10-03-2017 : Distribution of number of candidates selected through the Open Competitive Examination for Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineers held in September, 2016 between Recruiting Circles and non-recruiting units under their jurisdiction. Letter No.-250-10/2016-Estt.III, dt-09-03-2017.
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10-03-2017 : We mourn the sad demise of veteran leader Com. Omkar Singh Rana of NFTE BSNL Punjab, today morning at 08.00 Hrs. Who was undergoing dialysis treatment in DMC hospital Ludhiana. CHQ convey heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.
09-03-2017 : CHQ conveys sincere thanks to all for magnificent rallies conducted throughout the country today with unprecedented unity demanding the government not to resort to strategic sale / disinvestment in BSNL, not to form Subsidiary Tower Company, not to favour the Reliance Jio and to immediately allot 4G spectrum to BSNL. We request you all to keep the same spirit till the achievement of goal.
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09-03-2017 : Lunch hour demonstration at BSNL Corporate Office:.
A lunch hour demonstration was organisd at BSNL Corporate Office today. Com.M.P.Singh, CP, NFTE, presided over. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, and Com.K.S.Kulkarni, AGS, NFTE, addressed. Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com.H.N.Sharma C.S. Corporate Office participated in the demonstration.
09-03-2017 : Concession telephone facility to retired employees of BSNL. Free night call facility and other circulars.2-03/2006-PHA (Pt) 09.03.2017
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09-03-2017 : Implementation of High Court/CAT orders w.r.t. to Stenographers. Ltr.No.250-32—2014-Estt-III 09.03.2017.
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09-03-2017 : G.S and Com. K.S. Kulkarni Secretary met GM(Admn) discussed the issue of Recovery of Medical advance of M.P. circle. GM(Admn) assured for early action in the case. Letter No.-TF-014, dt-09-03-2017.
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09-03-2017 : The advisory for Joint Forum to take up issues in BSNL is kept in abeyance till further orders. Ltr.No.:BSNL/5-1/SR2016 Dtd.09.03.2017
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09-03-2017 : The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has relaxed the conditions in availing the GPF advance. DOPPW Ltr.No.:3/2/2017-P&PW(F)(i) Dtd.07.03.2017.
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09-03-2017 : Shri R.K. Kohli has accepted to work as Chief Advisor for the CHQ NFTE hence it is notified for information to circle Secretaries/District Secretaries. They can seek any advise from him.
08-03-2017 : Facilities to the recognize union ltr.TF-1/1(e) Dated 07.03.2017
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08-03-2017 : Upgradation of Senior Accountants to Group ‘B’ as per CAT’S Judgment. Ltr. TF-24/2(h) Dtd. 03-03-2017
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08-03-2017 : Recovery due to wrong/excess payment to non executives. Ltr.no.TF-20 Dtd.08.03.2017
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08-03-2017 : Re-Categorisation of Contract Labourers and revision of wages ltr.no TF-31/15 Dtd. 02.03.2017
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08-03-2017 : Joint Forum to take up issues in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2016, dt-08-03-2017.
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08-03-2017 : Circle executive committee meeting:- Chhattisgarh circle executive committee meeting conducted on 05-03-2017 with all pump and show. The meeting was presided over by Com. Ram Sunder Yadaw. On the occasion a seminar was organized on the subject. One hour extra work by BSNL workers. The seminar was addressed by the Rakesh Ranjan C.S SNEA, Com. Gagan Som C.S, AIGETOA, C.S. of AIBSNLEA and other organization were also present. Shri R.N. Patel, Chief General Manager BSNL Chhattisgarh addressed the meeting and exhorted regarding development and growth in Chhattisgarh circle. General Secretary in his address explained all staff issues including 3rd PRC, including danger of Niti Ayog recommendation, Subsidiary tower company, etc. Latter in delegates session all the District Secretaries participated in debate on agenda circulated earlier and Com. S.M. Chilamwar C.S, replied all the quarries made by the speakers. The meeting was ended after Vote of Thanks by Com. R.S. Yadaw.
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08-03-2017 : Organisational tour by General Secretary:- G.S. reached at Raipur on 4th March, 2017 and participated in Trade union workshop at union office of Chhattisgarh circle at Raipur.
The workshop was organsed by the NFTE(BSNL) Raipur District which was attended by all the branch Secretaries active members, and District and circle office bearers at headquarter. A number of questions related to organization Union/Council functioning and staff issues were raised by different participants, which was replied by the circle Secretary and General Secretary upto Satisfaction of the participants.
Pensioners meet on 05-03-2017:- G.S. attended and addressed the meeting of DOT/BSNL pensioners Associations in Gass memorial hall at Raipur. About 200 pensioners were participating in the meeting. General Secretary exhorted the issue of 78.2% IDA, Pension revision issues, BSNL MRS for pensions and other relevant issues of passions. The meeting was addressed by Com. S.M. Chilamwar, Com. S.P. Sahu, Com. C.S. Thakur and others.
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08-03-2017 : Women's Day Greetings
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07-03-2017 : The memorandum to be submitted to the Governor/Collector/DM on 09-03-2017 is enclosed. Kindly download.
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07-03-2017 : BSNL has once again added 20 lakh mobile customers in a February month. NFTE congratulates the entire staff and the Management.
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07-03-2017 : Revision of pay scales sequel to merger of Asst. Categories. No.15-55/2011-Electrical Dtd.21.02.2017.
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07-03-2017 : District Conference of Tumakur SSA conducted on 3rd March 2017 at Tiptur under the president ship of Com Lingadevaru District President Sri N Janardha Rao General Manager inaugurated and addressing the Seminar and delivered in his speech recent developments and achievements of BSNL and further action to be taken more improvement of BSNL effectively Com KS Sheshadri Secretary Chq Com AC Krishnareddy Acting Circle Secretary Com Ranganna District President BGTD and special Invitee Chq Com Shanmugam District Treasure BGTD Com MR Nagaraj Senior Leader Com KV Aswathanarayana Rao Senior Leader Com Jayashankar District Treasure address the meeting / Seminar. Comrades of Tiptur, Turuvekere, Chikkanayakanahally organised the function at Tiptur in grand manner. Com Lingadevaru Com M.Rajakumar Com Jayashankar elected as District president District Secretary and District Treasure respectively
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07-03-2017 : Circle working committee meeting of Telangana at Nalgonda on 05.03.2017:- First Circle Working Committee meeting of Telangana held under the presidentship of com. T.Narender circle president. Circle secretary explained the danger of Niti Ayog recommendations , status of 3rdPRC, Financial condition of company. All the district secretaries /circle office bearers expressed their opinion up on the implementation of transfer policy. The officers of Adilabad, Nizamabad & Warangal were showing partiality in settling the issues creating unpleasure atmosphere in the SSAs. The working committee condoned the indifferent attitude of SSAs heads. More than 100 delegates participated in the meeting. The comrades of Nalgonda headed com. D. Vasu district secretary and his team arranged the meeting in a decent manner the meeting ended with vote of thanks by com. D.Vasu District secretary.
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06-03-2017 : Corporate Office letter on timely Settlement of Pension to Retired/Retiring Employees.
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06-03-2017 : Com. R.K. Kohli attended the CHQ today, after illness.
06-03-2017 : Meeting with GM(SR):- President and Secy, Com. Kulkarni met GM(SR) and raised the following issues:-
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05-03-2017 : BSNL to bring 5G internet in India, partner with Nokia.
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04-03-2017 : Meeting with OSD to Telecom Minister:- Talks are high that the merger of MTNL with BSNL is contemplated. In this context President and Com.K.S.Kulkarni Secretary met Shri.A.N.Rai, OSD to Telecom Minister on 3rd instant. Presently, there is no such move, but we have to be vigilant as Government can take decision at any time, keeping in view that MTNL is in heavy debt.
04-03-2017 : Director (HR)’s message in Hindi on one hour extra work.
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03-03-2017 : Meeting with Director (HR) and (Finance):
President and Com.K.S.Kulkarni Secretary met Director (HR)/(F) and raised the following issues.:-
I) Merger of MTNL with BSNL:- Director (HR) replied that there is no communication from DOT in respect of merger. However DOT is pressuring BSNL to pay MTNL’s claims.
II) Executive status to Sr. Accountants:- Director(F)/(HR) was apprised of DOT’s communication. She assured for early settlement.
III) HRA Payment to employees on deputations from Ahmadabad SSA to Vadodara and other SSA in WTP: Union representatives stressed that matter be settled. Non Executive staff cannot be transferred from parent SSA to other SSA to work in WTP and loose HRA. Director (HR) instructed GM(SR), present in the meeting, to tell G.M.(Estt) for early settlement.
IV) Broad Band facility to Unions:-Director (HR) asked GM(SR) for earliest settlement.
03-03-2017 : Holding of 35th meeting of National Council – regarding. F. No.-BSNL/39-8/SR/2013, dt-02-03-2017.
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03-03-2017 : Meeting with Member (Services):- President and Com. K.S. Kulkarni Secretary CHQ met Member(Services) and conveyed union’s concerns relating to delay in settlement of revision of pension relating to extension of 78.2% IDA benefit. He told the leaders that the situation is bad in some circles but Bihar has completed the process. UP(E) will complete by March, 2017.
02-03-2017 : CONDOLENCE: Shri.R.S.Maithal TM and his wife died in road accident and Shri. Ramashray Yadav Branch Secretary, Dabawall (Haryana) was traveling with them is seriously injured and hospitalized in DMC Ludhiana. CHQ extend heartfelt condolences for comrades who left us and wishes early recovery of Com.Ramashray Yadav.
02-03-2017 : Attacks on PSUs and BSNL. Editorial (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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02-03-2017 : President and Secretary Com. K.S.Kulkarni met PGM(Pers) discussed the issue of Filling up the post of A.D.(O.L.) in West Bengal Circle PGM(Pers) assured for early action in the case.
02-03-2017 : Clarification in pay scale up-gradaton under NEPP-2010 in regard to effect of EOL/CCL etc – regarding. Letter No.-13-3/2016-Pen. (B), dt-18-04-2017.
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02-03-2017 : Issuance of Presidential orders in respect of staff transferred from Mumbai MTNL to BSNL UP (East) Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, 01-03-2017.
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02-03-2017 : Criteria/Procedure for posting of non-executive employees in case of bifurcation of circle (Andhra – Telengana). BSNL No.-317-04/2012-Pers-I,(Pt)/I, dt-01-03-2017.
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01-03-2017 : Work with Zeal and Vigour :- NFTE HQR appeals to entire BSNL family to work hard with all sincerity to achieve 10% growth in landline, Broad band, mobile etc.
Our target is 3rd PRC and to secure maximum benefit from it.
01-03-2017 : Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries to NOTE and ACT: Observe “Calling attention day” on 16th March 2017 at Circle and District HQRs by organizing lunch hour demonstration demanding early issue of guidelines by Department of Public Enterprise for wage revision along with alliance partners.
01-03-2017 : National Council Meeting: President and Secretary Com.K.S.Kulkarni met G.M.(SR) and Dy.G.M.(SR) and requested for holding NC meeting after Holi festival to avoid inconvenience to participants.
It is expected meeting may take place on 17th March 2017.
01-03-2017 : Circle Conference of Kerala Circle: Circle Conference of Kerala Circle held on 15th February 2017 at Calicut. Opening session was addressed by Com.K.P.Rajendran State Secretary AITUC, Com.Islam Ahmad President and G.S.NFTE. In delegate session Com.H. Samsudheen T.T., Com.S.P.Mohanakumar AOS (Retd), and Com. Joju Joseph J.E. were elected as Circle President,Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer respectively .
01-03-2017 : Presidential Orders of MTNL Staff: Some MTNL staff from Mumbai have joined BSNL in UP (East) as per directive from DOT. Their Pos have not been issued. GM / DyGM (SR), have assured to look into the matter.
01-03-2017 : JTO LICE Result: Queries and clarifications are being placed before expert committee. After this result will be declared finally. This was told by GM(Rectt) in course of meeting with her. GM(Rectt.) promised to notify LICE for promotion to Telecom Technician(T.M.) cadre.
01-03-2017 : JAO Training: GM(Trg) assured for urgent action for training of successful candidates for JAO training.
01-03-2017 : Executive Status to Sr. Accountants.: Matter was sent to GM(Estt.) for scale and now file has come back to SEA branch.
01-03-2017 : Attack on BSNL: The Government has asked the BSNL to pay Rs.1270 Crores to MTNL in the name of Telephone Charges. MTNL is in debt of more than Rs.3700 Crores. BSNL dues are also pending against MTNL on many items. But the Government has arbitrarily asked the BSNL to pay the money affecting its financial health. It appears government is moving with evil designs.
01-03-2017 : Brief 3rd PRC Recommendation:- Key Recommendations.
1) 15% Fitment benefit on BP+DA.
2) No Change in number of Pay Scales.
3) Perks and allowances will not be more than 35% of Basic Pay.
4) Additional allowances viz. Location based CA, Project Allowances, Hardship Duty Allowance introduced.
5) Affordability Clause.
i) Additional financial impact should not be more than 20% of the average PBT of the last 3 FYs preceding the year of implementation.
ii) If additional financial impact is more than 20% then fitment benefit should be implemented partly.(5% or 10%).
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01-03-2017 : Shri. R. Anthonisamy ailas Ashok Sr.TOA(TG) STR Madurai has been reinstated in service from the date of dismissal with full pay and allowances. NFTE HQR has pursued the matter vigorously with the DOT.
28-02-2017 : CHQ wishes speedy recovery of Com. Omkar Singh Rana veteran leader of NFTE BSNL Punjab. He is under going dialysis treatment in DMC hospital Ludhiana.
28-02-2017 : Target of 10% increase fixed by CMD BSNL in landline, broadband and FTTH, utilising one hour extra work and also directed Circle Heads to hold meetings with unions and associations to derive maximum benefit out of the decision to work one hour extra. Letter No.-CMD/BSNL/2017/1088-L, dt-25-02-2017.
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28-02-2017 : District Conference of Munger SSA was held on 27/02/2017. Com.C.Singh General Secretary addressed the Conference.
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27-02-2017 : On 27-02-17 at Chennai a farewell function was organised by National Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations in Mambalam exchange compound to felicitate the trade Union services of Com. G. Masilamani . At this meeting Comrades C. K. Mathivanan, V. Subburaman General Secretary of TEPU and many other leaders including T.R. Rajasekaran NFTE( CHQ) Secretary greeted him on his retirement after 36 years of service in P&T, DOT, DTS and BSNL.
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23-02-2017 : Uniform Committee Meeting:- Committee meeting held today (23-02-2017) and Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. attended in the meeting as Com. Mohinder Singh T.M and Vice President of CHQ did not turn up due to his daughter’s marriage. The preliminary discussion regarding enhancement of rates of uniform items took place and also the Cash payment in lieu of uniform items also discussed. After getting inputs from field staff, discussions will be held with Management in the next meeting which will be held in 2nd week of March, 2017.
23-02-2017 : Payment of Srinagar Valley Allowances to the BSNL staff posted in Srinagar Valley extended for two years w.e.f. 01-01-2016. Letter No.-23-1/2011-TE, dt-22-02-2017.
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23-02-2017 : Designation Committee meeting held on 22-02-2017 to discuss designation of left out Cadres Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S, Com. Mahabir Singh C.S, Jharkhand participated from NFTE. The list of 119 category of the leftout staff have been minimized. A detailed discussion held on various designation but no unanimity reached between management and committee members. So, it is decided to postpone the issue to the next meeting, which will be tentatively on 23-03-2017.
22-02-2017 : Transfer & Posting of non-executive staff on bifurcation of A.P&Telangana circle. Letter No.-TF-03, dt-22-02-2017.
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22-02-2017 : District Conference of Lucknow SSA was held on 21-02-2017 under the Presidentship of Com. Sanjay Duby circle Secretary UP(East). Com. Islam Ahmad President CHQ and Shri Rajkumar PGMTD Lucknow addressed the meeting. Latter in delegate session Com. Pramila Vajpayee, Com. V.N. Verma and Com. Pandy were elected unanimously as President, District Secretary and Distt. Treasurer respectively.
21-02-2017 : Items for 35th National Council Meeting. Letter No.-TF-2/3, dt-20-02-2017.
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20-02-2017 : Corporate office letter on payment of DA to Casual Labourers(TSM) to draw their wages in terms of this office letter no.269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE dated 01.10.2010.Letter No.-11-1/2017-LE dated 20.02.2017.
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20-02-2017 : Corporate office letter on details of TSMs regularized on or before 01.10.2000 and absorbed in BSNL w.e.f 01.10.2000 and covered under Rule-37A of CCS(Pension).Letter No.-22-23/2012-TE dated 20.02.2017.
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20-02-2017 : Corporate Office letter on engagement details of Casual Labourers who have retired, left organisation and expired during the period from 01.10.2000 to till date.11-3/2014-LE dated 17.2.2017.
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20-02-2017 : Modification in date and time for the Meeting of Joint Committee to suggest Change in Designation of left out Non-Executive Cadres is preponed to 22-02-2017 at 03.00PM instead of 23-02-2017 – Reschedule. Letter No.-2-4/2007/Restg/Vol.III, dt-20-02-2017.
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20-02-2017 : General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli went to Com. R.K. Kohli’s residence and enquired about his health condition. He is quite well and expressed his desire to nominate him in designation committee and internal wage committee. G.S. assured positively.
20-02-2017 : March to Raj Bhawan at State capital and March to Collectorate/DM office at SSA headquarter as per the decision of All Unions/Associations:- A meeting of all the Unions and Associations held on 6th Feb, 2017 decided to March to Raj Bhawan on 09-03-2017 at State Capital and to Collectorate/DM office at SSA/District HQR to submit a memorandum signed by all the unions/ associations to oppose the Niti Ayog recommendations to sale BSNL and formation of subsidiary tower company. All circle Secretary/District Secretaries are requested to start preparations by coordinating with Circle/District level leadership of other unions and associations. All efforts should be made to make the programme a grand success.
18-02-2017 : Call Attention Day and Post Card/Letter Campaign:-
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18-02-2017 : Constitution of committee to Review Medical Policy will be held on 23rd February, 2017 at 4.00 PM in the chamber of GM (Admn. & PR), Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-15/15, dt-15-02-2017.
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17-02-2017 : Meeting of the Joint Committee to suggest Change in Designation of left out Non-Executive Cadres will be held on 23-02-2017 at 11.00 AM in Committee meeting room, 2nd floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan New Delhi-1. Letter No.-2-4/2007/Restg/Vol III, dt-13-02-2017.
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17-02-2017 : Recommendation of “Niti Ayog” for sale of “Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited/Transfer to states and Formation of Subsidiary Tower Company in BSNL. Letter to Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, New Delhi. Letter No.-TF-6/4, dt-17-02-2017.
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17-02-2017 : Meeting of Committee for revision the rates of uniform and other supply items will be held on 23-02-2017 at 03.30 PM in Meeting Room 1st Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. Letter No.-12-1/2016-Admn.II, dt-15-02-2017.
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17-02-2017 : Change of Nomination of member of Committee for revision the rates of uniform and other supply items – reg. Letter No.-12-1/2016-Admn.II, dt-15-02-2017.
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17-02-2017 : Constitution of National Council – List of Staff Side/Official Side members. NFTE nominated four names to National Council but two names were accepted. Letter No.-BSNL/39-8/SR/2013, dt-16-02-2017.
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17-02-2017 : Decisions of National Executive Meeting held from 13th to 14th February at Calicut, Kerala:-
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16-02-2017 : Resolutions adopted in National Executive meeting, held on 13th/14th February at Calicut, Kerala:-
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16-02-2017 : Corrigendum in Respect of Declared Result dated 1st Feb, 2017 for the Direct Recruitment of junior engineers (Erstwhile TTA) in BSNL for the year 2015 from the open market reg. Letter No.-7-1/2016-Rectt, dt-13-02-2017.
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15-02-2017 : NEC meeting on 13/14-02-2017:-The NEC meeting started at Calicut (Kerala) on 13.02.2017 with great enthusiasm under the Chairmanship of Com. Islam Ahmad, President, NFTE BSNL. National Flag was hoisted by Com. Islam Ahmad, President, and the Union Flag was hoisted by Com. C. Singh, General Secretary, after flag hoisting Com. C. Singh G.S. and Com. Islam President along with all NEC members paid tributes to martyrs . The Inaugural function was held at 1100 hours. Inaugural speech delivered by Com. Amarjith Kour National Secretary AITUC President. Com. Islam gave presidential address and Com. C. Singh in his speech reported the NEC on the activities after Delhi National Executive Committee Meeting. General Secretary while addressing the session mentioned the role of NFTE in settlement of the staff problems . and also appealed to the members, to be ready for sustained struggle for resolving the issues like, formation of Tower company, NITI Aayog, 3rd PRC etc.
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14-02-2017 : " Extra one hour " - Message from Director (HR).
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13-02-2017 : MOU Signed with Canara Bank for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL Employees. F. No.-1-9/BBF/STAFF LOAN/2016-17, 09-02-2017.
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09-02-2017 : Meeting with CMD:- President and Com. Ashique, Circle Secy J&K met CMD today and mentioned the recommendation of Niti Ayog for transfer of BSNL to states/sale causing serious resentment in the employees. The damaging “Note” has come at a time when BSNL services have improved and same is now in operational profit. A copy of letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-07-02-2017, addressed to Hon’ble Minister of communication has also been handed over to him. He appreciated the move of union. His attention was also drawn towards reduction in “SIM” sales due to “4G Jio”. He admitted this.
NOFEN work at Srinagar is slow and some officers are not taking due care.
09-02-2017 : GM(SR):- The union leaders met and requested to expedite decision for grant of “Broad Band” facility to union at All India, circle and SSA levels.
09-02-2017 : Answer Key of JTO LICE:- Answer Key of JTO LICE, held on 11-12-2016, has been issued and result is expected shortly.
09-02-2017 : Nomination for National Council on behalf on NFTE(BSNL). Letter No.-TF-2/2(a), dt-0-02-2017.
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09-02-2017 : Corporate office letter to all CGM’s regarding Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for JTO (T) 50% held on 11-12-2016 ---- Candidate queries if any. Letter No.-12-4/2016-Rectt, dt-09-02-2017.
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09-02-2017 : General Secretary and Com. Ashiq Ahmad C.S J&K met GM(Restg) discussed in detail the merger of SSA’s issue of Telangana circle. And requested to stop the merger issue of Adilabad+Nizamabad and Khammam +Warangal. GM(Restg) assured to bring the issue to the notice of Director (HR) for needfulness.
08-02-2017 : Meeting with Member (Services) and Technology:- (i) President and General Secretary met Member (Services) and Technology and conveyed union’s concerns relating to recommendation of Niti Ayog and proposed formation of Tower Company. We have told candidly union is firmly opposed on both the issues. (ii) Member (Services) has been requested for early issuance of guidelines for 3rd Pay Revision. (iii)The reinstatement case of Shri Anthonisamy of Madurai STR was also pleaded.
08-02-2017 : Meeting with Shri A.N. Rai, OSD of Hon’ble Minister of Communication:- President and General Secretary met with OSD today and conveyed the stand of NFTE regarding formation of Tower Company and sale of BSNL as per recommendation of Niti Ayog. He was told clearly that the proposals of Tower Company and sale of BSNL are not acceptable to union and workers will resist the move.
08-02-2017 : CHQ opposing the proposal of management to conduct online examination for promotion to Telecom Technician Cadre. Letter No.- TF-14/2(d), dt-07-02-2017.
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08-02-2017 :
CHQ written a letter to Hob’ble Minister of State for Communication Govt of India, opposing the recommendation of Niti Ayog in respect of BSNL. Letter No.-TF-6/7, dt-07-02-2017.
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08-02-2017 : Grant of one increment to post 2007 non-executive employees in the analogy of Junior Engineer (Previously TTAs) – reg. Letter No.-TF-9-9, dt-07-02-2017.
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08-02-2017 : Non-declaration of result of JTO LICE held on 11th December, 2016-Request for intervention. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-07-02-2017.
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08-02-2017 : Govt’s decision for revision of pension of Pre-2016 pensioners etc. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-07-02-2017.
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08-02-2017 : Training of departmental Candidates for promotion to JAO Cadre – Case of Haryana circle. Letter No.-14/2(c), dt-07-02-2017.
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08-02-2017 : Meeting of all unions/associations of BSNL on 06-02-2017.
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06-02-2017 : The upgradation of senior Accountants to Executive grade:- The DOT has cleared and now it is in active consideration of BSNL HQR. Separate POS will be issued after grant of Executive scale.
06-02-2017 : District working Committee of NFTE BSNL, Tumkur SSA in Karnataka conducted on 4th January 2017 under the presidentship of Com. Lingadevaru District President Com. K.S. Sheshadri Secretary Chq, Com. A.C. Krishnareddy Acting Circle Secretary, Com. M.Rajakumar District Secretary Tumkur, Com. Jayashankar District Treasurer addressed the meeting. All the District office bearers. All the branch Secretary's and active members participated in the meeting.
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06-02-2017 : Pensionery benefits to DR BSNL recruited employees:- BSNL Board meeting took place on 31st January and it has approved 3% contribution for pensionery benefits. The contribution will be deposited in LICE for from March, 2017.
Director (HR), GM(Est), GM(F & P) etc will be in trust. Steps are being taken for registeration of Trust and clearance from Income Tax.
NFTE is persuing the matter vigorously.
06-02-2017 : Online LICE for promotion to TT(formerly TM) Cadre not acceptable:- NFTE has told GM(Rectt) clearly that proposed online LICE is not acceptable.
03-02-2017 : Congratulations. Result declared on revised answer keys. JAO LICE for 40% quota held on 17-07-2016.
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03-02-2017 : Modification in policy for provision of off net facilities to Non executives. No 02-22/ 2002-PHT(Pt) Dated 02.02.2017.
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03-02-2017 : NITI AAYOG AND ITS INITIATIVES. Editorial (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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02-02-2017 : Declaration of joint National Convention of workers in CPSU held on 29.01.2017 at Bengaluru.
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01-02-2017 : DA for Central Government employees is increased by 2 percent w.e.f. 01-01-2017.
31-01-2017 : BSNL's losses come down, as income from services increase by 5.8.
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31-01-2017 : Pension Fund for BSNL Recruits (DR) has been formed and approved.
31-01-2017 : G.S. attended the District Executive committee meeting and Trade Union Workshop held at surat on 28.01.2017 .
31-01-2017 : A felicitation meeting was held for Com Suresh Kumar, General Secretary, BSNLMS, in the CTO Sabhagar, Eastern Court, New Delhi, on 30th January, 2017, for his retirement on superannuation. The meeting was attended by Com.C.Singh G.S. NFTE along with Com.K.S.Kulkarni Secretary (CHQ). Leaders and workers from BSNL and MTNL attended the meeting in a large number. The meeting was addressed by com. C.Singh G.S.and Com.Suresh Kumar was honoured, by offering a shawl on behalf of NFTE BSNL.
30-01-2017 : Meeting with GM(SR)/Dgm(SR):- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K.S.Kulkarni Secretary CHQ met GM(SR)/Dgm(SR) to discuss the issue of PO, especially restoration of P.O. of Shri. Upendra RM of GM ETR (Patana) and others. Who informed that, matter is under process.
30-01-2017 : Meeting with GM(Pers):- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K.S.Kulkarni Secretary CHQ met GM(Pers) to discuss regarding AD(OL) promotion of qualified candidate, which was denied in the name no vacancy, GM(Pers) assured to look into the matter and it will be informed within a weeks time.
30-01-2017 : Meeting with GM(F & P):- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K.S.Kulkarni Secretary CHQ met GM(F&P) to discuss issue regarding publication of revised result of JAO 40% and also discussed the issue of JAO result of Haryana Circle.
30-01-2017 : Designation committee meeting, expected to be held on 21.02.2017 or 23.02.2017.
30-01-2017 : Grant of Special Casual leave from 13th February, 2017 to 14th February, 2017 for attending National Executive meeting of NFTE(BSNL) at Calicut (Khozekode), Kerala circle reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2017, dt-27-01-2017.
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30-01-2017 : The Joint Convention of Workers in CPSU'S conducted at Kuvempu Kalakshera, BEL, Jalahaĺly, Bangalore on 29th January 2017 is attended by Central Trade Union leaders and representatives of Trade Union from CPSU'S affiliated to Central Trade Unions as well as the independent ones from all over country. The convention decided the following programmes. (1) Joint Industry / Sector / PSU specific convention / Seminar / meetings at Local Regional and national level within 28th February 2017 (2) Distribution of leaflet, postering, Gate Meetings, Dharna before main gate of the respective establishments, slogan shouting during recess hour and end of duty hour to be completed by 20th March 2017 (3) Observe All India Protest day on 30th March 2017 by wearing Black badge at work, Dharna slogan shouting etc according to local practice and convenience. ( 4) National Seminar in New Delhi during the second half of the coming budget session of parliament (date to be decided later ) At the same time the convention also appeals to public sector workers to prepare for nationwide strike. (Date to be decided and declared at appropriate time) Com H. Mahadevan AITUC addressed convention very effectively, on behalf of NFTE BSNL Com KS Sheshadri Secretary Chq attended and addressed the meeting, Com A C Krishnareddy Acting Circle Secretary Karnataka also attended the Convention.
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27-01-2017 : Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K.S.Kulkarni Secretary CHQ and Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU met Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL today, regarding victimisations imposed on associations of the Executives and demanded withdrawal of the same. They pointed out that, wage cut for demonstration and dharna is not acceptable. The CMD BSNL told that the request of BSNLEU and NFTE would be looked into.
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27-01-2017 : Com.C.Singh G.S. and Com.K.S.Kulkarni secretary CHQ met G.M.( SR), regarding designation committee meeting date for Change of designation of left out Cadres.
25-01-2017 : Greetings to all on the eve of 68th Republic Day of India. .
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24-01-2017 : It is reported that, the enquiry conducted regarding DR JE recruitment has been completed and it is submitted to DOT and BSNL is waiting for clearance from the ministry.
24-01-2017 : Expert committee submitted its report on JAO LICE results under 40% quota to management, the process of declaring final result is underway, it will be expected by the month end.
23-01-2017 : Com. Baljit Singh Vice President of NTR circle expired on 07-01-2017. Circle union conducted a condolence meeting and paid respectful homage. CHQ condoles the sudden demise of Com. Baljit Singh and share the grief of the family.
21-01-2017 : Constitution of Councils in BSNL Corporate Office letter on FAQs issued on January, 2017 .
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21-01-2017 : Corporate Office letter on grant of cash award to sportspersons for achieving excellence in International Tournaments/Meets during 2016. Ltr.No32-2/2017- BSNL (Sports) Dated:20th January,2017
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21-01-2017 : Corporate Office letter on grant of cash award to sportspersons for achieving excellence in National Tournaments/Meets during the calendar year 2016. Ltr.No32-3/2017- BSNL (Sports) Dated:20th January,2017 .
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21-01-2017 : Corporate Office letter on implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC pay revision in respect of employees working in BSNL on CDA scales due to non-issuance of Presidential orders for their absorption in BSNL - admissibility of perks and allowances etc. LtrNo1-092016-PAT(BSNL) Dated:20.01.2017
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19-01-2017 : Corporate office issued orders on IDA w.e.f. 01-01-2017 (119.5%). Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), dt-19-01-2017.
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19-01-2017 : Meeting at Andaman Nicobar:- A General body meeting was arranged on 18th Jan '17, to inform all the members about the settlement of long pending Andaman Special Compensatory Allowance.
All the non-executive staff of A&N Circle thank NFTE CHQ leaders for their support in this great achievement.
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19-01-2017 : Niti Ayog in June 2016, has recommended to Govt for selling of BSNL and other PSUs, now Prime Minister’s office has asked DOT for the status of implementation of Niti Ayog’s recommendation on BSNL & ITI. NFTE BSNL HQR opposed the move of Govt then only and written letters to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of Communications, Shri Arvind Panagariya, Vice Chairman Niti Ayog, requested to supply to the union the relevant papers and documents on the basis of which strategic sale has been thought over. Now, we are consulting all the unions/associations for future coarse of action to save BSNL from strategic sale.
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19-01-2017 : Corporate office letter on Strike/Dharna conducted by unions/associations on 15-12-2016, 27-12-2016 & 28-12-2016. Letter No.-BSNL/7-13/SR/2016, dt-18-01-2017.
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19-01-2017 : Corporate office advises Unions/Associations not to publish examination results in their websites before they are made public through official website. Letter No.-BSNL/31-7/SR/2016, dt-18-01-2017.
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17-01-2017 : Corporate office letter to CGM J&K to hold the deferred JAO under 40% quota examination on 05-03-2017. Letter No.-9-1/2016-Rectt, dt-13-01-2017.
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17-01-2017 : Corporate office letter to all Heads of Telecom Circles to furnish the details of JTO’s who qualified from TTA for the vacancy year 2013-14 & 2014-15 latest by 23-01-2017. Letter No.-5-22/2017-Estt-IV/LICE data, dt-13-01-2017.
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17-01-2017 : BSNL to start 4G services only after April – CMD (Source – Real Time News).
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17-01-2017 : BSNL launches limited fixed Mobile telephony, Mobile TV service.(Source - EC)
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14-01-2017 : Meeting of designation committee- Meeting of designation committee held at 15.00Hrs Today. Management informed that, there are total 119 left out cadres , for which new designation are to be finalized. After discussion in length it was decided to constitute a subcommittee to sort out the actual left out cadres, which are still in existence and suggest designation for them. The subcommittee will submit it’s recommendation positively by 31st January 2017 and the next committee meeting will be held on 3rd February 2017 to discuss the final designation for left out cadres. Com. C.singh G.s. and Com. Mahabir Singh Circle secretary Jharkhand participated as a Committee member from NFTE BSNL
14-01-2017 : Com. C. Singh G. S. and Com. Mahabir Singh Circle secretary Jharkhand also met G.M(Est.), G.M.( SR), G.M.(Restg) & G.M.(A) in their chambers and discussed pending issue like payment of PLI to the staff on deputation in term cell, PLI payment to retired officials for the year 2014-15, revision of rate of uniform items, provision of broad band connection to unions, allotment of accommodation to union for office etc, all gms assured to initiate action to resolve the pending issue at an earliest.
13-01-2017 : Wish you a happy Pongal and Makar Sankranti.
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13-01-2017 : Payment of PLI for the year 2014-15 to retired employees who served in the period prescribed for the payment of PLI. Letter No.-TF-7/1, dt-13-01-2017.
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13-01-2017 : Denial payment of PLI to employees deployed in “Term Cell” of DOT – Case of Chhattisgarh and other circles. Letter No.-TF-7/1, dt-13-01-2017.
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13-01-2017 : Corporate office advised all CGMs to form high level committee to suggest all necessary steps to improve the living standard in IQs. Letter No.- BSNL/Admn/18-1/2016-BSNL WI(Pt), dt-13-01-2017.
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13-01-2017 : Corporate office issued orders for enhancement of Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowances in respect of non-executives w.e.f. 07-05-2010. Letter No.-15-2/2015-PAT(BSNL), dt-12-01-2017.
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13-01-2017 : Happy Lohri.
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11-01-2017 : Meeting of Joint Committee to suggest change in Designation of left out Non-Executive Cadres – Rescheduling therein. Letter No.-2-4/2007/Restg/Vol.III, dt-09-01-2017.
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11-01-2017 : Meeting with GM(F):- G.S. and Com. M.P. Singh met with Shri Yashwant Singh, GM(F) and requested for allotment of GPF fund to circles specially for Tamilnadu and H.P. The GM Shown inability due to paucity of fund and assured allotment early next month. He added that fund for festival advance have been allotted to all circles.
11-01-2017 : Com. K.S. Sheshdri Secretary CHQ attended and addressed the District Conference of Gulbarga SSA(Karnataka circle). CHQ leader exhorted all the pending issues related to staff including 3rd PRC. The conference was conducted under the presidentship of Com. Jahageer Patel and other speakers were Com. A.C. Krishna Reddy C.S, Com. Raje Shivasharanappa ACS, Com. Mommani senior leader, Com. Bellad D.S. SEWA and District Secretaries of SNEA, AIBSNLEA, Com. Veerashetty President Bidar, Com. Nayazuddin D.S. Bidar from Management side, Shri Uplandkar, Shri Kulkarni both AGM and other officers addressed the open house session. The conference was arranged in a very grand manner by Com. Kristaiah D.S Gulbarga, Com. S.M. Koval Treasurer and their team.
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10-01-2017 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates – regarding. Letter No.-W-02/2002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-I/17, dt-05-01-2017.
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09-01-2017 : Whirlfull membership drive by NFTE(BSNL) under Patna SSA:- A dedicated team of active members under the leadership of Com. S.K. Dubey circle Secretary and Com. Ram Lakhan Singh, Distt Secretary moved each and every exchanges/offices at Patna and exhorted the issues raised by the NFTE at Central level and at circle/District levels as well. Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Com. Vikram Kumar, Com. Manikant, Com. Vijay Kumar, Com. Chandrabhushan, Com. Santosh Kumar, Com. Sanjay Kumar, Com. Brij Kishore Singh and Com. Shetrughan Singh took active role in this campaign.
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09-01-2017 : Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) allowances to non-executive staff in A&N – discrimination reg. Letter No.-TF-10/7(a), dt-09-01-2017.
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09-01-2017 : Gujrat Circle executive committee meeting at Mahua (Bhavnagar SSA) on 7th & 8th Jan, 2017. The CEC held which was attended and addressed by the G.S. In his speech G.S. explained the current status of 3rd PRC, and reported the 15 December, 2017 strike position of throughout the country. He added that now the dream of our greatest leader Com. O.P. Gupta has fulfilled as the danger on pension has been. Removed. He appreciated the act of District Secretaries where membership have improved after 15th December, 2017. Com. H.R. Tiwari President, Com. N.J. Bhatia circle Secretary and Com. Barot invitee of CHQ addressed and explained the local issues. Out of 18 Districts 15 were participating in the meeting and all took part in debate on the agenda circulated by the circle union. The arrangement was done nice in all respect by reception committee under the leadership of Com. Khan.
07-01-2017 : 4th death anniversary of Com. O.P. Guptaji conducted at Bangalore under the president ship Com. Krishnamohan Circle President, Com. A.C.Krishna Reddy Circle Secretary, Com. Ranganna District President, Com. Shanmugam District Treasurer, Com. Balakrishna COB, Com. Ravi Com Boraiah address the meeting.
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07-01-2017 : Fourth death anniversary of our Leader OPG was observed on06-01-2017 by Chennai Telephones circle Union at Thiruvallur. The elder son of O.P. Gupta, Sri. Saleel Gupta was present in the anniversary function.
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06-01-2017 : 4th Death anniversary of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji was observed at Jamshedpur SSA.
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06-01-2017 : Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC pay revision in respect of employees working in BSNL on CDA scales due to non-issuance of Presidential orders for their absorption in BSNL. Letter No.-1-09/2016-PAT(BSNL), dt-05-01-2017.
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06-01-2017 : 4th Death anniversary of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji was observed by the BSNL employees at Raipur.
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06-01-2017 : 4th Death anniversary of Com.Omprakash Guptaji observed at Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh Circle.Comrades of Vizianagaram under the leadership of Com.G.Bhaskara Rao and M.Seetharam installed the statue of Com.O.P.Guptaji infront of the District Union office. The statue was unveiled by Com.Ch.Chandrasekhara Rao,C.S,AP Circle and Com.A.Rajamouli, CHQ office bearer.More than 150 comrades attended the meeting.Com.Kondala Rao, President,AP Circle,Com.Ch.Satya Rao,Senior leader,Com.D.V.Rao, DS, Srikakulam ,Com.V.Krishnam Raju, AITUC leader of Vizianagaram and retired leaders attended the meeting.All leaders remembered the great works of Com.O.P.Guptaji.All have paid respectful homage to the great soul of O.P.Guptaji. It is the second place in India to have unveiled the statue of great trade union leader after Chennai. It is an historic day for both the of Andhra and Telengana Telecom circles to remember the great works done by O.P.Guptaji for the cause of Telecom workers throughout India. For this noble cause the comrades of Vizianagaram are forever remembered in NFTE’s history. Let all of us rededicate ourselves for the cause of ideals propounded by great visionary and unparallel leader Com.O.P.Guptaji
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06-01-2017 : Homage to Com. O.P. Gupta Ji on 06-01-2017 on his 4th death anniversary:-
General Body Meeting of BSNL corporate office was held on 11.30 am in which floural tribute was paid to Com. O.P. Gupta ji by Com. M.P. Singh, President of C.O. Com. H.N. Sharma C.S. of C.O. also paid glowing tribute to him. Com. R.K. Kohli veteran Senior National leader of NFTE BSNL also paid glowing tribute to Com. Gupta Ji. He also said that Com. Gupta was the founder leader of UPTW, NFPTE and NFTE. Com. Gupta during the negotiation of formation of BSNL by the then. Honble Prime Minister of India Shri Atal Bihari Vajpai and Honble Minster Shri Paaswan guaranteed 3 things i.e. Pension security, Job Security and Security of BSNL. 2 minutes silence was observed in his honour.
06-01-2017 : 4th death anniversary observed in circle office NFTE BSNL circle union office on 06-01-2017. Floural tribute paid by circle Secretary, and Secretary HQR New Delhi Com. K.S. Sheshdari and others.
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05-01-2017 : Circle Executive Committee meeting of Gujrat circle :- CEC of Gujrat is scheduled to be held on 07-01-2017 & 08-01-2017 at Mahua (Junagarh SSA). G.S. will attend.
05-01-2017 : Observe 4th death anniversary of Com. O.P. Gupta unparallel leader of working class and founder of UPTW and NFPTE. Hold meeting at office premises/union offices and pay homage to Com. O.P. Gupta on 6th Jan, 2017.
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05-01-2017 : Change of designation of left out Cadres:- The issue was discussed with Dir(HR) on 04-01-2017. Meeting of designation committee will be called soon as assured by the GM(SR) who was also present in the meeting with Dir(HR).
05-01-2017 : Acquiring of Diploma/Certificate in Computer Applications/Programming in respect of Sr. TOA(G)s appointed under Compassionate Grounds or Sports quota ------ Clarification regarding. Letter No.-250-2/2008-Pers-III, dt-04-01-2017.
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04-01-2017 : The Importance of Third Pay Committee. Editorial (Telecom) English & Hindi.
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04-01-2017 : LICE examination be notified for promotion to Telecom Technician(TM) and JE (T) (TTA) Cadres. Letter No.-TF-14/2(A)-2(d), dt-04-01-2016.
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04-01-2017 : R/R of JE(T)(Previously TTA) Cadre be changed and a provision be made for 15% promotion on seniority sum-fitness basis. Letter No.-TF-2(a)-2(b), dt-04-01-2017.
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04-01-2017 : Meeting with Director (HR):- President and General Secretary met Director (HR) today and discussed following issues -
(1) Discrepancies in JAO LICE:- The Expert Committee report has been approved.
(2) Broad band facility to union upto District level.
The Director (HR) desired a letter and same has been submitted.
(3) Medical reimbursement on 78.2% IDA fixation benefit – Matter is being look into.
(4) 4th Saturday as Holiday akin to Banks:- We pointed out that “SR Cell” has rejected the demand in a arbitrary way. This is not fair Director (HR) asked for the case for submission to CMD.
(5) Wage cut for participation in 15t December striker – We pointed out that the strike was to protect the BSNL. The employees should not be subjected to wage cut. She agreed to get it reviewed.
04-01-2017 : 4th Saturday of the month as holiday – reg. Letter No.- TF-23/3, dt-04-01-2017.
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04-01-2017 : Facility of BB connections to recognized unions – reg. Letter No.-TF-1/1(f), dt-04-01-2017.
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04-01-2017 : Preventive Health care. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-22/16, dt-03-01-2016.
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04-01-2017 : Amendment in BSNL Transfer Policy – reg. Letter No.-4-3/2016-SEA, dt-03-01-2017.
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04-01-2017 : Admissibility of allowances vis-à-vis maintenance of two different basic pay for employees for different purposes – reg. Letter No.-TF-10/4, dt-03-01-2017.
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03-01-2017 : Wage cut due to participation in strike on 15th December. Letter No.-TF-3/4, dt-03-01-2017.
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03-01-2017 : Meeting with CMD:- President, General Secretary and Com. H.N. Sharma, Circle Secy, corporate office met the CMD on 02-01-2017 and discussed the following issues -
(1)Formation of Wage Revision Committee:- CMD’s attention was drawn that a wage revision committee has been constituted in which only the representatives of the management side have been included. This is not fair as for wage revision both sides should be represented for bilateral negotiations. He indicated to look into the matter.
(2) Formation of Tower Company:- The CMD was apprised of genuine apprehensions of the employees causing struggle. The management should not be vindictive and resort to wage cut. Such action may disturb harmony and peace in the PSU.
02-01-2017 : Compensation in JAO LICE:- President and General Secretary met GM(Rectt). The expert committee has submitted its report for awarding marks in respect of wrong questions. It is awaiting approval of Director (HR).
02-01-2017 : 3rd pay revision of PSUs employees vis-à-vis issue of guidelines – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/8, dt-02-01-2017.
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