNL Board Meeting deferred.
30-08-2018 : Holding of the meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Joint Committee for wage revision of the Non-executives – regarding. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2018, dt-30-08-2018.
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30-08-2018 : Deluge in God’s Own Country. Editorial, (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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30-08-2018 : Supreme Court:- “ Dissent is the safety value of Democracy”. “ If dissent is not allowed then the pressure cooker will burst”.
30-08-2018 : JE LICE relaxation:- According to sources the file for relaxation in the last JE LICE is returned and necessary relaxation granted. This has been possible due to sustained representations and persuation by the union. Now candidates may succeed in hundreds.
30-08-2018 : Voluntary contribution of one day basic pay by BSNL employees towards Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for the victims of flood in Kerala State. Letter No.-1-14/2018-PAT(BSNL), dt-29-08-2018.
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29-08-2018 :
Meetings at BSNL HQR:- President, G.S. and Circle Secretary, Com. H.N. Sharma met the officers on 28th August and raised the following issues.
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28-08-2018 :
Corporate office letter on Child Care Leave in case of disabled Children. Letter No.-1-33/2012-PAT(BSNL)/CCL, dt-27-08-2018.
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28-08-2018 : Wage revision committee meeting:- The meeting of joint wage revision committee took place on 27th instant under the Chairmanship of Shri H.C. Pant, CGM (Legal).
The management side proposed minimum of revised pay scale of NE-1 as 2.4 times of existing minimum i.e. 2.4 X 7760 = 18,600. The staff side demanded multiplying factor of 2.44 with the minimum of Rs. 19,000/- as basic pay. The official side agreed to consider the same. Thereafter, discussions commenced on the maximum of the scale which but it remained inconclusive. The staff side was firm to avoid stagnation at all cost. The next meeting will be held on 10th September, 2018.
In course of discussions the staff side expressed deep concerns and unhappiness over delay and unpreparedness of the official side.
27-08-2018 : National Working Committee Meeting of TEPU at Chennai on 26-08-2018:- The meeting was held in TEPU office Bhavan under the Presidentship of Com. Panigrahi. Com. R. Venkat Raman a senior Leader of Telecom movement inaugurated the meeting. Shri V. Raju CGMT, Tamilandu and Madam Kalavathi CGMT Chennai Telephones attended and addressed the meeting. The Leaders of PSU’s and General Secretary of Labour Progressive Federation were the prominent speakers in the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. attended the meeting alongwith Com. P. Kamaraj, Secretary CHQ, Com. K. Natarajan, C.S. Tamilnadu, Com. Elangavon officiating Circle Secretary, Chennai. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. have explained the status of 3rd wage revision, Pension revision, Pension contribution, allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL and other HR issues in the meeting. Com. P. Kamaraj, Secy CHQ also spoken in the meeting.
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27-08-2018 : Items for inclusion in Agenda for 37th NC meeting – reg. Letter No.-TF-2/3, dt-27-08-2018.
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27-08-2018 : All Circle Secretaries please note, the notification for holding of National Executive committee meeting at “Haridwar” from 24-10-2018 to 25-10-2018 issued on 24-08-2018. We request you kindly intimate the number of delegates willing to participate in the meeting, other than all India office Bearers, Circle Secretaries and permanent Invitees latest by 15-09-2018 to headquarter for providing accommodation. Otherwise, they have to take responsibility themselves. Haridwar is a Holy & Pilgrimage Centre in Uttarakhand. Delegate fee is fixed Rs. 1000/- per member. The venue of the meeting is “Shri Radha Krishna Dham, infront of Jain Mandir, Rishikesh Road, Haridwar (Uttarakhand)”. Other details will follow. Kindly book your tickets “to and fro” to avoid inconvenience.
25-08-2018 : Happy Rakhsha Bandhan.
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25-08-2018 : All unions and associations of BSNL submitted a letter to Secretary Telecom for a meeting to discuss pending issues.
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25-08-2018 : All unions and associations of BSNL submitted a letter to CMD BSNL for deduction of one day basic pay from the salary of the willing employees to the Hon’ble Chief Ministers Disaster relief fund Kerala state.
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25-08-2018 : All unions and associations of BSNL requested Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL to arrange a meeting with Secretary Telecom to discuss the issues, 3rd pay revision, pension revision, payment of pension contribution and allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL.
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24-08-2018 : Notice for National Executive Committee Meeting to be held at Haridwar (Uttarakhand) from 24th October, to 25th October, 2018. Letter No.-TF-4/1, dt-24-08-2018.
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24-08-2018 :AUAB meeting held on 23-08-2018 and decided unanimously to contribute one day basic pay to Kerala flood relief from the willing employees. As per the decision of AUAB, the leaders met CMD BSNL on 24-08-2018 and handed over a letter in this regard. Later on the leaders expressed their deep anguish to the CMD BSNL for non-implementation of assurances given by the Hon’ble MOS(C) on wage revision, pension revision, pension contribution and allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL on 24-02-2018. And also the leaders demanded the CMD BSNL to arrange a meeting between the AUAB and the Secretary, DOT. On the issue of superannuation benefits of DR employees expeditious action is needed to increase managements contribution to the pension fund. Com. C. Singh, G.S. attended from NFTE BSNL.
24-08-2018 : Decisions taken in the meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, held on 23-08-2018.
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23-08-2018 : India gears up for big data: DOT to send officers to China for training. ( Source Indian express, dated 23-08-2018).
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23-08-2018 : Punjab Circle Conference – Open session on 21-08-2018, the open session was organized in a beautiful decorated hall. Com. Singara Singh Dhillo was in Chair. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S, Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary, CHQ, Com. Surjeet Singh, Circle Secretary Punjab, Com. Mohinder Singh and Com. Vinay Raina both Vice Presidents of CHQ are present in the open session. Com. Manohar Lal Sharma patron of the Circle union attended and addressed the meeting. From Management side Shri Hemant Kumar C. Mahay addressed the meeting. Com. Mahabir Singh exhorted and explained the issues like PLI, Medical allowance, promotion policy and Com. C. Singh, G.S. reported the status of wage revision, pension contribution and pension revision. The GMTD spoke on development of SSA and other administrative issues. At the end of delegate session on 21-08-2018, elected a panel of office bearers headed by Com. Preetam Chand, Com. Surjeet Singh and Com. Jeevan Kumar as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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21-08-2018 : Change of date of holiday on account of Id-u-Zuha (Bakrid) during 2018 in BSNL offices located at Delhi/New Delhi. Letter No.-3-1/2010-TE, dt-20-08-2018.
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21-08-2018 : Verification of service of BSNL absorbed employees and DOT employees after completion of 18 years of service or on being left five year service. Letter No.-40-06/2015-Pen (B), dt-20-08-2018.
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21-08-2018 : Clarification on individual cases related to service matters received from unions/associations – regarding. F. No.-BSNL/20-3/SR/2018, dt-20-08-2018.
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21-08-2018 : Systemic improvement in medical claims of BSNLMRS beneficiaries. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-14/18, dt-20-08-2018.
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20-08-2018 : Minutes of the meeting of Joint Committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL held on 9th August, 2018. F. No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-20-08-2018.
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20-08-2018 : 5th Circle Conference of Punjab Circle NFTE (BSNL):- As notified by the Circle union the 5th Circle conference begins with flag hoisting at 10.30 am on 20th August, 2018 and it will continue upto evening of 21st August as per schedule. The National flag was hoisted half mast by General Secretary and Com. Mahabir Singh, Secretary CHQ hoisted the union flag. Delegate session – Subject Committee started under the Presidentship of Com. Sinhara Singh Dhillo, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. Com. Mahabir Singh, Circle Secretary CHQ, Com. M.L. Sharma, Circle Patron, Com. Sarbjeet Singh, Circle Secretary SNATTA, Com. Bajwa a senior leader of NFTE were present on the dias. All District Secretaries alongwith their Branch Secretaries, delegates observers and visitors, together more than 200 were assembled in hall of Hotel Asia Palace, Pathankot.
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18-08-2018 :"Note" on demand for promotion of Telcom Technician (TMS) to Junior Engineer (T)cadre of seniority-cum-fitness basis-Reg.
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18-08-2018 :Treatment of the period of suspension-Reg.
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18-08-2018 :Extension of FR 22(1) (a)(i) benefit in officiating promotion of JEs to the cadre of JTO-Reg.
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18-08-2018 :Creation of Multi Tasking Staff in BSNL-Reg..
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17-08-2018 :“Today India lost a great son. Former PM, Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji, was loved and respected by millions. NFTE condolences to his family & all his admirers. Rest in peace .
Sir.. you will be in our heart forever...We will miss him. |
17-08-2018 :Representation of Shri Shiv Kumar, ATT. O/o TDM Barabanki, UP(E) circle, candidate in Telcome Technician(TT) LICE 2017- Regarding re-evaluation of answer for Question no 6, Part I.
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17-08-2018 :Half Day holiday on 17th Aug.,2018- Demise of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime minister of India.
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16-08-2018 :Clerification on Compassionate Ground Appointment-reg.
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16-08-2018 :The meeting of National Council is contemplated to take place in September, 2018. The Circle Secretaries are requested to send items for inclusion in the agenda within a week.
14-08-2018 :Re designation of left out cadres:- The designations of all left out cadres excepting from NE-1 to NE-3 have been approved by the Management Committee. Orders are expected shortly. Another meeting of Joint Committee is expected shortly to reconsider the designations of employees from NE-1 to NE-3.
Relaxations for the JE LICE held on 28.01.2018. The file is reportedly at highest level. Decision is expected shortly.
Promotion of qualified officials of year 2014 to the cadre of JE on the basis of High Court judgement in Telegraph Circle. Attention has been drawn of Sr. GM (Estt.), CGM (Legal) as well as Director (HR) impressing them there is no need of filing SLP.
Wage revision of Casual labourers as per 7th Pay revision:- Sr. GM (Estt.) has been impressed upon to expedite the settlement as past formula is available with BSNL Hqr.
The progress mentioned above is on the basis of meeting of CHQ leaders with the different officers in the Corporate Office.
13-08-2018 :Unprecedented flood in Kerala state - reg.
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13-08-2018 :Promotion of qualified Telecom Technicians to the cadre of Junior Engineer in Telengana Circle- reg.
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13-08-2018 :Com.
Somnath Chatterjee former speaker Lok sabha
expired today.He was leader of the toiling
masses.NFTE Condols his death and express deep
regasds-Red salute to departed leader.
11-08-2018 :Organisation
of Contract Workers in Chhattisgarh Circle- On
11th August 2018 at late evening about 100
contract workers assembled in Gass Memorial
Hall, Raipur and it was decided to organise a
separate union for them under the umbrella of
NFTE as per the discussion held in AIC Amritsar .
Several contract workers reported that their
wages is not being paid timely rather it is
delayed more than three months & EPF / ESI
contributions also not deposited. It is observed
by the leaders of NFTE that the contract workers
are under threat of contractors as well as BSNL
officers. After submission of their grievances
the gathering was addressed by Com. Saju
V.Thomas, ACS, NFTE, Com.H.P.Sahu, DS, Raipur
District, NFTE, Com.S.M.Chilamwar, CS,NFTE, Com.
Mahaveer Singh, Secretary, NFTE (CHQ)&
Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE. All the leaders
assured the workers to provide them full
protection as per the rule of the Government.
Identity card to be issued to all workers, EPF
deduction & ESI membership are to be ensured by
the contractor and it will be counter protected
by the principal employer as per the Govt. order
issued from time to time. NFTE never allow any
authority to exploit the workers and compelling
them to work under threat as per labour
department and as per Industrial Dispute act the
contract workers have all right as a workmen if
any industry whether it is private or govt. The
workers assured the NFTE leaders to be united
under the umbrella of NFTE. The meeting of the
contract workers ended with a slogan -"Workers
Unity Zindabad - NFTE Zindabad".
11-08-2018 :DoT/ BSNL Pensioners Welfare Association of Chhattisgarh Circle organised Annual Conference today(12-08-2018) at Gass Memorial Hall, Raipur- On this occasion an Open session was organised under the presidentship of Shri G.P.Pandey. About 200 pensioners including ladies were attending the open session. The special significant of the meeting was the presence of Shri Anand Swaroop Pathak, CCA, DoT Cell , Chhattisgarh & Shri Prem Prakash , Probationary Officer of CCA, DoT Cell. Com. S.M.Chilamwar delivered the initial speech and placed the activities of last tenure before the house and explained that no any major problem is being faced by any of the pensioner in CG Circle as the CCA Office is taking well concern of the pensioners. Treasurer placed the account before the house was passed unanimously by the house. Later the meeting was addressed by Com. Mahaveer Singh, Secretary (CHQ), Shri Prem Prakash, PO, CCA office, CG, Com. Chand eshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Shri A.S.Pathak, CCA, CG. Shri Pathak in his speech exhorted regarding a new scheme to minimise the difficulties of Pensioners by collecting the data if pensioners through a KYP Form. Through this system the CCA will disburse the pension amount of pensioners direct in the bank as well as postal account of the pensioners. He added that it has been observed that even after disposal of the pension cases through post office or bank it takes further delay of two/ three months time in payment to the pensioners. To avoid this delay the new system has been adopted. Now the DoT Cell has took the pain to be a disbursing agent apart from the sanctioning authority. We hope that this statement will help the pensioners to get pension earlier than before. Com.Mahaveer Singh in his speech explained the delay in pension revision of post 01-10-2000 retirees and criticised the policy of Govt.in this regard. He added that BSNL absorbed employees were born in Govt. establishment and they have got every right to have their pension revised without further delay. He thanked the organiser of this meeting for providing an opportunity to address the senior citizens and appealed them to strengthen the NFTE organisation which is helping the pensioners in true sense. GS NFTE BSNL addressed the gathering of senior citizen pensioners and seemed their blessing to serve them better with unity and strength of NFTE. He exhorted the issues of 3rd wage revision, pension revision, discriminatory act of Union Govt. in respect of pension contribution for the BSNL employees on their maximum of scale. He appealed to the pensioners to be more united to get their legitimate demand of pension revision. He thanked to Com. S.M.Chilamwar, Com. H. P. Sahu, Com. W.R.Pankar, Com. Sahu V. Thomas, Com Jeetendra Singh and all the team who played a vital role to organise such a glorious conference. The open session was ended with vote of thanks to the Chair & other participants by Com.H.P.Sahu.
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11-08-2018 :SLP filed againest Kerla High Court decision granting fr 22.1 a 1 benefit to offtg jtos rejected by supreme court.
10-08-2018 :Joint meeting of NFTE Branch union & Contract workers held today on 09-08-2018 at Dhamtari of Raipur SSA (Chhattisgarh) . Com. Mahaveer Singh, Secretary (CHQ), New Delhi was the main speaker. Com.Ramsundar Yadav, Patron, Chhattisgarh Circle, Com. H.P.Sahu, District Secretary, Raipur & Com. Saju V. Thomas, ACS were present.
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10-08-2018 :Today on 10.08.2018 the Joint Executive Committee Meeting of Chhattisgarh Circle & Raipur District was held at Raipur presided by the presidium of Com. T.R.C.Rao, Circle President & Com. M.L.Gavel, District President . Apart for the participation of the Circle Office bearers, District Secretaries, Branch Secretaries delegates numbering more than 300 delegates participated in the Working Committee & Open Session. Large number of women delegates were present. The Open Session was addressed by Chief Guest Shri R.N.Patel, CGMT, Chhattisgarh Circle, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary, Com.Mahaveer Singh, Secretary (CHQ), Shri Gajendra Singh, GM(HR& Admin.),CG Circle, Com. Rajesh Ranjan, CS, SNEA, Com.S.M.Chilamwar, CS, C.G.Circle.
Com.Chilamwar reported the current status of Circle Union . All the District Secretaries & several Branch Secretaries took part in the debate on the agenda circulated by the Circle Union. Com. Mahaveer Singh while addressing the gathering exhorted the issues of PLI, Designations, Pay Revision & Pension Revision. GS in his speech explained the process of wage revision of non-executives and assured the assembled workers that wage revision is our right, hence we are much vigilant to achieve it to fulfill the expectations of the workers, he added that we should take care of better services to customers so that the BSNL can maintain it's glorious position. CGMT, CG Circle reported the development activities adopted by the Circle and he declared that rhe CG Circle has stood second in overall activities in BSNL. The open session was ended with a vote of thanks by Com.H.P.Sahu, District Secretary.
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10-08-2018 :Joint Committee on Wage revision meets:The joint wage revision Committee meeting was held on 9-8-2018 under the Chairmanship
of Shri H.C. Pant, CGM Legal.
The official side stated that the proposal of was structure, submitted by BSNLEU and NFTE
(BSNL), will be examined by the sub- Committee Consisting of Dy. GMs (Et), (SR) and
(EF). The next meeting will take place on 27 th August, 2018 at 1500 hours.
The official side was represented by Sr. GMs (Estt), (EF) and GM (SR) as well as by Dy.
The NFTE (BSNL) was represented by President, GS and Dy. GS.
09-08-2018 :
meeting of NFTE Branch union & Contract workers held
today on 09-08-2018 at Dhamtari of Raipur SSA
(Chhattisgarh) . Com. Mahaveer Singh, Secretary (CHQ),
New Delhi was the main speaker. Com.Ramsundar Yadav,
Patron, Chhattisgarh Circle, Com. H.P.Sahu, District
Secretary, Raipur & Com. Saju V. Thomas, ACS were
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09-08-2018 :The meeting of Standing Committee of NC took place on 8th August, 2018 in which Sr. GM (Estt.), Sr. GM (EF), GM (SR), Dy. GM (SR) and Dy. GMs (Estt.) were present from the official side. The staff side was represented by comrades C. Singh (leader), P.Abhimanyu, (Secy.), Islam Ahmad, Balbir Singh and Swapan Chakravarti . The progress on items of N.C. meeting held on 12-6-2018 was reviewed and these as under:
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08-08-2018 :NFTE & BSNLEU submit note on the new pay scales. NFTE and BSNLEU have already decided to adopt a common approach, for the early and successful settlement of the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives. The meeting of NFTE & BSNLEU members of the Joint Wage Revision Committee was held on 03.08.2018. Detailed discussions took place on the construction of the new pay scales. Finally, the meeting reached unanimous conclusion on how to construct the new pay scales. It is also decided that the Staff Side should submit a note to the Management Side, ahead of the next Wage Revision Committee meeting, to be held on 09.08.2018. In accordance with this, the following note is submitted today, to the Chairman of the Wage Revision Committee.
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07-08-2018 : General Secretary attended and addressed the seminar on the subject “BSNL financial viability role of employees” organized by Vishakhapatnam District union on 06-08-2018 :- The seminar was held at Subba Lakshmi Kalyanamandapam under the Presidentship Com. Narsima Murthy. The seminar started with flag hoisting ceremony, Com. N. Janardan Rao Patron hoisted National flag and Com.Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. hoisted NFTE flag. The District Secretaries of Srikakulam, Vizaianagaram and East Godavari attended the seminar along with more than 75 Comrades. More than 350 Comrades participated in the seminar from Vizag SSA. On the occasion the reception committee felicitated General Secretary, Circle Secretary, District Secretaries with Shawl and Memento on this occasion. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. inaugurated the seminar and said all workers should work dedicatedly to strengthen the mighty organization BSNL. In the same venue the District conference of Vishakhapatnam held in grand manner. Com C. Singh, G.S. explained the latest position of 3rd PRC, status of subsidiary tower company, Medical policy, Pension and examinations G.S. in his spirited speech said the unity among the all workers is needed at this juncture to save BSNL and to the rights of workers. Com. Chandrasheker Rao, C.S. addressed on staff issues of Circle and given clarification on issues raised by the members. Com. C.Singh informed the house that the issues settled by NFTE after getting recognition in 2013.He assured the house that 3rd PRC will be settled without any doubt in BSNL. At the end Com Bobba Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Com K.V.Prasad have been elected unanimously as District President and District Secretary respectively.
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04-08-2018 : Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications stated in Rajya Sabha on 03-08-2018 in Q. No.-1997 about BSNL infrastructure in BSNL as below : 2G BTS = 20035, 3G BTS =22517 and 4G BTS = 10,000, Total = 52552 BTS installed.
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04-08-2018 :
The 12th BSNL staff Welfare Board meeting took place on 3rd August, 2018 under the Chairmanship of Smt. Sujatha T. Ray, Director (HR). General Secretary, NFTE (BSNL) attended the meeting. Decisions taken on some items are mentioned below:-
(1) Financial assistance for the death cases increased from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000/-.
(2) The annual grant increased from Rs. 15,000 to Rs.25, 000/-, Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 15,000/- to TWWO (Telecom Women Welfare organisaiton) as per size of the city.
(3) The amount of items viz Shawl and Memento increased to Rs. 750/- and Rs. 400/- respectively.
(4) Honorarium for Treasurer for BSNL staff Welfare Board and Circle Welfare Board increased respectively to Rs. 5,000/- and Rs. 4, 000/- respectively.
04-08-2018 : Demand of DOT for vacation of Eastern Court building at New Delhi to house Telecom Museum – reg. Letter No.-TF-34/2, dt-02-08-2018.
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04-08-2018 : Implementation of 7th CPC for Casual Labourers working in BSNL w.e.f. 01-01-2016 –reg. Letter No.-TF-31/1, dt-03-08-2018.
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03-08-2018 : AUAB letter to Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL on implementation of the recommendation of the 2nd PRC, on 30% superannuation benefits in respect of direct recruited employees in BSNL. Letter No.-UA/2017/30(i), dt-02-08-2018.
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03-08-2018 : AUAB letter to Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL on implementation of austerity measures at the top management level. Letter No.-UA/2017/30, dt-02-08-2018.
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03-08-2018 : Upgradation of Senior Accountants to the Executive Grade – reg. Letter No.-TF-24/2(h), dt-02-08-2018.
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03-08-2018 : Junior Engineer LICE – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-02-08-2018.
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02-08-2018 : Internal wage revision committee meeting took place today in NFTE union office at New Delhi. The Committee members discussed all the issues pertaining to wage revision of non-executive thoroughly. All the leaders opinioned that “stagnation” issue should be addressed seriously in the wage negotiations. Valuable suggestions given by the committee members will be taken care.
02-08-2018 : The meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council will be held on 08-08-2018 in the 8th floor Committee Room, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. Letter No.-BSNL/39-5/SR/2018, dt-31-07-2018.
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02-08-2018 : Disbursement of salary to employees working in BSNL. File No.-16-4/2017-CB(Part), dt-31-07-2018.
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02-08-2018 : Holding of 12th BSNL staff welfare Board meeting on 03-08-2018 at 15.00 hours at the conference hall, 9th floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. Letter No.-12-1/2017/BSNL (WL), dt-01-08-2018.
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02-08-2018 : Reply in Lok Sabha with regard to Financial condition of BSNL and MTNL, Question No.-2326 on 01-08-2018.
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02-08-2018 : Reply in Lok Sabha with regard to installation of Mobile Towers by BSNL/MTNL, Question No.-2465 on 01-08-2018.
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01-08-2018 : All unions/associations Leaders met Hon’ble Minister Shri Manoj Sinha Ji, MoSC(I/C) today in the Parliament house.
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17-09-2018 : Maintain unity to achieve the Goal
Dear comrades,
Of late, the CHQ is observing that some of our comrades are criticizing the BSNLEU and praising the NFTE leadership for achieving the proposed wage revision scales. The goal is still far away as it has to get approval from DOT which may need sustained and serious struggle. The unfounded criticism may affect the unity which will be detrimental to the great cause. Therefore please desist from such activities forthwith in larger interest. Trust our comrades will sincerely abide by the advise of CHQ .
01-08-2018 : Minutes of the meeting of NFTE – BSNL with Director (HR) held on 24th July, 2018. F. No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018, dt-01-08-2018.
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01-08-2018 :
Pension Revision Experiences and Expections.Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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01-08-2018 : The grant of relaxation in LICE examination for JE held on 28-01-2018 is under very active consideration of management, after vigorous pursuance of the HQR.
01-08-2018 : Corporate office issued clarification on Compassionate ground appointment to married son. Letter No.-273-18/2013/CGA/Estt-IV, dt-31-07-2018.
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