20-03-2020 : DOPT guidelines for Preventive Measures to be taken to contain the Spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)- reg. Letter No.-GENL/98-24/2010-2020/14, dt-19-03-2020.
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19-03-2020 : Review of JTO LICE result for the year 2017-18-reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-18-03-2020.
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18-03-2020 : Pensioners Association meeting at Raipur Chhattisgarh:- “Annual Milan and Samman function of Pensioners” under the banner of DOT and BSNL Pensioners Association was held at Raipur under the Chairmanship of Shri Ramsunder Yadav. Shri Trivedi, CGM was the Chief Guest. At the outset Com. Chilamwar gave his opening speech and said pensioners above 75 years age will be honoured. He declared that the apprehensions of VRS retirees will be touched upon by the CHQ leaders. Com. TRC Rao, CHQ organising Secy said that the absorbed employees are getting Pension due to late Com. O.P. Gupta. Speaking on the occasion Com. Islam asserted that the grey areas in Pension in respect of VRS optees are being focussed. The NFTE will make sustained effort for settlement of claims as well as resolution of pension issues. There will be no let up in this regard. The survival of BSNL is fully depending on the policy and intention of Govt. Presently the Govt is hostile towards PSUs and want to destroy these.
18-03-2020 : Booking for Gratuity (paid or payable) to directly recruited employees of BSNL during the financial year 2019-20 up to 31-03-2020. Letter No.-500-50/2019-20/BSNL A/cs Closure – Gratuity, dt-17-03-2020.
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18-03-2020 : Booking for Leave Encashment (paid or payable) during the financial year 2019-20. Letter No.-500-50/2019-20/BSNL HY A/cs Closure –L.E, dt-17-03-2020.
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17-03-2020 : Notification to hold LICEs for promotion to JE(T)/TT/JTO/JAO Cadres – reg. Letter No.-14/2(a)(d), dt-16-03-2020.
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17-03-2020 : Verification of Leave encashment data and last pay drawn for VRS optees, Ex-gratia, Gratuity – reg. Letter No.-500-163/2019-20/CA-III/BSNL, dt-14-03-2020.
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16-03-2020 : Don’t led by rumours:- A very sinister news are spread in the Social Media that another VRS proposal is coming for employees of 45 years of age and above. Factually, there is no such proposal. The CHQ request you all to ignore such rumour.
13-03-2020 : Shri V.Ramesh,CGM, Gujrat has been selected for the post of Director (Enterprise) in BSNL Board. The CHQ extends hearty greetings.
13-03-2020 : Pension revision is linked with the pay revision. Hon’ble MoS(C) replied on 11-03-2020 in Lok Sabha Star question 2950.
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13-03-2020 : Meeting with the CMD, BSNL and unions is fixed for 18-03-2020 relating to status of revival plan and organizational restructuring in BSNL post VRS.
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13-03-2020 : BSNL No.-500-163/2019-20/CA III/BSNL, dt-12-03-2020 regarding verification of Leave Encashment, Leave Data and Last pay drawn for VRS optees.
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13-03-2020 : Com. A. Venkateshwarlu, T.T. at Chirala, Andhra has expired on 12-03-2020. He has been committed and devoted worker of NFTE. CHQ condoles his death and shares the grief of the deceased family.
13-03-2020 : Meeting with GM (Rectt) LICE for promotion to higher Cadres:- President accompanied with the Dy. G.S. SNATTA met the GM (Rectt) and reminded her the commitment of 21-01-2020 in the formal meeting that the LICE for promotion to TT/JE/JTO/JAO Cadres will be notified in March, 2020.
She replied that a committee consisting of CGM (Legal), Sr. GM(Est) and PGM (Pers) has been formed to formulate the policy for holding the LICE. She told by next meeting it will be finalized.
13-03-2020 : JTO LICE result:- Union leaders drawn her attention to BSNL HQR letter No.-5-8/2013-DE(Pt), dt-08-04-2020 for adopting procedure for compensating the candidates for wrong/out of syllabus questions, Ambiguous question, etc. The union has given detailed letter which needs consideration. She desired the letter of BSNL HQR referred by the union.
13-03-2020 : Generation of long stay list [SDE(T)/AGM(T)/DGM(T)] from ERP SAP in r/o Executives for inter-circle transfers. Letter No.-412-09/2019-Pers.I, dt-11-03-2020.
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12-03-2020 : Encashment of leave:- The fund for payment of accumulated leave for normal retirees stand allotted. As for as encashment of leave for VRS retirees is concerned the fund will be allotted after payment of societies dues.
This was told by GM (Banking) to President when he met him today.
12-03-2020 : Group Insurance LIC:- GM(CA), Shri Mondal talked to CGM, Shri Trivedi at Chhattisgarh. It was told that the matter is being sorted out. It has conveyed to CGM that the Corporate office will pay interest/penalty, if need be.
12-03-2020 : Rousing farewell to retirees including VRS personnel:-
A rousing reception and farewell was accorded to VRS retirees and others in “Sabhagar” at CTO, New Delhi. Com. M.P. Singh , Circle President, Corporate office presided and Com. Rajpal, Circle Secy, NTR conducted the meeting, Comrade Islam and GM Mtce Shri Sachan also participated. All the retirees were honoured with garlands, Mementos and Shawls. Circle Secy, Com. H.N. Sharma, C.S. was also present, speaking on the occasion. Com. Islam told that there are grey areas in pension in respect of VRS retirees and NFTE is trying hard to get these resolved. The VRS retirees are covered under Rule 37A as such it is not correct to state in PPOs that the pension is sanctioned under BSNL VRS – 2019 scheme. Efforts will continue to ensure that all the claims of retirees are settled to their satisfaction.
12-03-2020 : Informal meeting with CMD, BSNL:-
President alongwith Secy, Com. Rajpal met the CMD on 11th instant and brought to his notice the following issues.
(1) Non-acceptance of Premium arrears by LIC in respect of Group Insurance scheme at Chhattisgarh. The CMD was told that due to default in payment the LIC is not accepting the money and employees are being punished for their no fault. He immediately asked Shri Mondal, GM(CA) to sort out the issue by contacting higher ups in the LIC. He immediately asked Shri Mondal, GM(CA) to sort out the issue by contacting higher ups in the LIC.
(2) PPOs of VRS retirees:- It was again brought into his knowledge that in the PPOs of VRS retirees it is written that the pension is sanctioned as per BSNL VRS- 2019 scheme which is wrong . Such personnel are covered under Rule 37A of CCS Pension Rule. He reiterated to send the case to DOT.
(3) Societies Dues:- The dues in respect of VRS retirees have been cleared so that there is no difficulty in getting “NOC” to them.
11-03-2020 : VRS retirees can avail facilities of retention of quarters, residential Telephone Connections, Medical facilities vide paras (F) and (G) of BSNL HQR letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT (BSNL), dt-08-11-2019. Letter in Hindi.
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11-03-2020 : CCAs in PPOs have incorporated that the pension in respect of VRS retirees have been sanctioned under BSNL VRS – 2019 orders. The fact is that no such rule exists. TF-58, dt-10-03-2020 to CMD, BSNL for taking up the matter with the DOT for reconciliation and resolution.
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11-03-2020 : The LIC has refused to accept the arrears amount of Premiums of Group Insurance at Chhattisgarh. TF-58, dt-10-03-2020 to CMD, BSNL for intervention to prevent sufferings to the employees including retirees.
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11-03-2020 : Constitution of National Council – List of Staff Side/Official Side members. Letter No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2020, dt-09-03-2020.
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11-03-2020 : Leasing out of office spaces and buildings for revenue. D.O. No.-3/02/BSNL/CO/(BW), dt-06-03-2020.
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11-03-2020 : Exemption to employees to mark biometric attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) – reg. F. No.-C-13014/1/2020-Vig, dt-06-03-2020.
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11-03-2020 : Ex-Gratia Payment for BSNL VRS 2019 retirees – reg. Letter No.-1/VRS/BSNL/2019/Account/TA-1/841 to 873, dt-06-03-2020.
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11-03-2020 : Co-authorization of permanently disabled child/children in PPO for Family Pension –reg. Letter No.-1/6/2020-P&W(F), dt-03-03-2020.
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07-03-2020 : CHQ extends a very warm, prosperous and colourful Holi to the BSNL family.
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07-03-2020 : Verification of data in ERP of VRS optees viz-a-viz service books (re-verification of data). Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-05-03-2020
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06-03-2020 : Default payment of LIC premium;-
The BSNL HQR has allotted fund for LIC premiums payment of VRS optees relating to last 8 months. However, the LIC management has refused to accept payment at Chhattisgarh.
President of the union met the GM (Banking), Shri Bhatt and has apprised him with the development, He promised to discuss the matter with the Director(F) for resolution.
06-03-2020 : Salary Payment:- The management is striving hard to pay salary of January, 2020 before Holi positively. Some money is expected from a quarter and on receipt of some payment will be effected on Saturday itself.
06-03-2020 : Recovery of over/excess payment due to wrong pay fixation of VRS optees – reg. Letter No.-1-06/2016-PAT(BSNL), dt-04-03-2020.
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06-03-2020 : Concept of RED (Retired employees distributor Policy -2020) under CM-S&D Policy – 2018. Letter No.-27-2/2019/S&M-CM/11, dt-04-03-2020.
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05-03-2020 : Grant of upgradation under NEPP to officials qualified in confirmation examination – reg. F. No.-250-10/2009-Estt-III, dt-03-03-2020.
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04-02-2020 : Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ addressed a meeting at Bhagalpur:- Com. Mahabir Singh was invited by the District union of Bhagalpur while he was there for his personal work. The District union organised a meeting on 03-03-2020 which was addressed by Com. Mahabir Singh. A huge gathering was assembled including VRS retirees to hear the views of NFTE Leader. Com. Singh exhorted all the HR issues and issues of Pre and Post VRS. He explained the decision taken in Circle Secretaries meeting at Ranchi. He added that the NFTE will always stand at forefront for safe guard of the BSNL and protection of the interest of workers. After arrival at meeting place the District Secretary District President and other members gave a warm welcome to Com. Mahabir Singh and felicitated him by offering flower bouquet, garland, Shawl etc. The meeting concluded after a vote of thanks by Com. Kali Prasad Yadaw, District President.
04-03-2020 : Issue of PPOs for grant of pension in respect of VRS optees 2019-reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-04-03-2020.
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04-03-2020 : Commencement of JTO Phase-I Training (10 w). Letter No.-TM-27/COL/1/2018-19/, dt-29-02-2020.
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04-03-2020 : Sail/Swim or Sink. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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28-02-2020 : Issue of PPOs in respect of VRS optees, 2019- reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-27-02-2020.
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28-02-2020 : DOT issued clarification with regard to cancellation of POs (Orders of absorption) of employees recruited by BSNL on or after 01-10-2000. Letter No.-27-1/2001-SNG (Vol.III)/Chennai T.C(Pt.), dt-27-02-2020.
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27-02-2020 : Nomination for National Council on behalf of NFTE (BSNL). Letter No.-TF-2/2(a), dt-27-02-2020.
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26-02-2020 : Informal meeting with the CMD BSNL:-
President met the CMD, BSNL today and raised the following issues –
(1) PPOs of VRS optees:- The PPOs contain to the effect that pension is sanctioned as per BSNL VRS – 2019. The CMD immediately spoke to Member(F) in this respect.
(2) GPF payment:- The GPF of all VRS optees will be paid by this month. More than 68,000 VRS optees have already received it.
(3) Maintenance of Lease Circuits, Broad Band etc.
The CMD was apprised of the state of affairs. Even the Secy (T) has expressed its concerns about working of the lease circuits. He promised to intervene into the matter. He was also told about not availability of even basic amenity in the offices/exchanges.
26-02-2020 : Implementation of revival plan vis-à-vis neglect of leased circuits FTTH, Board Band etc services – reg. Letter No.-TF-58(a), dt-25-02-2020.
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26-02-2020 : Holding of LICEs for promotion to Telecom Technician, JE and JTO/JAO Cadres – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-25-02-2020.
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26-02-2020 : Salary payment and the remittance of recovered amount of dues to the concerned organisations – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-25-02-2020.
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26-02-2020 : Settlement of claims of VRS optees, 2019 – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-25-02-2020.
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26-02-2020 : Corporate office letter on payment of GPF to VRS 2019 retirees before 29-02-2020. Letter No.-Dir.(HR)/BSNL Board/2020/Misc./04, dt-25-02-2020.
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25-02-2020 : Press statement of AUAB with regard to hunger fast programme held on 24-02-2020.
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25-02-2020 : Hunger fast call (24-02-2020) was successfully organised at different places in the country – view of photos.
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24-02-2020 : Hunger strike programme conducted at Corporate office Today.
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24-02-2020 : Details of the talks held between the CMD BSNL and the AUAB today.
The AUAB leaders were invited for talks by the CMD BSNL today. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU & Convener, Com.Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE & Chairman, Com.K.Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com.S. Sivakuamar, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com.B.C. Pathak, Treasurer, FNTO, Com.Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS and Com.H.P. Singh, GS, BSNLOA, participated in the discussion. Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) and Shri A.M.Gupta, GM (SR) were also present. Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL explained about the steps being taken by the Management for the maintenance of services after VRS and the efforts being taken for the monetisation of assets. As regards the launching of BSNL's 4G service, he was not able to give any time line. He assured that all efforts are being taken to redress the grievances of the serving employees. The AUAB leaders expressed their serious concern over the delay in the launching of 4G service. They urged upon the CMD BSNL for immediate payment of the salary, contract workers wages and remittance of the deductions made from the salaries of the employees, to the concerned organisations. They also pointed out the lack of liaison between the AUAB and the Management on the question of improvement of services. Finally, the AUAB leaders also told the CMD BSNL that the Management should give up it’s intolerance even for peaceful agitations like Dharna, hunger strike, etc. The CMD BSNL assured that the concerns of the AUAB would be taken care of.
24-02-2020 : Principal Bench of CAT at Delhi has decided on 05-01-2020 to extend FR 221(a)(I) benefit to officiating JTO s as well as reversion set aside.
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21-02-2020 : Decisions of Circle Secretaries meeting at Ranchi:- The meeting of Circle Secretaries of union took place on 18th and 19th February, 2020 in Shivani International Hotel at Ranchi. Maximum number of Circle Secretaries attended and actively participated in the deliberations. The decisions on some of the issues are listed below.
(1) The grey areas in pension related matter as well as other issues viz payment of exgratia, Encashment of leave and other claims of VRS optees be actively persued for the settlement.
(2) The situation of post VRS period be highlighted for redressal. The maintenance of services are badly affected.
(3) Unwarranted transfers and harassment of staff be handled with firm hand. Non-executive employees should not be transferred from their parent SSAs.
(4) The present IDA may be merged with the pay.
(5) Salary of employees must be paid on due date. The BSNL should clear all dues viz GPF contributions. Pension contributions, EMI, LIC premiums, society and welfare dues, unions subscriptions etc.
(6) LICEs for promotions to Telecom Technicians, JEs, JTO and JAO Cadres be notified as assured on 21st January, 2020.
(7) The maintenance of leased circuits of Banks etc, Broad band, FTTH should get due attention.
(8) Organise hunger fast on 24th February to draw attention of the Govt/BSNL on employees demands.
21-02-2020 : GPF contributions deposit:- The BSNL HQR has deposited the contributions only in respect of VRS and superannuation retirees.
21-02-2020 : Important points discussed in HOCC meeting held on 13th and 14th February, 2020. dt-17-02-2020.
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21-02-2020 : Post VRS message to all employees to build the BSNL to glory from Director (HR). dt-12-02-2020.
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21-02-2020 : Retention of staff quarters by retirees of BSNL. Letter No.-482-11/2019-BG/Vol.II, dt-20-02-2020.
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21-02-2020 : Policy guidelines for outsourcing the Operation and Maintenance of BSNL CSCs – Issues for outsourcing of O & M of CSCs. File No.-16-2/2019-20/CSC-OUTSOURCE, dt-19-02-2020.
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21-02-2020 : Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training Establishment issued guidelines for grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport. F. No.-11012/7/2017-Estt. A- III, dt-18-02-2020.
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21-02-2020 : Corporate office issued guidelines with regard to representations of Union/Associations on the issues related to different Units of Corporate office. Letter No.-BSNL/20-3/SR/2020, dt-18-02-2020.
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20-02-2020 : Payment of liabilities of all including VRS optees and employees retired on superannuation:- All liabilities except Societies, Pension contributions cleared by BSNL HQR all upto January, 2020.
This was told by GM (Banking) today when the President of the union met him.
20-02-2020 : Endorsement of Provisional PPOs of VRS optees by BSNL HQR:-
President met the Sr. GM(Est) and raised the above matter who informed that the soft ware has been developed today for the purpose. PPOs will now be endorsed.
20-02-2020 : Minutes of the meeting of NFTE (BSNL) with Director (HR) held on 21st January, 2020.
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19-02-2020 : : Circle Secretaries meeting started at Ranchi (Hotel Shivani International) on 18-02-2020 under the Presidentship of Com. Islam Ahmad, All India President. Majority of Circle Secretaries attended the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. elaborately explained the agenda points in the meeting. On 1st day (18-02-2020). Eleven Circle Secretaries participated in the debate. Com. Mahabir Singh, Circle Secretary Jharkhand and his team have made appreciable and memorable arrangements for the meeting.
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18-02-2020 : Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, in place of National Pension System, of those Central Government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01-01-2004 but who joined Government service on or after 01-01-2004. Letter No.-57/04/2019-P&PW(B), dt-17-02-2020.
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15-02-2020 : An appeal: Com. Rameshwar Sondhiya, ATT committed suicide on 13-02-2020 at the age of 37 years. Now, his wife and two female children were left alone. The living condition of the family is very pathetic. Once again, I request you all to extend an helping hand to the family by sending liberal donations to them at this crucial juncture. Bank details - (1) Name of A/c holder – RAJ KUMARI. (2) Name of Bank – INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK. (3) IFSC Code – IOBA0000589. (4) A/c No.- 058901000015243. G.S.
14-02-2020 : Govt of India/Ministry of Communications/Department of Telecommunications - SOP for payment of provisional pension to BSNL VRS 2019 optees. Letter No.-1/Misc/Pen/Issues/BSNL/DDG(Accounts)/2019-Part(1)/566 to 597, dt-14-02-2020.
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14-02-2020 : It has come to the notice of CHQ NFTE (BSNL) that one Com. Rameshwar Kumar Sondhiya ATT committed suicide by hanging him self in his home (room), which is Futatal Badhai Muhalla under Belbagh Police Station of Jabalpur Telecom District (M.P.). Com. Sondhiya committed suicide due to non- receipt of two months salary, causing starvation in his family. There in nothing for lively hood in his family. The Jabalpur SSA paid Rs. 20,000/- from welfare fund for cremation etc. The NFTE District Branch Jabalpur paid Rs. 2200/- and Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. has transferred Rs. 25,000/- as a token help to the family.
We request our Circle/District Branches and individual members also to come forward and send token help to Com. Sondhiya family on the details given below:-
(1) Name of A/c holder – RAJ KUMARI. (2) Name of Bank – INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK. (3) IFSC Code – IOBA0000589. (4) A/c No.- 058901000015243. Smt. Raj Kumari is wife of Late Com. Rameshwar Kumar Sondhiya ATT.
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13-02-2020 : Corporate office letter on quantum of tax exemption available to an eligible BSNL VRS – 2019 optee under Section 10(10C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (“the Act”) read with Rule 2BA of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 (“the Rule”). Letter No.-1001-09/2019-20/Taxation/BSNL VRS 2019/3723, dt-11-02-2020.
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13-02-2020 : Corporate office letter on merger of non-Territorial Circles – Guidelines. Letter No.-16-4/2019/CBB-RB(P), dt-10-02-2020.
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12-02-2020 : Review and validation of entries in SAP in respect of VRS optees – reg. Letter No.-500-163/2019-20/CA-III/BSNL, dt-11-02-2020.
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12-02-2020 : BSNL VRS Scheme – issue of LPC reg. Letter No.-500-163/2019-20/CA-III/BSNL, dt-11-02-2020.
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12-02-2020 :
Guidelines for BSNL MRS card Extension/Surrender – reg. Letter No.-AWL/BSNL MRS/CIRCULAR/19-20, dt-28-01-2020.
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11-02-2020 : Demonstrations at Circle and SSA level:- We are receiving news from Circle/SSA regarding holding of lunch hour demonstration in very good manner.
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11-02-2020 : Lunch hour demonstration at BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi:- A good number of employees were participated in Lunch hour demonstration at BSNL Corporate office Janpath, New Delhi. The assemble workers shouted slogan for payment of salary in time, Payment of pending wages for Contract Labour, refund and remit all deducted amount from the salary of staff to concern organisation. All the General Secretaries of constituent. Unions and Associations addressed the crowd and appeal for total unity among all the executive and non executive employees which is only the solution in the crisis of the day. From NFTE General Secretary, Com. Rajpal Secretary NFTE CHQ, Com. Naresh Kumar, A.I. Vice President and a large number of members of NFTE from NTR and Corporate office took part in demonstration.
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07-02-2020 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:-
NFTE delegation consisting of President, General Secretary and Secy, Com. Mahabir Singh met the CMD, BSNL and raised the following items.
(1) Delay in settlement of Pension cases:-
Union was told that the Member (F) has agreed to release the LPC for the purpose of Pension. He admitted there is slow progress in processing of the pension papers of Corporate office and same will be expedited.
(2) Salary payment etc:- CMD informed efforts are on to expedite the payment. GPF contributions have been deposited and deposits are being released by CCAs.
(3) CMD agreed to send message to ensure participation of workers without fear the union emphasised that harmony should prevail in the field.
07-02-2020 : Notice for agitational programme – reg. Letter No.-UA/2019/111, dt-07-02-2020.
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07-02-2020 : Facility of special casual leave – reg. Letter No.-TF-1/1(f), dt-07-02-2020.
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07-02-2020 : All unions and associations of BSNL (AUAB) – Circular. Letter No.-UA/2019/110, dt-07-02-2020.
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07-02-2020 : Former All India President of NFTE(BSNL) bereaved:- The daughter of former All India President and Circle Secy of East UP, Com. Ramnath Pandey has expired on 4th February, 2020. The CHQ shares the grief of our late leader and convey the heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
06-02-2020 : Guidelines for providing certain facilities in respect of persons with disabilities employed in Govt for performance of their duties – reg. Letter No.-TF-24/1(h), dt-06-02-2020.
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06-02-2020 : FAQ on Special Casual Leave (SCL). Letter No.-BSNL/20-14/SR/2018, dt-04-02-2020.
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06-02-2020 : Relaxation in CM-S&D Policy – 2018 for appointment of retired BSNL employee as Franchisee for vacant territories under CM-S&D Policy – 2018. Letter No.-27-4/2019/S&M-CM/2, dt-30-01-2020.
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05-02-2020 : Penalties on employees due to default in payments – reg. Letter No.-TF-58(a), dt-05-02-2020.
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05-02-2020 : Retention of staff quarters by VRS, 2019 retired personnel – reg. Letter No.-TF-27/1, dt-05-02-2020.
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05-02-2020 : Circle Secretary meeting at Ranchi (Jharkhand) from 18th February, 2020 for two days. The accommodation will be available from 17th, Feb, 2020 upto 12.00 hrs of 20-02-2020. All Circle Secretaries are requested to bring the following information:-
(1) Details of non-executives after VRS-Circle/SSA Wise.
(2) Membership details Circle/ SSA wise.
(3) Details of District and Branches.
(Venue of the meeting – Hotel Shivani International, Main Road, Hinoo, Ranchi – 834002, Jharkhand).
Distance from Airport – 1.5Km.
Ranchi Railway Station – 2.0Km.
(Hatia Railway Station – 2Km. (Hatia Railway Station is more convenient) Contact Com. Mahabir Singh, Mobile – 9431177884.
05-02-2020 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2019- settlement of dues/loans taken by VRS optees from the co-operative societies/Banks under MoU arrangement. File No.-1-22/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-31-01-2020.
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05-02-2020 : Relaxation in CM-S&D Policy – 2018 for appointment of retired BSNL employee as Franchisee for vacant territories under CM-S&D Policy – 2018. Letter No.-27-4/2019/S&M-CM/2, dt-30-01-2020.
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04-02-2020 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2019 – settlement of dues /loans taken by VRS optees from the co-operative societies/Banks under MoU arrangement – Date of obtaining NOC has been extended from 07-02-2020 to 29-02-2020.
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01-02-2020 : Post VRS – Revival of BSNL. Editorial (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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01-02-2020 : Corporate office letter on relaxation in CM-S&D Policy – 2018 for appointment of retired BSNL employee as Franchises for vacant territories CM-S&D Policy – 2018. Letter No.-27-4/2019, dt-30-01-2020.
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31-01-2020 : Thousands of employees retiring today with heavy heart:- More than 78000 employees in BSNL are retiring today with heavy heart as the management has apparently ensured to send them with empty hand. The salary for two months and outstanding dues of Banks, Societies, LIC, Welfare contributions etc of such personnel have not been cleared resulting imposition of penalties due to default of the management. There has been enormous propaganda day in and day night by the BSNL HQR and DOT about the “Robust Package “ of VRS but even the DOT, owner of BSNL, has not cared to ensure the salary payment. It is not only unfortunate but most disgusting and painful. The employer and the owner failed to fulfil their obligations towards employees despite relentless persuasions by the union.
It is high time that the top management realise the sufferings before it is too late. The NFTE (BSNL) HQR wish all the retired Comrades happy and prosperous retired life. Our efforts to continue till resolution of the issues. The CHQ reassures we mean what we say for the welfare of the brethren.
31-01-2020 : Corporate office letter on outsourcing of BTS sites. Letter No.-MOB-19/BTS Sites Mtce Outsourcing/29, dt-30-01-2020.
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31-01-2020 : Order have been issued envisaging the procedure to settle to claims of VRS optees, 2019 in whose cases punishment is completing after 31st January, 2020. BSNL No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL) Part 3, dt-30-01-2020.
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31-01-2020 : Grand felicitation to 336 VRS retirees and 18 superannuation officials in Patna Telecom District:- Management of PGM Patna organised a memorable farewell function to 354 officials (336 VRS optees +18 superannuation) on 30-01-2020. The Management honoured the retirees with Shawl and Memento. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary attended the function.
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31-01-2020 : Notification issued for holding Circle Secretaries meeting at Ranchi (Jharkhand) from 18th February, to 19th February, 2020.
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Top management very loudly declared on occasions to send the BSNL VRS optees, 2019 with honour and dignity. Assured repeatedly to pay the salary on due date and clear all the dues of societies, Banks, LIC etc. The optees are facing huge penalties from the above organisations due to non-remittance of recovered amounts of loans/instalments.
The management has added insult to the injury and issued orders on 08-01-2020 not to honour the VRS retirees in farewell meetings and avoid expenditures on them. It has been in very bad taste and the union protested in the formal meeting on 21st January, 2020 held with Director (HR). He has been kind enough to appreciate our point and ordered for modification in orders. The union leaders run from pillar to post but the revised orders as promised could not see the light of the day. What is credibility of such assurance ?.
It is painful to note that our Comrades, brothers and sisters are retiring with empty hands who have contributed a lot for the company. It is really very painful for to us to record as their contributions have been ignored.
Therefore, the CHQ appeal to union leaders at all levels to rise to the occasion and ensure that full honour is extended to all the retirees from us.
Further, there will be complete vacuum in exchanges and offices. Our customers may face inconveniences. We have faced crisis during the natural calamities in different parts of the country and served the people in difficult days.
The HQR fervently appeal to retired Comrades to come forward to serve voluntarily for few days after retirement subject to the acceptance by the management at different levels as BSNL has been our bread earner and we are committed for its survival. Forget and forgive the neglects at the hands of higher ups for the sake of company.
30-01-2020 : Disabled sons after attaining the age of 25 years can be considered for medical facilities under CGHs. Ministry of Health 4-24/96-C and P/CGHs (P)/EHS, dt-01-01-2020.
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30-01-2020 : The BSNL VRS-2019 optees are entitled for Tax-exemptions under section 10(c) on exgratia payment provided they have not availed exemption earlier. BSNL No.-1001-09/2019-20/Taxation/BSNL VRS 2019/3712, dt-29-01-2020.
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30-01-2020 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019 – Procedure for issue of final retirement order/release order in respect of employees whose options for voluntary retirement have been accepted by competent authority. Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT (BSNL), dt-29-01-2020.
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29-01-2020 : BREADS (BSNL Retired Employee Associate Distributor Sales) Policy, 2020 under CM-S&D Policy. Letter No.-27-2/2019/S&M-CM/5, dt-28-01-2020.
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29-01-2020 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019 – Procedure in respect of employees who have expired/dismissed/retired after submission/acceptance of option. Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-28-01-2020.
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28-01-2020 : President and Treasurer, Com. Rajmouli met the Director (F) today. The progress of some issues are as below:-
(1) Funds for Shawl/Memento for VRS optees etc:-
Director (F) has told that necessary funds stand allotted.
(2) GPF contribution deposits – The contributions of GPF have been deposited. However penalty for delayed deposits have not been remitted to CCAs. He firmly told that the retires will get due interests on GPF and will not face any financial loss. Later on the BSNL will pay the penalty to DOT.
(3) Grant of Pension –Pension will be sanctioned and there will be no difficulty due to non-deposit of Pension contributions. Matter will be sorted out between DOT and BSNL afterwards. Member (F), Telecom Commission has issued instructions to CCAs in this respect.
(4) Salary payment:-
Management is making all out efforts for salary payment at the earliest. Till date loans have not been released by the banks.
(5) Penalties due to non-remittance of recovered amount of instalments to Banks, LIC, Societies:-
Director (F) was apprised of that the retirees are facing heavy penalties due to default of the management. It is not justified and needs consideration.
28-01-2020 : Meeting with the GM(Adm):- Union representatives met the GM(Adm) for modification in orders contained in NO.-25-7/2019-BSNL(WL), dt-08-01-2020 relating to expenses in farewells as agreed by Director on 21st instant meeting. The Director (HR) has also been reminded for the modification in the orders after meeting.
28-01-2020 : Sale of PSUs begun:- The Govt has decided to sale the Air India by 18th March, 2020. So sale of PSUs have started.
27-01-2020 : Corporate office issued clarification on FAQs for policy on outsourcing model issued vide letter No.-77-1/2019/Outsourcing model – GEN/19, dated-20-12-2019. Letter No.-77-1/2019/Outsourcing model – GEN/56, dt-22-01-2020.
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25-01-2020 : The union extends heartiest greetings on the evening of 71st Republic Day. Let us pledge to protect the precious constitution of the country framed by Bharatratna Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
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24-01-2020 : Promotional offer of extra validity of 71 days with PV 1999 under GSM mobile services. Letter No.-26-7/2019-T&C-CM, dt-23-01-2020.
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24-01-2020 : Policy guidelines for outsourcing of Operation & Maintenance of CSCs. Letter No.-16-2/2019-20/CSC-OUTSOURCE, dt-23-01-2020.
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23-01-2020 : Outsourcing:-This issue was also discussed in the meeting with Director (HR) on 21-02-2020. The union has suggested that only one vendor be entrusted for maintenance of the entire external plant. The engagement of too many vendors will lead to confusion and none will take responsibility for the fault and its rectification. The detailed representation is already submitted to BSNL HQR on 20-01-2020.
23-01-2020 : Settlement of cases relating to validation of Caste verification from State Level/District Level Scrutiny Committees in the wake of BSNL – 2019. BSNL HQR letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL) (Pt.), dt-22-01-2020.
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23-01-2020 : Clarity in pension related matters in respect of VRS optees, 2019. TF-58, dt-22-01-2020 to Director (HR) BSNL.
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23-01-2020 : Grant of due upgradations under NEPP after passing the confirmation Examination. TF-26/6, dt-22-01-2020 to Sr. GM(Est).
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22-01-2020 : Meeting with the GM(Rectt):- President, General Secretary of union and General Secretary of SNATTA (Com. Suresh Kumar), Com. P. Barua, President, SNATTA Kolkata TD and Com. Maharshi Brahmbhatt (WS-SNATTA) met the GM (Rectt) and discussed at length for review of the last JTO LICE held in May, 2019. The meeting lasted for an hour and she heard the views very patiently and assured to consider in correct perspective. The case of Punjab Circle LICE was also discussed.
22-01-2020 : Brief report of formal meeting held on 21-01-2020, with the Director(HR):-
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22-01-2020 : Enhancement of Gratuity Ceiling Limit reg. Letter No.-500-65/2018-19/CA-II/BSNL/Gratuity, dt-21-01-2020.
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20-01-2020 : Formal meeting of union with the Director (HR) to take place on 21st January, 2020 at 1230 hours.
20-01-2020 : Review result of failed S/C S/T Candidates in Jharkhand circle. TF-14/2(b), dt-20-01-2020 to Director (HR).
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20-01-2020 : Extend due honour and respect to retiring VRS employees in farewells and ensure gifts. TF-16/1(c), dt-20-01-2020 to Director (HR) and Director (F).
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20-01-2020 : Arrears payment of special concession to BSNL employees in J&K. TF-010, dt-20-01-2020 to Director (F).
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20-01-2020 : Ensure full customer service in outsourcing of External plant. TF-58, dt-20-01-2020 to CMD, BSNL.
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20-01-2020 : Intervention of Hon’ble Minister of Communications solicited for clarity on pension related matters in respect of VRS optees. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-20-01-2020 to MOC.
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18-01-2020 : BSNL No.-25-7/2019-Rectt(Part A), dt-17-01-2020 regarding e-file Management system in BSNL.
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18-01-2020 : Member (Finance) has written to Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD, BSNL to the remit the pending claims of GPF credit as well as penal interest. D.O. No.-7-1/2018/PFP-Policy/206, dt-16-01-2020.
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18-01-2020 : Settle dues of loans, Societies, Banks under MOU from leave Encashment and exgratia amounts. BSNL No.-1-22/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-17-01-2020 to all CGMs.
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17-01-2020 : Policy Guidelines for outsourcing of Operation & Maintenance of CSCs. Letter No.-16-2/2019-20/CSC-OUTSOURCE, dt-15-01-2020.
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16-01-2020 : Deployment of staff on network operation and maintenance on Temporary basis in post era period. BSNL HQR No.-1-6/2018-Restg(Pt), dt-14-01-2020.
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16-01-2020 : Circle Secretaries Meeting:- It has been decided to hold the meeting of Circle Secretaries on 18th and 19th February, 2020 at “Hotel Shivani International, Main Road, Hinoo Near Eynex Cinema Ranchi 834002 Jharkhand”. The Circle Secretaries may arrange their journey To and Fro accordingly. However, the return journey may not be before 7pm of 19th February, 2020.
For any further information Com. Mahavir Singh, Circle Secretary, Jharkhand may be contacted on mobile phone – 9431177884. Arrangement for lodging and fooding will be available in the hotel upto 12.00 hrs of 20-02-2020.
15-01-2020 : Non-Territorial Circles viz ETR, ETP, WTR, WTP, NTR, NTP, STR, STP and NE region (Assam, NE-1 and NE-II) will be merged w.e.f. 01-04-2020 as under:-
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15-01-2020 : Informal meeting with GM (Admn):- President, General Secretary and Circle Secy of Corporate office (Com. H.N. Sharma) met the GM (Admn) and raised the following items.
(1) JK-20 Mobile plan for serving employees in J&K:- The planning branch of mobile services has cleared the file and after approval by Director (HR) orders will be issued. Some time may be consumed in issuance of the orders as BSNL HQR is fully engaged in respect of VRS.
(2) CGHS facility for pensioners of DOT absorbees:-
The union requested that the orders and guidelines issued earlier for switching over of BSNL Pensioners to CGHS be issued again as at many places these are not available. Retried personnel are unaware of the procedure GM agreed to this.
15-01-2020 : Meeting with Director (Finance):-
President and General Secretary met the Director (F) today and held discussions with him relating to salary payment of December,2019 and other matters. The details are as under -
(I) Efforts are on for getting loans from banks and he categorically stated that the salary payment will be done at the earliest.
(II) All claims including medical of VRS optees will be settled.
(III) Arrears of special concession to Kashmir Valley staff will also be cleared.
(IV) The recoveries of cooperative societies, Banks etc will be paid to respective organisations so that there is no difficulty in getting “No Dues certificate” to the optees.
(V) The union stated that the outsourcing may prove counterproductive. He reacted sharply and asserted finance wing will keep strict watch over the expenditures on outsourcing. He also expressed his view that the retired personnel be utilised for selling of Sims instead of Franchisee.
(VI) There should be maximum utilisation of executives from JTOs to GMs in field rather in Corporate office and circle offices. The Director (F) appreciated the demand. There should not be JAO and AO together.
15-01-2020 : Withdrawal of Rs. 3001/- gift in farewell functions for retirees. CMD BSNL urged for review of the decision. Letter No.- TF-16/1(c), dt-15-01-2020.
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14-01-2020 : Settlement of claims of VRS optees, 2019 – clarity on vigilance clearance. Letter No.-TF-58/3, dt-14-01-2020.
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14-01-2020 : JTO LICE result for the year 2017-18-reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-14-01-2020.
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14-01-2020 : The scheduled meeting fixed for 14-01-2020 between union and Director (HR) stand deferred.
13-01-2020 : The CHQ extends Makar-Sankranti and Lohri greetings to BSNL family.
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13-01-2020 : Meeting with the Sr. GM(Est), GM(Restg) and GM(SR):-
President and General Secretary met the said officers and raised the following issues in seriatim.
(1) The payment of wages of contingent employees in Telangana Circle will be made as the discrepancies have been sorted out.
(2) The confusion in Vigilance clearance due to issue of orders from CVO, BSNL was brought to the notice. The union impressed upon the concerned officer for sorting out the issue.
(3) The issue of Business Area also came up for discussion. The existing HQRs will not be changed. However, the Business Area must earn not less than 30 crore.
(4) The hostile attitude and approach of field officers was brought to the notice of GM(SR).
11-01-2020 : Circle Conference of UP(West) Circle held as per scheduled on 10th & 11th January, 2020 at Bulandshahar:-
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11-01-2020 : 8th January, 2020 National General Strike a Grand success working people in Rural & Urban India. Dt-08-01-2020.
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11-01-2020 : Consolidation of SSAs into Business Areas. Letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg. Vol. V, dt-09-01-2020.
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11-01-2020 : Remittance of Pension Contribution for the period Dec-2011 to Sep – 2014 on maximum of the pay scale of the employees who opted for VRS w.e.f. 31-01-2020. Letter No.-500-57/BSNL/2019-20/CA-1/Vol VIII, dt-09-01-2020.
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11-01-2020 : Pay fixation in case of Group “B” officers absorbed in BSNL, who have opted for IDA pay scale from the date of promotion after 01-10-2000. Letter No.-1-5/2004-PAT(BSNL)/Pt.II, dt-08-01-2020.
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09-01-2020 : Farewell function to employees retiring from service w.e.f. January 2020 onwards. Letter No.-TF-16/1(c), dt-09-01-2020.
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09-01-2020 : Utilisation of non-executive staff for outdoor duties instead of planning sections etc. at Circle/BA levels – reg. Letter No.-TF-58(a), dt-09-01-2020.
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09-01-2020 : BSNL GSLI Scheme, 2005. Letter No.-500-57/2011/GSLI/CA II/BSNL/Vol.II, dt-08-01-2020.
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09-01-2020 : Outsourcing policy for maintenance and provisioning of Landline and Broadband for External Plant of Copper network in Semi-urban and Rural Areas. Letter No.-77-1/2019/Outsourcing model – GEN/50, dt-08-01-2020.
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09-01-2020 : Farewell function to Officers/Officials retiring from service w.e.f. January, 2020 onwards. F. No.-25-7/2019-BSNL(WL), dt-08-01-2020.
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08-01-2020 : Corporate office issued 5.3% increased IDA order. F. No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-08-01-2020.
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08-01-2020 : Headquarter continuously receiving the news of countrywide General Strike today, participation in large scale of workers, formers, students and youth is reported from nook and corner of the country. The General strike is a grand success. We salute all the participants who are on the road to protest against destabilising the PSUs, Privatisation, Disinvestment, reducing the scope of Job opportunities etc.
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08-01-2020 : Circle Conference of U.P. West Circle:- Conference of UP(West) is scheduled to be held at Bulandshahar on 10th & 11th January 2020. General Secretary is expected to attend the open session and observe the election, if any.
08-01-2020 : Com. Sidh Nath Pandey D.S. Allahabad bereaved:- Com. Sidh Nath Pandey lost his mother in this week. CHQ extend a deep condolence and share the sorrow of Com. Pandey.
07-01-2020 : Com. Sheetal Prasad Singh Ex District Secretary, NFTE (BSNL) Gorakhpur is no more. He was a veteran leader of NFTE and discharged the responsibility of Leader staff side in the council for several years. The CHQ extend deep condolences on death of Com. Sheetal Prasad Singh. Com. Islam Ahmad President will attend the “Shradh – Karma” on 12-01-2020 at Gorakhpur.
08-01-2020 : Comrade O.P.Gupta's death anniversary was observed in Chennai jointly by NFTE-BSNL and NFTCL. At a meeting held in Flower Bazaar complex under the presidentship of Com.V.Babu, Tamilnadu State President of NFTCL. Comrades CKM, Subbarayan , Dharmadoss , Anandan, Elangovan, Sabapathy, Anbu and Ravi recalled the service rendered by OPG to the P&T employees and BSNL employees.The portrait of Com. OPG was garlanded and flowers were showered on it by all the participants numbering 170 . Many women comrades also paid their respectful homage to the greatest leader of
P&T and BSNL.
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08-01-2020 : Corporate office issues guidelines to all CGMs with regard to claims recoverable on account of Leave balance at credit in respect of employees transferred from DOT and absorbed in BSNL. Letter No.-48-16/2019-Pen. (B), dt-07-01-2020.
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08-01-2020 : Corporate office letter on Pending payment schedules of GPF, DOT Loan and leave salary contribution up to No. 2019 (Retirees/VRS optees). Letter No.-16-04/2019/RB/FUND AUTH/Part, dt-07-01-2020.
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07-01-2020 : Remittance of recovered amount from the salary of BSNL employees:- It is reported that the amounts recovered from the salary of staff will be remitted to concerned organisations in this month.
07-01-2020 : 8th January, 2020 General Strike:- More than 25 crore workers are expected to participate in one day strike on 08th January, 2020 in the country, against Anti Labour and Anti PSU policies of Govt. 175 orgnisations of farmers and Agriculture workers have decided to observe 8th January, 2020 as Gramin Bharat Band. Students of 60 orgnisations and several elected office bearers of many unions have declared to join the General Strike. We, on behalf of NFTE (BSNL) request all our circle/District/Branch Secretaries to support and be a part of strike, and also organise demonstrations at all level.
07-01-2020 : The Comrades of Suri SSA (W.B.), West Bengal Circle union and Bhopal SSA have organised meetings on 06-01-2020 and paid rich tributes to Comrade O.P. Gupta Ji. “Com. Gupta Amar Rahe”.
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06-01-2020 : Meeting with Director (HR):- A meeting was organised with both the non-executive recognised unions in respect of General Strike scheduled to be held on 8th January, 2020.
The Director shown anxiety regarding present critical situation and suggested not to participate in General Strike. Com. C. Singh, General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli participated in the meeting. At end of the meeting General Secretary of NFTE drew the attention of Director (HR) towards inhuman approach in posting of staff who joined in Bihar circle on transfer under Rule – 8. The Director (HR) reciprocated to take proper care upon it.
06-01-2020 : Meeting with Sr. GM(Estt):- General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli met with GM(Estt) and discussed various issues related to VRS – 2019 and pointed out one particular issue related to deputationist on Temporary Transfer under Rule – 9. The Sr. GM assured to issue an instruction to extend the period of deputation at the same place from where the employee has opted for VRS, being at that place on deputation.
06-01-2020 : Meeting of NFTE-BSNL with Director (HR) will be held on 14-01-2020. Letter No.-BSNL/39-1/SR/2018/pt, dt-02-01-2020.
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06-01-2020 : Authorisation of JAG level Officer for issuance of POs etc. in respect of employees – case of Jharkhand Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-06-01-2020.
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06-01-2020 : Norms for posting of non-executive staff in Post VRS scenario – reg. Letter No.-TF-58/A, dt-06-01-2020.
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04-01-2020 : All Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to conduct meetings on 06-01-2020 and pay respectful homage to Com. OPG, on his 7th death anniversary. He was a visionary and unparallel leader in Trade union movement in the country. His untired deeds in up liftment of oppressed/suppressed and down trodden workers in P&T is memorable. He was a symbol for unity and tolerance. NFTE CHQ pays respectful homage to the departed “Rahnuma”. “ JAB TAK SURAJ CHAND RAHEGA, GUPTA Ji AAPKA NAAM RAHEGA”, “RED SALUTE COMRADE”.
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04-01-2020 : All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to start mobilization of workers for success of one day General Strike on 08-01-2020. The talks held with all Central Trade unions on 2nd January 2020 failed.
04-01-2020 : Press Release by Ten Central Trade Unions after meeting Minister of Labour & Employment – General Strike on 8th January 2020 stands. dt- 03-01-2020.
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04-01-2020 : Check List for timely settlement of Pension cases of VRS – 2019 Optees.
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04-01-2020 : Corporate office guidelines – Policy for provision of GSM in lieu of Residential Service Telephone connections/concessional Telephone Facilities to Serving/Retired employees of BSNL wherein area is declared Technically Non-Feasible (TNF) by SSA. Letter No.-2-2/2019-PHA, dt-03-01-2020.
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04-01-2020 : DPE issued 5.3% increased IDA order. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE (WC)-GL-11/20, dt-03-01-2020.
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04-01-2020 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019 – Role of HoD/DH/Individual employees and step by step procedure for processing of pension cases through SAMPANN. Letter No.-48-16/2019-Pen (B), dt-03-01-2020.
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03-01-2020 : Com. Kashmiri Lal, J.E. working in Haryana Circle was awarded Sanchar Sewa Padak – 2018 by Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary DOT on 27-12-2019. NFTE CHQ congratulates him for his hard work and commitment.
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03-01-2020 : Revenue of the Business Area should be more than 30 crore – Consolidation of SSAs into Business Areas. Letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg. Vol.V, dt-02-01-2020.
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02-01-2020 : CMD's New Year Message.
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02-01-2020 : D.O. Letter from Director (HR) to all CGMs. D.O. No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-31-12-2019.
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02-01-2020 : Service Book verification – BSNL VRS 2019 optees – poor performance – reg. Letter No.-48-16//2019-Pen (B), dt-01-01-2020.
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01-01-2020 : Welcome to 2020 – Farewell to 2019:- In the year 2019, NFTE participated in all the struggles conducted by AUAB for Revival of entity BSNL and in settlement of the staff issues. Bulk of the employees opted for VRS in the year 2019. Now, the situation is challengeable before us to achieve the promises made by Govt for Revival of BSNL. Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL is still slowly moving, where as “5G” spectrum action will takes place shortly. Employees were not getting their wages in due date since four months and the VRS opted employees have to get their benefits in intime fixed by Corporate office.
We hope that the vacuum caused in BSNL because of VRS is to be settled early to strengthen the entity BSNL. The year 2020 is beginning with one day strike on 08-01-2020, against the anti PSU and anti labour policies of Govt. All trade unions in the country are planning for success of the one day strike. We request to all to participate in the strike and make it success on 08-01-2020.
01-01-2020 : The Turn of the Century. Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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01-01-2020 : 5.3% increase in IDA from 01-01-2020. Total = 152%+5.3% = 157.3% (w.e.f. 01-01-2020).
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31-12-2019 :District Conference of Bangalore SSA:-
The District conference of Bangalore SSA Karnataka Circle held on 28th December 2019 in PGM office Auditorium under the president ship of Com Ranganna District President.
Com Sathyanarayana Naidu DS welcomed all the leaders and officers to the conference. He placed the report of activities in the house. The Treasurer submitted accounts in the house. The house approved the report but the accounts were approved subject to the audit.
In open session Sri Janaradhana Rao PGM, Smt Durgarani PGM Finance, Sri Guptha GM HR/Admin, Sri B Venkateswarulu GM CF and the leaders of SEWA BSNL, AIBSNLEA, AIBSNLWA attended and addressed the meeting.
Com K.S Sheshadri Dy General Secretary CHQ in his speech explained recent developments in BSNL as well as Union activities Com AC Krishna Reddy Circle Secretary attended and addressed the meeting.
Com Ranganna, Com Sathyanarayana Naidu and Com A Ravi were elected unanimously as District President District Secretary and District Treasure respectively
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31-12-2019 : Deployment of staff on network operation and maintenance post VRS on Temporary basis – reg. Letter No.-1-6/2018-Restg. (Pt), dt-27-12-2019.
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31-12-2019 : Discrepancies observed in large number of service books of the BSNL VRS 2019 optees – reg. Letter No.-2-1/CCA/BSNL/VRS Scheme/19-20, dt-27-12-2019.
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31-12-2019 : Release of retirement benefits during pendency of criminal appeal in respect of BSNL absorbed/recruited employees – reg. Letter No.-48-7/2018-Pen (B), dt-30-12-2019.
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28-12-2019 : Sanchar Sewa Padak Award function - 2018:- On 27-12-2019 at 4pm in a brief function at 9th floor conference hall of Corporate office, six selected employees (1. Shri Bandhan Preet Singh, JTO, Punjab, (2) Mohd. Parwez Khan, D.E, M.P. (3) Shri Girish C. Chindi, T.M, Karnataka, (4) Shri T.N. Rajan, O.S. STR, (5) Shri Kashmiri Lal, J.E, Haryana, (6) Shri M. Thimmanna, ATT, A.P.) were awarded with Sanchar Sewa Padak by the Chief Guest of the function Shri Anshu Prakash Secretary DOT & Chairman, DCC.
The function was initiated and anchored by Shri S.K. Sinha PGM (Admin) BSNL C.O. New Delhi. At the beginning of the function Shri P.K. Purwar CMD – BSNL welcomed and honoured Shri Anshu Prakash Secretary DOT with flower bouquet and Shawl. In his address, he expressed gratitude to the Secretary DOT for his vital role played in approval of BSNL revival plan by union Cabinet. He congratulated the awardees for their hard work.
Before end of the function Shri Anshu Prakash, DOT addressed the house and appreciated the BSNL management and staff for their positive contribution towards services and customers. He also congratulated the awardees for their commitment towards BSNL.
He directed to the CMD BSNL and Director (HR) to make all smooth arrangement for retirement of VRS optees. He added that BSNL should increase the revenue and market share in the competitive Arena. And, also he advised the management to initiate awards for youngsters to motivate them for better contribution to the Company. The function concluded with a vote of thanks by Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Director (HR). All the Directors and officers of BSNL were present in the function. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli attended the function from NFTE – BSNL.
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27-12-2019 : All Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to mobilise the workers to make success of 8th January 2020, one day strike. All Central Trade unions have given one day strike call against Anti PSU policies and Anti Labour policies of the Govt. And also requested to conduct meetings and explain the workers, the Anti PSU policies of Govt, which creating panic among the workers.
27-12-2019 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme – 2019 – Representations received for change of options – regarding. F. No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL)-Part 1, dt-26-12-2019.
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26-12-2019 : In the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi - Order dated 13-12-2019 from Hon’ble Court in respect of CANT CAS(C) 243/2013 & CM APPL. 4679/2014 and CM APPL, 43101/2019.
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26-12-2019 : District conference of Kolar SSA Karnataka Circle held on 24-12-2019 in Kanaka Mandira Doom Light Circle Kolar under the president ship of Com M.Keshavalu District President,
Com A.C.Krishna Reddy addressed the delegate session and Subject committee and exhorted various issues which was settled in his last tenure.
The hall was decorated with beautiful Buntings and flags. Com KS Sheshadri Dy General Secretary CHQ New Delhi attended and addressed the conference in his speech explained various issues including VRS and revival of BSNL.
From Administration side Sri B Venkateswarulu General Manager (CF) Bangalore Sri Kathi Reddy Pardhasaradhi General Manager Kolar Sri TH Channakrishnappa Dy General Manager Kolar Com A Venkateshappa AGM Kolar and other officers were present on the occasion.
The leaders of SEWA BSNL, SNEA, AIBSNL EA and other senior leaders attended and addressed the conference.
The open session concluded after a vote thanks by Com AC Krishna Reddy DS Kolar.
In the conference Com AC Krishna Reddy, Com T.V. Chalapathy, Com V Nagaraj were elected unanimously as District President District Secretary and District Treasure respectively.
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26-12-2019 : Request for grant of formal meeting to NFTE (BSNL) – reg. Letter No.-TF-21/6(d), dt-26-12-2019.
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26-12-2019 : Submission of GPF schedules to CCAs – regarding. Letter No.-16-04/2018/CCB/RB/Part-II, dt-25-12-2019.
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24-12-2019 : Central head quarter of NFTE (BSNL) wishing a Merry Christmas to all BSNL workers.
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24-12-2019 : We have served a notice to participate in one day General Strike called by National Trade union Centres. Coordinate with other unions/associations and make the strike a total success. Letter No.-TF-38/3, dt-24-12-2019.
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24-12-2019 : VRS – 2019----- Clarifications relating to submission of option/withdrawal form – reg. Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT (BSNL) Part – I, dt-24-12-2019
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24-12-2019 : Re-assignment of works in view of VRS. File No.-700-55/2005-CA-III/BSNL, dt-23-12-2019.
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24-12-2019 : Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) for employees in the IDA pay scales – Guidelines regarding impact of Disciplinary cases of Major Penalty/vigilance cases erupted beyond the due date of up-gradation. Letter No.-13-4/2019-TE, dt-16-12-2019.
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23-12-2019 : Inclusion of post office in “Sampann” for payment of Pension to VRS retirees, 2019 – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-23-12-2019.
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23-12-2019 : JTO LICE declared on 11-12-2019 for year 2017-2018. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-23-12-2019.
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23-12-2019 : Encashment of leave for VRS optees – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-23-12-2019.
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23-12-2019 : Circle Conference of Gujrat Circle on 11th & 12th December, 2019:-
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23-12-2019 : Open policy for engaging Radio Broadband Service Partners (RBSP) for providing Broadband/voice services in un-licensed Radio spectrum. Letter No.-64-483/2019/NWP-BB/BBoRF, dt-19-12-2019.
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21-12-2019 : Policy on outsourcing model for maintenance and provisioning of Landline & Broadband for External plant of Copper network in Urban Area. Letter No.-77-1/2019/outsourcing model –GEN/19, dt-20-12-2019.
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21-12-2019 : Rule 8 Transfers in Non-executive Cadres. TF-20/3(a), dt-20-12-2019 to Director (HR), New Delhi.
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21-12-2019 : Notification to hold LICEs for promotion to JE(T)/TT Cadres. TF-14/2(a)(d), dt-20-12-2019 to Director (HR), BSNL, New Delhi.
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21-12-2019 : Salary payment and remittance of recoveries. TF-6/7, dt-20-12-2019 to CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.
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21-12-2019 : Coercive method in VRS option. TF-58, dt-20-12-2019 to CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.
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21-12-2019 : Roadmap for functioning of BSNL in the post VRS period. TF-58, dt-20-12-2019 to Director (HR), New Delhi.
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21-12-2019 : Reconcile the contradictory and confusing points relating to pendency of judicial proceedings in Private cases. TF-58/3, dt-20-12-2019 to CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.
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21-12-2019 : Settle and clear pension related matters in respect of VRS optees. TF-58, dt-20-12-2019 to Secy, DOT, New Delhi.
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20-12-2019 : Com. Girish Chindi, Telecom Technician Hubli in Karnataka Circle has been awarded Bharat Sanchar Seva Padak. Heartiest greetings.
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20-12-2019 : No Calendars and diaries for the year 2020 – reg. Letter No.-6-1/2018-Admn.II, dt-19-12-2019.
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20-12-2019 : Detailed amount payable to absorbed and D/R employees in Encashment of Leave and gratuity (For BSNL recruited employees) in VRS be furnished.
The liability will be accounted for the month of January, 2020. BSNL No.-500-141/2019-20/BSNL/LE/gratuity, dt-16-12-2019 to all CGMs.
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19-12-2019 : The GPF subscription and recoveries of GPF advance of VRS optees discontinued from December, 2019 onwards. BSNL No.-48-17/2019-Pen(B), dt-18-12-2019 to all CGMs/IFAs.
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18-12-2019 : Steps for harmony or disharmony:- BSNL HQR vide clause 7(II) of letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT (BSNL), dt-04-11-2019 has prescribed that the earned leave encashment, Transfer Grant, GPF/CPF and pension of VRS optees facing personal Court cases will be released.
The CVO BSNL in letter No.-22-22/2017/General Vol-I, dt-13-12-2019 has stated that the vigilance clearance of such VRS optees facing personal Court Cases will be withhold in the interest of harmony.
Is CVO above the CMD. VRS optees will suffer due to such conflicting orders from BSNL HQR. CHQ will move into the matter as VC will not be released for optees.
18-12-2019 : HR matters in post VRS period:- According to reliable sources the M/S Deolite Company has been hired to suggest how the HR matters be handed in post VRS scenario. It reflects the management is not in position to evolve its procedure/scheme to handle the situation and depend on outside agency. It is not only strange but shocking as well.
The stake holders, unions, are also not being consulted.
18-12-2019 : Brief of press statement of Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL:- Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL spoke to press on 17th November. Some of the points are as under:-
(1) 78,569 employees have opted for VRS. The company expects to save Rs. 1300 crore upto March, 2020 in wage bills. Saving will accrue in February and March only in the FY.
(2) Approximately 70,000 employees will be left with company after the VRS implementation. This strength is reasonable.
(3) VRS applications will be considered and approved.
(4) BSNL will not make any recruitment except where required as per current policy.
(5) Discussions on merger of BSNL and MTNL have started.
16-12-2019 : LICE for promotion to Telecom Technician, Junior Engineer (T) and JAO/JTO Cadres:- Union demanded that the Calendar for LICEs be redrawn. The employees are being denied promotions due to non-holding of LICEs in time.
The GM (Rectt) told that the details of vacancies are yet to come from establishment branches.
16-12-2019 : JTO LICE result:- President accompanied with Vice President of SNATTA met GM(Rectt) today and drew her attention toward poor result of last LICE. The union pointed out that the result is poor because the wrong questions and answers have not been compensated as per existing orders. She listened patiently and asserted that all aspects have been taken due care. However, if concrete cases are reported these will be considered.
16-12-2019 : Third Conference of South Chennai District NFTE- BSNL:-
On 14/12/19 at Anna Road exchange compound under the Presidentship of Com. K. Sabhapati, District President the third Conference was held. 159 comrade including five women participated in it. Com. L.Subbarayan, Asst. General Secretary/ NFTCL and Tamilnadu Circle Union Treasurer hoisted the Red flag and inaugurated the District conference. Com. M. Nagarajan, District Secretary submitted the report of activities since the last district conference. It was approved by the conference without any amendment. Comrades Danapal, Ekambaram, Dharuman, Anandadevan, Babu, Elangovan, Ramasamy greeted the conference. Com. CKM, Sr. Vice- President (CHQ) & Circle Secretary of Chennai Telephones in his hour long speech indicated the future tasks before the Union and explained the negative aspects of the Revival Plan and the need to remove them at the earliest. The conference unanimously elected the 15 office bearers out of only one is retired comrade. Other 14 comrades are all non- optees to VRS-2019. Hope the young and energetic new office bearers will carry forward the red flag. Comrades M. Nagarajan, V. Babu & Felix Joseph were elected to the posts of District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
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16-12-2019 : Video conferencing (VC) of post merger actions of non-territorial circles. BSNL No.-4-2/2014-Restg, Vol-V, dt-13-12-2019.
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16-12-2019 : Merger of Circles:- It is learnt that the merger of non-territorial circles is contemplated as below.
(1) BRBRAIT with M.P. Circle, (2) NATFM with Telangana Circle, (3) ALTTC no merger, (4) Telecom Factory Mumbai – with Maharashtra Circle, (5) Telecom Factory Kolkata with West Bengal, (6) Telecom Factory Jabalpur with M.P. Circle, (7) Project circles with Maintenance circles.
16-12-2019 : The dues other than the Govt will not be recovered from the retirement benefits. CCA Chandigarh No.-CCA/PB/PEN/Gen Corr.2020-21/1868, dt-04-11-2019.
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14-12-2019 : Option to change authorisation for deduction of membership subscription from salary – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/20-6/SR/2019, dt-13-12-2019.
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14-12-2019 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2019- regarding targets for completion of tasks related to acceptance of options for voluntary retirement. Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-13-12-2019.
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13-12-2019 : Salary payment:- The salary of November will be paid to staff from either the internal resources or on receipt of loan from the banks. The management is making efforts for the loans as they are keen to clear all the dues of VRS optees so that they may not face hardships in getting “No Dues Certificates” from the Banks, Societies etc. The above was told by Director (F) on 12-12-2019 to union leaders.
13-12-2019 : No wage and pension revisions of BSNL employees Hon’ble Minister of Communication and IT laid the statement of table on 12-12-2019 in the Rajyasabha.
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13-12-2019 : Vigilance clearance be issued online to VRS – 2019 optees CVO/ERP/VA/2015, dt-12-12-2019.
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13-12-2019 :The third conference of NFTE-BSNL in North Chennai was held on 12/12/19 at Kalmandapam exchange under the presidentship of Com.K.Venkatesan . 126 delegates took part in it. Com.C.K.Mathivanan , Sr. Vice- President ( CHQ) and Circle Secretary spoke in detail about the revival plan and the future tasks of trade unions in BSNL. State Secretary of NFTCL in Tamilnadu, S.Anandan explained the efforts taken to solve the issues of Contract Labourers including the delayed payment of wages. The report on activities presented by Com.R.Arumugam, the District Secretary was adopted unanimously without any amendment by the Conference. Circle Union Office bearers M.K.Ramadamy, C.Ravi, G.Palaniappan, E.S.Anandadevan and many others greeted the conference. The North Chennai District Secretary of NFTCL , S.Kothandapani also greeted the Conference. The conference elected the District Union Office bearers unanimously. Comrades T.Solairaj, S. Chitrarasu, P.Gunasekaran were respectively elected to the posts of District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer. All the 15 office bearers elected today have actually not opted for the VRS-2019 and will remain in service for many more years.
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12-12-2019 :Bringing political or outside influence in respect of service matter prohibited. BSNL 400-93/2017-Pers I, dt-11-12-2019.
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12-12-2019 :Wage revision in BSNL not considered due to poor financial condition and continuous losses. MOS(C) answered in Loksabha.
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12-12-2019 :Higher officers joining Private Telcos after retirement penalised. Details placed in the Lok Sabha.
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12-12-2019 :JTO LICE result under 50% quota. BSNL No.-12-4/2018-Rectt (Part A), dt-11-12-2019.
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11-12-2019 :Processing of pension in Sampann DOT No.-47-15/TA-II/CPMS/2018/Pt Vol- I/5380-5409, dt-06-12-2019.
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11-12-2019 :BSNL HQR vide letter No.-400-24/2018-Pers I, dt-25-09-2018 has issued orders to the effect that the disciplinary cases of Major penalty/vigilance case occurring after due date of NEP (Executive promotion Policy ) should not stand in the way of upgradation. Why same policy should not be followed in respect of non-executive staff ?. President met the GM(Est) and impressed upon him for issuance of similar orders for NEPP. He agreed to do so.
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11-12-2019 :Instructions regarding Check List/Forms of Pension Papers with regard to BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS)-2019.
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11-12-2019 :
Meeting at GM TD(O) Raipur: Irrespective of unions officials gathered in large number at GM Office Meeting. Com Chandeshwar Singh, G.S explained all current issues. He assured all participants that NFTE will ensure peaceful atmosphere for the employees who will continue to work. We all together will ensure the revival of BSNL and bring as a number one Service provider in Telecom Sector. General Secretary cleared all doubts raised by the members in the meeting. This meeting was also addressed by Com. S.M.Chilamwar C.S and Com S.P.Sahu DS.
11-12-2019 :
Meeting at CGMT (O) Raipur:- General Secretary Com C. Singh addressed a mass meeting at CGMT Office Raipur. Hundreds of officials, including women employees gathered to hear the G.S views on Post VRS scenario. G.S explained in detail the situation which led to the announcement of Revival package including VRS. He assured to those who have not opted for VRS, they will be protected by NFTE. They need not live in fear. Those choose to remain in BSNL should work without any apprehension and contribute for the growth and upkeep of BSNL services. Com C Singh also added that staff opted for VRS can retire happily as we are vigilant and we will bring clarity in the grey areas of pension and commutation. On completion of the speech members raised many queries. GS replied all queries to the fullest satisfaction of one and all. The meeting was also addressed by Com S.M.Chilamwar. Meeting concluded with vote of thanks by com S.P.Sahu DS Raipur. |
10-12-2019 :
Chhattisgarh Circle Conference of our NFTE BSNL was held at Ambikapur on 08th and 9th December 2019:-
National flag was hoisted by Com. Ram Sundar Yadav CP and NFTE flag was hoisted by our beloved General Secretary Com Chandeshwar Singh.
Open session held on 09th December was presided over by Com Ram Sundar Yadhav. Com. S. M. Chilamwar Circle Secretary inaugurated the session. Com Chandeshwar Singh in his address to the house exhorted the background of the revival plan. He appreciated the Government for providing financial support for revival of BSNL and allotment of 4G Spectrum. In the meantime he criticized the act of some officers who created panic and fear among the staff and forced them to opt for VRS. He also pointed out the grey areas of Pension and Commutation. NFTE is trying hard to get clarity on this issues and no communication is received from DOT/GOI so for. He appealed to all who will remain in BSNL to contribute their best for the revival of the Company. He also assured that NFTE will provide all safety and congenial atmosphere for the remaining BSNL staff. The meeting was also addressed by Com Shahid Hussain District President of Ambikapur and Shri R.K.Sahu GMTD Ambikapur. The new set of office bearers Com Shahid Husain, Com S.M Chilamwar, and Com Jitendra Singh were elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer respectively, in the delegate session. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Com Ram Sundar Yadhav.
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10-12-2019 : Meeting with Sr. GM(Est):- President and Treasurer of union met the Sr. GM(Est) and apprised him about the latest letter of DOT intimating that the service books of optees must contain indemnity Bond for such VRS optees who have taken IDA pay scales from the date of promotion. The union emphasised that the issue be sorted out for updating the service books and timely settlement of pension.
Further the DOT has not cleared the grey areas of pension in respect of VRS optees as yet.
10-12-2019 :Retirement age from 60 to 58 years:- The CHQ is being frequently contacted on the reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58 years. There are interested quarters and vicious circle who are involved to create fear in the field. The Govt can take a decision in the matter but it will be in utter violation of agreement arrived at between three federations, BSNL and DOT. The very credibility of BSNL and DOT will be questioned if it is done. However if union, NFTE (BSNL), is forced to walls it will knock the doors of Courts including Supreme Court being signatory of Tripartite agreement. But at the same time let us know the advantages of retirement on superannuation.
- DCRG will be paid immediately and not blocked for 5 years as in case of VRS optees.
- Can avail commutation within one year of retirement without medical examination with present multiplying factor and need not wait for 5 years as in case of VRS optees.
- Benefits of wage and pension revisions will accrue as and when these are done.
Despite representations from union the DOT has avoided to spelt out the grey areas of pension to VRS optees. The pension issues are not within the domain of BSNL HQR.
09-12-2019 : The union has written to CMD as well as to DOT on occasions to the effect that abnormal delay will take place in finalisation of Pension to VRS optees, 2019. The Advisor (F) DOT vide No.- /Misc/Pen/issues/BSNL/DDG(Accounts)/2019-Part(2)/5097, dt-21-11-2019 has now written to the CMD about the omissions in service Books of such staff (Refer Annex A) of the letter. The CMD has forwarded the said letter vide No.-48-16/2019-Pen (B), dt-06-12-2019 (link) to CGMs for updating the service books.
The Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to ensure that the service Book are updated to prevent delay in settlement of pensions of optees.
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06-12-2019 : Corporate office issued a letter on “option to change membership subscription in favour of Union/Association” and sought our view if any latest by 10-12-2019. All Circle Secretaries are requested to send your views to CHQ at an early date to take an appropriate action in the matter. Letter No.-BSNL/20-6/SR/2019, dt-06-12-2019.
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06-12-2019 : VRS-2019 and Revival of BSNL. Editorial (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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06-12-2019 : The District conference NFTE BSNL Circle Office Bangalore conducted on 30th November 2019 under the president ship of Com. M. Rajendra District President. Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore welcomed all the leaders to the conference. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy General Secretary attended and addressed the conference Com M Rajendran Com A Rajashekar and Com S Srinivasan were elected as District President District Secretary and District Treasure respectively.
04-12-2019 : Lunch hour demonstration:- Reports are coming from field units regarding grand success of demonstration at various places.
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04-12-2019 : Lunch hour demonstration at Corporate office New Delhi:- General Secretaries and other representatives of all unions/associations participated and addressed a good gathering of workers at Corporate office New Delhi. All speakers touched the point that the salary is delayed to bring pressure upon the workers to opt VRS. It is proved when the fund for salary is released after closing of window of VRS.
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04-12-2019 : BSNL VRS – 2019 and clarifications on pension related matters. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-03-12-2019.
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03-12-2019 : All the CHQ office bearers/Circle Secretaries/District Secretaries are requested to co-ordinate with other union/association leaders to make the lunch hour demonstration a big success on 04-12-2019.
Demands – (1) Immediate disbursement of salary for the month of October and November, 2019 by the BSNL/DOT.
(2) No discrimination in respect of disbursement of salary, between the BSNL employees and the ITS officers on deputation.
02-12-2019 : Notice for holding lunch hour demonstration on 04-12-2019 – AUAB has called to organise massive lunch hour demonstration on 04-12-2019 at Corporate office, Circle and District head quarters - demanding immediate disbursement of salary for the months of October and November, 2019. Letter No.-UA/2019/108, dt-02-12-2019.
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02-12-2019 : Third District conference of Thiruvallur ( NFTE- BSNL ) in Chennai Telephones circle on 02/12/19:-
At Thiruvallur the District conference of NFTE-BSNL was held today under the presidentship of Com. N.Danapal, District President. National Flag was hoisted by Com. K. M. Elangovan, Assistant Circle Secretary. Our red flag was hoisted by Com. M. K. Ramasamy, Circle President. Com. CKM, Sr. Vice President (CHQ). District Secretary C.K.Ragunathan welcomed the delegates and leaders and Circle Secretary inaugurated the District conference. In his hour long speech he explained the pitfalls in the VRS-2019 and it's anti-employee impact. He told the gathering of nearly 175 delegates at the district conference that the present situation in BSNL is very challenging and unions have a very important role to safeguard the interest of employees. He explained that the DOT and DOP& PW departments have not confirmed the payment of government pension under Rule 37A till now inspite of our union's persistent request to clarify the pension issues for the VRS (Exgratia) pensioners. Number of Circle Union Office bearers and district Secretaries greeted the conference. On behalf of NFTCL State President Babu, State Treasurer Sampath and District Secretary Janakiraman . addressed the conference and greeted it. The conference unanimously elected 15 office bearers including Comrades N. Danapal, C.K.Mathivanan and C.D.Purusothaman as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
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30-11-2019 : The district Conference of Davanagere SSA held on 28th November 2019 under the president ship of Com Bojaraj District President. Com Hook Naik welcomed all the leaders and Comrades to the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary CHQ, Com Anand VP KTK Circle and Com A Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore attended and addressed the conference. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy GS in his speech explained the recent developments in BSNL and VRS scheme 2019. Com. Gangappa, Com Jayappa Naik and Com Harinath were elected as District President District Secretary and District Treasure respectively.
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29-11-2019 : For kind attention of GM(SR) and others in BSNL HQR:-
We heard the motivation appeal to employees for availing VRS being very attractive and free from all confusions.
Please respond if you or any officer in BSNL HQR is competent to clarify the pension matters. Is it not known that pension matters fall in the domain of DOP/DOT. Why the DOT is not coming forward to clarify the matters of pension raised by the unions including NFTE(BSNL). Being GM(SR) please take steps so that the future of VRS employees are not darkened. Also is it not the responsibility of management to ensure salary payment. The employees are facing untold sufferings.
29-11-2019 : Unfortunate indeed ! :- The Director (HR) told us on 26-11-2019 that the salary of October will be paid to employees on 29th November. Today, the President met GM (Budget), Shri Bhatt who told that the payment of salary is not possible as neither Banks nor DOT have come forward to help the Company. The President thereafter met the GM(SR) and conveyed unions deep anguish as the commitment has not been honoured. Employees are suffering. The DOT is also quiet over the pension related matters and reportedly not inclined to issue any clarification on the pension matters. These are unfortunate developments.
29-11-2019 : Corporate office letter on appointment of Candidates belonging to Halba/ Halba Koshti/Koshti Caste/Community against vacancies deserved for the scheduled tribes. Letter No.60-10/2017-SCT/709, dt-27-11-2019.
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29-11-2019 : Silence is not the remedy:- NFTE(BSNL) is raising its concerns from 6th November onward on the grey area in pension for VRS optees 2019. The following issues need specific notification by DOT.
(1) VRS optees will not be treated as separate group and their pension revisions will take place along with other retirees simultaneously.
(2) As per present orders the commutation is allowed within one year without medical. How the withheld commutation of VRS optees will be regulated and what value will be applied.
(3) PPOs should contain all pensionery benefits of VRS optees.
The DOT is keeping silence on the above matters although we have sent series of representations on the issues. The owner, DOT is apparently asking BSNL to clarify on the issues fully knowing these do not fall in the domain of BSNL.
Therefore, the DOT must break its silence and show transparency on the referred matters. Do not darken the future of employees.
28-11-2019 : Regarding Presidential orders of TSMs working as on 30-09-2000 and regularised in BSNL – Case of M.P. Circle - Corporate office will endorse the letter to CGM M.P. in two or three days. Letter No.-27-2/2006-SNG/(Pt.V), dt-08-11-2019.
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27-11-2019 : Com. V.A. Harsulkar, former General Secretary of AITTEU Class-III has left for heavenly abode two days ago. He has done a lot for the Telegraph Traffic employees. The NFTE deeply mourns his death.
27-11-2019 : Corporate office issued partial modification order in respect of Sr. No.-2&3 of the FAQs (Part – 2), dt-22-11-2019. F. No.-1-15/2019-PAT (BSNL)-Part, dt-26-11-2019.
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27-11-2019 : Transfer liability of SSA Cadre staff will remain unchanged even after consolidations of SSAs into Business Area. Letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg.(Vol.III), dt-01-02-2016.
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27-11-2019 : No proposal to fix the retirement age:
Presently, there is no proposal in Government to fix the retirement age of 60 years or 33 year of service whichever is earlier for Government employees. In other words retirement age will remain 60 years. This was stated in the Parliament. Ignore the rumours hereafter in this regard.
1 Retirement of absorbed employees in BSNL cannot be reduced to 58 years: The retirement age of absorbed employees in BSNL is linked with the Central Government Employees as per Rule 37 A amendments. There has been tripartite agreement also between BSNL DOT and three federations on the same. If it is reduced then NFTE will challenge the same in the Court of Law. The absorbed employees came along with FR 35(A) benefit and continue to enjoy even today.
27-11-2019 : Meeting with Director (HR) :
The scheduled meeting between Unions and Director (HR)took place on 26th at 1830 Hrs. The GM(SR) was also present.
The Director (HR) informed that the road map for functioning of the company after VRS is still under preparation. He desired input from the unions. Views were exchanged and following issues have emerged.
1. The territorial circle will not be merged. The Kolkata TD and Chennai TD circle will remain intact and will function as separate circle as usual. However the NTR and NTP, STR and STP, ETR and ETP and WTR and WTP circles will be merged.
2. The transfer liabilities of non executive staff will remain unchanged even with the formation of Business Area. The staff will not be transferred out of the SSA. The unions point out the transfers being done in the Jharkhand, Kolkata Circle and Kolkata TD Circles. The Director(HR) asked the GM(SR) to collect the details.
3. The merger of SSAs will not be done and all will remain intact as at present.
4. The Telecom Factories numbering 3 or 4 manufacturing products will not be closed. However, vacant lands will be monetised to generate revenue for the PSU.
5. The VRS optees will be redeployed on individual basis similar to Non-Departmental Telegraphists.
6. Salary for October 2019 will be released to Circles on 28th November and in the Individual accounts on 29th of this month.
7. 4 G Spectrum: It will be allotted from 01/03/2020 for 20 years.
The leader from NFTE(BSNL), SNEA and AIBSNLEU participated in the meeting.
The NFTE(BSNL) was represented by its President and General Secretary.
27-11-2019 : Penal Interest of 2% over and above existing rate of interest for the period House not covered by Insurance - reg
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27-11-2019 : Functioning of Telecom Factories - reg
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26-11-2019 : Necessary notifications be obtained from DOT/DOP and PW in respect of commutation, Gratuity, Pay and Pension revisions. TF-58, dt-26-11-2019 to Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), BSNL.
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26-11-2019 : Supply a copy of road map for functioning of the BSNL after revival plan execution. TF-58, dt-26-11-2019.
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26-11-2019 : Spelt out commutation value in respect of VRS optees, 2019. TF-58, dt-26-11-2019 to Director (HR), BSNL.
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26-11-2019 : The employees recruited on SSA basis cannot be disturbed and displaced. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-26-11-2019 to Director (HR), BSNL.
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25-11-2019 : Meeting with the GM(SR):-
The union leaders met the GM(SR) and mentioned the following issues for bringing into the notice of the Director (HR)/CMD BSNL.
(1) Salary of all staff alongwith ITS personnel be paid urgently. There should not be discrimination to prevent industrial unrest.
(2) The clarifications issued by Director (HR) in his message dated 23rd November, 2019 on pension issues need to be notified by DOT/DOP.
(3) Some Circles/SSAs have started transfers of the staff. The Director (HR) agreed on 18-11-2019 that the union will be consulted in evolving the procedure. The employees who have withdrawn their options for VRS are also being transferred to create fears. This is against assurance of CMD/Director (HR).
25-11-2019 :Why salary of BSNL staff will be held up?
The Honourable Delhi high court on 18th November 2019 has ordered in ITSA petition that salary and perks of employees should not be held up. Management is contemplating to pay salary of ITS personnel alone. It will be unfair. Salary of all staff should not be held up and payment be made.
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25-11-2019 : Settle Pension expeditiously
NFTE has voiced its concern that delay will take place in grant case of pension to VRS optees of 2019. It is due to obvious factors. The BSNL HQs is trying to speed up the process but how it can be without
1. The Acceptance letter of VRS and Calculation sheet.
2. Without depositing GPF Contributions, LIC instalments.
How the employees will fill up their pension papers in absence of necessary documents and completion of formalities,
BSNL HQr should take and adopt correct approach and should not resort to coerecive attitude. Hardships of VRS optees must be taken care.
25-11-2019 : Message of Director (HR) dated 23rd November and NFTE’s reaction.
Director (HR) has issued a message on 23/11/2019 clarifying on issues relating to Pension, which is not even in the domain of DOT, what to say of BSNL?. These, enumerated below, need approval and concurrence of DOT/DOP(PW).
1.Commutation of Pension – As per pension rule commutation is permissible within a year of retirement without medical examination. If it is deferred for latter period, without concurrence of DOT and DOP (PW) complications will arise causing hardships to VRS optees. Amendment in pension rule is necessary.
2. Pay/Pension revision – The DOT should issue necessary clarification to the effect that VRS optees will not be treated as separate group and they will be entitled for pay and pension revision along with earlier retirees. BSNL’s clarification is of no use.
3. Clear cut communication be issued by DOT to the effect that VRS 2019 retirees will continue to be covered under Rule 37A and VRS retirees will be at par with earlier retired personnel.
24-11-2019 :NFPTE formation Day :-
The National Federation of Post and Telegraph employee was formed on 24th November 1954 It has played a very vital role in improving and safeguarding the interest of P & T workers as well as the Central Government employees. The demand for “Need based Minimum Wage” and historic one day strike of 19th September will ever be remembered. After bifurcation of P & T into two the NFTE came into existence. Sequel to corporatization with effect from 01/10/2000 it took rebirth as NFTE (BSNL) and carrying forward the tradition of NFPTE. The CHQ extends greeting on the occasion and offer red salute to all the leaders who have sacrificed their lives in the movement
23-11-2019 :Director HR BSNL issued a Message today. All clarifications on Pension issues should come from DOT and DOP (PW) and not from BSNL. Pension is not within the domain of BSNL. Future should be guaranteed. Director(HR) Message dated 23/11/2012:
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23-11-2019 :NFTE’s Positive approach:
NFTE as a responsible Trade union has always played a Positive role on the issues and moved in a constructive manner. We never believe in “fighting for the sake of fighting”. From the date of announcement of BSNL VRS2019, we studied the scheme and started discussions with management and expressed our concern on Vital issues of deferred Payment of Gratuity, commutation and future Pension/family pension protection under Rule37-A. We wrote on this subject to CMD BSNL and Secretary DOT for issuance of clarifications at the earliest. Our linkage with Rule 37A should remain intact even after VRS.
Further, we insisted that post VRS, reorganisation of BSNL structure and maintenance and improvement of BSNL service be discussed with recognised unions. BSNL Management readily agreed and 26th evening a meeting is scheduled to take place with Dir (HR).
Again On 22/11/2019 NFTE discussed with the CMD BSNL and enlightened him with the apprehensions prevailing in the field. He assured to address the issues.
Hence Our Circle / District office bearers are requested not to be led away with stories and rumours. Comrades there are personnel who are prone to create panic amongst the employees. Just ignore these and play constructive role to help and protect the employees including VRS optees.
The upgradations of employees in NEPP are due but the SSA Heads are avoiding to hold the DPC for upgradation. Comrades exert at Circle/SS levels for holding the required DPC. The BSNL Headquarters due to constant pressure and persuasion of NFTE has issued orders on 22/11/2019 to hold the DPC. It should be implemented.
22-11-2019 :BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme-2019 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ's)-Part-2. BSNL HQR F.No:1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL)-Part dt-22-11-2019 to all Heads of Telecom Circles.
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22-11-2019 : The employees be granted due financial upgradation in NEPP and DPC for the purpose be held at the earliest. The union has pursued the matter to ensure VRS optees donot suffer loss. The Circle/District Secretaries must ensure its implementation. BSNL HQR 13-5/2019-TC, dt-22-11-2019 to all CGMs.
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22-11-2019 : There are genuine apprehension and doubts on the pension commutation, gratuity, revision in Pension etc in respect of VRS 2019 optees. These issues need clarifications from DOT/DOP and incorporation in PPOs to avoid complications in future. Linkage with 37A should continue in respect of VRS retirees also.
TF-58, dt-22-11-2019 to Secy, DOT, New Delhi to resolve the ambiguities.
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22-11-2019 : Meeting with CMD BSNL :-
President Com Islam and Com A Semmalamudham met the CMD BSNL at 1015 Hrs on 22/11/2019 and discussed the following items at length.
1. Apprehensions and doubts in pension in respect of VRS optees:- It was impressed upon him to take urgent steps for getting the matters of commutation, Gratuity, Pension revision etc resolved in respect of VRS optees before closing of the VRS window. These should be incorporated in PPOS of the VRS retirees. Steps are also needed to ensure that pension papers of such personnel are settled in time. CMD responded positively.
2. Remittance of recoveries of Banks, LIC, Societies etc.:- CMD stated that due to paucity of money it is becoming difficult. Efforts are on to ease the situation particularly in respect of VRS Optees.
21-11-2019 : Delay in Pension Settlement:-
Shri Dilip Padhye Advisor(F) DOT , vide DO No:7-44/2018/BSNL-Misc/TA-1/4786-89 dated dated 23rd October 2019 , has written to CMD – BSNL for timely preparation of pension papers and submission to CCAs for settlement of pension cases. The situation is most likely to worsen further after 1st February 2020, due to mass VRS retirees.
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21-11-2019 : BSNL VRS, 2019 – reg pension ambiguities. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-21-11-2019.
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20-11-2019 : POs of TSMs:- The POs of TSMs regularised after 01-10-2000 relating to M.P. Circle have been approved by DOT and some now received in BSNL HQR.
20-11-2019 : Ignore propaganda of KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Bank :-
Vested interests have propagated about preparation of KPI bank for the staff. This has been done to create panic and fear amongst the employees. The minutes circulated vide No: 3-6/2019-Rstg dated 23/10/2019 are meant for only executives. The management side has to consult the recognized non executive unions if at all same is required for Group C and D category staff. CHQ appeal to ignore such the propaganda and contribute to the service wholeheartedly and without fear.
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20-11-2019 : VRS Benefits - Apex Court Verdict:-
Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) itself is a package and the employees retired under the scheme cannot claim more than which is mentioned in the Voluntary Retirement Scheme. The Honourable Supreme Court has given above verdict on 17/09/2019 in case No: 6995/2019 filed by IFCI Ltd.
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20-11-2019 : Appeal for withdrawing proposed Relay Hunger Fast on 20th to 22nd November, 2019. Letter No.-BSNL/7-3/SR/2018, dt-19-11-2019.
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19-11-2019 :
Hunger fast programme starting from 20th November deferred.
18-11-2019 : Meeting with Director (HR):-
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18-11-2019 : "SANDESH" new building of NFTE BSNL DKTD Mangalore District was inaugurated by Com. Mascaranes former AGS and Com. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary NFTE BSNL, on 15th November 2019 at 09.00 am, Lotus Park, Hosabettu Mangaluru.The Chief Guests were Shri G R Ravi GM DKTD, Sri H Prakash DGM(Admin) DKTD, Smt. Vijayalaxmi Acharya DGM (Rural) Udupi, Shri Murugeshan DGM (Urban) DKTD, Shri. U.L. Hegde AGM (admin) DKTD, Shri.Hiriyanna ACS, Shri. Rajashekar DS, Bengaluru, Shri Radhakrishna DGM (Retd) and other leaders were participated.
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18-11-2019 : The District conference of Mangalore was conducted on 15th November 2019 at Mangalore under the President ship of Com Harichandra DP. Com S Seshidharan DS welcomed all the leaders and delivered opening remarks. Com KS Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ in his speech explained recent development on VRS etc. Com Hiriyanna ACS, Com A Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore and other senior comrades participated in the meeting and addressed the conference. Com Harichandra Com S Sashindharan and Com. S.S Kamath elected as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
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18-11-2019 : Decide destiny with wisdom and courage :-
The NFTE has raised the grey areas in pension in respect of VRS optees on 6th and 7th November itself. National Executive meeting held on 10th and 11th at Jabalpur, the union listed the concerns in pension for VRS optees and appraised all concerned. The GM (SR) was appraised at Jabalpur meeting itself. Further immediately on return from Jabalpur we wrote to all concerned in the matter.
Unfortunately till date DOT has not responded to our concerns. The BSNL HQr is not competent to issue any clarification. Their instruction on pension is of no value.
It is coming to our notice some higher-ups who are immune from accountability are telling in the field that everything including pension matters of VRS are transparent and non-optees will face serious consequences. If it is true it is unbecoming on their part, we appeal to them to desist from this.
NFTE sincerely appeal all concerned to resolve the grey areas in pension and the employees are free to decide their destiny as per their wisdom. The NFTE has always played a positive role but will not sacrifice the interest of employees, come what may.
The CHQ exhorts to workers to decide their future with courage and wisdom and ignore the threats and rumours. NFTE will always be at their back. High handedness, if any, will be resisted including much rumoured lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 years. Doors of court are open.
16-11-2019 : Meeting with Director (F):- A delegation of NFTE (BSNL) consisting of President, General Secretary, Secy HQR (Com. Mahabir Singh) and Com. Riaz Central Organising Secy met the Director (F) and held prolonged discussions on the following issues.
(1) Non-deposit of GPF and Pension contributions of employees causing hardships. The Director (F) asserted that the employees retiring on superannuation will not be allowed to suffer. The GPF and Pension contributions will be deposited and any default should be brought to his notice.
(2) Remittance of recovered amounts of Banks, LIC and Societies etc:- He accepted it and told that efforts are on to get loan and fund from DOT to meet the situation.
(3) Salary payment for October:-
The Director (F) was non-committal but told it is getting serious attention of the management. Payment will be made as soon as fund is available from the sources including loan.
(4) Difficulties of VRS optees Director (F) felt happiness with the response of VRS optees. As soon as we stated about ambiguity and grey areas of pension benefits he was taken a back but agreed these should be sorted out so that the employees may not suffer. The union asserted that it is DOP and not BSNL and DOT which can resolve the matters of pension.
16-11-2019 : Take early steps atleast before closing of VRS window to clear doubts and apprehension about pensionery benefits in respect of VRS optees. Make all issues transparent.
TF-58, dt-16-11-2019 to Secretary, DOT, CMD, BSNL and Director (HR).
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15-11-2019 : Relay Hunger Fast on 20th to 22nd November, 2019 at BSNL CO, Circle and SSA HQs – Charter of demands.
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15-11-2019 : The National Executive meeting was held on 10th and 11th November 2019 in Hotel Datta Residency at Jabalpur (M.P.):-
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14-11-2019 : Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) recommended Shri Sushil Kumar Mishra PGM for the post of Director (Consumer Mobility) BSNL.
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14-11-2019 : Reduction in retirement age:-
Head quarter is in receipt of several queries regarding rolling back of retirement age from 60 to 58 years. In this connection we have already written to all concerned that the rolling back of retirement age will be against the commitment of the Govt and agreement with the unions on the eve of formation of BSNL. If it is imposed the union will fight against it and resort to litigation.
13-11-2019 : Grey Areas in Pension:- President and Circle Secretary of J & K Com Ashaq Ahmad met the GM(SR) and Sr GM (Est) and apprised him about the grey areas of pension in respect of VRS optees. The modification / alteration in commutation rules be notified by DOP(Pension) and not by DOT/BSNL. The PPO of VRS retirees should contain clear and definite orders in this respect. Both the officers promised to apprise the Director (HR)
13-11-2019 :Future concern in respect of VRS optees:-The National Executive meeting held from 10th to 11th November at Jabalpur, seriously deliberated the VRS offer to BSNL workforce for the so called revival of the PSU.
There are serious concerns and apprehension on vital issues, which are appended below.
- The VRS optees may not be taken as a separate group of pensioners. This may lead to dangerous position and pension revision in respect of such personnel may not take place at all, along with other pensioners in future. The DOT has also not spelt out if the grant of pension will be under rule 37-A. This is evident in DOT’s communication No:30-04/2019-PSU Affair at 29th October 2019.
- As per existing orders and provisions in pension CCS CCA Pension rules the application for commutation of pension has to be preferred by the retiree within one year of his retirement without medical examination. This rule is not revised and changed by DOPW pension department. The DOT and BSNL HQs are not competent to modify the commutation orders. Very clear and transparent orders also needed in this regard to prevent the complication in future.
- The DOT and BSNL have not clearly stated that all pensionery benefits to VRS optees will be as per provisions of Rule 37 - A
- Abnormal delay will take place in settlement of pension of VRS optees as contribution of pension are not being deposited by the BSNL. Similarly GPF contribution is also not being deposited. The VRS optees will not get final GPF settlement from DOT Cell causing hardships and sufferings.
- The BSNL HQs is not depositing recovered amount of instalments of LIC, Banks Societies etc. These organisations may not provide clearance certificates.
- Neither DOT nor BSNL HQs has fixed time period by which all claims will be settled.
All the above issues have been stated by President and General Secretary before GM (SR) who attended the National Executive meeting on 10th November at Jabalpur.
Above are for kind and serious consideration of VRS Optees
13-11-2019 : Resume of National Executive Meeting:- The National Executive meeting was held on 10th and 11th November 2019 in Hotel Datt Regency at Jabalpur under the Chairmanship of Com Islam Ahmad.
The inaugural function took place on 10/11/2019, which was attended by CGM MP Shri Mahesh Shukla and Shri A M Gupta GM (SR) deputized by CMD BSNL. Com N D Ram General Secretary SEWA BSNL and Com Rashidkhan Dy General Secretary TEPU also attended and addressed.
Com C Singh, GS and Com Islam Ahmad President dealt at length about the gray areas in settlement of pension and its allied matters and urged the GM (SR) to appraise the CMD BSNL in this respect. It is the irony of fate that till date the corporate office has not drawn any road map for running the company. The 4G service be launched at the earliest. The management has never consulted union for revival plan. GM (SR) promised to apprise the CMD BSNL about the views expressed by the leaders.
The CGM Shri Shukla stressed that the doubts and apprehension of employees be addressed to prevent hardships and sufferings in future. Workers be taken into confidence to run the services as challenges are high before the PSU.
President in his concluding speech stressed that the DOT and BSNL should be transparent in all the HR matters to avoid complications in future, keeping in view the approach and attitude of MOF.
The Comrades of Jabalpur made excellent arrangements and moved shoulder to shoulder to make the meet ever remembering.
Hearty Congrats to them.
07-11-2019 : Implementation of BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019 – Augmentation of staff strength in Pension Cells in Circles and other administrative units for smooth and timely settlement of pension cases. Letter No.-48-13/2019-Pen (B), dt-06-11-2019.
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07-11-2019 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme – 2019 – Frequently asked questions. F. No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL)-Part , dt-07-11-2019.
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07-11-2019 : Upgradation of employees under NEPP – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-07-11-2019.
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07-11-2019 : VRS to BSNL employees vis-à-vis clarity on Pension related matters. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-07-11-2019.
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07-11-2019 : Informal discussions with Sr. GM(Est) and GM(Restg):-
President, G.S. and Com. Suresh Kumar, GS SNATTA met the Sr. GM(Est) and GM(Restg) and raised the following issues.
(1) Pension revision of VRS optees:-
VRS optees should not be treated as separate group for pension revision. The revision in pension in respect of such optees be done at the same time and formula similar to earlier retirees.
(2) NEPP upgradations:-
Upgradations under NEPP have not been done in many circles which will result in immortal financial loss to the employees in changing scenario urgent instruction be issued for upgradation.
(3) Confirmation of employees:-
The employees completed 2 years of service be confirmed. It was urged that orders be issued to the Circles in the matter.
(4) Transfer liability of Non-Executive employees:-
union firmly told the GM(Restg) that the employees should not be displaced from their parent SSAs as per service condition. The transfer liability should remain undisturbed even after formation of Business Area. National Council decision be honoured.
GM(Restg) responded positively.
07-11-2019 : AUAB meeting held on 06-11-2019 in BSNL MS office under the Presidentship of Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. & Chairman AUAB. The decisions taken in the meeting are as follows.
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06-11-2019 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme – 2019 – issue of corrigendum reg. Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-05-11-2019.
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06-11-2019 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2019 for circulation of Notification among all executives on deputation. Letter No.-BSNL-VRS-2019/DM(BW-IV), dt-05-11-2019.
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05-11-2019 : Grant of Special Casual Leave to the National Executive Members of NFTE – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018, dt-05-11-2019.
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05-11-2019 : Voluntary Retirement Scheme for BSNL Employees, 2019. (Annexure –I)
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05-11-2019 : BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme – 2019 – Notification of the scheme and circulation of guidelines to facilitate the exercise of option by employees. Letter No.-1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL), dt-04-11-2019.
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04-11-2019 : Meeting with Hon’ble Minister for communications and IT, Law & Justice at Sanchar Bhawan, 2nd floor committee Room today at 3.00 pm:- All most all the registered unions and Associations were invited to the meeting and two members from each unions/associations were allowed.
NFTE (BSNL) was represented by Com. C. Singh, G.S. and Com. A. Rajmouli A.I. Treasurer. First of all, the representatives of Unions and Associations welcomed and honoured the Minister.
Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), welcomed the Minister and all the representatives present in the hall. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Jee, addressed the meeting and explained the issues of revival package.
He added that the BSNL is first priority for him and after a much pain and exercise a very good package has been approved by the Govt.
He told the VRS scheme is much liberal and after viewing the welfare of staff in each and every aspect, it is going to be introduced.
He directed the management to circulate and print out on each and every frequently asked questions and distribute the same among the staff for their awareness. He added that the issues should be transparent and clearly explained to the workers in the field. Regarding land monetization, 4G Spectrum and other points, he appealed the BSNL Board members and the staff in general that all have to take initiative for fast implementation of the plan. The staff representatives raised number of questions on which Hon’ble Minister directed to the management and asked them to bring out the fear from the heart and minds of the employees and explain everything very clear.
He assured to look into the matter to continue the departmental quarters to employees who are residing in departmental quarters and who opt for VRS.
Other issues of 3rd Wage revision, Pension revision, Pension contribution on actual basic, will be seen after success of the revival plan.
The unions and Associations assured to extend cooperation with management in fast revival of BSNL.
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02-11-2019 : Samman Samaroh:- The Eastern UP Circle Union organized a “Samma Samaroh” on 1st November at Lucknow in Kaiserbagh Telephone Exchange. It was presided by Com. V.P. Singh, Circle President. Besides Com. Islam Ahmad, the former officer bearers and stalwarts viz Com. Ramnath Pandey (former All India President and Circle Secretary), Com. Rajiv Verma (Former Circle President) were present in the meeting.
Com. Sanjay Dubey, Circle Secretary in his speech welcomed and congratulated each and every one for registering victory in 8th membership verification. This could be achieved due to tireless efforts of senior leaders and hard work of Comrades in all SSA’s. The winning District Secretaries were garlanded and offered mementoes by Com. Islam. Comrades Ramnath Pandey and Rajiv Verma in their address congratulated and called upon other District Secretaries to work to win the election in future. Com. Ramnath Pandey expressed greatest happiness. Com. Islam in his speech said the NFTE has been built up in the circle brick by brick and recalled the cooperation and contribution of Comrades Triveni Rai, Ramnath Pandey, Rajiv Verma and Madam Pramila Ji. We have welcomed and encouraged new Comrades with open heart and today UP(E) recorded victory. He is delighted and indebted to all who worked hard. He also touched about the changes taking place in the PSU and assured that the CHQ will guide and protect the workers with full care and strength.
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02-11-2019 : As per the information of Director (HR), Hon’ble Minister of Communications Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji, meeting the union Leaders on 04-11-2019 in between 3pm to 5pm. After completion of the meeting, details will be communicated.
02-11-2019 : Formation of Groups/Sub groups relating to VRS. Letter No.-18-1/2019-VRS/HR office, dt-01-11-2019.
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02-11-2019 : The District conference of Karwar SSA Karnataka conducted on 1st November 2019 at Sirisi under the President ship of Com .Vasu Nayak. Com. A.T Nayak DS welcomed all the leaders. The meeting started with the opening remarks by Com. K.S Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ New Delhi. Com. Malya ACS Karnataka Circle and Com. A. Rajashekar D.S CO Bangalore participated and addressed the conference.
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02-11-2019 : The District conference of Gulbarga SSA conducted on 30th October 2019 under the President ship of Com. Suryakantha Patil. Com. Krishtaiah DS Gulbarga welcomed all the leaders and congratulated one and all for hard work done in 8th membership verification in the SSA. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ New Delhi, explained in detail the recent developments on VRS, Revival plan etc. Com. S.V. Arali Circle President, Com. Raje Shivasharane ACS and Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore participated and addressed the conference.
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01-11-2019 : Com. Gurudas Dasgupta will be remembered for his militant grain by his slogan “Jine ke liye lado, ladne ke liye jio”.
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01-11-2019 : Unity and Tolerance. Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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31-10-2019 : DOT vide letter No.-9-5(5)/2019-Estt, dt-25-10-2019 has issued orders to pay the salary of ITS personnel on due date. It is strange that the DOT has forgotten BSNL low paid employees to ensure that their wages should be paid by PSU in time. After all bulk of employees are absorbees erstwhile DOT employees. After all blood is thicker than water.
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31-10-2019 : Revival of BSNL and MTNL by reducing employee costs, administrative allotment of spectrum for 4G services, debt restructuring by raising of sovereign guarantee bonds, monetization of assets and in-principle approval for merger of BSNL and MTNL – reg. F. No.-30-04/2019-PSU Affairs, dt-29-10-2019.
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31-10-2019 : Fourteen land parcels for monetization have been proposed at first instant which is part of revival. All necessary steps are needed at CGMs level to facilitate the monitisation. BSNL HQR DO No.-501-21/2019-BT(KW), dt-29-10-2019.
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31-10-2019 : Com. Gurudas Das Gupta no more:- Comrade Gurudas Das Gupta, former General Secretary of AITUC and great Parliamentarian for decades left for heavenly abode today in early hours at the age of 82. His commitment for toiling masses, down trodden and working class are well and widely known in the entire country. His oratory skill and frankness will always be remembered. He has acted as unifying force and was successful bringing all Central Trade unions to fight for the cause of workers.
The entire NFTE (BSNL) family and its HQR deeply mourn the sad demise of a great son of the soil who has been our source of inspiration and well wisher.
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30-10-2019 : All Circle Secretaries please note:- The NEC meeting scheduled to be held from 10-11-2019 to 11-11-2019 at Jabalpur is limited to All India office bearers, Circle Secretaries and All India Invitees. But, if any visitor is willing to attend the meeting, they have to pay Rs. 1000/- as delegate fee for food and lodging. The venue of the meeting, “Hotel Datta Residency” is 500 meters from Railway Station, opposite to Polytechnic college, Jabalpur. For any help please contact to the following Reception Committee members. (1) Shri A.K. Mishra, Chairman Reception Committee, Mobile No.-09425868100, (2) Com. Vaibhav Shahu, Secretary, Reception Committee, Mobile No.-09425160011.
30-10-2019 : Discussions with Director (F):-President and General Secretary met the Director (F) today and discussed the following issues:-
(I) Remittance of Statutory and other recoveries by BSNL HQR:- The union stated that on 1st October, 2019 we were told the recoveries effected for cooperative societies will be remitted. But this has not been done. The Director (F) admitted and stated it has been happened due to some reasons. He was apprised of that the societies are in pitiable condition due to non-remittance of recoveries for last six months.
Thereafter, his attention was drawn about non-remittance of statutory recoveries viz GPF/Pension contributions, LIC premium, Bank loans installments. Even these are not being done in respect of employees who are retiring. He appreciated the hardships and stated it is now our priority.
(II) Special concession to J&K staff:- The BSNL HQR issued sanction for the concession in March, 2019 but till date no amount has been paid. He assured to look into the matter.
30-10-2019 : Determination of vacancies on the basis of workload – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a)(d), dt-30-10-2019.
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30-10-2019 : Conference of CGMT office District Branch Patna, Bihar Telecom Circle BSNL:- District office Branch of Patna held its biannual conference on 19-10-2019 in conference hall of Circle office. The meeting was held under the Presidentship of Com. Ashok Kumar Singh. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. attended and addressed the good gathering of NFTE’s members including woman employees. Com. Ratnesh Mishra Circle President, Com. B.N. Sinha working President, Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh ACS, Com. B.K. Singh Circle Treasurer. Com. Vikram Kumar Distt. Treasurer Patna and Com. Ram Lakhan Singh, D.S. Patna were also present in the meeting. After discussion on agenda, the delegates elected a new set of office bearers headed by Com. Mrs. Sarita Singh, Com. Raj Kumar Singh and Com. Ajay Kumar as President, District Secretary and Treasurer recpectively. Shri Sanjeev Kumar played a vital role to reorganize the union in Circle office.
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30-10-2019 : ALTTC Ghaziabad to organise counseling session for each Circle/SSA to clear doubts about BSNL Tournaround and VRS issues CGM ALTTC No CGM/ALTP/DO-Corr/2019-20, dt-26-10-2019.
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30-10-2019 : Hon’ble MoC D.O. No.-20-03/2019-PR, dt-24-10-2019 to All Chief Ministers of states not to disconnect the electric connections of Telephone Exchanges etc upto 31st March, 2020.
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29-10-2019 : Corporate office letter on bifurcation of no of Earned Leave & HPL as on 30-09-2000 for DOT period and no of EL after 01-10-2000 till 31-10-2019 in BSNL for absorbed employees of 50 years & above. Letter No.-48-13/2019/-Pen (B), dt-24-10-2019.
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29-10-2019 : Corporate office letter on updation of Service Books of BSNL employees aged 50 years & above. Letter No.-48-13/2019/Pen (B), dt-23-10-2019.
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29-10-2019 : DOT constituted a committee to frame rules for voluntary retirement scheme in BSNL/MTNL. File No.-30-5/2019-PSU Affairs, dt-28-10-2019.
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26-10-2019 : Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous Diwali:-
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26-10-2019 : Meeting with Director (HR):- Yesterday dt 25-10-2019 the President and General Secretary met the Director (HR) and discussed some issues at length. The details are as below.
1. Transfer liability:- The attention of the Director (HR) was drawn to letter No.-4-02/2014-Restg Vol(Pt), dt-17-10-2019 issued by BSNL HQR for transfer of staff after formation of Business area. He was told that the transfer liability of non-executive Cadres is within the SSA as per service condition and this is unchanged. The contents authorizing the Business Area for transfer is against the service conditions and letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg, dt-01-02-2016 issued by Corporate office.
2. Hardships to employees Vol. III due to non-remittance of LIC, Bank coop. Societies recoveries etc as well as non-deposit of GPF/ Pension contributions.
The issues were explained. He assured and said these are now sorted out and now it is priority of the management.
3. Vindictive and harassment of staff at Valsad in Gujrat Circle. District and Assistant Secy have been transferred. Non-executive employees are being transferred on pick and choose. The Director (HR) heard our points and assured for appropriate action.
26-10-2019 : Secretary, DOT letter No.-20-03/2019-PR, dt-21-10-2019 to Shri Ajoy G. Mehta Chief Secy, Maharashtra for not to disconnect electricity of Telephone Exchanges, BTS. Similar DO letter has gone to all the Chief Secretaries of different states. This was conveyed to unions in the meeting of 25th instant by the Secy, DOT.
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25-10-2019 : Meeting with Secretary, DOT on 25-10-2019:- A meeting was arranged in meeting room 2nd floor of Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.
The Secretary DOT was in Chair, CMD BSNL and Director (HR) were also present in the meeting.
From staff side representatives of almost all the unions and associations participated in the meeting.
The staff side welcomed the Secretary DOT and appreciated the tireless act of Hon’ble MoC to bring the revival plane for BSNL. The staff side who heard the presentation of CMD BSNL on 24-10-2019, and thanked the Hon’ble MoC for stating that the BSNL/MTNL is a strategic asset and it will never be closed. This message has bring happiness among the workforce and it has increased the confidence of the staff, which will be helpful to uplift the image of BSNL in public.
The Secretary DOT very nicely explained the issues of revival plan including VRS and appealed to the stake holders to come forward to regain the lost faith of Public as well as glory of the BSNL.
25-10-2019 : Meeting with CMD BSNL and BSNL Board on 24-10-2019:- Com. C. Singh G.S. attended the meeting with all Unions and Associations yesterday. (i.e. 24-10-2019):-
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25-10-2019 : Unlimited free calling to any network from BSNL Landline for 2 days on promotional basis as “Happy Diwali to every Indian”. Letter No.-8-1/2018-PDP(CFA)/Pt-2, dt-24-10-2019.
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25-10-2019 : Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary NFTE BSNL met Honorable Minister of Communication Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji at Patna Airport on 24th morning.
Com. C. Singh thanked our Minister and conveyed heartfelt gratitude for his earnest efforts in getting the approval of the cabinet for the Revival plan of BSNL and MTNL.
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad MOC said that amidst much difficulties, the Union Cabinet's approval for the revival package has been secured. The Minister requested the BSNL staff to cooperate fully with the BSNL Management to make it competitive and profitable.
Com. C. Singh GS assured the Minister that the NFTE BSNL will always committed to the welfare of the employee's as well to the growth of BSNL entity and will enhance and provide the quality of service to the Public.
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24-10-2019 : Revival of BSNL and consultation with all the unions – regarding. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-21-10-2019.
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24-10-2019 : Transfer liability of non-executive staff – reg. Letter No.-TF-18/8, dt-24-10-2019.
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24-10-2019 : Promotion from steno Grade III to Grade II and merger in the Cadre of PA from 01-01-2004 on notional basis in respect of officers who were earlier promoted as JAO/JTO – Case of Gujrat Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/2(e), dt-24-10-2019.
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24-10-2019 : Sufferings of employees due to non-clearance of dues by BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-21-10-2019.
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24-10-2019 : Popularisation of BSNL Revival Package through Social Media Platform reg. Letter No.-CA/Mktg/32-1/2019, dt-23-10-2019.
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24-10-2019 : WE WELCOME:- We heartily welcome the declarations of Hon’ble Minister of Communications and IT that the BSNL will neither be closed nor disinvested or transferred to third party. This will put an end to the pernicious propaganda of interested quarters against our bread earner, BSNL.
Extremely happy and grateful to Hon’ble PM and Hon’ble MoC treating BSNL as strategic partner.
23-10-2019 : Press Information Bureau release on Revival Package for BSNL/MTNL.
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23-10-2019 : Informal meeting with GM (Rectt):- President met the GM (Rectt) and raised the following items:-
(1) Postponement of LICEs for promotion to non-executive staff:-
The union conveyed its resentment and anguish for postponing the LICEs promotions to Telecom Technicians, Junior Engineer and JTO Cadres. The non-executives are being given raw treatment.
The GM(Rectt) appreciated the concerns and told that the vacancies are being assessed as per work load and steps will be taken to get it expedited.
(2) JAO LICE:- The JAO LICE result has not been held for last three years. She will be addressing to personnel branch in this respect.
(3) Withheld JAO LICE held on 4/5 January, 2010:-
The results of NTR were withheld due to pendency of disciplinary proceedings in respect of some candidates. She will look into the matter.
(4) JTO LICE result:- It is likely to be declared by next week.
23-10-2019 :
Revival plan as sent by DOT to Cabinet has been approved today. Details are awaited.
23-10-2019 : Corporate office issued clarification to CGM UP(E), for settlement of TA bill in respect of retired employees. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/2019, dt-22-10-2019.
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22-10-2019 : Informal meeting with PGM (Pers) and Sr. GM(Est):- President met the PGM (Pers) and Sr. GM(Est) and raised the following issues:-
(I) Reversion from JAO/JTO Cadre and their induction as PAs as per High Court orders.
The personnel branch has processed and sent the file to establishment branch. The issue will be sorted out after joining of Sr. GM(EF) from leave.
(II) POs of Jharkhand Circle:- Three cases have been received and these are being processed.
22-10-2019 : The NFTE (CHQ) extends greetings and express solidatory to Bank employees observing 24 hours strike.
21-10-2019 : Shri Arvind Vednerkar has joined as Director (HR) BSNL A/N 14-10-2019. BSNL No.-414-11/2018-Pers I, dt-17-10-2019.
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21-10-2019 : Com. Harishankar Pande, Distt. Secretary, Basti in East UP breathed his last today in early morning due to heart attack.
The CHQ mourns the sad demise and conveys heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
19-10-2019 : BSNL HQR vide No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2018, dt-18-10-2019 has forwarded NFTE’s letter No.-TF-11/3-6/7, dt-21-09-2019 on BSNL’s revival to joint Secretary, DOT.
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19-10-2019 : Revised guidelines have been issued defining role of Business areas and SSAs. The transfer liability of non-executives will remain unchanged. BSNL HQR No.-4-02/2014-Restg,Vol IV(Pt), dt-17-10-2019.
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19-10-2019 : CMD BSNL vide D.O. No.-48-13/2019-Pen(B), dt-17-10-2019 has written to all CGMs to update the Service Books of employees of aged 50 years and above.
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18-10-2019 : New Director (HR):- Shri Arvind Vadnerkar has taken over charge of Director (HR). He was earlier PGM at Pune.
The CHQ congratulates him and assures fullest cooperation. Expect he will end the present communication gap existing between unions and HR wing.
18-10-2019 : Revival of BSNL vis -a-vis participation of unions:-
The revival plan of BSNL is receiving very serious attention and consideration of the Ministry of Telecommunication as per information given to unions in the meetings held on 17th October with the Director (HR)/CM and CMD respectively.
The NFTE (BSNL) has taken a position that all the stake holders be consulted.
Keeping in mind our past tradition the NFTE has placed demand yesterday with the CMD to invite all unions and associations to discuss revival plan of our bread earner. The need of the hour is to move together. All unions were consulted at the time of Corporatarisation. NFTE is anxious and committed to follow the same path. It will be persued to the logical end.
17-10-2019 : Hunger fast programme deferred:- Sequel to appeals made by CMD, BSNL and Directors (HR) and (CM) it has been decided to defer the hunger fast programme. Salary to be paid by 23rd October.
17-10-2019 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:- The CMD will hold meeting with unions at 1500 hours.
17-10-2019 : Meeting held with Director (HR) and Director (CM):- A scheduled meeting between unions and Director (HR), Shri Arvind Vadnerkar and Director (CM) Shri Shetlaprasad took place today in which the following points have emerged.
(1) Salary of September to be paid by 23rd October, 2019.
(2) Fund for wages of Contract Labourers have been released for some Circles. The fund for remaining circles will be released after 23rd October.
(3) Revival plan memo is likely to be discussed by Cabinet on 23rd October. The memo contains land monetization, 4G and VRS.
(4) Diesel consumption will be minimized. New batteries and power plants will be purchased. Electricity expenditures have decreased to some extent.
The unions have pointed out that stake holders should be consulted and not taken for granted. There should be road map for the functioning of the company. There are apprehensions how the PSU will run without financial package.
The meeting lasted for two hours and held in very cordial atmosphere. The Director (HR) assured hereafter there will be no communication gap. GM(SR) was also present.
16-10-2019 : From BSNLEU site dated-16-10-2019:-
unauthorised poster for 18.10.2019 hunger strike - stand of BSNLEU and the AUAB.
We have come to know that a poster has been designed and publicised that, the call for hunger strike to be held by the AUAB on 18.10.2019, has been called on by AIBDPA, AUAB and CCWF. It is hereby informed to all that, neither BSNLEU nor AUAB has any connection with this unauthorised poster. It is also informed that such posters, knowingly or unknowingly, weaken the unity of unions and associations of BSNL, which has been forged after much patience and hard work. Whomsoever has designed and publicised this poster, are requested to desist from doing such a damage hereafter.
16-10-2019 : 8th Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Telangana on 15.10.2019 at Sumangali Garden, Karimnagar:-
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16-10-2019 : Meeting with Director (HR):-
The Director (HR) will meet on 17-10-2019 with the unions and associations demands. The President of the union will attend.
16-10-2019 : Participate on hunger programme on 18-10-2019 with full dedication:- the CHQ appeal to all Circle Secretaries, District Secretaries as well as Central office bearers to participate in hunger fast programme with full dedication and vigour. Keep aside the controversies which will be discussed as and when AUAB meets. Massive demonstration be organized during lunch hours on 18th October, 2019.
16-10-2019 : Hunger Strike and Lunch hour demonstration on 18-10-2019. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2018(pt), dt-15-10-2019.
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16-10-2019 : The District Conference of NFTE BSNL Vijayapura SSA Karnataka was held on 15th
October, 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. S.L. Kulkarni DS Welcomed all the leaders. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Kumar Reddy C.S, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore participated and addressed the conference. Com. Sheshadri in his speech told recent developments of Union activities as well as of BSNL. Com. Yamakanmaradi, Com. S.L. Kulkarni and Com. S.L. Poojar were unanimously elected as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
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15-10-2019 : Com. N.J.Bhatia Secretary CHQ and Circle secretary Gujrat Bereaved:-
Mother of Com N.J.Bhatia Smt. Shushilaben Jammana Das Bhatia took her last breath yesterday on 14.10.2019 at the age of 85 years. On behalf of our members and CHQ we extend a deep condolence on the death and we will stand with Com. Bhatia to share the grief.
15-10-2019 :
Karimnagar District Conference held on 14/10/2019. Amid slogan shouting the NFTE flag and National flag were hoisted, Com Rajaiya Presided over the meeting. Com Shriram Reddy DS welcomed all. An open session of more than 200 members, including large number of women employees, consisting of Circle Executive Committee and delegates of District Conference attended. Shri Subhash GMTD Karimnagar in his address said that no doubt situation is very critical but we will over come the situation together by providing better service to the customers. He explained the development activities and revenue generation in Karimnagar SSA and it stood first in Telangana circle in all respect. Com C Singh our beloved GS in his key note address explained the issues of Revival of BSNL and insisted that Govt should come forward and extend financial assistance without further delay, to save the company from the present crises. He added that the non-payment of salary to staff is total failure of the top management of BSNL and the resentment among workforce is increasing gradually and if the management is not evolving the mechanism to address the issue of salary payment it will go beyond the control of unions and associations. He appealed to workers to understand the gravity of the situation and build the all out unity forgetting all the differences..
The meeting was also attended by Com. Rajmouli CS & Treasurer CHQ, Shri Anjaiya DGM, Com. V. K. Muthu CHQ Special Invite, Com. Krishna Redy ACS, Com. D.Mallaiya DS SEWA, Com M.Kalidas.DS SNEA, Com Seamy DS AIGETOA, and DS AIBSNL EA. All the speakers insisted that the BSNL management should pay September 2019 salary immediately and should announce revival plan immediately.
The open session was ended with vote of thanks by Com Shriram Redy D.S. Karimnagar. In the evening delegate session held. The annual report and audited accounts were placed by DS and approved by the house after discussion. Office bearers were elected unanimously.
The Circle Executive Committee meeting continues on 15/10/2019.
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15-10-2019 : The District Conference of Belgavi SSA Karnataka held on 14th October, 2019 at Belgavi under the Presidentship of Com. M.G. Hongal, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy CS, and Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore are participated and addressed the conference. Com. Chougale TT, Com. Sambrekar Rtd TT, Com. M.B. Patil, TT are elected unanimously, District President District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
15-10-2019 :
The District Conference of NFTE BSNL Hubli SSA held on 14th October 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Tejaswani B Arapanahalli District Vice President, Com. S.L. Poojar DS Hubli welcome to all the leaders and officers and open remarks delivered Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy C.S and Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore are participated. Com. K.S. Sheshadri delivered recent developments in his speech Shri J.L. Gowtham GM Hubli and Senior officers of Hubli SSA also Sister Union leaders of BSNLEU,SNEA and AIBSNL are participated. Com. Karibiste, Com. S.L. Poojar, Com. Attar are elected unanimously as District President District Secretary and District Treasurer Respectively and NFTE BSNL congrats all the new office bearers. NFTE BSNL wishes to all the new office bearers.
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14-10-2019 : Dear comrades due to prior occupation G.S will be out from head quarter on the day of hunger strike i.e on 18.10 2019, hence on behalf of NFTE All India President Com Islam Ahmad and our Deputy G.S.Com K.S.sheshasri will participate in programme at headquarter..com C.Singh will sit on fast at Patna and join CHQ ON 19th. October, 2019.
14-10-2019 :
Kanchipuram district conference on 12/10/19:-
At the PGM (South) office compound in Guindy the fourth conference of Kanchipuram district NFTE- BSNL was held on October 12. More than 240 delegates participated in it. Chennai Telephones circle Union President Ramasamy inaugurated the conference. District President Somasundaram presided. District Secretary Ekambaram welcomed all. Circle Union Office bearers Elangovan, Rajendran, Ravi, Dhansingh, Kabali, Bose, Palaniappan, Selvaraj, Sendhil, Batsha, Anandadevan, Satya, NFTCL State Leaders Babu, Sampath and many others participated in the conference. Chennai Telephones circle Union Secretary and Sr. Vice- President ( CHQ) C.K.Mathivanan conducted the election of office bearers and delivered a powerful 1.45 hours long speech explained in detail the present problems in BSNL. Comrades Somasundaram, Ekambaram and Balaji were unanimously elected as President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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12-10-2019 :The
next meeting of AUAB will be held in the circle office on SEWA (BSNL) at 3PM on 21.10.2019.
12-10-2019 :AUAB
call of Day long hunger strike and lunch hour demonstration on 18.10.2019 – A
meeting of the AUAB was held today. Com.Chandeswar Singh, Chairman, presided
over. Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convenor, welcomed everyone and briefed about the
agenda.The meeting expressed it’s serious resentment over the non-payment of the
September salary. Non-payment of contract workers’ wages for the past 8 months,
non-payment of electricity bills, the misleading reports appearing in the media
that, BSNL would be closed down,etc., were seriously viewed by the meeting.
After in-depth discussion, it was decided to organise a *one day hunger strike
on 18-10-2019*
, to be participated in by the General Secretaries, Circle Secretaries and
District Secretaries, at the Corporate Office, Circle and SSA levels
respectively. Together with this, lunch hour demonstrations are to be organised
at all the places on same day, involving the entire Executives and
Non-Executives of BSNL. It is also decided that the unions and associations
which could not attend today's meeting are to be contacted immediately and are
to be requested to participate in the programme. The AUAB will again meet on 21-10-2019,
to decide about the next course of action.
The following are the
- Immediate payment of the September salary. Timely payment of salary every month.
- Payment of contract / casual labourers' wages and payment electricity bills and rentals.
- Revival of BSNL by immediate allocation of 4G spectrum, extension of financial assistance / soft loan and approval for BSNL’s Land Monetisation proposal.
- Settlement of 3rd Pay Revision, Pension Revision and 30% Superannuation benefits.
- Immediate remittance of dues towards GPF, Bank loan EMI, Society, LIC premium, etc.
11-10-2019 : The District Conference of Bellary SSA Karnataka held on 11th October 2019 under the President ship of Com. Nagaraj District President Bellary, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy CS NFTE BSNL Karnataka Circle, Com S. V. Arali Circle President, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore attended and addressed the Meeting. Com. S. Chidananda DS Bellary delivered opening remarks and welcoming all the all the leaders and vote of thanks by Com. Sreedhar Senior leader of NFTE BSNL
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11-10-2019 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 – Payment of IDA at revised – regarding. F. No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-10-10-2019.
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10-10-2019 : Internal Meeting held:- The NFTE (BSNL) and supporting unions met today and expressed serious concerns over delay in revival of BSNL.
After prolonged discussions the meeting has given a message of “Forget and Forgive” for greater cause to save the BSNL. A united struggle is need of the hour as such all unions & Associations should be associated.
10-10-2019 : Pathetic condition of BSNL – Solicit urgent and effective intervention. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-10-10-2019.
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10-10-2019 : Non-declaration of result of JTO LICE held on 26th May, 2019 – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-10-10-2019.
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10-10-2019 : Confirmation of employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-10-10-2019.
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09-10-2019 : IDA increased w.e.f. 1st October , 2019. DPE letter No.-W-02//0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XXI/19, dt-07-10-2019.
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05-10-2019 : Meeting with Director (CM/HR):- President and General Secretary met the Director CM/HR on 4th instant and held prolonged discussions relating to non-declaration of JTO LICE, held on 26-05-2019, resulting frustration and resentment amongst the concerned staff. Reportedly the file is moving earlier from Rectt to Establishment, Pers, legal and CLO forgetting that the results have been declared excepting the Punjab Circle. The Corporate office has adopted novel method to deprive the Candidates from their legitimate claims. The Director CM/HR promised to look into the matter after joining of GM (Rectt) who is currently on leave.
We also drew his attention on pathetic condition of BSNL. He informed that now the revival plan of PSU is getting top priority of DOT.
05-10-2019 : All Circle Secretaries please note:- Our union’s National Executive Committee meeting is scheduled to be held at “Hotel Datta Residency” at Jabalpur (M.P.) from 10-11-2019 to 11-11-2019. The accommodation is available only to all India office Bearers/Circle Secretaries and Invitees. Kindly co-operate with the Reception Committee Jabalpur for making the NEC a big success.
04-10-2019 : Notification issued for conducting National Executive Committee meeting to be held from 10th November to 11th November, 2019 at Jabalpur (M.P.).
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03-10-2019 : Corporate office issued modification in the ACR forms (APP-9 and APP-10) of Non-executives. Letter No.-4-2/2010-Restructuring, dt- 25-09-2019.
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01-10-2019 : Wishing you all happy Gandhi Jayanti.
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01-10-2019 : Meeting with Director (Finance):- General Secretary and Com. Rajmouli A.I. Treasurer met to Director (F) today and discussed about payment of salaries for the month of September, 2019 and remittance of deducted amount to concern orgnisation. The Director (F) reciprocated and explained that the downtrend of revenue is arrested and positive signals are coming. The money earned in the month of September, 2019 has been expended on August, 2019 salaries, Bank Loan and its interest and electricity bills. Hence salaries for the month of September, 2019 will be paid by collecting our own revenues and the another source is there to get some amount from DOT, then it will be paid earlier. He added that deduction of society for the month of May , 2019 remitted today, which is Rs. 60 crore. He assured to release the LIC premium deducted from the salary of staff.
01-10-2019 : Mandate of Workers and Task’s Ahead. Editorial, Telecom (English and Hindi).
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01-10-2019 : BSNL FORMATION DAY:- BSNL born on 01-10-2000. BSNL have seen many up and downs in these 5 yrs. The committed work force have done well in this stiff competition Arena in the market. We feel proud of them. The present crisis is outcome of the Govt policy. No financial support extended to BSNL in all these years as agreed in 2000 by the then Govt, which is in power at centre. To come out from the crisis, we have to hit hard unitedly to Save BSNL and its employees. NFTE CHQ conveys best wishes to one and all.
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01-10-2019 : National open mass convention of workers held at Parliament Street, New Delhi on 30th September 2019 ---- Declaration. (Hindi version)
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01-10-2019 : National open mass convention of workers held at Parliament Street, New Delhi on 30th September 2019 ---- Declaration. (English version)
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30-09-2019 : 5.3% increase in IDA from 01-10-2019. Total 146.7%+5.3% = 152.0%.
30-09-2019 : National open mass convention of workers held at Parliament Street, New Delhi on 30-09-2019. The (10) central trade unions INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC called a Country wide General Strike on 8th January, 2020, against anti labour policies, anti PSU policies of Govt. From NFTE Com. C. Singh, G.S, Com. Swantantra Kumar, Senior Leader, Com. Surjit Singh, C.S. Punjab, Com. Vinay Raina, All India Vice President, Com. Mahinder Singh, All India Vice President, Com. Kapil Mohan, ADS Pathankot, Com. M.P. Singh, Circle President Corporate office and Com. Rajmouli All India Treasurer attended the meeting.
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30-09-2019 : Introduction of 5 days week – reg. Letter No.-TF-23/1(a), dt-30-09-2019.
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30-09-2019 : Abeyance of LICEs. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a & d), dt-30-09-2019.
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26-09-2019 : Don’t get provoked:- The leaders at different levels have worked hard with the help and cooperation of well wishers due to which it is placed today in respectful position. Once again the CHQ sincerely greet and congratulate each and every one for the great job. However, keep in mind the workers have placed us in the position of responsibility also. We have to deliver the good with honesty and devotion as per our tradition.
Therefore, donot get provoked and take every one alongwith us at this juncture. Donot adopt Tit for Tat formula. NFTE has to be further strengthened.
Be humble, tolerant and responsive to the cause.
25-09-2019 : We acknowledge:- The NFTE (BSNL) has secured more than 35% votes in the 8th verification and placed at the respectable position. The union and associations, SNATTA, TEPU and SEWA (BSNL) have done tremendous job in the electioneering. They rose to the occasion with the confidence that the NFTE (BSNL) will protect the BSNL and the work. We assured all well wishers and supporters we will not disappoint them. Our great organisation will strive hard and take all along with us.
The CHQ extends greetings to all Comrades and brothers.
25-09-2019 : D.O. letter from Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL to all General Secretaries of participant unions in the 8th membership verification.
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25-09-2019 : JTO LICE result:- The file has been cleared by the CGM (Legal) and reportedly it has now gone back to Establishment/Personnel branch of BSNL HQR. This was informed to the union in course of meeting.
The CHQ is constantly persuing the matter.
25-09-2019 : Meeting with the Chief Labour Commissioner:- President and Treasurer, Com. Rajmouli met the CLC on 25th instant and handed over the union letter No.-TF-11/3-6/7, dt-21-09-2019, addressed to Secretaries Labour Telecom and DOP to him regarding revival of BSNL. It was mentioned to him that the DOT and BSNL management are avoiding to discuss the revival plan of BSNL with the recognized unions. He made some searching questions and thereafter agreed to write to the concerned authories in the matter. He expressed anguish also for non-payment of wages to the Contract Labourers. We pointed out that the salary of regular employees is also not being paid in time and the statutory payments are not being paid by the PSU which may lead to complication and hardships to the staff.
24-09-2019 : Formation of Councils, viz, National Council, Circle Councils and Local Councils. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2019(pt.ib), dt-24-09-2019.
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24-09-2019 : Grant of facilities to the recognized representative Unions of Non-executive employees in BSNL in BSNL and also the Unions which secured more than 2% of total votes at All India level. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2019(pt. ia), dt- 24-09-2019.
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24-09-2019 : Recognition of majority representative union (s) of non-executive employees in BSNL for a period of three years as per the results of 8th membership verification. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2019(pt.i), dt-24-09-2019.
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24-09-2019 : The mother of Com. Yashpal Sharma, JE and District Secy, Hissar breathed her last on 19th September. The Rasham Pagri will be on 28th September at Dharmshala Camp near Sector 15 between 1300 to 1400 hours at Hissar.
24-09-2019 : National Executive Meeting:- The National Executive meeting of union will be held on 10th and 11th November at Jabalpur. The formal notice will be issued shortly. The participants are requested to book their To and fro journey to avoid inconveniences. The return journey should be only after 7pm on dt-11th November.
23-09-2019 : Calling option for Higher Pension under Para 11(3) of EPS 1995 (Pension on full salary for the BSNL Recruitee in CTD. Letter No.-PF/CA/BSNL/EPF/Higher Pension dated at Kolkata -700001 the 20-09-2019.
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23-09-2019 : Prevent complications and unrest:- The DDOs are deducting dues of LIC, Banks, EPF cooperative Societies, unions subscriptions etc from the salary of staff but these amounts are not being paid to the respective organizations. This state of affair is continuing for last five months creating complications and resentment amongst the staff. The LIC, Banks, Cooperative societies are issuing notices to the employees for the default of DDOs. The LIC is forfeiting the risk cover and the Banks are imposing penalties similarly the pension and GPF contribution are not being deposited to CCAs causing non-settlement of Pension and GPF on retirement.
Today, President and GS met the GM (SR) and mentioned the sufferings and agony of staff. There is serious resentment and anguish amongst the employees due to these.
The leaders have urged the GM (SR) to apprise the top level management to take remedial action in the interest of harmony and peace.
23-09-2019 : Salary payment of employees of September on due date – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-23-09-2019.
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21-09-2019 : Sufferings to employees due to non-clearance of dues by BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-21-09-2019.
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21-09-2019 : Revival/Revamping of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, BSNL – Regarding. Letter No.-TF-11/3-6/7, dt-21-09-2019.
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20-09-2019 : Amendment in the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 consequent upon the implementation of the recommendation of 7th CPC. Letter No.-11020/01/2017-Estt. (L), dt-30-08-2019.
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19-09-2019 : Results of 8th Membership Verification – 2019 conducted for electing majority representative union(S) of Non-Executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-CRO/BSNL/MV/2019, dt-18-09-2019.
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19-09-2019 : 19th September, 1968 struggle:- Let us remember 50 years ago the Central Govt Employees organized one day strike on 19th September to secure the demand of “Need based Minimum wage”. The then Govt headed by late Smt. Indira Gandhi dealt the employees with heavy hands. The leaders were arrested and Jailed. Many employees were punished and dismissed. More than dozen leaders and Comrades sacrificed their lives in the struggle.
Let us remember the martyrs and pay rich tributes to them for their sacrifices.
19-09-2019 : Detailed Result:-
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18-09-2019 : NFTE won in following Circles.
(1) Andaman & Nicobar, (2) Jabalpur Telecom Factory, (3) Mumbai Telecom Factory, (4) Haryana, (5) UP(E), (6) Chhattisgarh, (7) NTR New Delhi, (8) Jharkhand, (9) Gujrat, (10) Tamilnadu, (11) UP(W), (12) Bihar, (13) J&K, (14) Chennai.
17-09-2019 : Three Comrades viz S/S Munna Khan (ATT Bhopal), Victor (Davangere) and A.K. Sahu (Dhenkanel Odisha) left for heavenly abode on 16th September Polling day of verification. Reportedly they were in strain and stress due to non-payment of salary.
We appeal to management not to be indifferent in payment of salary. The resentment may grow one day beyond control. Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.
17-09-2019 : Percentage of votes polled in Circles:-
Jharkhand -93.84%, Chhattisgarh – 96%, Punjab – 93.5%, TF Kolkata – 98.39, J&K – 88.2%, NE-1 – 92.6%, H.P. – 95.8%, TF Mumbai - 96.39%, ALTTC Ghaziabad – 98%, Bihar - 93%, NE-II – 87.6%, Telangana – 88.8%, Tamilnadu - 96.84%, Uttarakhand – 91.5%, Assam – 95.27%, Gujrat – 87.32%, Orissa – 96.5%, A.P. - 97.7%, Kerala - 91.8%, NTR – 89.39%, CTT+STR – 92.3%, QA – 88.6%, Karnataka – 94.27%, UP(E) - 92.64%.
Note - Further information awaited.
17-09-2019 : Conduct of 8th Membership Verification through Secret ballot Election for electing majority unions (s) of Non-executive employees in BSNL. F.No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-16-09-2019.
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17-09-2019 : Re-polling started at 09.00am today in 3 Polling booth at Kolkata Telephones District.
16-09-2019 : Vested interests desired to halt Democratisation:-
It is unfortunate that non-serious players in 8th membership verification had been eager to halt the democratic process from very beginning. The verification process is almost completed except at Kolkata TD as per information available with us. The trouble makers and mischievous elements have prevented polling at 4 booths in Kolkata TD. The CHQ has reported the matter to the management. Who will appreciate such anti democratic action.
16-09-2019 : Well done Comrades:-
The members of our great orgnisation and the supporters have moved unitedly in the 8th membership verification. They all worked shoulder to shoulder in the task. The CHQ gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Comrades as well as of unions/associations who whole heartedly supported we convey sincere greetings. Long live NFTE (BSNL), NFTE (BSNL) Zindabad. All Comrades/Supporters Zindabad Zindabad.
16-09-2019 : Postponement of LICEs:-
Few weeks back the Corporate office issued orders for keeping all the LICEs of TT, JE, JTO/JAO etc in abeyance till December, 2019. These LICE were notified and dates fixed as per decision in the National Council. The management should have respected the decisions of National Council. Once recognition is achieved we will take up the matter to its logical conclusion.
Today, we enquired into the matter. It is learnt that the posts of the Cadres are being reviewed and thereafter vacancies will be assessed as per direction of CMD, BSNL.
16-09-2019 : Methodology for payment of pay to Casual Labourers as per Supreme Court verdict. DOP and Training No.-49014/1/2017/Estt(c), dt-04-09-2019 to all Ministries.
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16-09-2019 : Dear Comrades:- You all have risen to the occasion and made ceaseless and sustained efforts in the 8th membership verification to place the beloved organization at the respectable place. Continue the efforts till the last minute of the polling.
14-09-2019 : Reciprocal Response:- The JEs and SNATTA both have declared support to NFTE (BSNL) in 8th membership verification. We are thankful and can assure that the main objective of our beloved organization will be to save BSNL and its employees. It will take care of all Cadres including JEs. The NFTE after getting recognition in year, 2013 has ensured LICEs for promotion to JTO Cadre which was not done earlier. Service condition of 5 years for LICE was achieved. One increment for wage loss was also achieved. As a matter of fact LICEs for all Cadres was regularized. We heartily acknowledge support of JEs and their association with full gratefulness and assure them ceaseless efforts for betterment.
14-09-2019 : A Mass meeting of 8th membership verification held at Telecom Factory Dewnar (Mumbai) at 10.30 am on 13/09/2019 under the Presidentship of Com Surve. Com A.Bhopi CS in his introductory speech explained the hardship faced by workers in TF Dewnar. Com C. Singh GS in his address told that NFTE only can bring the workers out of crisis. He appealed all to vote in favour of NFTE on serial Number 15 so that it may get the no one position. Then only NFTE will be in a position to save the BSNL and protect the workers from the anty workers policy of BSNL. Com Ranjan Dani CS. MH Circle, Com Vijay Gosavi Decretary CHQ , Com R.P Joshi Treasure MH Circle attended the meeting. Com Lokhande on behalf of SEWA BSNL declared that SEWA has decided to support and vote the NFTE in 8 th MV. The meeting concluded with National song.
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14-09-2019 : Mass Election campaign meeting held at CGMT office Shantacruz Mumbai at 13.30 hrs on 13th September 2019. The meeting was unique one, as unexpected gathering of about five hundred workers including more than hundreds women were present. On entering the venue Com C Singh GS and Com Dani, Com Gosavi and Com Joshi were given a warm welcome with thundering slogans in favour of NFTE. The meeting was presided over by Com E. Moinul and anchored by Com Milind Inhale ACS. Com Sumathi DS of CGMT Office District Branch welcomed all. Com Dani in his inspiring and appealing inaugural speech exhorted the issues in brief. Com C Singh in his address narrated the whole history right from formation of BSNL and commitment of the Government on which more than 3.5 lacks employees opted to work in BSNL. But the attitude of the present Government is not transparent and the stake holders are kept in dark. The non - payment of salary in time is the biggest issue now and the intention of the Government is not clear. In the name of revival if any unilateral decision is taken against the interest of workers and affecting the industrial peace, we will not accept and will fight against it. He urged the workers to provide better services to customers with available infrastructure to keep the customer base intact so that company can survive. Further he request all to work for getting more votes in favour of NFTE so that we can play a leading role in building the unity to fight against the ill moves of the management and protect the BSNL. The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks by Distt. President.
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14-09-2019 : Non-remittance of deducted dues (LIC, GPF and Pension contributions, Bank loans etc) to the concerned organizations – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-14-09-2019.
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14-09-2019 : Election Campaign meeting:- A meeting was held at Telecom Factory Richhai , Jabalpur on 13/09/2019. Com Ramjee Prasad presided over the meeting. Com Islam All India President in his address assured to protect job and factories as before. He touched upon all issues of BSNL and it's workers facing today. He appealed to all vote for NFTE to resolve the issues amicably. The meeting was addressed by SEWA BSNL Circle Secretary, Com. K. S. Thakur Org. Secretary CHQ and Com. R.N. Singh CS TF.
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14-09-2019 : Mass Meeting at Jabalpur TD:-
A very large and impressive meeting took place on 13th instant under the Chairmanship of Com. Atma Ram Ojha in which President NFTE, Com. Islam, Com. K.S. Thakur Organising Secy, NFTE, AGS TEPU, Com. S.K. Mudliar, D.S. SEWA BSNL, Com. R.D. Chaudhary, Circle President, Com. K.M. Mishra, C.S. Telecom Factory etc participated, addressed and appealed to the gathering to vote for NFTE BSNL.
Speaking on the occasion Com. Islam stressed that the Govt and management must hold talks with the union on the revival issue of BSNL. He said agreements of 08-09-2000 between federations and Govt on Job, Superannuation age and financial viability should be honoured. NFTE will protect the Job of employees and will exert for functioning of the company. He listed achievements of NFTE from year 2013 to 2019. Earlier, he also addressed meeting at Town write Telecom Factory and assured the workers to safeguard their interest as was done in 2000 NFTE will strive hard to keep the Telecom Factories intact. Com. Sahu, D.S. conducted the meeting. The welcome and greetings extended to the leaders will be ever remembered.
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13-09-2019 : Election campaign meeting at Karimnagar (Telangana) on 12-09-2019:- Jubilant Election campaign meeting held at Karimnagar SSA, on 12.09.2019 under the president ship of Com. P.Rajaiah, Morethan 200 comrades participated in the meeting Circle Secretary Com. A.Rajamouli, Telanhana Circle and District Secretary com. V. Sriram Reddy , Karimnagar SSA addressed the meeting.
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13-09-2019 : A very glorious and well organized campaign meeting was held on 12-09-2019 at Hisar. A large number of employees more than 200 including the SNATTA and SEWA BSNL also attended the meeting. A major attraction of the meeting was the presence of women employees in large number. The meeting was presided over by veteran NFTE Leader Shri Rajinder Gupta. The meeting was addressed by Shri Arvind Patel DS SNATTA and Shri Parbhat Ranjan CP SNATTA. They appealed to all JE'S to support and votes NFTE BSNL in MV 2019.All the Branch Seceratery's of Hisar SSA, Com. Yashpal Sharma and Com. Tejbir Poonia ACS Haryana spoke about the strength of NFTE BSNL in Hisar. They assured about the thumbing win in forthcoming membership verification. Com. H. K. Goel CS explained in detail about the Telecom Sector in India and position of the BSNL in this sector. He spoke in detail about the issues of Revival of Government are BSNL, Job security, VRS, lowering of age of retirement from 60 to 58 year's and non clearance of various outstanding bills of BSNL by DOT. He assured that if in 8th MV 2019 NFTE BSNL comes in the leading roles all the issues concerned with staff would be resolved. Com. S. P. Malhan secy. CHQ in his hours long speech narrated the various achievements of NFTE BSNL during the recognition period. He asked the gathering to be prepared are hard struggles in future. He gave a slogan to the members that " Ab ki Bar 300 Par" It is worth mentioning that there are total 368 non executive In Hisar. The speeches of CS and Secy. CHQ was well taken and applauded by the gathering. The meeting anded with vote of thanks from saathi Rajinder Gupta.
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13-09-2019 : Verification meeting at CTO Dormitory:-
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12-09-2019 : Grand mass meeting held at Patna on 12/09/2019:- A large number of workers including women attended the meeting. Com. Ram lakhan Singh DS Patna anchored. Com B.N.Sinha and Com Ratesh Mishra Joy presided over the meeting. Com Prashant Kumar President SNATTA declared that all members of SNATTA will support and vote to NFTE in 8th MV. Com Chandeshwar Singh GS in his address narrated that the attitude of the Government is not clear and the things are not moving in transparent way. He appealed to all workers to vote for NFTE in the forthcoming 8th MV on 16/09/2019, to have a better united approach to save BSNL and its workers interest. Com R.K.Coubey Core Secretary Bihar also addressed. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com Ram Lakhan Singh.
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12-09-2019 : Corporate office letter on conduct of 8th membership verification through secret ballot for electing majority unions of non-executives in BSNL. Letter No.-25-2/2019-Rectt, dt-06-09-2019.
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12-09-2019 : 8th Membership Verification Meetings held at various places of Karnataka and attended by Com. K. S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ:-
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12-09-2019 : A Mass meeting was jointly organized by West Bengal Circle and Kolkata Telephones Circle at Kolkata on 11/09/2019:- the meeting was anchored by Com Dilip Dev.
Com. Suresh Kumar GS SNATTA exhorted the core reason of suffering of BSNL and explained the issues in detail. Com. C. Singh GS NFTE BSNL in speech appealed to take care of services of BSNL He added that the Government attitude seems not fare as nothing is transparent. All proposal for revival is hidden which has created total confusion among staff and affecting the services of BSNL.He added that unity and patience is the need of time .He appeal to support and vote in favor of NFTE BSNL 8th MV 2019.
Many Com Tapan Vishwas CS WBT Com Shekhar Majumdar Circle CS Calcuta Telephoes, Sri Ravi Raj CS SNATTA. CTD, Shri Priye Ranjan All India Org Secretary SNATTA., Com Umashankar pd. ACS Telecom Factory Kolkata and many more West Bengal leaders took part and addressed the meeting.
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12-09-2019 : Conduct of 8th membership verification process to elect majority representative union (s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – nomination of polling agent – reg. Letter No.-16-53/2019-Admn./50, dt-09-09-2019.
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12-09-2019 : Conduct of 8th membership verification process to elect majority representative union (s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – meeting reg. Letter No.-16-53/2019-Admn./49, dt-09-09-2019.
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12-09-2019 : BSNL and MTNL cannot be equated:- BSNL abosrbees joined to the PSU with FR56(a) benefit and this is further guaranteed in Rule 37A and terms and conditions for absorption. The MTNL staff got the 60 years age of retirement after the absorption. Therefore, roll back to 58 years of retirement age is not possible in BSNL. The President held prolonged discussions with GM (SR) who asked for copies of all the communications made by union to the DOT. It is learnt some meeting was to take place between BSNL and DOT.
12-09-2019 : JTO LICE result:-
The recruitment branch of Corporate office has sought legal opinion through establishment unit for declaration of the result. President, NFTE met the Sr. GM(Est)/Dy GMT (Est) and GM (Legal) on 11-08-2019 in the matter. File is yet to reach to legal cell. The establishment section is likely to send the same within 2/3 days.
12-09-2019 : 8th Membership Verification:-
The President CHQ held prolonged discussions with the GM (SR) and Director (HR), Shri Tripathi, on 11-09-2019 and apprised them that the Mobile Phones of union office bearers have not been restored in J and K. The union is not in position to canvass and mobilize the employees. It was also emphasized that it should be ensured that the employees caste their vote. Vindictive transfers and hostility of some officers have also been brought to their knowledge. Phonic talks have taken place with the circle authorities. Contact was also made with the circle Secy of J&K who is stationed at Jammu.
12-09-2019 : Salary Payment in 3rd week:- The salary of staff for the month of August, 2019 is most likely to be paid in 3rd week of September by its own internal resources. The financial assistance has neither been received from DOT nor bank loan as propagated.
President met the CMD and Director (F) on 11th instant and pressed for early payment. He also impressed upon them to ensure that transparency is adopted in the matter.
12-09-2019 : DOT refuses to reimburse salary of deputationists: - Sizeable number of BSNL employees are working in DOT for more than 19 years. Bs HAS PAID SALRIES OF SUCH STAFF. It is strange the DOT is refusing to reimburse the amount to BSNL in violation of their own orders. After verification union will take up the matter with DOT .
09-09-2019 : Election campaign meeting at Guwahati:- A grand Election campaign meeting was held on 9th September 2019 at Guwahati under the president ship of Com P. C. Patgiri. More than 300 members including a good number of woman members attended the meeting. Com Chandeshwar Singh GS in his address narrated how the issues have been resolved and settled after the recognition of NFTE-BSNL. NFTE has long history and it has played a leading role in safeguarding the interest of employees. GS reminded the agreement on 8th Sept., 2000 between the Govt./DOT and the Federations. We will impress upon the Government to honour the agreement on the issues of job security, pension and financial viability. GS assured that NFTE will not hesitate to just knock the door of court to safeguard the interest of BSNL employees. Com Mahabir Singh, Secy CHQ on his spirited speech explained about the present situation in BSNL and asked the members to be more vigilant to safeguard BSNL and welfare of the employees. He appealed to all for the necessity of NFTE being recognized union in this critical juncture of BSNL. He requested all to vote for NFTE-BSNL for a bright future. Com A K Singh, Org Secretary, CHQ, SNATTA also present in the meeting with SNATTA members and assured to vote for NFTE.
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09-09-2019 : An 8th Membership Verification Meeting was organized on 09/09/2019 at Jaunpur and Com Madan Mohan Rai presided over the meeting. Com Islam All India President CHQ spoke at length on various issues and assured to face the challenges with courage. He further said that NFTE BSNL will face the onslaughts on workers and protect them. We will come out of the crises with flying colours. The meeting was also addressed by Com A N Rai DS Allahabad and DS Jaunpur. SNATTA Circle Secretary and SEWA BSNL leaders also addressed the meeting.
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09-09-2019 : 8th Membership Verification Meetings held at various places of Karnataka and attended by Com. K. S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ:-
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09-09-2019 : Report on Visakhapatnam, AP election campaign on 07-09-2019 by Com. A.Rajamouli, Financial Secretary, CHQ, New Delhi:-
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09-09-2019 : A grand convention held at Aurangabad on 08/09/2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Praful Patil. Com. Mahavir Secretary CHQ in his address explained in detail the Government policies and mismanagement of BSNL. The inaction of main recognized union has ruined BSNL and snatched away the legitimate and just rights of its employees secured by NFTE like bonus, medical, LTC, reservation in promotions, Compassionate appointments etc. When NFTE was recognized union BSNL was earning profit of ten thousand crores and when NFTE lost BSNL’s financial position deteriorated. Now the situation is so worsened that even monthly salary of employee’s is in jeopardy. During the first wage revision, NFTE took all unions together but second wage revision was done alone by BSNLEU causing heavy financial loss to the employees by denying 78.2 IDA merger despite DPE guidelines. This retrograde agreement put the poor employees like RMs & others into stagnation. In his marathon speech Com Mahavir underlined the importance of historic agreement of year 2000 which was achieved under the leadership of O P Gupta NFTE. When he appealed to vote for NFTE, entire hall responded strongly with thundering slogans. Everyone left the premises with a staunch determination to carry the message to all employees that if one has to retire with dignity, BSNL has to prosper and pension is to be protected, NFTE must be brought to the leading position in this verification. Com. Ranjan Dani CS, Com. Devidas Tuljapurkar GS Bank Employees Union also addressed. District secretaries of NFTE and SEWA BSNL from Beed, Nanded, Parbhani, Jalna along with SNATTA leaders were on Dias. Com. Joshi CS, Com. Shivaji Chavan DS Aurangabad, Com. Ganakwar organized the function in very impressive manner. The grand convention assures victory of NFTE in Marathwada region, the audience of more than 175 comrades gave very patient hearing to his 1.1/2 hours deliberation & was thoroughly enlightened.
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09-09-2019 : A grand mass meeting of 8th Membership Verification held at Katihar (Bihar) on 08/09/219 under the President ship of Com. Jhulan Prasad GS. Com Sanjay Singh ACS, Com. Nathuni Sah, Com Mahanand Mandal and Com Hari Ji spoken and raised several issues. Com. C.Singh GS in his speech exhorted on the ill motive of BSNL top management, which is playing the hide and seek and ignoring the view and voice of stake holders. He further said that we will try to come out of the crisis which is possible only through our strong United approach. Com Ram Nath Singh District coordinator reported the ground reality of our union and in respect of BSNL services. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Com Nathuni Prasad. After Completion of meeting at Katihar GS proceeded to participate in mass meeting at Gowhathi.
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09-09-2019 : Ghaziabad – The mass meeting held on 05/09/2019 evening, Com N.P. Sharma DS presided and Com Chandra pal Sing DP welcomed and felicitated the leaders. All the leaders spoken and explained various issues. Our GS Com Chandeshwar Singh in his speech told that neither BSNL top management nor the administrative ministry are fare at their part on the issue of revival of BSNL. The top management of BSNL is sole responsible for nonpayment of salaries to all staff on time. He appealed to the workers not to be furious and fell panic rather building a strong unity is need of time. The meeting continued but GS left the venue to proceed further to Katihar in Bihar circle, where he attend a mass meeting of workers tomorrow on 8th Sept.2019.
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09-09-2019 : GS addressed meeting in Meerut UP(West) on 05/09/2019 along with Com. Sompal Saini CS and Com Jabbar Khan CHQ invitee:-
The meeting at Meerut was presided over by Com Surendra Pal Premi CP and Com Shakeel Ahmad DP Meerut jointly. Meeting was addressed by Com Vikash Goutam CS SEWA UP(west), Com Ramesh Gupta AGS SNATTA Com Ashwani Kumar ACS NFTE, Com Jabbar Khan, Com Sompal Saini CS. Com Chandeshwar Singh GS explained and exhorted the issues floated in BSNL. He further explained that the situation is grim but we should try to com over the crisis which is possible only through our strong United approach. He added that the unilateral decision of Government will create more problems. He appealed to the Government to share what ever plan of revival and restructuring with stake holders for peaceful implementation of the plan. The meeting concluded with brief speech and vote of thanks by Com Premsagar Tiwary.
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06-09-2019 : A grand meeting was organized on 06/09/2019 in which large number of employees including women took part. The meeting was presided over by Com Lalji Patel DP.
Com Sidhnath Pandey, DS delivered the introductory speech and appealed to the audience to vote in favour of NFTE BSNL on 16th Sept. 2019. Com Islam Ahmad, National President, spoke at length and narrated how the issues have been solved and settled from year 2013 to 2019 after NFTE achieved the recognition. NFTE has long history and it has always played a leading role in safeguarding the interest of employees. The Government / DoT made an agreement on 8th Sept. 2000 with the federations on the issues of job security, pension and financial viability of the BSNL. These should be honoured and the union will not shirk its responsibility to impress upon the Govt. to honour its commitments. In case commitments are not honoured and ignored the union will knock the doors of highest court to safeguard the interest of employees. The president declared that SNATTA and SEWA (BSNL) have decided to extend their support to NFTE in the verification. Com Ram Bahadur ACS Com G S Rai, Com Ved Misra and District Secretary Mirzapur also spoke and appealed to vote for NFTE (BSNL).
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06-09-2019 : Arbitrary approach will harm the PSU:-
Of late the BSNL management is adopting arbitrary approach and attitude on issues without realizing that ultimately it will harm the Company.
Arbitrary decision has been taken to withhold the salary payment of August creating panic and unrest amongst the staff. There has been no transparency on the part of management in this respect despite our best efforts and persuasion.
Further, management has issued orders on 5th September, 2019 to update the service books of employees who have attained 50 years of age. It may be a routine affair but it is ill timed. There is enormous talks in social media about VRS, CRS and reduction in retirement age. The orders of 5th September have also disturbed and disappointed the employees. The NFTE has its history and we know how to protect the employees and fight out the injustices and highhandedness. The NFTE will resist evil designs with courage and wisdom. We cannot be taken for granted. Let it be clear.
We sincerely appeal to management to desist from arbitrary approach and take union into confidence in the hour of crisis to run or not to ruin the bread earner, BSNL.
06-09-2019 : Simoga SSA Working Committee and an Election Campaign meeting held on 06th September at Simoga Telephone Exchange. All office bearers Shimoga and hundreds of active members took part in the meeting. Com. M.S. Nanjundappa VP Shimoga presided the meeting and Com KS Subramami DS Shimoga welcomed all. Com K S Sheshadri Ji Dy General Secretary Chq in his address highlighted the functioning and achievements of NFTE and requested all members to work hard to win the Election with huge margin. He elaborated on 2000 agreement and its importance in the present scenario. NFTE will fight against lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 and NFTE will protect the BSNL and its workers. Com AC Krishna Reddy CS, Com Govindappa CVP, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore addressed the meeting. Many leaders took part in the deliberation and decided to work hard for Victory of NFTE with huge margin in the forthcoming 8th membership verification. With the vote of Thanks by Com. H.N. Ramappa meeting ended.
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06-09-2019 : 8th Membership Verification meeting conducted on 5th September 2019 at Chikkamagalur under the President ship of Com. Sathyanarayana DP Chikkamagalur. Our Dy G.S. Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Com AC Krishna Reddy CS, Com Hriyanna ACS, Com A Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore, Com Rangaswamy DS Chikkamagalur are participated and address the meeting.
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06-09-2019 : Mass Election Campaign meeting held on 06/09/2019 at Hyderabad, under the president ship of Com. Narendhar. More than two hundred workers including good number of women employees were attended the meeting Com Chandeshwar Singh GS in his address explained the need of early financial support from the Government to bring the BSNL out from ventilator and also urge upon the Government to be transparent in the process of decision making. Unilateral imposition of any drastic decision may create industrial unrest and may affect the speedy recovery of BSNL. He appealed to the Government that it should think twice about the welfare of workers before introducing CRS in name of VRS. He appealed the gathering to provide better services to customers. Keep patience and strengthen the unity among workers to face any onslaught from the Government. He assured that NFTE will fight to protect the workers. Com A. Rajamouli CS & Treasurer CHQ addressed the gathering in Telugu and explained all the issues in detail. Com V.Muthu DS Hyderabad and his team played an appreciable role to make the meeting a grant success. The meeting was concluded after a vote of thanks by Com. V.Muthu. DS Hyderabad.
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06-09-2019 : AGRA- A well attended meeting, including large number of ladies, at Agra was held in the evening on 05/09/2019. The meeting was presided over by Com. Radheshyam and anchored by Com Sharma. Com .Kamal Singh Secretary CHQ, Com Jabbar Khan and Com. Sompal Saini CS addressed. Com. Chandeshwar Singh GS in his address explained all the issues related to BSNL and its workers and called upon all to work hard to get more votes for NFTE in the 8th MV. The meeting ended at late evening after a vote of thanks by Com Sharma.
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06-09-2019 : MATHURA- Mass election campaign meeting held at Mathura on 05/09/2019 under the President ship of Com Jamal Singh a very senior leader of NFTE at Mathura. Com. Saini CS in his speech exhorted the contribution of NFTE circle union in curtailment of expenditure and growth of BSNL in UP West circle. Com R K Upadhyay delivered an inspiring speech and added that the tolerance and unity is the need of time. Com C Singh GS in his speech explained the so called revival plan of BSNL /DOT and added that the Government is not at all transparent in this matter. Even the stakeholders are not aware what is cooking in the kitchen but he told the workers to keep patience and be united if anything unilaterally decided and arbitrarily imposed upon the workers it will disturb the industrial peace and harmony. NFTE will always stood against such acts and will fight for the welfare of the workers. Com Jabbar Khan Special Invite CHQ Executive committee also addressed. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by com Jamal Singh.
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05-09-2019 : NTR Circle Working Committee and an Election Campaign meeting held on 05th September at NTR Dormitory Hall New Delhi. All office bearers and hundreds of active members took part in the meeting. Com. Usha Rani CP presided the meeting. Com Rajpaul Ji in his address elaborated on the functioning and achievements of NFTE and requested all members to work hard to win the Election with huge margin. Com A Semmalamudham Special Invitee CHQ from Tamilnadu addressed the meeting. He elaborated 2000 agreement and its importance in the present scenario. NFTE will protect the BSNL and its workers. NFTE will fight against lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58. Com Naresh Kumar All India VP also addressed the meeting. Com Deepak Sharma CT, Com Uttham Singh DP HQ Com R. K. Bhardwaj DP HQ, Com. R. S. Dhaka DS Mtce, Com Roop Kishore DP Mtce, Com Krishna Kumar DS Electrical, Com Subodh Kumar DP Electrical, Com. Rakesh Kumar DS Project, Com Sunil Kumar DP Project and many leaders took part in the deliberation and decided to work hard for Victory of NFTE with huge margin in the forthcoming 8th membership verification.
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05-09-2019 : A massive election campaign meeting took place on 4th September at Lucknow under the chairmanship of Com. Pramila Bajpai. Com. Verma DS delivered his introductory speech followed by Com Sushilagautam CS of SEWA BSNL. Com Sanjay Dubey CS in his address narrated how workers suffered from year 2004 to 2013 when NFTE was not recognized and appealed all to vote and support NFTE. In the meeting Com Samid, Com Vishnu Kumar, Com. Vedhaprakash and many members from other union joined NFTE and declared support wholeheartedly. Com Islam All India President welcomed them. The president in his speech said NFTE in UP(E) circle is knocking the door of victory in this verification. It will be a great day for NFTE if achieved. He assured that NFTE will protect the workers and there will be no laxity in this regard. Government’s commitments on 8th September 2000 must be honored. Reduction in retirement age will not go unchallenged. Third Wage revision is linked with Revival plan. He explained achievements of NFTE and emphasized the victory of NFTE is for the betterment of BSNL and its workers. He appealed to place NFTE BSNL at number one place in verification
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05-09-2019 : A Spirited Election Campaign meeting was held at GM Office Hassan Karnatka on 5th September 2019. Our Dy. General Secretary Com. K.S. Sheshadri took part in the meeting. Hundreds of Comrades from Hassan and neighboring exchanges gathered. Com. Shivanna presided and Com. Sampathkumar welcomed all. Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy CS. inaugurated the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy GS in his address called upon all the members to work hard to increase the vote share. The workers at all levels believe in the wisdom of NFTE and expect us to succeed the present crises. He assured that NFTE will always work hard for the welfare of workers and the Company. Com Raja DS Hassan, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore, Com. Pattabiraman, Circle Org Secretary and Com Ningaraj took part in the campaign meeting and addressed.
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05-09-2019 : Mass Election Campaign meeting at Saharanpur (UP West) was held on 04 Sept.2019 in which more than 200 workers including ladies were present and presided over by Com. Surendrapal Premi CP. Many District Secretaries, Branch Secretaries and active members from neighboring District took part in the meeting. Com. Tiwary DS Meerut, Com. Gopal Ji, DS Bijnor, Com. Kalyan Singh DS Saharanpur, Com. Nidesh DS Haridwar, Com. Dinesh Purists DS Aligarh addressed the meeting and reported the ground level position. Com Sompal Saini Circle Secretary also addressed the meeting and explained several issues in detail.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S in his address alleged upon the Govt. and told that in the name of revival plan the top level management and administrative ministry are not fare on their part and they have created a lot of confusion among workers of the BSNL. Workers are facing extreme hardship and BSNL management is not at all transparent to share the actual position even with stake holders. He appealed to the assembled gathering not to live in fear, contribute with full confidence and work hard for the betterment of BSNL. He assured the workers and told that the present crisis will certainly go if we work untidily with patience. He added that the NFTE Is vigilant to protect the interest of the workers and to save the BSNL which provide food for our family, education to our children and light in our huts. He appealed to the workers to support and vote to NFTE in 8th membership verification 2019.
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04-09-2019 : Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of MP Circle held on 3rd August 2019 under the president ship of Com A. K. Mishra CP. All the District Secretaries along with several branch Secretaries participated in the meeting. Com. Habib Khan Circle Secretary placed the report of activities of Circle Union from last CEC to till date. All District Secretaries took part in the debate on agenda items. Com A. S. Thakur ALL India Organizing Secretary addressed the meeting and explained the current issues related to staff and appealed to the workers to support and vote in favour of NFTE. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS While addressing the mass exhorted the issues related to revival of BSNL, financial position of BSNL, delay in payment of salary etc., and categorically said that NFTE will fight against lowering of retirement age from 60 years to 58. Com. Rameshwar Dubey and his team played a vital role in making the meeting a grand success.
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04-09-2019 : 8th Membership Verification meeting held at Tumakur on 4th September, 2019 under the President ship of Com. Lingadevaru DP Tumakur. Com. M. Rajakumar DS Tumakur welcomed all. Com. K. S. Sheshadri Dy General Secretary explained in detail the reasons for present difficulties, the status of 4G, VRS, lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 years, revival of BSNL and September 2000 agreement. Com AC Krishna Reddy CS Karnatka Circle explained settlement of circle level problems and reasons to vote for NFTE BSNL. Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore also addressed the meeting. Com Jayashankar Senior leader of NFTE BSNL addressed the meeting and thanked one and all for participating in the meeting.
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03-09-2019 : A Spirited Election Campaign meeting was held at Jayanagar Telephone Exchange Bangalore on 30th August 2019. Our Dy General Secretary Com. K.S. Sheshadri took part in the meeting. Hundreds of Comrades from Jayanagar, BTM Layout, JP Nagar and WMS Compound exchanges gathered. Com. Ranganna DP BGTD presided and Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu DS, BGTD welcomed all. Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy CS. inaugurated the meeting. Com K.S. Sheshadri Dy GS. in his address called upon all the members to work hard to increase the vote share. The workers at all levels believe in the wisdom of NFTE and expect us to succeed the present crises. He assured that NFTE will always work hard for the welfare of workers and the Company. Com Shanmugam, ADS, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore, Com. A. Ravi DT and Special Invite CHQ, Com. Balakrishna COS, Com. Kumar, Com. Nagaraj YGK, Com. Jayashankar BS, Com. Mani VP Karnataka Circle, Com. Chandrappa and Com. Booraiah took part in the campaign meeting and addressed.
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02-09-2019 : Non-payment of salary to staff – reg. Letter No.-TF-4/6,dt-02-09-2019.
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02-09-2019 : Karnataka meetings news:-
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02-09-2019 : General Secretary addressed a mass meeting at Alwar on 31-08-2019:- On the occasion of retirement on superannuation of Com. Lal Chand Meena. A grand felicitation function was organized at Mayur Hotel where large number of BSNL workers were assembled to honour and felicitate their District Secretary, Circle President and all India Vice President Com. Lal Chand Meena. Com. R.G. Dixit Circle Secretary and most of the District Secretaries alongwith their team came there to attend and honour to Com. L.C. Meena.
General Secretary was invited and he attended the party and felicitated Com. Meena with bouque, Shawl and garlanded him. At end of the function and before dinner. G.S. addressed the assembled workers and explained revival plan proposed by the BSNL management and Govt. He assured the workers to oppose the lowering of retirement age from 60 years to 58 years as it is against agreement with the federations in September, 2000.
G.S. call upon the workers not to live in apprehension and contribute better for BSNL and its customers and to keep the unity intact which will help us to save BSNL and protect the interest of employees.
02-09-2019 : Meeting with GM(SR):-
President and G.S. met the GM(SR) today and conveyed the displeasure and resentment of staff for non-payment of salary on due date. He has been told firmly to convey the resentment to CMD BSNL and Director (F) both. He has assured to move very fast into the matter.
GM(SR)’s attention was also drawn about restoration of Mobile Phones of union office bearers in J&K in view of verification. The CHQ is not able to give guidance for the verification.
02-09-2019 : Swindle to BSNL workers. Editorial (Telecom), English & Hindi.
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31-08-2019 : Inordinate delay in declaration of JTO LICE held on 26th May, 2019 – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-31-08-2019.
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31-08-2019 : Corporate office issued guidelines for conducting 8th Membership Verification Process. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-30-08-2019.
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30-08-2019 : Postponement of LICEs – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-30-08-2019.
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30-08-2019 : Proposal roll back of retirement age from 60 to 58 years in respect of absorbed employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-30-08-2019.
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30-08-2019 : Payment of dues – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/11, dt-30-08-2019.
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30-08-2019 : 8th membership verification for recognition of non-executive unions in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-1/1(c-8), dt-30-08-2019.
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30-08-2019 : An Election Campaign meeting was held at Coimbatore (Tamilandu) on 28/08/2019:- Com. Balasubramaniam ADS presided the meeting. Com A Roberts DS welcomed and give detailed note on the election work being carried out. Our All India President Com Islam Ahmad CHQ New Delhi addressed the meeting. He dealt on various issues like Revival of BSNL, wage revision, VRS. On Reduction of retirement age to 58 he requested the members not to worry and assured that NFTE will fight and protect the workers on the basis of 2000 agreement. He elaborated on the achievements of NFTE and the need for NFTE to continue to be the Recognized Union to safeguard the interest of workers and BSNL. Com S S Gopalakrishnan Ex.Secretary Federation and Com. A. Semmalamudham Special Invite CHQ also addressed the meeting.
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30-08-2019 : A Spirited Election Campaign meeting was held at Madurai on 21st August 2019. Our GS Com C Singh took part in the meeting. From the Southern districts of Tamilnadu Madurai, Virudhunagar, Karaikudi hundreds of Comrades gathered. Com Sivagurunathan DP presided and Com. Rajendran D.S. welcomed all. Com. K. Natarajan CS inaugurated the meeting Com C Singh GS in his address called upon all the members to work hard to increase the vote share. The workers at all levels believe in the wisdom of NFTE and expect us to succeed the present crises. He assured that NFTE will always work hard for the welfare of workers and Company.
Com P Kamaraj Federation Secretary, Com S Palaniappan CHQ Vice President, Com A Semmalamudham Special Invite CHQ, Com Parimalam , Com. Subethar, Com. Ramesh Com. Sethu, Com. Mari DS Karaikudi, and Com. Vijay DS Kumbakonam took part in the campaign meeting and addressed.
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29-08-2019 : Final sample ballot paper including election symbols for conduct of 8th membership verification through secret ballot on 16-09-2019 – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-29-08-2019.
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29-08-2019 : Notice with threat of dismissal/removal from service and lodging FIR against 857 employees of schedule tribe community in Maharashtra circle. Letter No.-TF-024, dt-29-08-2019.
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29-08-2019 : Denial to exercise option for fixation of pay on upgradation of scale under NEPP – Case of Noida SSA of UP(W) Circle. Letter No.-TF-024, dt-29-08-2019.
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29-08-2019 : Request to restoration of debarred Mobile connections to service union office bearers taking consideration of 8th Membership Verification. Letter No.-TF-1/1(c-8), dt-29-08-2019.
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29-08-2019 : Grand convention of NFTE at Nagpur. More than 300 comrades from entire Vidarbh region participated with tremendous enthusiasm. Whole campus of CTO Nagpur was beautifully adorned with flags, banners & pataka's. It was really inspiring to listen to a marathon speech by general secretary com. C. Sing for not less than two hrs. His wonderful deliberations elaborated the present financial crisis in BSNL including VRS, reduction in retirement age, revival plan, land monetization , 3rd PRC, 30% superannuation benefits, reservation in promotion etc. in detail. The entire speech was full of humours, stories, satires, trade union ideology & spirit of fighting against anti - BSNL, anti - PSU policies of the govt. He also elaborated the failures of number one Union on each & Every front for last 15 years which resulted in seizure of right of bonus, stagnation, loss of pay & arrears, lowering of scale, abolition of reservation in promotion along with deterioration in work culture thereby aggravating financial distress of the company. At last when he appealed to the huge gathering for vote & support NFTE to put it on “Leading Position " to secure future of workers & BSNL, it was reciprocated by thundering slogans & loudest clappings. Regarding harassment of ST category employees in MH circle, he assured that all serious efforts will b made & their jobs will b secured at any cost. Regarding Burning issue of Non - remittance of recoveries to bank, society, LIC etc will b dealt on war footing & got it resolved very soon, he promised. Com. Bandi presided the meeting. Circle secretary com. Ranjan Dani underlined the importance of NFTE in today's scenario & appealed to vote for change. Organiser com. Prashant Landge,com. Pande, Com.Ingle from Nagpur have made spectacular arrangements for this occasion. All district secretaries & office bearers from entire Vidarbh region worked devotedly to make the convention, a grand success. CHQ leader com. Shantanu Shete & Circle treasurer com. R. P. Joshi also addressed. Com. Smt. Dalal extended beautiful anchoring.
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28-08-2019 : 8th membership verification campaign committee meeting held at Hosapet Ballary SSA under the Presidentship of Com. S.V. Arali, Circle President today, almost all District Office bearers Branch Secretaries and active members participated in the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary explained in detail the reasons for present difficulties in BSNL like VRS 58 years revival of BSNL and details of 2000 September agreement, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy C.S Karnataka Circle, Com. S. Chidananda D.S. Bellay, Com. Nagaraj D.P. Bellary, Com. Danien Circle Org. Secretary, Com Marali D.P. Raichur, Com. Tayyabali D.S. Raichur Senior leaders Com. Rajendra, Com. Elias, Com. S.K. Harakeri are participated and addressed the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Mustafa.
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28-08-2019 : Conduct of 8th Membership Verification to elect majority representative Union(s) of non-executives’ unions in BSNL ----- procedure for issue and casting of postal ballot. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-28-08-2019.
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28-08-2019 : Extended Circle executive committee meeting of Haryana circle held at Jind on 27-08-2019:-
G.S. attended the extended Circle executive committee meeting of Haryana circle on 27 Aug.2019 at Jind. The meeting was presided over by Com. Kiran Pal circle president. All Distt. Secretaries along with Branch secretaries participated the meeting and they addressed and reported the basic status of their SSAs. Com. H.K Goyel circle secretary while addressing the huge gathering exhorted the issues of circle level and he pointed out that at this critical juncture the other union is much serious to increase the rivalry between unions when the trust and unity is our prime responsibility and need of the hour. Com. S.P.Malhan spoke about organisational matter and placed the District wise assessment of our membership. Com. Ram Singh Saini senior leader and patron of the circle union graced the workers to get better position in 8th membership verification and he donated Rs. 2100.00/- to circle union. Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S in his address explained the issues related to BSNL absorbed as well as direct recruits of BSNL and he appeal to all to work hard and contribute better to maintain the services with available infrastructure and not to live in apprehension as their beloved NFTE is always vigilant and keeping close watch on the development. Com. Singh left the venue at 14.30 hrs and proceeded to Nagpur (MH). The meeting concluded at late evening with grand success.
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27-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification complain meeting conducted at Shankarapuram Telephone Exchange Bangalore on 27th August 2019 under the President ship of Com. Ranganna District President BGTD, Com. K.S .Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy C.S. Karnataka Circle, Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu DS BGTD, Com. A. Rajashekar D.S. C.O. Bangalore, Com. Shanmugam ADS BGTD, Com. A. Ravi CHQ Permanent Invitee and Treasurer BGTD, Com. Booraiah DP BGTD and Com. Mahadevegowda ADS BGTD participated in the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy General Secretary explained regarding 3rd PRC, VRS, Revival of BSNL and future plans of NFTE BSNL was delivered very effectively.
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27-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification campaign meeting conducted at Padmanabhanagar Bangalore on 26th August 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna District President BGTD Com. K.S Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu DS BGTD, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore, Com. Shanmugam ADS BGTD and Com. Kumar DP BGTD participated and addressed the meeting Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy General Secretary explained regarding VRS 58 years revival plan of BSNL etc.
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26-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification Campaign meeting at Solapur (M.H.) on 24-08-2019:- A grand meeting was held at Solapur on 24-08-2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Bandi. The 8th membership verification campaign started at Sangli, now reached to Solapur in Maharashtra Circle. The meeting hall was packed with more than 200 Comrades from the nearest SSA’s. District secretary & organiser Com. Dhekne initiated the proceedings. Com. C. Singh, G.S. attended and explained in detail, the present crisis in BSNL created by Govt. & appealed to all employees to put NFTE in leading position to overcome all odds. The house received the message with Thundering slogans. At last while addressing the gathering he has warned management to resolve the issue of electricity bills & crediting of all salary recoveries to concerned heads within 10 days, failing of which Union will have to launch an intensive agitation throughout the country. In case of harassment of ST category employees in MH circle, he promised to intervene & assured every employee that NFTE will do everything to protect the jobs of all. The meeting with PM' s secretary held on 20 Aug, didn't even mentioned about reduction in retirement age which again underlines the importance of year 2000 agreement which does not allow to act adversely. Circle secretary Com. Ranjan Dani, CHQ leader com. Vijay Gosawi, senior leader com. Moktali & SEWA district secretary Com. Kamble also addressed the gathering. Com. Patki anchored and District secretaries Com. D.G.Kulkarni, com. Narkar, com. Dhakne & campaign committee members com. Deepak Jadhav, R.P.Joshi, Milind Ingle were present in the meeting among prominent leaders. The Reception Committee of Solapur have organized the meeting in dignified manner, which is appreciated by one and all. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Jadhav.
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26-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification campaign meeting conducted at Davanagere on 24th August 2019 at Davanagere under the President ship of Com Bojaraj District President Davanagere Com KS Sheshadri Dy General Secretary Com AC Krishna Reddy CS ktk Circle, Com. Hriyanna ACS, Com. A. Rajashekar D.S C.O Bangalore, Com. Gopalanayak DS Davanagere, Com. Annand CVP are participated and addressed the meeting.
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26-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification campaign meeting conducted on 22nd August 2019 at Peenya Telephone Exchange Bangalore under the President ship of Com. Ranganna District President BGTD. Com. Parthasarathy B.S Peenya welcomed the leaders to the meeting. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy CS Karnataka Circle, Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu D.S BGTD, Com. A. Rajashekar D.S. C.O. Bangalore, Com. A. Ravi CHQ Permanent Invitee and Treasurer BGTD, Com. Shanmugam ADS BGTD, Com. Thambi Dori CVP Karnataka Circle, Com. Murthy addressed the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Reddy.
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26-08-2019 : Extended Circle Executive meeting of Assam Circle:- The extended Circle Executive meeting was held on 24th Aug, 2019 under the presidentship of Com. P .C. Patgiri at Guwahati. All the District Secretaries alongwith their Branch Secretaries participated in the meeting and assured to work hard to achieve better position in the 8th membership verification.
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26-08-2019 : Finalisation of ballot paper including election symbols for conduct of 8th membership verification through secret ballot on 16th September, 2019- reg. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-23-08-2019.
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23-08-2019 : Happy Janmashtami:-
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23-08-2019 : Minutes of the meeting regarding “Revival/Restructuring of BSNL and MTNL” chaired by Principal Secretary to PM at 1530 hrs on 20-08-2019. Letter No.-PMO ID No.-180/31/C/07/2019-ES.I, dt-22-08-2019.
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23-08-2019 : Hon’ble Shri Arvind Sawant, Minister, HI&PE writes to Hon’ble Shri Amit Shah, Home Minister & Chairman, GOM on Revival of BSNL, MTNL; Requests reconsideration of the 2 decisions viz., dropping the proposals of merger of BSNL and MTNL and formation of SPV.
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22-08-2019 : Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu) An Election Campaign Meeting held on 21st at GM(O) Tiruchirappalli. Nearly 300 members from Trichy and nearby SSA took part in the meeting. Com. Arumugam District President, presided over the meeting and Com. S. Palaniappan All India Vice President welcomed all. Com. K. Natarajan C.S. inaugurated the campaign meeting.
Com. M. Ravindran AGS & CS TEPU and Com. N. Subramanian D.S TEPU also took part and felicitated Our GS.
Our General Secretary Com. C. Singh addressed the meeting. He dealt in detail with various issues Financial crunch, SPV, 4G, IIM report, VRS, lowering of retirement age to 58. He assured the members that NFTE will protect the workers and BSNL. Com. P. Kamaraj Federation Secretary Com. A. Semmal Amudham CHQ Special invite, Com Vijay District Secretary Kumbakonam, Com. P. Balamurugan COS also addressed the meeting. Com. D. Andisamy DT delivered vote of Thanks.
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22-08-2019 : A well attended meeting was held today at Rajajinagar Telephone Exchange, Bangalore under the chairmanship of Com. Ranganna District President, Bangalore Telecom District, Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu, DS BGTD and Com. A.Rajashekar D.S C.O Bangalore addressed the meeting. Large Number of women employees were present Com. Islam Ahmad All India President also addressed the gathering . He appealed for patience to face the present crises with courage and wisdom. Panic has no place . Appealed to vote for NFTE-BSNL on 16th September 2019
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22-08-2019 : AUAB Nationwide protest demonstration against lowering of Retirement age to 58. Our General Secretary Com. C. Singh, amid his busy schedule of Election Campaign in Tamilnadu Circle, took part in the protest demonstration at Trichy during lunch hour and addressed the gathering. In the issue of retirement age reduction to 58 we all are united and fight it out. We will ensure that Government should honour the agreement of September 2000. If any decision taken contrary to it we will not hesitate to approach apex court. All the constituents of AUAB including BSNLEU, SNEA, AIBSNLEA took part in the protest demonstration and Com. S. Palaniappan President AUAB &our NFTE Vice President CHQ presided the demonstration.
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22-08-2019 : Lunch hour demonstration at Corporate office on 21-08-2019:-
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22-08-2019 : On the call of AUAB lunch hour demonstrations held on 21-08-2019 at different places in the country against the lowering the retirement age from 60 years to 58 years.
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22-08-2019 : Due to administrative reasons following Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) JTO/AE/SDE, TT and JE R.Y 2017 are being kept in abeyance till December 2019. Letter No.-78-1/2019-Rectt, dt-21-08-2019.
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22-08-2019 : The seventh conference of Chennai Telephones Circle Union was held from 19/08/2019 to 20/08/19 at Anna Nagar P&T employees quarter complex community hall under the presidentship of Com.M.K.Ramaswamy, Circle President:-
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21-08-2019 : Vellore (Tamil Nadu) a Mammoth Election Campaign Meeting held on 20th at GM(O) Vellore. Nearly 400 members from Vellore SSA took part. Com Palani DP presided over the meeting and Com Alli Raja DS welcomed all. Com. K. Natarajan C.S. inaugurated the campaign meeting. Our General Secretary Com. C. Singh addressed the meeting. He explained in detail the latest development on retirement age reduction from 60 to 58 years. He called upon one and all to effectively organize protest demonstration on 20/08/2019 against the Government move. He emphasized the need of NFTE becoming the first recognized union to protect the interest of BSNL and safeguard the workers. Com. Pattabi explained the GS message and delivered a thought provoking speech. Com. P. Kamaraj Federation Secretary Com. A. Semmal Amudham Special invite, Com. G S Muralidharan ACS also addressed the meeting. Vellore Senior leaders Com. Mathiyalagan Com. Nedumaran, Com. Chennakesavan, Com. perumal also took part. Com. Loganathan delivered vote of Thanks.
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21-08-2019 : Tamilnadu Circle CGM office Election Campaign Meeting held on 19th at 1300 Hrs at Chennai. Com. G. S. Muralidharan ACS presided over the meeting and Com. K. Natarajan C.S. welcomed all. Our General Secretary Com C Singh addressed the gathering. He elaborated on the various issues faced by BSNL and it's employees. He emphasised the role of NFTE in resolving the issues and the need of recognition, that too NFTE getting first recognition, is absolutely necessary. Com. P. Kamaraj Federation Secretary, Com. A. Semmalamudham CHQ Special Invite, Com. L. Subbarayan CT also addressed the meeting. Com Manoj DS CGM(O) delivered vote of Thanks.
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20-08-2019 : Reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58 – hold protest lunch hour demonstrations throughout the country tomorrow the 21.08.2019.
The AUAB has learnt reliably that the BSNL Board of Directors meeting is going to be held tomorrow the 21.08.2019, in which they are going to give approval for reducing the retirement age of BSNL employees from 60 to 58. We have been hearing for the past few months, about the proposal of the government to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58. This is totally against the commitment given by the Union Cabinet in the year 2000, that government rule will be applicable so far as the retirement of BSNL employees is concerned. In view of this, we have to strongly protest the move of the BSNL Board to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58. Hence, the AUAB calls upon the entire Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL to hold lunch hour demonstrations tomorrow to protest against the proposed move of the BSNL Board to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58.
20-08-2019 : Poster for 8th Membership Verification (English & Hindi):-
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19-08-2019 : General Secretary attended Mass meeting at Ara (Bihar):- A mass meeting was organised at Ara on 16th August, 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. A.K.Singh, Com. Jai kishore Singh, Distt. President was also coordinating with him. The meeting was addressed by Com. Jai Ishwar Singh, D.S. Ara, Com. Ghanshyam Prasad, Coordinator Ara SSA for 8th Membership verification, Com. Ram Kewal Singh, Com. Rajendra Prasad, Com Sushil and Com. Ram Lakhan Singh D.S. Patna, Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Asst. Circle Secretary, Com. Chadeshwar Singh GS addressed the huge gathering of workers including a good number of women employees were present in the meeting. He exhorted the current situation of BSNL as well as the proposed revival plan proposed by the management of BSNL and administrative ministry DOT. He cautioned the workers to be unite to face the challenges imposed by the Govt to reducing the retirement age from 60 yrs to 58 yrs. He told that this breach of agreement between the Govt and union held on 8th September, 2000. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. A.K.Singh.
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19-08-2019 : Stagnation of employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/4(c), dt-17-08-2019.
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17-08-2019 : Pension Rules Book released:-
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16-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification campaign meeting conducted on 16th August 2019 at Telephone Exchange Halasur Bangalore Karnataka under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna District President BGTD, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy Circle Secretary KTK Circle, Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu, D.S. BGTD, Com. A. Ravi CHQ Permanent Invitee and Treasurer BGTD, Com. A. Rajashekar D.S. C.O. Bangalore, Com. C.Mani, Circle Vice president KTK Circle BGTD Office bearers, Com. Shanmugam, Com. Chandra, Com. Kamalkannan, Com. Cinnaraju and Senior leader Com. Dori are participated and addressed the meeting Com. Dy. General Secretary in his speech delivered why vote to NFTE BSNL and achievements and future plans very deliberately.
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14-08-2019 : Happy Raksha Bandhan.
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14-08-2019 : 8th membership Verification campaign conducted at Basaveswara Nangar Bangalore Karnataka Circle:- The 8th Membership Verification campaign meeting held at Basaveswara Nagar Bangalore on 14th August, 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna Bangalore District President. All the Branch Secretaries along with their Branch Office bearers nearby Basaveswara Nagara Telephone Exchange participated in the meeting. All the Branch Secretaries reported the ground level figure of their Branches and assured the Dy G.S to work hard to achieve better position in 8th membership verification. Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy Circle Secy, Com Sathyanarayana Naidu DS BGTD, Com. Balakrishna, organising KTK Circle, Com. A. Rajashekar DS CO Bangalore, Com. Shivanna Senior leader, Com. Manjunath B.S, Com. Krishne Gowda and Com. Sreedhar addressed the meeting and expressed their views in respect of revival of BSNL and protection of staff. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy G.S. while speaking exhorted all the issues related to revival of BSNL and remind the workforce regarding agreement between Govt. and union in September, 2000. He appealed to the Govt to honour that agreement and remove the agenda of lowering the retirement age from 60 yrs to 58 yrs. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Sreedhar.
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14-08-2019 : Telecom Factory workers meeting at Kolkata on 13-08-2019:- A meeting of the workers of Telecom Factories held at Kolkata under the guidance of Sr. Com. Murshid Ali Circle Secretary, Com. U.S. Thakur Astt. Circle Secretary also participated from Gopalpur TF. Com. Shekhar Majumdar, C.S. Kolkata Telephones Circle, Com. Tapan Vishwas Circle Secretary West Bengal Circle attended and addressed the meeting. The other speakers were Com. Inderjeet Mitra, Com. Jayanta Bose, Com. Dharma Nath Shaw. The speakers explained the current situation of BSNL and discussed regarding 8th Membership Verification.
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13-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification campaign review meeting conducted on 10th August 2019 at Bangalore under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna District President BGTD, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy C.S. Karnataka Circle, Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu D.S. BGTD, Com. A. Ravi CHQ Permanent Invitee and Treasurer BGTD, Com. A. Rajashekar D.S. C.O Bangalore, Com. Shanmugam, ADS BGTD, Com Balakrishna Org Secretary, Com. Thambi Dori Vice president Karnataka Circle are attending and addressed the review meeting.
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09-08-2019 : Extended Executive committee meeting of Punjab Circle:- The extended meeting held at Ludhiyana on 9th August, 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Preetam Singh. All the District Secretaries along with their Branch secretaries participated in the meeting. All the Dist. Secretaries reported the ground level figure of their SSAs and assured the G.S to work hard to achieve better position in 8th membership verification. Com. Surjeet Singh circle Secy, Com. Swatantra kumar Senior Leader, Com. Mohinder Singh, V.P. CHQ and Com. Vinay Raina addressed the meeting and expressed their views in respect of revival of BSNL and protection of staff. Com C.Singh G.S. while speaking exhorted all the issues related to revival of BSNL and remind the workforce regarding agreement between Govt. and union in September, 2000. He appealed to the Govt.to honour that agreement and remove the agenda of lowering the retirement age from 60 yrs to 58 yrs. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by com Preetam singh..
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09-08-2019 : Provision of review/petition to prematurely retired personnel under clause 55 (A) of BSNL CDA Rules, 2006- reg.
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09-08-2019 : News paper clipping based on the speech of G.S. NFTE at Meerut U.P.(West):-
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08-08-2019 : Applicability of CCS (Pension) Rule, 1972 on employees put on training prior to 1st January, 2004 – reg. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-08-08-2019.
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08-08-2019 : General Secretary attended the extended Executive Committee meeting of UP(W) Circle on 07-08-2019:-
A meeting was notified by Circle union earlier and accordingly the meeting of extended executive committee held on 07-08-2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Suredra Pal Premi. The meeting took place in a well decorated auditorium of chamber of commerce Meerut. Com Sompal Saini sopoke first and in his initial speech he narrated the ground level situation of UP west circle. He also drew the attention of G.S. to explain vitreous questions asked frequently in field area by our members and other workers. While addressing the meeting G.S. explained the issues raised by Comrade Sompal Saini and he exhorted the issues related to revival plan under consideration of the union Govt. He added that the imposing the lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 is not justified, rather it is against the agreement between union and union Govt before the Corportarisation and it was approved by the Union Cabinet. He appealed to workers to support and vote NFTE to keep the united struggle with strong strategy, which will help to protect the BSNL company as well as the interest of staff.
Shri Vajpayee CGMT UP(W) Circle also attended and addressed the meeting. He cited several example to motivate the workers and he told that only hard work and better contribution towards BSNL, the company may be run in better way.
The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks by Com. Premi and with National anthem.
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07-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification:-
A meeting took place on 8th August, 2019 at Malleshwaram Banglore under the Chairanship of Com Rangana, Dy. G.S, Circle Secretary, Comrades Naidu, Ravi and A. Rajashekar addressed the gathering.
Com. Rangaswamy, Branch Secretary welcomed and proposed votes of thanks.
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07-08-2019 : Demonstrations organized:- The lunch hour demonstrations have been organized at various place as per call of AUAB. There has been positive response and the employees expressed concerns for the financial health of the PSU.
Demonstration took place at BSNL HQR also. President NFTE addressed the meeting alongwith others.
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07-08-2019 : Membership Verification campaign:- A meeting took place at Bangalore South West DGM Office on 6th August, 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna District President, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary, Com. A.C.Krishna Reddy, Circle Secretary, Com. A.Ravi CHQ Permanent Invitee and District Treasurer Bangalore, Com. A. Rajashekar D'S District Secretary Circle Office Bangalore Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu District Secretary Bangalore, Com. Shanmugam ADS, Com. Mahadevagowda ADS Bangalore addressed the meeting.
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07-08-2019 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:- President and General Secretary met the CMD, BSNL on 6th August and apprised him about the staff problems particularly relating to NE-1 and Assam Circles. The union leaders also brought to his notice that in the June salary the installments recovered from the salary of staff in respect of LIC, Banks loans etc have not been remitted to the concerned organization. The CMD replied such liabilities have been cleared for one month only.
07-08-2019 : Meeting with Director (HR):- Both the leaders thereafter met the Director CM/(HR) and conveyed the staff concerns relating to lowering of retirement age, VRS etc. He firmly told that the employees interest will not be ignored. He was also apprised of the situation of Assam, NE-1 and Eastern UP.
06-08-2019 : CDA Rules and facts:-
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06-08-2019 : 8th member ship verification campaign meeting:- A meeting was under the Presidentship of Com Ranganna, District President Bangalore on 06-08-2019 at Chennammakera. Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Deputy General Secretary, Com A.C.Krishna Reddy Circle Secretary, Com. Rajashekar, District Secretary Circle Office Bangalore, Com, Sathyanarayana Naidu, District Secretary Bangalore, Com. A. Ravi CHQ Permanent Invitee and District Treasurer Bangalore, Com. Shanmugam ADS, Com. Mahadevagowda ADS, Com. Boraiah attended and addressed the gathering.
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05-08-2019 : All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to organise Lunch hour demonstration/Gate meetings on 07-08-2019 at all levels for settlement of the genuine demands. Those are (1) Honour the commitments given by the Union Cabinet in the year 2000, to ensure BSNL’s financial viability. (a) Extend immediate financial support to BSNL, for the maintenance of the services. (b) Extend soft loan to BSNL for it’s capital expenditures. (2) Remove the total ban imposed on capital expenditure by BSNL. Allow field units to carry out capital expenditure, were revenue is assured. (3) No retrenchment. Honour the commitment given on job security at the time of formation of BSNL. (4) Stop repressive actions for even legitimate trade union activities.
05-08-2019 : Thundering response of workers in joint convention of Sangli (Maharashtra) on 04-08-2019:-
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05-08-2019 : Meeting at Bangalore:- The meeting of 8th member ship verification campaign of NFTE BSNL took place at Bangalore East on 5th August 2019 under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna, District President. Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Deputy General Secretary, Com. Sathyanarayana Naidu, District Secretary, Bangalore Telecom District Com A Ravi Chq Permanent Invitee and Treasurer Bangalore Telecom District, Com. A. Rajashekar D'S Circle Office Bangalore and addressed the meeting
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05-08-2019 : Meeting at Mysore:- The District working committee meeting/8th membership verification of NFTE BSNL was held on 03-08-2019 at Mysore under the Presidentship of Com. P. Devaraj, District President Mysore. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary, Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy Circle Secretary, Com. Nagendra D.S. Mysore, Com. A. Rajashekar, D’S Circle office Bangalore, Com. Dinesh Distt. Treasurer attended and addressed the meeting.
05-08-2019 : Hearty congrats:-
NFTE BSNL extends Congratulations to Com. K. Yeshoda OS Mandya Karnataka for winning the International Swimming competition held at Turkey.She won 2 Silver Medals in 200 meters & 5 Butterfly and 1 Bronze in 100 meters she is active member of NFTE BSNL
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05-08-2019 : District working committee meeting / 8th member ship verification campaign of NFTE BSNL was held at Mandya SSA Karnataka on 3rd August, 2019 under the President Ship of Com. K.R. Lingappa, District President. Com Bagyarathi, Com K Yeshoda welcomed all the leaders and Members. Com. K.S Sheshadri, Deputy General Secretary, Com. A.C.Krishna Reddy, Circle Secretary, Com. Rajashekar, D'S District Secretary, Circle Office Bangalore and Com. Parashiva Murthy addressed the meeting
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05-08-2019 : Organisational tour:- President made a hectic tour in UP(E) and addressed meetings at Mau, Deoria and Gorakhpur from 2nd to 3rd August. He met the workers at the places including Ghazipur from where he returned to Delhi. The employees are anxious and perturbed over the present scenario in the PSU.
President in his address and informal discussion assured that the NFTE will do everything at his command as before to safeguard the interest of employees and sought their cooperation in 8th verification. Com. Sanjay Dubey, Circle Secy also participated in all the meetings.
03-08-2019 : Corporate office letter on plan for merger of planning and Operations functions of CFA and CM verticals in BSNL circles. Letter No.-400-98/2017-Pers-1, dt-02-08-2019.
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02-08-2019 : Acknowledgement received from PMO office to our letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-11-07-2019, written to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India with regard to “Revival and Restructuring of BSNL – request to consider to provide urgent bailout package”.
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02-08-2019 :
Corporate office letter on resuming the negotiations for revision of wages of the Non-Executives only possible after completion of 8th membership verification process. Letter No.-BSNL/12-1/SR/2019/pt, dt-15-07-2019.
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02-08-2019 : AUAB calls for lunch hour demonstration/gate meetings on 07-08-2019. All Circle Secretaries/District Secretaries are requested to make the programme a big success by coordinating with other unions/associations. -----Demands: -
(1) Honour the commitments given by the Union Cabinet in the year 2000, to ensure BSNL’s financial viability.
(a) Extend immediate financial support to BSNL, for the maintenance of the services.
(b) Extend soft loan to BSNL for it’s capital expenditures.
(2) Remove the total ban imposed on capital expenditure by BSNL. Allow field units to carry out capital expenditure, were revenue is assured.
(3) No retrenchment. Honour the commitment given on job security at the time of formation of BSNL.
(4) Stop repressive actions for even legitimate trade union activities.
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02-08-2019 : Inaugural of the 8th Membership Verification Election Campaign meeting of Tamilnadu Circle at Erode on 01-08-2019:-
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01-08-2019 : Pay disbursement:- According to confirmed sources the BSNL has received Rs. 500/- crores loan from bank.
Corporate office is making efforts to pay the liabilities including salary at the earliest but not later than 10th instant.
01-08-2019 : 8th Membership Verification. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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01-08-2019 : Farewell function of Com. A. Rajashekarappa D.S. Circle office held on 31-07-2019:-
Com. A. Rajashekarappa District Secretary NFTE BSNL Circle Office Bangalore retired on superannuation from service on 31st July 2019. He is an active leader and one of the active District Secretary of Karnataka Circle. We wish him a happy retired life.
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01-08-2019 : District Working Committee meeting of Kolar SSA:-
The District working committee meeting of NFTE BSNL Kolar SSA Karnataka held on 30th July 2019 at Chinthamani under the Presidentship of Com. Babu, Com. K.S.Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary CHQ, Com. A.C.Krishna Reddy Circle Secretary, Com. T.V. Chalapathy Organizing Secretary SEWA BSNL New Delhi. Com. A. Ravi Chq Permanent Invites, Com. A. Rajashekar D.S. Circle Office Bangalore, Com. E. Subramani Kolar District Secretary Pensioners Association and senior leaders participated and addressed the meeting, more than 100 Comrades were present in the meeting.
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31-07-2019 : JTO LICE result:- It is expected by 3rd week of August, 2019.
31-07-2019 : General body meeting of Telecom Factory Kolkata on 30-07-2019:- A General body meeting was held in Telecom Factory Kolkata to discuss orgnisational matters. Com. Murshid Ali, Circle Secretary explained the importance of 8th membership verification at this juncture. Com. Uma Shankar Thakur, District Secretary, Com. Inderjit Mitra and other Comrades addressed the meeting.
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31-07-2019 : Corporate office letter on MoU with Union Bank of India (UBI) for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees for a period from 01-01-2019 to 31-12-2019. F. No.-1-9/BBF/Staff Loan/2017-18, dt-26-07-2019.
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30-07-2019 : Pathetic condition of “Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited” – Petition for kind intervention. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-30-07-2019.
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30-07-2019 : CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement. Letter No.-4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part(1), dt-01-07-2019.
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29-07-2019 : Lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 years in respect of erstwhile Govt status DOT employees absorbed in BSNL (PSU) – Clarification reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-29-07-2019.
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29-07-2019 : Two days Circle Executive Committee meeting of Rajasthan Circle at Jaipur on 27th & 28th July, 2019:-
General Secretary attended the meeting and which was presided over by Com. Lal Chand Meena, Circle President. After initial opening speech of Com. R.G. Dixit, Circle Secretary. Com. Chandeshwar Singh addressed the meeting and explained all the issues VRS, 58 years, 4G spectrum, revival plan of BSNL, land monetization and organizational matters also. He explained that some unity breakers are spreading rumours against the NFTE and its leaders and cautioned that the workers to beware of such type of false rumours.
He added that the NFTE always remain in forefront of all struggles, lunched jointly. Out of 25 SSA units 19 District Secretaries and a good number of Branch Secretaries were present in the meeting and took part in debates which continued for two days. The meeting was grand success for which Com. B.D. Shrama, D.S. Jaipur, Com. Banwarilal Sharma, ACS, Com. Ganesh, Com. Mahesh, Com. Joshi, Com. Deepak Vyas and others played a vital role.
The meeting concluded after winding speech of Com. R.G. Dixit, Circle Secretary and vote of thanks by Com. Lal Chand Meena circle President.
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29-07-2019 : Proposed lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 years of erstwhile DOT absorbed employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-29-07-2019.
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27-07-2019 : 8th membership verification (MV) for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – final list of eligible unions regarding. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-26-07-2019.
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26-07-2019 : Com. Ramesh Ch Dauka, adviser of NFTE-BSNL, Assam Circle expired on 25th July, 2019 at about 14:20 hrs. He met with an accident, when he was on evening walk and admitted in hospital for treatment. After a long treatment in the hospital, he was declared dead yesterday. Com Dauka was the pioneer of NFTE union and worked at all levels in the organistion from Distt. Secy to Circle Secy, since Guptaji's period on several occasions in Assam Circle. He always fought for the welfare of the members strongly and made successful. NFTE CHQ condoles the death and share the grief of the family.
26-07-2019 : Corporate office letter on compliance of instructions during 8th Membership Verification (MV). Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2019, dt-24-07-2019.
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25-07-2019 : Holding of LICE for promotion in Cadre of Telecom Technician (T.T.) in Himachal Pradesh Circle – request to provide two centers. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-25-07-2019.
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25-07-2019 : Non-adjustment of dues of banks/LIC – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/11, dt-25-07-2019.
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25-07-2019 : Extended Executive Committee meeting of Bihar Circle at Muzafferpur:-
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25-07-2019 :
BSNL pensioners welfare associations Circle conference of Bihar at Patna on 21-07-2019:– Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE attended and addressed the conference. The conference was well attended by a large number of senior Comrades of Bihar Circle. Com. Shamshad Ali President of the orgnisation of Bihar Circle was in Chair.
Com. P. Gangadhar Rao, G.S. BPWA, Com. A.K. Singh Circle Secretary BPWA addressed the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh exhorted the background of all struggles of working employees as well as joint struggles of Pensioners Association on pension issue. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Shamshad Ali.
25-07-2019 : Alarming condition of Telecom Services in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-25-07-2019.
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25-07-2019 :
Proposal for lowering of retirement age from 60 to 58 years in respect of absorbed employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-24-07-2019.
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25-07-2019 : The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) appointed Shri Anshu Prakash as the new Secretary in the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), presently he was working as Addnl Secretary in DOT only.
Smt Anuradha Mitra Member (F) in DOT has been appointed as Secretary in official language department.
24-07-2019 : Corporate office issued guidelines for incurring Capital Expenditure in Enterprise Business Segment. Letter No.-1-7/2018-LC, dt-23-07-2019.
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24-07-2019 : Calling of nominations from outstanding sportspersons for Career Progression. Applications to reach Corporate office latest by 15th August, 2019 positively. Letter No.-32-7/2018-BSNL (Sports), dt-22-07-2019.
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23-07-2019 : The withheld increments of TOAs after passing the confirmation test be released on notional basis and actual from the date of passing the examination. Letter No.-BSNL 250-10/2009-Pers/Estt-III, dt-23-07-2019 to all CGMs.
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23-07-2019 : Corporate office issued instructions to all CGMs for payment of electricity bills by M/s RJIL and filling of diesel using Reliance Petro Card for BSNL leased out tower sites - Letter No.-61-08/2015-Infra Sales/63, dt-22-07-2019.
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22-07-2019 : IGNORE RUMOURS:- According to reliable sources the DOT has still not finalized the memo in respect of revival scheme of BSNL for submission to the Cabinet for consideration and approval. The union HQR is keeping close watch and letters have been addressed and sent to Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble MOC and Secy DOT apprising concerns of employees. The NFTE is committed to protect the BSNL and employees CHQ appeals to Comrades not to led away by rumours and irresponsible comments of some people of having vested interest.
22-07-2019 : Status of some issue:-
(I) RRs of JTO (OL) and SDE (OL):-
The framing of RRs of JTO (OL) and SDE (OL) is in progress for holding LICE to fill up the posts after restructuring.
(II) JAO (RR):- The PGM (Pers) has asked the concerned the Dy. GM to put up the proposal for Management Committee to include the erstwhile qualified screening Test/JAO personnel in the eligibility for LICE.
22-07-2019 : Meeting of Committee constituted for 8th membership verification held on 20-07-2019 in union. All the committee members attend the meeting. General Secretary and President explained the Company status on financial viability. All the committee members expressed their views in detail on orgnaisational position in their circles. After reviewing the orgnaisational position, the meeting ended at 1800 hrs.
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20-07-2019 : GPF Interest 7.9 percent from 1st July 2019. Dt-20-07-2019.
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19-07-2019 : Recruitment rule for JTO(OL)- reg. Letter No.-TF-27/(k), dt-19-07-2019.
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19-07-2019 : Revival of BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-19-07-2019.
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18-07-2019 :Corporate office letter on validation of data of Casual Labourers/Temporary Status Mazdoors (TSMs) in ERP for payment of wages – For cases where data is correct payment can be made through ERP system. File No.-11-1/2019-LE(pt.), dt-18-07-2019.
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18-07-2019 :Due to fall in revenue, payment of salary of employees and statutory payments are the first priority. Reply from Hon’ble Minister of Communication in Lok Sabha on 17-07-2019 – unstarred question No.-4096.
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18-07-2019 : Corporate office letter on mutation of land parcels proposed to be transferred to SPV for monetization – reg. Letter No.-501-21/2019-BT, dt-16-07-2019.
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18-07-2019 : Meeting with GM (Rectt):- Status of issues are as below:-
- Offline JE LICE:- Corporate office will take atleast another two weeks in notification of LICE.
- JTO LICE:- Expert committee report is yet to come. Some questions are definitely wrong or contain discrepancies. The candidates may get relief in this respect.
Corporate office is exerting to ensure that there is no hue and cry after declaration of result.
17-07-2019 : Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL have written a D.O. letter to all CGMs. Letter No.-CA/Mktg/18-1/2019, dt-16-07-2019.
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17-07-2019 : Mass meeting at Vijayawada on 16-07-2019:- A mass meeting was organized by Vijayawada Comrades on 16-07-2019 in the union office. More than hundred Comrades attended the meeting. A good number of women employees were present in the meeting. Com. C. Singh G.S. attended and addressed the meeting along with Com. Chandrashekar Rao C.S. A.P. Circle. G.S. explained and exhorted all the issues related to BSNL revival and its impact on the workers. He pointed out that if the retirement age will be reduced from 60 to 58 years, it will not at all be acceptable to the workers and the NFTE is more vigilant to provide safeguard to the workers as well as to the BSNL company. He added neither the DOT nor the BSNL management is sharing the proposed revival plan with the stake holders i.e. is with Union and Association. He also appealed to the workers to work hard and serve the customer in better way 80 that the revenue may be increased of BSNL. After completion of the meeting General Secretary met CGM, A.P. Circle along with Circle Secretary, District Secretary and discussed staff issues with him.
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17-07-2019 : General Secretary visited A.P. Circle on 15-07-2019:- G.S. attended the open session of 6th AIC of AIBSNLEA at Vijayawada on 15-07-2019 along with Com. Chandrashekar Rao, C.S. A.P. Circle. Shri Sheetala Prasad Director (CM&HR) BSNL Board. Shri A.M. Gupta GM(SR) BSNL were present from management side and Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. P. Abhimanyu, G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Sabastin G.S. SNEA, Com. R.C. Pandy G.S. BTEU, Com. Suresh Kumar G.S. BSNLMS, Com. Kaushik from MTNL and other trade union leaders attended and addressed the open session. Com. C. Singh explained the present status of BSNL company. He appealed all to be vigilant at this crucial movement.
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17-07-2019 : Corporate office letter on no-transfer of non-executive staff till completion of 8th membership verification (MV) process in BSNL – regarding. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-12-07-2019.
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17-07-2019 : Labour reforms: No one knows the size of India’s informal workforce, not even the Govt.
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17-07-2019 : Treatment after passing departmental confirmation examination – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(e), dt-17-07-2019.
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17-07-2019 : Presidential orders of TSMs:- President met the Sr. GM(Est) on 15-07-2019 and the status is as under:-
(I) POs of 54 TSMs of Bihar Circle have been received in Corporate office after approval by the DOT.
(II) The cases of M.P. Circle have been referred to DOT.
(III) Sr. GM(Est) has instructed to the concerned officers to issue letter to CGM Jharkhand circle for sending eligible cases only.
13-07-2019 : CMD urged to settle claims of staff to avoid agitation. TF-1/1(c-8), dt-12-07-2019.
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13-07-2019 : CMD urged not to shut down Telecom Factories to handover precious lands to Private agencies. TF-57, dt-12-07-2019.
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12-07-2019 : 8th Membership Verification (MV) to elect majority representative union(s) in BSNL – Withdrawal of applications. Letter No.-CRO/BSNL/MV/2019,dt-12-07-2019.
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12-07-2019 : Corporate office issued increased IDA order. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-11-07-2019.
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11-07-2019 : General Secretary attended Circle Executive committee meeting of Kerala Circle on 10-07-2019 at Ernakulum:-
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11-07-2019 : The DOT is considering the proposal for revival and restructuring of BSNL. Various news are spreading in this respect.
TF-6/7, dt-11-07-2019 to Hon’ble Prime Minister to grant bailout package to the PSU. Copies endorsed to Hon’ble Minster of Communications and IT, Secy DOT etc.
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11-07-2019 : Revival Plan for BSNL – unstarred question No.-2817-Answered on 10th July, 2019.
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11-07-2019 : Change of Designation of Non-Executives of BSNL --- Guidelines regarding. Letter No.-250-9/2016-Estt-III, dt-09-07-2019.
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10-07-2019 : 8th membership verification (MV) for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL – List of eligible unions regarding. File No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2018, dt-09-07-2019.
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08-07-2019 : Maharashtra Circle conducted:- Two days Circle Executive Committee meeting on 6th and 7th July, 2019. Com Vijay Bandi Circle President was in Chair. All the District Secretaries participated in debate on agenda issues. Com. Ranjan Dani replied all the point raised by the speakers and he exhorted in detail the current position of BSNL, Com. Dani added that only the total unity of workforce as well as hard duty with full devotion will help the BSNL to come out of crisis and ultimately it will protect the interest of staff also.
Open session;- On the occasion an open session was organized by the reception committee under the supervision of Com. Godse Chairman reception committee. The venue was well decorated and well arrangement in all respect was the significant of the occasion.
The open session was attended and inaugurated by Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. General Secretary CHQ who explained all the issues related to BSNL and its staff very nicely, he also recalled the story of the time of formation of BSNL and exhorted everything of agreement between the NFTE, FNTO and Govt side. He also added that there is provision for retirement age in Rule-37(A) also.
The meeting was addressed by Com. Ranjan Dani, Circle Secretary, Shri M.K. Mishra CGMT (MH), Shri Jaiswal GM(HR), Shri Nitin Mahajan, Sr. GM Nasik, Com. Godse Chairman Reception Committee and his team done a very nice arrangement for the meeting which was appreciated by all speakers.
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08-07-2019 : Circle Executive Committee meeting of Jharkhand Circle:- Jharkhand Circle Executive Committee meeting was held on 07-07-2019 under the presidentship of Com. R.K. Yadav Circle President. The meeting was held in CTO building and started at 11.00 am. All District Secretaries were present and took part in debate on agenda and placed report of their Circle, Com. Mahabir Singh, Circle Secretary Jharkhand and National Secretary of NFTE (BSNL) addressed the meeting and explained the current situation in BSNL. He cautioned the workers to be more vigilant and work hard to help in survival of BSNL. He also narrated about notification for 8th membership verification and appeal to the District and branches to make full preparation for polling of maximum votes in favour of NFTE, so that NFTE will remain recognized which is much important for survival of BSNL and protection of interest of the staff. Com. Suresh Singh, D.S. Ranchi and his team played a vital role to make the meeting success. The meeting was ended with a vote of thanks by Com. Suresh Singh.
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08-07-2019 : G.S. addressed mass meeting of workers at Vishakhapatnam:- On 05-07-2019 a mass meeting was organized at GMTD office premises Vishakhapatnam. More than 300 workers were participating including a large number of women employees. Leaders of AUAB and their members were also present to know the fact about the revival plan of BSNL and how the company as well as staff may be protected.
The G.S. exhorted the issues is length and explained every issue upto satisfaction of the workers. He appealed and cautioned to the workforce to be more careful and contribute the Company the best unitedly which is only weapon for protection of company and safe guard of the workers.
08-07-2019 : DPE issues order on IDA increase with effect from 01.07.2019. Letter No.-W-02/002/2014-DPE (WC)-GL-XIV/19, dt-04-07-2019.
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05-07-2019 : Condolence meeting at Raipur (Chattisghar) on 01.07.2019:- The Circle union organized condolence meeting of late N.T.Sajwani, Ex-General Secretary at Autonagar Exchange Raipur, who expired on 29.06.2019. A large number of employees attended the condolence meeting. At first two minutes silence was observed and all have paid respectful homage to Com N.T.Sajwani. Com. S.M.Chillamwar Circle Secretary remembered him on this occasion and expressed his memories, which he spent with him. He was having long association with him at times. Com. H.P.Sahu, Com. R.S.Yadav and Com. Goval Jitendra also spoken in the meeting. They sing a song in memory of late Com. N.T.Sajwani.
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05-07-2019 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:- President and G.S. met the new CMD, Shri P.K. Purwar and assured him union fullest cooperation to face the present crisis. He appreciated to gesture. The union pointed out that the right of the workers of protests and demonstration cannot be taken away by the management in case grievances are not redressed.
04-07-2019 : 8th membership verification for recognition of non-executive employees union vis-à-vis blanket ban for ventilating the grievances of employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-1/1(C-8), dt-04-07-2019.
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04-07-2019 : Letter from Shri Elamram Kareem Hon’ble M.P.(Rajyasabha) to Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji, Hon’ble union Minister of Communication and I.T.
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04-07-2019 : Condolence Meeting in Bhopal (MP) on 03-07-19 to pay homage to the departed leader- Former Secretary General of NFTE-BSNL, N.T. Sajwani a meeting was organised by the Madhya Pradesh Circle Union at Arera exchange compound. The meeting was presided by CHQ Organising Secretary and Asst.Circle Secretary K.S. Thakur and attended by hundreds of employees from the Circle. Sr. Vice President ( CHQ) , C.K. Mathivanan garlanded the portrait of (late ) N.T. Sajwani and offered the floral homage . All the participants stood in the queue to offer floral tribute to the departed leader who was also their Circle Secretary for more than 35 years. Senior Leader R.K.Totre , Circle Secretary Habib Khan, SNEA Circle Secretary Majumdar, Indore District Secretary Prem Tiwari, NFTCL State Secretary Salodkar and NE -1 Circle Secretary D.K.Mahore paid rich tributes . Com. CKM recalled his long association with Com. N.T.Sajwani and also explained the current issues in detail. At the end of the meeting a two minute silence was observed to condole the sudden demise of N.T. Sajwani.
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04-07-2019 : Condolence meeting on death of Com. N.T. Sajwani former Secretary General NFTE on 02-07-2019 at Patna. The president announced the message received through whatsapp and appealed to observe two minutes silence to pay homage to Com. N.T. Sajwani. Com. C. Singh, G.S. while paying homage narrated the contribution of Com. Sajwani for working class in General and for NFTE in particular. He worked as Circle Secretary of E-3 union for regular 3 decades. He was committed to the cause of working class. He was elected Secretary General of NFTE BSNL after death of Com. M.B. Vichare and worked in this capacity for 2 years. Till his last breath he was thinking and contributing for the union.
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04-07-2019 : District Secretaries meeting of Bihar circle at Patna on 02-07-2019:- A grand meeting held under the presidentship of Com. R.L. Chowdhery in which all the District Secretaries participated. A large number of active members and all the Branch Secretaries of Patna SSA also attended the meeting. Com. Rajesh Chowbey Circle Secretary addressed first and explained the need of calling this meeting.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. while addressing the gathering drew the attention of all participants towards 8th membership verification.
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04-07-2019 : Change of designation of left out non-executive employees from NE-1 to NE-3. Letter No.-2-4/2007-Restg.Vol-III(Pt), dt-03-07-2019.
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03-07-2019 : Holidays to be observed in BSNL offices during the year 2020-reg. Letter No.-3-1/2010-TE, dt-02-07-2019.
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02-07-2019 : Message of Mysore NEC. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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02-07-2019 : District working committee meeting of NFTE BSNL was held at Bangalore on 1st July 2019 under the President ship Com Ranganna. Com K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary Chq, Com. A.C. Krishnamohan Reddy Circle Secretary NFTE BSNL Karnataka Circle, Com Sathyanaraya Naidu DS BGTD, Com A. Ravi District Treasurer and Special Invitee Chq Com. Shanmugam ADS attended and addressed the meeting. Com. Sheshadri inaugurated the 8th membership meeting.
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01-07-2019 : POs of TSMs:- President met the Sr. GM (Est) and raised the issue of Pos of TSMs regularized on 01-10-2000 or thereafter. The position is as below:-
(I) Bihar:- 48 cases have been sent to DOT for issuance of Pos.
Ten cases have been sent back to Bihar for removal of the discrepancies.
(II) M.P.:- All the Cases have been returned to circle for rectification of mistakes. The Circle union may approach the Circle office for necessary action and sending them back to BSNL HQR.
01-07-2019 :
Shri P.K. Purwar has taken over charge of CMD, BSNL today.
NFTE HQR extends him warm greetings and assure him fullest cooperation to lift the PSU from the present crisis.
01-07-2019 : Com. Sajwani’s last rite performed:- The dead body of Com. N.T. Sajwani, former Secy General was wrapped in the flag of NFTE (BSNL) and hundreds of Comrades followed the last journey of the leader with slogan “Sajwani Amar Rahe”. The journey was led by Comrades K.S. Thakur, Habib Khan, R.K. Totre and N.R. Ramanani.
The body was cremated on 30-06-2019 at Chhola Road Bhopal.
Com. R.K. Totre remembered the services rendered to workers by Com. Sajwani. Rich tributes were paid to the departed leader.
The CHQ once again mourns his death and offer red salute to the departed leader.
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