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National Federation of Telecom Employees
Site Modified on 02/span>:59Hrs,6thJune'2013
नेशनल फेडरेशन ऑफ टेलिकॉम एमपलॉईस, 

31-05-2013 : LICE to the Post of JTO(T) Scheduled for 02-06-2013. Letter No.-3-10/2013/Pers-IV, Dated:-31-05-2013. Click Here

31-05-2013 : Ministry of communication is recommending to Govt, Cabinet, for erection of 2199 towers in naxal arreas and awarding 3046.12 Rs. Crore project from USOF without tenders to BSNL.

31-05-2013 : J & K circle conference will be held from 14th to 16th June at Srinagar KMR.

31-05-2013 : BSNL's Revival A must. (Telecom, June 2013, Editorial Eng & Hindi) Click Here

31-05-2013 : JTO LICE:- Examination will be held as scheduled on 2nd June, 2013 and result will be declared. There is no stay from CAT Allahabad, Cat Lucknow as well as Allahabad High Court. The result of petitioners will be declared after disposal of the WP filed in Allahabad High Court.

31-05-2013 : Withdrawal of the system/practice of Local officiating Arrangement, Local officiating Promotion in BSNL. Letter No.-4-8/2013-SEA (Pt.), Dated:-27-05-2013. Click Here

30-05-2013 : Clarification regarding Applicability of GPF/EPF to Casual Labourers who has been conferred TSM Status on or before 30-09-2010 and regularized in BSNL on or after 01-10-2000. F.No.-17-1/2011-LE, Dated:-13th April,2012. Click Here

30-05-2013 : Imposing of penalty on Airtel: The DOT is set to issue notice to Bharti Airtel for imposing Rs. 650/- crore penalty for violation of roaming agreement. The violation took place between 2003 and 2005 but the DOT has now woken up apparently due to fear of vigilance or judicial action.

30-05-2013 : Constitution and functioning of Councils at Various levels. Objective of functioning should be “organization first with employee Care”. Let us start new era of union representation and management interaction. BSNL/39-8/SR/2013, dt-29-05-2013. Click Here

29-05-2013 : Review of JAO -II Departmental Examination result (40% quota). Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), Dated:-29-05-2013. Click Here

29-05-2013 : JAO-II Examination Results - Request for relaxation/special Examination. Letter No.-TF-14/(2C), Dated:-29-05-2013. Click Here

29-05-2013 : JTO Deptl quota Examination: Principal bench of Cat at New Delhi has okayed for holding of Deptl quota Examination scheduled to be held on 2nd June, 2013. The vacancies commensurate with the present officiating JTOs will be kept reserved.

29-05-2013 : Redesignation of Cadres: NFTE representatives met the GM (Restg) and told that the views of our union be considered and no unilateral orders be issued.

29-05-2013 : Meeting with GM (Adm) in BSNL HQR: President, NFTE met GM (Adm) and requested to decide to accord representation to NFTE in the sports and cultural board. He assured to get it processed quickly.

29-05-2013 : Works Committee: Corporate office has allotted three seats to NFTE in works committee. District Secretaries will nominate. District Secretaries are requested to ensure that the works committee function effectively and regularly.

28-05-2013 : Representation of NFTE in sports and cultural Board. Letter No.-TF-1/1(f), Dated:-28-05-2013. Click Here

28-05-2013 : Indefinite Strike for settlement of 78.2% IDA benefit postponement regarding. Letter No.-TF-38/3, Dated:-28-05-2013. Click Here

28-05-2013 : NFTE Secretariat met on 27th May at 1430 hours and decided:- (1) The National Executive Meeting should be completed by 6th July, 2013 as Ramjan will start from 8th. The circle which wants to host may communicate to HQR by 5th June else same will be held at Delhi. (2) The CHQ is authorized to make nominations for the National council at appropriate time.

28-05-2013 : BSNL HQR Vide Letter No.-27-1/2012 – BSNL(SPORTS), DT-24-05-2013 has sought suggestions and items for the sports and cultural Board meeting scheduled to take place shortly. NFTE HQR seeks suggestions from circle/District unions for submission to BSNL HQR. Click Here

28-05-2013 : Meeting with Director (HR): President and GS met Director (HR) and discussed the following issues:- (1) Victimisation of staff at NE-1 Circle. GM (Est) to sort out the matter (2) Denial of immunity form transfers to office bearers of NFTE BSNL. Dir (HR) has spoken to the concerned CGM (3) settlement of CGA cases of M.P. circle. The issue will be sorted out within 15 days (4) The DOT has still not responded on 78.2% IDA merger. NFTE told the Dir (HR) in that situation the strike is inevitable.

28-05-2013 : Re-constitution of Works Committees on the introduction of BSNL Recognition of Non-Executives' Unions and Representation in the Councils Rules, 2012. Letter No.-BSNL/39-11/SR/2007, Dated:-25-05-2013. Click Here

27-05-2013 : Demonstrations at C.O./Circle/SSA on 22-05-2013, Dharna at C.O./Circle/SSA on 05-06-2013 and indefinite strike from 12-06-2013 by the Forum of BSNLEU Unions/Associations. Letter No.-BSNL/7-5/SR/2013. Dated:-20-05-2013. Click Here

27-05-2013 : Extension of 78.2% IDA fixation benefit to BSNL staff and non-grant of approval by DOT - Request for intervention. Letter No.-TF-10/3, Dated:-27-05-2013. Click Here

27-05-2013 : Restoration of Medical facility for outdoor treatment without voucher in BSNLMRS - Request for review. Letter No.-TF-32/2, Dated:-27-05-2013. Click Here

27-05-2013 : Redress the grievances of the employees: The employees particularly belonging to NFTE have suffered in absence of recognition. The NFTE is now recognised. Therefore, the circle and District unions are advised not to wait for composition and functioning of councils. Met the management at appropriate levels and make representations for alleviating the sufferings of employees.

27-05-2013 : BSNL HQR cannot ignore the NFTE representation: BSNL HQR is bound to issue orders for representation of NFTE in the welfare, sports and works committee NFTE HQR is fully alive on the issues.

27-05-2013 : Dharna on 5th June: Organise Dharna on 5th June with full zeal and vigour for settlement of 78.2A% IDA fixation benefit demand. Let there be no laxity in this regard. Indefinite strike from 12-06-2013 is imminent if DOT does not convey its approval for extension of 78.2% IDA fixation benefit to BSNL staff NFTE HQR is seeking the intervention of Hon’ble MOC against the callousness of DOT.

27-05-2013 : We donot need kindness of any quarter: NFTE secured recognition as per BSNL’s Rules after verdict of employees in 6th verification NFTE secured the facilities of accommodation and councils on the basis of rules and logic and not due to kindness of any one. The NFTE will always reciprocate the gesture of cooperation but it will never be at the cost of prestige and honour of the great organization. The NFTE on its own is capable of facing the storms and onslaughts. Ignore all the rubbish talks and concentrate to strengthen the organisation.

22-05-2013 : Filling up the posts of senior Hindi Translators by promotion and conduct of another Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for recruitment of Junior Hindi Translators in BSNL. Letter No.-201-03/2012/Pers.III, Dated:-20-05-2013. Click Here

22-05-2013 : Constitution of Councils, viz, National Councils, Circle Councils and Local Councils -composition thereof. Letter No.- BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:- 21-05-2013. Click Here

21-05-2013 : Notice for indefinite strike from 12th June, 2013. Served vide Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations. dated:- 17th May 2013. Click Here

20-05-2013 : Grant of facilities of office accomodation to the NFTE(BSNL). Letter No.-BSNL/39-7/SR/2013, Dated:-20-05-2013. Click Here

18-05-2013 : Payment of Pension to DOT absorbed employees in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-11/3, Dated:-18-05-2013. Click Here

18-05-2013 : Unbecoming behavior of Shri N.K. Yadav, CGMT Madhyapradesh -Request for remedial action. Letter No.- TF-14, Dated:-18-05-2013. Click Here

18-05-2013 : Why indefinite strike from 12th June, 2013: The BSNL management signed an agreement on 12-06-2012 with BSNL unions/Associations for extension of 78.2% IDA fixation benefit to the employees. The said benefit was denied at the time of wage agreement despite orders of Govt. of India. The BSNL management after getting approval by the Board on agreement forwarded the proposal to DOT for approval. All the queries and clarifications sought to by DOT have been replied by the corporate office. The BSNL has stated in clear words to DOT that it can bear the expenditures from its operational revenue. But the DOT is avoiding to grant approval of 78.2% IDA benefit to employees and is adopting indifferent attitude. There cannot be any compromise on the issue as denial is placing the employees on immortal financial loss. NFTE BSNL is Committed for settlement of the important issue and waited for 12 moths. But enough is enough. After verification NFTE conveyed its concerns to GM(SR) BSNL. But the DOT is in deep slumber. Therefore, indefinite strike from 12th June is imminent and the NFTE has to play a leading role in the struggle beginning from 12th June. Organize and participate in the demonstrations of 22-05-2013 and 05-06-2013 whole heartedly.

17-05-2013 : Deposits of Pension contribution etc: NFTE BSNL vide letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-05-08-2012 approached to Shri Sibal, Hon’ble MoC with following requests:- (1) Pension expenditures of DOT retirees and BSNL retirees be separately maintained by “DOT Cells”. (2) Pension contributions deposited by BSNL be properly and annually maintained by DOT cells w.e.f. October, 2000. (3) Taxes (License fee, Dividend etc) be separately and annually maintained. Now DOT vide No.-7-1/2006/TA-I/P-1/1239, dt-01-04-2013 endorsed vide BSNL No.-500-57/2012-13/CAII/BSNL/Vol IV, dt-13-05-2013 have acted on our complaint for proper maintenance of pension contribution. Items 1 & III be persued further to avoid complications in payment of pension of retirees as DOT has maintained silence on above issues.

16-05-2013 : Handling of complaints regarding pilferage of diesel for running of generators for power supply to towers. Letter No.-1-225/EW/2013, Dated:-13-05-2013. Click Here

16-05-2013 : Maintenance of records of pension contribution in DOT Cell. Letter No.-500-57/2012-13/CALL/BSNL/Vol.IV, Dated:-13-05-2013. Click Here

16-05-2013 : (1) President met GM(Adm)/Restg on 15-05-2013 and discussed about representation of NFTE BSNL in welfare/Sports Committee at National, circle and SSA levels. she stated matter is being considered seriously. (2) President accompanied with Com. Rajpal, Secy met CMD on 16-05-2013 and drew his attention regarding delay in formation of councils. He told issue will be settled shortly. (3) There is positive indication from management side that the NFTE will be provided accommodation at circle/SSA levels and no discrimination will be done between two recognised unions.

15-05-2013 : The Forum of BSNL unions and Associations has submitted a memorandum to Shri P. Chindambaram, Hon’ble Finance Minister on revival of BSNL. The same is already placed in NFTE site on 10-05-2013. The circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to contact MPs and impress upon them to forward the same to Shri Chidambaram who is heading the GoM on revival and revitalization of BSNL. This is very important.

15-05-2013 : CWC Meeting of West UP circle held at Meerut: The CWC meeting was held on 14th May at Meerut to analyze the 6th verification result and steps needed to strengthen the organization. Com. Islam attended the deliberations. The CGM, after conclusion of the meeting met the all CWC members in conference hall and gave various suggestions to improve the Broad band, Landline and Mobile Services. He stressed that all out efforts be made to achieve 15% growth in the revenue.

15-05-2013 : Forum Meeting with CMD, BSNL on 14-05-2013. Click Here

15-05-2013 : All circle Secretaries are requested to send their correct address, mobile No and E. Mail address immidiately to CHQ. Click Here

14-05-2013 : Filling up of the vacant posts of Rajbhasha Adhikari on the basis of LICE as per Recruitment Rules-2005. Letter No.-30-01/2011-Pers.II, Dated:-14-05-2013. Click Here

14-05-2013 : Issue of Pensioners identity Cards (PIC) to retired BSNL employees on specific request. Letter No.-40-35/2011-Pen (B), Dated:-13-05-2013. Click Here

13-05-2013 : Functioning of works Committee at SSA levels - representation regarding. Letter No.-TF-35/3, Dated:-13-05-2013. Click Here

13-05-2013 : 78.2% IDA Merger: Reportedly, the CMD BSNL has sent Do letter to Secy DOT on 10th May for approval of 78.2% IDA merger.

13-05-2013 : Union accommodation at circle/SSA levels to NFTE BSNL: The NFTE being recognised union is entitled for accommodation at circle/SSA levels also for functioning of its offices. Suitable representation has been made in the matter and discussions have also taken place with Director (HR)/GM (SR).

13-05-2013 : Appeal from Forum of BSNL unions/Associations with regard to agitational programme for implementation of the 78.2% IDA merger. Click Here

11-05-2013 : Pre-recruitment training for SC/ST candidates appearing in various examinations. Letter No.-32-22/2006-Trg(Pt.), Dated:-02-05-2013. Click Here

11-05-2013 : GM (SR) held meeting: The GM (SR) held meeting on 10-05-2013 with the representatives of NFTE BSNL and BSNLEU. The discussions took place mainly how the work culture and customers satisfaction be improved in the Company. Both the unions pressed for regular meetings of works committee as well as meetings of councils at all levels be purposeful and meaningful. GM(SR) suggested that the volunteers amongst the staff should come forward at SSA levels to guide, help and satisfy the customers. Unions accepted the suggestion and assured to cooperate in this respect.

10-05-2013 : Forum of BSNL unions/Associations submitted memorrundum to Shri P. Chidambaram, Hon'ble Finance Minister, Govt. of India & Chairman, Group of Minister on Revival of BSNL & MTNL, on dated:09-05-2013. Click Here

10-05-2013 : Inputs for defending the case filed by officiating JTO's for their regularisation. Letter No.-3-33/2013/Pers-IV, Dated:-09-05-2013. Click Here

10-05-2013 : Non-implementation of minimum wages and Social Security Measures like EPF & ESI to Control workers. Letter No.-ST/Social Security Measure/2012/14, Dated:-09-05-2013. Click Here

10-05-2013 : DOT revives BSNL-MTNL merger plan. (Source the Hindu) Click Here

09-05-2013 : District conference of Aligarh: The District conference of Aligarh SSA held on 08-05-2013 under the presidentship of Com. Udayvir Singh. Com. Sompal Saini C/S, Com. Anil Chouhan D/S Buland Sher, Com. Rajvir Singh Circle Vice President, Com. Netra Pal Yadav Circle Organising Secretary attended and addressed the meeting. Com. Udayvir Singh, Com. Dinesh Puri, Com. S.S. Yadav were elected as District President , Secretary, Treasurer respectively.

09-05-2013 : FORUM OF UNIONS/ASSOCIATIONS decided to conduct the following action programme for securing 78.2% IDA merger as per 12-06-2012 agreement. (1) 22-05-2013- DEMONSTRATIONS/GATE MEETINGS AT ALL LEVELS. (2) 05-06-2013 – DAY LONG DHARNA AT SSA/CIRCLE/C.O. (3) 12-06-2013 ON WARDS - INDEFINITE STRIKE. All the Branch/District/Circle Secretaries are requested to make the programme a grand success.

09-05-2013 : JAO Internal Competitive Examination against 10% quota to be held on 26th and 27th August, 2013. Letter No.-4-42/2011-SEA, Dated:-07-05-2013 Click Here

09-05-2013 : GoM on BSNL, MTNL may discuss financial support. Click Here

09-05-2013 : Direct Recruitment in the cadre of TTA in BSNL-Recruitment Year - 2012-Exam date postponed to 14-07-2013. Letter No.10-1/2012-Rectt., Dated:-08-05-2013. Click Here

08-05-2013 : Permission for retention of BSNL residential accommodation by the Officers/Officials of BSNL joining BBNL on deputation. Letter No.-BSNL/4/SR/2012, Dated:-07-05-2013. Click Here

08-05-2013 : Prevention of Sexual Harassment of women employees at their workplaces. Letter No.-6-1/2005 SG(SCT) PT/312, Dated:-07-05-2013. Click Here

07-05-2013 : Revenue targets for the year 2013-14 for wire line IN Services. Letter No.-24-12/2013/NWO-BB & IN, Dated:- 06-05-2013. Click Here

07-05-2013 : BSNL may report reduction in losses at Rs. 8,198 crore for 2012-13. Click Here

07-05-2013 : Expenditure Control in BSNL. Letter No.-13-1/2013-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-06-05-2013. Click Here

06-05-2013 : BSNL's salary outgo rises to Rs. 13,406 crore. Click Here

06-05-2013 : The Group of Ministers (GoM) on BSNL and MTNL is likely to hold its first meeting on May 10 to discuss ways to revive the two loss-making public sector telecom companies.

06-05-2013 : CWC of Kerala: Circle Working Committe of Kerala circle was held on 4-5-2013 at Sikshak Sadan Building Eranakulam presided by Circle president and Circle secretary. All SSAs and alomost all of Circle Committee memebres participated. Committee reviewed the result of 6th referundum in Kerala circle and drafted solutions for improvement. Com.Gopalakrishnana (T/N) and Com.Michael PM were present on behalf of NFTE HQ and suggested for more systematic union functioning at all levels and need of continuing publication of journal in regional language. Provisional List for nomination to Circle Council is prepared.

04-05-2013 : Method of Pay fixation in IDA Pay scale in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted prior to 01-10-2000 but opted under FR 22(1)(a)(i) for fixation of their pay in the promoted scale on the date of their next increment in the lower grade which falls after 01-10-2000. Letter No.-1-5/2004-PAT (BSNL)/Pt.V, Dated:- 03-05-2013. Click Here

03-05-2013 : Outstanding bills of Telephones: BSNL has to recover outstanding bills of Rs. 5188 Crores as on 31st December, 2012. The Telecom Minister Shri Sibal, told Parliament in March, 2013.

03-05-2013 : Fixating of Pay of officiating JTO's under FR 22(1)a(1) without restriction of FR 35. Letter No.-TF-9/7(b), Dated:-02-05-2013. Click Here

03-05-2013 : Appointment of "GOM" for BSNL and MTNL. Letter No.-TF-6/7, Dated:-01-05-2013. Click Here

03-05-2013 : Meeting of Forum: A meeting of Forum of unions took place on 02-05-2013 under the Chairmanship of Com. Islam Ahmad, President NFTE BSNL. The following decisions were taken: (1) A memorandum will be prepared by the Committee for submission to the panel of Ministers for revitalization and revamping of the BSNL. The NFTE suggested for realization of outstanding revenue of Govt, damaged Cables Compensation, Fund for purchase of equipments and materials etc in addition to other items VRS is to be opposed. (2) NFTE HQR’s draft listing issues is ready. (3) Settlement of 78.2% IDA merger: The meeting decided to press for bilateral talks between BSNL Management and DOT to sort out the issue. NFTE maintained that after joining of duty by CMD unions should meet and convey the anguish and anger of the employees for delay.

02-05-2013 : Fixation of Pay of officiating JTO’s under FR 22(1) a(1) without restriction of FR 35. Letter No. 3-8/2010/Pers-IV Dated 30.04.2013 Click Here

02-05-2013 : Shri Anupam Srivastav has taken over as Director (CM) on 1st May, 2013. After taking over he has sought co-operation of all for bright future of the company. Letter No. 925-Dir (CM)/2013 Dated 01.05.2013. Click Here

01-05-2013 : Editorial In English Telecom May 2013 Click Here

01-05-2013 : Editorial In Hindi Telecom May 2013 Click Here

01-05-2013 : The NFTE Hqr extends May day greetings to the working class. We pay respectful homage to the martyrs who fought and sacrificed their lives against exploitation and injustices.

01-05-2013 : General Secretary’s MTNL mobiles number 09868256622 is faulty. His BSNL mobile No. 09431200383 is working.

30-04-2013 : (1) President, NFTE BSNL accompanied with GS, SNATTA met OSD, Shri Anupam Srivastav on 29th April. He will take over as Director, CM in BSNL from 1st May, 2013. (2) President, NFTE BSNL and GS, SNATTA met Director (HR) on 29-04-2013 and discussed the following issues. (a) Model question papers for LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre. (b) Training/Coaching for S/C S/T staff for JTO Departmental Examination. (c) No negative marking. (3) Panel for revitalization and revamping of BSNL and MTNL: Comrades Islam and Meena impressed upon the Director (HR) to hold meetings with the unions for adoption of Common strategy to lift the BSNL from financial crisis. Discussions have also taken place with Member (Services) in this regard. (4) Employees are welcomed to join NFTE BSNL: After 6th verification result and recognition the employees are joining NFTE BSNL. They are welcomed in the mother organization. The circle and District Secretaries of NFTE should ensure not only fair treatment to them but extend honour and respect.

29-04-2013 : LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre - Request for circulation of Model questions papers. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-29-04-2013. Click Here

29-04-2013 : LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre vis-a-vis training of S/C S/T Candidates. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-29-04-2013. Click Here

29-04-2013 : 78.2% IDA Merger: The file is rolling in DOT and settlement is being delayed. NFTE will take appropriate action after joining of the CMD, BSNL. This state of affair cannot be appreciated.

29-04-2013 : Calling for volunteers from amongst ITS Group 'A' officers working in Department of Telecommunications to work in BSNL/MTNL on deputation. Letter No.-391-178/2012-STG-III (Pt.II), Dated:-26-04-2013. Click Here

29-04-2013 : Comrades Islam and Rajmouli met Sr. GM (Est) and drew his attention on following issues. (1) Notification of LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre has not been notified in Karnataka circle steps be taken for vacation of “Stay”. (2) The employees completing 7 years of service as on date of examination be permitted to JTO examination. Sr. GM(Est) enquired details from Karnataka circle. The age is taken from 1st July as per Court’s orders. The R/R will be checked up for necessary action.

26-04-2013 : Recognition of majority representative union(S) of non-executive employees in BSNL for a period of three years as per the results of 6th membership verification conducted through Secret ballot on 16-04-2013. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II (i), Dated:-25-04-2013. Click Here

26-04-2013 : Grant of facilities to the recognised representative Unions of non-executive employees in BSNL and also the unions which secured more than 2% of total votes at All India level. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II (ii), Dated:-25-04-2013. Click Here

26-04-2013 : NFTE donot require mercy or kindness: NFTE is eligible for recognition as per rule and mandate of the employees. It does not require either mercy or kindness of self styled leaders. We stand on our own strength. NFTE HQR once again appeal to all our functionaries not to get provoked with utterances of intoxicated personnel. Such personnel are enemies of unity and working class. NFTE HQR once again appeal to concentrate on organization and problems of staff and maintain absolute cool to move forward.

26-04-2013 : Order relating to recognition of union are expected at any time.

25-04-2013 : Calculation of monthly contribution towards cost of pension payable in respect of BSNL absorbed employees. Letter No.-500-57/2012-13/CAII/BSNL/VOL.IV, Dated:-22-04-2013. Click Here

22-04-2013 : Recognition: CMD BSNL has undergone operation for extraction of stone and is recovering. The orders for recognition are likely to be issued only after his joining of duties as such there may be delay of few days.

22-04-2013 : Thanks: The NFTE HQR records its deep appreciation and gratefulness to alliance partners for their help and cooperation.

22-04-2013 : Appointment of Panel: A panel of Ministers has reportedly been appointed by Govt. under the Chairmanship of Shri P.S. Chidambaran, (Finance Minister) to suggest to revamp. BSNL MTNL within three months.

20-04-2013 : Attention circle and District Secretaries: Hold urgent meetings at respective levels and let all understand that the NFTE is recognised as second union and there is nothing to worry. The representatives of NFTE be fully alive to the sufferings of staff. Vindictive and partisan action against membership coming from any quarter be resisted with full force and CHQ be informed accordingly. Gird up your loin to face all the eventualities.

19-04-2013 : Dear Comrades, The result of 6th verification is no doubt very surprising and shocking. We accept verdict of the workers with all humility. But keep in mind that for last 8 years the NFTE was not in recognized status and there has been severe attacks against our organization to weaken it. But now situation is changed and NFTE TE will get recognition. Therefore we have to serve the workers and remove their sufferings. All out efforts should be made to create confidence and remove fear complex prevailing amongst the workers. The CHQ will be fully alive and responsive to meet the situation. Chandeshwar Singh - GS

19-04-2013 : Nominations in the councils : (i) The nominations of local councils/Circle councils will be done by central Hqr. (ii) The District Secretaries will send the list of the nominations of local councils to CHQ through their respective circle unions.

19-04-2013 : Results of 6th membership verification conducted through secret ballot under the provisions of BSNL Recognition of Non-Executive Unions and Representation in the Councils Rules, 2012 for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No. BSNL/Sr. GM(TS)/CRO/2013 Dated 18.04.2013 Click Here

19-04-2013 : Results of 6th verification : (i) NFTE and BSNL EU both will be recognized and will be at par. Participation in councils will be on the basis of votes secured. (ii) BSNL EU the largest union where as NFTE second largest union. (iii) Only two unions viz NUBSNW (FNTO) and BTEU (BSNL) have secured more than 2% votes. However FNTO could not get magic percentage of 7%. (BSNL letter No. BSNL/SR/GM(TS)/CRO/2013 dated 18.04.2013). Click Here

17-04-2013 : LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre - Case of Karnataka circle. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-17-04-2013. Click Here

17-04-2013 : JTO LIDCE: Till date there is no move to postpone the scheduled examination to be held on 2nd June, 2013.

17-04-2013 : Final Welfare Grants to Circles. Letter No.-13-1/2012-BSNL-(WL), Dated:-16-04-2013. Click Here

17-04-2013 : Voting percentage is above 92%. There is very encouraging reports from the circles in favour of NFTE.

16-04-2013 : (1) NFTE HQR extends greetings and congratulations to Comrades for their sustained efforts in 6th verification despite impediments and difficulties. Trust your efforts will not go in vain. (2) NFTE HQR records its appreciation and thanks to BSNL management for holding 6th verification in a fair way. (3) Once election is over we should forget and bend energies for creation of harmony and peace in the PSU. Remember nothing is more important than the putting the BSNL in sound financial condition. Therefore, neither provoke anyone nor get provoked at any cost.

16-04-2013 : Extension of medical facilities under BSNLMRS to retiring employees facing disciplinary proceedings at the time of retirement and non-release of PPO due to pending disciplinary proccedings. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-10/13, Dated:-12-04-2013. Click Here

15-04-2013 : Question raised to BSNLEU. Click Here

14-04-2013 : Conduct of sixth membership verification on 16-04-2013 for electing majority representative unions(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL - appointment of observers from the Ministry of Labour. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:-03-04-2013. Click Here

14-04-2013 : NFTE HQR pays grateful and respectful homage to Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on his 122nd Birth Anniversary.

13-04-2013 : Another misleading promise: A responsible leader of a union while addressing the election meeting at Kanpur said Medical Allowance, LTC and Bonus will be restored after 18th April verification result. It is ridiculous indeed ! where is the approval of DOT on 78.2% IDA merger as was propagated ?.

13-04-2013 : Wave in favour of NFTE in Hyderabad: Mass meetings held at Saroor Nagar and Secunderabad on 12-04-2013. Employees attended the meetings in large scale irrespective of unions. They listened the leaders with much interest in wage revision and promotion policy. Com. A.Rajamouli Secretary CHQ listed the failures of BSNLEU in 8 years. He assured the members that NFTE will sign bonus agreement after winning the elections. Com. V.K.Muthu DS, Com. Syed Ismail Ghori DP, and Com. Jain DS Circle office participated in the meeting along with BSNLES GS Com. Narayana Reddy, SNATTA CHQ Executive member V.Naresh. Click Here

13-04-2013 : Conduct of 6th membership verification to elect majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:-12-04-2013. Click Here

13-04-2013 : BSNL LOSSES. Click Here

10-04-2013 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisor in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates.F.No.-2(70)/2008-DPE (WC)-GL-IX/13. Dated:-08-04-2013. Click Here

06-04-2013 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of JTO(T) under 35% and 15% and 15% quota for vacancies upto 31-03-2012. Letter No.-22-24/2012-Rectt, Dated:-05-04-2013. Click Here

06-04-2013 : Clarification (III) regarding Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) against 35% & 15% quota for promotion to the cadre of JTO. Letter No.-3-3/2010-Pers-IV, Dated:- 04-04-2013. Click Here

06-04-2013 : BSNLMRS guidelines for reimbursement of cost of appliances - Reimbursement of cost of Hearing Aids. Letter No.- BSNL/Admn.I/15 8/13, Dated:-03-04-2013. Click Here

28-03-2013 : Child care leave – know the facts: The item No.-9.28 relating to Child Care leave was closed in the National council and the minutes dt-29-07-2011 are testimony. The Management told clearly it will be sanctioned without pay. Sequel to 12th June joint strike agreement BSNL Board approved and orders issued on 8th March, 2013. NFTE has persued the matter vigorously. The issue was never settled in the National council as being propagated.

28-03-2013 : IDA increase 3.4% w.e.f. 1st April, 2013.

28-03-2013 : Restoration of LTC etc. Letter No.-TF-16/6(f), Dated:-28-03-2013. Click Here

26-03-2013 : BSNLEU's claim not based on facts and figures. Click Here

26-03-2013 : Modification in policy for provision of concessional Broadband Connection to the below JAG level employees in BSNL at their residence to include JAG level and above. Letter No.-2-06/2005-PHA (Pt), Dated:-22-03-2013. Click Here

25-03-2013 : An appeal for Vote - Editorial Telecom (English & Hindi). Click Here

21-03-2013 : Ballot paper including election symbols for conduct of 6th membership verification through secret ballot on 16-04-2013. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:-20-03-2013. Click Here

21-03-2013 : Procedure for conducting membership verification/counting of votes for Recognition of majority representatives(s) union of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:-20-03-2013. Click Here

19-03-2013 : Specimen of Poster of BSNL Worker's Allience. Click Here

19-03-2013 : Vacancy position in the grade of JAO/AAO as on 01-03-2013. Letter No.-4-6/2013-SEA, Dated:-18-03-2013. Click Here

18-03-2013 : Dakshin railway employees union affiliated to CITU is strongly demanding replacement scheme the scheme was proposed by NFTE BSNL in 2003 but BSNLEU opposed put to cold strong after second verification.

16-03-2013 : Relaxation in age to appear in LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre. Letter No.-TF-14(2b), Dated:-16-03-2013. Click Here

15-03-2013 : Incorrect Calculation and notification of vacancies for JTO LIDCE - Case of Kerala Circle. Letter No.-TF-14/2(B), Dated:-15-03-2013. Click Here

15-03-2013 : Child Care leave: The 6th Pay commission recommended for Child Care leave to central Govt. Lady Staff. The Govt. of India issued orders to this effect in year, 2008. But this order was not applied in BSNL. Moreover, the issue was not included in wage agreement also. The strike agreement of 12-06-2012 was signed by NFTE. The matter was persued and orders issued on 8th March, 2013. NFTE HQR has persued the matter vigorously and ceaselessly.

14-03-2013 : Eligibility to appear in LDCE Examination for promotion to JTO Cadre in 35% and 15% quota: There are staff who are not eligible to appear in the JTO departmental examination due to qualification, service period etc. After Completion of the ensuing examination the NFTE will ensure Change in R/R of JTO as well as in Syllabus. Diploma in mechanical engineering will be included in R/R.

14-03-2013 : The candidates possessing diploma in instrumentation Technology are now eligible to appear in JTO LIDCE orders issued on 13th by BSNL HQR after ceaseless pursuance by NFTE. Click Here

13-03-2013 : Weightage to Ex-Servicemen to appear in LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre in 35% quota of vacancies. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-13-03-2013. Click Here

13-03-2013 : Com. Islam met GM Est. and enquired about orders for inclusion of instrumention Technology for LIDCE of JTO exam orders repeat orders will be issued.

13-03-2013 : JTO (LICE Book ) Available. Click Here

12-03-2013 : Child Care Leave to Women Employees. Letter No.-TF-16/6(a), Dated:-11-03-2013. Click Here

12-03-2013 : Absorption of Group 'A' Officers of Indian Telecom Service (ITS), Telegraph Traffic Service (TTS), Telecom Factory Service (TFS), P&T Building Works Service (Civil, Electrical and Architectural), Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service (IP&T A&FS) and General Central Service (GCS) in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. Letter No.-400-45/2013-Pers.I, Dated:-11-03-2013. Click Here

11-03-2013 : Payment of wages under the Minimum Wages Act to contract/casual workers in CPSEs. F. No.-2(4)/2013-DPE-(WC)GL-VII/13, Dated:-21-02-2013. Click Here

09-03-2013 : Non-inclusion of "Instrumentation Technology" to appear in LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre -Request for urgent intervention. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), Dated:-09-03-2013. Click Here

09-03-2013 : LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre against 35% and 15% quota of vacancies: BSNL Hqr has issued clarifications on 08-03-2013 on points raised by circles and the NFTE. The NFTE has continuously persued the matter. There are some points, inclusion of instrumentation Technology, Ex-servicemen service weightage etc which are left out. NFTE HQR will persue all these further to the logical end.

09-03-2013 : Child Care leave to Women employees of BSNL at par with Central Govt. employees – orders issued after vigorous pursuance by NFTE BSNL (BSNL No.-1-33/2012-PAT (BSNL), Dated:- 08-03-2013. Click Here

09-03-2013 : Clarifications regarding LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre against 35% and 15% quota of vacancies. Letter No.-5-11/2009-Pers.IV (Pt), Dated:-08-03-2013. Click Here

08-03-2013 : Com. Islam, Com. Malhan and Com. H.K. Goel launched NFTE Haryana Website on 7th March at Yamuna Nagar. Please visit www.nfteharyana.com. Congratulation to NFTE Haryana Team.

08-03-2013 : Happy Women’s Day: Today is international women’s day. On this occasion. NFTE CHQ extends warm greetings and felicitations to the women of India. We wish them good health, happiness, safety, success and prosperity in this years ahead.

07-03-2013 : Child Care Leave : Management Committee has approved on 7th March child care leave for BSNL staff at par with central Govt. employees. NFTE perused the matter ceaselessly after 12.06.2012.

07-03-2013 : Clarifications on LIDCE for promotion to JTO cadre will be issued on 7th/8th March 2013.

07-03-2013 : 78.2% IDA is most expected to be settled.

07-03-2013 : Election Poster No. 1 Click Here

05-03-2013 : Finalisation of ballot paper including election symbols for conducting 6th membership verification through secret ballot on 16-04-2013. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:-05-03-2013. Click Here

04-03-2013 : Shri Anupam Srivastav has joined as OSD pending taking over as Director (CM) BSNL from 01-05-2013.

04-03-2013 : Instrumentation tech will be allowed in LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre 35% quota exam issue under process let us wait.

04-03-2013 : Child Care leave issue is being sent to BSNL Management Committee for consideration.

04-03-2013 : Govt. appeal for retention of ITS personnel on the basis of Cabinet decision is rejected by Hon’ble High Court New Delhi today.

04-03-2013 : Notification for TM departmental Examination issued on 28-02-2013.

04-03-2013 : Revision of Celling Rates and guidelines for various Coronary Stents for CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries. File No.-Misc. 1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/CGHS(P), Dated:-21-02-2013. Click Here

02-03-2013 : Cash Award to Sportspesons for Excellence in International Touraments / Meets. Calling of nominations. Letter No.-36-03/2013-BSNL (Sports), Dated:-28-02-2013. consideration. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-02-03-2013. Click Here

02-03-2013 : Eligibility of Diploma Holders in Mechanical Engineering for 35% JTO quota Examination - Request for consideration. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-02-03-2013. Click Here

02-03-2013 : CGA Cases be forwarded to BSNL HQR by 31st March, 2013. D.O. No.-215-Gen/CGA/1/213-Pers IV, Dated:-01-03-2013. Click Here

02-03-2013 : Recognition period of BSNLEU is over: The recognition period of BSNLEU has expired on 13th February, 2013. The BSNL HQR has issued clarification vide letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.III, dt-26-02-2013.

01-03-2013 : DOT Certificate regarding centpercent Govt. PSU: The certificate is not for loan and same is for comfort only. The loan can be taken only on the Certificate approved by MOF and that too after deposit of some fee by BSNL.

01-03-2013 : JTO LDCE: (1) Clarifications are processed. But Director(HR) and GM (Est) both are not at the station. (2) Decision on inclusion of instrument Technology for the LDCE is still under processing and not yet finalized.

01-03-2013 : JAO (Final) Exam result: Result expected after March only. Clarifications on CPWD questions have been spelt out.

01-03-2013 : Forwarding of Revised Scheme and Syllabus for Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for filling up posts in the cadre of JTO(Telecom) under both 35% and 15% quota. Letter No.-5-11/2009-Pers.IV, Dated:-01-11-2011. Click Here

27-02-2013 : Holding of 6th membership verification process through Secret ballot for electing majority representative unions(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL - Finalisation of electoral rolls. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II-1, Dated:-26-02-2012. Click Here

27-02-2013 : Punjab circle launched web site. Please click on www.nftepunjab.org. Hqr conveys best wishes to one and all in Punjab.

27-02-2013 : Revision of overtime Allowance (OTA) rates for non-executive employees of BSNL from 27-02-2013. Letter No.-1-46/2010-PAT(BSNL), Dated: -02-2013. Click Here

27-02-2013 : Corporate Office issued clarification on extension of recognition as well as facilities, No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012/Vol.II, Dated:-26-02-2013. Click Here

27-02-2013 : Madhya Pradesh circle exertive Committee meeting held at Mandasor on 24-02-2013 & 25-02-2013 under the Presidentship of Com. A.K. Mishra. Com. C.K. Joshi (Hqr) inaugurated the meeting. District/Branch/Active Comrades of all corners of the state attended the meeting. Com. Habib Khan C/S, explained the position of union in MP circle. Senior leader Com. S.K. Dubey, Com. Nirke, Com. Kamal Tatwade, Com. Narender Rathore, Com. K. S. Thakur, Com. Sudarshan Singh, Com. Bal Ram Singh and other leaders participated in the meeting. A seminar was also conducted in the meeting on the subject “How to Strengthen BSNL Financially.” All the leaders took oath to strengthen NFTE in M.P. Circle and stand first position in the forth coming elections. And appealed the members to vote in favour of NFTE (Sr. No. – 15) on 16-04-2013. Com. R.K. Rawal Mandasor organized the meeting in dignified manner.

27-02-2013 : Self Satisfaction not Desirable. (Telecom March 2013, Editorial English & Hindi) Click Here

26-02-2013 : Meeting at Gaya: Enroute to Jamshedpur President and GS dropped at Gaya and addressed well attended meeting in which lady staff and D/R TTAs were present Com. B.N. Sinha Circle Secy presided the meeting District Secretaries of Sasaram Patna and Branch Secy of Snatta were also present. New Rule of recognition has encouraged the staff. The employees have decided to keep the flag of NFTE high in the 6th verification. BSNLEU’s only contributions is that they have harassed the employees belonging to NFTE. Com. Inderdev Prasad, President of Gaya SSA praised the CHQ leaders for new recognition rule. President and GS in their speech stated that due to utter neglects of BSNL EU the employees have been deprived of 78.2% IDA fixation benefits in 15th June, 2010 agreement. The employees are undergoing irrepairable financial loss. NEPP is full of discrimination and the scheme be revised. Employees have lost Bonus, Allowances have not been revised. There is shortage of materials. The PSU couldnot move forward. The BSNLEU failed to protect the interest of PSU and today it is in loss of Rs. 10,000/- crores. Both leaders appealed to the large gathering to vote in favour of NFTE (S. No.-15) on 16th April and place it at 1st place. Click Here

26-02-2013 : Election Campaign Begins with a Bang in Chennai telephones. Click Here

26-02-2013 : PF interest rate hiked to 8.5% from 8.25%: The EPFO on 25-02-2013 decided to pay 8.5% interest rate to its over five crore subscribers on their deposits for 2012-13, an increase from 8.25% in the previous financial year (source Indian express).

25-02-2013 : Mega Election Kick start and branch Secretaries meet at Salem on 26-02-2013: Leaders Com. Pattabi, Com. Jayaraman, Com. S.S. Gopal Krishnan and ex-Circle Secretaries Com. R.K., Com. Muthyalu, Com. Tamilmani & Mali are addressing the session. The meet will Chalk out tour programme of circle leaders. A special election bulletin will be released on this occasion. Com. Noorullah will preside over the session.

25-02-2013 : Jharkhand circle executive committee meeting along with branch Secretaries convention will be held at Jamshedpur on 27-02-2013.

25-02-2013 : Tour programme of Com. COM. C.K. Mathivanan, Dy. General Secretary (CHQ) in connection with 6th Membership verification: (1) 02-03-2013 at Cuddalure (T.N. Circle), (2) 11-03-2013 at Kharagpur Telecom Factory & GM office, (W.B. Circle), (3) 12-03-2013 at Suri, SSA (WB), (4) 13-03-2013 at Burdwan, SSA (WB), (5) 14-03-2013 at Kolkota Telecom Factory & CTO, (6) 15-03-2013 Meeting in several parts of Kolkota (Kolkota Telephones circle).

25-02-2013 : Inaguration of Electtion Campaign at Chennai : At K.K. Nagar Exchange Complex on 25-02-2013 a big election meeting is being organized to mark the beginning of election campaign for 6th membership verification. In this meeting Comrades C.K. Mathivanan, G. Jayaraman, L. Subharayan and Ashok Raj will address.

25-02-2013 : Formation of new entity "Bharat Broad Band Limited" - Request to allay the fear and apprehensions. Letter No.-TF-19/1(C), Dated:-23-02-2013. Click Here

25-02-2013 : Extension of 78.2% IDA fixation benefits to BSNL staff - settlement regarding. Letter No.-TF-10/3, Dated:-25-02-2013. Click Here

23-02-2013 : District Conference of Hardwar (Uttrakhand) has been held on 23-02-2013 under the Presidentship of Com. Sompal Saini C/S U.P. (West) and in the presence of Com. Unniyal, Circle Secretary Uttrakhand. Com. B.K. Bandhu patron, Com. Beer Singh President, Com. Lalit Kant Dubey, Distt. Secretary, Com. Sarvesh Saxena, Treasurer are elected unanimously. On the occasion 110 members joined NFTE from other union.

23-02-2013 : Accept failure with grace. Click Here

23-02-2013 : LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre etc: (1) The request of union will be accepted to include instrumentation Technology as discipline in deptl examination provided same is in D/R quota also. (2) Clarifications sought by different circles will be issued by next week in a consolidated way. (3) The vacancies of deptl quota in Eastern UP will be issued by next week. (4) Steps are being taken to release Security Deposits of TTAs in Eastern UP. EPF discrepancies will be sorted out.

23-02-2013 : LIDCE for promotion to TM Cadre: Notification is expected by next week.

22-02-2013 : 78.2% IDA Merger: BSNL HQR has replied to the querries of DOT today.

22-02-2013 : Eligibility to appear in LIDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre - Request for consideration of past service and upper age relaxation in respect of Ex-Serviceman Staff. Letter No.TF-14/2(b), Dated:-22-02-2013. Click Here

22-02-2013 : Request for inclusion of Instrumentation engineering and M.Sc (Electronic) qualifications for ensuing JTO LIDCE. Letter No.TF-14/2(b), Dated:-22-02-2013. Click Here

22-02-2013 : Com. Islam held a meeting with the District union office bearers, Branch Secretaries and active workers at Lucknow on 21st February and exchanged views to face the election in the SSA.

22-02-2013 : Non-notification of promotion to JTO Cadre by circle - Cases of Maharashtra and NE-2 Circles, Letter No.TF-14/2(a), Dated:-19-02-2013. Click Here

21-02-2013 : Circle wise Revenue performance for the month of Jan 13 in comparison to Jan 12 and comparison of Jan 12 revenue with Jan 11 i/r/o Landline Services. Letter No.-4-2/2012-BSNL/TR(Part), Dated:-20-02-2013. Click Here

21-02-2013 : Central Trade unions strike call entered in to 2nd day successfully. In BSNL strike remained successful through out the country. Thanks to all.

20-02-2013 : Organisational Meet at Kanpur: A meeting of office bearers of District unions, Branch Secretaries and active workers was held on 20th February, 2013 at TRC Hall under the Chairmanship of Com. Harvinder Singh. Com. Islam, Com. R.N. Pande (CS) and Com. Dixit (DS Unnao) were present and addressed the meeting. Com. Harishchand (D/S NTR) at Kanpur was also present and assured Victory in SSAs where NFTE was weak earlier. Snatta representatives also participated and sought age relaxation for Ex-serviceman in the JTO LIDCE. The TRC Hall was fully packed with the staff including ladies in large number. Speakers narrate how acts of corruption and misdeeds are increasing. At the time of corpatarisation the NFTE secured guarantee from Govt. on certain issues, Snatta representatives state that the BSNL management is not framing policies with vision. Explaining various issues viz BSNL condition, 78.2%, wage erosion, NEPP, Deptl Examinations, Child Care leave, Pension, VRS and Replacement scheme etc Com. Islam exhorted the employees to vote in favour of NFTE. The employees have decided for change. Com. Pande explained how staff are suffering in rural area in 8 years. NFTE will put an end to the partisan transfers and exploitation. Com. J.R. Gupta conducted the meeting. Click Here

20-02-2013 : BSNL is a 100% Government owned Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) working under the Administrative control of Department of Telecommunications. File No.-10-4/2013-SU.1, Dated:-18-02-2013. Click Here

20-02-2013 : Final list of applicant unions participating in 6th verification on 16-04-2013. Letter No.-CRO/BSNL/2013, Dated:-19-02-2013. Click Here

20-02-2013 : Red salute to workers who wholeheartedly participating in country wide strike call given by 11 Central trade unions. It is a historic one.

19-02-2013 : Employees Meet at Hamirpur: The meeting took place on 19th in TDM office Campus under the Presidentship of Com. A.K. Awasthi, President of the District union. Hamirpur is small SSA where three NFTE Office bearers were suspended due to union’s animosity. Com. Islam, President and circle Secy, Com. R.N. Pande addressed the gathering. The meeting expressed that without harmony and peace expansion of BSNL services is difficult. The leaders at SSA expressed happiness that Central office bearers have come in the small SSA. The base leaders raised question why the recognized union signed wage agreement on 15-01-2010 with 68.8% IDA fixation benefit instead of 78.2% causing financial loss to the employees of atleast 2500/- Rs. Per month from 1st January 2007. Com. Pande mentioned that the NFTE secured Govt. pension for absorbed employees in BSNL. Com. Islam in his speech narrated how the employees and BSNL are suffering today. NFTE is fully committed to protect BSNL and regain the issues which have been taken away in last 8 years. He appealed the employees to place. NFTE at 1st place in the election.

19-02-2013 : Recruitment Rule for Management Trainees. Letter No.-TF-15/3, Dated:-19-02-2013. Click Here

19-02-2013 : Policy for allotment of Staff quarters to retired employees has been extended for three months. Letter No.-482-16/2007-BG (Pt-II). Dated:-18-02-2013. Click Here

19-02-2013 : Com. Laxminarayana Ji Pathak expired in Jabalpur on 18-02-2013. He was a senior Committed leader in NFTE. After retirement also he worked in different positions in the Union. Hqr condoles his death and share the grief with family members.

19-02-2013 : Meeting at Banda: A meeting of employees was held on 18th February, 2013 under the Presidentship of Com. R.K. Singh. The meeting commenced at 1400 hours. Com. Kashyap conducting the meeting praised the leadership of HQr the way they are handling staff problems. District Secy and others welcomed Com. Islam. Speakers raised the issues of VRS and BSNL’s condition and withdrawal of Allowance etc. In the meeting D/R TTAs were also present. Addressing the meeting Com. Islam mentioned the present scenario and appealed to the workers to Vote NFTE and place at number one status. The NFTE will protect the BSNL and the interest of employees.

18-02-2013 : Hon'ble Delhi High Court order with regard to ITS issue dt-15-02-2013. Click Here

18-02-2013 : PM's appeal to Trade unions to call off Strike rejected. Click Here

16-02-2013 : Meeting at Robertsganj: Com. Islam on 16th attended a meeting of employees at Robertsganj in his speech he told the items of employees. Which have been neglected by BSNLEU the BSNLs condition is serious and facing crisis EPF accounting is improper prepaid Sims of Rs. 200 have not been distributed DR TTAs joined the meeting President met GM and urgent to resolve the issues.

16-02-2013 : Massive Dharna at Patna CGMT office Bihar for Implementation of 12th June 2012 Agreement Regarding 78.2% IDA Marger w.e.f o1.01.2007. Click Here

15-02-2013 : Meeting at Mirzapur: Com. Islam addressed a meeting of employees and explained the present Position of BSNL and various issues. He exhorted workers to place NFTE at 1st Place in the verification.

15-02-2013 : Delhi High Court has dismissed BSNL's petition on ITS repatriation. Directed to implement it's earlier order within 6 weeks.

15-02-2013 : Non-Notification of Departmental Examination from Promotion to JTO Cadre - Cases of Maharashtra and NE-II Circles. Letter No.-14/2(b), Dated:-15-02-2013. Click Here

14-02-2013 : Important News: (1)Nomination of Representatives for 6th verification NFTE HQR has sent the nominations to all CGMs with two Copies to the concerned circle Secretaries. Nominations have been faxed also to CGMs. (2) 78.2% IDA fixation: Reply has still not gone to DOT. NFTE HQR will seek intervention of CMD, BSNL as file is moving from one table to another. (3) LDCE for promotion to TM Cadre notification is still not issued. Recruitment branch of BSNL HQR is moving in its own convenient way. NFTE is seeking intervention of CMD, BSNL. (4)President met Sr. GM (Est) and brought to his notice following issues. (i) Unwarranted Transfers in Kolkata Telecom stores circle. (ii) Rule 8 transfers in Jharkhand. (iii) Incorrect calculation of 35% quota of vacancies for promotion to the cadre of JTO in UP West circle and NE-2.

14-02-2013 : Meeting with Director (F): President NFTE and Dy. GS, Snatta met Director (F) and mentioned about non-sanction of GPF advance in Tamilnadu, UP (E) circle due to paucity of funds. The issue will be resolved within 3 or 4 days as per assurance.

14-02-2013 : Regarding nomination of Circle Level representatives for Sixth membership verification. Letter No.-TF-1/1(E-V), Dated:-14-02-2013. Click Here

14-02-2013 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL: President, NFTE accompanied with Comrades Pawan Meena, Dy. GS SNATTA, All India (Auditor) Tejai Tadsere & Circle Secy Sh. Amit Kulkarni, Amit Mittal (Circle President, NFTE Punjab met the CMD BSNL on the following issues. (1) Wage erosion of D/R staff (TTAs and others) and steps for protection. There has been positive response in the matter. (2) Delay in notification for JTO departmental Examination Maharashtra in circle.

14-02-2013 : Proposal for Child Care leave is likely to come for consideration in Next Management Meeting of BSNL.

13-02-2013 : : Circle Executive Meeting and convention at Ludhiana on 12th February: The Circle Executive Meeting and convention of Branch Secretaries was held at Telephone Exechange under the Presidentship of Com. Amit Mittal, Circle President, More than 500 Comrades from different parts of Punjab and 104 branches participated. All District Secretaries were also present. Comrades Hakam Singh (C/S Punjab) Suryamani (D/S Jalandar), Raj Kumar (D/S Bhatinda), Vishal Mohineroo (D/P Ferozepur), Piyush Verma (D/S Ludhiana) attending from Snatta. At the outset GS paid rich tributes to Com. O.P. Gupta. On the occasion a seminar was also organized on “ BSNL Viability and role of Trade union” which was attended by Sr. GMTD and IFA of the Telecom District. The CGM, Shri Julka, sent a message which was read out by Sr. GM. Com. M.L. Sharma, C/S conducted and Com. Mittal guided the proceedings. The GS, Com. C. Singh and VP (CHQ), Com. Mohinder Singh addressed the meeting and seminar and appealed to workers to place NFTE at 1st place in the verification. Mahinder Prasad District President (Ludhiana), Com. J.S. Sandhu and Sangara Singh Dhillon (C.V.P) Com. O.S Rana (A.C.S) and Som Prakash Sharma (D/S Bhatinda) others also addressed the meeting. NFTE BSNL Punjab Circle appeal all two days strike on 20-21 February 2013 a great success. The Punjab circle is marching and sure to register victory. Click Here

13-02-2013 : Incorrect Calculation of vacancies for LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre in 35% quota - case of Western UP Circle. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-13-02-2013. Click Here

13-02-2013 : 78.2% IDA Merger: BSNL has not yet replied to the querries of DOT. Information from concerned sections are being obtained and only then reply will be sent to DOT.

13-02-2013 : Amendment in the Schedule of Disciplinary, Appellate and Reviewing Authorities contained in BSNL CDA Rules, 2006. Letter No.-10-5/2012-WS&I, Dated:-24-01-2013. Click Here

12-02-2013 : RESOLUTION TO FORGE ALLIANCE : The extended National Executive Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL held at Ongole on 4th & 5th February, 2013 appreciates the role of the leadership of BSNL Workers alliance for keeping the unity in tact till this date. The NEC notes that the alliance approached the issues of employees in one voice and achieved the demand of formation of separate BSNL Rules for recognizing unions, proportionate representation in Councils and Minimum Trade union facilities. The NEC desires to hold the banner of Alliance to face the 6th membership verification and to meet the challenges. The NEC appeals to the leadership of Snatta and other unions of BSNL workers Alliance to strengthen the alliance and steer the alliance to attain the position of sole bargaining agent. NFTE BSNL National Executive appeals to SEWA BSNL to extend their support by forging alliance with NFTE BSNL. NFTE assures to alliance unions that their interest will be safeguarded and assures SC/ST employees that their interest will be advanced.

12-02-2013 : Transfers of Staff in Hill areas - Request for relaxation. Letter No.-TF-20/3, Dated:-11-02-2013. Click Here

12-02-2013 : NFTE'S COMMITMENT AND TARGET. Click Here

12-02-2013 : Adilabad district executive meeting held on 10-2-2013 at mancheriyal. Nearly 100 active comrades attended the meeting. Com. A RAJAMOULI secretary chq, Com, K ANJAIAH cs and Com. M PARASHARAMULU circle president attended and addressed the meeting Com. N SRINIVASULU REDDY, TM elected as district president in the vacant post. Com. NARAYANA branch secretary and his teem organised the meeting in grand manner in a short time.

12-02-2013 : Attention circle Secretaries: Please advise all District Secretaries to Check the voters lists.

12-02-2013 : Conduct of 6th membership verification to elect majority representative union(s) in BSNL. Letter No.-CRO/BSNL/2013, Dated:-11-02-2013. Click Here

12-02-2013 : Conduct of Sixth membership verification of non-executives' unions in BSNL - extension of facilities . Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-11-02-2013 Click Here

11-02-2013 : Meeting at Portblair Dy. GS, Com. CKM addressed and appealed to workers to vote for NFTE.

11-02-2013 : Notification for 6th Verification is likely to be issued today.

11-02-2013 : Com. Shyamal Ghosh, Circle Secy fallen sick: Com. S. Ghosh, Circle Secy, NFTE BSNL Kolkata Came to Ongole on 4th January but could not participate in the meeting due to paralytic stroke. He was admitted in hospital and now shifted to Chennai for treatment. Hqr wish him early recovery.

11-02-2013 : Condolence resolution on: Com. O.P. Gupta’s demise: The Extended National executive Meeting of NFTE BSNL at Ongole (A.P.) on 4th February, 2013 Condole the demise of Com. O.P. Guptaji (08-04-1922 to 06-01-2013) who was the symbol of working class unity and the tallest leader of NFPTE and NFTE. He was the first Secretary General of NFTE who successfully led the union to victory in the first even membership verification held in 2002. He was the main force behind the 3 days nationwide strike on the eve of corporatization in 2000 which ultimately safeguarded the Government pension from consolidated fund of India for lakhs of employees who had got transferred to BSNL on 01-10-2000. He was a genius and down to earth Comrade who understood the aspirations and sufferings of the lowest employees. He thought ahead of everybody and could foresee dangers and suggest proper wage and means to overcome these. He was the architect of Time bound promotions and restructuring of Cadres. He was responsible for the regularization of More than one lakh employees on 30-09-2000 on the eve of corporatization despite ban on recruitment since 1980. The extended executive records its appreciation for his untiring work during the last 6o years in the service of P & T and BSNL employees with the almost zeal and commitment. The fitting tribute to the departed leader would be to work for strengthening the NFTE BSNL and make it the first recognized union in BSNL after the 6th Membership verification. Com. O.P. Gupta will be remembered by P & T workers and BSNL employees for ever. The National executive record with proud that Com. Gupta was the only leader in the country who was jailed for 14 months of rigorous imprisonment just for signing the strike agreement in 1949. He was man of the masses and loved by even those who opposed him on some issues. His loss will be felt for ever and is not easy to fill that vacum.

11-02-2013 : Punjab Circle working Committee Meeting is taking place on 12th at Ludhiana GS will attend.

11-02-2013 : Holding of 6th membership verification process through Secret ballot for electing majority representative union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL-Finalisation and supply of electoral rolls to the authorized representatives of participating unions. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-08-02-2013. Click Here

09-02-2013 : Change of Designation. Letter No.-TF-53, Dated:-09-02-2013. Click Here

09-02-2013 : BSNL Recognition Rules of Non-Executives' Unions and Representation in the Councils Rules, 2012. Letter No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, Dated:-31-01-2013. Click Here

09-02-2013 : Change of Designation Proposal regarding. Click Here

09-02-2013 : Mammoth Meeting at Asman Mahal in Hyderabad TD. Click Here

09-02-2013 : Photos of meeting held at Tirupati. Click Here

09-02-2013 : Photos of Meeting held at Kurnool. Click Here

09-02-2013 : Modification in policy for provision of pre-paid SIM with a talk time of Rs.200/- p.m. to Telecom Mechanics/Regular Mazdoors who undertake out door duties and select non Executives on the basis of functional need. Letter No.-02-22/2002-PHA(pt), Dated:-18-01-2013. Click Here

08-02-2013 : A very large meeting is taking place at Hyderabad TD in Asmanmahal. President, GS and others are addressing.

08-02-2013 : 6th Membership Verification: List of Eligible Unions. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-08-02-2013. Click Here

08-02-2013 : Notice for two days General Strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013. Click Here

08-02-2013 : Organisational meeting at Anantapur on 07-02-2013: District Union organised a big meeting under the Presidentship of Com. Padmanabha chary. Employees from all branches attended the meeting. More than 120 employees present in the meeting . Com . C. Singh G.S NFTE narrated the developments took place in last few months in B S N L . The employees lost bonus in last three years , due to wrong approach of recognised union and said they failed to protect the bonus to employees. Com . Rajamouli Secretary CHQ explained the new recognition rules and its effects after election. Because of weak negotiating machinary in councils, employees are suffering with NEPP , wage revosion , without LTC facility and medical without vochers. He assured the employees NFTE will stand like a rock to protect the legitimate demands, which were lost in eight years. Com. N. Parasharamulu Circle President Com . Ramana District Secretary Kurnool , C. Sudhakar ACS and Koteshwar Reddy ACS also attended and addressed the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Krishna Reddy District Secretary Anantapur. Click Here

08-02-2013 : Meeting at Cuddapah: A mass meeting of NFTE BSNL was held on 7th under Presidentship of Com. Subramaniam. District Secy welcomed the Leaders. Com. Islam told how the interest of BSNL and workers have been ignored for last 8 years. He appealed to vote for NFTE to remove the darkness hovering around PSU and employees. Circle Secy and ACS also spoke and touched issues in Telgu.

08-02-2013 : 2 Days General Strike on 20, 21-02-2013. Click Here

07-02-2013 : Old Car of NFTE BSNL which was in the name of Late Shri O.P. Gupata was handed over to his son Mr. Salil Gupta on 2nd February 2013.

07-02-2013 : President and GS are today attending meeting at Cuddapah and Anantapur respectively.

07-02-2013 : ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING AT KURNOOL: A well organized meeting held at Telephone Exchange on 06-02-2013 under Presidentship of Com. Ramadasu. More than 300 employees of all unions attended the meeting. Com. C. Singh General Secretary garlanded Late O.P. Gupta and addressed the meeting. He explained the gathering how corporation formed and said BSNLEU is knowingly went in dark to avoid their responsibility at that time. But, now started wrong propaganda against NFTE. NFTE should like a rock even after non-co operation from FNTO & BTEF and secured financial viability of BSNL, Job Security, Government Pension to absorbed employees. He assured the employees that after the election NFTE will be in 1st position and secure the lost bonus, LTC, Medical etc, Com. Rajamouli, Secretary, CHQ, Com. M. Parasuramulu, Circle President and Com. Koteswara Reddy, ACS explained the staff related issues and examinations. Secretary CHQ explained the new recognition rules in detail. Com. Ramana, District Secretary and his team organized meeting in a grand manner. Meeting ended at 8.00 p.m. by vote of thanks by Com. Ramana.

07-02-2013 : Meeting on 6th February at Tirupati : “President and Circle Secy Andhra addressed a well attended meeting of employees at Tirupati Com. Islam explained how 78.2% IDA issue was not settled in wage agreement on 15th January agreement he touched other issues also Circle Secy gave Telgu version”.

07-02-2013 : National Executive Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL completed from 4th to 5th at Ongole. NFTE will continue the alliance. Click Here

07-02-2013 : Amendment to CCS (Pension Rules) 1972. Click Here

07-02-2013 : BSNLMRS - Revision of ceiling rates for stents. Click Here

07-02-2013 : Constitution of a Core Group to deal with matters relating to holding of 6th membership verification process for grant of recognition to majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. F.No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-29-01-2013. Click Here

01-02-2013 : 4th Circle conference of Culcutta Telephones. Click Here

01-02-2013 : Loss of lives of employees due to non-empanelment of Hospitals of Bhilai-Request for urgent intervention. Letter No.-TF-32/5, Dated:-30-01-2013. Click Here

01-02-2013 : BSNL's Core Committee for verification BSNL F. No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, dt-29-01-2013. Click Here

31-01-2013 : NFTE BSML has sought intervention of CMD regarding settlement of 78.2% IDA fixation benefits to staff with cogent points. Letter No. TF-10/3 Dated : 30.01.2013 Click Here

31-01-2013 : Telecom Mechanic Deptt quota examination : The establishment branch of BSNL Hqr has replied to the points raised by recruitment branch. Notification is now expected.

31-01-2013 : The membership strength of NFTE BSNL has increased in almost all circles as per reports available at Hqr. Membership drive should continue for best result in 6th verification. Don’t rest till target in not achieved.

30-01-2013 : Item (5) of strike agreement signed on 12-06-2012 between unions and BSNL Management relating to superannuation benefits to BSNL Recruits - Request for expeditious action for implementation of the strike agreement. Letter No.-11/10(b), Dated:-30-01-2013. Click Here

30-01-2013 : Functioning of BBL vis-a-vis BSNL's position. Letter No.-19/1(C), Dated:-30-01-2013. Click Here

30-01-2013 : Private Telecom Companies oppose move to bail out BSNL: Private mobile operators have raised objections to a proposal of DOT to give financial support to State-run telecom companies. The Department of Telecom has sought the Cabinet’s approval for a Rs. 20,000-crore bailout package for Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. The Department proposes to waive the one-time spectrum charge and refund money for surrendered broadband spectrum. BSNL wants to surrender broadband spectrum. BSNL wants to surrender broadband spectrum (2300 Mhz band) in six circles including Karnataka, Kolkata, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. If the Cabinet accepts this request, the PSU BSNL will get a refund of Rs. 6,724.51 crore. Supposed to pay in upfront charge of Rs. 1,626 crore and an annual fee of Rs. 893 crore as one-time fee for excess spectrum beyond 4.4 Mhz. BSNL’s finances have taken a turn for the worse with its income declining from Rs. 35,812 crore in 2008-09 to Rs. 27,934 crore in 2011-12. During this period, the company’s bottomline changed from a net profit of Rs. 574 crore to a loss of Rs. 8,851 crore. But the private operators, have opposed any support by the Government. “Consideration of any such proposal is not permissible as it will be in contravention of all tenets of policy, fair competition and level playing field,” the two industry associations said in a letter to Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal. (Based on business line report).

29-01-2013 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL: President and Secy, Com. Rajpal met CMD on the following issues. 78.2% IDA merger : union requested the CMD to ensure that the reply is sent to DOT expeditiously. The DOT is making quarries after quarries. Shortage of Cables at Patna: There is shortage of 5 and 10 pair cables at Patna. CMD told that the CGM is competent to purchase 5 pair cables.

29-01-2013 : Empanelment of Hospitals Meeting with GM(A): 4 employees have expired on account of non-empanelment of Hospitals at Bhilai. The GM (A) has been requested to intervene for empanelment of hospitals at Bhilai. He has also been requested to take steps for empanelment of Gangaram Hospital at Delhi.

29-01-2013 : BSNL Hqr vide letter No.-8-23/2012-PHM, dt-17-01-2013 has issued orders for fault clearance in Landline phones. (1) Fault clearance work should be carried out between 0700 to 2100 hours including on Sunday and Holidays. (2) SDE/JTO/DE/DGM and GM should visit at faults. Click Here


29-01-2013 : Branch, District and other office bearers convention and seminar at Patna. The wind blowing for change and in favour of NFTE BSNL for 6th verification. Click Here

29-01-2013 : Anamoly in Pension of BSNL staff retired within 10 months after 1st October, 2000-Settlement procedure BSNL Letter No.-40-27/2011-Pen(B) (Misc), dt-24-01-2013. Click Here

29-01-2013 : Grant of Special Casual Leave to Members of National Executive Committee of NFTE-BSNL for attending National Executive Committee Meeting of NFTE BSNL from 4th February, 2013 to 5th February, 2013 at Ongole in Andhra Pradesh. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2013, Dated:-24-01-2013. Click Here

29-01-2013 : Repatriation of staff from Rural to urban areas: BSNL HQR vide letter No.-6-1/2007-Restg, dt-24-01-2013 has issued orders for maintenance of Request Register for repatriation of employees from rural to urban places. Circle/District Secretaries are requested to ensure that request registers are maintained to prevent favoritism.

28-01-2013 : (1) Disabled Children are entitled for family pension after marriage. (2) Now two family pensions are allowed for military and civil employments. (DOP No.-1/33/2012 – P and PW (E), dt-16-01-2013). Click Here

28-01-2013 : orders issued for appointment of Returning officers in each circle for 6th verification. (No CRO/BSNL/2013, dt-24-01-2013) Click Here

24-01-2013 : Employees Transfer Policy-Instractions on proper maintance of waiting list Letter No.-6-1/2007-Restg, Dated:-24-01-2013. Click Here

24-01-2013 : 230 Employees have joined NFTE BSNL at Aligarh in presence of Comrades Sompal Saini (C/S), Anil Chauhan (D/S Buland Shabar), Rajpal (D/S Aligarh) Jabar Hussain (Spl Invite HQR) and Atar Singh (D/S Sewa). A committee consisting of Comrades Rajpal (Patron) Udaibir Singh (President), Raj Kumar (VP), Dinesh Puri (Secy), Atar Singh (Assist Secy), S.S. Yadav (Treasurer) have been formed.

24-01-2013 : Modification in policy for provision of pre-paid SIM with a talk time of Rs. 200/- p.m. to Telecom Mechanics / Regular Mazdoors who undertake out door duties and select non Executive on the basis of functional need Letter No.-02-22/2002-PHA (pt), Dated:-18-01-2013. Click Here

24-01-2013 : Forum of unions/Associations meeting has been held today under the Chairman ship of Com. C. Chandeshwar Singh GS NFTE and decided the following programme of action for settlement of 78.2% IDA merger issue. (1) Savingram Compaign by District/Circe secretaries to DOT and copies to CMD BSNL and Hon’ble Minister of Communications from 28-01-2013 to 30-01-2013. (2) Lunch hour demonstration on 11-02-2013 at District/circle/C.O. Head quarter. (3) Dharna on 15-02-2013 at District/Circle/C.O. head quarter. All the Branch/District/circle Secretaries are requested to implement the said programme. TEXT OF SAVINGRAM: Demand immediate implementation of settlement of agreement on 78.2% IDA Merger.

24-01-2013 : Branch Secretaries convention at Patna: The convention of Branch, District Secretaries and others are taking place on 28th January at Patna. President and GS may attend the convention.

23-01-2013 : Clarion call to BSNL Employees to enmasse join the February, 20th & 21st General Strike. Click Here

23-01-2013 : Condolence Meetings held at Alipur, Berhampur, Burdwan, Suri, Telecom stores etc in West Bengal to pay homage to the departed leader Com. OPG. Click Here

23-01-2013 : VISIONARY AND UNPARALLEL LEADER COM. OPG NO MORE.(Editorial Telecom February, 2013 (English & Hindi). Click Here

22-01-2013 : Orders on Child Care leave are expected.

22-01-2013 : Homage to Com. Guptajee by postal unions: A condolence meeting on the sad demise of Com. OPG was organized today by postal unions. President, GS and Secy, Com. Rajmouli attended and paid respectful homage to the departed leader.

22-01-2013 : BSNL Recognition Rules of Non-Exectives' Unions and Representation in the Councils Rules, 2012. Letter No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, Dated:-11-01-2013. Click Here

22-01-2013 : Circle Convention of Kerala held successfully on 19-01-2013: Circle convention of branch secretaries, district secretaries and leaders of NFTE-BSNL, Kerala circle was held at Eranakulam on 19-1-2012. Convention was presided by Com. Radhakrishnan P K , C/P. Com. Mathivanan CK, DGS-NFTE and Com.Michael P M (NEC Member) addressed on behalf of CHQ and explaining the new recognition rule and the importance of getting recognition to NFTE in the forth coming referendum in BSNL. Sri. Abhilash, Coordinator SNATTA attended the convention along with other SNATTA leaders and addressed the gathering appealing to settle the issues related to DR-TTAs. Sri. P V Dharmadas, C/S charted the programs to face referendum and addressed the session. Four Ex-circle secretaries of NFTE-BSNL Kerala, Com. T V Poulose, Com. K M Joseph, Com. Iyppu, Com.Pushparajan were present and addressed the convention. Com. K M Joseph, Ex-circle secretary delivered the condolence speech in remembrance of our departed leader Com. O P Gupta.

21-01-2013 : NFTE BSNL delegation consisting of President, GS, Comrades Rajmouli and Rajpal met GM(SR) after submitting application to participate in the 6th verification. Discussion took place about the preparation of electoral rolls and nomination of ROS.

21-01-2013 : O.P. Gupta-Symbol of Unity Struggle and Settlement. Click Here

21-01-2013 : Mrs. Meena Bhatnagar, Sr. TOA(P) NTR and staunch worker of NFTE BSNL has expired today, NFTE HQR extends heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

21-01-2013 : Delay in notification for holding limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to Telecom Mechanic Cadre - Request for intervention. Letter No.TF-14/2(d), Dated:-21-01-2013. Click Here

21-01-2013 : Condolence Meeting in Bangalore: Condolence Meeting was held at NGOs Hall Cubbon Park Bangalore on 16-01-2013. Members from various Districts attended. Com.Andeli Circle Secretary of AIBSNLEA, Com.Nagavi, Circle Secretary of SNEA Com.Praksh of BSNLEU & Com.Sheshadri Circle Secretary participated and paid their homage to departed leader Com.O.P.Guptaji. In the condolence meeting senior leaders viz. Com.K.V.Ashwathnarayna Rao, Com.G.Babu. Com.H.R.Sathyamurthy,Com.Gundu Rao of NFPTE , Com.Bhaskaran, Com.Manjunatha from Postal Wing and many ex and present leaders of NFPTE and Govt. Organization paid tributes and remembered their relations with Com.O.P.Guptaji. All the leaders recalled the olden days of struggle under the visionary leadership specially strikes of the year 1960, 1968 and September 2000. The yeomen service of ComO.P.Guptaji was appreciated by each and every speaker.

21-01-2013 : BSNL to offer VRS to one lakh employees to trim losses- Media Report (Business Standard). Click Here

19-01-2013 : Circle Conference of Kolkatta Telephones: Circle conference of Kolkatta Telephones held on 16th & 17th January, 2013 at C.T.O Dormitary B.B. Bagh Kolkata. The conference was inaugurated by Com. Gurudas Dasgupta MP & General Secretary AITUC. It was attended and addressed by Shri Som Nath Malthy, Chief General Manager, CTD, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary NFTE (BSNL), Com. K.K. Singh, Secretary CHQ, Com. G.C. Bhawal President West Bengal Circle, Com. Shyamal Ghosh C.S. CTD and Com. Tapan Bishwas D/S Civil wing. Com. Gurudas Dasgupta narrated the international & national economical situation and urged the workers to unite to fight against the anti workers policy of the Govt. He told that the workers through out the world are on Warpath, due to sufferings. Com. C. Singh G.S. explained the staff related issues in detail and the new recognition rules of BSNL. He appealed to the workers to strengthen the NFTE in west Bengal and Kolkatta. Com. K.K. Singh Secretary explained the issues Bonus, LTC, Medical and Financial viability of the BSNL. Latter in delegate session a team of office bearers were elected unanimously headed by Com. Lal Mohan Bala, Com. Shyamal Kr. Ghosh & Com. Anandmony Chartterji as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

19-01-2013 : Kolkatta Telecom Factory: A mass meeting was organized by the circle union Kolkatta Telecom Factory under the leadership of Com. Murshid Ali, Circle Secretary. The gathering was addressed by Com. K.K. Singh, Secretary CHQ and Com. C. Singh, GS NFTE (BSNL). Both the leaders explained the current issues of the staff as well as viability of BSNL. VRS, Disinvestment. New recognition rule. The staff of T.F. Kolkatta are more united than ever before and they have shown full faith in NFTE and Com. Murshid Ali as leader. The membership in T.F. Kolkatta, Gopalpur and Kharagpur have increased much. The meeting ended with speech by Com. Murshid Ali who explained the organizational position of the union in T.F. He Thanked the CHQ leaders for sparing time to attend the meeting.

19-01-2013 : Convention at Bellary: The Karnataka Circle NFTE is organizing a convention of branch Secretaries on 27th January, 2013 at Bellary at 9.30 hrs. All Branch , District secretaries and CWC members & active members are attending.

19-01-2013 : Redeployment of the non optees/DOT optees/ Government status optees Grp-B (JTO), Grp C&D officials who are working in different circle of BSNL on deemed deputation basis. F. No.-BSNL/11/-SR/2012, Dated:-16-01-2013. Click Here

19-01-2013 : Branch Secretaries convention of Kerala circle is taking place at Ernakulam today. Com. C.K. Mathivanan Dy. GS is attending.

19-01-2013 : COMRADE GUPTA IS IMMORTAL. Click Here

19-01-2013 : Corporate Office issued 4.2% IDA Order w.e.f. 01-01-2013, Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-17-01-2013. Click Here

17-01-2013 : Erosion in wages of staff sequel to Pay revision in wef 1st January, 2007. Letter No.-TF-9/8, Dated:-17-01-2013. Click Here

17-01-2013 : DOT seeks cabinet approval for BSNL/MTNL packages: The DOT has sought Rs. 20,000/- crore packages for BSNL/MTNL to waive of spectrum charges and refund money for surrendered spectrums. The BSNL has proposed to surrender brad band spectrum in six circles including Karnataka, Kolkata, Andhra, Gujrat, Maharashtra etc.

17-01-2013 : BSNL Hqr has already orders and laid down procedure vide letter No.-2-3/2011-Rectt-I, dt-15-02-2011 to maintain transparency circle and District unions must read it carefully and inform NFTE Hqr on the issue as and when needed. Click Here

16-01-2013 : President NFTE BSNL met CMD on 16th and drew his attention on following issues which are still unsettled despite persuation. (1) wage erosion of staff due to revision of scales. (2) CGA cases in MP circle. (3) Proposed closure of Telegraph offices.

16-01-2013 : LICE/Separate LICE for promotion to the grade of Personal Assistant in the field Units of BSNL. Letter No.-72-1/2012-DE, Dated:-14-01-2013. Click Here

16-01-2013 : Honourable Central Administrative Tribunal Ernakulam delivered Judgment on 11-12-2012 in case No.-289, of 2012 that ‘Presidential order’ in only criteria to get pension to BSNL employees including TSM’s No authority can withdraw the presidential order except President of India.

16-01-2013 : Record of discussions of the meeting held on 19th December, 2012 with the office bearers of NFTE BSNL in pursuance of the directives given by the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (C), New Delhi. Letter No.-BSNL/9-11/SR/2010, Dated:-15-01-2013. Click Here


16-01-2013 : Com. Chandeshwar Singh GS and Com. K.K. Singh Secretary Hqr are attending circle conference of Kolkata Telephones today.

15-01-2013 : LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre under 35% quota has been issued. Date of examination is 02-06-2013.

15-01-2013 : MOU signed with Canara Bank for extending various loan schemes to BSNL valid from 01-11-2012 to 30-11-2013. Letter No.-1-9/BRCI/staff loan/12-13 dt-14-01-2013.

15-01-2013 : Mass condolence Meeting held in CTO Dormitory, New Delhi: A mass condolence meeting has been organized on 15-01-2013 in CTO Dormitory in which General Secretaries and other leaders of different unions in BSNL, MTNL and postal participated. Com. G.L. Dhar, Secretary, AITUC also attended the meeting and paid glowing tributes to late Com. OP Gupta. The General Secretaries of NFTE BSNL, BSNL EU, BSNLWRU, BSNL MS, FNTO, AIBSNL EA, SNEA, Bahujana TU, RMS, NFPE and Com. Namboodri, President, BSNL EU spoke about the qualities and services of the great departed leader. The son and grand – son of Com. Gupta were also present on the occasion Shri Jain GM (Mtnce) and DGM (Admn) NTR attended the condolence meeting and paid respect full homage to Com. O.P. Gupta. The CMD and Director (HR) could not attend because of planning commission meeting but they send their message to NFTE BSNL and paid tributes to Com. O.P. Gupta. The circle Secretaries from Punjab and Haryana of NFTE and Vice Presidents Mohinder Singh and Malhan along with others were also present. President, NFTE BSNL presided the meeting. Click Here

15-01-2013 : NFTE BSNL Circle branch of A & N Portblair organized condolence meeting on 09-01-2013 to pay homage to the beloved leader Com. O.P. Gupta. A large number of Telecom workers attended the meeting to pay tributes to the departed soul.

15-01-2013 : DOT wants Government to bear the cost of the one-time spectrum fee for BSNL and MTNL: BSNL, MTNL ready to surrender part of 2G spectrum. Click Here


14-01-2013 : Extended National Executive Committee Meeting at Ongole-Andhra Pradesh Dated:- 04-02-2013 & 05-02-2013. Click Here

14-01-2013 : Condolence Meeting at Chennai: A massive condolence meting was organized by Chennai telephones circle union on the evening of 12/01/2013 at Flower bazaar telephone exchange complex to condole the death of comrade O.P. Gupta. His portrait was opened by Com. K.Vallinayagam former GS of FNTO and garlanded by Com. C.K.Mathivanan.Comrades,Raveendran (GS,SEWA-BSNL),K.Arumugam(GS,PEWA-BSNL),G.Anandan (GS,BSNLDEU), S.Lingamurthy (CS,FNTO), P.Udhayasurian (CS,AIBSNLOA),K.Govindarajan(CS,BSNLEU),J.Vijayakumar(CS,TEPU),R.Gunasekaran(CS,BSNLDEU),P.Sangili(AIBSNLEA) and on behalf of NFTE_BSNL comrades, M.K.Ramaswamy, C.K.Mathivanan, V.K. Gopalan, S.C.Bose, M.K.Rajeswari paid rich tributes and recalled the achievements of Com. O.P.Gupta. The meeting lasted for 4 hours. A suggestion was mooted in the meeting to install the statue of Com. O.P.Gupta in Chennai on 08/04/2013, his next berth anniversary. Many comrades started giving contributions in this meeting itself to meet the expenses of this statue. The circle union thanks all the union leaders who have participated in the condolence meeting. on behalf of BSNL management. Click Here

14-01-2013 : Condolence message to the bereaved family of Late O.P. Gupta Ji from Shri Neeraj Verma GM (Trg & SR) on behalf of BSNL management. Click Here

14-01-2013 : The NFTE BSNL held condolence meetings at Amirtsar, Jullunder, Hoshiarpur, Patiala, Chandigarh and Ludhiana.

14-01-2013 : The NFTE BSNL held condolence meeting at Warangal on 07-01-2013. Click Here

14-01-2013 : Com. R.K. Krishnamoorthy, former Secy NFTE BSNL and veteran leader has attended the funeral Ceremony of Com. O.P. Gupta on 7th January, 2013. It is regretted his name was not put in the website.

14-01-2013 : Aprise, awake and Don’t stop till you attain the Target: BSNL HQR has framed and issued its own recognition rules on 26th December, 2013. The notification for verification as per orders of BSNL Hqr dt-26th December has also been issued on 4th January, 2013. Our entire efforts should be to achieve more than 50% votes in the 6th verification. NFTE HQRs appeal to you all to arise, awake and donot stop’ till you attain the target ie more than 50% votes in 6th Verification scheduled for 16-04-2013. Click Here

14-01-2013 : Ignore malicious propaganda: Undesirable and disgruntled elements are making malicious propaganda that President NFTE BSNL was abent on the funeral day of Com. Gupta. Com. Islam left for Allahabad on 5th night and reached there on 06-01-2013 at 1600 hours ie after 20 hours of Journey. Death news came at 2015 hours on 06-01-2013 Train services was completely disrupted and there was no flight available. The President communicated death news to maximum people and situation was explained to GS NFTE BSNL. Ignore the malicious propaganda of disgruntled and undesirable elements. Those who hurled abuses during his life are shedding now crocodile tears.

14-01-2013 : Condolence Meeting at CTO Dormitory in place of Kidwai Bhavan on 15th January, 2013 at 1200 hours:- The NFTE BSNL HQR is organizing condolence meeting on 15-01-2013 at 1200 hours in CTO Dormitory in place of Kidwai Bhavan on the sad demise of Com. O.P. Gupta. Please make it convenient to attend to lament the death of the late lambented leader.

14-01-2013 : 35% quota LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre: All relevant issues relating to examination have been sorted out between staff and Recruitment sections of corporate HQR. Notification is likely to be issued at any time.

14-01-2013 : Alliance Meeting Postponed: BSNLWA meeting scheduled for 21st January is postponed as per desire of alliance partners.

14-01-2013 : National Executive Meeting at Ongole: The Reception Committee is holding NE Meeting in short period with limited resources. The circle Secretaries are requested to ensure that the host branch is not burdened with the observers.

12-01-2013 : OPG Condolence meeting, Nalgonda: Com.Om Prakash Gupta, Former secretary general of NFTE condolence meeting was held at Nalgonda in the G.M office premises under the President ship of Com.Padmareddy. At the outset rich tributes were paid to late Com. O.P. Gupta and two minutes silence was observed in the memory and respect of late leader. com.M.Parashuram, circle president, attended in this condolence meeting. This meeting was arranged by com. G.Krishnareddy, DS, NFTE. The General Manager sri D S .Narendra, The DGM, SRI.Prasad, DE (Admn) were attended from Administration side. And comrades B.Paripurnachary,ACS,(BSNL EU) N.V.Shesharao,DS(SNEA) M.Raviprasad,(Graduates Engg Assn), Mallikarjun,DS,(SNATTA),M.Prabhakar,DS,(SEWA), Subhani,DS,(AIBSNL), Retired Employees President,Secretary,Mohanrao & Jagannadha Reddy and Nalgonda, Miryalaguda, Suryapet, Bhongir, Munugodu, Devarakonda, Choutuppal Branch Secretaries & no. of employees attended. In this meeting G.M D.S Narendra, DGM Prasad, Com. M.Parashuram circle president, G. Krishnareddy DS, NFTE, B.Paripurnachary, P.Jagannadhareddy, Jaganmohanreddy,SDE,(BSNL Telangana JAC Secretary) spoke about O.P.Guptaji. Click Here

11-01-2013 : Notification for LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre under 35% quota this round the corner.

11-01-2013 : Condolence Meeting: A Condolence meeting will be held on 15th January at 1200 hours in Telecom Recreation club of Kidwai Bhavan 5th floor to pay homage and tributes to our great and beloved leader Com. O.P. Gupta expired on 6th January. Trade union leaders are being requested to attend to mourn the sad demise of the legendary and visionary leader.

11-01-2013 : Condolence Meetings. Click Here

10-01-2013 : Meeting at Lucknow: Meetings have been held at Chowk and Kaiserbagh Telephone Exchanges at Lucknow on 10th January. The TTAs belonging to Snatta organized the meeting at kaiserbagh. Homage paid both the meetings to late Com. O.P. Gupta. Com. Islam placed the facts before Snatta Comrades on the issues examination. The meeting at Chowk was held under the Chairmanship of Com. Rajiv Verma, Circle President. Comrades R.J. Yadav, ACS and R.K. Mishra addressed the meeting Com. Islam while giving details on many issues told that the visionary leader, Com. OPG secured pension and Job security to BSNL employees. In the entire world there is no example where employees working in Corporation get Govt. pension but Com. OPG achieved. This is unparallel real homage to the departed leader will be to give victory to NFTE BSNL in verification.

10-01-2013 : DPE issued orders for increase in IDA w.e.f. 1st January 2013 (71.5%). Click Here

10-01-2013 : Non-transfer of non-executive staff till completion of 6th membership verification process in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-04-01-2013. Click Here

10-01-2013 : Com. O.P. Gupta Condolence Meeting at GMTD Office, Vijayawada on 07-01-2013. Click Here

10-01-2013 : A condolence meeting was conducted at Telephone Exchange compound, Ongole on 08-01-2013 . A.P Circle secretary com. K. Anjaiah attended . District secretaries of all unions in BSNLand senior comrades addressed the meeting and paid rich tributes to Com.O.P.Gupata. Click Here

10-01-2013 : Special General Body meeting of NFTE (BSNL) Kamrup Telecom Distt. at Guwahati (Assam). More than 500 members joined NFTE (BSNL) from other Unions at Guwahati (Assam): A Grand success meeting of NFTE (BSNL) held at guwahati which was attended by more than 500 members. A special feature of the meeting was the presence of circle secretaries and other members of NE1, NE2 and Assam Circle. Shri K.K Singh, Secretary and Shri C.Singh, General secretary were present from CHQ. The meeting was addressed by Shri N.Deka, C.S Assam Circle, Com A.Syiemlie, C.S( NE1), Com. N.Vizo, C.S (NE2), Com. Ambika Bezbaruah, D.S Kamrup(Assam). The leaders from head quarter explained in detail all the current issues related to staff as well as financial viability of BSNL. GS Exhorted regarding BSNL rule for reorganization of union. Shri K.K Singh expressed happiness and thanked to the comrades of Kamrup telecom Dist for Holding meeting in such a grand manner and he also explained the issues of bonus, NEPP, Departmental Examination for promotion and all the negatives of recognised union. Before open session a delegate session was held which elected Com. Shyamalendu Bhattacharjee, Com. Ambika Bezbaruah and Com. Pradip Kumar Bagabati as President, D.S and Treasurer respectively. The meeting was presided over by Com. Shyamalendu Bhattacharjee and it was ended with a vote of thanks by Com. N.Deka C.S (Assam). Click Here

09-01-2013 : Meeting at Indra Nagar Telephone Exchange, Lucknow: A meeting of BSNL employees has been held on 9th at 1300 hours under the Chairmanship of Com. A.S. Kushwaha. Com. Islam in his address mentioned about the contributions of Com. Late Gupta Jee who secured Job security, Pension in Corporatarisation. In his address he exhorted the assembled workers to work hard to improve the services and ensure maximum support to NFTE in the verification. The days of one union is over as per new recognition rule issued on 26th December, 2012. The employees observed 2 minutes silence and paid homage to the departed leader.

09-01-2013 : Homage to Late Com. O.P. Gupta by Indore Comrade. Click Here

09-01-2013 : Meeting with Additional Secretary DOT. Click Here

08-01-2013 : Massive meeting at Allahabad: A very massive meeting took place at Allahabad in C.T.O. premises under the President ship of Com. V.K. Jaiswal. At the outset rich tributes were paid to late Com. O.P. Gupta and two minutes silence was observed in the memory and respect of late leader. The Addl. G.M. (Admn), Dy. G.M. (Plg & Rural)/ (Finance) participated in the condolence meeting. Shri A.K. Mishra, Addl. G.M. (Admn) paid homage to late Guptajee on behalf of management. Comrades R.N. Pande, Circle Secretary and Islam Ahmad, All India President spoke about late Guptajee. They also touched other issues including new recognition rules, 78.2% IDA merger. Com. Islam paying rich tributes to beloved leader Guptajee and recalled his services to downtrodden. Due to him only TM, TTA and Sr. TOA cadres came into existence and casual labourers were regularized. District Secretary Mirzapur, Pratapgarh and Banda also attended the meeting alongwith may other Comrades.

08-01-2013 : Clarification of deduction on subscription - reg. Letter No.-TF-1/1(H), Dated:-08-01-2013. Click Here

08-01-2013 : Condolence Meeting at BSNL Head Quarters: On 08-01-2013 a meeting was organised at the BSNL Head quarters (Corporate office) to pay homage to our departed leader O.P. Gupta. Com. M.P. Singh, circle Secretary, BSNL Corporate office Presided, over the Meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, our General Secretary, Com. Prahalad Rai, General Secretary of AIBSNLEA, Com. Rakesh Sethi, General Secretary of AIBSNLOA and Com. C.K. Mathivanan our Dy. General Secretary, and leaders of BSNLEU, NTSU spoke at the Meeting and paid rich tribute to Com. O.P. Gupta. CHQ Secretaries Com. G. Jayaraman and Com. Rajpal alongwith Com. Krishna Mohan, District Secretary, Bangalore and hundreds of others also participated in the meeting. At the end of the meeting two minute silence was observed.

08-01-2013 : Convention of branch Secretaries in Kerala Circle: The Kerala Circle union has organized a convention of branch Secretaries along with the circle executive meeting on 19th January 2013 at the Boat Jetty Telephone exchange Complex in ERNAKULAM. Com. C.K. Mathivanan, Dy. General Secretary will address this convention alongwith Com. P.V. Dharmadass, circle Secretary and P.M. Michel, NEC Member.

08-01-2013 : NFTE Visakhapatnam Dist. union pay tributes to the departed leader. Sri, P NAGA RAJU GMTD Visakhapatnam, K.SOMASUNDARA RAO NFTE Dist.President, P.Ch.NAIDU NFTE Dist Secretary, P.LACHI RAJU BSNL EU Dist.Secretary, K.Kondala Rao and D. Yerraiah JTO are speakers more than 25o comrades are attended. Click Here

07-01-2013 : Com. O.P. Gupta laid to rest: Com. O.P. Gupta, father of the P & T trade union movement who was our guiding force was laid to rest in the Lodhi Marg Cremetoriam at 1130 Hrs on 07-01-2013 in the presence of hundreds of Comrades and family Members. Our General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary alongwith CHQ office bearers P.L. Dua, Chitrabasu, Rajpal, G. Jayayraman and circle Secretaries Com. Goel (Haryana), Com. R. Pattabiraman (Tamil Nadu) and Com. Krishnamohan, District Secretary, Bangaluru and Many Comrades from Tamil Nadu, Chennai Telephones and Karnataka have paid their last respects to the departed leader. On behalf of BSNLEU Comrades VAN Namboodri and Abhimanyu participated and paid their homage. Comrades Suresh Kumar, G/S BSNLMS and Jaiprakash, GS, NUBSNLW (FNTO) and many others attended the last rites of Com. O.P. Gupta on 7th Jan, 2013 at New Delhi.

07-01-2013 : Com. O.P. Gupta no more: Com. O.P. Gupta former Secy General NFPTE and NFTE BSNL expired on 6th at about 8 p.m. his contributions for working class and particularly P and T workers are immesurable and ever rememberable pray let soul rest in peace. Click Here

07-01-2013 : Condolences: A truly great & visionary Trade Union Leader has left us. Kindly accept & convey my heart felt condolences to the family members and entire Trade Union fraternity. I sincerely wished to be present at the cremation but restrictions on me till 15th April do not permit. My apologies. Regards……..Misra, (Member(S), TC. Veteran trade Union Leader of P&T movement Com. O.P. Gupta Ji expired 6th night. Tepu CHQ pay tributes to the departed leader. Subbu raman GSTEPU, Shri SC Misra member services spoke to president NFTE BSNL and expressed shock requested to convey heartfelt condolences to bereaved family and NFTE BSNL members.

07-01-2013 : Our great and beloved leader Com. O.P. Gupta is no more NFTE BSNL hqr pays rich tributes to the visionary leader we record our heartfelt condolences.

05-01-2013 : Pay fixation in IDA Pay scale in respect of absorbed officials promoted prior to 1st October, 2000 – Request for withholdment of recovery and waiving off the amount.Letter No. TF-9/9 Dated : 05.01.2013 Click Here

Attention Circle and District Secretaries –Appeal : NFTE Hqr appeals to you all to start preparation to face the election scheduled for 16th April, 2013 to elect the Majority union. Remember you have to make untiring efforts to get number one position in the election. Wishing and expecting fullest cooperation from you. We have to protect BSNL by improving work culture and interest of workers.

05-01-2013 : Grant of special casual for National Executive Committee Meeting of NFTE BSNL. Letter No. TF-4/1 Dated : 05.01.2013 Click Here

05-01-2013 : Modification in BSNL’s Rules for recognition of unions.Letter No. TF-1/1 (H) Dated : 05.01.2013 Click Here

05-01-2013 : Meetings at Katihar and Kisherganj SSAs : Meeting of NFTE BSNL have teken place on 4th/5th January at Katihar and Kisherganj respectively GM, Shri Manish Kumar, also attended meeting at Katihar. GS in his speech at both the places explained the present condition of BSNL and BSNL’s rules of recognition.There was no branch at Kishanganj but now miracle has taken place and NFTE is on strong position.

05-01-2013 : 6th Verification for recognition of non-executive unions as per BSNL rules - schedule regarding : 1. Issue of notification 11.02.2013 2. Last date for withdrawal of applications -15.02.2013 3. Date of Election – 16.04.2013 4. Counting of votes – 18.04.2013 5. Declaration of result – 18.04.2013 Note : Applications by unions should be submitted within one month of the communication No. BSNL/5-1/SR/2012 dated 04.01.2013. Chief returning officers – Shri Shamin Akhtar, Sr GM (TS), O/o CGM, NTR, New Delhi. Tel Phone :011-23321308, Fax No. – 011-23719068 (No. BSNL/5-1/SR/2012 dated 04.01.2013. All transfers held in abeyance. (No. BSNL/5-1/SR/2012 Dated 04.01.2013) Votes List : The employees retiring on 31st March, 2013 will not be in the votes list.

05-01-2013 : Preparation of revised Electoral. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012 Dated : 04.01.2013 Click Here

04-01-2013 : BSNL's Rules for recognition of non-executive unions in BSNL and participation in the councils etc in Hindi. Click Here

04-01-2013 : Meeting CMD, BSNL: President, NFTE BSNL met CMD and apprised him that the Recruitment section is delaying notification for holding LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre. He is intervening in the matter.

04-01-2013 : "Online Certificate Programmes" Letter No.-16-1/2012-Trg. Dated:-19-11-2012. Click Here

04-01-2013 : Non -transfer of non-executive staff till completion of 6th membership verification process in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-04-01-2013. Click Here

04-01-2013 : Appointment of Chief Returning Officer-conduct of 6th verification for electing majority representative unions(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012, Dated:-04-01-2013. Click Here

04-01-2013 : BSNL HQR vide letter No.-BSNL-5-1/SR/2012, dt-04-01-2013 has issued notifcation. Click Here

04-01-2013 : Telelabour Publication: Telelabour will not be published from January, 2013 onward.

04-01-2013 : Grief News: Mother of Com. B.B. Patel, District President expired on 1st January. Com. Jaisval, District Secy FNTO, ATD expired today NFTE BSNL offer heartfelt condolences.

04-01-2013 : Notice for exetended NE Meeting. Letter No.-TF-4/1, Dated:-04-01-2013. Click Here

04-01-2013 : Early notification for holding LDCE for promotion to TM Cadre. Recruitment branch of BSNL HQR is delaying the notification. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-04-01-2012. Click Here

03-01-2013 : Request to declare holiday on the eve of the festival of "Uttarayna" in Gujrat. Letter No.-TF-23/3, Dated:-03-01-2013. Click Here

03-01-2013 : Telecom Mechanic – TTA Guide available in NFTE BSNL’s office: The NFTE BSNL Publication has published two books in Hindi which are usefull for departmental examinations for promotion to Telecom Mechanic and TTA Cadres both. Two books set are available at the price of Rs. 250/- and postage of Rs. 25/- extra. Book your orders by sending DD of Rs. 275 (including postage) alongwith your address in the name of “Treasurer, NFTE BSNL, C-4/1 Bangla Saheb Road, New Delhi-1 for dispatch. The books will definitely help the candidates to improve their career prospects. Click Here

03-01-2013 : 78.2% IDA Merger: According to reliable sources the DOT has again asked for the details of expenditures involved in Pension and DCRG increase, apart from Encashment of leave.

03-01-2013 : BSNL’s Rules for recognition of unions – Discussions and submission of views for modification: BSNL has framed its recognition rules and circulated on 26th December. Accordingly BSNLWA meeting is taking place on 21st January, 2013 and notices have been sent to the General Secretaries. Other friendly union are also requested to attend the meeting. NFTE holds the view that modifications in the rules are possible internally by holding dialogue with the management.

31-12-2012 : 4.2% Increase of IDA from 01-01-2013 (67.3+4.2=71.5%).

31-12-2012 : NE Meeting at Ongole and know the Train particulars. Click Here

31-12-2012 : Notice for NE Meeting on 4th & 5th Feb. 2013 at Ongole (Andhra Pradesh). Click Here

31-12-2012 : Notice for BSNLWA Meeting. Click Here

31-12-2012 : Informal Meeting with Director (HR): President and Secy Com. Rajpal met Director (HR) on 31st December and drew his attention on the following. (1)Loan from Banks for VRS to staff: Director (HR) stated that as per DPE guidelines the PSU should 1st explore the possibility to take loans from the banks and only thereafter approach to the DOT can be made for the financial aid for VRS. BSNL has made the exercise but could not get the positive response from banks for loan. Presently BSNL is not in position to pay the interest on the bank loans. The DOT will be informed about the above situation. (2)Notification for JTO Deptl quota examination: Director (HR) assured to sort out the matter in the week. (3) CG appointment of MP:Officers from MP circle have been called to BSNL HQR for settlement of the issue. (4) Deposits of Pension contribution : Union pointed out that the contributions of pension and expenditures are not being maintained in a methodical way. There may be complications in future. The Director (HR) agreed to discuss the issue with Director (F) and take appropriate action.

31-12-2012 : Welcome 2013 and greetings to BSNL family.-(1) on the eve of new year let us pledge to create congenial and Cordial atmosphere for greater contribution of the workers to improve and develop further the work culture in BSNL and to achieve the reputation for the organization. We have to move forward to put the BSNL on sound financial health. (2) To achieve above our goal should be secure to secure Majority status to NFTE BSNL in the 6th verification. Let us move to achieve the goal with courage, wisdom and determination. Click Here

31-12-2012 : Extended National Executive Meeting at Ongole (Andhra Pradesh): The extended National Executive Meeting of NFTE BSNL will be held on 4th/5th February 2013, at Ongole (Andhra). The Central Office bearers, circle Secretaries, elected special invitees in AIC and District Secretaries are requested to attend the meeting. The reception committee is making arrangement with limited resources and that too within short period as such observers would make it convenient not to burden the host. The circle unions should bear in mind about this and advise observers. The participants are requested to book their tickets To and Fro accordingly. The delegation fee is Rs. 300/- only. Click Here

31-12-2012 : NFTE BSNL joins in the Nation’s grief over the tragic end of victim Girl and urge the Govt. to enact stringent laws to control and Curb the crimes against the women. Govt. must hear the voice and protest of the people and take action on war path. The voice of women folk will not be allowed to go in vain.

31-12-2012 : BSNLWA meeting on 21st January at New Delhi: The BSNL workers Alliance meeting will take place on 21st January, 2013 at New Delhi. The General Secretaries of the unions or in their place their nominee may attend the meeting.

29-12-2012 : Special Casual Leave to lady staff proposal regarding. Letter No.-TF-1/3(d), Dated:-29-12-2012. Click Here

29-12-2012 : The Delhi Brave heart dies at Singapore Hospital – Let this death not be vain. We pay homage to the victim and also our heart full condolences to the family of the victim. Click Here

29-12-2012 : 6th verification: BSNL HQR has notified the new rules for recognition of the unions and participation in the councils at National, circle and local levels. The 6th verification is most likely to take place in the last weak of April or May, 2013 as per new rule ie BSNL’s Rules and not as per old code of Discipline start preparation and mobilise the workers.

28-12-2012 : Economy of expenditure under austerity measures. Letter No.-4-5/2012-Admn.II, Letter No.-28-12-2012. Click Here

28-12-2012 : Payment of Bonus to staff in BSNL - Denial regarding. Letter No.-TF-7, Dated:-28-12-2012. Click Here

28-12-2012 : Thanks to BSNLEU: NFTE BSNL extends hearty greetings and congratulation to BSNLEU for making efforts to get the BSNL’s own rules for recognition of non-executive unions. Thanks a lot for this. The NFTE is fully committed for unity of all non-executive unions to protect the BSNL and settlement of the significant and important problems of the employees. Therefore, we are avoiding to comment on the write ups regarding evolving of recognition rules. However, it was NFTE which first demanded and persued for BSNL’s rules for recognition of unions to protect crisis ridden PSU and future of the employees. The Non-executive staff got raw treatment from the management on their issues and problems due to lack of unity amongst us. This is reality. NFTE firmly holds the view that the atmosphere of hatred and blame game must stop in the larger interest to carry unity upto grass root level.

27-12-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre: NFTE HQR has again requested to CMD and Director (HR) for immediate notification for LDCE.

27-12-2012 : Salient features of Recognition Rules. Click Here

27-12-2012 : Democratic Industrial Culture In Offing. (Telecome Editorial December, 2012 Hindi & English) Click Here

27-12-2012 : BSNL Recognition of Non-Executives' Unions and Representation in the Councils Rules. Click Here

26-12-2012 : Chhatisgarh Circle executive Committee meeting at Jagdalpur on 21 & 22 December, 2012. Click Here

26-12-2012 : Rectification of Faults on Sundays & Holidays. Letter No.-8-23/2012-PHM, Dated:-24-12-2012. Click Here

26-12-2012 : Payment and deposit of pension contribution by BSNL in respect of absorbed staff-Maintenance regarding. Letter No.-TF-11/3, Dated:-24-12-2012. Click Here

26-12-2012 : Bank Loan of Rs. 18,000/- crores to meet the VRS liabilities - Request to clarify the matter. Letter No.-TF-11/8(a), Dated:-26-12-2012. Click Here

24-12-2012 : Loan for VRS: The BSNL has explored the possibility of taking loans to the tune of Rs. 18,000/- crores from the banks. However, the offer has reportedly come from banks for Rs. 1,000/- crores only. The BSNL HQR has done the exercise sequel to meeting at higher level. But BSNL HQR should understand that VRS exercise should be done after taking unions into confidence to avoid industrial unrest.

24-12-2012 : VRS issue raised in Loksabha unstarred question No.-3102 answered on 12-12-2012. Click Here

22-12-2012 : Meeting on 19th December. Click Here

22-12-2012 : Chhattisgarh circle working committee meeting at Jagdalpur: on the occasion of CEC meeting of Chhattisgarh circle an open session has been organized on 22-12-2012 which was presided over by Com. S.S. Yadaw. Com. C. Singh GS Com. Chilamvar CS, Com. H.M. Sahu Chq org. Sec addressed the meeting GS explained all the relevant issues of staff including recog. Rule, financial viability of BSNL, VRS etc. Shri S.C. Tiwary, TDM Bastar, Jagadalpur also addressed the gathering. More than 200 Comrades participated in the meeting

21-12-2012 : Issue of grant of 5(Five) advance increments on the minimum of revised E1 IDA pay scale of Rs. 16400-405000/- to JAO(Departmental) at per with directly recruited JTOs/JAO. Letter No.-1-5/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-20-12-2012. Click Here

20-12-2012 : Chhattisgarh circle working committee Meeting on 22nd December at Chhattisgarh GS is attending.

20-12-2012 : Parliament March by 11Central Trade unions at Jantar Mantar: Thousands of Comrades from 11 Trade unions successfully conducted Parliament march on 20-12-2012 against anti Labour policies of Govt. Hundreds of NFTE Comrades particularly from Punjab circle nearly 100 Comrades participated in the march under the leader ship of Com. M.L. Sharma CS (Punjab) & Com. Rana Acs (Punjab). Com. C. Singh G.S., Com. A. Rajmouli Secretary & Com. Mahender vice President all India also participated in the parliament March from CHQ. Click Here

19-12-2012 : Telephone Subscribers' Base in India for the month of October, 2012. Click Here

19-12-2012 : A NFTE BSNL delegation consisting of President, GS and Secy (Com. Rajmouli) met CMD and requested for early notification of LDCE by Recruitment section for promotion to JTO Cadre. The CMD responded positively.

18-12-2012 : On direction of CLC (C) a meeting held between Forum leaders and BSNL management today at 11 A.M. regarding procurement of materials like clip telephones, modums, cables, GSM hard and soft ware materials, 3G – Data card etc. BSNL management explained to Forum leaders that necessary materials like Telephone setts, modums-II, copper cable of different sizes and OFC cable have already procured and send to circles as per their requirements. Com. C. Singh General Secretary participated in the meeting from NFTE-BSNL. 01-02-2013.

18-12-2012 : Holding of successful ‘Dharna’ at Corporate office by BSNL/MTNL unions associations on 17-12-2012 & 18-12-2012:- A massive ‘Dharna’ held at Corporate office in two days more than 300 employees participated from BSNL/MTNL every day. Com. Chandeshwar Singh GS, Com. A. Rajamouli, Secretary, Com. Rajpal C/S (NTR), Com. Naresh Secretary participated from NFTE-BSNL. The Hon’ble High Court Delhi fixed next hearing of ITS issue on 01-02-2013.

18-12-2012 : Tamilnadu circle conference - Photos view. Click Here

18-12-2012 : Com. D. Parmeshaiah Vice President of Karnataka circle union left for heavenly abode NFTE HQR extends condolences to the bereaved family.

18-12-2012 : Meeting with the BSNL Management on 19th December relating to settlement of conciliation items.

18-12-2012 : Non-notification for holding of LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre by Recruitment branch of BSNL HQR. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-18-12-2012. Click Here

17-12-2012 : Economy of expenditure under austerity measures-No diaries to the executives for the calender year 2013. Letter No.-4-5/2012-Admn.II, Dated:-14-12-2012. Click Here

17-12-2012 : What a great safeguard: The dismissed employee either of State or Central donot get pension. But dismissed BSNL absorbed employee get pension. What a great safeguard was secured by NFTE BSNL at the time of corpotarisation. Dismissed employees of Tamilnadu got pension from the next date of dismissal through continuous efforts of NFTE CHQ.

17-12-2012 : Tamilnadu circle conference concluded:- The NFTE BSNL Conference of Tamilnudu concluded on 16th December at Madurai. Comrades Norrullah (TM), R. Pattabhiraman (STS) and K. AshokRaj (TM) were elected as President, circle Secy and Treasurer respectively along with other 18 office bearers. President and GS present on the occasion greeted and offered salute to all the elected leaders and urged them to work unitedly for very thumping victory in the coming verification. The elected team responded and declared that the enmass votes of workers will be in favour of NFTE in the verification. The conference has been excellent and wonderful all respect due to efforts of Comrades K. Sethu (Chairman, Reception Committee), Murgesan (District Secy, Madurai).

15-12-2012 : Delegate session of Tamilnadu circle conference commenced today (i.e. 15-12-2012) with full grandeur. Shri. A. ShahJhan, acting CGM, GM(HR), GM(Madurai) attended. President, General Secretary and Dy. General Secretary addressed and explained details of the issues BSNL is in crisis we have to lift it. Acting CGM assured for fullest corporation in development.

15-12-2012 : Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner (C) held conciliation proceedings with Forum leaders of BSNL/MTNL on 14-12-2012 upon ITS absorption and other issues and also advised Forum leaders to post pone the proposed Dharna on 17-12-2012 & 18-12-2012 in the interest of organisation. But, Forum leaders firmly said that the issues raised by Forum were not settled till date and categorically denied their advice. No Change in Dharna programme in given dates. Next date of conciliation proceeding fixed on 03-01-2013 at 11 A.M.

15-12-2012 : The open session of Tamilnadu circle conference concluded on 14th second half. Com. D. Gnaiah Ex Secretary General, Com. G.L. Dhar Secretary AITUC and Com. Pandian State Secretary of CPI addressed very large gathering.

14-12-2012 : Tamilnadu circle conference started more than 2500 delegates attended. Seminar on “For Development of BSNL and the role of trade unions” was held. G.S. NFTE inaugurated leaders of all unions including BSNLEU participated.

12-12-2012 : Realise Before It is Late. (Tele Labour Editorial December, 2012 English & Hindi) Click Here

12-12-2012 : Tamilnadu circle conference is taking place at Madurai from 14th to 15th December, 2012 President and GS are attending.

12-12-2012 : 78.2% IDA fixation benefit in revision of Pay scales effective from 1st January, 2007-Approval from DOT regarding. Letter No.-TF-10/3, Dated:-12-12-2012. Click Here

12-12-2012 : Subsidy to BSNL as per Trai's recommendation. Click Here

12-12-2012 : Calculation of monthly contribution towards cost of pension payable in respect of BSNL absorbed employees. Letter No.-500-57/2011-12/BSNL/CA I/Vol IV, Dated:-11-12-2012. Click Here

11-12-2012 : Notice for holding 2 days Dharna on 17th & 18th December, 2012 by Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Unions/Associations. Click Here

11-12-2012 : Applicability of Rule 55(11)(C) of BSNL CDA Rule, 2006 regarding voluntary retirement. Letter No.-TF-13/8, Dated:-11-12-2012. Click Here

11-12-2012 : CMD, BSNL and other officers with NFTE BSNL and Snatta Leaders at Indore. Click Here

11-12-2012 : Total telephones connections operatorwise & Market Share as on 31-10-2012. Click Here

11-12-2012 : BSNL's own rules for recognition of unions and facilities etc - additional Points regarding. Letter No.-TF-1/1(h), Dated:-11-12-2012. Click Here

11-12-2012 : Payment of Pension to DOT employees absorbed in BSNL-Request for intervention to remove the apprehensions and doubts. Letter No.TF-11/3, Dated:-11-12-2012. Click Here

10-12-2012 : Union representatives are entitled for TA/DA as and when BSNL HQR convenes meeting BSNL Letter No.-BSNL/31-4/SR/2009, dt-06-05-2009. Click Here

10-12-2012 : Maintenance of BTS by Private Agencies. Letter No.TF-19/4, Dated:-10-12-2012. Click Here

10-12-2012 : Dismissed BSNL employee got Pension order: At the time of Corpotarisation NFTE BSNL obtained guarantee from the Govt.(DOT) that the service rendered by employees in DOT will not be forfeited due to misconduct in BSNL leading to dismissal from service. The NFTE BSNL Hqr persued the matter for last two years and finally the dismissed employee, Comrades of Tamilnadu Udhay sooryan and J. Williams Pal Raj got the orders of pension. NFTE CHQ sincerely records its thanks to CVO BSNL, CMD BSNL and Member (services) of Telecom Commission.

08-12-2012 : Expenditure control in BSNL - clarification. Letter No.-13-03/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-06-09-2012. Click Here

07-12-2012 : No gloom in telecom sector, only correction: RK Upadhyay, BSNL chief. Click Here

07-12-2012 : Application of reservation roster for SC/ST employees in the Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) - Circulation of CAT, Madras Bench judgment and Hon'ble High Court of Madras judgement. Letter No.-22-28/2010-TE, Dated:-05-12-2012. Click Here

07-12-2012 : Joint Forum of BSNL/MTNL decided to conduct Dharna on 17-12-2012 & 18-12-2012 and also decided to include the following issues in ongoing agitational proframme of ITS repatriation. (1) Immediate issue of Presidential Directive from DOT for 78.2% IDA fitment for BSNL employees. (2) Pension of MTNL retirees to be paid by the Govt. as in the case of BSNL retirees. (3) To ensure financial viability of BSNL/MTNL.

07-12-2012 : “Promotion of officiating JTO’s" issue have not at all come for discussion in Joint Forum of BSNL/MTNL meeting held on 04-12-2012. Don’t believe rumours.

06-12-2012 : Preparatory exercise for All India Eligibility List of JTOs(T)-preparation of ossessment sheet. Letter No.-2-15/2012-Pers.II, Dated:- 05-12-2012. Click Here

06-12-2012 : Meeting at Ghazipur in East up: A well attended meeting of employees was held on 6th December the Chairmanship of Com. Ramsanehi Seminar on “Customers participation in BSNL” was also organized. The TDM, DE, CAO all participated in the meeting. Com. Islam, Secy (Com. Rai) and circle Secy, Com. Pande addressed the meeting and seminar. 11 employees joined NFTE BSNL leaving the other organisation.

06-12-2012 : BSNL, MTNL hit by competition, rising costs: Government. Click Here

05-12-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre in 35% and 15% quota: President and Secy, Com. Rajmouli met Director (HR) and sought his intervention for early notification of LDCE by Recruitment branch of BSNL HQR. The Director (HR) immediately spoke to Sr. GM (Rectt) to expedite the notification.

05-12-2012 : Eligibility of children from a void or voidable marriage for family pension - clarification. Letter No.- 1/16/1996-P&PW (E) (vol.II), Dated:-27-11-2012. Click Here

05-12-2012 : Eligibility of Telecom Mechanics with 2 years ITI/NCVT after Matriculation for TTA 40% LDCE. Letter No.TF-14/2(a), Dated:-04-12-2012. Click Here

05-12-2012 : NFTE BSNL pays homage to Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on his 57th Mahaprinirwan Diwas. Nation is grateful for his great contributions and will ever remember with gratefulness.

04-12-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger: Matter is under discussions in internal finance of DOT. The expenditures involved due to pension increase are also being assessed.

04-12-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre: (1) The personnel branch has supplied necessary information to Recruitment branch of BSNL HQR. (2) There is no chance for alternation/Modification in syllabus. The above is based on the basis of discussions at appropriate level.

04-12-2012 : MOU between DOT and BSNL: Reportedly MOU is being signed today between DOT and BSNL on performance etc.

04-12-2012 : Notification for holding LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre by Recruitment branch of BSNL HQR. Letter No.-14/2(b), Dated:-04-12-2012 Click Here

04-12-2012 : BSNL’s own rules for recognition of unions. Letter No.-TF-1/1(h), dated:-04-12-2012. Click Here

04-12-2012 : Record of discussions of the meeting held with the applicant unions on 19th November, 2012 to discuss and finalise framing of BSNL's own Recognition Rules and grant of facilities to the unions of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, Dated:-27-11-2012. Click Here

03-12-2012 : Framing of BSNL's own rules for recognition of unions of non-executive staff. Click Here

01-12-2012 : PARLIAMENT MARCH ON 20-12-2012: All the circles Secretaries of neighoubouring states UP(W), WP(E), Haryana, Punjab Rajasthan & NTR are requested to mobilise workers to participate in Parliament march on 20-12-2012 in grand manner as per the call given by 11 central trade unions.

01-12-2012 : The consumer price Index for industrial workers for the month of October, 2012 rose by 2 points (i.e. 217 from 215). The IDA increase from 01-01-2013 will may be around 4%.

29-11-2012 : Where there is will there is way - Telecom Editorial December, 2012 (English & Hindi). Click Here

29-11-2012 : BSNL Corporate office extended Banking agreement with Union Bank of India/ICICI Bank/ HDFC Bank upto 28-02-2013 on the same terms and conditions.

27-11-2012 : BSNL HQR Vide No.-16-8/2012/CSC/Employee Sugg/6 dt-26-11-2012 has sought suggestions/comments for introduction of Mobile Customer Service Centre. Circle/District Secretaries are requested to give their suggestions. Click Here

26-11-2012 : LDCE for promotion to the grade of JTO(T) under 35% and 15% quota for vacancies occurring upto 31-03-2012 issue of notification regarding Letter No.-14/2(b). Dated:-26-11-2012. Click Here

26-11-2012 : 59th Formation day celebrations of NFPTE/NFTE at Indore: on this occasion a seminar was organised on “Obstacles in BSNL development” under the Presidentship of Com. Sunder Lal Ji, Com. C.L. Sarravat, Com. Rajendra Yadav, Com. Manish Samadhiya, Com. S.T. Nirke and S.K. Dubey addressed the seminar. Click Here

26-11-2012 : Comprehensive examination of BSNL by COPU: The Committee on Public undertaking has made comprehensive examination in meeting on 16th November, 2011. The items/issues discussed were Dismal financial performance of BSNL, Performance measurement business. Constraints faced by BSNL, shortfall in achievements, Delay in procurement of materials, Sam Pitroda Committee recommendations, listing of PSU, etc. COPU has asked reply from BSNL HQR on above points.

26-11-2012 : Repatriation of ITS personnel to DOT as per their option and choice Letter dt-22-11-2012 to Prime Minister on behalf of joint Forum of BSNL and MTNL unions/Associations. Click Here


23-11-2012 : Wage erosion: Snatta leaders Comrades Anup Mukerjee and S. Mayhi (Snatta leaders from west Bengal) and Com. Amit Mittal (Snatta leader from Punjab) held useful discussions at Corporate Hqr on the issue along with the NFTE President on 21st November.

23-11-2012 : Performance Review of BSNL with Telecom Minister: CMD Shri upadhyay has stated that the current fiscal would be tightening spends and increasing productivity. BSNL has reported growth in all key revenue parameters in seven months upto October, 2012. Wireless revenue, enterprise sales, broadband sales etc have shown growth compared to last year.

22-11-2012 : Parliament March organised on 22nd November 2012: The BSNL/MTNL Unions/Associations organised Parliament march demanding the repatriation of ITS officers from two PSUs to DOT. The NFTE BSNL Hqr participated in the rally. Comrades Malhan Singh Mahender Singh (VP CHQ), H.K. Goel (C/S Haryana, Rajpal (C/S NTR and Secy), Naresh Kumar (CHQ) alongwith their Comrades participated in the rally. More than 50 Comrades from Punjab led by Com. M.L. Sharma (C/S) participated in the march. S/S Bagri (BJP MP from Bikaner) and Basudev Acharya (CPM MP) addressed the March and assured for help and cooperation. Com Islam, President in his address stressed that the present stalemate in the BSNL management is not desirable and uncertainly must go. The BSNL is in downward trend due to uncertainty also. He requested that instead of raising the slogan of “ITS go back” we should demand that the Govt. should take them back as per their option. Click Here

22-11-2012 : All should draw pay in the revised IDA and CDA pay scales. BSNL Letter No.-3-20/2007-Pers V/BSNL, dt-12-11-2012. Click Here

21-11-2012 : NFTE BSNL will join parliament march tomorrow 22-11-2012.

21-11-2012 : Telecom Mechanic Examination: BSNL HQR on 20-11-2012 has notified the examination for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Mechanic. According to reports the examination for promotion to TTA Cadre has been held in all the circles. In some circles results are still not declared. The circle Secretaries are requested to press the circle administration for early declaration of result.

21-11-2012 : For Snatta Comrades NFTE HQR is receiving congratulatory messages from snatta Comrades after issue of notification for LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre. The young Comrades are just like sons and daughters and NFTE HQR has done its duty only by sincerely and vigorously persuing the matter However, we are thankful for their good will messages and feelings.

20-11-2012 : Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of Telecom Mechanic for the Recruitment year 2012---Approval thereof. Letter No.-250-8/2009-Pers-III, Dated:-20-11-2012. Click Here

20-11-2012 : Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the grade of JTO(T) under 35% and 15% quota for vacancies up-to 31-03-2012. Letter No.-5-11/2009-Pers-IV, Dated:-20-11-2012. Click Here

20-11-2012 : Request for Notification of departmental examination for promotion to the Cadre of Telecom Mechanic. Letter No.-14/2(d), Dated:-19-11-2012. Click Here

19-11-2012 : BSNL’s own rules for Recognition of unions: On 16th October meeting the unions demanded that the management should prepare its proposals for consideration of unions. Accordingly the management side placed its proposals in the meeting. BSNL EU demanded that the 6th verification be held as per old code of Discipline as enough time will be consumed in framing the rules and there will be no recognised union after 13th February, 2013. Teppu and BSNL MS unions were on the same wave length. NFTE, FNTO and others maintained that the meeting of 19-11-2012 is to express views on the proposals of management. NFTE also pointed out that there was no recognised union in BSNL from 01-10-2000 to 04-10-2002 as such delay of 2/3 months is immaterial. Ten unions including NFTE/FNTO maintained that 6th verification should take place only as per BSNL’s own rules. The Chairman, PGM (SR), ruled that unions should submit their views on the proposals within ten days ie by 29-11-2012 for consideration of Management. After meeting the ten unions again met and conferred to submit the joint views. The ten unions (Pewa, NTSU BSNL, FNTO, BSNL ES, ATM, WRU, NFTE BSNL AIBEST BSNL, BTEU, BSNL EC) will meet again on 20-11-2012 at 1100 hours in NFTE Office to finalise the views. Central office bearers, circle Secretaries and others are requested to Mail their views very urgently. Click Here

19-11-2012 : JTO Departmental quota Examination: Approval of the competent authority for notification of examination is awaited.

17-11-2012 : Empanelment of Hospitals for indoor treatment in respect of Telecom Stores circle, Kolkata. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn-1/15-11/11, Dated:-07-11-2012 Click Here

16-11-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger: BSNL HQR has sent replies to the queries of DOT on 15th November. The NFTE Hqr has perused the matter.

16-11-2012 : JAO Final Examination: There is frequent enquires if JAO Part II (Final) examination is being postponed due to Gujrat Election. According to the gathered information the examination will not be postponed of the entire country. If need be, the examination will be postponed in Gujrat alone.

16-11-2012 : 2G Auction: Sequel to Supreme Court orders 2G spectrums have been auctioned but the Govt. could receive only Rs. 9,407 crores in the Completed process. Amount is much below the loud talks and estimate.

14-11-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO Cadre: Settlement is expected very shortly.

14-11-2012 : 78.2% IDA fixation: BSNL HQR is expected to send replies to the queries of the DOT by the end of this week.

14-11-2012 : Com. S.D. Singh Asst. Circle Secretary UP(E) expired on 12-11-2012 due to heart attack. NFTE CHQ deeply condoles the untimely death and share the grief of the family.

12-11-2012 : MOU Signed with Indian Bank for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL staff. This agreement is valid from 26-05-2012 to 25-02-2013 Letter No.-1-9/BECI/Staff Loan/12-13/dt-09-11-2012.

12-11-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR): President and Com. Rajmouli (Secy) met and draw the attention of Director (HR) on following issues (1) Compassionate apptt in MP. After 2004/05 not even single CGA has been done, even approved candidates have not been offered appointment. (2) Issuance of Notification for holding JTO Examination on the basis of vacancies occurring upto year 2012.

12-11-2012 : WISH YOU VERY VERY HAPPY DIWALI. Click Here

12-11-2012 : Change in the Code of discipline / framing BSNL's own Recognition Rules for electing majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, Dated:-12-11-2012. Click Here

12-11-2012 : OTBP to RMs instead of Temporary Placement in the scale of lineman in lieu of promotion to the Telecom Mechanic Cadre-Case of Hyderabad TD in Andhra circle. Letter No.-TF-26/1, Dated:-12-11-2012. Click Here

10-11-2012 : Settlement of Medical OP claim for Acupuncture Treatment-case of Tamilnadu circle. Letter No.-TF-32/6, Dated:-10-11-2012. Click Here

10-11-2012 : PARLIAMENT MARCH ON 22-11-2012 UPON ITS REPARTRIATION/ABSORPTION ISSUE: The circle Secretaries of NTR UP(E), Haryana, UP(W), Rajasthan & Punjab are requested to mobilise workers to participate in Parliament march, which starts from BSNL corporate office New Delhi at 1200 hrs.

09-11-2012 : MOU signed with Union Bank of India for extending various loans schemes to BSNL employees. This agreement is valid from 02-11-2012 to 02-11-2013 Letter No.-1-9/BFCI/Staff loan/12-13, dt-08-11-2012.

08-11-2012 : Modification in R/R to fill up 40% Departmental qouta of vacancies in TTA Cadre-Discrimination regarding. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), Dated:-08-11-2012. Click Here

08-11-2012 : Meeting with CMD BSNL: President and GS met CMD BSNL and drew his attention on the following issues: (1) Delay in settlement of 78.2% IDA merger. Union representatives expressed serious concern over delay in reply to the queries of DOT. CMD immediately spoke to the Director (F) in the matter. (2) Non-availability of materials in MP, Chennai and Rajasthan circles. CMD was surprised and assured to get the matter reconciled. (3) Wage erosion of staff entering in BSNL on 01-01-2007 or thereafter CMD made searching questions and GS explained how erosion in wage is taking place. Particularly in TTA Cadre.

08-11-2012 : Revision of time period for permanent closure of telephone connection after disconnection due non payment. Letter No.-2-2/2011-BSNL/TR(Pt.), Dated:-06-11-2012. Click Here

08-11-2012 : wage revision resulting to wage erosion of non-executive D/R staff. Letter No.-TF-9/9, Dated:-07-11-2012. Click Here

07-11-2012 : Non-availability of Materials at MP, Chennai and Rajasthan Telecom circles. Letter No.-TF-19/3, Dated:-06-11-2012. Click Here

07-11-2012 : ITS Repatriation-Court order:- Hon’ble Court finally directed Govt. to repatriate non-optee ITS from BSNL/MTNL upto 15th Dec’2012. In case, they are not relieved, Govt. should submit a concrete proposal/plan upto 15-12-2012 explaining that in what reasonable time they can be relieved. The case is re-notified on 18th Dec’2012.

07-11-2012 : Settlement of Strike agreement of 12th June 2012 in respect of 78.2% IDA merger. Letter No.-TF-38/4, Dated:-07-11-2012. Click Here

07-11-2012 : Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) for employees in the IDA pay scales of NE-1 to NE-11 of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-Guidelines regarding consideration of the period of performance review involving desciplinary cases. Letter No.-13-2/2010-TE(Pt.), Dated:-06-11-2012. Click Here

06-11-2012 : Change over to BSNLMRS facility from CGHS-case of employees of Nagpur SSA. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn-1/15-7/12(pt), Dated:-05-11-2012. Click Here

06-11-2012 : Organisation kicking in Himachal Circle: Com. K.K. Singh Secretary HQR, alongwith Com. Nand Lal Sharma C/S, Com. Chaman Lal D/S Mandi, Com. Vidya Prakash B/S and Brij Bihari made hectic tour and interacted with all the employees at Mandi Telephone Exchange, CSC, GM office and Sunder Nagar CSC on 03-11-2012. All the leaders attended meeting at Bilas Pur Tele. Exchange along with Com. Hariman B/S, Com. Ram Prakash Gularia B/S of Gulmarwin. The above leaders attended the meeting at Nalagarh SDOP office. Com. Vijay Pathak, LCM leader from BSNL EU joined NFTE. Com. Yashwant Sharma, Circle org. Secretary also addressed the meeting. Again, the leaders proceeded to Baddi Exchange, Brotiwala OCB exchange and Parwanoo CSC. Com. Inderjeet Singh, TM organised the get together programme at Brotiwala OCB exchange. Com. K.K. Singh HQR and Com. Nand Lal Sharma C/S Thanked all for successful organizational tour in Himachal Circle.

06-11-2012 : Mass Meeting held at Jaipur on 5th November: A mass meeting of employees was held on 5th November at PGM, TD office under the Presidentship of Com. K.L. Sharma. The meeting was addressed by General Secy, NFTE BSNL and President Both the leaders while narrating details of pressing issues exhorted the workers to strengthen the organisation. The workers responded positively.

05-11-2012 : 6th day Relay Hunger Fast at GMTD Office, Vijayawada in Heavy Rain. Click Here

05-11-2012 : Comrades Dharmendra Verma, Manish Samadhia and Pawan meena have been elected as General Secretary, President and Dy. General Secretary respectively in All India conference of SNATTA held at Jaipur on 04-11-2012. President, General Secretary of NFTE attended and addressed the seminar, NFTE HQR congratulates the newly elected Leaders of Snatta in AIC.

05-11-2012 : Succesful 5th Circle Conference of Chennai Telephones. Click Here

03-11-2012 : Relay Hunger fast at Indore by Forum of Unions/Associations on ITS repatriation/Absorption issue. Click Here

03-11-2012 : 5th day of Relay Hunger Fast at GMTD Office, Vijayawada in Heavy Rain. Click Here

03-11-2012 : Organizational meetings in Himachal circle: Com. K.K. Singh, Secretary HQR, Com. Nand Lal Sharma C/S, Com. Pawan Sharma D/S Kulu addressed the well attended meetings at Joginder Nagar exchange and SDOT office Banjara on 01-11-2012. On 02-11-2012, they addressed the meeting at Manali (DET office), Organised by Com. Bhubaneswar TTA. Com. Vivek Kumar Vice President of circle union addressed the meeting. In Kulu TDM office the leaders met all employees and clarified their doubts about promotion policy & Designation issue. In all these places employees are worrying with stagnation in promotion policy in respect of Regular mazadoors. And also their grievance is age factor in transfer policy should be restricted for exemption up to 48 yrs in stead of above 55 yrs. Because Himachal is having more hill area compared to other states. Com. K.K. clarified all points raised by them in respect of 78.2% IDA merger, new recognition rules, bonus etc. Com. K.K. will address the meeting at Mandi on 03-11-2012.

03-11-2012 : Twelth anniversary of BSNL’s incorporation as public sector undertaking-message from Shri R.K. Upadyay Ji CMD BSNL. Click Here

03-11-2012 : President, General Secretary accompanied with circle Secretary Tamilnadu met Director (HR) in Chennai requested him to notify JTO LDCE by taking vacancies in to account up to year 2012. Director (HR) responded positively.

02-11-2012 : 5th circle conference of Chennai Telephones (NFTE) started today with great pomp and more than 850 delegates present in the house. State General Secretary of AITUC & C. Singh G.S. NFTE addressed the session.

02-11-2012 : BSNL emplyees stage protest in Kohima at 30-10-2012. Click Here

02-11-2012 : Filling up of the vacant posts of Personal Assistants of BSNL field units on the basis of Lice/Separate Lice as per Recruitment Rules-2004. Letter No.-25-01/2011-Pers-II, Letter No.-01-11-2012. Click Here

02-11-2012 : Rs. 254.28 (Rupees two crore fifty four lakh Twenty Eight Thousand) welfare grant to various circles. Letter No.-13-1/2012-BSNL-(WL), Dated:-31-10-2012. Click Here

02-11-2012 : Snatta All India Conference on 4th November at Jaipur. President and GS NFTE are expected to attend.

02-11-2012 : 4th day Relay Hunger Fast at GMTD Office, Vijayawada in Heavy Rain. Click Here

01-11-2012 : Notification of Departmental Internal Competitive examination for promotion to JTO Cadre-reg. Letter No.TF-14/2(b), Dated:-01-11-2012. Click Here

01-11-2012 : Redeployment of the non-optees/DOT optees/Govt. status optees Group B (JTO), Gr. C & D Official who are working in different circles of BSNL on deemed deputation basis. F.No.-BSNL/11/SR/2012, Dated:-30-10-2012. Click Here

01-11-2012 : Honorable High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam delivered Judgement on 14-09-2012/23rd Bhadra 1934 in OP (CAT) No.-3714 of 2011 (Z) with regard to JTO LICE. Click Here

01-11-2012 : 3rd day Relay Hunger Fast at GMTD Office, Vijayawada on 31-10-2012 by the Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations on “ITS Absorption/Repatriation Issue”. Click Here

01-11-2012 : Lok Sabha Committee on Public undertakings has sought written reply from BSNL on sixteen prints. Letter No.-U.O. No.-1-128/2012-CP&M, Dated:- 30-10-2012. Click Here

01-11-2012 : Notice for Agitation by joint Forum of BSNL & MTNL Unions/Associations. Click Here

01-11-2012 : Hectic Tour of Com. K.K. Singh Secretary Hqr in Himachal Circle: Com. K.K. Singh Secretary Hqr, Com. Nand Lal Sharma C/s, Com. Pavan Sharma D/S Kullu and Com. Desh Raj D/S Ameerpur met employees working in Una, Panjwara, Kutera, Target & AMB exchanges on 29-10-2012. They also met staff working in CSC, DET office at Una. Com. K.K. explained them the present status of BSNL, recognition rules, 78.2% IDA merger, bonus, sufferings with promotion policy, ITS repatriation and delay in releasing of designation committee report. The employees expressed that there is shortage of required material in the field. On 30-10-2012, he met employees working at Hamirpur & Nadom exchanges. He exchanged his views with staff of GM office. On 31-10-2012, Com. K.K. addressed the meetings at Dharmshala GM office & SDO office Com. Satyam Ghai D/S also addressed the meeting along with circle Secretary. In the afternoon a meeting was organised at Palampur. Com. Lal Singh Vice President of Circle union and Com. Parasharam B/S addressed the meeting.

01-11-2012 : Meeting held at Ujjain (MP): A meeting of NFTE BSNL took place on 31st October at Ujjain under the President ship of Com. O.P. Srivastav. The meeting was well attended by employees including ladies. The meeting was addressed by Comrades C.K. Joshi, org Secy, Circle Secy (Com. Habib) and President, NFTE BSNL. Later Com. Samadhia (President Snatta) and Com. N. Rathore (who joined NFTE) at Indore along with his colleagues also addressed the meeting. Addressing the meeting Com. Islam appealed to employees to form unity to protect the interest of BSNL and its workers. He also gave details of all the present pressing issues. The President met GM, Ujjain and also talked to CGM over phone relating to materials and staff problems.

01-11-2012 : Hearing of ITS absorption/repatriation issue in Hon’ble High Court at Delhi is postponed to 7th November, 2012.

01-11-2012 : Circle Conference of Chennai TD on 2nd and 3rd November. President and GS of NFTE BSNL may attend.

31-10-2012 : CWC Meeting and open session/Seminar at Indore: The CWC meeting of NFTE BSNL in MP circle took place on 30th October under the chairmanship of Com. S.T. Nirke. A seminar on “Difficulties and Hurdles before BSNL” and the open session was also organised on this occasion. The Sr. GM, Shri G.C. Pande, Shri Prakash Ballal, GM(Admn) and Shri Daheria, CAO attended the session and addressed the meeting. Presidents, NFTE and snatta and District Secy, BSNLEU participated from the staff side. District Secy, BSNLEU stressed for unity of workers from top to bottom and appreciated the stand of CHQ leadership. Speaking on the occasion Com. Islam said that there are three basic necessities ie Men, Method and Materials for running and providing the services. There is no shortage of men in the PSU. There are world class Engineers who know how to ensure progress and develop BSNL services. But there is no material in the field despite claim of BSNL HQR. There is strange situation. S/S Pande and Ballal (GMs) stressed to work with team spirit and keep aside helplessness. MP Circle is marching ahead at organizationally level and leaders are working as united team. Click Here

31-10-2012 : 2nd day Hunger Strike and Submission of memorandum to Sub-collector Vijayawada on 30-10-2012. Click Here

30-10-2012 : Com. A.K. Mishra District Secretary NFTE Katihar in Bihar circle took his last breath at 0730hrs on 27-10-2012. And Com. M.A. Kadeer, Sr. TA(Rtd) expired on 29-10-2012 at Hyderabad in A.P. circle. He worked in different capacity in NFTE. NFTE HQR deeply condoles their death and share the grief with their family.

30-10-2012 : Flash News from Indore: In circle working committee of NFTE BSNL being held at Indore, Comrades R.K. Rawal, District Secy BSNL MS Mandsaur, Prem Tewari, Central organising Secy, Tepu and Narendra Rathore, District Secy merged their unions with NFTE BSNL along with their more than hundred colleagues in presence of Com. Islam President, NFTE and others welcomed them and assured full care and protection.

30-10-2012 : Joint Forum of BSNL & MTNL Unions & Associations met Hon'ble MOC&IT on ITS repatriation issue: The representatives of various Unions & Associations of BSNL & MTNL met Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon'ble MOC&IT today i.e. 30.10.2012 under the banner of Joint Forum of BSNL & MTNL Unions & Associations. The present situation of the issue of the repatriation of ITS Officers from BSNL/MTNL was thoroughly discussed with a focus on our serious objection against the reported proposal of allowing the non-optee and non-absorbed ITS officers to work in BSNL/MTNL on perpetual deputation basis. We have demanded that if such proposal is allowed, the absorbed/recruited employees should also be allowed to be taken back to DoT and then work in BSNL/MTNL on perpetual deputation basis. Hon'ble MOC&IT gave patient hearing and assured that he will try to do whatever best out of it. It is decided by Joint Forum of BSNL & MTNL Unions & Associations to continue and intensify agitation as notified earlier.

30-10-2012 : Relay Hunger Fast at GMTD office, Vijayawada. Click Here

30-10-2012 : General Secretaries of Forum of unions/Associations are meeting Hon’ble Minister Shri Kapil Sibal in Sanchar Bhavan at 1200 hrs today (i.e. 30-10-2012) to discuss ITS absoption issue.

29-10-2012 : Memorandum to be Submitted during Raj Bhavan/Collectorate March on 30th October 2012. Click Here

29-10-2012 : Policy for allotment of staff quarters to retired employee-(Amendment). Letter No.-482-16/2007-BG, Dated:-26-10-2012. Click Here

29-10-2012 : Framing of Policy for allotment of staff quarters to retired employee. Letter No.-482-16/2007-BG, Dated:-25-10-2012. Click Here

26-10-2012 : NFTE HQR extends Eiduzzuha Greetings to BSNL family.

26-10-2012 : BSNL Medical Reimbursement scheme – Guidelines for regulation of expenditures on Indoor treatment cases where CGHS rates are not prescribed for any treatment/procedure. (BSNL/Admn-I/15-3/11 dt-23-10-2012, BSNL/Admn-I/14-2/09(Pt) dt-29-10-2009, BSNL/Admn-I/15-3/11, dt-26-05-2011 and BSNL/Admn-I/15-3/11, dt-18-1-2012/ 2-2-2012 Click Here

26-10-2012 : Demand for immediate relieving of unabsorbed Group ‘A’ officers working in BSNL Appeal of BSNL HQR to defer the agitational programme starting from 29th October. BSNL Letter No.-BSNL/7-7/SR/2012 dt-26-10-2012. Click Here

26-10-2012 : Grant of subsidy to BSNL: The grant of subsidy to BSNL from USO fund is still pending in Telecom commission despite recommendations of TRAI.

26-10-2012 : Rs. 300/- crores from defence: BSNL Management is reportedly making hectic efforts to get Rs. 300/- crores from defence to meet the financial crisis of the company.

25-10-2012 : DO NOT DENY BONUS (Editorial - English & Hindi) Click Here

25-10-2012 : NFTE MP Circle Working Committee Meeting on 30th and 31st October, 2012 at Indore. A Seminar is also being organised on the said date.

25-10-2012 : VRS : Meeting between DoT and top management of BSNL has taken place today dated 25th October,2012. It is learnt that the DoT has sought some more information from the BSNL Hqr. There is no room for anxiety over routine exercise.

25-10-2012 : ITS Repatriation : According to reliable sources the BSNL will seek time in the court case fixed for hearing on 31st October, 2012. The DoT has reportedly submitted its proposals to committee of three secretaries.

23-10-2012 : NFTE BSNL Hqr. extends Dussehra, Vijay Dashmi and Durga Pooja greetings to all the Comrades, friends and colleagues.

23-10-2012 : VRS : It is reported that the meeting between DoT and BSNL is scheduled to take place on 25th October, 2012 on VRS.

23-10-2012 : Orissa NFTE BSNL Marching ahead : The NFTE BSNL circle is marching ahead at organisation level branches are opened in Telecom projects and at other places. Hqr. congratulates the circle union and other Comrades and appeal to continue their efforts.

23-10-2012 : Law will takes its own course : Com. Sukendra Pal Singh Distt Secretary BSNL EU expired on 22nd October. It is alleged that he was assaulted by some miscreants causing death. Law will take its own course in the entire matter. NFTE Hqr shares the grief of family of the deceased employee.

23-10-2012 : JAO Part II (Final examination) – case of NE-1 circle. TF-14/2(c) Dated : 23.10.2012 Click Here

20-10-2012 : Recruitment Rules for the grade of Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL - Amendment/ modification in JAO RRs of BSNL. Letter no. 4-42/2011-SEA Dated 12.10.2012 Click Here

20-10-2012 : District Conference of NFTE BSNL was held on 18th oct. at Trichur under the chairmanship of Com. P. K. Radhakrishnan . Circle Secretary Com. Dharam Das inaugurated the Conference and Com. P. M. Michel addressed the session.

20-10-2012 : Forum of unions / Associations met on 18.10.2012 and decided to postpone March to Parliament /Governor /Collector office from 26th Oct. to 30th oct, due to Eid-Ul-Zoha and other festivals. No change in the programme of Hunger strike from 29.10.2012.

20-10-2012 : Com. K.K.Singh Secretary HQR will be on organisational tour in Himachal Circle from 29.10.2012 to 04.11.2012. He is accompanying circle secretary and other activists.

17-10-2012 : NOFN Survey-Vehicle authorization and Survey Format. Letter No.-1-2/2012-NOFN/26, Dated:-16-10-2012. Click Here

17-10-2012 : Guidelines for Safe banking in BSNL. Letter No.-1-4/BBF/c-payment/TM/2007-08, Dated:-17-10-2012. Click Here

17-10-2012 : Monitoring of reimbursement towards outdoor medical expenses to employees under BSNL/MRS. Letter No.-BSNL/Admin-1/15-20/12, Dated:-16-10-2012. Click Here

16-10-2012 : 78.2% IDA merger: BSNL HQR has still not submitted its reply to the DOT’s queries.

16-10-2012 : Meeting for BSNL's own rules of recognition. (Hindi) Click Here

16-10-2012 : Meeting held on 16th October between applicant unions and BSNL Management regarding BSNL’s own rules of recognition and extension of minimum Trade union facilities to the applicant unions: NFTE BSNL and 8 other unions submitted a joint letter telling that the contents be taken as our views. BSNLEU reiterated its views as conveyed vide letter No.-BSNLEU/200(REGN), Dated:-10-10-2012. BSNL MS and Tepu unions opposed framing of new rules. Click Here

16-10-2012 : Restoration of disconnected RSTC/concessional telephone provided by MTNL for working/retired employees of BSNL and vice-versa….due to non-settlement of outstanding dues. Letter No.-MTNL/CO/Com/settlement of bills MTNL-BSNL/2012(PT), Dated:- 28-09-2012. Click Here

15-10-2012 : Day long Dharna at Corporate office on 15-10-2012: A massive day long Dharna took place at Corporate office. More than 200 employees participated in Day long Dharna. General Secretaries/representatives of Forum of unions/associations addressed the gathering on ITS repatriation issue. General Secretary, Com. A. Rajamouli Secretary HQR Com. Naresh CHQ office bearer and Com. Shiva Kumar District Secretary NTR participated in the programme. Click Here

15-10-2012 : 15-10-2012: The Branch Secretaries convention at Mahanandi, Kurnool SSA: The convention of Br. Secretaries and active members of 4 Districts of Kurnool, Anantapur, Mahaboob Nagar & Kadapa held on 13th & 14th Oct.,2012 in a pilgrim place Mahanandi, Kurnool SSA, A.P.Circle. Meeting was presided over by the District. President of Kurnool SSA Com. P. Ramdass TSO. The meeting was hosted by the Nandyala Br. Members under the leadership of Com. Satyanarayana Br. Secretary. Com. J.V. Ramana Dist. Secretary Kurnool and other militant comrades organized the meeting in a good manner. Nearly 180 delegates attended the meeting. On 13th Oct. 2012 a seminar on the subject “Need of Customers delight in present scenario” was conducted at 11.30 hrs. CGMT, A.P. Circle Shri V. Srinivasan and GMTD, Kurnool Shri V.Raghava Kumar were presented on behalf of Management. The seminar was presided by com. M. Parashuram Circle President. Com. Seshadri Secretary , NFTE Chq, Com. K. Anjaiah CS, Com. Mallisetty Janardhana Rao Chief Patron & Com. Srinivasulu AITUC, Nandyala Division Secretary were addressed in the seminar. Br. Secretaries convention was started by 3.00 PM on 13th Oct.12. Com. Seshadri, Secy HQR narrated regarding important issues like New Recognition Rules, Difficulties, and losses loses in NEPP, attack on financial viability.

15-10-2012 : Grant of Bonus to BSNL staff. Letter No. TF-7/1, Dated:-15-10-2012. Click Here

15-10-2012 : Extension of Validity on Top up. Letter No.-TF-19/(c), Dated:-15-10-2012. Click Here

15-10-2012 : Eastern UP circle news:- About dozen employees joined NFTE BSNL from other unions at Ghazipur.

15-10-2012 : 6th District conference of NFTE of civil & Electrical wing of Kolkatta at salt Lake P & T auditorium: The District conference of civil & Electrical was held on 11-10-2012 under the president ship of Com. G.C. Bhawal . Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. inaugurated the Subject Committee session. Com. Ranjit Muderjee president was also present in the presidium. On that occasion a mass meeting was organised in the auditorium. G.S, Com. K.K. Singh Secretary HQR, Com. Palak Ganguly vice predident HQR, Com. Chitrabasu CS WBT, Com. Shyamal Ghosh C/S CTD, Com. Tarun Sarkar AICCTU & Com. Tapan Biswas District Secretary civil & electrical addressed the open session. G.S. explained the present status of BSNL company, ITS repatriation, recognition rules and other issues. Com. Ranjeet Mukerjee, Com. Tapan Biswas and Com. Sopal Poul were elected unanimously as president, District Secretary and Treasurer respectively on 12th October 2012.

15-10-2012 : Reduction in Pay packages of management of Govt. PSUS: The Govt. is considering a proposal to reduce the hike in pay packages of Managers ie CMDs, Directors etc of loss making PSUS.

13-10-2012 : District Executive meeting of Khammam on 11-10-2012: The District Executive Committee Meeting of Khammam SSA, A.P. Circle was presided over by Com. D.V. Swamy District President. Com. M. Parasharamulu, Circle President, Com. K. Anjaiah Circle Secretary, Com. Mallisetty Janardhana Rao Chief Patron and Com. S. Narasimha Rao District President of AITUC, addressed in the meeting. Under the leadership of Com. Noor Ahammed, nearly 60 members from other unions joined in NFTE. Circle Secretary & President welcomed the members and explained the status of current issues like 78.2% IDA merger, new recognition rules, ITS repatriation etc. Com. Malli Shetty explained the role of NFTE in settling staff issues in the past. Com. S.V. Nagireddy Dist. Secretary and other Comrades made good efforts in this regard.

13-10-2012 : Editorial Tele Labour October 2012 English & Hindi. Click Here

13-10-2012 :Letter to Forum of unions/Associations from BSNL corporate office in respect of agitational notice dt-05-10-2012 on ITS repatriation issue. Click Here

12-10-2012 : Corporate office order on increase in IDA w.e.f. 01-10-2012. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-12-10-2012. Click Here

11-10-2012 : Rule-8 Transfer Requests in the grade of JAOs. Letter No.-4-14/2004-SEA, Dated:-05-10-2012. Click Here

11-10-2012 : Suggestion regarding framing of Guidelines for formation of TACs and appointment of TAC members. Letter No.-9-54/2012-PHA, Dated:-05-10-2012. Click Here

11-10-2012 : Poster by Forum of unions/Associations on ITS repartiation issue. Click Here

11-10-2012 : A meeting of Branch Secretaries of NFTE BSNL in Lucknow TD, Circle office bearers and active workers has taken place on 11th October at Kaiserbagh Exchange. Com. Pramila Bajpai presided. Com. RN Pande, C/S emphasized the need to organise and revitalize the branches. NFTE has to be strengthen at Lucknow TD. Com. Islam explained the present position of various issues including BSNL’s Rules for recognition, 78.2% IDA merger. The assembled office bearers have decided to work hard to improve the organisation position.

11-10-2012 : Lunch hour demonstration at Corporate office: A well attended Lunch hour demonstration held at corporate office on “ITS repatriation issue” today. All General Secretaries/representatives of unions/associations addressed the demonstration and appealed all employees to make successful the agitational programme given by Forum of BSNL unions/Associations on 05-10-2012. Com. A. Rajamouli, Secretary HQR, Com. Shiv Kumar District Secretary, Com. Smt. Usha Ji and other Comrades from NTR participated in the programme. Click Here

10-10-2012 : Meeting at Varanasi: A meeting of BSNL employees took place on 10th October under the Chairmanship of Com. Chhotelal besides circle Secy, Com. R.N. Pande and Com. S.N. Rai (Secy NFTE), Com. Ramesh Yadav (Snatta) and RK Yadav, District Secy, BSNL MS attended and addressed the gathering Snatta leader assured for cooperation and requested to high light the issues faced by TTAs. Com. MP Singh, D/S AI BSNL EA and Com. Yadali are also present. The meeting was well attended Comrades SN Rai, RN Pande in their address narrated the present hardships Com. Shiv Mangal Singh, AGS BSNL MS and Com. Rai, ADS also addressed the meeting. Speaking on the occasion Com. Islam touched the various points and exhorted the workers to place the BSNL at respectable place.

10-10-2012 : D.P.E. Order in respect of increased IDA w.e.f. 01-10-2012. Click Here

10-10-2012 : Text of savingram. Click Here

10-10-2012 : Notice for agitational Programme served by Forum of BSNL unions and associations to the CMD BSNL New Delhi. Click Here

09-10-2012 : Meeting held at Ballia: A largely attended meeting took place on 9th in OC Complex at Ballia under the Chairman Ship of Com. K.K. Pande. It has been addressed by Comrades Islam, S.N. Rai (Secy), R.N. Pande (C/S) and Gulab Rai (WRU). Com. Islam exhorted the workers to come together to tide over the crisis being faced by BSNL. There is no cables in the SSA. He explained at length various issues. Earlier he met TDM along with other leaders to ease the surcharged atmosphere in the SSA.

09-10-2012 : District conference & Seminar at Nagpur. Click Here

08-10-2012 : Change in the Code of disciplicant / framing BSNL's own Recognition Rule for electing majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, Dated:-8th October,2012. Click Here

06-10-2012 : Compassionate Ground Appointment in MP Circle. Letter No.-16/5, Dated:-06-10-2012. Click Here

06-10-2012 : Conferences/ Meeting at Nagpur, Ballia and Varanasi: District conference of NFTE BSNL is taking place on 8th GS is attending. The meeting of three District unions ie Ghazipur, Ballia and Azamgarh is taking place on 9th September followed by meeting at Varanasi on 10th, Com. Islam will attend.

05-10-2012 : Points of clarifications sought by DOT on 78.2% IDA merger: Reportedly, the DOT has sought clarification on the following points. (1) BSNL’s capacity to pay in view of its present financial condition, (2) Proposal may necessitate fresh wage revision agreement on respect of non-executive staff, (3) Pension revision of retired personnel. The Establishment and finance branches of BSNL HQR are reportedly coordinating to respond to the queries of DOT. There is no need of anxiety as these are normal practice.

05-10-2012 : JAO Part-II Internal Competitive Examination against 40% quota to be held on 17th, 18th & 19th December 2012-clarifications. Letter No.-4-27/2012-SEA, Dated:-05-10-2012. Click Here

05-10-2012 : Forum of unions/Associations of BSNL meeting held on 04-10-2012 and decided to conduct programme of Action for ITS absorption: (1) 11-10-2012 Lunch hour demonstration at circle/SSA/Corporate office at HQR. 11-10-2012 to 13-10-2012 Savingrams to PM, DOT MOC, Cabinet Secretary, CMD BSNL, Secretary, (2) 15-10-2012 Day long Dharna/Circle/SSA/ Corporate office at HQRs, (3) 26-10-2012 March to PM’s house/Parliament at Delhi/March to Rajbhawan at circle/to Collectarate in SSA HQR, (4) 29-10-2012 to 03-11-2012 Day long Hunger Strike SSA/Circle/C.O. at HQR (1000 hrs to 1800 hrs), (5) Indefinite strike, if necessary.

05-10-2012 : Supply of certified copies of service books to staff. Letter No.-TF-16/6(a), Dated:-05-10-2012. Click Here

05-10-2012 : Income Tax on Leave Encashment amount at the time of retirement visa-vis supply of Leave Account. Letter No.-TF-11/9, Dated:-05-10-2012. Click Here

04-10-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR): President and GS met Director (HR) and raised the following issues. (1) BSNL’s own rules of recognition: union requested for early meeting action is being taken, (2) Withdrawal of FR22(1) a (I) benefit to officiating JTOs in Kerala. Union requested to maintain status-quo till decision in SLP so that expenditures are not incurred in litigation it was told that the SLP is likely to be heard shortly. Decision to withdraw the benefit has been taken as per legal advice, (3) Transfers in A and N Circle in Violation of orders of BSNL HQR, CGM has been asked to sort out the issues.

03-10-2012 : Results of TTA under 40% quota: circle Secretaries are requested to exert pressures at circle office for early declaration of result. This will help in early notification of TM examination.

03-10-2012 : Status of the LDCE for TTA under 40% quota for the Recruitment year-2011 Furnishing of information (* from only Recruiting Circles). Letter No.-250-2/2012-Pers-III, Dated:-01-10-2012. Click Here

03-10-2012 : For kind attention of central office bearers and circle secretaries: Please furnish your E. Mail address for record and use.

03-10-2012 : BSNL Day Celebrated on 1st October: Unlike previous years the BSNL Day was celebrated in CGO Complex Auditorium with full simplicity and individual performers and circles were awarded by Hon’ble Minister, Shri Kapil Sibbal. The Chairman, TC and other members of Commission were also present. Comrades Islam, Rajmouli attended the function as it was being arranged without lavish expenditures. The awardees were greeted and congratulated by them. Earlier, management spent enormous money and NFTE avoided to attend all the previous functions.

01-10-2012 : Answersheets cannot be revaluated. The CAT at Jabalpur has pronounced the judgement: F.No.-63-61/2010-DE, Letter No.-21st September, 2012. Click Here


29-09-2012 : Framing of BSNL's own rules for recognition of non-executive unions. Letter No.-TF-1/1(h), Dated:-27-09-2012. Click Here

29-09-2012 : Photos of Himachal circle working Committee Meeting. Click Here

29-09-2012 : Seminar and conference organised at Hazipur: The District conference and Seminar on “Financial viability and role of workers” was organised on 27th September. The TDM Hazipur and CAO attended the function. The GS attended from CHQ. The session and Seminar was also addressed by C/s Bihar, Com. B.N. Sinha, D/S Patna, Com. Ramlakhan, Assistant Treasurer, Com. Vikram Kumar, and Distt Secy Muzaffarpur. G.S. Com. C. Singh enlightened the workers about the present pressing problems particularly new rules of recognition, 78.2% IDA merger etc. He said that even scrap materials are not being auctioned despite orders from BSNL HQR. The newly elected D/S, Com. Vakta offered vote of thanks.

29-09-2012 : ITS retention/repatriation: According to sources the secretaries of GOI departments viz DOT, DOP and Pension and MOF/DPE have finalized the proposal for retention and utilisation of ITS officers in BSNL, MTNL and in some new entities, for its approval by Cabinet it is expected that the uncertainty will be over by 3rd week of October, 2012.

29-09-2012 : Justice delayed is justice denied (Editorial Telecom October, 2012, English & Hindi). Click Here

28-09-2012 : ITS Absorption: Department is seeking more time for repatriation of ITS personnel. Case could not be heard today as Hon’ble Judge was reportedly on leave.

28-09-2012 : 78.2% IDA merger: According to reliable sources the DOT has made some queries in the matter.

28-09-2012 : 5.8% Increase in IDA from 01-10-2012 (Total 61.5+5.8 = 67.3%).

28-09-2012 : Fixation of pay of officiating JTOs - Case of Kerala circle. Letter No.-TF-24/2(f), Dated:28-09-2012. Click Here

28-09-2012 : BSNL Day Gift to customers: BSNL is launching unlimited own net free night call between 10 PM to 7 AM from 1st October, 2012 for 90 days at monthly rent of Rs. 59 only. Click Here

28-09-2012 : NFTE HQR heartily congratulates and conveys greetings to brother officers and staff of Bangalore (Karnataka) Salem (Tamilnadu) and Kakinada (AP) for getting “Best Maintained Telephone System Award 2012.” Let others follow the examples. BSNL Letter No.-26-1/2012-BSNL (WL and sports) dt-27-09-2012. Click Here

28-09-2012 : Hearty congratulations and Greetings from NFTE Head Quarter to awardees of "Bharat Sanchar Seva Padak award 2012" BSNL No.-26-1/2012-BSNL-WL, dt-27-09-2012. Click Here

27-09-2012 : Notification of incorrect vacancies for JAO-II examination - Case of Andaman-Nicobarr. Letter No.-TF-14/2(C), Dated:-27-09-2012. Click Here

27-09-2012 : Non-availability of Materials in Himachal Telecom circle. Letter No.-TF-19/3, Dated:-27-09-2012. Click Here

27-09-2012 : Himachal Circle Executive Committee meeting at Solan: The meeting was held on 26-09-2012 and Com. Saljan Ghai presided. Com. Aditya Ram CHQ organising secretary, Com. M.L. Sharma C/S Punjab, Com Mahender Singh CHQ, vice president and Com. Nand Lal Sharma C/S Himachal Pradesh addressed the open session. All the six district secretaries and active comrades attended the session. Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. in his address explained the need of unity and trust amongst the work force of BSNL to place it to its past glorious position. He also explained all the current issues like 78.2% IDA merger, 12-06-2012 strike agreement, recognition rules in BSNL for recognition of more than one union, VRS, investment, hardships in NEPP, Bonus. Modification of transfer policy and appealed to the NFTE members to work sincerely to make the BSNL financially strong. The growth of services is held up despite enough potentials due to paucity of materials.

26-09-2012 : Meeting with Director CFA: President and Com. Amit Mittal (Circle President of NFTE BSNL Punjab) met the Director CFA about Telephone sets position is below (1) Tender for 2.9 Millian clip phones will be opened on 4th October 2012. Expects shortage of sets will be wiped out after this. (2) BSNL HQR has released 1000 Type -1 Modems and some temporary arrangement has also been made at CSCs.

26-09-2012 : Informal Meeting with the GM (Est) BSNL HQR: President accompanied with circle President Amit Mittal NFTE BSNL Punjab met GM (Est) and discussed the following issues. (1) Rule 8 Transfers of TTAs. Indicated to get it considered. (2) Change in Designation NFTE BSNL pressed that it should be consulted before finalization. (3) Loss in wage of post-2007 staff on persistent persuation indicated to examine the views placed by NFTE BSNL. (4) JTO LICE The certified copy of Kerala High Court judgement has still not been received by BSNL HQR.

26-09-2012 : Suggestions regarding GSM services. Letter No.TF-19/4, Dated:-26-09-2012. Click Here

26-09-2012 : Meeting at Ludhiana on 25-09-2012: Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. addressed the well attended meeting of employees held in conference hall of Dayal Hotel at Ludhiana. Snatta leaders were also present Com. C. Singh narrated the present status of 78.2% IDA merger and 12-06-2012 strike agreement, recognition rules, financial condition of company, VRS and examinations. Com. Mahender Prasad. District President, Com. Surjeet Singh District Secretary, Com. Mahender Singh All India vice President, Com. Vinay Rai active Comrade, Com. Hakam Singh CS, Com. Piyus Verma District Secretary and Com. Tejender Pal Singh central Co-ordinator of Snatta participated in the meeting and mentioned the staff problems of Ludhiana particularly partial and vindictive attitude of SSA Head.

25-09-2012 : Consideration of the period of performance for upgradation in NEPP. Letter No.-TF-26/6, Dated:-25-09-2012. Click Here

25-09-2012 : Regarding time bound IDA scale upgradations and grant of NF grade under Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) and BSNL MS RR-2009 respectively-guidelines regarding consideration of the period of performance review. Letter No.-400-164/2012-Pers.1, Dated:-20-09-2012. Click Here

25-09-2012 : Immunity from transfer to elected representatives of recognised representative unions. F. No.-BSNL/1-1/SR/2012, Dated:-19-09-2012. Click Here

25-09-2012 : The open session of All India conference of BSNL EU is being held today at Ludhiana. GS NFTE is attending.

25-09-2012 : Denial of upgradation in NEPP due to non-availability of complete ACRS and average entries. Letter No.-26/6, Dated:-24-09-2012. Click Here

24-09-2012 : General Secretary’s organizational tour programme from 25-09-2012 to 02-10-2012 as follows. (1) 25-09-2012- Ludhiyana (PB) (2) 26-09-2012- Solen (HP) (3) 28-09-2012- Hazipur (BHR) (4) 03-10-2012- Return to CHQ ND.

24-09-2012 : Provision of Prepaid “Sim” of Talk value of Rs. 200/- for out door staff: some modifications are contemplated.

22-09-2012 : Success Story of KTK Circle-100% GPRS settings push to subscribers. Letter No.-MOB-63/3Glnitiatives/2012, Dated:-21-09-2012. Click Here

22-09-2012 : Measures to avoid fire incidents and suggestion thereon-BSNL No. 19-3/2012/NOW/CFA/MSE, dt-20-09-2012. Click Here

22-09-2012 : BSNL HQR has decided to celebrate BSNL Day/week from 1st October, 2012 to 7th October, 2012. Guidelines for activities to be done have been issued in letter No.-BSNL14/6 2012-Mktg dt-21-09-2012. Click Here

21-09-2012 : Change in the code of discipline/framing BSNL's own Recognition Rules for electing majority union(s) of non-executive employees in BSNL. No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, Dated:-19-09-2012. Click Here

21-09-2012 : MEETING AT VIJAYAWADA: A meeting was held on 20-09-2012 at Vijayawada under the Presidentship of Com. G. Venkatappaiah, Dist. President. Com. A. Rajamouli, Secretary NFTE, Com. K.Anjaiah CS, Com. R. Maheswara Rao DS,SEWA and Com. T.V. Ramana Murthy Circle Vice President addressed the same. Com. A. Nagendra Babu DS, Vijayawada welcomed the leaders and said that they are firm to win the ensuing verification with collective efforts. Senior comrade K.V. Rama Krishna, CSS who continued and served the NFPTE/NFTE in Vijayawada since 1971 was respectably felicitated with Shawl and garlands by the Secretary NFTE & CS on his retirement. Com. Rama Krishna shared his memories in the organization and donated Rs.17000/- with love and affection. (Donation to CHQ.Rs.5000/-, Circle Rs.4000/-, District Rs.4000/- and Branch Rs.4000/-). Com. Rajamouli explained in detail on 78.2% IDA, CAG appointments, Examinations, Recognition Rules, VRS and efforts of CHQ on organizational issues etc. CS spoke on organizational matters, efforts of the union to get back the benefits of the employees which lost during last 8 years and further care of younger employees. Com. T.V. Ramana Murthy explained the Governments wrong policies towards the PSUs and importance of the Trade Unions to defeat the same with political ideology. Com. U. Sanjeeva Rao Branch Secretary % GMTD, Vijayawada explained the sincerity and dignity of Com. Rama Krishna towards NFTE Union. Meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Subb Rao TMO Senior Comrade of Vijayawada. Click Here

20-09-2012 : Repatriation/Absorption of ITS officers: The meeting between BSNL’s major unions and DOT took place under the chairmanship of Shri R. Chandrashekhar, Chairman, Telecom commission. The member (Sces), Shri S.C. Misra, Addl Secy and joint secretary were also present. The NFTE BSNL was represented by comrades C. Singh and Islam. The Secy, DOT mentioned about the strategic importance of BSNL and stressed that the PSU’s well being is serious concern of Govt. In the entire world officers have not been transferred in thousand from one organisation to another at one stroke. The DOT in consultation with the MOF, DOP and DPE is preparing memo which will be sent to Cabinet. He assured to keep in mind the views expressed by the unions. About 78.2% IDA fixation benefits he said the issue is being processed and Grant of subsidy to BSNL from USO fund is under very active consideration, of Telecom Commission Regarding spectrum refunds he felt it is time consuming process.

20-09-2012 : Regarding withdrawal of WP at Chennai. Letter No. TF-1/1(h), Dated:-20-09-2012. Click Here

20-09-2012 : Revised Recruitment Rule of Telecom Mechanic issued vide BSNL HQR letter No.-250-3/2012-Pers-III, dt-19-09-2012. Now 10th standard of educational qualification is necessary for departmental candidates including TSMs. Click Here

20-09-2012 : Direct Recruitment of TTA for the RY-2012---Guidelines regarding maintaining waiting list of successful candidates. Letter No.-250-18/2006-Pers-III (Part-2), Dated:-19-09-2012. Click Here

19-09-2012 : Child Care Leave in respect of BSNL staff. Letter No.TF-16/6(a), Dated:-18-09-2012. Click Here

19-09-2012 : An earnest appeal:- Kerala High Court has dismissed the WP against holding of Departmental Examination for promotion to JTO Cadre. The employees eligible to appear in 35% and 15% quota have suffered much due to non-holding of the examination since formation of BSNL. Officiating JTOs are also suffering due to litigations. Therefore, NFTE HQR sincerely appeal to parties concerned to sit together and sort out the issues.

19-09-2012 : Notification of Vacancies for JAO Part II internal competitive examination BSNL letter No.-4-27/2012-SEA, dt-18-09-2012. Click Here

18-09-2012 : JAO Part II LICE against 40% quota of vacancies BSNL No. 4-27/2012-SEA dt-17-09-2012. Click Here

18-09-2012 : Meeting with GM (Est): President and GS met GM (Est) and mentioned about reckless transfers in September particularly in Andaman and Nicobar against policy of BSNL HQR.

18-09-2012 : BSNL’s own rules of recognition: President and GS met with the PGM (SR) and requested him for early holding of meeting of all unions for new rules of recognition. PGM (SR) told that the letter is on anvil to all the applicant unions to send their views by 1st October, 2012 and there after meeting will be convened.

18-09-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR): President and GS met Director (HR) and discussed the issue of holding of Deptl Examination for promotion to JTO Cadre in view of Judgement of Kerala High Court and taking into account of Vacancies atleast occurring upto year 2012. There has been positive response from Director (HR). Adjustment of transferred staff of WTP was also raised. The Director assured to speak again to CGM, WTP. Holding of bilateral meeting with the management regarding settlement of conciliation items was also raised. He promised to do the needful.

18-09-2012 : JAO Part II LICE: Existing standard for exemption ie 60% in any subject will be applicable in the ensuing examination.

18-09-2012 : Immunity from transfer to elected representatives of recognized representative unions. F.No.-BSNL/1-1/SR/2012, Dated:-17-09-2012. Click Here

17-09-2012 : The DOT may delay approval of 78.2% IDA merger but can’t deny: After approval of the proposal by BSNL Board the issue has been sent to DOT for its concurrence. Anxious quarries are being made by comrades from different places if the DOT will approve. There were two members of Govt besides independent Directors in the Board meeting of 28-08-2012 which has approved the proposal. The NFTE BSNL has signed the agreement along with other unions on 12-06-2012 after assessing the pros and cons. The DOT may delay in conveying the approve but cannot deny the benefit to the workers we expect good sense will prevail and approval is conveyed by DOT at the earliest. The NFTE HQR is watchful, alert and keeping eye on the developments. NFTE leaders have met twice with Member (S) for expeditious settlement. Click Here

17-09-2012 : The Madras High Court Bench in Madurai has held that the principle of “no work, no pay” will not apply to employees who were willing to work. Pay back wages to sanitary workers. Click Here

17-09-2012 : Holding of Departmental internal competitive Examination for promotion to JTO Cadre without descrimination. Letter No.-14/2(b), Dated:-17-09-2012. Click Here

17-09-2012 : Organise lunch hour: demonstration on /18th September for repatriation/Absorption of ITS personnel.

15-09-2012 : Settlement of issues pending in conciliation with by CLC under industrial dispute. Letter No.-38/6, Dated:-15-09-2012. Click Here

15-09-2012 : Offering 3G data card (3.6 Mbps) at reduced sale price as back-up to the ADSL postpaid Broadband customers uner ADSL Broadband plan in Bangalore, Hyderabad & Kolkata SSAs only on promotional basis for 90 days. Letter No.-26-18/2010-T&C-CM, Dated:-13-09-2012. Click Here

15-09-2012 : WP against LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre dismissed by Kerala High Court: The Kerala High Court on 14-09-2012 has reportedly dismissed the petition against holding of LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre. The amendment in R/R of 10 to 7 years service will have retrospective effect and not prospective. The Judgement Copy is awaited. The parties should realize that the litigation is spoiling the future prospects of the employees.

14-09-2012 : Special discount scheme for serving/retired Govt. /PSU employees and visually impaired persons under postpaid Wireless Broadband Services (WIMAX). Letter No.-22-01/2010-T&C-CM, Dated:-12-09-2012. Click Here

14-09-2012 : Extension of "Customer Delight year" for one more year. Letter No.-BSNL/20-7/SR/2011. Dated:- 13-09-2012. Click Here

14-09-2012 : In Karnataka more than 1 lakh Road Transport corporation employees (8 unions) are on strike for wage revision. The State Govt. of Karnataka is taking revenge full action against striking employees. Extend solidity and support to the employees of Karnataka KSRTC. All circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to send Telegrams to Chief Minister, Karnataka. Text of the Telegram re-produced. Click Here

14-09-2012 : Three years time limit for CGA withdrawn:- The DOP vide No.- 14014/3/2011-Eastt (D) dt 26-07-2012 has withdrawn the 3 years time limit for CG appointment imposed in letter No.-14014/19/2002-Estt(D) dt-05-05-2003 sequel to Allahabad High Court orders. The letter is yet to be endorsed by DOT and BSNL. NFTE HQR will take up the matter.

14-09-2012 : Employees working in NE-II pay scale and retired prior to 22-02-2012 will not be eligible for NE-12 pay scale.

12-09-2012 : Looking to increase top line and bottom line of BSNL in year 2012-13-CMD BSNL’s talks about the BSNL’s plan: Aim to retain and increase market share in Broad band, Mobile, VAS and to strengthen Basic Phones customers. 30% growth in Enterprise segment. Deep concern is decline in wireline subscriber base. BSNL has 64% market share in Broadband. BSNL’s towers are being shared with private operators. There is plan to increase Capacity on GSM, fixed line and broadband networks. Click Here

12-09-2012 : Attention Circle Secretaries: orders for NE-12 scale in NEPP have been issued on 11th September please make a point to inform the NFTE HQR the number of benefitted employees. The circle Secretaries of major circles bestow best full attention in this respect.

12-09-2012 : Com. Islam, President met Director (HR) and mentioned regarding delay in convening meeting of all unions for evolving BSNL’s Rules for recognition, non-functioning of works committee specially in Andhra, unwarranted and partisan transfers in Andhra etc resulting huge expenditures, Retention of officers beyond the prescribed period. Director (HR) assured to look into the issues.

12-09-2012 : BSNL MUST GET MOMENTUM. (EDITORIAL TELELABOUR September 2012, English & Hindi) Click Here

12-09-2012 : Modification in Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) issued vide this office letter No.-27-7/2008-TE-II, dtd. 23-03-2010. Letter NO.-27-7/2008-TE-II (Up-gradation), Dated:-11-09-2012. Click Here

12-09-2012 : Introduction of the New NE-12 Pay Scale of Rs. 16390-33830/- for Non Executives in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. Letter No.-27-7/2008-TE-II (Scale), Dated:-11-09-2012. Click Here

11-09-2012 : Exemption inquestion papers for JAO II examination. Letter No.-TF-14/2(c), Dated:-11-09-2012. Click Here

11-09-2012 : Meeting between unions and BSNL Management for Recognition Rules: Meeting is likely to take place in the second week of October.

11-09-2012 : NE-12 and its notification in NEPP: orders are expected today or by tomorrow.

11-09-2012 : 78.2% IDA Agreement between unions and BSNL Management: BSNL has sent the proposal to DOT for approval.

11-09-2012 : Filling up of the vacant posts for Scs/STs in BSNL. Letter No.-90-1/2012-SCT/432, Dated:-10-09-2012. Click Here

11-09-2012 : Modification in R/R to till up 40% Departmental quota of vacancies in TTA Cadre. Letter No.-TF-14(2a), Dated:-11-09-2012. Click Here

11-09-2012 : President, Com. Islam attends Snatta Conference at Rajahmundry: The joint District Conference of East Godavari and West Godavari was held on 9th Sept at Rajahmundry. Com. Islam attended and addressed the meeting. He stated in detail about 35% JTO quota Examination, wage erosion of TTAs, and new designation for TTAs. He appealed to the gathering to work hard to put BSNL on sound financial position. Com. K. Suresh, circle Secy Snatta welcomed the President of NFTE BSNL and thanked for his participation in the meeting. Click Here

11-09-2012 : Training of qualified personnel for promotion to TTA Cadre agaist 40% Departmental Quota - case of Tailnadu Telecom circle. Letter No.-15/1, Dated:-11-09-2012. Click Here

10-09-2012 : Direct Recruitment of TTAs from Open market for the Recruitment year-2012. Letter No.-250-12/2012-Pers-III, Dated:-10-09-2012. Click Here

10-09-2012 : A meeting of Branch Secretaries & Active members of Krishna, East and West Godavari held along with A.P. Circle working committee at Rajahmundry on 08-09-2012 & 09-09-2012 : The three District meeting started after flag hoisting ceremony on 08-09-2012 under the President ship of Com. Surendra. And reviewed the organizational position and stop problem in three SSAs. On 09-09-2012 CWC of A.P. started at 10.00AM with Com. T.V. Ramana Murthy Vice President in Chair. The District Secretaries expressed their views. Com. M. Parashuramulu TM, Sangareddy has been elected as Circle President of Union in the vacant Post. There is victimization. Harassment on transfers and discrimination by some partition officials in the circle. There is stagnation of RM in NEPP and vacancies of TMs are not filled up in AP Circle. Com. Islam addressed the meeting assured that the cases 78.2% IDA merger, wage revision. Wage erosion, NEPP, TTA & TM RRs, TSM status, BSNL MRS, Pension, VRS, Financial condition of BSNL, New recognition rules etc. Concluding his speech, he said let us sink our differences and move together to place the NFTE of the right and respectable place. He referred the NFTE is worried about the future of the employees and that is why the NFTE has submitted a detailed representation to Hon’ble Minister of Communication on pension. The reception committee, Rajahmundry felicitated the All India President Com. Islam and two of the retired Comrades of Rajahmundry. Com. Islam attended the joint District conference of East & west Godavari of Snatta on 09-09-2012 at Rajahmundry. He declared that NFTE is sincere to the care of workers as well as Snatta and always keep promotion in mind. Click Here

10-09-2012 : Com. INDERSEN JI NO MORE: Com. INDERSEN JI AMAR RAHE: NFTE lost a disciplined soldier and veteran Leader on 09-09-2012, who dedicated life to NFTE (NEPTE). Com. Inder Ji was a close associate of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji worked with him for a long period. He was similar in age to Com. O.P. Gupta Ji and guide to our federation for a long time. We could not forget his valuable advices to our union at difficult times. Late. Inder Ji was a soft spoken and calm in his hard work in the office is memorable one. After knowing the news. Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S., Com. A.Rajamouli Secretary HQR and Com. Shri Kishan (office staff) rushed to his house in valley view (Towers 6A) Faridabad Road and paid respectful tributes to him. And accompanied with dead body to funeral place at “Iffco Chourastha” Gurgaon Road. Com. O.P. Gupta Ji and Com. Goel (C/S Haryana) also participated in funeral. NFTE deeply condoles his death and share the grief with his family members. Click Here

08-09-2012 : Reserving Jobs for ITS Officers illegal:DOT : The Telecom department said any move to reserve about 1,100 managerial slots in BSNL and MTNL for Indian Telecom Service officers would be illegal and flout government regulations. “The option of encadrement of roughly 1,100 managerial posts in BSNL and MTNL for ITS officers is not legitimate or an available option within the policy guidelines of the government of India, “said a DOT official. (Source EC)

08-09-2012 : A meeting of branch Secretaries and active members of Krishna, East and West Godavari is taking place at Rajamundry along with the circle Working committee of A.P. on 8th & 9th September 2012. Com. Islam Ahamad Prisident NFTE is attending the meetings from Head Quarter.

08-09-2012 : Review of three years time limit for making compassionate appointment. F.No.-14014/3/2011-Estt. (D), Dated:-26-07-2012. Click Here

08-09-2012 : Expenditure control in BSNL - clarification. Letter No.-13-03/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-06-09-2012. Click Here

08-09-2012 : Reply of Shri Milind Deora Hon’ble Minister of State Communications and Technology on 05-09-2012 in Lok Sabha (Q.No. 3970) in respect of Pension issues in BSNL and MTNL. Click Here

06-09-2012 : Bilateral meeting between BSNL unions and Management for evolving Rules for recognition of unions of non - executive staff. Letter No.-1/1(d), Dated:-06-09-2012. Click Here

05-09-2012 : Circle union of NFTE BSNL at Kolkata TD. Letter No.-027, Dated:-03-09-2012. Click Here

05-09-2012 : Lunch Hour Demonstration on 18th September 2012 by Forum of BSNL unions/Associations. Dated:- 05-09-2012. Click Here

05-09-2012 : Report from Tamilnadu circle about Dismissal Cases and Pension - NFTE's Humane Achievement. Click Here

05-09-2012 : R/R of TTA:- BSNL Board has approved the R/R of TTA. Now prequalified examination will take place in respect of candidates not possessing 10+2 (Intermediate) qualification.

05-09-2012 : R/R of Telecom Mechanic: BSNL Board has approved the Recruitment Rule of TM. Now matriculation will be the educational qualification in respect of all department candidates.

05-09-2012 : Meeting with Jt. Secretary (T) DOT: Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. Nambodri and Com. Abhimanyu of BSNLEU, Com. G.L. Jogi President SNEA (I), Com. Vanugopal Rao and Com. Prahalad Rai of AIBSNL EA met Jt/Secretary (T) DOT, Shri Mallay Srivastava on 04-09-2012, discussed ITS absorption issue in detail and requested him to settle the long pending issue to avoid dangerous consequences in BSNL. Jt. secretary (T) was also in view to end the stalemate and adhere to the directive of Hon’ble High Court New Delhi. After that, Forum leaders met and decided to organise “lunch hour demonstration on 18-09-2012” in front of all offices/Exchanges through out the Country to protest against inaction of BSNL management in respect of ITS absorption, and demand to repatriate ITS un absorbed officers from BSNL to DOT as per directive of Hon’ble High Court New Delhi by 30th Sept, 2012.

05-09-2012 : Money deposited in USO fund in last five years. Click Here

04-09-2012 : No money to BSNL for VRS: DOT will not give money to BSNL for VRS.

04-09-2012 : Orders for processing of Pension/DCRG cases in respect of Dismissed employees issued by DOT after consistent and continuous pursuance by NFTE BSNL. DOT Letter No.-40-14/2012-Pen(T), dt-28-07-2012. Click Here

04-09-2012 : Workers convention at Talkatora stadium New Delhi: Comrades from Punjab, Delhi, Western UP participated in the convention organised by 11 central TUS. President, GS and Secretaries of Hqr also attended.

04-09-2012 : Meeting with Member (Sec) President, GS and Com. Saini (C/S) Western UP met Member (Sec) and raised the following issues. (1) Issue of Pos. (2) Pension Cases of Dismissed employees.

04-09-2012 : Grant of Minimum Bonus of staff - Resolution thereon. Letter No.-TF-7, Dated:-04-09-2012. Click Here

04-09-2012 : Hardships, Sufferings and Discrimination in NEPP - Resolution adopted thereon. Letter No.-26/6, Dated:-04-09-2012. Click Here

04-09-2012 : Drop the proposal to grant VRS to BSNL staff - Resolution adopted by National Executive. Letter No.-11/8(a), Dated:-04-09-2012. Click Here

04-09-2012 : National Convention of workers on 4th September, 2012 at New Delhi in Tal Katora Stadium, Declaration. Click Here

03-09-2012 : "DOT Cell" for NE-2 circle. Letter No.-TF-17A, Dated:-03-09-2012. Click Here

03-09-2012 : Conciliation proceeding under ID Act between BSNL Management and NFTE BSNL. Click Here

03-09-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR):- (1) 78.2% IDA memo is ready and in process for sending to DOT. (2) Meeting date for evolving BSNL’s rules for recognition is likely to be fixed shortly. (3) Adjustment of transferred WTP staff in WTR is contemplated.

03-09-2012 : JAO Part.II Internal Competitive Examination agaist 40% quota to be held on 17th 18th 19th December, 2012. Letter No.-28-2/2012-Rectt, Dated:-03-09-2012. Click Here

01-09-2012 : Transport Allowance to physically handicapped employees in BSNL. Letter No.-10/15(a), Dated:-01-09-2012. Click Here

01-09-2012 : Grant of subsidy to BSNL and refund of BWA Spectrum deposits. Letter No.-6/7, Dated-01-09-2012. Click Here

01-09-2012 : Wage erosion in respect of some categories of staff viz TTAs, Sr. TOAs, etc. Letter No.-9/9, Dated:-01-09-2012. Click Here

01-09-2012 : BSNL's own rules for recognition of unions. Letter No.-TF-1/1(d), Dated:-01-09-2012. Click Here

01-09-2012 : 78.2% IDA merger fixation benefits to BSNL employees Resolution adopted in NE meeting. Letter No.-9/9, Dated:-01-09-2012. Click Here

01-09-2012 : Canclave at Delhi. Editorial, Telecom September 2012 (English & Hindi). Click Here

01-09-2012 : Joint convention of Central TUs : The joint convention of Central Trade unions is taking place on 04-09-2012 at Delhi in Taal Katora Stadium. The Circle Secretaries of NTR, Haryana, Western U.P. and Punjab are requested to mobilise the workers of neighbouring places to join the convention at 1000 hours.

31-08-2012 : NE-12 Scale will not be sent to DOT again as it is already approved by Administrative Ministry.

31-08-2012 : Car to be returned to Com. Gupta, SG: The National Executive in its meeting of 27th/28th has decided to return the present CHQ Car to Com. Gupta, Ex SG as he has been insisting that E-4 union has given to him the Car as gift.

30-08-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR): President, Secy (Com. Rajmouli) and Com. R.N. Pande (C/S Eastern UP) met Director (HR) and apprised him about the situation at Unnao and Ballia SSAs. Some other issues of viz WTP, A & N circles and immunity in transfers have also been raised.

30-08-2012 : Increase in subscription: The NE conference at Delhi has decided to increase the subscription from Rs. 10 to 20. The allocation will be as under. CHQ – Rs. 5/- per member, Circle - Rs. 5/- per member, SSA/Dist - Rs. 10/- per member, .Note:- out of Rs. 10/- the District union will distribute Rs. 5/- per member to the Branch unions.

30-08-2012 : Prevent fire incidents in Telephone Exchanges. BSNL in Letter No.-19-3/2012/NWO-CFA/MSE, dt 30-08-2012 has issued guidelines. Click Here

30-08-2012 : Regularisation of casual workers in BSNL - Hon'ble MOS (C) answers in Rajya Sabha. Click Here

30-08-2012 : Conciliation meeting between BSNL Management and NFTE BSNL took place on 30th August 2012. The NFTE was represented by President and GS. The Dy CLC directed the management to hold further discussions with the union and sort out the issues. Union in course of discussions pressed for adoption of uniform procedure of vacancies for examination of all cadre including JTOs. Up to date vacancies be taken in to account for holding the examination of JTO so that eligible candidates are available in the circles. Click Here

30-08-2012 : Delegation of financial power to Heads of Circle for obtaining ISO certification. Letter No.-7-6/EF/08-Part-II, Dated:-29-08-2012. Click Here

30-08-2012 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Hindi Translators.(CORRIGENDUM) Letter No.-50-1/2012-DE, Dated:- 27-08-2012. Click Here


29-08-2012 : A delegation of NFTE BSNL consisting of Comrades Islam, S.N. Rai (Secy), RN Pande (C/S Eastern UP), Pattabi (C/S TN) circle met CMD and thanked him for getting through the issues of 78.2% IDA merger, NE-12 scale. In course of discussions some financial aspects were told by him Click Here

29-08-2012 : Resolutions adopted at NE meeting. Click Here

29-08-2012 : NE Meeting of NFTE BSNL Concluded: The National Executive meeting held on 27th/28th August at Delhi has deliberated on many important and pressing problems including BSNL’s own rules for recognition of unions and resolutions adopted. The resolutions will be forwarded to BSNL HQR for action. The meeting took place at appropriate time when 78.2% IDA merger got approval by BSNL Board and Chief Labour Commissioner held meeting with unions for recognition of more than one union. NE-12 scale in NEPP also got approval. Joint struggle brought the result. Click Here

29-08-2012 : 2670 vacaincies in the cadre of TTA approved by BSNL Board in the meeting held on 28th August.

29-08-2012 : NE-12 Scale approved: The BSNL Board in its meeting on 28th August has approved for creation of NE-12 Scale in NEPP. According to source the benefit will accrue only from February 2012. The circle Secretaries are requested to intimate the number of beneficiaries of NE 12 scale.

29-08-2012 : 78.2% IDA merger issue will now go to DOT: Sequel to approval by BSNL Board the 78.2% IDA merger issue will now be sent to DOT for approval as pension increase is involved. NFTE HQR will pursue for its early transmission to DOT

28-08-2012 : BSNL Board has reportedly approved 78.2% IDA merger.

28-08-2012 : BSNL Board meeting is taking place. The issues of 78.2% IDA merger, NE-12 scale etc are in the agenda.

28-08-2012 : Tripartite Meeting with CLC held on 27th August regarding Change of Code of Discipline vis-à-vis framing of rules for recognition of more of than one union in BSNL. The BSNL management will hold meeting with unions for recognition and extension of Minimum Trade union facilities shortly. Click Here

26-08-2012 : Western UP Circle Conference Concluded: The western UP Circle conference concluded on 25th August and Comrades F. Rana, Sompal saini and Sunil Kumar Singh have been elected as President, Circle Secy and Treasurer respectively. A seminar on “Arresting of surrender of Basic phones to earn Revenue” was held on 24th in which President, GS and Rajpal (Secy) attended and addressed the seminar. GM, Shri Mohak Singh and Dy GM (F) also attended. Conference was memorable. Click Here

25-08-2012 : Inauguration of video Telephony at Sri Nagar on 21-08-2012: Shri Sachin pilot, Hon’ble Minister for IT & Shri R.K. Upadhyay Ji CMD BSNL Inaugurated “VIDEO TELEPHONY” at Sri Nagar on 21-08-2012. Com. Riyaz Ahmad, NFTE Organising Secretary met Minister and CMD on the occasion, discussed staff problems of J & K and development of BSNL in the state. Click Here

24-08-2012 : SMS Limit hiked to 20 a day : After Checking that use of SMSs to prevent spreading of rumors that caused an exodus of north east people from some States, the Government on Thursday increased the permissible number of SMSs to 20 a day with immediate effect. A notification says it has been decided to revise the permissible limit of “bulk SMS/MMS to 20 in place of Five” (Source. The Hindu).

23-08-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL: A delegation of NFTE BSNL Consisting of President, GS, Secy (Com K K Singh) and circle Secy, NE-II (Com Vizo) met CMD, BSNL and discussed the following issues. (1) Problems relating to NE-II Circle particularly separate DOT Cell for the circle, Deputation period of officers, Regularisation of TSMS etc. (2) Transfers of WTP staff. (3) Surrender of Basic Telephones and Paucity of materials. CMD responded positively on the issues.

23-08-2012 : JAO –II Examination: SEA section of Corporate office has sent information to Examination section for notification of Departmental Examination against 1898 JAO vacancies.

23-08-2012 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the Grade of Rajbhasha Adhikari on the basis of RRs of Rajbhasha Adhikari, 2005. Letter No.-60-1/2012-DE, Dated:-22-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Com. K.K. Singh Secretary joined head quarter on 22-08-2012. He will help CHQ in arrangement of NEC schedule to be held on 27th & 28th August, 2012.

22-08-2012 : Immunity from transfer to elected representatives of recognized unions. File No.-BSNL/1-1/SR/2012, Dated:-22-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Grant of Special Casual Leave to Members of National Executive Committee of NFTE-BSNL for attending National Executive Meeting of NFTE-BSNL from 27-08-2012 to 28-08-2012 at New Delhi. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2012(Pt), Dated:-21-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Clarification issued by Department of Telecom in respect of quarters allotted to DOT units and Relieved repatriated DOT Officers. Letter No.-BSNL/6-1/SR/2011, Dated:-21-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Blackberry devices on EMI to BSNL Employee as a Special Festival offer. File No.-10-1/2009-P & P-CM, Dated:-22-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Prevention of Sexual Harassment of women employees at their workplaces. Letter No.-6-1/2005 SG(SCT) PT/395, Dated:-21-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Profit/loss of BSNL and MTNL Since 2004, Shri Milind Deora's reply in Rajya Sabha. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Recruitment of Junior Hindi Translators through Limited Internal Competitive Examination to be held on 18th November, 2012. Letter No.-50-1/2012-DE, Dated:-16-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Realisation of outstanding telephone revenue of Landline phones - BSNL Letter No.-2-Misc/2008-BSNL/TR (Pt-I) Dated-17-08-2012. Click Here

22-08-2012 : Mos(C) answer in Rajya Shaba about VRS. Click Here



18-08-2012 : Now coal burns Rs. 1,86,000/- crore hole in Exchequer: Comptroller and Auditor General said the governments move more to allocate coal blocks free to the Tatas, Jindals, Essar and many other companies resulted in gain of an estimated Rs 1.86 lakh crore, based on the price of the entire quantity of coal that can be mined from these blocks over their life time. It said that the blocks could have been auctioned Six years ago, and delay has caused to the exchequer. (Source EC & Hindu)

18-08-2012 : Com. B.C. Barik Ex. circle Secretary NFTE (BSNL) Odissa take his last breath Yesterday on 17-08-2012. CHQ mourns his death and convey heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

17-08-2012 : BSNL Board meeting on 28-08-2012 at 1130hrs: Important items like 78.2% IDA merger, NE-12 scale etc may come up for discussion.

17-08-2012 : Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2013. Letter No.-3-1/2010-TE, Dated-16-08-2012. Click Here

16-08-2012 : Shri R.K. Upadhyay Ji CMD BSNL message on Independence Day. Click Here

16-08-2012 : Meeting with GM (Est): The Eastern UP circle has withdrawn the age condition of 40 years to appear in the LDCE for promotion to TTA cadre under 40% quota.

16-08-2012 : Circle Conference: Western UP circle conference on 24th/25th August.

14-08-2012 : Independence Greetings. Click Here

14-08-2012 : Callous and indifferent approch is dangerous. (Editorial English & Hindi) Click Here

14-08-2012 : Authorisation for Pension of Dismissed employees: Matter has been brought into the knowledge of Member (Services) who assured for early issue of clarification.

13-08-2012 : Meeting of BSNL unions on 27th August with CLC: The CLC has convened a meeting of unions on 27th August at 1500 hours as per Ernakulam High Court order for Change in code of Discipline Management side will also be represented. Letter No.-32(22)/2012-Vin. Dated:-09-08-2012. Click Here

13-08-2012 : BSNL to spend Rs. 400 crores to revamp Landline Services: BSNL is planning to invest about Rs. 400 crores to transform landline services to bring many modern facilities viz video calling and free call transfer from Mobile phones. Action is in process to convert exchanges into NGN (Next Generation Network). There are total 37,639 exchanges out of which 30,0008 are based on C-Dot and rest from imported technology. Expenditure on conversion of C-Dot exchanges into NGN will be very less.

11-08-2012 : LDCE for Promotion to TTA Cadre against vacancies of year 2008-case of Eastern UP Circle. Letter No.-14/2(a), Dated:-11-08-2012. Click Here

11-08-2012 : Meeting with CLC: According to sources the CLC is convening the meeting of BSNL unions on 27th August for change in code of Discipline as per direction of Ernakulam High Court.

11-08-2012 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of UDC to the grade of Assistant Manager in BSNL Corporate Office. Letter No.-20-1/2012-DE, Dated:-30-07-2012. Click Here

11-08-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL: President and GS met CMD on 9th and raised the following issues: (i) Payment of Pension to absorbed employees in BSNL: The points mentioned in the memorandum addressed to Telecom Minister were mentioned and agreed to forward the same to DOT for further course of action. (ii) Strike agreements and the follow up action: Union representatives pointed out that the delay in settlement of strike agreement is making employees restless. It is in the interest of all that the settlement be expedited. CMD reacted and said the issues are in process. The Management Committee has already approved the 78.2% IDA merger and is being sent to Board for acceptance. Child care leave is already in the Board. The Committee is processing the recommendations of retirement benefits to BSNL recruits. (iii) BSNL’s rules for recognition : CMD told that a Committee is working on this and he will study the issue further.

11-08-2012 : CMD’s Concerns: CMD in course of discussions expressed serious concerns about services in BSNL. He sought cooperation from workers to LIFT the Company from downtrend. According to him materials are now supplied and available in the field. NFTE HQR appeal to employees in general and its members particularly to work sincerely to improve the services. BSNL has to be protected and lifted from present position.

11-08-2012 : Performance of SSAS: Profit earning SSAS are being indentified for information of MOC.

11-08-2012 : R/R of Telecom Mechanic: The Recruitment Rule of TM is revised and now it is sent to BSNL Board for its approval.

09-08-2012 : NFTE HQR Wishes Happy Janamashtmi to one and all.

09-08-2012 : Meeting of Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations on 08-08-2012. Click Here

08-08-2012 : The Meeting of all unions/Associations is taking place the GS and Com. Rajmouli (Secy) from NFTE BSNL are participating.

08-08-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR): GS and President met Director (HR) and discussed the issues of repatriation of staff working in rural Sector, situation at Unnao and Ballia SSAS in Eastern UP and extension of facility of immunity in transfers etc. The matter of evolving of rule for recognition was also raised.

07-08-2012 : Court cases filed by BSNL employees on the issue of promotion from BCR Gr. III to Gr. IV (10% BCR) from the date of their juniors were promoted in various Courts of Law-Circulation of CAT, Chandigarh Bench judgment. F.No.-22-26/2012-TE, Dated:-07-08-2012. Click Here

07-08-2012 : Authorisation of pension of the dismissed employees of BSNL:BSNL HQR has taken up the matter on the intervention of NFTE. Union is pursuing at DOT level also Letter No. 40-25/2011-Pen(B)/Misc, Dated:-13-07-2011. Click Here

07-08-2012 : Inclusion of retire employee as a representative of a recognised union in the circle Staff Welfare Board. Letter No.-12-2/2012-BSNL(WL), Dated:-19-07-2012. Click Here

07-08-2012 : SNEA Leaders fight back against arbitrary orders: Delhi High Court has asked BSNL’s counsel to tell management to withdraw the orders of transfers of SNEA Leaders and accord meeting to the association at their own accord else Hon’ble Court will pass necessary orders on next date of Hearing . SNEA leaders were transferred as per direction from SC/ST Commission. NFTE HQR Congratulates SNEA leaders for their fight back.

06-08-2012 : Superannuation benefits to Direct Recruits: The Committee is functioning and recommendations are being processed.

06-08-2012 : Child Care leave: Details from leading PSUS like NTPC are being collected.

06-08-2012 : Three District Branch Secretaries meeting at Khammam on 04-08-2012: Khammam, Warangal & Nalgonda branch Secretaries meeting held at Khammam on 04-08-2012 under the president ship of Com. D.V. Swamy. Com. K. Anjaiah, CS AP circle explained the importance of the meeting to strengthen organisation in AP circle. Com. Janardan Rao, Chief patron given details of NFTE history and struggles took place during the period. Com. S. Narasmharao District President AITUC addressed the meeting and clarified the importance of united struggles at this Juncture. Com. A. Rajamouli Secretary HQR addressed the meeting and explained in detail about 12-06-2012 agreement, new recognition rules in BSNL,VRS, examinations, compassionate appointments etc. The District Secretaries of Khammam, Nalgonda, Warangal & Vijayawada also addressed the meeting. It is a third successive meeting in AP circle. The spirit of meetings encouraging the base level workers in the circle. Click Here

06-08-2012 : Every citizen has right to meet people representatives. Letter No.-(TF-4/6 dt 05-08-2012 to MOC) Click Here

05-08-2012 : furnishing of yearly expenditure statement to release 25% ad hoc welfare grant for the year 2012-13-Request for. Letter No.-13-1/2012-BSNL-(WL), Dated:-03-08-2012. Click Here

05-08-2012 : 2G spectrum Price- call rate increase: The Cabinet accepting the recommendations of GOM has fiexed price of Rs. 14,000/- crores. The price is 20% less than the recommended by Trai. Telcos are contending this may increase call rate by 30 Paise perminute.

05-08-2012 : Govt. evading Pension liability. Click Here

05-08-2012 : Payment of Pension to DOT employees absorbed in BSNL-Request for intervention to remove the apprehensions and doubts. Letter No.-11/3, Dated:-05-08-2012. Click Here

05-08-2012 : Payment of Pension to DOT employees absorbed in BSNL-Request for intervention to remove the apprehensions and doubts. Letter No.-11/3, Dated:-05-08-2012. Click Here

04-08-2012 : Gujrat circle marching ahead: More employees have joined.

04-08-2012 : Arresting the disconnections of Telephones. Letter No. 8-23/2012/PHM, Dated:-02-08-2012. Click Here

03-08-2012 : 78.2 IDA merger: Management Committee of BSNL has approved the proposal for 78.2 IDA fixation benefit. Matter will now go to BSNL Board. Board’s meeting is likely to take place in last week of August 2012.

31-07-2012 : MC deferred: Managing Committee Meeting of BSNL scheduled for 30th has been deferred. The meeting will now take place on 2nd August 2012.

28-07-2012 : It is reported the Designation committee meeting scheduled to be held on 30-07-2012, post poned to 09-08-2012.

28-07-2012 : BSNL added only 2,78,705 mobile connections from April,12 to June'12 and suffered a net loss of 9,93,221 lines (LL, WLL & GSM). Click Here

28-07-2012 : Workers are asset not the liability. (Editorial - English & Hindi) Click Here

28-07-2012 : Provision of In-Service training to BSNL officers/officials. Letter No.-29-1/2008-Trg, Dated-27-07-2012. Click Here

28-07-2012 : NFTE Tamilnadu organised a full day art and literature camp at Cudollore. Com. Jayaraman Secretary HQR & Com. Pattabi Raman, CS TN addressed the camp. A “Kavi Sammelanam” on the suffering of Sri Lankan Tamils was conducted in which 26 poets participated. Street plays were enacted by our Comrades. It was a different meet altogether

27-07-2012 : General Secretary & Com. A. Rajmouli Secretary HQR met GM(Est), discussed in detail about violation of transfer policy in various circles, and requested to stop mass transfers in Andhra circle.

26-07-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger – Latest position: The Management Committee of BSNL met on 25th July but could not take up the item for discussions. The issue is now posted for the next Management Committee meeting scheduled to take place on Monday, 30th July.

25-07-2012 : G.S., Com. Rajpal & Com. A. Rajamouli Secretaries HQR met CMD BSNL discussed new recognition rules and WTP Bombay transfers. CMD BSNL responded positively. Later met with PGM (SR) discussed Andhra transfers and immunity from transfer issue of Jammu & Kashmir.

23-07-2012 : Implementation of court orders in application under Section 17(B) of the ID Act, 1947. F. No.-7-35/2012-LE, Dated-16-07-2012. Click Here

21-07-2012 : No Income Tax returns upto 5 lakh earning or less: Salaried employees with a annual Income up to Rs. 5 lakh are exempted from filing up income tax returns for assessment year 2012-13, provided they do not have other income the central board of Direct taxes said on Friday. Individual with interest earnings from savings bank deposits are also exempt provided the interest component is less than Rs. 10,000 a year. The total income of Rs. 5 lakh means the gross income of an employee after deduction. (Source: Times of India Dated 21-07-2012)

20-07-2012 : BSNL Circular regarding payment of IDA at the revised rates for employees drawing their pay in revised IDA scales w.e.f. 01-07-2012. Click Here

19-07-2012 : Dhanbad meeting : A massive meeting held at Dhanbad on 16-07-2012 under the president ship of Com. Jwala Singh. Com. C.B. Lal District Secretary, Dhanbad welcomed the guests and expressed how they faced difficulties during the years. Management always seen to crush the NFTE members without any cause. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, Com. Mahavir Singh circle Secretary, Jharkand, Com. K.K. Singh & Com. A. Rajamouli Secretaries of HQr participated in the meeting and addressed upon core issues like 12-06-2012 agreement, financial viability of BSNL, New recognition rules, Examinations, compassionate ground appointments, regularization of TSM’s and payment of leave encashment to retirees. more than 350 employees attended the meeting. The District Secretaries Com. Janardan Singh, (Hazaribagh), Com. Ashok Mondal (Jharkand), & Com. Dilip Kumar (Dumka), attended the meeting. Com. Vikas Kumar Gupta circle president SNATTA also addressed the meeting. Meeting ended with vote of thanks by President.

18-07-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger: According to confirmed source the Draft proposal for consideration of the Management Committee (MC) is finalized and same will placed before the MC in next week meeting.

14-07-2012 : High handedness against SNEA and its leaders: As earlier reported BSNL HQR has transferred its central leaders including President and GS for Trade union activities. The leaders are facing Rule 14 Chargesheet also. Not only this the BSNL HQR has issued orders that SNEA leaders should not be given any meeting by officers. This is high handedness. The NFTE is firmly with SNEA against the victimisation. Trade unions in BSNL have to unite and resist such action.

14-07-2012 : Trais’s limit of 200 SMS on a SIM cancelled: Delhi High Court in its Judgement on 13th July has cancelled the limit of 200 SMS daily on a Sim fixed by Trai. Thus cap of 200 SMS per day on a sim is removed for personal use. Fixing of limit of SMS is violative of right of expression of views, the court held .

13-07-2012 : Superannuation benefits to directly recruited employees as per DPE guidelines.Letter No. TF-11/10(b) Dated:-13-07-2012 Click Here

13-07-2012 : Provision of Pre-paid SIM with a talk time of Rs. 200/- PM to non-executives on the basis of functional need. TF-19/4 Dated:-13-07-2012 Click Here

13-07-2012 : IDA orders likely to be issued by BSNL today.

13-07-2012 : BSNL's Rules for Recognition.(Editorial- English & Hindi) Click Here

13-07-2012 : Call rates may increase 5to 10 Paise with new spectrum norms: Trai has told the Govt. that its recommendations on spectrum pricing will increase call charges on average only by 5 to 10 Paise. EGOM is considering Trai’s recommendations for fixing the reserve price for spectrum.

12-07-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL : Com. Islam accompanied by Snatta leaders ( Comrades Dhiraj Choudhary, Sanjib Saha, CS CTD ) and Amit Mittal, Circle President NFTE Punjab met CMD and discussed the following issues : (i) Wage erosion of TTAS and others sequel to wage revision wef 1st January, 2007. (ii) Change of Designation of TTA to JET. (iii) BSNL’s own rules for recognition Earlier, the above leaders met Director (HR) also and discussed the above issues. The CGA issue of MP circle was also raised. The CMD and Director (HR) both responded positively on the matters. Click Here

12-07-2012 : Joint central Trade unions convention on 4th Sept at Delhi. All central Trade unions have decided to organise convention on 4th September at Delhi. Click Here

12-07-2012 : Provision of Pre-paid SIM with a talk time of Rs.200/- PM to non-executives on the basis of functional need. Letter No.-19/4, Dated-12-07-2012. Click Here

12-07-2012 : BSNL's own rules for recognition of non-executive unions in BSNL. Letter No.-1/1(C-5), Dated-12-07-2012. Click Here

12-07-2012 : SNEA Leaders transferred from Delhi and chargesheeted. NFTE BSNL HQR stands with SNEA leaders at the time of crisis.

12-07-2012 : Dont take NFTE for ride: NFTE BSNL launched struggle against unjust orders of Bihar circle administration. The Trade union action programme continued for a week and finally workers secured justice and fair play on 11th July. HQR congratulates all the comrades and convey greetings for their heroic struggle.

11-07-2012 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates. File No. 2(70)/2008-DPE(WC)-G.L. XII/2 Dated 09th July, 2012 (Increase of IDA 4.8% from 01.07.2012) Click Here

11-07-2012 : Upgradation of Drivers in NEPP- Request for clarification. Letter No.-26/6, Dated-11-07-2012. Click Here

11-07-2012 : Extension of Banking arrangement with Punjab National Banks. Letter No.-1-1/BBF-CMS/TM/2009/Vol.II, Dated-09-07-2012. Click Here

10-07-2012 : Struggle at Patna GS rushed there to restore normalcy. Greetings to Comrades

10-07-2012 : Notice for observing 25th February, 2009 as the Anti Victimisation Day by the BSNL Workers Alliance. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2009, Dated-18-02-2009. Click Here

09-07-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger: Issue will be sent to management committee next week.

09-07-2012 : JAO(II) Examination: Matter is with Management Committee for approval of vacancies. After approval examination will be notified.

09-07-2012 : Grant of Book Award to outstanding school going children of the employees of BSNL Corporate Office for the year 2012-13. Letter No.-16-1/2012-BSNL(WL), Dated-02-07-2012. Click Here

09-07-2012 : Notice for National Executive Committee meeting in Delhi. Letter No.-TF-4/1, Dated-07-07-2012. Click Here

09-07-2012 : District Conference of Ambikapur (Chhatisgarh): District conference of NFTE(BSNL) Ambikapur held on 07-07-2012 under the presidentship of Com. Md. Shahid, more than 80 delegates attended the meeting. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary, Com. H.R. Sahu CHQ org Secretary and Com. S.M. Chilamvar circle Secretary attended and addressed the meeting. General Secretary explained the current issues of employees as well as BSNL company. In the conference Com. Shahid, Com. Amit tripathi, and Com. Agrawal were elected unanimously as president District Secretary, Treasurer respectively. Click Here

09-07-2012 : Circle Executive meeting of Chhattisgarh on 06-07-2012 at Raigadh : Chhattisgarh circle working committee meeting held on 06-07-2012 at Raigadh, under the president ship of Com. Shyam Sunder Yadav. A seminar was also organised on the occasion, addressed by Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. Sahu, CHQ. Org. Secretary and Com. S.M. Chilamvar, CS Chattisgarh. Shri Kishori Ram, Chief General manager, Chhattisgarh also addressed the seminar and graced the occasion. Com. C.Singh, G.S. explained in detail the 13th June Strike and agreement, besides the subject of Seminar. He explained the new recognition rule status in BSNL and issues of workers like promotions, examinations, irregular transfers etc. Shri Shatrajit Nayak MLA also present in the seminar. After seminar, Raigadh District conference took place in the same venue on 06-07-2012 Com. A.P. Roy, Com. A.K. Gaja viya and Com. Laxmi Nirmalkar were elected unanimously President District Secretary, Treasurer respectively.(Photos) Click Here

07-07-2012 : JAO (Part-II) final Examination as per old syllabus. Letter No.-TF-14/2(c), Dated-07-07-2012. Click Here


07-07-2012 : Deputation of Com. Rajmouli for Delhi extended upto December, 2012.

06-07-2012 : Procedure for GPF Advance/withdrawal in Hindi. Click Here

06-07-2012 : Filling up of the vacant posts of Rajbhasha Adhikari on the basis of LICE as per Recruitment Rule-2005. Letter No.- 30-01/2011-Pers.II, Dated-03-07-2012. Click Here

06-07-2012 : Fixation of date of submission of periodical cash requisition for payment of GPF Withdrawal, license fee/USOF levy and spectrum charges. Letter No.-49/2012-B, Dated-18-06-2012. Click Here

06-07-2012 : Espousing the service matters of BSNL employees by the unions/associations. File No.- BSNL/20-11/SR/2012, Dated-04-07-2012. Click Here

06-07-2012 : 3G roaming: The DOT is moving fast to remove the 3G roaming deadlock. The TDSAT has given a 1:1 spilt verdict as such the DOT is seeking the opinion of the Additional Solicitor General of India about the future course of action in the context of split judgement.

06-07-2012 : Transfers/Repatriation of staff from WTP to Recruiting units. Letter No.-20/3, Dated-06-07-2012. Click Here

05-07-2012 : Change of disignation of cadres. Letter No.-TF-53, Dated-05-07-2012. Click Here

05-07-2012 : Disparity in the Pay of D/R TTAs and others. Letter No.-TF-9/9, Dated-05-07-2012. Click Here

05-07-2012 : Market Share of BSNL in Telephone Connections. Click Here

04-07-2012 : Commercial exploitation of various BSNL Lands. Letter No.-501-05/2012-BT, Dated-04-07-2012. Click Here

04-07-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR) on strike agreements:- Com. Abhimanyu (GS BSNL EU), Comrades Islam and Rajpal (NFTE BSNL), Com. Jogi (President SNEA) and Com. Prahlad Rai (GS AIBSNLEA) met Director (HR) and urged for expeditious action to obtain BSNL Board’s approval on strike agreements. The leaders expressed their concerns also as memo contains avoidable points and not fully contained. There is no need to mention liability of arrears as its payment will be only when company is in profit as per agreement. Director (HR) was told in clear terms that the employees are restive on 78.2% IDA issue.

04-07-2012 : A colourful District Conference of Visakhapatnam dt.-03-07-2012. Click Here

04-07-2012 : EGOM will decide spectrum fee issue. The cabinet will take final decision on suggestions of EGOM.

04-07-2012 : T DSAT split on 3G roaming facilities:- Govt stopped intra circle 3G roaming by Private operators beyond their license areas. Mobile phones companies challenged the order of Govt in Telecom Tribunal Justice S.B Sinha, Chairman, TDSAT allowed the plea of Private operators against Govt’s directive. But the member, Shri P.K. Rastogi differed and dismissed the petition and said 3G services can not be provided by merely 2G licenses. and imposed fine of Rs.50,000/- on each private operator Matter may go to higher court.

03-07-2012 : CMD, BSNL speaks to Business Standard on 2nd July. Half of BSNL’s revenues go towards staff wage. Govt projects (customs, Home affairs, Income tax, Navodaya schools for connectivity) of Rs.700 crores obtained for BSNL. Other new projects are also being taken up. VRS proposal pending. Click Here

03-07-2012 : Informal meet with CMD/Director (HR):- Com. Islam and Rajpal met CMD and Director (HR) on date and discussed the following issues. I. 78.2% IDA merger - Impediments removed and draft memo for consideration of Management Committee is sent to Finance for vetting. II. Pension to Dismissed employees. BSNL HQR to take up the matter with DOT for clarifications to the effect that who will, DOT or BSNL, give sanction. III. Diesnon regularisation - CMD agreed to consider and again speak to CGM Chennai in the matter. IV. Change in R/R for TTA - it was pointed out that there are RMS holding Diploma in Engineering qualification. They cant appear in TTA Exam and there is no vacancy in TM Cadre. Dir(HR) agreed to get the proposal examined. V. Malpractices in JAO result in West Bengal vigilance to enquire into the matter.

03-07-2012 : Qualities of a Trade union Leaders (Hindi Version) Click Here

03-07-2012 : District conference of Vijayanagaram of NFTE BSNL has been held on 2nd July. GS attended the meeting, comrades M. Sitaram, G. Bhaskar Rao and T. Kreshnarao have been elected President, Distt Secy and Treasurer respectively. Click Here

02-07-2012 : TTA R/R - Request for modification. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), Dated-02-07-2012. Click Here

02-07-2012 : Awarness Seminar and conference at Vijainagaram Andhra. Click Here

02-07-2012 : Regularisation of Dies-non granted under FRI7A to employees at Chennai TD. Letter No.-38/1, Dated-02-07-2012. Click Here

02-07-2012 : Officiation promotion to the cadre of JTO. Letter No.-24/2(J), Dated-02-07-2012. Click Here

30-06-2012 : Pension to the dismissed employees of BSNL-Granting of sanction regarding. Letter No. TF-11/3 Dated : 30.06.2012 Click Here

30-06-2012 : The Model That a Trade Union Functionary Has To Aim....Com. A.B. Bardhan. Click Here

29-06-2012 : IDA increase 4.8% for QE 30th June,2012.

29-06-2012 : Change of designation of mainstream cadres: In informal meeting held on 29th May with Director (HR), the NFTE representatives effectively mentioned that our views should be considered as we represent 35% of staff. TTAs be designated as JET and designation of other cadres be also changed

29-06-2012 : IDA merger is ready for consideration of Management Committee of BSNL. There is an issue if merger will necessitate revision of pension of pre-2007 retirees. It is to be sorted out between Director (HR) and Director (F).

29-06-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger: Draft Memo for 78.2% IDA merger is ready for consideration of Management Committee of BSNL. There is an issue if merger will necessitate revision of pension of pre-2007 retirees. It is to be sorted out between Director (HR) and Director (F).

29-06-2012 : BSNL’s own Rules for Recognition: union representatives met Director (HR) on the issue and urged for expeditious action. Reportedly the matter is under serious consideration of BSNL HQR.

29-06-2012 : Transfers in WTP and in other circles: Matter has been discussed with Director (HR) and GM (Est) both. As per transfer policy employees may not be transferred after April. The employees above 55 years of age should not be displaced WTP has issued orders without consulting Territorial Circles. Dir. (HR) assured to intervene.

29-06-2012 : Wage erosion of erosion of D/R TTAS and others: NFTE leaders met Director (HR) and requested him to get the orders issued akin to JAOs/JTOs to protect wage erosion of non-executive employees (TTAS and others) due to implementation of second wage revision

29-06-2012 : Meeting with Directors (CFA) and (Enterprise) about materials: NFTE representatives met Directors (CFA) and (Enterprise) and mentioned about non-availability of materials (Cables, Clip Phones etc) in circles specially in Gujarat. Special and separate efforts are on to supply materials to Chennai TD, MP, Gujarat etc. concerned CGMS are likely to be summoned to Delhi to apprise about additional generation of revenue in the circles after availability of materials.

29-06-2012 : Modification in policy for provision of Concessional Broadband connection to the below JAG level BSNL retired employees at their residence. Letter No.-2-06/2005-PHA(Pt), Dated-27-06-2012. Click Here

29-06-2012 : Filling up of posts of Senior Hindi Translators by promotion and conduct of another Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for recruitment of junior Hindi Transloators in BSNL. Letter No.-201-03/2012-Pers.III, Dated-27-06-2012. Click Here

28-06-2012 : Change of Designation of main stream cadres. Letter No.-TF-53, Dated-28-06-2012. Click Here

28-06-2012 : Pay erosion in respect of D/R TTAs and other category of staff. Letter No.-TF-9/9, Dated-28-06-2012. Click Here

28-06-2012 : National Executive Meeting of NFTE BSNL on 27th/28th August ,2012 at Delhi and it is limited to central office bearers, circle Secys and special invitees of HQR.

27-06-2012 : Entry of qualification acquired by BSNL Executive of Electrical Wing. Letter No.-2-57/2012-Elect, Dated-26-06-2012. Click Here

26-06-2012 : Non availability of cables/clip phones in Gujarat circle.Letter No.TF-19/3 Dated : 26.06.2012 Click Here

26-06-2012 : Ernakun High Court Directed CLC to hold Tripartite Meeting within two months for change in recognition rule. Click Here

26-06-2012 : Meeting at Ahmadabad:- A hurried meeting was organised on 25th June at Vasna Exchange. This was well attended by workers meeting. The President (Com. Islam) Com. Verma (UP) C/S (Com.Bhatia), Distt Secy (ATM) and Distt Secy Sewa BSNL addressed. Com. Islam narrated the details of strike agreement. This has been the best agreement in the present scenario. He exhorted the workers to work ceaselessly to earn more revenue and bring thumping majority to NFTE BSNL. Com I.S. Khan, former circle Secy BSNLEU joined NFTE in the meeting in presence of Com. Islam.

26-06-2012 : Pensioner Association Meeting: The BSNL and DOT Pensioners Association Conference took place at 1530 hours at Ahmadabad. The Director (F) BSNL, PGM(F), PGM TD and controller CCA attended the conference. Com. Islam drew the attention of Director(F) that CCAS are not properly accounting the Pension Contributions deposited by BSNL. The pension expenditures are not shown separately in respect of BSNL absorbed employees by CCAS. DOT is not maintaining details of License fee, etc deposited by BSNL/MTNL. The DOT is unfair in pension matters of BSNL absorbers NFTE will furnish detail petition to HM(C) in these respect soon DOT Cell Maharashtra has not yet finalized Pension revision cases.

26-06-2012 : Meeting with CGM, Gujarat: President accompanied by circle Secy and President met CGM and discussed about non-availability of Cables/Phones, Partisan transfers, rule 8 transfer of D/R TTAS specially ladies, Sim distribution to TM etc of Rs.200/-, closure of uneconomical CSCS at Ahmadabad. The CGM assured for settlement of the issues.

26-06-2012 : Shri Anil Jain, Sr. GM(BB) has reportedly been selected as Director (HR) in BSNL Board.

26-06-2012 : Tour Programme of General Secretary: General Secretary attending District Conferences of Vizianagaram & Vishaka Patnam on 30-06-2012 & 03-07-2012 respectively. And also attend Branch Secretaries meeting of 3 SSA’s in A.P. circle on 01-07-2012 at Vizianagaram (Sri Kakulam, Vizianagaram & Vishaka Patnam.) on 05-07-2012 & 06-07-2012 attend the CWC of Chattisgarh at Raigadh. on 10-07-2012 & 11-07-2012 attend the CWC of Himachal Pradesh at Solam. Further G.S. will be at Ranchi in Jharkand circle from 14-07-2012 to 16-07-2012 to attend General council of AITUC as a special invite.

23-06-2012 : The District conference of NFTE BSNL of Mehsana TD has been held in the afternoon session with Com. K.C. Rana in chair. Comrades Islam and Bhatia (CS) addressed the session and explained strike and demands, exam for TTA is still not completed. Com. Islam welcomed comrades N L Choudhary, AS Mistry and MK Mukwana who joined NFTE from BSNLEU. Local Management is issuing threats to bring BB connections etc or face CR/ adverse entries. Comrades KC Rana, HK Chaudhary and V. Rawal have been elected as President, Dist Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

23-06-2012 : A very grand farewell function held on 23rd June at Mehsana (Gujarat) in honour of Com. Heera Bhai Choudhary Dist. Secy of NFTE. More than 500 BSNL employees and social workers attended the meeting. Comrades Islam, Bhatia (C/S) and other Social Leaders addressed the large gathering.

23-06-2012 : Cases/Requests for retention of staff quarters beyond 8-months by the repatriated Gr.-A officers of various services. Letter No.-BSNL/6-1/SR/2011, Dated-22-06-2012. Click Here

23-06-2012 : Best Possible Achieved. (Editorial-English & Hindi) Click Here

22-06-2012 : Employee suggestion scheme 2012 launched by Sri R.K. upadhyay Ji CMD BSNL. D.O.No.23-1/2007-Trg, Dated-15-06-2012. Click Here

22-06-2012 : Holidays to be observed in BSNL Office during the year 2013. Letter No.-3-1/2010-TE, Dated-21-06-2012. Click Here

21-06-2012 : An emergent meeting of staff has been held on 21-06-2012 at OCB Exchange, Allahabad. Com. Islam addressed the well attended gathering and explained pre and post strike situation.

21-06-2012 : Shri A.N. Rai, Director (Enterprise), BSNL will hold additional Charge of the post of Director (HR), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) with immediate effect for a period upto 04-09-2012. Letter No.-414-45/2010-Pers.I, Dated-20-06-2012. Click Here

21-06-2012 : Sanction of Additional Welfare Grant to the Circle Staff Welfare Boards. Letter No.-B-1/2011-BSNL(WL) Pt-II, Dated-18-06-2012. Click Here

20-06-2012 : Presidential orders of staff in Tamilnadu: Perused in BSNL HQR and DOT both. Two cases are returned to Tamil Nadu circle as their Disciplinary cases have been disposed by officers in BSNL. As per orders these should come to Director (staff) in DOT. Circle union may obtain the list of staff for expeditious issue of Presidential orders.

20-06-2012 : Comrades Islam and Rajmouli met Com. OPG today and enquired about his health.

20-06-2012 : Payment of Gratuity (Central) Rules, 1972- Inspection of the Establishment of BSNL, Corporate Office, by the Labour Entorcement Officer (Central), Delhi. Letter No.-48-5/2012-Pen (B)(2), Dated-19-06-2012. Click Here

20-06-2012 : BSNL Employees' transfer policy - revised guidelines. Letter NO.-412-10/2009-Pers.1, Dated:-19th June,2012. Click Here

19-06-2012 : Modification in R/R for holding departmental examination for promotion to Telecom Machanic Cadre. Letter No.-14/2, Date-19-06-2012. Click Here

19-06-2012 : Strike demands and follow up action Work is in full swing proposal to MC within the weak.

19-06-2012 : TTA (40% Quota) Deptl Examination Union representatives met GM(Rectt) and apprised him that Jharkhand, Bihar, UP (East), UP (West) etc circles have not notified Deptl quota Examination.

19-06-2012 : A Gate Meeting at Vijaywada. Click Here

18-06-2012 : Item 5 of strike agreement signed on 12th June,2012 relating to Superannuation benefit to BSNL Recruits. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), Date-18-06-2012. Click Here

18-06-2012 : Compassionate appointment-Case of MP Circle. Letter No.-TF-16/5, Date-18-06-2012. Click Here

18-06-2012 : Supply of Cable Sets Status report: The Cable of Various size have been supplied to circles, noted below, in the month of May, 2012. Andaman Nicobar, AP Circle, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujrat, Haryana, Himachal, JDK, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, MP Circle, Maharashtra, NE-1, NE-II, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, UP(Est), UP(West), utterakhand, West Bengal, Calcutta Telephones, Chennai. Above information is as per BSNL HQR’s status report.

18-06-2012 : Strike agreement: Proposal is reportedly ready for onward transmission to Management Committee for its approval. HQR is constantly persuing the matter.

16-06-2012 : Com. Sidhartha Mondal, former Circle Secy of NFTE BSNL in West Bengal expired on 16th morning. HQR mourns his death and convey heartfelt condolences to the breaved family.

15-06-2012 : Fixation of pay on the date of promotion-clarification reg. Letter No.-1-15/2012-PAT(BSNL), Date-05-06-2012. Click Here

15-06-2012 : Provision of Pre-Paid SIM with a talk Time of Rs.200/- PM to non-executives on the basis of functional need, Letter No.-TF-19/4, Date-15-06-2012. Click Here

14-06-2012 : Comrades Islam and Rajpal met Shri N.K. Gupta Director CFA, on 14th June, 2012. Shri Gupta has taken over charge of Director, CFA from 1st June. He has promised to look into the matters relating to Broadband and Landline phones.

14-06-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL : NFTE BSNL representatives Comrades Islam and Rajpal met CMD BSNL and discussed the issues of procurement of materials by TSO, shifting of tainted officers, allotment of quarters two steps above than the entitlement and BSNL’s rules for recognition.

14-06-2012 : Worksheet - Agreement vis-a-vis Actual Click Here

14-06-2012 : Transport Allowance to Physically Handicapped employees in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-10/15(a), Date-14-06-2012. Click Here

14-06-2012 : HQR firmly for 12th June agreement. Click Here

14-06-2012 : Prepare for JAO II (final) examination: BSNL Management has taken a decision to hold another JAO II (final) examination as per old syllabus. This is last chance for old syllabus. Notification is expected at any date. Prepare for examination with all sincerity and devotion right from now.

14-06-2012 : FORUM OF BSNL UNIONS/ASSOCIATIONS Central Head Quarters, New Delhi, Circular No.-2, Date-13.06.2012. Click Here

13-06-2012 : Congratulations and greetings to all comrades for showing splendid unity and cooperation for indefinite strike. The unity of workers forced the management for settlement of demands. The NFTE has played a leading role in the struggle. Be ready to protect BSNL also.

13-06-2012 : Status of cable pair particulars supplied to 26 circles by corporate office as on 29-05-2012. (1) A & Nicobar (2) AP (3) Assam (4) Bihar (5) Chattisgarh (6) Gujarat (7) Haryana (8) HP Circle (9) J & K Circle (10) Jharkhand (11) Karnataka (12) Kerala (13) H.P. (14) Maharashtra (15) NE-1 (16) NE-2 (17) Orissa (18) Punjab (19) Rajasthan (20) Tamil Nadu (21) UP (E) (22) UP (W) (23) Uttaranchal (24) WB (25) Kolkatta Telephones (26) Chennai.

13-06-2012 : Clip instruments status as on 21-05-2012 supplied to 21 circles by corporate office New Delhi. Click Here

13-06-2012 : Pay 10 Paise to take Rs. one from Management/Govt. : Com OPG, former Secy General NFTE used to say pay 10 Paise to take Rs. one from administration. His saying was very much remembered by leaders at the time of negotiation in the night of 12th June.

13-06-2012 : Historic Agreement. Click Here

12-06-2012 : Agreement signed on strike demands and strike deferred. congratulations and greetings to all comrades. Click Here

12-06-2012 : BSNL bets on real estate for turnaround. Click Here

12-06-2012 : Negotiation with management at 1500 hrs and unions to meet at 1430 hrs.

12-06-2012 : Com. M.B. Vischre Amar Rahe: NFTE lost a brave working class & committed leader on this day 12-06-2008. He sacrificed his life to the cause of worker. NFTE pays respectful tributes to Com. M.B. Vichare for his noble cause. We firmly took pledge with determination to full fill his last ambition. We dip our banner and salute the great leader.

12-06-2012 : Snatta Joins the strike : Snatta taken a decision to participate in strike with Forum of unions/Associations of BSNL. NFTE welcome the decision of snatta and convey thanks to one and all.

12-06-2012 : Brief of meeting held with the BSNL management on 11th June, 2012: The second round of meeting took place with the BSNL management on 11th June with Shri Upadhyay, CMD in Chair. The NFTE was represented by comrades Islam and Rajmouli (Secy). The leaders placed the demands and pressed for acceptance. The CMD appreciated the demands and accepted also but expressed helplessness in view of financial condition of BSNL.

12-06-2012 : Attention Circle/District Secretaries: Organise strike from 13-06-2012 but donot involve in any kind of subversive activities

12-06-2012 : CGM Telecom Factory, Kolkata (Shri Satyarthi) who is an BSNL absorbee has been arrested by CBI and sent to jail. He was arrested by CBI while taking bribe. He is now suspended.

11-06-2012 : Issue of child care leave is likely to be settled in next BSNL Board’s meeting.

11-06-2012 : How strike will take place ? (i) Strike will begin from “0” hours on 13th June,2012. (ii) Strikers will neither sign in the attendance register nor sit in office.

11-06-2012 : Unions in BSNL workers alliance will meet on 12.06.2012 at 12.30 hours in connection with strike beginning from zero hours on 13.06.2012.

11-06-2012 : Second round of meeting took place with the BSNL management on 11.06.2012 at 16.30 hours as Management expressed inability to accept economic demands. Unions decided to go ahead to organise strike from zero hours of 13th June, 2012. Unions/Associations will meet again at 15.00 hours on 12th June,2012.

11-06-2012 : Saharanpur upgraded. The CMD has approved the Case, orders issued. Click Here


11-06-2012 : Record of discussion of the meeting held at 10.30 hrs. on 1st June, 2012 under the chairmanship of CMD, BSNL with the union leaders of Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations in the 3rd floor Board Room, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan. Letter No.-BSNL/7-4/SR/2012, Date-05-06-2012. Click Here

11-06-2012 : Conciliation meeting held today: Dy. CLC held conciliation meeting on 11th. Comrades Islam and A. Raj Mouli attended the proceeding on behalf of NFTE BSNL. Dy. CLC has advised another meeting with the management on strike demands. Meeting with management on dt-11-06-2012 at 1600 hour.

09-06-2012 : Dy. Chief Labour commissioner (C) will hold conciliation proceedings on 11.06.2012 at 11.00 AM on strike demands of Forum of BSNL unions/Associations. Click Here

08-06-2012 : All CHQ office bearers/circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to take print outs of circular no.-1, strike poster and badge from web cite and distribute. Click Here

07-06-2012 : Com. SK Choudhary, Ex. District Secretary & LJCM member expired on 02-06-2012 at Indore. CHQ pays respectable homage to bereaved family.

07-06-2012 : Forum of BSNL Unions / Associations:- Strike Poster. Click Here

07-06-2012 : Day long Dharna on 06-06-2012-News from cirles. Click Here

07-06-2012 : The mother of Com. K. Anjaiah circle Secretary (AP) breathed her last on 06-06-2012. Hqr share the grief of Com. K. Anjaiah and convey heart felt condolences.

07-06-2012 : As per report of our District Secretary Trivandrum, Com. C.K. Mathivanan. Dy. General Secretary addressed the massive “Dharna” on 06-06-2012. More than 500 employees present in “Dharna”.

07-06-2012 : BSNL GM in CBI net for disproportionate assets: Vishakhapatnam Jun 6 (PTI) CBI has registered a case against a senior BSNL official in Rajahmundry in East Godavari district for allegedly having assets worth Rs. two crore, which were disproportionate to his know sources of him BSNL general manager G Raghavendra Rao has been booked for allegedly acquiring assets in his name and in the names of his family members, a CBI release here said. The case was registered after CBI officials conducted searches at his office and residence in Rajahmundry and also at his house in Hyderabad. Searches were also conducted at the residential premises of Rao’s close relatives in Vijayawada and Hyderabad, following which assets worth over Rs. two crore were found the release said. The immovable assets include a luxurious flat in the Raintree park complex at Kukatpally, Hyderabad worth around Rs. one crore and more than 23 acres of land in Krishna and Ranga Reddy Districts. The land and flat were purchased by declaring less value than the actual amount paid for them. Several incriminating documents related to his properties were also seized from a bank locker in the name of his wife in Hyderabad. Further investigation into the case is on, the release added. PTI COR GK GK.

07-06-2012 : Demostration by BSNL workers at Patana on 06-06-2012. Click Here

07-06-2012 : Dependent family members eligibility under BSNL MRS, Letter No.-BSNL/Admin.1/15-7/12, Date-01-06-2012. Click Here

07-06-2012 : Forum of unions/Associations of BSNL Bhathinda conducted Demonstration on 06-06-2012 (Photos) . Click Here

07-06-2012 : NFTE Pays floral tributes to Com. S. Jagan, Stal Wart of working class and leader of NFTE, who expired on 07-06-2006. We remember his ideas and pledge to follow for strengthening organisation.

06-06-2012 : CHQ receiving reports from all circles that “Day long Dharna” programme conducted successfully. CHQ congratulating all comrades for making the programme a grand success and appealed to ensure successful indefinite strike form 13.06.2012.

06-06-2012 : A massive day long Dharna held at corporate office today. At first all circle secretaries of corporate office, NTR addressed in the Dharna programme with regard to 78.2% IDA merger, restoration of medical facilities, LTC, Transport allowance etc. then after, General Secretaries addressed the gathering and requested to make the strike programme from 13-06-2012 a big success. All Circle Secretaries are requested to form Forum of unions/Associations of BSNL at circle and District level for success of indefinite strike from 13.06.2012. Com. C. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, Com. Raj Pal CS, Com. Raj Mauli, Com. M.P. Singh CS, Com. Daka D/S, Com. Shiva Kumar D/S and Com. Naresh Org. Secretary participated in Dharma from NFTE.

06-06-2012 : Com. Pattabhi Raman Circle Secretary participated in Dharna at Chennai and is reported that above 5000 members belonging to different unions/association of the forum participated.

06-06-2012 : Dharna at Lucknow SSA and circle office : Impressive Dharnas have been organised Gandhi Bhawan, Lucknow SSA Hqr and circle office. Com. Islam, President NFTE attended both the Dharna and addressed the gathering of employees at Circle office.

05-06-2012 : BSNL management kept the orders in abeyance in respects of allowances to ITS officers issued on 25-05-2012. It is not the demand of Forum of unions/Associations of BSNL. Our demand is 78.2% IDA merger, restoration of medical allowance, LTC, Transport allowance etc. Comrades, not to be confused with the order, please note, no change in our programme Day long Dharna on 06-06-2012 and indefinite Strike from 13-06-2012 and make it success-Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary NFTE BSNL. Click Here

05-06-2012 : All CHQ office bearers/Circle/District/Branch Secretaries. Please note, Letter No.-TF-28/1, Dated-05-06-2012. Click Here

05-06-2012 : All the CHQ office bearers/ circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to make “Day long Dharna” on 06-06-2012, a big success. Mobilise all employees to participate in this programme and start preparations for indefinite strike from 13-06-2012,to secure 78.2% IDA merger, Restoration of medical allowance, LTC and Transport allowance etc. And release leaf lets/ wall posters in regional language upon our demands.

04-06-2012 : 1) The renowned leader Com. Hit Narayan Rai, Ex Secretary of NFTEBSNL/CHQ and Vice President of NFTE/BSNL/CTD retired on 31st May 2012. He played very important role in the trade union activities & worked for workers unity during his service period. we pray for his long peaceful retired life. He is a good speaker and represented our union at high label in various occasion.We expect his more activities for our union up to last breath. He will be honored by a farewell ceremony on 16th June 2012 at 1 p.m. at Barabazar Telephone Exch. club room by our Union and irrespective of colors all are cordially invited. 2) Com. Animesh Mitra, convener of FORUM OF BSNL UNIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS , WEST BENGAL organised a meeting on 1st June 2012 at CTO, Kolkata to success the ensuing whole day DHARNA on 6th June & indefinite STRIKE wef 13th June 2012. Issues were well discussed by the leaders of all unions Worker Alliance, JAC & FNTO, attended the meeting & agreed for strong fight. Com. Krishnendu Naskar, District Secretary of H.QR/CTD represented the NFTE.

02-06-2012 : A joint Circle convention of the Forum of BSNL Unions and Association was held in Ernakulam on 01/06/2012.The meeting was presided by Com Abraham Circle President SNEAI.Circle Secretary BSNLEU welcomed the gathring The meeting was addressed by Com. P.V.Dharmadas CS.NFTE,George Varghese. CS .SNEAI,Mangalanandan CS.AIBSNLEA, K.I.Francis CS ATM(BSNL),and all other Circle Secretaries present The leaders explained the necessity of an immediate strike and exhorted all executives and non-executives to make Dharna on 6th and indefinite strike from 13th june a grand success.The convention also instructed to complete the dist. level joint meetings by june 4thand 5th and local level propaganda by 7th and 8th,so that the message of strike must reach each and everybody.

02-06-2012 : Massive Demonstration of Forum of BSNLUnions/Associations, Bihar Telecom Circle was held on 1st June'2012 at Sanchar Parisar Patna: “FORUM OF BSNL UNIONS & ASSOCIATIONS” Bihar Circle hold massive Demonstration on 01.06.2012 at Lunch Hours at Sanchar Sadan,Patna in which Circle Secretaries of all Unions & Associations and more than 450 comrades of Non-Executives & Executives participated and raised their voice for Genuine Demands.Com. C. Singh, General Secretary/NFTE also addressed the mass gathering and make appeal to comrades of Bihar for intensify the agitation program till the resolution of demands. Click Here

01-06-2012 : Trade Union Action programme stands as no concrete solution has emerged in the meeting of 1st June with CMD, BSNL.

01-06-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR) : President and Secretary, Com. Rajmauli met Director (HR) on MP, Jharkhand issues (CGA apptt in MP, Vindictive action at Jharkhand), BSNL’s own rules of recognition and CDA Rule.

01-06-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL Click Here

01-06-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL (Hindi) Click Here

01-06-2012 : Countrywide demonstrations and agitation start at Bhatinda Click Here

01-06-2012 : A Cry in the wilderness. (Editorial- English & Hindi) Click Here

31-05-2012 : Attention Circle/District Secretaries : Please form Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations at Circle/District levels very urgently to make the struggle from 13th June Successful.

31-05-2012 : A View of Dharna/Demonstration at BSNL Hqr. Click Here

31-05-2012 : Hearty greetings and congratulations to Jharkhand Comrades specially President, Circle Secy and dynamic leader com. K.K. Singh, Secy(HQR) for launching NFTE Website in Jharkhand Circle.

31-05-2012 : Dharna/Demonstration at BSNL HQR, New Delhi: An impressive Dharna/Demonstration has been organised at BSNL HQR, New Delhi. Comrades Islam, K. K. Singh, Rajmouli, Rajpal, M.P. Singh and others participated in the Dharna/Demonstration programme. Can Islam, President NFTE addressed the gathering and said NFTE from very beginning held the view that the issues are serious as such serious struggle, Indefinite strike, be embarked upon for settlement. The issue of 78.2% is very serious and its non –settlement will have adverse effects in entire life. He declared the NFTE will play a leading role in the struggle if company is in loss today workers are not responsible as management failed to provide materials and equipments in the field. The 78.2% IDA decision is of Cabinet as such it should be implemented as in the Case of ITS personnel. He stressed for sustained and united struggle. Click Here

31-05-2012 : CMD will meet union representatives on 1st June 2012 regarding strike demands. Click Here

31-05-2012 : Comrade H.K. Goel, Circle Secretary NFTE BSNL, Haryana is retiring today President and Secretaries (Comrades Rajmouli and Rajpal ) are likely to attend the farewell party.

31-05-2012 : JAO (Part II) Examination in 40% quota: The Competent authority has reportedly approved for holding departmental 40% quota examination for JAO (Part II) final examination as per old syllabus.

31-05-2012 : NFTE’s appeal to Snatta: CHQ has already appealed to GS and President of Snatta on phone to participate in the present struggle. We again appeal to them to join the struggle whole heartedly.

31-05-2012 : A corrigendum regarding Lunch hour demonstration on 31st May: Due to misinformation and misreporting we put in the website that the programme of demonstration of 31-05-2012 is deferred for 1st June. As a matter of fact the demonstration is to be organised on 31-05-2012 or 01-06-2012 keeping in view the local condition due to Bharat bandh. Inconvenience caused if any, is deeply regretted. Click Here

30-05-2012 : We could not updated the Website due to server trouble. Inconvenience caused to the viewers are deeply regretted.

30-05-2012 : Payment of Allowances as per the Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission of Group ‘A’ officers on deemed deputation in BSNL. Letter No. 15-01/2012-PAT (BSNL) Dated 25.05.2012. Click Here

30-05-2012 : Telecom License Policy : The Govt. is intending to review 20 year tenure Telecom License policy keeping in view of rapid changes in technology, market size and valuations of scarce airwaves.

30-05-2012 : Change of Designation of Main stream Cadres –Request for intervention.Letter No. TF-53 Dated 29.05.2012 Click Here

30-05-2012 : Indefinite strike from 13th June,2012 for settlement of economic demands. Letter No. TF-38/3 Dated 30.05.2012 Click Here

30-05-2012 : An appeal to BSNL Workers Alliance partners : Due to sudden decision the NFTE BSNL leadership could not contact the alliance partners which was unintentional and unavoidable. Please participate in the Trade Union Action programme of all unions whole heartedly. Greetings to all.

30-05-2012 : 31st May Programme changed to 1st June, 2012 : Lunch hour demonstration at circle/SSA levels will be held on 1st June instead of 31st May, 2012. This change is due to Bharat Bandh on 31st May, 2012.

30-05-2012 : Concession to JAs/SAs in JAO(10%) quota examination : BSNL management is considering to relax the educational qualification to appear in JAO (II) examination for JAs/SAs.

30-05-2012 : NFTE BSNL meets Director (F) BSNL : President and Secretary Com. K.K.Singh met Director (F) and requested for settlement of upgradation case of Saharanpur. Union representatives demanded investigation against financial irregularities in BSNL. NFTE representatives were informed that the file of Saharanpur case has been sent to CMD, BSNL and Meerut affairs will be investigated.

30-05-2012 : Erring officer to Pay for babu's Pension delay. Click Here

30-05-2012 : Indefinite Strike from 13th June, 2012. Click Here

28-05-2012 : Meeting with GM (Restg), GM (PSNL) and PGM (SR): President and Secy, (Com Sheshadri) met GM (Restg), GM (PSNL) and PGM (SR) and discussed about Transfers vis-à-vis repatriation of Telecom Mechanics as per their request and BSNL’s own rules for recognition.

28-05-2012 : Trade Unions appose petrol price hike by protest rallies on 30 and 31-05-2012. Click Here

28-05-2012 : All unions meet today at 1530 hours on the issues of grant of Transport Allowance, Children Educational Allowance etc to Group ‘A’ ITS officers in BSNL.

27-05-2012 : Fixing of price of 2G spectrums as per recommendations of Trai : Now the GoM will decide the price in view the prospects of investment and effects on customers.

27-05-2012 : Discontinuation of LTC vis-avis Home Travel concession. TF-16/6 Dated 27.05.2012 Click Here

26-05-2012 : Secretariate NFTE BSNL met and decided as below : (1) The BSNL should frame its own rules of recognition. 6th verification should take place only as per BSNL’s rules. (2) The writ petition pending at Chennai be withdrawn. (3) Hqr is authorized to organise agitation including indefinite hunger strike, for evolving BSNL’s own rules of recognition.

26-05-2012 : National Executive and All India Conference: The Secretariate of NFTE BSNL has decided to hold All India Conference after 6th verification. The circles willing to host may intimate to HQR. The HQR Secretariate has also decided to organise National Executive Meeting before 15th Sept,2012. Karnataka Circle will communicate its willingness to host by 16th June positively and there after notice will be issued.

25-05-2012 : 78.2% IDA Merger fixation benefit : The core committee has suggested the CHQ to strive hard to get the matter settled as workers will be in continuous and recurring loss.

25-05-2012 : Core Committee suggested : The CHQ has been suggested to organise struggle including Indefinite Hunger Fast for framing of BSNL’s own rules for recognition.

25-05-2012 : New Telecom Policy – 2012: The Cabinet has deferred the approval of NTP-12 in Cabinet meeting of 24th May.

24-05-2012 : Procurement of decentralized items of stores - Delegation of Financial Powers. No 7-5/EF/2010 Doted :2l-05-2012. Click Here

24-05-2012 : All unions Meet held on 23rd May 2012. Click Here

24-05-2012 : Interest on PF: The Govt. has fixed interest rates on GPF and other PFS :- For year 2012-13 = 8.8%: From April 2011 to November,2011 = 8%: From December,2011to March, 2012=8.6%. The CPF, state Railway Provident Fund etc will get the benefit of increase in interest.

24-05-2012 : Fixed price for 2G spectrum recommended by Trai: The Telecom Ministry is considering today the recommendation of Trai fixing the lowest price for 2G spectrum auction.

24-05-2012 : National portability and end of roaming: The Govt. is set to end the mobile roaming in the country and usher in a country wide number portability scheme.

24-05-2012 : Trai recommends but Administrator USO fund disposes: Trai Recommended Rs.2750/- crores subsidy to BSNL. But the Administrator, USO fund disposed it of without taking any time. He summarily rejected the Trai’s recommendation

23-05-2012 : We regret to viewers of NFTE BSNL for not updating the website. But it was beyond our capacity. All phones were dead from 19th May, 2012.

23-05-2012 : Brief of Activities after the National Executive Meeting held at Coimbatore. Click Here

23-05-2012 : 3rd Conference of Punjab Circle held on 19th &20th May, 2012 at Bhatinda: Com. Amit Mittal, TTA Com. ML Sharma and Com. Nirmal Prasad, SST have been elected as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.(Photographs) Click Here

23-05-2012 : Revised Rate of GPF Interest from 01-12-2011 Letter No-CA-II/BSNL/GPF RECON/2012-13/20 Dated-18-05-2012. Click Here

23-05-2012 : JAO II Examination: Another JAO II Examination will take place as per old syllabus. Corporate HQR is not willing to grant grace marks. Early notification for Exam is expected.

22-05-2012 : NE 12 scale not approve: BSNL board has not taken of the issue in the board meeting on 21st May 2012. Therefore the scale is still not approved. It will come in next board meeting.

21-05-2012 : Commissioners PF will be held responsible: DOP vide Memorandum dt.-01-05-2012 has advised all Departments to pay post retirement dues to retired public servants without delay and sanction provisional pension failure to pay the claims within 30 days. The commissioners will be held responsible and have to pay interest at the rate of 12% per annem from their salary on the dues to the retired employee. Click Here

19-05-2012 : Notice for Secretariate Meeting.No.-TF-4/2 Dated:-19-05-2012 Click Here

19-05-2012 : 78.2% IDA fixation in revision of Pay Scale effective from 1st January,2007. No.-TF-10/3, Dated-19-05-2012. Click Here

18-05-2012 : Clarification regarding applicability of rule for permitting the voluntary retirement with regard to staff absorbed in BSNL. Letter No. TF-16/8 Dated 18.05.2012 Click Here

18-05-2012 : Com. C.K. Joshi, org. Secy, (HQR), com. K.M. Mishra District Secy, Jabalpur and com. Paras CS Jabalpur TF met CGM Telecom Factory on 16-05-2012 and settled the issues relating to Richhai Telecom Factory. NFTE HQR is thankful to the comrades for solving the problems.

18-05-2012 : ITS Retentions: Hon’ble Delhi High Court has permitted the BSNL Management to retain ITS officers upto 30th Sept,2012.

18-05-2012 : LDCE for promotion to Telecom Mechanic Cadre: Sequel to Supreme Court judgement the BSNL HQr has modified the R/R of TM and has remitted to BSNL Board after clearance by the Management Committee. Now educational qualification for RMS, Peons etc will be Matriculate on uniform basis. After approval of R/R by BSNL Board the Examination will be notified. Click Here

17-05-2012 : New BSNL Website 1PV6:- On the eve of world Telecom Day the BSNL HQR vide Letter No.-1-21/2010-CIT dt-16.05.2012 has decided to launch new BSNL website 1PV6. Feed back/suggestions for improvement be sent on email-id feedback_newbsnl@bsnl.co.in. Click Here

17-05-2012 : Youth Day celebrations in Tamilnadu:- Tamilnadu circle is celebrating youth day, at 25 places on the occasion of birth day of Late com. S. Jagan, who inspired all with his ideology and has encouraged the youth and others in Telecom and BSNL

17-05-2012 : World Telecom Day:- Today is world Telecom Day. The NFTE conveys best wishes and compliments to the BSNL subscribers for their whole hearted support to the company.

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17-05-2012 : Revaluation 2010 examination of Answer Books of JAO Part two – CAT Chennai rejected the OA 851/2010:- The Chennai CAT has dismissed the OA 851/2010 for revaluation of Answer Books of JAO II examination held in year 2010. “Time and again, the apex court has held that revaluation of an answer script in an examination can be undertaken only when there is a provision for the same” . As per Rule 15 Part I of appendix 37 of P&T Manual volume IV revaluation of answer scripts is not permissible in any or under any circumustances.

16-05-2012 : Notification for LDCE for Promotion to Telecom Mechanic Cadre. Letter No.-TF-14(2d), Dated-16-05-2012. Click Here

16-05-2012 : 3rd Conference of Punjab circle will be hold at Batinda on 19-05-2012 & 20-05-2012. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary will attend the conference. Shri N.K. Gupta chief GMT Punjab will be the chief Guest. He will also address the seminar on the subject: "Precarious condition of BSNL and our role in its improvement".

16-05-2012 : Reserved price of spectrum Auction Telecom companies are lobbying to cancel Trai proposals for reserving the price for spectrum auction . Com Gurudas Das Gupta, MP has drawn the attention of Prime Minister in this regard.

16-05-2012 : Provision of Pre-Paid "Sim" with a talk time of Rs.200/- per month to Telecom Mechanics/Regular Mazdoores etc. Letter No.-TF-19/4 Dated-15-05-2012. Click Here

16-05-2012 : Holding of Department Examination for promotion to TTA Cadre in 40% quota-Request for urgent interverntion. Letter No.-TF-14/2(A) Dated-15-05-2012, To Shri A.N. Rai Director (HR). Click Here

15-05-2012 : Branch/District Secretaries and E.C. members Meeting Chittoor-Nellore-Prakasam Districts at Nellore on 12th & 13th May, 2012. Click Here

16-05-2012 : NTP–12: There is every likelyhood that the NTP – 12 may be implemented in this month. The final Draft copy of NTP has been sent to different ministries for consideration and same may be placed in next Cabinet meeting in May, In NTP-12 there is proposal of National Roaming Free with one Mobile numbers. Click Here

16-05-2012 : Change in R/Rs of TTAs/TMS not possible in 2012 Notification for holding deptl examination for promotion to TTA/ Cadre has already been issued by BSNL HQR. In the situation modification in RRs of TTAs/TMs not possible in 2012. Provision for pre-qualifying test for TTA Exam is contemplated for 2013. NFTE has not only demanded for pre-qualifying test for candidates not possessing 10+2 qualification but has also urged to include already qualified candidates in 1st qualifying test for TTA 40% quota LDC examination. Click Here

14-05-2012 : New Chief of TRAI: The Govt. has appointed Shri Rahul Khullar, commerce secretary as new Chairman of Trai in Place of Shri J.S. Sharma who has demitted office on Sunday, 13th May 2012 .

14-05-2012 : Expected loss to BSNL for year 2011-12: According to reliable sources the expected loss to BSNL would exceed Rs.9000/-crores in year 2011-12.

12-05-2012 : Circle Executive of TamilNadu at Kumbakonam and seminar. Click Here

12-05-2012 : Compassionate Ground Appointment in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-16/5 Dated:-12-05-2012 Click Here

12-05-2012 : ITS absorption According to reliable sources the BSNL Management is proposing to request the Hon’ble High Court, Delhi for retention of ITS officers for further period of two years.

11-05-2012 : (1) Group ‘A’ officers (including ITS) absorption now very complicated.Some group ‘A’ officers particularly of Electrical, civil, Telegraph Traffic etc exercised option for absorption wef 1-10-2000 in BSNL in year 2005. Their POS were issued subject to outcome of writ petitions.Delhi High court has declared such absorption wef 1-10-2000 illegal and has ordered for absorption wef 05-08-2005. If now matter goes to supreme court it will take time, 2/3 years in settlement. BSNL HQR is not in favour to relieve all. NFTE strongly feels parties should seek negotiated settlement.

11-05-2012 : (2) Selection of Director (HR) in BSNL: interview is likely to take place in May for selection.

11-05-2012 : (3) Post based promotion and NEPP upgradation issues relating to Drivers are still under consideration of corporate HQR.

10-05-2012 : BSNL Emloyees' Transfer Policy -revised guidlines. BSNL Letter No. 412-10/2009-Pers.I Dated-09-05-2012 Click Here


09-05-2012 : 2 ‘G’ Review : The central Govt. has decided to withdraw its review petition in the Supreme Court verdict that all airwaves should be allotted through auction.

09-05-2012 : Blackmailing tactics of private Telecom companies : The CEOS of Private Telecom companies have met the Minister of Communication and reportedly warned him that the mobile call rates well be double in some circles if TRAI’s recommendations on spectrum pricing are accepted.

09-05-2012 : Battlelines drawn :The income tax officials are preparing ground to recover Rs.11,218/- crores tax and penalties from British Telecom firm Vodafone.

09-05-2012 : India is not inferior country : If they (British ) are entitled surely India is also entitled (to retrospective amendment).India is not inferior country .India cannot be a tax haven to attract foreign investment . FM takes tough stand to recover Tax from Vodafone.

09-05-2012 : Transfer under Rules-8 of BSNL Transfer Policy in respect of LDC(TA). Letter NO. 5-7/2009-SEA Dated 03.05.2012 Click Here

09-05-2012 : ITS absorption : 1. Meeting with Director (HR) and GM (Est) :President, GS and Secretary (Com Rajpal) met Director (HR) on 8th and discussed the following issues. 2. BSNL’s own rules for recognition : It was pointed out that the “SR cell” is delaying the matter. There is no legal hurdle in the matter Director (HR) assured for appropriate action. 3. CGA cases in MP : Director (HR) asked the GM (Est) to sort out the issue. Union representatives told that even single approved candidate has not been given appointment in CGA from years 2005. 4. Transfers at Mysore : The case is being enquired into SSA Head is not competent to fix tenure. 5. Tenure of cashiers : Union representatives pointed out that the tenure is of four and not three years. 6. Upgradation of drivers in NEPP : Matter is receiving active consideration.

09-05-2012 : CGA in MP.Letter NO.-TF.-16/5 Dated-09-05-2012 Click Here

09-05-2012 : Steps to minimise the expenditures in BSNL.Letter No. 6/7 Dated-09-05-2012 Click Here

08-05-2012 : Reclassification of Saharanpur for the purpose of HRA. Letter No.-TF-10/4(A) Date-08-05-2012 Click Here

08-05-2012 : NFTE representative discussed the matter at appropriate level. The employees may be upgraded on the basis of previous year CRS. GM(A), Maharashtra circle will be at Nagpur on 9th May and such cases will be sorted out.

08-05-2012 : ITS absorption : Only two repeat only two ITS offices have opted for absorption in BSNL after High Court’s orders.

08-05-2012 : DOT has snatched staff and establishment Job from ITS offices and transferred to IAS, incumbent because blood is thicker than water.

08-05-2012 : Agenda for core Committee Meeting Click Here

07-05-2012 : Seminar on NTP-2012 at Kumbakonam : A seminar on NTR-2012 is being held on 8th/9th May at Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu. CGM Tamilnadu, Shri Khan is attending. Dy. G.S. (Com. C.K. Mathiavanan), Secretary Hqr (Com. Jayraman), Central organising Secretary (Com. Gopal Krishnan) will address the seminar on behalf of Hqr.

07-05-2012 : Deduction of union’s subscription : Reply sent to CGM, Haryana vide BSNL Hqr letter No.- BSNL/39-8/SR/2011 dated 04.05.2012. Click Here

07-05-2012 : ITS absorption and relief of non- optees : BSNL Hqr has reportedly taken a position that all ITS Managers cannot be relieved in one stroke. Reply is being submitted in the court.

07-05-2012 : Notification for Telecom Mechanic Examination : Notification will be issued after TTA examination result.

07-05-2012 : Upgradation of Saharanpur : NFTE representative met Director (F) and apprised him about inordinate delay in upgradation despite pay revision orders and agreement. In order to delay it further the finance is sending it to BSNL Board. Reportedly matter is now being sent to CMD, BSNL.

07-05-2012 : Temporary Transfer case of Smt. D. Sujatha TTA, BSNL Letter No. 7-38/2012-Pers III dated 26.04.2012. Click Here

07-05-2012 : NE-12 Scale : The matter will come for approval in BSNL Board meeting taking place on 21st May, 2012.

07-05-2012 : Deduction of Income Tax from leave encashment : NFTE BSNL vide letter No. TF-11/3(a) dated 30.03.2012 referred the case against deduction of Income Tax from payment of leave encashment. BSNL Hqr vide Letter No.- 1001-04/2011-12/Taxation/BSNL/LE/196 dated 04.05.2012 has issued orders. Click Here

07-05-2012 : TRAI recommends Rs. 2750/- crores support to BSNL for two years : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has recommended Rs. 2750/- crores support to BSNL for a period of two years for maintaining rural wire line connections installed prior to Ist April, 2002. Ist year Rs. 1500/- crores second year Rs. 1250/- crores. Click Here

07-05-2012 : Trade union action programe : The BSNL WA has authorized the Chairman, Com. S.P. Sharma and convener Com. C. Singh (GS NFTE) to decide jointly Trade union action programme. Click Here

04-05-2012 : Mobile operators added 8 million users in March 2012 Total Mobile users base in India 951.34 million, according to data received by TRAI. BSNL added 0.76 million, Broad band sub – scriber base increased 13.54 millions to 13.79 millions till and of March 2012.

03-05-2012 : Private Telecom Firms owe over Rs. 550cr to BSNL: Out standing dues of BSNL against major Telecom operators, as inter connect usage charges (ICU) Bharti irtel =169.07cr(2) Idea=121.36cr(3) Reliance Commu Ltd.=101.63cr.(4) Vodafone =49.54cr(5) TTCL=33.83cr (6)VESL=29.72cr. (7)Spice cellular=14.54cr (8)Reliance Telecom Ltd=9.23cr.(9)Data Access=6.89cr (10) DSL=4.50cr. (11) TCL=4.32cr (12)Dish net =2.96cr (13) Aircel =2.20cr (14) Reliance info=1.09cr.

03-05-2012 : While answering question no. 4307 The minister of communications and IT informed Lok sabha on 02-05-2012, in respect of ITS officers absorption in BSNL/MTNL, as on 30.04.2012 out of 1454 Group ‘A’ ITS officers on deemed deputation to BSNL and MTNL 394 have been relived to Join DOT. Click Here

03-05-2012 : While answering question no. 4231, The minister of communications and IT informed Lok sabha on 02-05-2012 that 3361 casual Labours are working in BSNL, Click Here

03-05-2012 : Cash Award to Sportspersons for excellence in National Tournaments/Meets. Calling of nominations. Letter No.- 32-03/2012-BSNL (Sports)/3 dated 02.05.2012. Click Here

02-05-2012 : Pay erosion due to pay scale revision wef 1st January, 2007 : In the meeting held with Director (HR) on 28.04.2012 at Allahabad he agreed to extend the benefit granted to JTOs/JAOs to similarly placed non-executive employees also in the cases of pay erosion. Alliance partners and NFTE’s functionaries are requested to equip the Hqr with the concrete cases to clinch the issue.

02-05-2012 : “Weightage point System” of BSNL for CGA (Compassionate Ground Appointment) is irregular : The CAT bench at Chennai has ruled that the weightage point system adopted by BSNL is not in accordance with the instructions of the DoPT.

02-05-2012 : BSNL is required to pay pension contribution on the maximum of the Pay Scale in respect of such employees who are retiring within next 6 months as per DoT Letter No.- 7-45/2008-TA-I dated 19.04.2012 and BSNL Letter No.- 500-57/2011-12/CA1/BSNL/vol IV dated 26.04.2012. Click Here

02-05-2012 : Photos of Seminar held at Allahabad on 28.04.2012. Click Here

30-04-2012 : NFTE (BSNL) Conveys warm revolutionary greetings to All Employees and Working class on the Occasion of May Day (01.05.2012). Click Here

30-04-2012 : Executive Health Check up Scheme for Sr. Executive of BSNL. Letter No. BSNL/Admn.-I/15-1/07 Dated 24.04.2012. Click Here

30-04-2012 : Calling of nominations of outstanding sportspersons for career progression-case regarding. Letter No. 32-1/2012-BSNL(Sports)/9 Dated 20.04.2012. Click Here

30-04-2012 : Systematic improvement in respect of civil works. Letter No. 7-3/2009-W(T)/Part-II/156 Dated 26.04.2012. Click Here

30-04-2012 : Open Session and Seminar organised by BSNL Workers Alliance unions at Allahabad on 28th April at 16.00 hours : The open session and seminar on “Placing of BSNL in profit” was organised on 28th April, 2012 at 16 hours under the Chairmanship of Com. Islam Ahmad, President NFTE BSNL. Shri A.N. Rai, Director (Enterprise and HR) graced the occasions Chief Guest. Com. S.P. Sharma, President BSNL WRU and Chairman, BWA inaugurated the session and seminar. Comrades C. Singh, General Secretary NFTE and convener BWA, Rajkishore GS WRU, Samadhia (President, Snatta) and representative of AIBCTES addressed the meeting.

30-04-2012 : Delegation meets Director (Enterprise and HR) at Allahabad on 28th April : A delegation consisting of Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary of NFTE BSNL and convener BWA, S.P. Sharma (President BSNL WRU and chairman BWA) Islam Ahmad (President NFTE BSNL) Manish Samadhia (President, Snatta ) and Dhiraj Chodhary (Advisor Snatta) met Director (HR and Enterprise), Shri A.N Rai at Allahabad on 28th April at 10 hours and drew his attention on the issues of 78.2% IDA merger. Holding of Departmental examination specially to JTO cadre for vacancies occurring up to 31st December,2011. Vindictive transfers at Mysore, Jabalpur etc. The issues of new rules for recognition of unions and fires taking place at Bhopal and Ahmadabad Telephone Exchange were also raised. The Director (HR) was told that the employees will undergo immortal losses due to denial of 78.2% IDA merger benefit.

28-04-2012 : BWA Meeting on 28th April 2012 : BSNL Workers Alliance in the meeting held on 28.04.2012 has taken following decision : (i) VRS will be opposed tooth and nail. (ii) Medical Allowance/LTC be restored. (iii) Sufferings and hardships in NEPP be addressed. (iv) Hold all departmental examinations following uniformity. (v) Modifications is needed in TTA, TM & JTO (Elect) R/R. (vi) Bonus be paid to BSNL employees.

28-04-2012 : BWA 1st Day Meeting Decision : (i) Govt. Should grant immediate financial package to BSNL as per its commitments. (ii) BSNL’s own rules for recognition of non-executive unions be framed. 6th verification should be only as per BSNL’s own Rules. SR cell is delaying the matter on one or the other pretext. (iii) 78.2% IDA merger issue be resolved to avoid immortal loss to employees. (iv) Wage erosion in respect of staff (D/R TTAS, Sr. TOAs, TMs etc.) be settled like JTOs/JAOs. More decisions in meeting of 28th April.

27-04-2012 : Core Committee Meeting on 25th/26th May 2012 : The Secretariate has decided to hold core committee meeting of NFTE BSNL on 25th/26th May, 2012 at Delhi. Members are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.

27-04-2012 : BSNL workers alliance meeting taking place at Allahabad on 27th and 28th April, 2012.

26-04-2012 : M O U (Editorial- English & Hindi) Click Here

26-04-2012 : Seminar at Allahabad on 28th April, 2012. (Invitation card) Click Here

25-04-2012 : After 3 years Director (Finance) post is filled up in BSNL. Shri KCGK Pillai has joined as Director (Finance) today. NFTE congratulates for his new assignment.

25-04-2012 : Supreme Court extends dead line for 2G auction : Gives time till August 31, holders of cancelled licenses can operate till Sept, 7.There will be no disruption in mobile services, provision for number portability will also continue. New licenses will take over the operation of old ones between Sept 1 and 7. Supreme Court not agreed to extend the auction dead line by 400 days from June 2, 2012 as requested by the Govt. Telecom set to be cash cow for Govt, expecting Rs. 7 Lakh crores to exchequer in ten years from spectrum auction. In the current year the Govt. has budgeted over Rs. 58,000 crores from its various telecom assets, including Rs 40,000 crores from sale of Spectrum.

25-04-2012 : Grant of 30% fitment to DR TTAs selected against backlog vacancies in Bihar Circle. Letter No. TF-9/9 Dated 24.04.2012 Click Here

24-04-2012 : Pay erosion in respect of D/R TTAs and other category of staff. Letter NO. TF-9/9 Dated 24.04.2012 Click Here

23-04-2012 : Non-executive Promotion Policy in the IDA Pay Scale of NE-1 to NE-10. Letter No. 11-2/2012-PAT(BSNL) Dated 12.04.2012. Click Here

21-04-2012 : NFTE BSNL means what it says : The NFTE BSNL is firmly opposed to retrenchment of employees through the process of VRS and will oppose it tooth and nail. NFTE has pointed out reasons why VRS is being opposed ? The DoT has signed MoU with BSNL to fund VRS. It is ludicurous as it signed agreement with the unions for job security of employees on 8th September, 2000. If DoT can provide fund for VRS why it is not reimbursing deficit to BSNL. Why it is not returning BWA license fee ? why no financial package to BSNL like Air India which is also a PSU. Ignore motivated propaganda and don’t fall into trap of Govt. VRS has been given to MTNL staff and what is result ?

21-04-2012 : Attention circle/District Secretaries : The validity of cheques and DDS is now only of three months Hqr requests to ensure that the cheques/DDS of quota are sent regularly and well in time to avoid the expiry date of validity. Click Here

21-04-2012 : BWA Meeting at Allahabad : BSNL works alliance meeting is taking place on 27/28th April at Allahabad. A seminar is being organised on 28th by NFTE BSNL which will be addressed by the General Secretaries of alliance unions. Director (HR) is most likely to attend and grace the occasion. The General Secretaries of unions are requested to intimate their arrival details to Com. Islam Ahmad on Mobile 09452848182 or New Delhi 09868230506 to avoid inconvenience. He will be at Allahabad from 24th April, 2012 onward.

21-04-2012 : TRAI’s Decisions : 1. All Telecom companies to provide one Tariff Plan on one second basis. 2. Telecom companies can alter International Tariff for new and old customers both.

19-04-2012 : On 17.04.2012, the Hon’ble Delhi High Court has given two weeks time to ITS officers for submitting option to join BSNL/MTNL or to revert back to Govt. Service. Click Here

19-04-2012 : Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees- Revised Rates effective from 01.01.2012. Letter No. 1(1)/2012-E-II(B) Dated 03.04.2012 Click Here

18-04-2012 : Ministry of Finance instructions and Implementation of E-payment in BSNL. Letter No. 1-4/BBF/e-payment/TM/2007-08 Dated 17.04.2012 Click Here

18-04-2012 : At about 05.30 hrs today, fire took place in Navrangpura Telephone Exchange Ahamadabad. It is noticed by outsiders near by the Exchange. Fire alarams were not functioning in the Exchange. The 1500 service paralyzed totally in the town. Employees service books were burnt in fire in accounts section, which were lying in the open. Loss/Damage is estimated above 50 lakhs. NFTE demands for enquiry and take action against erring officers.

17-04-2012 : Bhopal Telephone exchange burnt allegedly arbitrary decisions of authorities and diesel theft. Company has suffered loss of Rs. more than 100 crores. NFTE demands for enquiry and action against responsible officer. Click Here

17-04-2012 : Empanelment of Private Hospitals. Letter No. BSNL/Admn.I/15-14/11 Dated 16.04.2012 Click Here

16-04-2012 : The Circle working Committee of Madhya Pradesh took place at Satna on 15.04.2012 earlier a meeting has also been organised at Rewa SSA on 14.04.2012, despite holiday on 14.04.2012 and 15.04.2012 a large number of employees gathered to listen the President and General Secretary of NFTE. The fire has taken place in city main exchange at Bhopal due to negligence of authorities causing lose of more than Rs. 100 crores. The leaders in the meeting have demanded an enquiry to fix the responsibility against erring officers.

13-04-2012 : CHQ wishes a very happy and prosperous Tamil New Year (13.04.2012)

13-04-2012 : CHQ also extends Baisakhi greetings. (13.04.2012)

13-04-2012 : CHQ records its respectful homage to Baba B. R. Ambedkar on the occasion of his birth anniversary. (14.04.2012)

13-04-2012 : Hearty Congratulations to Com. Jayaprakash for taking over the charge of General Secretary, NU BSNL Workers (FNTO)

13-04-2012 : Com. Pulak Ganguli’s father left for heavenly abode. Hqr. condoles the sad demise and share the grief.

13-04-2012 : DPE order – No increase in IDA from 01.04.2012. File No. 2(50)86-DPE(WL) GL V/12 dated 10.04.2012 Click Here

13-04-2012 : Clarification regarding applicability of GPF/EPF to Casual Labourers who has been conferred TSM Status on or before 30.09.2010 and regularised in BSNL on or after 01.10.2000. File No. 17-1/2011-LE Dated 13.04.2012. Click Here

13-04-2012 : Bail out for Air India : The Govt on 12th April has again approved a Rs. 30,000/- crores bail out for Air India which is facing huge financial crisis. The Air India is also a PSU like BSNL and has received financial supports in the past also. But a different treatment for BSNL by central Govt. although it had committed to keep the BSNL financially strong at the time of formation of BSNL. Instead of extending financial support Govt. is imposing on BSNL unjust and illogical burdens.

12-04-2012 : Holliday declared for 14.4.2012 on account of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar's Birth Day. No. 12-1/2004-TE-II Dated 12.04.2012 Click Here

12-04-2012 : Com. K.K. Singh Secretary HQ visited Kolkata on organizational tour and attended Kolkata circle executive meeting held on 11.04.2012. Members of circle executives along with District Secretary are very much eager in strengthening the NFTE organization in West Bengal. Before this General Secretary and Com. K.K. Singh toured Guahati and Bongaigaon.

12-04-2012 : President, GS and Secy (Com. Rajpal) met Director (HR) on 12th April,2012 and discussed the following issues. 1. 78.2% IDA fixation benefit to BSNL employees on notional basis . Director (HR) agreed to refer to Management Committee for review. 2. Restoration of Medical Allowance : Union representatives drew the attention of Director (HR) about the commitment in 12th December 2011 meeting. He agreed for review of the matter. 3. Utilisation of TSMS on optional and willingness basis in other SSAS/circles so that they may appear in TM examination where vacancies are available GM(Est) has been asked to process for consideration. 4. Deduction of Income tax from leave encashment suitable instructions given to Est./Finance officers. 5. BSNL’s own rules for recognition : The representatives pointed out that the unions representing more than 82% workers want new recognition rules for maximum representation of employees in Negotiating Machineries. No. one be allowed to use veto power. NFTE BSNL is even prepared for referendum from the workers if they want BSNL’s own rules for recognition or not. Director (HR) agreed to consider the matter in positive perspective. 6. Saharanpur upgradation : File is expected be cleared by Finance of BSNL shortly.

12-04-2012 : Deployment and optimum utilisation of Temporary status Majdoors. Letter No.TF-14/2(d) Dated : 10.04.2012 Click Here

12-04-2012 : Deduction of Incometax from Leave encashment payment on superannuation.Letter No. TF-11/3(a) Dated 10.04.2012 Click Here

11-04-2012 : Restoration of Medical Allowance, Leave Encashment and LTC. Letter No. TF-32/2 Dated 11.04.2012 Click Here

11-04-2012 : 78.2% IDA fixation in revision of Pay Scales effective from 1st January, 2007. Letter No. TF-10/3 Dated 11.04.2012 Click Here

11-04-2012 : Pension revision of Pre-2007 retirees in Maharashtra : GM (Est) again reminded in person on the issue who promised to do the needful for pension revision.

11-04-2012 : Expenditures on Medical reduced : Enquiries have revealed that the expenditure on Medical with vouchers for QE 31st March, 2012 is less.

11-04-2012 : MP circle working committee Meeting is being held on 15th April at Satna President and GS will attend.

11-04-2012 : How to get rid off with the Pension burden imposed on the BSNL. (Editorial- English & Hindi) Click Here

10-04-2012 : NFTE BSNL condoles the sad demise of Com. Namboodri’s elder sister. Hqr shares his grief.

10-04-2012 : Telecom Mechanic Examination : Notification for holding Departmental examination for promotion to TM cadre is likely to be issued early.

10-04-2012 : BSNL Sports Calendar for All India BSNL Tournaments/Meets for the year 2012-13. Letter No. 28-1/2012-BSNL(Sports) Dated 04.04.2012. Click Here

10-04-2012 : Meeting with the GM (Admin) : President and Secretary, Com. Rajmouli met and discussed issues relating to BSNL MRS (i) BSNL Hqr has reportedly proposed for extension of CGHS facilities to BSNL retirees. (ii) Request was also made to consider for restoration of Medical Allowance as agreed by management in the meeting of 12th December, 2011 prior to 15th December, 2011 strike.

10-04-2012 : VRS : There is no change in situation. The proposal duly approved, by BSNL Boards is lying in DoT. The BSNL management has promised to unions not to take loan from banks for the VRS. NFTE BSNL is opposed to VRS move and will not be averse to struggle including joint one.

10-04-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO cadre against departmental quota of vacancies : Date of hearing for vacation of “Stay” for holding LDCE is fixed for 22nd May, 2012. On the basis of report we mentioned that “Stay” is vacated. Regrets for the inconvenience.

10-04-2012 : MASSIVE MEETING AT COIMBATORE (TAMILNADU) ON 04-04-2012.: On 04-04-2012 a massive meeting was organized by Coimbatore district union at Main Telephone Exchange complex. comrades C.K.MATHIVANAN, Dy. Genl.Secy, SS.Gopalakrishnan, All India Organizing secy, L.Subbarayan, Asst.Circle Secy, N.Ramakrishnan, Dist.Secy spoke at the meeting and explained the present status of issues concerning the employees. Five senior comrades were felicitated at this meeting on their retirement. Click Here

<09-04-2012 : Com. O.P. Gupta Ji crossed 90 years on 08.04.2012. We wish him good health and long life.

09-04-2012 : Revised norms for provision of vehicles in BSNL field units. Letter No. 3-4/2009 MVT Dated 04.04.2012 Click Here

09-04-2012 : Settlement of claims under CGHS package rates for the overstay period of patient in the hospital in excess of days prescribed in package rate. Letter No. BSNL/Admn.-1/15-7/12 (pt.) Dated 03.04.2012 Click Here

09-04-2012 : Special discount scheme for Govt./PSU employees and extension of promotional tariff under postpaid Wireless Broadband Services (WIMAX). Letter No. 22-01/2010-T&C-CM Dated 29.03.2012 Click Here

04-04-2012 : Colorful farewell and Zonal Convention at Kolhapur (Maharashtra) : On 3rd April, 2012 a farewell function was organised in honour of Com. Sanjay G Kulkarni District Secretary NFTE (BSNL) Kolhapur who retired from service on 31.03.2012. High dignitaries of Kolhapur city attended this function including Chhatrapati Sambha Jee Maharaj. All the members of NFTE (BSNL) and of other union Comrades garlanded Com. Sanjay G Kulkarni and offered a shawl. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary NFTE, Com. Ramesh Ayere circle secretary Maharashtra, Com. K. S. Kulkarni and Com. Moktali both CHQ secretaries participated in the function and honoured Com. Sanjay G Kulkarni with bouquet and shawl on behalf of NFTE CHQ and Maharashtra Circle. On this occasion a zonal convention was organized with all the neighbouring 5 SSA district sectaries along with office bearers. The gathering was unexpected in Dr. M.Vishweshwarayya meeting Hall Kohlapur. From BSNL management Shri Dipak Tayal Sr. GM Kohlapur SSA, DGM (A) and good numbers of other officers participated in the convention and addressed the gathering. The Sr. GM expressed all his feelings towards survival of BSNL. Com. Kulkarni, Com. Moktali, Com. Ramesh Ayere and Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary addressed the meeting and explained the current situation of BSNL as well as the staff related issues. The General Secretary call upon the workers not to fall in the trap of VRS and be united leaving all the sectarian ideology to defeat the Govt. anti workers policy.

04-04-2012 : District Conference and Zonal convention at Aurangabad (Maharashtra) : Aurangabad District conference was held on 2nd April 2012 and Zonal convention also organized on initiation of the circle union. The convention was held in Maulana Abdul Kalam Shabha Bhawan, Aurangabad. It was inaugurated by Com. C. Singh General Secretary NFTE (BSNL). Com. Ramesh Ayere Circle Secretary, Com. K.S. Kulkarni Secretary CHQ and all the six district secretaries of neighbouring SSA’s like Nanded, Usmanabad were present along with their district office bearers and activists of the union. From management side S/Shri R.K. Sahu DGM and Shri Jhoshi DGM were present and addressed the convention. Shri Sahu DGM appeal the workers to make our united efforts for survival of BSNL. He added that the staff and the officers should maintain cordial relation and keep trust upon each other, otherwise the company will not come out from crisis. Addressing the huge gathering of the convention Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary NFTE explained the core issues related to staff like 78.2% IDA merger, Bonus, NEPP, transfer policy, VRS and disinvestment. He appeal the management to stop the present step mother treatment with the members of non recognised union specially in case of transfers. Shri Ayere Circle Secretary Maharashtra in his deliberation explained the situation of other SSA’s where SSA heads are doing double role in transfers and they are giving protection to the members of recognized union. The convention ended with success after the vote of thanks by the working president.

04-04-2012 : BSNL worker’s alliance meeting postponed to 27th and 28th April 2012 instead of 20th and 21st.

03-04-2012 : Absorption of Telecom Service (ITS) etc. cadre officers in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited/Mahanagar Telecom Nigam Limited – Issues raised by Department of Telecommunications & ITs officers regarding recruitment in BSNL/MTNL- reg. BSNL No.4/13/2012-P&PW (D) Dated 19.03.2012. Click Here

02-04-2012 : Upgradation of Drivers in NEPP. Letter No. 26/6 Dated 29.03.2012 Click Here

31-03-2012 : The Circle working Committee Meeting of AP circle was held at Ongole on 25.03.2012 under the president ship of Com. M.B. Prakash. Majority of District Secretaries and CWC members attended the meeting. Com. K. Anjaiah Circle Secretary put forth the views about transfer ordered against corporate office guide lines. All the members expressed and condemned the attitude of management in non-settling the genuine demands of Shrikakulam SSA. The employees were on struggle for more than one month. Com. A. Raja Mouli, Secretary Hqr attended the meeting on behalf of CHQ. He explained the steps taken by CHQ in resolving the transfer issue of Shrikakulam. CHQ and CWC appealed to the Comrades of Shrikakulam to call off the strike, in view of the intervention by the circle and CHQ and assured that their “Heroic struggle” may not go futile. CWC saluted the comrades of Shrikakulam for their struggle. The meeting seriously discussed the transfer issue at all levels and called upon the branches to ready for struggle in future against irregular, unwarranted, pick and choose transfers in the circle. Com Mallishetty, Chief Patron AP circle addressed the meeting. The District union of Ongole SSA arranged the meeting within very short notice.

31-03-2012 : Bihar Circle Union conducting demonstration in front of CGM office Patna against transfers. Click Here


31-03-2012 : Revision of pay Non-executive Employees in BSNL w.e.f. 01.01.2007-clarification reg. BSNL letter No. 1-07/2012-PAT(BSNL) Dated 28.03.2012. Click Here

30-03-2012 : A new branch of NFTE BSNL formed at Malbari telephone exchange in Bongai gaon SSA Assam Circle. Com. Apurva Sharma, Com. Idrish Ali, Com. M. Kalita were elected as President, Secretary, and Treasurer respectively. CHQ congratulated the office bearers of Malbari Branch.

30-03-2012 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL : President and Secretary (Com. Rajmouli) CHQ met CMD BSNL on 30th and discussed about supply of materials (cable, optical fiber, instruments, modem etc) to circles. CMD told that no major tenders are pending in corporate office. There is no shortage of cable but the circles may get on requirement basis. The situation in Gujrat was particularly referred to.

30-03-2012 : No increase in IDA for quarter ending FEB 2012 (i.e. 56.7%).

30-03-2012 : Welfare Grant for circles (BSNL No. 13-1/2011-BSNL –(WL)/Pt. Dated 21.03.2012 Click Here

30-03-2012 : Issue of PoS of Casual Labourers (BSNL No. 269-5/2012-Pers IV dated 22.03.2012) Click Here

30-03-2012 : Prevention of Sexual Harassment of women employees. (BSNL No. 6-1/2005-SG/2012/149 dated 27.03.2012) Click Here

30-03-2012 : Room rent for Indoor treatment under BSNL MRS BSNL/Adm.I/15-20/11 dated 20.03.2012. Click Here

29-03-2012 : MoU between DoT and BSNL Part IV – Commitment/Assistance from the Department of Telecommunication, Govt. of India : Government shall endeavor to assist BSNL in the following matters : (i) Re-imbursement of deficit on account of commercially non-viable service. (ii) Refund of upfront BWA spectrum License fee. (iii) Issue of a soft loan which has been requested by BSNL for an actual loan of Rs. 15000 crores for 10 years with a moratorium of 5 years. (iv) Center/State governments and PSUs should give priority to BSNL for their telecom service requirement. (v) Pension contribution is collected on the maximum of the scale in IDA instead of on actual pay drawn which is contrary to the procedure followed in respect of CDA scales. (vi) Funding support for VRS. Note : NFTE BSNL held discussion at corporate Hqr. No VRS unless and until money comes from MoF/DoT to BSNL.

29-03-2012 : The employee who submits technical resignation to accept appointment in outside quota cant get promotion benefit of option for fixation of Pay BSNL No. 1-07/2012 PAT (BSNL) dated 28.03.2012 Click Here

29-03-2012 : Stalemate to Continue : The absorption of ITS personnel into BSNL or their repatriation to DoT is still pending. Thus stalemate will continue in the field much against the interest of the company.

29-03-2012 : BSNL’s proposal for monthly pension contribution is rejected by DoT/MoF DoT Letter No. 7-45/2008/TA-1/ 409-433 dated 01.03.2012, NFTE maintained from beginning BSNL Hqr has acted beyond its powers. Click Here

28-03-2012 : BSNL will be in loss again : BSNL will be in loss again to the tune of more than Rs. 8,000/- crores.

28-03-2012 : RMS on stagnation after upgradation in NEPP : NFTE met GM (Est) and submitted concrete cases to establish that RMS are on stagnation stage after upgradation in NEPP. Circle secretaries are requested to send more such cases.

28-03-2012 : Pension revision of Pre-2007 retirees : GM(Est) has been apprised of about non-revision of pension of pre-2007 retirees by CCA, Mumbai. He agreed to intervene.

28-03-2012 : NE-12 Scale : BSNL Management Committee has approved for creation of the scale and now it will be sent to Board for approval. The date of effect ie creation will be from 22nd February, 2012 and neither from date of agreement nor from the date of issue of orders. The NE-12 scale will be extended to employees after 7 of 8 years as the case may be.

27-03-2012 : NFTE representatives met Director (HR) on 26th March and discussed some issues. VRS : 1. Proposal is still with DoT and VRS will not be introduced unless and until money is received from DoT/MoF. 2. BSNL’s own Rules for recognition of unions : PGM (SR) advised to process consultation with unions. 3. Victimisation and harassment of staff at Pathankot and Dhanbad : Assured for appropriate action.

26-03-2012 : BSNL will provide Phone and Internet in each village by year 2014 : Shri R. K.Upadhyay, CMD, BSNL has reportedly declared at Agartala that the BSNL will provide phone and Internet in each village by year 2014. To achieve this target the PSU has started a scheme of Rs 20 thousand crores for laying National Optical Fiber Network.

26-03-2012 : Agenda for BSNLWA meeting on 20th/21st April, 2012 at Allahabad. Click Here

26-03-2012 : Photos of Vadodara Meeting. Click Here

26-03-2012 : Photos of Valsad Meeting. Click Here

24-03-2012 : The open session of District Conference of NFTE BSNL at Valsad was held on 23rd March, 2012 at Rajiv Panchayat Hall. It was addressed by Comrades Islam, Verma (VP CHQ), Bhatia (Circle Secretary) and H.P. Tiwari as Circle President. Comrades V.B. Patel and J.B. Maurya have been elected as President and District Secretary respectively.

23-03-2012 : Annual MOU Between BSNL and DOT Click Here

23-03-2012 : Farewell to the Retired Employees in Vijayawada SSA on 08-03-2012 Click Here

22-03-2012 : Massive Meeting at Vadodara : NFTE BSNL held a very massive meeting on 22nd March, 2012 under the Chairmanship of Com. H.R. Tewari, Circle President and District President of the union. More than 500 employees gathered to bid farewell to Com. T.N. Rai, District Secretary PGM, Shri R.K. Sharma and other officers were also present Com. Islam A.I. President, Com. Bhatia (Circle Secretary), C/S SNEA, Distt Secretary BSNLEU addressed the gathering speaking on the occasion Com. Islam explained the position of many issues. He stressed the present crisis in BSNL could be overcome only by evolving unity of unions and employees. He requested Govt. to end the preset stalemate in BSNL.

21-03-2012 : G.P.F. interest calculation : 8% from 01.04.2011 to 30.11.2011; 8.6% from 01.12.2011. F.No..5(1)-B(PD)/2011 Dated 19.03.2012. Click Here

21-03-2012 : Issue of Presidential orders of TSMS regularised on or after 01.10.2000 : List of such TSMS must be sent by circle office by 31st March, 2012.

21-03-2012 : Reply from Shri Milind Deora Honorable Minister of state communication and Information on 14.03.2012 in Lok Sabha in respect of irregularities in allotment of ILD licenses. (Q. No. 303) Click Here

19-03-2012 : Provision of Pre-paid SIM with a talk time of Rs 200/- PM to Telecom Mechanics/ Regular Mazdoors etc.Letter No. TF- 19/4, Date: 19-03-2012. Click Here

19-03-2012 : Viability Gap Funding (VGF). TF- 6/7, Date: 19-03-2012 Click Here

19-03-2012 : The mother of Com. R. venkatraman, former Secretary General, FNTO and presently working President of Teppu left for heavenly abode on 15th march NFTE HQr shares the grief and offer condolences.

19-03-2012 : 5. Looking to tap the Telecom Sector : The Govt. is looking to raise more than Rs 55, 000 crores through auction of spectrum including those vacated by 122 Telecom License holders. The realization from 122 Licenses alone is about Rs 40, 000 crores.

19-03-2012 : 4. Mobile users to Pay more : More than 900 million mobile phone users have to pay more monthly bills due to 2% hike in service tax.

19-03-2012 : 3. The Govt. has sought to amend the Income Tax law retrospectively to bring into the tax net Vodaphone- Hutchison type of transaction to override the Supreme Court Judgement.

19-03-2012 : 2. PSU Sell – off : The Govt. has lowered its disinvestment ambition, budgeting to raise Rs 30, 000/- crores through stake sale in Public Sector companies in 2012-13, compared to the Rs, 40, 000 crores target for the current financial year.

19-03-2012 : 1. Proposed Income tax slab : Taxable Income - Tax Upto 2, 00,000 - Nil, 2, 00,000 to 5, 00,000 - 10%, 5, 00,000 to 10, 00,000 - 20%, More than Rs 10, 00,000 - 30%, From 60 to 80 years of age : Upto 2, 50, 000 - Nil, 2, 50, 001 to 5, 00, 000 - 10%, 5, 00, 001 to 10, 00, 000 - 20%, More than 10, 00, 000 - 30%,

16-03-2012 : Change of Designation of Main stream cadres in BSNL- Proposal from NFTE-BSNL. Letter No. TF- 53 dated: 16-03-2012. Click Here

16-03-2012 : Transfer requests of BSNL Executive/Non-Executive- regarding. Letter No. BSNL/ED (NB)/ Staff/2011-12/1 Dated: 12th March, 2012. Click Here

16-03-2012 : Provident fund rate lowered to 8.25% for 2011-12: The union finance ministry has given its nod for the labour and employment ministry to fix the rate of interest payable to EPF (Employees Provident Fund) subscribers at 8.25% for 2011-12, instead of at 9.5% paid in 2010-11.

15-03-2012 : Reality Check over Pension Burden: DOT or BSNL? Click Here

15-03-2012 : 112 Govt. Websites Hacked in 3 Months: Sachin Pilot Click Here

13-03-2012 : Instructions from corporate office regarding JTO’s Temporary transfers. Letter No. 5-19/2011-Pres. IV dated: 12th March, 2012. Click Here

13-03-2012 : Issue of Presidential Orders to Temporary status mazdoor upon their absorption in BSNL. Letter No. 269-5/2012-Pers. IV dated: 12th March, 2012. Click Here

13-03-2012 : BSNL workers alliance meeting will take place at Allahabad on 20-4-2012 & 21-4-2012.

13-03-2012 : G.S and Secretary CHq met Dirctor (HR), PGM (SR) and GM (Est) discussed the issue of Srikakulam transfers, NE 12 scale, Jharkhand issue regarding Telecom mechanic promotion and conducting of JTO examination for 35% and 15% quota.

13-03-2012 : Trai gets govt Approval to Act as civil court: Communications ministry clears proposal to grant Telecom regulator powers on a par with Sebi and competition commission of India. As per decision making body of the communications ministry has cleared the proposal to grant more powers to the Telecom regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and enable the watchdog to act like civil court. Trais new powers will be spelt out in the upcoming National Telecom Policy 2012. (Source Economic Times).

13-03-2012 : Modification in R/R of TTA in respect of Departmental candidates. Letter No. TF- 24/1 (e) dated: 13-03-2012. Click Here

10-03-2012 : NEITHER TALL CLAIMS NOR CRIES FROM ROOF-TOP : NFTE neither makes tall claims nor claim tall achievements. Self praise has never been in NFTE’s dictionary. The NFTE firmly holds the view that NEPP has brought sufferings and hardships to the employees. Redressal of these are necessary and our efforts will continue in this direction. How many employees have faced recoveries at circle office Hyderabad, Bhopal TD and else where ? The Employees got recoveries from Rs 8000 to Rs. 29000/- in circle office Hyderabad after their option for NEPP. Those who were in NFTE upto year 2000 have now choosen to criticise its performance, although they also got benefits in restructuring and promotion scheme. They need actually to see their beautiful faces in the mirror and should know. Who is the 1st signatory in the 1st wage agreement of 2002 wherein it is written that OTBP/BCR will continue.

10-03-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO cadre against 35% and 15% Quota vis- a vis calculation of vacancies. Letter No TF- 14/2 (b), Dated: 10-03-2012. Click Here

10-03-2012 : 2 G Fight: Govt. is ready for 2G fight round-II and cabinet approval for Presidential Reference under article 143 is likely today.

10-03-2012 : Organisational News. Click Here

07-03-2012 : Wish you Happy and Colorful Holi. Click Here

06-03-2012 : First Ever United Strike. Editorial (English & Hindi) Click Here

05-03-2012 : NEPP and Facts: Click Here

05-03-2012 : Brisk and hard exercise proved futile : BSNL HQr made brisk and hard exercises to woo the ITS personnel into BSNL. But all proved futile reportedly due to pension uncertainty.Only 22 ITS officers have opted for absorption in BSNL.

05-03-2012 : GPF and EPF for BSNL employees: NFTE representatives met Director (HR) and requested to intervene to sort out the issue of applicability of GPF and EPF on BSNL employees.

05-03-2012 : Formation of 3 district unions in Chennai Telephones circle. Click Here

04-03-2012 : Like it or not facts will remain facts. Click Here

04-03-2012 : BSNL HQr has issued seven orders regarding applicability of GPF/EPF scheme on BSNL employees contradicting each other. CGMS are transferring employees from GPF to EPF etc. Letter No. TF- 11/10 dated 3-3-2012 to CMD, BSNL to end confusion to avoid future complications. Click Here

03-03-2012 : Com OPG, former SG NFTE has undergone operation. President, NFTE BSNL met him and wished for early recovery.

03-03-2012 : Provisional permission to officiating JTOS to appear in SDE deptl quota Examination as per Jabalpur “CAT” orders. NFTE BSNL representatives discussed the matter with the GM (Personal) but he did not agree.

03-03-2012 : 2 “G” Scam: The Govt. is seeking review of Supreme Court Judgement cancelling 2 “G” Licenses. The Govt. is expressing its inability to auction “2 G” spectrum within four months.

02-03-2012 : Vacation of accommodation allotted to NFTE-BSNL prior to 1st verification case of Dhanbad. Letter No. F. No. BSNL/39-2/SR/2012 dated 02-03-2012 Click Here

02-03-2012 : BSNL offers FTTH for high speed broadband users. Click Here

02-03-2012 : Special Drive for Up-dation of Service Records (Phase-1) Letter No. 250-4/2012-Pers-III dated 01-03-2012.Update service Books of Employees. Click Here

01-03-2012 : Meeting with the GM (Restg) : President met GM (Restg) and drew her attention about the hardships in Transfer Policy.

01-03-2012 : DoP No. 49011/31/2008-Estt. (c) Dated 23-01-2012 regarding group ‘D’ pay scale to casual labourers with Temporary status. Click Here

29-02-2012 : BSNL Letter No. 27-7/2008- TE-II Dated 29-02-2012 to CGM Patna. Click Here

29-02-2012 : Meeting with PGM (SR) and GM (Est) : NFTE representatives met PGM (SR) and GM (Est) and mentioned the following issues. I. Regularisation of TSMS and casual labourers appointed on compassionate grounds. II. CGA cases of Jharkhand circle. III. Modification in R/R of TTA for departmental candidates. The group ‘D’ employees having diploma in Electronic etc be permitted to appear in Exam for TTA. IV. Andhra Transfers.

29-02-2012 : Scrap 122 “2G” Permits Editorial (English & Hindi). Click Here

28-02-2012 : Congratulations and Greeting to Comrades for organising successful strike on 28th February.

28-02-2012 : Modification in R/R of TTA in respect of 40% Depart mental quota of vacancies. Letter No. TF- 24/1 (e) dated: 28-02-2012. Click Here

28-02-2012 : Demonstration at Eastern Court New Delhi: The striking employees gathered in large number at 1200 hours in the campus of Eastern Court which was addressed by comrades Namboodri, Thomas John and Islam. Congratulating the workers on the historic day of strike com. Islam emphasized for unity of non- executive unions in BSNL to protect BSNL and the interest of employees. It is established fact that non – executive staff had been losers in all matters due to lack of unity. He demanded the Govt. should extend financial support to BSNL.

27-02-2012 : General Strike on 28-02-2012: NFTE participating in strike along with all non- executive unions/ associations in BSNL. Comrades are requested to participate in strike and make it a grand success.

27-02-2012 : 78.2% IDA fixation in revision of Pay scales effective from 1st January, 2007. Letter NO.10/3 dated 27-02-2012. Click Here

27-02-2012 : Implementation of NE- 12 IDA Pay scale of Rs 16390- 33830 for non- executive employees. letter No. TF- 26/6 dated 27-02-2012. To, Director (HR), BSNL, New Delhi. Click Here

27-02-2012 : No place for such officers in BSNL Pack them to DoT- FIR Lodged. Click Here

25-02-2012 : Convention at Patna 0n 25th February, 2012. Click Here

25-02-2012 : Restoration of disconnected RSTC/ concessional phones of BSNL/MTNL employees. Letter No. 16-6- 2012-PHA dated 17th Feb. 2012. Click Here

25-02-2012 : NFTE BSNL’s Proposal for change of Designation of mainstream cadres. Click Here

25-02-2012 : Reimbursement of cost of oxygen concentrator- orders issued by BSNL HQr BSNL / AdmI / 15- 19 /11 dated 23-2-2012. Click Here

25-02-2012 : Introduction of NE- 12 Pay scale of Rs 16390- 33830 (pre- revised 9200- 250- 13200) for non- executives in BSNL- approval conveyed vide DoT No. 1-72 / 2009 /SNG dated 22-2-2012. Click Here

25-02-2012 : DoP has not approved the BSNL’s Proposal:- The DoP has reportedly not okayed the R/R of BSNL for recruitment of Executives (ITS) on immediate absorption basis.

25-02-2012 : NE- 12 Scale:- DoT has conveyed its approval to BSNL for further action.

25-02-2012 : Joint Meeting at Pune: The Joint meeting of non- executive unions was held on 24th February which was addressed by comrades Namboodri and Islam, President of BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL. More than 500 employees were present in the hall comrades Harish Moktali, K.S Kulkarni (Secretaries of NFTE BSNL) and com Iyere, circle secretary were also present. Leaders urged the workers to make 28th February Strike successful. Click Here

24-02-2012 : Retention of Computer or Laptop and Printer for DGM and above level officers in BSNL, allotted to them & used by them at their residence, on retirement after payment of its retention amount to BSNL. Letter No. 6-6/2008-Corp-IT Dated 22.02.2012. Click Here

24-02-2012 : Shri R.K.Upadhyayji CMD BSNL writes a letter to ITS officers : No. C&M-1/Genl. 2012 Dated 23.02.2012. Click Here

23-02-2012 : Enhancement of advance amount for cyclone victims of Pondicherry and cuddalore will be decided by Director (HR) after meeting with the CGMT, Tamilnadu on 24th Feb. at Chennai.

23-02-2012 : Etisalat and S. Tel companies decided to exit from Indian Telecom Market after Supreme Court verdict.

22-02-2012 : An appeal to FNTO leaders: NFTE BSNL appeal to FNTO leaders not to resort to disinformation campaign. NFTE BSNL is not affiliated to any central union as mentioned in Page 3 of FNTO News of Jan. - Feb. 2012 issue.

22-02-2012 : JAO (II) final Exam : Another JAO (II) final examination on old syllabus and relaxed R/R is under very active consideration of BSNL management. Aspirants must start preparations seriously as this may be the last chance for them.

21-12-2011 : Seminar at Chhapra. Click Here

21-02-2012 : Joint meeting of non- executive unions was held on 16th at Chennai: A Joint meeting was held on 16th February at Raja Annamalai Mandram. More than 1000 employees were present in the Hall. The circle Secretary of NFTE BSNL, Tamilnadu and circle Secretary BSNLEU, Chennai TD were in the presidium. The General Secretaries of NFTE BSNL, BSNLEU, Teppu and C K. Mathiavanan, Dy GS and circle Secretary NFTE BSNL Chennai and vice President, BSNLEU (CHQ) addressed the meeting. Com. G. Jayaraman, Secretary NFTE proposed vote of thanks. Click Here

21-02-2012 : BSNL eyes private sector to rebuild management Click Here

21-02-2012 : Guidelines for Mutual Transfer and Rule 8 Transfer issued BSNL Letter No. 5-21/2012- Pers IV dated 10-2-2012. Click Here

18-02-2012 : Clarifications and Modifications on NEPP.Letter No. TF- 26/6 dated 17-02-2012. Click Here

18-02-2012 : Joint convention of non- executive unions on 24th February at Pune. Com. Islam may attend on behalf of NFTE-BSNL.

18-02-2012 : State level convention of BSNL Non- executive unions in preparation to the nation wide strike of 28th February 2012 was held on 14th February at Ernakulam. Com. Namboodiri (President- BSNLEU) inaugurated the meeting. Nearly 150 employees inclouding all India / State / District level leaders of all non- executive unions attended. NFTE leaders Com. Michael PM (CHQ), Com. Dharmadas PV, C/S and Com. Radhakrishnan PK (C/P) and district secretaries and circle committee members attended the convention on behalf of NFTE.

18-02-2012 : NE- 12 Scale in NEPP approved by DoT: The Secretary, DoT has approved NE- 12 scale in NEPP. Orders are yet to reach to BSNL HQr.

17-02-2012 : Heroic struggle at Jamshedpur: The NFTE BSNL organised Dharna from 6th February demanding all payment by Accounts Payee cheque instead of Bearer to prevent exploitation of workers by undesirable elements. The struggle ended after local management agreed to the demand.Greeting to comrades. Click Here

16-02-2012 : Joint convention of non-executive unions at Chennai on 16th Feb, 2012. General Secretary is attending.

16-02-2012 : Calculation of Pension contribution for payment to Govt. of India in respect of absorbed employees. Letter No. 11/3 Dated 16.02.2012 Click Here

16-02-2012 : Joint convention at Hyderabad held on 15th February at Asman Mahal Click Here

15-02-2012 : Pension revision of BSNL Pre- 2007 retirees- case of Maharashtra Telecom circle. Letter No. TF-11/3 Dated 14.02.2012 Click Here

15-02-2012 : Increase in Grant of interest free loan to cyclone affected employees at cuddalore and Pondicherry in Tamilnadu. Letter No. TF-16/9 Dated 15.02.2012 Click Here

14-02-2012 : Interest free loan to Pondicherry and Cuddalore staff. Director (HR) agreed to speak to CGM, Tamilnadu for Rs. 10,000/- loan subject to availability of fund.

14-02-2012 : Vacation of “Stay” granted by Kerala High Court : GM(Est.) was apprised of the situation who contacted Addl. GM (Adm.) it was informed that the counter affidavit for vacation of “Stay” against holding of examination for promotion to JTO cadre has been filed.

14-02-2012 : Rect. of Dy. G.Ms, Sr. GMs etc in BSNL : Last date of application has been extended reportedly upto 24th Feb, 2012.

14-02-2012 : 40% Departmental Quota Examination for promotion to TTA cadre. Click Here

13-02-2012 : Circular for One Day General Strike on 28.02.2012. By Non-Executive Unions / Associations in BSNL, Dated 13.02.2012 Click Here

13-02-2012 : Notice for one day strike on 28th February, 2012. By Non-Executive Unions / Associations in BSNL, Dated 13.02.2012 (In Hindi) Click Here

13-02-2012 : Notice for one day strike on 28th February, 2012. By Non-Executive Unions / Associations in BSNL, Dated 13.02.2012 Click Here

13-02-2012 : LDCE for promotion to JTO cadre against Departmental Quota of vacancies. Letter No.TF-14/6 Dated 13.02.2012. Click Here

13-02-2012 : West Bengal NFTE- BSNL held its working committee meeting on 12th February : The west Bengal circle union held its CWC meeting on 12th at CTO Kolkata Which was addressed by Com. Islam at the last leg of his organizational tours. Earlier he also addressed a meeting at Rossa TE in Kolkata TD. The circle union executive has decided to work hard unitedly to strengthen the NFTE- BSNL and participate in the strike of 28th February. The BSNL employees of all political thoughts are welcomed in the NFTE as it is like a garden where flowers of different colours blossom.

11-02-2012 : Redress the sufferings and hardships of NEPP (English & Hindi). Click Here

11-02-2012 : Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary NFTE, attending District conference of katiahar SSA at ‘Purnia’ on 19-2-2012 and address the meeting at ‘Chapra’ on 20-2-2012 in Bihar circle. General Secretary will return to headquarter on 22-2-2012.

11-02-2012 : Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary returned to headquarter after completion of his tour progrmme in Jharkhand circle from 4-2-2012 to 6-2-2012. Com. Singh addressed the meeting at Ranchi, Bokaro and Dhanbad. He visited Jharia on 5-2-2012 where 5 Quarters of BSNL have been destroyed and all the belonging like door windows, grils, furnicher, iron rods, and even bricks have been sold by a team lead by one of the SDE posted there. General Secretary advised all the non- executive staff to maintain peace in the SSA and assured them that the issue will be raised at appropriate level so that the erring and tainted officers may be identified. It is also reported that the valuable equipements / Materials of closed cross bar exchange at “Dharia” were sold by the above said team. Com. Mahavir Singh circle Secretary Jharkand also accompained with General Secretary in tour programme.

11-02-2012 : Non executive unions / Associations of BSNL are organising a seminar at Hyderabad on 15-02-2012 in ‘Asman Mahal’ upon 28-02-2012 Strike demands. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary NFTE address the convention.

10-02-2012 : Meeting at Gopalpur Telecom Factory, Kolkata: President along with VP (chitra Basu) and circle Secretary, Com. M Ali addressed a well attended meeting on 10th February and explained the present position on various issues Earlier President also addressed a meeting at Kharagpur TD on 9th. Sufficient employees particularly TTAS, TMS, Sr. TOAS were Present in the meeting.

10-02-2012 : Seize the Golden Opportunity – Join the historic strike on 28-2-2012: Click Here

09-02-2012 : All Circle Secretaries of non-executive unions in BSNL of Tamilnadu and Chennai met and discussed in respect of 28th Feb, 2012 strike. They decided to hold a big convention on 16.02.2012 at Chennai to mobilize the workers for strike. Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary, NFTE BSNL will attend and address the convention.

09-02-2012 : Information awaited from circles by corporate office in respect of House rent allowance (HRA) as per 6th CPC on Government Pattern. Letter No. 1-12/2009- PAT (BSNL) Dated- 09-02-2012. Click Here

09-02-2012 : Gate meeting of BSNL Employees took place on 09-02-2012 at kharagpur Telecom Factory which was addressed by all India President and circle leaders of NFTE.

08-02-2012 : A very massive meeting took place on 8th February at Recreation club in Alipore Telecom Factory, Kolkata which has been addressed by com. Islam, President of NFTE-BSNL. The leaders of BSNLEU, FNTO were also present.

07-02-2012 : Creation of NE-12 scale matter with internal finance of DoT.

07-02-2012 : Analysis of WIMAX Revenue Performance Report for the month of December, 2011, Letter No. No. 2-124/2010/RM-CM/BSNL Dated: 06/02/2012. BSNL paid Rs.8314 crores for BWA spectrum. While the revenue target for 2011-12 is Rs.409 crores, the actual revenue upto December 2011 is Rs.12.30 crores. Outstanding upto December 2011 is Rs.2.98 crores, i.e., 39.08%.. Click Here

06-02-2012 : ZTE, Huawei emerge lowest bidders for supplying GSM gear to BSNL Click Here

06-02-2012 : TTA exam guide book is available at CHQ in Hindi version only cost Rs. 50/- plus Rs. 20/- Postal charges. You may send DD or MO.

06-02-2012 : BSNLMRS : Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on Indoor treatment - cases where no CGHS rates are prescribed for any treatment/ procedure. Letter No. BSNL/Admn. I/15-3/11 Dated 02.02.2012 Click Here

04-02-2012 : Recruitmentof ITS Group ‘A’ Officers to the post of Sr. DGM and GM/PGM/CGM in Telecom Operations in BSNL/MTNL on immediate absorption – Clarification thereof. Letter No. 437-101/2011-Pres.I (Pt.) Dated: 03rd February, 2012. Click Here

04-02-2012 : Clarification under para 13.4 of the BSNL SLD RR- 2011 – regarding seniority of ITS officers to be recruited in BSNL vis- a- vis the absorbed ITS officers. Letter No. 437-101/2011- Pers.I Dated: 3rd February, 2012. Click Here

03-02-2012 : Cancellation 122 of licenses of 2G vis – a – vis opportunity to BSNL to grab the market through portability. Letter No. TF- 19/4 Dated 03-02-2012. Click Here

03-02-2012 : 28th February Strike : BSNL workers Alliance unions met on 3rd February, 2012 and decided to participate in the Strike of 28th February.BSNLWA is in favour that the Joint Notice and circular should be from all non- executive unions and not from any forum/ Alliance.

03-02-2012 : 28th February Strike :Non- Executive unions available at Delhi met and decided to organise strike on 28th February as per call of central Trade unions. The unions representatives not available at Delhi will be contacted to build up the broad based unity for the strike. In the strike notice the following demands will be included. 1. Financial support to BSNL by Govt. And no Disinvestment / Privitisation. 2. No retrenchment of staff.

02-02-2012 : Holding of LDCE for TTA under 40% quota for the recruitment year 2011. Letter No. 7-2/2012-DE Dated 02.02.2012 Click Here

02-02-2012 : Recruitment of ITS Group ‘A’ officers to the post of Sr. DGM and GM/PGM/CGM in Telecom Operations Stream in BSNL on immediate absorption basis – Corrigendum in Terms & Conditions thereof. Letter No. 23-2/2011-Rectt. Dated 01.02.2012. Click Here

02-02-2012 : One day Strike on 28th February : The entire central Trade unions are organising strike on 28th February against anti workers policy of Govt. The NFTE-BSNL Secretariate met on 2nd February at 1645 hours and decided to join the strike. Formal notice is being issued after consulting the alliance partners.

02-02-2012 : BSNL SLD RR-2011 – clarification thereof. Letter No. 437-101/2011-Pers. I (pt) Dated 01.02.2012. Click Here

02-02-2012 : Supreme Court’s decision on 2G Licenses : 1. 122 Licenses of 2G spectrum awarded by Shri Raja cancelled. 2. Licenses will now be awarded through open tender within four months. 3. CVC will monitor the process

01-02-2012 : Do you remember or not? : BSNLEU has made tall promises to workers in the past. Should we list those? Remember unity for greater cause and mudslinging both can’t go together. Information put in the site has been factual and due to duplication forms have been rejected.

01-02-2012 : Interest free advance extended to BSNL employees at cuddalore and Pondicherry in Tamilnadu Circle. Thanks to BSNL HQr Management.

01-02-2012 : Supreme Court’s Verdict on prosecution of Public servant: (I). Seeking sanction for prosecution of a public servant is constitutional right of citizen. (II). Sanction is deemed to have been granted if the designated authority does not take decision within four months.

31-01-2012 : Value-added Services Hold the Key as User Additions Fall Click Here

31-01-2012 : Telecom commission allows operators to share 2G spectrum : The Telecom commission has decided to allow mobile phone companies to share spectrum, but has limited the facility to 2G airwaves. It means, Telecos cannot share 3G spectrum.

31-01-2012 : DoT seeks Nod to recover Rs. 823 crore from five Telecos (R Com, Airtel, Tata Tele, Vodafone and Idea). The Telecom department has sought Communication Minister Shri Kapil Sibal’s approval to recover Rs. 823.31 crore from five Telecos for allegedly under stating revenues and hence paying lower share during 2006-07 and 2007-2008.

31-01-2012 : BSNL Corporate office orders on (i) Interpretation of dependency criterion for grant of two family pensions under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972- regarding. (ii) Family pension-Lists of documents to be submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) along with from 14, PPO and death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioners/family pensioner- regarding. Letter No. 40-22/2011-Pen(B) Dated 27.01.2012 Click Here

28-01-2012 : A right beginning but inadequate (Editorial) Click Here

27-01-2012 : Revised scheme of Test and Syllabus for Recruitment of junior Hindi Translator issued. BSNL No. 201-01/2012- Pers III dated 27-01-2012. Click Here

27-01-2012 : Extension of FR 22(1) a(1) benefit to all officiating JTOs Vis- a Vis writ Petition filed at Delhi High Court by BSNL has been dismissed on 13th January, 2012. NFTE met GM (Est) and urged for extension of benefit to officiating JTOs in other circles akin to Kerala in view of dismissal of WP.

27-01-2012 : FR 22 (1) a (1) pay fixation to Officiating all JTOs.Letter No. TF-24/2(c) dated 27.01.2012 Click Here

27-01-2012 : Pre Budget consultations- views of NFTE- BSNL. Letter No. TF-6/7 Dated 27.01.2012 Click Here

27-01-2012 : Pre Budget consultations- views of NFTE- BSNL (Hindi). Letter No. TF-6/7 Dated 27.01.2012 Click Here

27-01-2012 : All circle/ District secretaries note please: Validity of cheque / DD will be 3 months from March- 2012, instead of Six months. No over writing/ cutting is admissible in any of the Banks as per RBI guide lines. All circle/ District secretaries are requested to ensure timely dispatch of cheque / DD by DDO’S every month.

27-01-2012 : TTA Books Available: Departmental examination for promotion to TTA cadre declared.A guide book for TTA examination is available. It can be obtained by Post by sending DD of Rs. 70/- only as below:- “Treasurer, NFTE-BSNL HQr”. C-4/1 Bangla Saheb Road, New Delhi.Don’t forget to give your complete address on which book is to be dispatched.

27-01-2012 : District Circle office conference of NFTE-BSNL at Patna. Click Here

27-01-2012 : CVC referred three major cases to CBI for criminal investigations against officials of MTNL, BSNL and DoT involving loss of several hundred crores: The central vigilance commission has referred three major cases to CBI for investigation against the officers of MTNL, BSNL and DoT. I. Irregularities in issuance of Internal Long distance call by DoT to a company promoted by a Hongkong based entity. II. The CVC has also asked to CBI look into sanction of credit limits by Canara Bank, Syndicate bank to the same company. III. The alleged acts of “Commission and omission” and “Criminal conspiracy on the part of BSNL officials” in awarding of marketing and advertisement contracts of the company (BSNL).

25-01-2012 : Heartiest “Republic day greetings". Click Here

25-01-2012 : Change in R/R not possible: Departmental Examination for promotion to TTA cadre has been notified. Now there won’t be any modification in R/R. The candidates having 10+2 qualification will only be eligible to appear in Exam.

25-01-2012 : Holding of special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for filling up backlog vacancies of junior Telecom Officer (Telecom/Civil/Electrical) for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) JTO (SRD) 2011. Letter No. 1-4/2011- Rectt.-II Dated- 23, January, 2012. Click Here

25-01-2012 : The Departmental Examination (40% quota) declared for promotion to TTA cadre for vacancies occurring upto 31st December, 2011. BSNL HQr Letter No. 250- 2/2012- Pers. III Dated:24-01-2012 Click Here

25-01-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR) / PGM (SR): NFTE representatives met Director (HR) and sought his intervention about sufferings of staff at Warangal in Andhra. He has also been apprised of the situation at Chennai, Dhanbad, Pathankot and Ahmadabad. The issue of farming of BSNL’s rules for recognition has also been referred.

25-01-2012 : Creation of NE- 12 Scale: DoT has made some query with the BSNL on the issue.

24-01-2012 : Pre-Budget Consultations : NFTE BSNL’s functionaries are requested to mail their views urgently for submission to MoF.

24-01-2012 : Meeting with GM (Restg.) in BSNL : There is no development in VRS. Lowering of age to 58 years is also not presently in the agenda of BSNL. GM (Restg.) told the NFTE leaders.

23-01-2012 : BSNL Special Lateral Direct Recruitment Rules-2011 of BSNL Management Services - regarding inter-se seniroity in the recruitment made from ITS Officers of DoT. Letter No. 437-101/2011-Pars.I Dated 23.01.2012 Click Here

23-01-2012 : Denial of upgradation to staff under NEPP- Request for intervention. Letter No. TF-26/6 dated 23.01.2012. Click Here

23-01-2012 : No migration from NFTE BSNL to BSNLEU in East UP rather 402 new members have joined. Allahabad - 140, Kanpur - 117, Unnao - 65, Lucknow - 36, Gorakhpur - 13, Basti - 7, Fatehpur - 8, Seetapur - 7, Bara banki - 7,

23-01-2012 : Non- upgradation of employees in NEPP due to non- availability of complete ACRS- case of Maharashtra circle. Letter No. TF-26/6 dated 23.01.2012. Click Here

23-01-2012 : Maharashtra Circle working Committee Meeting Completed with full grandeur at Nagpur on 21-01-2012: The working committee meeting was held on 21st January under the President ship of Com. Tumram. Despite train derailment most of the SSAS participated in the meeting. Shri Joshi, PGM and other officers attended the Seminar and open session. Com. Islam Ahmad addressed a very large gathering of workers on the occasion. Com. Muktali, Secretary Federation and Mule, Acting ACS also addressed the Seminar. Click Here

21-01-2012 : Chattisgarh Circle News: 27 employees Joined NFTE- BSNL- Bilaspur- 20, WTP- 7, Com. Ram nageena Singh and Com. Ram Kumar varma, LCM member and branch Secretary of BSNLEU Joined NFTE. Hearty welcome to Comrades.

20-01-2012 : BSNL looks to raise Rs 15,000-crore loan : Cash-strapped Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd is looking to raise up to Rs 15,000 crore through long-term loans from banks. The telecom PSU has appointed SBI Capital Markets to arrange the loans.

20-01-2012 : Gopal pur Telecom factory Heartening News: 23 employees has Joined as new members in NFTE- BSNL at Gopal pur Telecom factory. Comrades K. Acharya and R.K Dutta have resigned from BSNLEU and Joined along with 23 members.

20-01-2012 : 323 Illegal ISDN Phone connections Scam at Chennai: Reportedly the CBI has registered FIR and chargesheeted 42 personal including two CGMS and GMS working and retired.

20-01-2012 : New Members in Odisha : Odisha circle added 118 new members to NFTE family. The SSA wise break up is as under- Bhubaneswar T.D- 59, Bhubaneswar C.O.- 17,Cuttack- 30. Sambalpur – 07, Bolangir- 05. Reports from other SSA are awaited.

20-01-2012 : Himachal circle News: 80 employees have Joined NFTE BSNL Shimla- 30, Solan- 40, others- 10. Com. Vijay Pathak, LCM Leader has also joined. Hearty welcome to Comrades.

20-01-2012 : Maharashtra circle working committee of NFTE BSNL is taking place on 21st January. President will attend the meeting.

19-01-2012 : Cut in Expenditures : BSNL Board has reportedly decided that only CMD and Directors will avail Air travel facility in official tours.

19-01-2012 : Departmental Quarters : According to reliable sources the BSNL has taken a decision to allot vacant departmental quarters to employees to avoid payment of HRA.

19-01-2012 : BSNL has reportedly decided no transport facility below GM level.

19-01-2012 : Well done MP Comrades:- More than 500 employees have joined the NFTE BSNL: Indore- 194, Jabalpur- 70, Itarsi- 65, Khandwa- 75, Bhopal- 50 and others- 50 HQr welcomes the new members and conveys warm greetings to NFTE leader for their hard work and achievement.

18-01-2012 : BSNL vide No. 14-3/2010- PAT (BSNL) revised scale Dated- 18-01-2012 has issued orders for Payment of 4.7% IDA increase from 01-01-2012: Click Here

18-01-2012 : 356 members Joined NFTE in UP (W) Circle: Agra (89); Saharanpur (99); Moradabad (38); Ghaziabad (60); Meerut (30); Mathura (40). Com.YashPal Singh, Com. Gyancand,Com. Omprakash and Com. Rakam Singh are LCM members Joined NFTE. NFTE- BSNL CHQ New Delhi Welcomes the Comrades whole heartedly.

17-01-2012 : JTO Departmental Quota Examination: The counter duly vetted, against “stay order” for holding the JTO Departmental quota examination has been sent by BSNL HQr.

17-01-2012 : Meeting with PGM (F&P): President and General Secretary met PGM (F&P), Shri Pillai and requested to arrange training for such candidates whose JAO II results have been declared Later on. Favorable action is very much expected.

17-01-2012 : ITS absorption R/R: The issue of fixation of seniority of absorbed ITS officers and now getting absorbed as per new R/R of BSNL Management Services was sent to DoP. The DoP has reportedly now directed that the BSNL should settle the matter in consultation with the Administrative Ministry (DoT) and DPE (Department of Public Enterprise).

17-01-2012 : Meeting with General Manager (Est): President and General Secretary met General Manager (Est) and requested for modifications in R/RS of TTAS and TMS to fill up departmental quota of vacancies. The discussions took place on the suggestions submitted vide our Letter No. TF-24/1(e) dated 16-1-2012 and TF- 24/1 (b) dated 16-1-2012 in respect of TTAS and TMS respectively.

17-01-2012 : Increase of IDA 4.7% from 1-1-2012 vide DPE orders No. 2(70)2008- DPE (WC)- GL- 1/2012 Dated 16-1-2012. Click Here

17-01-2012 : Provision of per-paid SIM with a talk time of Rs 200/-pm to Telecom Mechanics/ Regular Mazdoors who undertake out-door duties and select non Executives on the basis of functional need. Letter No. 2-22/ 2002-PHA Dated 16-01-2012 (Circular No. 04/ 2011-PHA). Click Here

16-01-2012 : Recruitment Rules of Telecom Mechanics (TMS) of year 2002 Modification in Recruitment Rules Letter No.TF-24/1(b) Dated 16-01-2012. Click Here

15-01-2012 : Request for modification in R/R in respect of 40% quota of vacancies for promotion to TTA cadre.Letter No. 24/1(e) Dated 16.01.2012 Click Here

15-01-2012 : Review of Mini Ratna Status : Govt. of India, the Department of Public Enterprise, has decided to review the Mini Ratna status of PSUS. BSNL and some other PSUS may loose the Mini Ratna status

14-01-2012 : Maintenance of Broadband services in BSNL request for grant of allowance etc to staff.Letter No.TF-19/1(C) Dated 14.01.2012 Click Here

14-01-2012 : Circle Secretaries to Note : Please collect figures relating to option forms submitted to management for deduction of union’s subscription.

14-01-2012 : Home Coming : 75 employees rejoined NFTE BSNL at Yeotmal in Maharashtra Circle

14-01-2012 : Heartening News : More than 411 employees including local Council Members, Branch Secretaries of BSNLEU led by Com. Tanajee Bhor District President at Kalyan in Maharashtra have joined the NFTE BSNL on 13th January, 2012.


13-01-2012 : Don't suppress the voice - Hindi Click Here

12-01-2012 : Proposal to grant HRA on CG rates. BSNL letter No. 1-12/2009-PAT (BSNL) dated 09.01.2012 Click Here

12-01-2012 : Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increment in NEPP.letter no. TF- 26/6 dated 12-01-2012. Click Here

11-01-2012 : Applicability of GPF/EPF scheme to the TSMS regularised on 1-10-2000 or thereafter. Letter No. TF-11/10 Dated 11.01.2012 Click Here

11-01-2012 : Refund of BWA spectrum charges and illegal 3G roaming facility. BSNL letter No. BSNL/7-14/SR/2011 dated 9-1-2012. Click Here

10-01-2012 : Pay erosion in respect of Direct Recruit TTAs and other category of staff. Letter No. TF-9/9 Dated 10.01.2012 Click Here

10-01-2012 : Meeting with Director (HR) : NFTE has requested Director (HR) for extension of financial aid, loan and GPF advances to Natural calamity victims in Tamilnadu specially cuddalore, Pondicherry etc.Necessity for restoration of one BCR increment before one year of retirement was also explained besides,vindictive action in Jharkhand.

10-01-2012 : 3G Roaming : The DoT has asked the TDSAT for a copy of 3G roaming deals arrived at amongst the private Telecom companies.The Telecos fear information will be leaked to rival CoS. DoT assured TDSAT that the agreement information would be kept secret.The Private operators have alleged that they had entered into roaming deals with the full knowledge and blessings of the DoT.

09-01-2012 : Photos of District secretaries Meeting of NFTE AP Circle. Click Here

07-01-2012 : Pension to regularised employees. Click Here

07-01-2012 : Informal meeting with GM (EST) 0n on some issues. Click Here

06-01-2012 : Circular to central office bearers, circle and district secretaries TF-4/5 dated 06.01.2012 Click Here

06-01-2012 : The meeting of District Secretaries of AP circle is being held from 7th to 8th January at Hyderabad. GS and Secretary, Com. Rajmouli will attend.

06-01-2012 : Attention circle District Secretaries of NFTE- BSNL: Orders for informal meeting have been issued by BSNL HQr on 5th January, 2012. Please make it a point to carry alliance partners along with you as and when meet the management. This is your abundant duty.

06-01-2012 : BSNL/39-2/SR/2011 dated 5-1-2012 regarding extension of facility of informal meeting to the non- executive unions. Letter No. BSNL/39-2/SR/2007 dated 2-8-2007 & Letter No. BSNL/7-1/SR/2009 dated 18-2-2009 : Click Here

05-01-2012 : Natural calamity in Tamilnadu Telecom circle letter No. TF- 16/9 dated 05-01=2011: Click Here

05-01-2012 : Govt. servant selected for a post in PSU shall be deemed to have retired from the date of resignation and will receive all pensionery benefits (DoT No. A-11013/33/2011- Abs cell dated 28-11-2011 and BSNL letter No. 40-33/2011- Pen(B) dated 24-11-2011 and dated 4-1-2012 on the basis of DoP No. 38/80/2008 P & PW(A) Part(II) dated 8-6-2011 : Click Here

05-01-2012 : Grant of one extra BCR increment to non- executive employees covered under OTBP/BCR scheme Letter No.TF- 26/3(b) Dated 04-01-2012: Click Here

05-01-2012 : Office Order BSNL Letter No. 1-29/2010- PAT (BSNL) Dated 03-01-2012: Click Here

04-01-2012 : Illegal 3G rooming facility provided by 5 Private Companies : Private CoS have approached to TDSAT. The DoT has questioned the Jurisdiction of TDSAT to entertain the matter since as per supreme court judgement license agreement cannot be altered. BSNL has also raised objections and filed for impleadment.

04-01-2012 : Creation of NE- 12 Scale: Matter is now with DoT for approval.

04-01-2012 : The mother of Com. Pulak Ganguli, vice President (CHQ) breathed her last on 3rd January. HQr share the grief of Com. Ganguli and convey heart felt condolences.

03-01-2012 : DoT’s approval necessary. Click Here

03-01-2012 : BSNL Management Service Recruitment Rule. Click Here

03-01-2012 : BSNL Rules for recognition of non- executive unions in the PSU. Click Here

02-01-2012 : Massage from CMD BSNL. Click Here

02-01-2012 : Denial of Pension in NEPP upgradations at Orissa. CCA Orissa action is irregular in view of DoT’s letter No. 1-72-2009-SNG dated 20.07.2009. Click Here

02-01-2012 : Pension Contribution : NFTE BSNL delegation met Member (Sces) and DDG(Est) to greet them on new year. The proposal to realise pension contribution on actual pay instead of maximum has been okayed by pension department and matter now with the Ministry of Finance.

02-01-2012 : Extension of Trade union facilities to officers Associations: Click Here

31-12-2011 : Wish you a Happy New Year - 2012. Click Here

31-12-2011 : ITS absorption Click Here

31-12-2011 : BSNL vide No 437-101/2011-Pers I dated 26.12.2011 has issued special lateral Direct Recruitment rules 2011 for recruitment of Sr DGM, GM, PGM/CGM in E-6 and E-9 IDA scale. Click Here

31-12-2011 : Strengthen the NFTE BSNL. Click Here

31-12-2011 : NE- 12 Scale. Click Here

30-12-2011 : Increase of IDA from 01.01.2012 is 4.7%, Total 56.7%. Click Here

30-12-2011 : Allotment of vacant staff quarters to retired BSNL/ DoT employees. Letter No. 482-16/2007-BG Dated 30.12.2011. Click Here

30-12-2011 : Evil Attempts defeated. Click Here

30-12-2011 : A right step. Click Here


29-12-2011 : Freezing of computer advance to employees in BSNL Letter No. 1-4/2010- B dated 16-12-2011. Click Here

27-12-2011 : 4th Circle conference of UP (E) held on 23rd and 24th December, 2011 at ‘Unnao’. President, General Secretary and Secretary CHQ attended the conference. Com. Rajiv Verma, Com. Ramnath Pandey and Ashok Rai were elected unanimously as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

27-12-2011 : Loss of emoluments to TTAS and others in revision of pay scales effective from 1st January, 2007.Letter No. TF- 9/2 (e) dated 27-12-11. Click Here

24-12-2011 : BSNL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE meeting held on 23rd December 2011. The following approvals were granted:- 1. NE.12 SCALE approved. 2. Management selection recruitement rules approved. 3. JTO's will get five advance increments in pay fixation from 1-1-2007.

22-12-2011 : President, GS and Dy GS held a long meeting with Director (HR) on important issues.

22-12-2011 : Reportedly vigilance in DoT will now be headed by an IAS officer.

22-12-2011 : Provision of another option to Non executives to switch over to revised IDA scales of pay from the date of first promotion between 1.1.2007 and 7.5.2010 on revision of IDA scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007. Letter No. 1-37/2011-PAT(BSNL) Dated 22.12.2011 Click Here

22-12-2011 : UP (E) Conference on 23rd / 24th Dec. at uunnao. President, General Secretary and Secretary, comrade Raymouli will attend.

22-12-2011 : Clarification regarding regulation of pay when employees are crossing maximum of the revised IDA scales on grant of annual increment. Letter No. 1-20/2011- PAT (BSNL) dated:- 21-12-2011. Click Here

21-12-2011 : Request for Modification in R/R of JAO in respect of Departmental Candidates. Letter No. TF-14/2(C) Dated 21.12.2011 Click Here

21-12-2011 : Clarification regarding applicability of rule for permitting the voluntary retirement with regard to staff absorbed in BSNL. Click Here

20-12-2011 : Empanelment of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres at Delhi under BSNLMRS. Letter NO. BSNL/Admn.i/15-14/11 Dated 15.12.2011 Click Here

20-12-2011 : VRS not yet approved by DoT. Ignore propaganda.

20-12-2011 : Applicability of rule for permitting the voluntary retirement with regard to staff absorbed in BSNL Letter No. 250-13/2011-pers-III Dated 19-12-2011. Click Here

20-12-2011 : Meeting with GM (Est):- NFTE representatives met GM (Est) on 20th and discussed the following issues.I.Upgradation of staff in NEPP at Gujrat circle.II.POS in respect of regularised TSMS relating to Bihar.III.Clarification in respect of Lashkar for grant of upgradation in NEPP.IV. Mutual Exchange provision in Transfer Policy.GM (Est) has spoken to GM (A) of Gujrat and Bihar on (I) and (II). Clarifications are being issued on (III) and (IV).

20-12-2011 : Release of fund for HBA in Tamilnadu circle. Letter No.TF-8/1 Dated 20.12.2011 Click Here

19-12-2011 : Denial of upgradattion to staff under NEPP in Gujrat circle. Letter No. TF-26/6 Dated 19.12.2011 Click Here

19-12-2011 : Comrades B.B. Sahu and K.M. Tripathy have been elected as President and Circle Secretary respectively in the Odisha circle conference.

19-12-2011 : MOU signed with Canara Bank for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees. Letter No. 1-9/BBF/Staff Loan/10-11 Dated 19.12.2011 Click Here

17-12-2011 : GS is attending orissa circle conference on 17th/18th December at Puri.

17-12-2011 : 78.2% IDA fixation in revision of Pay scales effective from Ist January, 2007.Letter no. 10/3 dated 17-12-11. Click Here

17-12-2011 : Creation ofNE12 Scale in NEPP:- In course of discussions the management has told the NFTE that creation of NE 12 scale will be prospective and not retrospective after approval by BSNL Board.The employees will thuse undergo financial loss.

17-12-2011 : JAO LICE:- The BSNL corporate office is not agreeable and Inclined to grant relaxation in the last JAO examination. It is contemplating to hold another LICE for JAO.

17-12-2011 : Income Tax Arrears:- According to CAG reports 90% Tax arrears belong to 12 personnel in the Country.

16-12-2011 : 10 more ITS officers relieved from BSNL to DOT.

16-12-2011 : Pension contribution vis-a-vis pension revision of employees absorbed in BSNL. Letter No. TF-11/3(b) Dated 15.12.2011 Click Here

16-12-2011 : Pension Contribution and revision of Pension Click Here

15-12-2011 : Well done comrades : Congratulations and greetings for organising successful strike.

15-12-2011 : Pension Contribution to be paid to DOT in respect of absorbed employees of BSNL. Letter No. 500-57/2011-12/BSNL/CA I/VOL IV Dated 14.12.2011 Click Here

14-12-2011 : AIBSNL OA Tamilnadu circle supporting strike call of BSNLWA.

14-12-2011 : An appeal in Hindi Click Here

14-12-2011 : An Appeal Organise and participate in the strike of 15th December with full zeal and vigour. We will be on struggle for a cause. We have to protect BSNL and the interest of workers. However, we appeal to all comrades not to participate in any activity of intimidation, threat and coercion. Ensure no damage or sabotage is done to system. Keep in mind BSNL is our bread earner.

13-12-2011 : End the uncertainly Click Here

13-12-2011 : Brief of discussions of Meeting held on 12-12-2011 between BSNLWA unions and BSNL Management: Click Here

13-12-2011 : Record of discussion of the meeting held at 15.30 hrs. on 12th December, 2011 under the chairmanship of Director (HR) in the 3rd floor Board Room, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi. Letter No. BSNL/7-13/SR/2011 Dated 13.12.2011 Click Here

13-12-20111 : Action against 3G operators: The Telecom Ministry is contemplating to take action against 3G Private service providers for entering into roaming agreements for 3G services as this Violates License terms

13-12-20111 : Rs. 800/- cross. Income tax refund to BSNL.

12-12-2011 : Meeting held with BSNL management but no fruitful result strike decision stands prepare for struggle of 15th December, 2011.

12-12-2011 : Creation of NE 12 scale in NEPP.Letter No. 26/6 Dated 12.12.2011 Click Here

12-12-2011 : Pension contribution in respect of absorbed employees at par with those who are on deputation BSNL NO. 500-57 / 2011-12 / BSNL / CAI / VOL- IV dated 8-10-2011 issued. Click Here

12-12-2011 : Pension contribution BSNL has issued modified orders for payment of pension contribution in respect of absorbed employees. Question arises if BSNL is competent to do this as same is fixed by DOP and MOF. There may be complications in future in settlement of pension of retired employees as CCA may question the authority of BSNL.

10-12-20111 : Refund of Money Deposited in Respect of BWA Spectrums: According to reliable sources the DOT/ Govt. will take 4 to 6 months in refund of money deposited in respect of BWA Spectrums. It has to be perused vigorously.

10-12-20111 : Grant of Subsidy to BSNL: According to information the BSNL has placed presentation twice before Trai for grant of subsidy. Trai’s recommendation to DOT necessary for grant of subsidy. Pending examination and recommendation of Trai the BSNL has reportedly approached to the DOT for adhoc grant.

09-12-20111 : Refund of money paid for BWA spectrum charges : Almost all unions made efforts in the matter and impressed upon the management to demand refund of money from DoT in respect of unviable circles. NFTE has sincerely not only persued the matter with BSNL management but approached to MOC as well. Let money come to BSNL and then take credit.

09-12-2011 : CMD, BSNL’s appeal to BSNL workers alliance unions not to go on strike on 15th December, 2011. BSNL Letter No. BSNL/7-13/SR/2011 dated 09.12.2011 Click Here

09-12-20111 : Repatriation of ITS officers: 387 officers have been repatriated to DOT till date.

09-12-20111 : Meeting of BSNL WA with management on 12th December 15:30 hours on strike demands.

08-12-2011 : With Rs 548-cr medical bill, BSNL is not a healthy organisation. Click Here

08-12-2011 : Govt accepts BSNL proposal to return BWA spectrum. Click Here

08-12-2011 : BSNL VRS: DoT to expedite the VRS of almost one lakh employees of BSNL. Click Here

07-12-2011 : BSNL’s cash and bank balance reach Rs. 2,500 crore; likely to seek govt bailout. Click Here

07-12-2011 : Country wide general strike on 28.02.2012 circular by all Central Trade Unions. Click Here

03-12-2011 : Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners revised rate effective from 01.07.2011. Letter No. 40-22/2011-Pan(B) Dated 01.12.2011 Click Here

03-12-2011 : Encashment of HPL against the shortfall of EL of 300 days on retirement in respect of Executives/Non executives absorbed/ directly recruited in BSNL. Letter No. 1-13/2010 PAT (BSNL) Dated 02.12.2011. Click Here

03-12-2011 : Minister of State for Communications and IT Sri. Milind Deora in a written reply to the Lok Sabha, in respect of VRS proposal submitted by BSNL. Click Here

03-12-20111 : Meeting with Director (HR) Shri Garg : Shri A.K. Garg Director (HR) is now most likely expected to join new assignment, CMD MTNL, on or after 5th December,2011.

03-12-20111 : Shri N.K. Gupta, CGM Punjab is selected as Director CFS ie Director (operation) in BSNL vice Shri Wadhwa who is retiring in February, 2012.

03-12-20111 : Stalemate in BSNL : NFTE representative met CMD, BSNL on 02.12.2011 and mentioned the situation prevailing in the field due to repatriation of ITS officers. Practically work is not moving in the field. This has adverse effect in the performance of company. BSNL Hqr is preparing R/R for recruitment of Managers to end the stalemate. The issues of Chennai TD, Andhra, Bihar etc. were also mentioned by the representatives in detail.

03-12-2011 : One and one and half years period of stay prescribed for different places in J and K and NE-2 circles. BSNL No 4/2 -10/2009-Pers I dated 29/30th November, 2011. Click Here

01-12-20111 : Jaya Gopal Sharma working in corporate office and NFTE stall wart expired. Head Quarter convey heart felt condolences to the family.

01-12-20111 : Shri A.K Garg Director (HR) has been selected as CMD MTNL. He will join new assignment on 02.12.2011. Shri A.N. Rai Director (Enterprise) will act as Director(HR) also.

01-12-2011 : Extension of Medical facility to spouse of retired employee married after retirement.Letter No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-4/11 Dated 30.11.2011 Click Here

30-11-2011 : Hon’ble MOC D.O. NO. 1-4/2008/USF/RDEL dated 09.11.2011 regarding provision of subsidy to BSNL from USO fund. DoT to take decision in the interest of BSNL. Click Here

30-11-2011 : Strike on 15th December, 2011 – Editorial Telecom Click Here

30-11-2011 : VRS not possible in this financial year : The Secretary, DoT while participating in “Scotch summit on employment” on 29th November 2011 has declared that the VRS cannot be implemented in BSNL/MTNL in the current financial year ending 31.03.202. The DoT is yet to consider the proposal of BSNL but huge expenditure is involved. BSNL has demanded Rs. 18,000/- crores for grant of VRS to staff. Click Here

29-11-20111 : Creation of NE-12 scale in NEPP : The matter has been sent to BSNL Board. It is most likely to be approved as and when meeting takes place.

29-11-2011 : Bihar circle working committee meeting held on 26.11.2011 to 27.11.2011 at Munger. Click Here

29-11-20111 : 40 more ITS officers have been released from BSNL for DoT.

29-11-2011 : Filling up of vacancies against 10% absorption quota in TTA cadre for recruitment years 2009, 2010 & 2011. Letter No. 250-5/2009-Pers-III Dated 28.11.2011. Click Here

28-11-20111 : BSNL HQr has started action : NFTE BSNL has requested the BSNL management to relieve non-optee tainted and charge sheeted ITS officers. We are happy to note of late BSNL Hqr has started moving in this respect.Besides Aurangabad GM/Dy GM more are being relieved. Free BSNL from corrupt officers.

28-11-20111 : Orissa circle conference on 17/18th December 2011 at Puri.

28-11-20111 : Eastern UP Circle conference on 23rd /24th December 2011 at Unnao.

28-11-20111 : The Hon’ble Delhi High Court’s double bench dismissed the petition filed by ITSA challenging their repatriation from BSNL on the ground that their terms and conditions are discriminatory. The bench imposed a cost of Rs. 30000/- on ITSA.

28-11-20111 : Start Preparation to organise strike on 15th December : BSNLWA and its unions have served notice to organise strike on 15th December. Circle and District Secretaries are requested to start preparations for strike with zeal and vigour. Hold meetings and mobilise the workers to make the strike successful. CHQ urge you all to take a leading role in the scheduled struggle on 15th December, 2011. Click Here

26-11-2011 : Message from CMD, BSNL received vide Letter No. BSNL/8-3/SR/2011 dated 25.11.2011. Click Here

25-11-2011 : Notes on items of Strike demands. Letter No. TF- 38/3 Dated 23.11.2011 Click Here

25-11-2011 : One Extra BCR increment not agreed to by DoT/BSNL. BSNL Letter No. 27-8/2003-TE II(Pt) dated 24.11.2011 and DoT No. 40-12/2004/Pen(T) dated 04.11.2011. Click Here

24-11-20111 : CBI CASTS 2G SCAM PROBE WIDER : The CBI has registered new FIR against former Telecom Secretary (Shri Shyamal Ghosh) DDG (Shri J.R. Gupta) and some unknown DoT officials for causing loss by giving illegal spectrum to Airtel, Vodafone. They were officers during NDA regime. Instead of charging 2% of gross revenue as fee “ as applicable in normal prudence” for spectrum beyond 8 MHz DoT charged only 1% of gross revenue. The exchequer has suffered loss of Rs. 508 crors. The CBI has raided the houses of former officers.

24-11-2011 : Modifications in the scheme and syllabus of LICE for promotion to the grade of private Secretary of BSNL field units. Letter No. 20-05/2009-Pevs II dated 24.11.2011. Click Here

23-11-20111 : Greetings to Comrades on the eve of 58TH anniversary of NFTE. Hoist the NFTE flag and hold gate meeting on 24th November.

23-11-20111 : LICE for JTO promotion : BSNL Hqr has moved swiftly to get “stay” vacated.

23-11-20111 : Creation of NE 12 scale : BSNL corporate office is processing for getting NE 12 scale approved by Board.

23-11-20111 : Eastern UP circle conference is being held on 23rd and 24th December, 2011.

23-11-20111 : Bihar CWC meeting on 26th and 27th November at Munger General secretary will attend.

22-11-20111 : Stay Order on JTO Deptt Examination : President and Secretary, Com. Rajmouli met GM (Est) and requested him to get the interim stay order vacated.

22-11-20111 : LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre has been stayed on 17/11/2011 by Kerala High Court.

22-11-2011 : LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre against 50% Departmental Quota.Letter No. TF-14/2 (b) Dated 22.11.2011 Click Here

22-11-2011 : Misappropriation of Rs. 52 Lakhs at Aurangabad TD in Maharashtra Telecom circle. Letter No. TF-36/3 Dated 17.11.2011 Click Here

21-11-2011 : Notice for Strike on 15th December, 2011. Letter No. TF-38/3 Dated 19.11.2011 Click Here

19-11-2011 : Clarifications regarding withdrawal of leave encashment in respect of All India LTC.Letter No.-13-05/2011-PAT(BSNL) dated 18.11.2011. Click Here

18-11-20111 : JTO Departmental quota examination : Management has now indicated to take into account the vacancies upto year 2011.

17-11-20111 : Meeting with GM (Est.) : NFTE representatives met GM(Est) on 17.11.2011 and discussed about holding of Deptt. exam for promotion to JTO cadre. We impressed upon him that the departmental vacancies should be commensurate with outside quota recruits and supernumery posts should not be adjusted against the departmental quota. The union futher pressed to consider vacancies upto year 2011. The GM(Est) is yet to discuss with Director (HR). However, he again maintained that this may invite litigation. File has now been sent to legal cell for advice. The issues of transfers in Andhra, filling up TMS posts in Himachal, remote area allowance in Jharkhand and Himachal were also raised and discussed.

17-11-20111 : Sri R.Chandrasekhar, Secretary, DOT. talks about BSNL on 17.11.2011 : BSNL has asked to be allowed to surrender BWA and 3G spectrum in some circles because of its declining financial health. Apart from this, do you plan to give any subsidy to it for its unviable operations? There was also a BSNL plan for a VRS (voluntary retirement scheme). Has that been approved? The request of BSNL for surrendering of spectrum and a VRS plan is under consideration. The VRS package for BSNL could be of the order of Rs 10,000 crore and it will need Cabinet approval. Both BSNL and MTNL had a big impact from the payout of 3G and BWA spectrum at around Rs 28,000 crore. Even the phasing out of support for uneconomical activities, at Rs 2,000 crore, was stopped for BSNL. We are looking at all the issues but it will take a couple of months to come to a final decision. The number of employees in the two organisations and their percentage of expenditure on this are much higher compared to other telecom companies, as these were mainly landline companies. The important issue is that all this has impacted their bottom lines and all the requests, including that for a subsidy by BSNL, is being looked at collectively. It will not be a piecemeal approach.

17-11-2011 : Absorption of ITS officers in BSNL: - Request to end stalemate. Click Here

17-11-20111 : Meeting with GM (Est.) : NFTE representatives met GM(Est) on 17.11.2011 and discussed about holding of Deptt. exam for promotion to JTO cadre. We impressed upon him that the departmental vacancies should be commensurate with outside quota recruits and supernumery posts should not be adjusted against the departmental quota. The union futher pressed to consider vacancies upto year 2011. The GM(Est) is yet to discuss with Director (HR). However, he again maintained that this may invite litigation. File has now been sent to legal cell for advice. The issues of transfers in Andhra, filling up TMS posts in Himachal, remote area allowance in Jharkhand and Himachal were also raised and discussed.

17-11-20111 : Creation of NE-12 scale : Reportedly the management committee of BSNL has cleared the proposal for creation of NE-12 scale in NE PP.

17-11-20111 : Repatriation of ITS officers : ITS officers have been afforded two chances to exercise option for absorption in BSNL. 350 non optees ITS officers have been relieved for DoT. Further repatriation of non-optees will depend on direction from DoT. Union is pressing for relief of non-performers, tainted and charge sheeted personnel.

16-11-20111 : 325 ITS officers relieved till date. Further relief depends on the instructions from DOT.

16-11-20111 : Pension :- NFTE is fully aware of 2009 orders. Nothing new in it. We mention factual position only. Don’t be angry. Time will speak itself.

16-11-2011 : Reimbursement of claims for Briefcase and towels BSNL No. 10-6/2011-Admn II. Dated .11.2011 Click Here

16-11-2011 : LICE for promotion to JTO cadre. Click Here

15-11-2011 : ITS Absorption. Click Here

15-11-2011 : BSNL Hqr. vide No. 13-2/2010-TE dated 14.11.2011 has issued another 10 clarifications on NEPP. Click Here

15-11-2011 : Meeting with the CMD : The NFTE representatives met CMD BSNL and discussed issues of the victimisation of employees at Chennai, ITS officers absorption in BSNL. The union leaders impressed upon him for intervention to end the victimisation as well as uncertain atmosphere prevailing in the field. The tainted, charge sheeted and non-performers officers be relieved forth with.

14-11-2011 : ITSA has reportedly served legal notice to CMD,BSNL against their relief from BSNL.

14-11-2011 : Further repatriation of ITS Officals is held up.

12-11-2011 : Achievements :- Presently BSNL is in loss of more than Rs. 6,000/- crores. Is this also achievement should we ignore the reality ? No grudge for rejoicing on the so called achievmenet.

11-11-2011 : Extension scope of family pension to widowed/unmarried daughter and dependent disabled siblings of Central Government servants/pensioners. letter No. 40-13/2011-Pen(B) dated 08.11.2011 Click Here

11-11-2011 : Short term engagement of Retired Officers under the Contingency Plan- Remuneration and terms and conditions of engagement thereof. Letter No. 400-146/2011-Pers.I Dated 08.11.2011. Click Here

11-11-2011 : NFTE delegation consisting of President, General Secretary and Snatta leaders (Com. Samadhiya and Com. Chaudhary) met Director (HR) and discussed holding of JTO (35% and 15% Quota) examination. ITS absorption, Chennai affairs etc.

11-11-2011 : ITS absorption:- Relieve 50% ITS officers from BSNL urgently letter No.-TF-24/5 Dated 11.11.2011 to CMD, BSNL. Click Here

11-11-2011 : Time not to rejoice :- ITS officers are being repatriated to DoT. Some people are rejoicing and claiming it as their achievement forgetting there is now big challenge before us. There has been upward trend in the performance of company for last 4 months. It becomes our duty to maintain upward trend instead of rejoicing. Need of hour is that absorbees exert to achieve the goal so that the achievement may not result in disaster.

11-11-2011 : 35% and 15% Quota examination for promotion to JTO cadre :- The notification for examination is likely to be issued by next week. The syllabus and scheme are already notified vide BSNL No. 5-11/2009-Pers. IV Dated 01.11.2011. The examination will be objective with negative marks on wrong answers. NFTE has urged CMD/Director (HR) to take into account vacancies upto year 2011. Letter No. TF-14/4 dated 11.11.2011. Click Here

09-11-2011 : 8 ITS Officers have opted for absorption in BSNL.

09-11-2011 : Remittance of CHQ quota Click Here

09-11-2011 : Appeal : Remittance of CHQ quota :- As per RBI instructions, the cheques will be valid for three months instead of 6 months w.e.f. 1st April 2012. More than 300 cheque are received by CHQ every month. Some of the accounts officers are in the habit to issue cheques in favour of CHQ every month but do not despatch regularly. They send all the cheques after three to four months in one cover. If this practice continues, most of the cheques will become invalid after 3 months. To avoid this all the Circle/District secretaries are requested to caution their accounts officers concerned to issue and despatch cheques for share of CHQ quota every month to ensure clearance in time.

09-11-2011 : ITS Absorption :- DoT ITS optees will be relieved from BSNL in phased manner. Reportedly relieving orders are being issued 1st in respect of ITS officers working in corporate office.

09-11-2011 : Creation of NE-12 Scale :- There is no progress. File is coming and going without decision.

09-11-2011 : 35% Deptt. Quota examination for promotion to JTO cadre :- Issue is under process corporate office is reportedly contemplating to stick to its original notification of year 2010 examination. The NFTE will meet Director (HR) on his return from abroad for taking vacancies into account upto year 2011.

08-11-2011 : Honble Andhra High Court refused to grant stay against absorption process of ITS personnel.

04-11-2011 : Hold Lunch hour Demonstration on 8th November 2011 : All Circle and district secretaries are requested to hold massive lunch hour demonstration on 8th November 2011 in front of all exchanges/offices as per the decision of NEC at Coimbatore, in support of the charter of demands including opposing VRS/disinvestment/outsourcing in PSU’s and price rise submitted by eleven major central trade unions in India including AITUC, CITU, INTUC, HMS & BMS. Make the programme a grand success.

04-11-2011 : Hon’ble CAT at Hyderabad not granted stay to ITS personnel against absorption. Case is adjourned for 4 weeks.

03-11-2011 : No leave to officers of DGM Level and above – Regarding. Letter No. 400-125/2011-Pers. I. (Pt.) Dated: 02.11.2011. Click Here

03-11-2011 : LDCE (40% quota) for promotion to the Grade of TTA in the field Units of BSNL for the Recruitment Year 2008. Letter No. 7-2/2008-DE Dated : 02.11.2011. Click Here

03-11-2011 : Revised Scheme and Syllabus for Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for filling up posts in the cadre of JTO (Telecom) under both 35% and 15% quota. Letter No. 5-11/2009-Pers.IV Dated : 01.11.2011. Click Here

02-11-2011 : Retention of staff quarters beyond permissible period at stations where sufficient quarters are vacant:- Letter No. BSNL / 6-1 / SR / 2011 (i) dated 31/10/2011. Click Here

02-11-2011 : ITS absorption :- I.T.S personnel are knocking the doors of Court at Hyderabad to prevent the absorption. C.G.M. Andhra is reportedly applying unethical methods to obtain “Stay” against absorption.

02-11-2011 : NFTE still stands for indefinite strike :- After conclusion and decision of National Executive Meeting of NFTE BSNL the H.Q. wrote to the General Secretaries of almost all unions suggesting for indefinite strike to ensure financial viability and survival of BSNL. The Government had promised in September 2000 to keep the BSNL financially viable. NFTE also suggested that strike should take place when parliament is in session. No one will dispute that dangers are grave as such united and serious struggle is necessary. NFTE feels One-day strike may not serve the purpose due to obvious reasons. It will be difficult to mobilize the workers for indefinite strike after one day strike and that too without securing any result. Therefore, NFTE is still of considered view that united indefinite strike is need of the hour so that BSNL gets financial packages as well as other concessions from the Govt. Once BSNL is financially viable and in profit the issues of VRS as well as facilities of medical allowance without voucher will be automatically settled. Therefore, NFTE still and firmly stands for do or die struggle.

01-11-2011 : Strike deferred to be organised when Parliament is in session. NFTE Stand is vindicated up to some extent. NFTE stands for united struggle.

31-10-2011 : Vindictive and revengeful attitude of CGM, Chennai TD. Click Here.

31-10-2011 : NE-12 Scale :- Director (HR) will be on foreign trip one week. Settlement of NE-12 scale may be further delayed.

31-10-2011 : ITS Absorption :- It is almost becoming certain non-optees ITS officers will be relieved for DOT. Very uncertain atmosphere is prevailing in field and corporate office.

31-10-2011 : One day strike (or) One more futile exercise ? Click Here.

28-10-2011 : Letter from convener JAC. Click Here.

28-10-2011 : Letter addressed to convener JAC. Click Here.

25-10-2011 : Happy Deepavali. Click Here.

25-10-2011 : Unity and Struggle. Click Here.

25-10-2011 : Restoration of one extra increment granted to Grade III staff of BSNL covered under OTBP/BCR scheme one year prior to retirement. Click Here.

25-10-2011 : Denial of Pension and Terminal benefits to upgraded personnel in NEPP- case of orissa Telecom Circle. Click Here.

25-10-2011 : CBI has started investigations on Maran’s “Virtual Exchange” pertaining to 323 high capacity lines to his house and sum TV office.

25-10-2011 : Wish you and your family Happy Deepavali.

25-10-2011 : Use of BSNL/MTNL Telecom Services. Click Here.

22-10-2011 : Election of office bearers in NEC at Coimbatore. Click Here.

22-10-2011 : Don’t Create further bad blood :- BSNL and its employees are facing threats and challenges. The very survival is in danger All are realizing this and that is why all unions want unity. Therefore, we should not allow any one to create impediments in evolving of unity. The NFTE HQR is receiving disturbing news from circles specially from Chennai, Punjab, Andhra etc which may jeopardize the process of unity and joint struggle. Therefore, we appeal to all to exercise restraints for greater cause.

22-10-2011 : Let there be change of heart. Click Here.

21-10-2011 : ITS ABSORPTION : BSNL HQr is busy in preparing contingent plan relating to ITS absorption.

21-10-2011 : DPE issued orders on increase of IDA from 01.10.2011 (i.e. 52%) F.No.-2(70) 2008-DPE(WC)-GL-XVII/2011 dated 21.10.2011 Click Here.

21-10-2011 : A booklet on VRS :- On the eve of NEC, Comrades Sethu and Murukesan compiled Various writeups on VRS and brought a good going booklet. The publication cost is only kept as price . Kindly contact Com. Murukesan and buy the copies.( Price Rs 50 ). Sethu :09442684647, Murukesan: 09443012121

20-10-2011 : Resolutions adopted in NE Meeting held at Coimbatore from 15th October 2011 to 17th October 2011.Click Here.

20-10-2011 : Struggle to protect BSNL and its employees. Click Here.

20-10-2011 : Revised Scheme of Examination for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for Telecom Mechanic under 50% quota. BSNL No.250-74/2001-Pers-III (Part) Dated 18/10/2011. Click Here.

20-10-2011 : Departmental 40% Quota examination for promotion to TTA Cadre BSNL vide Letter No. 250-27/2008-Pers III date 19/10/2011 has issued orders for holding of examination for year 2008. Click Here.

20-10-2011 : Message sent by CMD, BSNL on the eve of National Executive Meeting of NFTE, BSNL at Coimbatore. Click Here.

19-10-2011 : Creation of NE 12 scale in NEPP :- File is rolling here and there. Unlikely to be settled before Dewali.

19-10-2011 : Departmental Examination for promotion to JTO cadre :- Review petition reportedly disposed of by Kerala Cat. Now path clear for Departmental examination.

19-10-2011 : Open Session :- The open session of National Executive Meeting was held in the afternoon session of 17th October, 2011 under the chairmanship of Com. Islam Ahmad. It was addressed by Comrades G.L. Dhar, Secretary AITUC, P.R. Natarajan, Member Parliament, General Secretary, Dy. GS NFTE etc addressed the open session. Speaking on the occasion Com. Natarajan mentioned that new rule for recognition of unions be framed in BSNL so that more unions are recognised. He further stated that the BSNL EU now stands for recognition of more than one unions as NFTE has also changed its previous stand.

19-10-2011 : 17-10-2011: National Executive Committee decided to organise joint struggle with all Unions/Associations to protect BSNL Employees from the trap of management and conspiracy of Government to smash PSU and defeat VRS proposals. NFTE-BSNL CWC Meeting at Coimbatore October 15th - 17th,2011: Seminar on the subject "Maximising BSNL Revenue" conducted on 15th morning. Bebore the meeting National Flag was hoisted by Com. Islam Ahamad CHQ. President and NFTE Flag hoisted by Com. Gnanaiah Ex. Secretary General NFPTE. Com. Gopala Krishna Chairman of Reception Committee welcomed the leaders and invitees to the dias.Com. Islam Ahamad CHQ President presided the seminar. Com. Chandeswar Singh General Secretary, Com. Mathivanan, Com. Pattabhi Raman Circle Secretary, Chennai and Tamilnadu respectively, Shri Subrahmanyam CGM, Chennai, Shri Ashraf Khan, CGM Tamilnadu and Shri Haribabu PGM, Coimbatore on behalf of management addressed the meeting. The CMD,BSNL sent his message to the meeting and expressed his inability to attend the meeting due to some other important programme which could not be postponed. The speakers of Union while addressing the meeting said that by curtailing the un-necessary expenditure and adopting the different methods in the BSNL, we can reach the goal, but not through VRS, by downsizing the man-power. The employees of the BSNL, who are the stake holders of BSNL only can make efforts to maximise the Revenue, but not through VRS. By stopping the corruption, and lavish expenditure only can help the BSNL to arrest the losses. The meeting finally resolved that (through the CHQ Union) to send the draft copy to the Ministry and CMD-BSNL, that orders should be released by making compulsary utilization of BSNL services in all Central / State Government / PSU departments to maximise the revenue of BSNL.

19-10-2011 : NFTE has proposed Indefinite strike to protect BSNL and the interest of employees. One day strike will not serve any purpose. We will approach to all the unions in this respect. Letter No. TF-38/3 dated 09.10.2011 to convenor JAC and all unions. Click Here.

18-10-2011 : Central office bearers elected : The National executive Meeting of NFTE BSNL has elected the following comrades as central office bearers. 1. Com. H.L. Moktali – Secretary (Maharashtra) 2. Com. C.K. Joshi – Organising Secretary (MP) 3. Com. Shyamal Ghosh - Organising Secretary (Kalkota TD)

18-10-2011 : Com. N.T. Sajwani expelled from NFTE BSNL : Com. N.T. Sajwani former Secretary General and presently Secretary, NFTE BSNL has been expelled from the union due to his anti-union and dubious activities.

18-10-2011 : National Executive Meeting at Coimbatore : The National Executive Meeting of NFTE BSNL, held from 15th to 17th October, 2011 has adopted resolution on the following issues : 1. No to VRS 2. Indefinite joint struggle 3. Financial Viability 4. 50% IDA merger 5. Against corruption 6. Utilisation of BSNL services by central Govt., State Govt. and PSUS. 7. Restoration of leave encashment LTC and Medical Allowance without vouchers. 8. Disciplinary action against personal involved in Anti-Union and dubious activities. 9. National Telecom Policy 2011.

17-10-2011 : National Executive Committee decided to organise joint struggle with all Unions/Associations to protect BSNL Employees from the trap of management and conspiracy of Government to smash PSU and defeat VRS proposals.NFTE-BSNL CWC Meeting at Coimbatore October 15th - 17th,2011.Seminar on the subject "Maximising BSNL Revenue" conducted on 15th morning. Bebore the meeting National Flag was hoisted by Com. Islam Ahamad CHQ. President and NFTE Flag hoisted by Com. Gnanaiah Ex. Secretary General NFPTE. Com. Gopala Krishna Chairman of Reception Committee welcomed the leaders and invitees to the dias.Com. Islam Ahamad CHQ President presided the seminar. Com. Chandeswar Singh General Secretary, Com. Mathivanan, Com. Pattabhi Raman Circle Secretary, Chennai and Tamilnadu respectively, Shri Subrahmanyam CGM, Chennai and Shri Haribabu PGM, Coimbatore on behalf of management addressed the meeting. The CMD,BSNL sent his message to the meeting and expressed his inability to attend the meeting due to some other important programme which could not be postponed. The speakers of Union while addressing the meeting said that by curtailing the un-necessary expenditure and adopting the different methods in the BSNL, we can reach the goal, but not through VRS, by downsizing the man-power. The employees of the BSNL, who are the stake holders of BSNL only can make efforts to maximise the Revenue, but not through VRS. By stopping the corruption, and lavish expenditure only can help the BSNL to arrest the losses. The meeting finally resolved that (through the CHQ Union) to send the draft copy to the Ministry and CMD-BSNL, that orders should be released by making compulsary utilization of BSNL services in all Central / State Government / PSU departments to maximise the revenue of BSNL. Click Here.

13-10-2011 National Executive Meeting at Coimbatore :- Please contact Com. Gopal Krishan General Secretary , Reception Committee – MP 9443057220, Com. R. Pattabhiraman Circle Secretary, MP 9443865366.

13-10-2011 : Payment of wages etc. for the month of October 2011. Letter No. TF-8/7 Dated 12.10.2011 Click Here.

12-10-2011 Creation of NE-12 scale in NEPP :- File released from Finance of BSNL. After approval by CMD there will be agreement between management and the recognised union.

12-10-2011 : Settlement of anomaly in Pension of BSNL employees retired within ten months of their absorption in BSNL DoT No. 40-10/2005- Pen(T) dated 27.09.2011. Click Here.

11-10-2011 : VRS Proposal :- BSNL Board has recommended 60 days VRS compensation proposal to DOT.

11-10-2011 : Demonstration at Ludhiana :- After hunger strike the employees held demonstration on 7th October against partisan and evasive attitude of SSA Head and hooliganism of BSNLEU. Com. M.L.Sharma (Circle Secretary), Com. Tejinderpal Singh (Central coordinator Snatta) and Com. Pritamchand (ACS) met GMT / Dy GMT (Adm) who assured for impartiality. Struggle suspended as per advice of CHQ / Circle.

11-10-2011 : National Seminar and NE Meeting from 15th to 17th October at Coimbatore. Click Here.

11-10-2011 : Com Premnath Sahini, TTA (Trans) % Suri West Bengal has been conferred Visisth Sanchar Seba Padak award 2011 and Com. P.V. Krishna, TTA working at Mindi Exchange (AP Circle) has been awarded Visisth Sanchar Seba Padak 2011.

11-10-2011 : Whom to contact for NE Meeting : - Com. Semmal Amudhan on MP 09443194455 for details of accommodation etc. Com Amudhan knows Hindi very well.

11-10-2011 : Delegation fee at Coimbatore :- Delegation fee Rs. 50/- for seminar and Rs. 300/- for NE Meeting.

11-10-2011 : Family Pension to dependent parents of a deceased Govt. employee & inclusion of names of members of family in the PPO & Proof of age for additional quantum of Family Pension. No. 40-22/2011-Pen (B) dated 3/10/2011. Click Here.

11-10-2011 : Retirement benefits in respect of Government Service to persons dismissed / removed from service after absorption in BSNL No. 40-20/2010-Pen (B) Date 4/10/2011. Click Here.

11-10-2011 : VRS Proposal :- VRS proposal after approval by BSNL Board has been sent to DoT.

11-10-2011 : JTO Departmental quota examination : Hearing of review petition in Keral Cat over judgment reserved.

11-10-2011 : Creation of NE-12 scale : File is still pending with BSNL finance.

7-10-2011 : Draft Telecom Policy, 2011 is likely to be unveiled next week :- Nation wide free roaming is contemplated. Planning is also to allow Inter Circle Mobile Number Portibility (MNP) changing operator while retaining same number in different circles.

7-10-2011 : Enquiry against former Telecom Minister, Shri Maran started :- CBI has started a formal probe into allegations that “Virtual” telephone exchange of 300 Telephone lines was set up at Maran’s residence connecting the Sun TV office.

7-10-2011 : Stir at Ludhiana :- Fed up with the misdeeds and partisan attitude of GM, Ludhiana employee owing allegiance to NFTE BSNL are on struggle. Circle and HQR are intervening and comrades have been advised to postpone the struggle for time being.

7-10-2011 : TSMs after regularisation entitled for Pension. Click Here.

5-10-2011 : Struggle : - Chain Hunger strike at Ludhiana against partisan attitude of SSA Head.

5-10-2011 : Bonus to staff :- NFTE representatives met CMD on 4th instant and urged for release of non-productivity linked Bonus as good will gesture. He expressed inability.

5-10-2011 : Contact Number :- Com. GopalKrishnan 9443057220 General Secretary Receiption Committee. Com. R.Pattabhiraman 9443865366 Circle Secretary.

5-10-2011 : Venue of National Executive Meeting :- Ayappa Pooja Sangam Hall near coimbatore Central Bus stand Sathmoorthy Road Ramnagar coimbatore Contact Nos. Com. GopalKrishnan 9443057220 General Secretary Receiption Committee. Com. R.Pattabhiraman 9443865366 Circle Secretary.

5-10-2011 : Mother of Com. B. Arunachalam, President of Reception committee of ensuing National Executive Meeting scheduled to take place at Coimbatore expired on 4th September morning. HQR express sorrow and condoles the death.

5-10-2011 : Meeting with the BSNL management :- Meeting took place on 3/10/2011 between JAC leaders and BSNL management. According to sources concrete result on issues has not emerged.

5-10-2011 : Creation of NE-12 Scale in NEPP :- File is reportedly in circulation Indications are such that the issue may be settled around Diwali.

3-10-2011 : Items of Conciliation Proceedings. No.TF-36/6 Dated 30/9/2011 Click Here.

3-10-2011 : Circular No. 4/5 date 29/9/2011 to all Central office bearers, Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries. Click Here.

3-10-2011 : Circular No. 4/5 date 29/9/2011 to all Central office bearers, Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries. Click Here.

1-10-2011 : IDA hike 4.8% w.e.f. 1-10-2011.

1-10-2011 : BSNL Board held meeting on 29th Sept. on VRS :- According to reliable sources the BSNL Board has approved VRS compensation as per DPE guidelines. This is unlikely to be approved by Govt. as BSNL is in loss.

1-10-2011 : Final option in NEPP :- BSNL HQR has offered another chance for staff for final option in NEPP vide item 8 of corporate office letter NO 13-2/2010 – TE dt. 28.09.2011.

30-09-2011 : Clarification on NEPP :- BSNL HQR has issued 23 clarifications on 28-9-2011. The remaining 10 clarifications couldnot be issued due to non-clearance by finance of Corporate office.

30-09-2011 : Formation of Works Committees at SSA level and their satisfactory functioning - regarding No. BSNL / 39-11 / SR / 2007 Dated 26th September 2011. Click Here.

29-09-2011 : Non-Executive Policy (NEPP) for employees in IDA pay scale of NE-1 TO NE-10 of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited :- Clarification thereof. Click Here.

29-09-2011 : VRS Compensation :- The BSNL management has proposed on 27-9-2011 VRS compensation on Gujrat Model i.e. 35 days pay + IDA for each completed year of service. This too on receipt of money from Govt. The Company will neither take loan from bank nor will disinvest. The Matter will go to the Cabinet also. The NFTE has totally rejected the proposal of retrenchment through VRS as it is against the commitment of Govt of 8-9-2000 at the time of Corporatisation.

28-09-2011 : FORMAL MEETING WITH DIRECTOR (HRD) :- On 27.09.2011 a delegation of NFTE-BSNL met the Director (HRD) and discussed various issues of importance including the proposed VRS to employees who have completed the age of 45. NFTE – BSNL was represented at the meeting by Comrade Islam Ahmed, Chandeswar Singh, C.K. Mathivanan and Rajpal. The Management side was represented by PGM (SR), GM (Estt) and GM (Restg). At the outset NFTE-BSNL protested for the arbitrary order issued on 5 the September, 2011 withdrawing certain facilities enjoyed by the employees. NFTE-BSNL demanded immediate reversal of the said order. Regarding VRS proposals NFTE-BSNL strongly objected to the policy of retrenchment through VRS in violation of assurance given to the employees when corporatization decision was taken NFTE-BSNL will mobilize the employees to oppose and defeat the policy of VRS. The coimbature NEC meeting will discuss in detail and decide the future course of action. We will go for struggle, if need be. Get ready.

28-09-2011 : Shri A.N. Rai has joined BSNL Board as Director (Enterprise).

26-09-2011 : Meeting with Shri M.Deora, MOS (C) and IT :- A delegation of NFTE BSNL consisting of comrades Chandeshwar Singh, Rajpal, Rajmouli and Islam Ahmad met MOS (C) and drew his attention on VRS, financial viability of BSNL and minimum facilities to applicant unions in BSNL.

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24-09-2011 : NFTE BSNL not averse to unity :- NFTE BSNL is neither averse to unity nor of joint struggle. But the respectability of organization, NFTE, and employees owing allegiance to NFTE BSNL cannot be sacrificed.

24-09-2011 : Clarification on working pattern in field Units including shift working-regarding No.14-1/2011-TE dated 22/9/2011.Click Here.

24-09-2011 : Notice for Lunch hour demonstration on 27th September,2011.Letter No.TF- 4/1 Dated 26/9/2011.Click Here.

24-09-2011 : Meeting with CMD :- President and GS met CMD on 23rd Septemper and discussed the present unrest of workers in Andhra, issues of UP (West), UP (East).

24-09-2011 : ITS absorption :- DOT issued orders for absorption of ITS personnel in BSNL.The ITSA has written to Govt to repatriate all ITS from BSNL to DOT. The uncertainty will start in BSNL affecting the performance.

24-09-2011 : Meeting with Member (S) an