31-07-2013 : Central Govt. Employees to get 10% DA Hike from July- from 80 % to 90%.
30-07-2013 : Nomination for Councils: All the circle Secretaries are requested to send the nominations for the circle and local councils to CHQ very urgently.
30-07-2013 : Recruitment Rule for Management Trainees - amendments regarding. Letter No.-TF-15/3, Dated:-29-07-2013.
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30-07-2013 : Revision in Payment of Training stipend to TTAs. Letter No.TF-15-1, Dated:-29-07-2013.
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30-07-2013 : National Convention of workers on 6th August, 2013 at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi.
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30-07-2013 : Manning of Vacant posts of Junior Hindi Translators (JHT) through local arrangements. Letter No.-201-01/2013/Pers.III, Dated:-26-07-2013.
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29-07-2013 : Forum of unions/Associations are conducting convention on BSNL’s survival on 03-08-2013 at MAVLANANKAR HALL, RAFI MARG, New Delhi. NFTE has arranged accommodation to Delegates in “GARHWAL BHAVAN” Near to Jhandewalan Metro Station from 02-08-2013 to 04-08-2013. It is 2 Km from New Delhi Railway Station. Lunch packets will be provided at the venue.
29-07-2013 : 644 employees have enrolled as NFTE members in Punjab circle. Amritsar=63, Pathankot = 132, Sangrur = 26, Patiala = 75, Bhetinda = 3, Jalandhar = 42, Hoshiarpur = 48, Ropar = 18, Ludhiana = 96, Ferozpur = 15, Chandigarh = 126.
29-07-2013 : Function at CTO New Delhi Auditorium:- Com. Rajpal Circle Secy NTR and Secy NFTE HQR organised a grand function and offered lunch to workers on eve of his retirement on 31st July. Shri A.K. Goel, CGM NTR and dozen GMs and Dy. GMs attended the function. Comrades Islam, Dua, Rajmouli attended. The grand function was conducted by Com. Rajmouli and addressed by CGM, Com. Islam and others.
29-07-2013 : Nominations in Welfare Committee and sports cultural board be done by the circle unions.
27-07-2013 : Closure of Telegraph Service:- The closure of Telegraph Service is against the provisions of Telegraph Act 1885. A PIL is reportedly filed at Chennai High Court.
27-07-2013 : Forum Meeting will take place on 30th July at BSNLMS office.
27-07-2013 : All India conference of NFTE BSNL at MP:- Madhyapradesh circle Comrades have started preparation to hold the conference. The NFTE HQR requests the Comrades to start preparation for the conference on was path.
27-07-2013 : Poster for National convention of 3rd August at Delhi – Speakers to address.
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27-07-2013 : National convention of BSNL employees being organised on 3rd August at Mavlanker Hall on behalf of BSNL Unions and association.
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27-07-2013 : Meeting with GM(Admn):- President NFTE met GM(Admn) on 26th July and enquired about eligibility of disease Acupuncture, Myopia etc for reimbursement. It was told that the Committee so formed will consider such diseases which are not in the eligibility list, GM (Admn) requested to the union to furnish the names of such diseases which are not in the reimbursement list. Circle Secretaries may furnish such information to NFTE HQR for necessary action.
27-07-2013 : BTS installed but not working in Assam. Shortage of SIM’s at Shilong. Letter No.-TF-19/4, Dated:-25th July, 2013.
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27-07-2013 : NFTE BSNL has requested Director (HR) & Director (F) to grant relaxation/ grace marks to the candidates of JAO Part-II examination held on December 17th to 19th December, 2012. Letter No.-TF-14/2(c), Dated:-25-07-2013.
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27-07-2013 : President and GS NFTE met CMD, Director (HR) and Director (F) on 24-07-2013 and discussed the following items:- (1) FDI and effects on BSNL:- A copy of letter addressed to MOC was handed over to the CMD. We told that the BSNL will not be able to compete with Pvt. Cos. without financial support of Govt. as such letter be forwarded to DOT . (2) Creation of more Rajbhasha Adhikari posts in Eastern UP commensurate with Western UP Circle. (3) Financial condition of BSNL:-Revenue has to be earned more as condition is not satisfactory. (4) JAO-II final examination:- Proposal for another examination as per relaxed standard is not acceptable to management. However, request for relaxation in marks will get due consideration. (5) GPF Advance problem:-
The BSNL sanctions GPF advances and thereafter money is reimbursed by the DOT. There are difficulties due to paucity of fund in BSNL. DOT has also proposed that sanction of GPF advances be done by DOT Cell. NFTE is not in favour of this as more delay will take place and the employees will face hardships.
27-07-2013 : Regret to viewers: we could not update the site as Telephone was out of order. Our sincere regrets.
24-07-2013 : Hike in FDI in Telecom Sector causing adverse effects on PSUs. Letter No.-TF-6/6, Dated:-22-07-2013.
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23-07-2013 : Proposal for change in R/R of TTAs and JTOs:- The BSNL HQR is contemplating to modify the R/R of TTAs, JTOs for departmental quota examinations. President and GS met Sr. GM(Est) on 22-07-2013 and impressed upon him the necessities for modifications. NFTE HQR will submit the points for modifications in R/R. Circle Secretaries are requested to send their views at the earliest.
22-07-2013 : LICE for JTO Deptl quota Examination in Karnataka: Circle office told Telephonically by Sr. GM(Est.) to notify the Examination urgently.
22-07-2013 : Representation in sports and cultural and welfare Boards for NFTE BSNL.
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22-07-2013 : Disquieting report regarding non-availability of Fund for GPF advances. Letter No.-TF-11/11, Dated:-22-07-2013.
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22-07-2013 : LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre - Case of Karnataka circle. Letter No.- TF-14/2(b), Dated:-22-07-2013.
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22-07-2013 : M.P. Circle to host the AIC: M.P. Circle union has agreed to host the All India Conference.
22-07-2013 : The provisional pension in r/o Pre-2007 IDA scale BSNL pensioners will now be revised as per DOT letter No.-40-3/2009-Pen(T), dt-11-07-2013.
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19-07-2013 : Corporate office endorsed the order copy of selection grade to Lift operators to all CGM’s for implementation. Letter No.-16-21/2010-Electrical, Dated:-09-07-2013.
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19-07-2013 : Contempt proceedings at Chandigarh reg. officiating JTOs dismissed by honble High Court.
19-07-2013 : Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure - Official Domestic Air Travel of BSNL Officers. Letter No.-2-5/2013-Protocol, Dated:-15-07-2013.
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19-07-2013 : Treatment of Deployed ITS (Group-A) Officers of DOT-clarification reg. admissibility of allowances. Letter No.-15-01/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-17-07-2013.
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19-07-2013 : Extension of Pension contribution of EPF to the employees recruited by BSNL directly. Letter No.-500-85/CA-II/BSNL/EPF/2013/Vol.V, Dated:-16-05-2013.
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19-07-2013 : Deduction of Pension Contribution underEPS,1995. Letter No.-500-85/CA-II/BSNL/EPF/2013/Vol.VII, Dated:-17-07-2013.
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18-07-2013 : Decisions taken in the meeting of the Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations held on 17th July, 2013.
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18-07-2013 : Collect Rs. 200/- as Donation:- The NFTE BSNL in 6th verification promised to settle the 78.2% IDA merger issue. The employees will be getting the benefit of 78.2% IDA order in the pay of July, 2013. The District Secretaries are requested to collect Rs.200/- per member as donation and keep Rs.100/- with the District unions out of remaining Rs.100/- the same may be distributed at the rate of Rs.25 and Rs.75/- between central HQR and circle unions respectively. This will help in smooth functioning of union at all levels. Comrades ! Please make sincere efforts to collect Rs.200/- per member without fail.
18-07-2013 :
Writ petition and stay regarding LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre dismissed by High Court at Bangalore. Deck now clear for holding JTO LICE in Karnataka circle.
18-07-2013 : Filling up backlog vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs. Letter No.-45-1/2008-SCT/463, Dated:-17-07-2013.
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18-07-2013 : withdrawal of the system/practice of Local officiating Arrangement or Local officiating Promotion in BSNL. Letter No.-4-8/2013-SEA(Pt.), Dated:-16-07-2013.
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18-07-2013 : Forum of BSNL unions/Associations decided to organize lunch hour demonstration by wearing black badges on 25-07-2013, against FDI hike in Telecom and Defense. All circle/District/ Branch Secretaries are requested conduct that programme effectively and educate members by explaining the effect of FDI upon BSNL/MTNL and its employees.
18-07-2013 : Forum of BSNL unions/Associations core committee meeting is taking place today to discuss the following issues. (1) 78.2% IDA benefit to pre-post retirees of 01-01-2007. (2) Superannuation benefits to BSNL recruitees. (3) Financial viability of BSNL. (4) unilateral decision of management to close Telegram services in the country.
17-07-2013 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the Grade of Rajbhasha Adhikari 2013 on 20-10-2013. Letter No.-60-1/2013-DE, Dated:-16-07-2013.
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16-07-2013 : issues related to provisions of Superannuation Benefits to directly recruited employees. Letter No.-1-23-2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-12-07-2013.
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15-07-2013 : GS, Com. Rajpal, Secretary & Com. Rajmouli Secretary HQR met Director (HR) and requested to stop discriminatory transfer orders in Andhra and other circles. Director (HR) assured the delegation to look into the matter.
12-07-2013 :General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli Secretary HQR met Sr. GM(SR) & Sr. GM(Est.) on 11-07-2013 and discussed the following points. (a) Allotment of union accommodation to NFTE BSNL at ALTTC Ghaziabad (B) Clarification on immunity transfers (c) compassionate ground appointments.
12-07-2013 :To study the wage erosion of employees entering in PSU on 01-01-2007, BSNL management constituted a committee with three Sr. GM’s (i.e. GM(SR), GM(Est.) & GM(EF) . Thanks to BSNL management.
12-07-2013 : Categorization of JAO cadre as Group 'B' and pay scale as on 01-10-2000 in respect of JAOs absorbed in BSNL from DOT. Letter No.-5-10/2013-SEA-BSNL, Dated:-11-07-2013.
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12-07-2013 : BSNL endorses 4% IDA order w.e.f. 01-07-2013. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-11-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 : Assam Circle Conference of NFTE(BSNL):- held on 5th & 6th July at New I.B. auditorium Kamrup (Guahati) on the occasion a open session held on 5th July, 2013 with great pump and show. Shri A.K. Mehra Chief General Manager Assam circle, GM Kamrup, GM(E-P) GM (Sales and Marketing GM(CFA) and Deputy GM(Admin) were present and graced the occasion. Comrade Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary, Com. K.K. Singh Secretary head quarter addressed the open session and explained in detail all the staff issues and financial viability of the BSNL and exhorted to workers to workhard to improve the services. Com. Islam Ahmad President addressed the delegate session on 6th July,13. The delegates unanimously elected a set of office bearers headed by Com. Shyamlendu Bhattachargi Sr. TOA(P) O/o SDOP Kamrup. Com. P.C. Patgiri, Sr. TOA(P), O/o SDE M/C Panbazar Com. Paresh Kumar Vaishya R/M O/o SDE(P) as President, circle Secretary and Treasurer for the next session. The meeting was ended with festive show.
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11-07-2013 : Review of Result of failed SC/ST of JAO Internal Competitive Examination against 40% quota held in Dec.2012. Letter No.-4-28/2006-SEA, Dated:-09-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 : Recruitment Rules of Management Trainnees in BSNL. Letter No.-400-212/2012-Pers.I, Dated:-05-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 : Holding of LICE for promotion to the post of Rajbhasha Adhikari wherever the vacancies of Rajbhasha Adhikari exists and local officiating arrangement is continuing. Letter No.-20-04/2013-Pers-II, Dated:-10-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 : Revised table for fixation of Pay as on 01-01-2007 in respect of Executives of BSNL. Letter No.-1-50/2008-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-08-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 :Revised table for fixation of Pay as on 01-01-2007 in respect of Non - Executive of BSNL. Letter No.-1-16/2010-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-08-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 :Modified Policy for allotment of vacant qtrs to Retired employees of BSNL/DOT. Letter No.-482-16/2007-BG, Dated:-10-07-2013.
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11-07-2013 :Organisational
Meetings at Kolkata on 08-07-2013:- Telecom Factory Alipur:- A mass meeting of
common workers was organised by the NFTE(BSNL) circle Branch under the
Leadership of Com. Murshid Ali CS Telecom factory Kolkata. The meeting was well
attended by the factory workers including women employees. Com. Chandeshwar
Singh General Secretary & Com. K.K. Singh Secretary Headquarter attended &
addressed the gathering. The CHQ leaders explained the financial position of the
company and urge upon the workers to work hard to bring out the company from
crisis. In concluding speech Com. Murshid Ali C/S reported the local grievances
of employees, he added that the workers of the factory are waiting for work but
no saw materials are supplied and the machines lying idle in some of the unites.
11-07-2013 :Kolkata
Telecom District:- A mass meeting of Kolkata Telecom District was organised by
the circle union Branch of CTD under the presidentship of Com. L.M. Bala. Com.
Shekhar Majumdar acting circle Secretary delivered welcome speech and exhorted
all the local problems. He added that due to non supply of required materials in
time the Kolkata Telecom District is lagging behind and facing loss. Com.
Chandeshwar Singh GS and Com. K.K. Singh Secretary H.Q. explained the staff
related issues and viability of the BSNL. The CHQ leaders delivered in detail
regarding implementation of 78.2% IDA merger w.e.f. 01-01-2007. They also
appealed the workers to come forward to fulfill the demand of the customers and
serve better to bring the company in its previous position.
06-07-2013 :Comrades S. Bhattacharjee, Prabodh Chandra Patgiri and Paresh Chand Baishya have been elected as President, circle Secy and Treasurer respectively in Assam circle conference at Gauthati .
06-07-2013 :Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates. F. No.-2(70)/2008-DPE(WC)-GL-XVIII/13, Dated:-04-07-2013.
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05-07-2013 :Agitation against irregular transfers in Andhra called off on intervention of CHQ. Hearty greetings to Comrades.
05-07-2013 :Grant of Hard Area Allowance to the BSNL employees posted in Kiltan, Androth, Kalpani, Chethleth, Kadamadh, Amini & Bitra Islands of Lakshadweep. Letter No.-1-16/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-04-07-2013.
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03-07-2013 :Meeting with Director (HR):- President and circle Secy, M.P. Com. Habib met the Director (HR) and discussed following issues. (1) Compensation to the candidates for incorrect questions in the LICE for promotion to the Cadre of JTO. Director (HR) immediately instructed the Sr. GM (Rectt) for appropriate action to offset the loss after examining the points. (2) Partisan transfers in Andhra:-Dir(HR) agreed to speak to CGM. (3) CGA Cases of MP:- Director(HR) has been apprised of the bottleneck. He assured to sort out the matter.
03-07-2013 :Meeting with the CMD: President accompanied with the circle Secy, M.P. (Com. Habib) met the CMD on 3rd July and drew his attention on the following issues:- Non-availability of materials viz Cables, Dropwires and Telephone sets etc in Gujrat. CMD asked Dir(CFA) to enquire the position. (2) CGA Cases of M.P. Circle:- The CMD has been informed about the state of affairs. (3) CMD asserted that the BSNL will not only improve but will be at number one place. To a question he replied BSNL will get financial help but unions should exert. The Rs. 1500 crore subsidy from USO fund approved for BSNL and gazette notification issued.
03-07-2013 :100% FDI in Telecom Sector: The Telecom Commission has endorsed the proposal to enhance the FDI from 74% TO 100% in the Telecom Sector despite concerns and apprehensions of Ministries of Commerce and home. Matter will now go to Cabinet. The Telecom Commission has cheered the Private companies but what about BSNL ?? it continues to suffer from financial crunch so cheers to Pvt. COS and tears to BSNL. Drive to increase membership of NFTE. Continue the drive to enroll new members without fail and assure them fair treatment.
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02-07-2013 :For kind attention of circle secretaries: please intimate on 18th July how many new members have been enrolled SSA wise. Remember the filling up of option forms and its deposit have to be done by 15th July. Mobilize the District unions to enroll maximum members.
02-07-2013 :BSNL to become leading operator again: CMD, Shri Upadhyay said at Dharamshala in Himachal. Remote areas in Himachal to be connected through Microwave.
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01-07-2013 :(1) Non-availability of Dropwires, Cables and Telephone sets in Gujrat have been referred to BSNL HQR. (2) Discrepancies in JTO LICE at Chhattisgarh, West UP have been reported to Corporate office.
01-07-2013 :CMD’s is appeal to stand by with the brethren of Uttarakhand at the time of distress and sufferings.
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01-07-2013 :Losses yet to be Compensated - Telecom Editorial July, 2013 (English & Hindi).
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01-07-2013 :Facility of accommodation: NFTE is entitled for accommodation. The HQR be informed if circle union has not been provided the accommodation. Similarly, circle Secretaries must ensure that the District unions get the accommodation.
01-07-2013 :Attention circle and District Secretaries: HQR once again appeal to you to moblise and motivate the workers to join the NFTE BSNL. The last date to exercise option is 15th July, 2013. Please do your best to increase the membership.
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29-06-2013 : Accounting of Voluntary Contribution of one day's pay towards Prime Minister National Relief Fund for victims of flood in Uttarakhand. Letter No.-500-31/2012-13/CA-1/BSNL, Dated:-28-06-2013.
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29-06-2013 :NFTE Assam circle conference on 5th and 6th at Kamrup.
29-06-2013 : BSNL HQR orders for keep of records of five telegrams sent on WTMS. Letter No.-111-23/93/T-II(Pt IV), Dated:-28-06-2013.
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28-06-2013 :DA increase 4% from 1st July.
28-06-2013 : Com. C.K. Mathivanan retires on 30-06-2013.
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28-06-2013 : Court directions and BSNL letter No.-BSNL/9-5/SR/2013, dt-27-06-2013 regarding nominations in the councils.
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27-06-2013 : BSNL vide No.-7-5/2013-Elect, dt-26-06-2013 has sought views from the unions for restructuring of Cadres of maintenance staff of Electrical. The circle Secretaries are requested to send their views through mail by 1st July, 2013.
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27-06-2013 : with holding of 10% gratuity from the retiring Government Servants-clarification. Letter No.-40-10/2013-Pen(B), Dated:-26-06-2013.
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26-06-2013 : Meeting of Forum of unions/Associations in BSNL:- The meeting has decided as under.
(1) The employees in BSNL will contribute one day pay to the “Prime Minister Relief Fund.” (2) The BSNL management should take immediate steps to extend financial help to the BSNL victims of Uttarakhand as well as those who came for pilgrimage and become victims. (3)The meeting recorded its deep appreciation for the rescue operations being done by the army. The Nation is proud of them.
The DOT should take urgent steps to extend financial help to the BSNL for restoration of the services in the Uttarakhand. (4) The employees in Uttarakhand have rose to the occasion for restoration of the services and performed commendable Job. The staff from other circles can also be utilized to normalize the services.
26-06-2013 :Convention on 3rd August at Mavlankar Hall New Delhi:- The BSNL unions/Associations are organizing a convention on 03-08-2013 at Mavlanker Hall to focus the issue of revival of BSNL. Five delegates from each circle may participate in the convention. The stalwarts of central Trade union leaders have been approached to address the convention.
26-06-2013 : A delegation of NFTE BSNL consisting of President, GS, SNATTA GS(Com. Meena), Comrades Mahabir Singh (C/S Jharkhand) and Amitmittal (Circle President, Punjab) met the Director (HR) on 25th June and raised the following matters.
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26-06-2013 : Financial Assistance to BSNL for restoration of the Telecom Service at Uttarakhand- Request for urgent consideration. Letter No.-TF-19/3, Dated:-26-06-2013.
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25-06-2013 : Mistakes and discrepancies in LICE for promotion in JTO Cadre - Request for remedial action. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-25-06-2013.
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25-06-2013 : JAO Part-II Examination result - Request for review and relaxation. Letter No.- TF-14/2(c), Dated:-25-06-2013.
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25-06-2013 :Meeting with CMD BSNL: President, General Secy and Com. Mahabir Singh (C/S, Jharkhand) met the CMD, BSNL on 24-06-2013, and raised the following issues for their settlement.
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22-06-2013 :JAO Part-II LICE result - Case of Rajasthan Telecom circle. Letter No.-TF-14/5, Dated:-22-06-2013.
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22-06-2013 : Regularisation of Temporary status Majdoors and Casual Labourers appointed under compassionate Grounds. Letter No.-TF-31/1, Dated:-22-06-2013.
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21-06-2013 : Disruption of Telecom Services at Uttarakhand and Himachal circles - Request for fund assistance to BSNL for restoration of services. Letter No.-TF-19/3, Dated:-21-06-2013 to MOC.
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21-06-2013 : Financial aid to BSNL staff at Uttarakhand and Himachal circle. Letter No.TF-16/9(a), Dated:-20-06-2013.
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20-06-2013 :Attention circle Secretaries: CHQ has received details of mistakes and discrepancies in LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre. The circle unions are requested to make suitable representation to CGMs. NFTE head quarter will move into the matter thereafter.
20-06-2013 : Retention of some of Land/Building of BSNL by DOT. Letter No.-7-5/2000-Trg-Fin(Pt.IV)Accomodation, Dated:-17-05-2013.
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20-06-2013 : Fixing of service charges (Civil & Elect maintenance charges) for renting out vacant BSNL staff quarters to CPSUs/PSU etc. Letter No.-482-9/2009-BG, Dated:-18-06-2013.
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19-06-2013 :An appeal: There has been complete devastation of lives and property at Himachal and Uttarakhand. The BSNL staff are also in deep sufferings. The NFTE HQR has urged the CMD, BSNL to grant financial aid to the victims. The NFTE HQR appeals to BSNL staff to rise to the occasion and extend all help and cooperation in restoring the services.
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18-06-2013 :MOU signed with Oriental Bank of Commerce for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees. The period of agreement is for 12 moths (i.e. 05-04-2013 to 05-05-2014) signed on 14-06-2013. Letter No.-1-9/BBF/Staff loan/2011-12, dt-17-06-2013.
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18-06-2013 :Union’s subscription of Rs. 15/- be deducted from the month of June, 2013: All circle/District Secretaries are requested to approach the respective DDOs (AO’s) alongwith the letter No.-BSNL/39/6/SR/2013(Pt), dt-17-06-2013 and ensure that subscription at the rate of Rs.15/- is deducted from June positively. (CHQ =Rs. 5/-, Circle=Rs. 4/-, District=Rs. 6/-, Rs. 3/- to be given to Branches).
18-06-2013 : Clarification regarding calulation of Commuted Value of Pension by applying old or new commutation table in respect of BSNL IDA scale, post-2007 pensioners. F. No.-40-16/2012-Pen (T), Dated:-10-06-2013.
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17-06-2013 :Deduction of Union subscription from the salary of members of NFTE BSNL. F.No.-BSNL/39-6/SR/2013 (Pt), Dated:-17-06-2013.
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17-06-2013 :Booking of various expenditures including pay and Allowances under proper Head of Account. Letter No.-TF-18/2, Dated:-17-06-2013.
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17-06-2013 : Wage revision resulting to wage erosion of non-executive staff in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-9/9, Dated:-17-06-2013.
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17-06-2013 :Comrades Gittan Singh, Ashiq Ahmad and G.R. Dar have been elected as circle President, circle Secy and Treasurer in the conference held at Srinagar from 14th to 16th June, 2013.
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17-06-2013 :Attention of circle/District Secretaries: All nominations to circle/District Councils will be done by General Secretary only. District Secretaries are advised to send nominations of councils through circle secretaries to CHQ for necessary action.
15-06-2013 :Merger of 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% for the purpose of fitment - Admissibility of allowances viz HRA, Medical Allowance etc. Letter No.TF-21/org, Dated:-15-06-2013.
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15-06-2013 :Com. Sunderlal Sharma, former circle Secy T-3 and circle President of T-4 unions breathed his last today, Dated 15th June at Raipur. NFTE BSNL HQR Condoles his death and remembers his services to the workers.
14-06-2013 :Core Committee of Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations met today and decided to hold National convention in New Delhi on 03-08-2013 tentatively. The subject of convention is “revival of BSNL”.
14-06-2013 :Forum of BSNL unions/Associations meeting held under the Chairmanship of Com. Chandeshwar Singh GS NFTE on 13-06-2013 and discussed implementaion of 78.2% IDA merger w.e.f. 01-01-07 and pension of retired employees prior to 01-01-2007 and after.(2) Decision taken to conduct National/circle/SSA level conventions upon measures to be taken for revival of BSNL (3) Forum opposed the unilateral decision of management to close DTO’s in the country. ForUm constituted a core committee with (6) GS’s and convener. (NFTE-BSNL, BSNLEU, SNEA(1), AISBNLEA, FNTO & SEWA BSNL) to monitor day to day developments and chalk out programmes.
14-06-2013 :LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre in Punjab circle - Mistakes regarding. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-13-06-2013.
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14-06-2013 :Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations Circular. Dated:-13-06-2013.
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14-06-2013 :Admissibility of allowances like Medical reimbursement with voucher for outdoor treatment, Skill Upgradation Allowance, House Rent Allowance, etc. at IDA basic pay with 68.8% fitment in respect of Non-executive. Letter No.-1-16/2010-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-13-06-2013.
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13-06-2013 :Closure of Telegraph Traffic Services. Letter No.-TF-18/2, Dated:-13-06-2013.
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13-06-2013 :Telegraph Service closure: The Telegraph Traffic employees will neither be displaced nor retrenched due to closure of Telegraph Traffic service. Letter No.-111-23/93/T-II (Pt. IV), Dated:-11-06-2013.
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12-06-2013 :Comrades Vijay Lakra, Sr. TOA, Shalin Anand (TTA) and Vijay Lal, Sr. TOA have been elected on 9th June as President, circle Secy and Treasurer of Andaman and Nicobar circle respectively.
12-06-2013 :GOM meeting on revival of BSNL has not taken place on 11th June. It is scheduled to take place today.
12-06-2013 :Telegraph Services to be closed wef 15th July, 2013.
11-06-2013 :Indefinite Strike from 12th June, 2013 - Call off Strike consequent to issue of necessary orders. Letter No.-FORUM/STRIKE, Dated:-11-06-2013.
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11-06-2013 :The unions and associations thank DOT and BSNL management for settling 78.2% IDA merger issue.
11-06-2013 :The unions and associations of forum have decided to call of the strike beginning from 12th June. The NFTE congratulates the workers for tumultuous response for struggle. Forum and NFTE HQR appeals employees to work hard to earn more revenue and to ensure more growth and expansion of services.
11-06-2013 :Answer Key of LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-11-06-2013.
Click Here |
11-06-2013 :Credit and discredit on 78.2% IDA: What was said by the union at the time of wage revision “----Trying its level best wage agreement with 30% pay + 78.2% IDA”. But wage agreement was signed on 15-01-2010 with 68.8% IDA despite GOI orders of 02-04-2009 for 78.2% IDA. Was this not a mistake?.The mistake is now rectified as neither BSNL nor DOT can go against the Govt. decision for 78.2% IDA for revision of Pay Scale. Injustice had been done to BSNL staff.
11-06-2013 :Flash News: BSNL has also issued orders on 78.2% IDA merger.
Click Here |
11-06-2013 :NFTE proved correct: The CMD BSNL on 07-06-2013 conveyed to NFTE on phone that the DOT has approved 78.2% IDA fixation proposal and orders will be issued on Monday dt-10-06-2013 as 8th and 9th are holidays being second Saturday and Sunday. The message was conveyed to workers in the field who were anxious to know the development. What was wrong in it and why CMD should not be believed?. How many instances are available when strike has been deferred only after issue of orders on demands some rends of a union are suffering from the complexes and there is no remedy for it. But NFTE proved correct and orders are issued on 10-06-2013 by DOT.
11-06-2013 :DOT issued orders on 78.2% IDA merger on 10th June.
Click Here |
10-06-2013 : Flash News: 78.2% IDA orders Received in BSNL HQR. Date of effect will be 10th June, 2013. It will be uploaded tomorrow by BSNL HQR.
10-06-2013 :78.2% IDA fixation: According to confirmed sources the Honble MOC has cleared the file and action is process to issue orders.
10-06-2013 :Superannuation benefits to directly recruited BSNL staff as per item (5) of the strike agreement of 12th June, 2012. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), Dated:-08-06-2013.
Click Here |
10-06-2013 :News from AIBSNLEA: Implementation of 78.2% IDA Pay Fixation Case:GS contacted concern officers in DoT on implementation of 78.2% IDA pay fixation of DPE OM dated 2nd April,2009 as approved by BSNL Board. It is understood that Hon'ble MOC&IT has approved the proposal for implementation today morning and sincere efforts are being made in DoT for issuance of Presidential Directives immediately. The orders are expected today itself from DoT & BSNL. Further developments in this regard will be intimated soon.
10-06-2013 :CWC Meeting of WBT, Kolkata held on 2nd & 3rd May, 2013.
Click Here |
08-06-2013 :Payment of final welfare grant. Letter No.-13-1/2012-BSNL-(WL), Dated:-07-06-2013. .Click Here |
08-06-2013 :Mistake and injustice done in wage revision is now rectified.Click Here |
Approved today 78.2% IDA merger.
C. Singh (General Secy) |
07-06-2013 :Meeting
with Secy DOT could not take place go ahead with strike
preparation.. ISLAM AHAMAD |
of Councils: -
The NUBSNLW (FNTO) has filed WP No. 13605/2013 at
Ernakulam High Court with the prayer that the unions
securing less than 7% votes in 6th councils. The Hon’ble
Court has passed Interim orders that such unions may not
be admitted in the councils.
The NUBSNL (FNTO) has made BSNLEU as well as NFTE as
parties in the W.P |
Meeting with GM (Adm) in BSNL Hqr:-Comrades
Islam and Rajpal met G.M. (Adm) and conveyed their
concerns about nomination in sports and welfare board.
He immediately called Dy. GMT (Adm) and directed for
immediate action. The nominee of NFTE should be included
in the committee of welfare and sports. |
Meeting with Director Planning :-
BSNL is seriously processing to get refund of spectrum
charges and other assistance from the GoM. |
Meeting with the CMD, BSN:-Comrades
Islam and Rajpal met the CMD, BSNL and held discussions
on 78.2% IDA merger issue. He asserted all out efforts
are being made for the settlement and is in constant
touch with the DoT authorities for settlement and to
avert strike.
BSNL is also making efforts for getting financial
assistance from the GoM. The NFTE Hqr is making all out
efforts for settlement of 78.2% IDA merger alongwith
other unions but preparations for strike should go on
with full vigour and zeal. |
not sick:
The BRPC is maintaining that 78.2% IDA merger issue has
unnecessarily been referred by DoT as they are dealing
only with the revival of sick PSUs. Till date BSNL has
not been declared as sick PSU. |
07-06-2013 : GoM
to meet and decide the BSNL/MTNL revival on 11th June :
The group of ministers (GoM) headed by the Finance
Minister, Shri P. Chidambaran are scheduled to meet on
11-6-2013 to consider and recommend for revival of two
loss making PSUs. The GoM consists of S/S Kapil Sibal
(Telecom and Law Minister), Anand Sharma (Commerce and
Industry Minister), Planning Commission Deputy Chairman
(Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia), Manish Tewari
(Information and Broadcasting Minister) and V.
Narayanasamy (State Minister in Prime Minister Office).
The GoM has to decide on providing financial support to
BSNL and MTNL.d |
Preparation for strike should be in full swing :-
A meeting of unions/associations took place on 6-6-2013
under the chairmanship of Com. Islam Ahmed, President,
NFTE BSNL. The meeting decided as under: |
1. |
round preparations be made for indefinite strike
commencing from 12th June. The Workers be mobilized
with all seriousness as the issue of 78.2% IDA
merger is very vital for employees. |
2. |
Massive demonstrations be organized on 11.6.2013 at
SSA/Circle HQrs. |
3. |
circle/District unions should organize press meet on
10th/11th June. |
4. |
unions will continue its pursuance at BRPSE and DoT
levels till last. |
06-06-2013 :Victory Celebrations at Tamilnadu.Click Here |
06-06-2013 : Meeting
with Secy, DOT: A delegation consisting of Comrades Abhimanyu (GS, BSNLEU),
Islam Ahmad (President, NFTE BSNL) Prahlad Rai (GS, AI BSNLEA), Sabisten
(GS, SNEA) and Jogi met Secy, DOT and handed over a memorandum for Group
of Ministers constituted for revival of BSNL. The union representatives
requested for consideration of the points mentioned in the memorandum
for GOM. The Secy, DOT was also requested to solve the issue of 78.2%
IDA merger to which he responded favourably and asked representatives
to meet him again on 7th June. |
06-06-2013 : Dharna
Programme.Click Here |
06-06-2013 : Formation
of joint committee on change of designations of non-executive employees
in BSNL. BSNL has decided to include one nominee from NFTE in the joint
committee after our representation. BSNL No.-2-4/2007-Restructuring,
dt-05-06-2013.Click Here |
05-06-2013 : CGA Cases
at MP: NFTE BSNL persued the matter vigorously and sincerely for last
8 months. Now, 53 approved candidates are being offered appointment after
more than 8 years, due to lethargic insensitive approach of MP Circle
management. Why erring officers are not made accountable?. |
05-06-2013 : PSUs
to kick off wage talks: The Central Govt has given a green light for
wage negotiations for 260 PSUs staff wef 1st January, 2012. This is
applicable for those PSUs which opted for five years of wage settlement.
Wage settlement in BSNL is for 5 or 10 years?. Reality will now come
on the surface.
Click Here |
05-06-2013 : Day long
Dharna has started at BSNL hqr. |
04-06-2013 : Grant
of facilities to the recognised representative Unions of non-executive
employees in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/39-7/SR/2013, Dated:-03-06-2013.Click Here |
03-06-2013 :High Court Judgment relating to
JTO Examination.Click Here |
03-06-2013 :LDCE for Telecom Mechanics for the
RY-2012...Clarification. Letter No.-250-3/2012-Pers-III, Dated:-03-06-2013.Click Here |
03-06-2013 :Council formation: (1) The Hon’ble
Kerala High Court has reportedly passed an interim order that the unions
securing less than 7% votes in 6th verification should not be included
in the councils. The WP was filed by FNTO. The NFTE HQR will study the
judgment and will make nominations thereafter. The HQR apprehends the
councils may not function smoothly as more hurdles and obstacles are expected.
The circle and District unions are once again advised to start functioning
effectively without waiting for the councils formation. (2) The LICE for
promotion to JTO Cadre has taken place on 02-06-2013 after almost 13 years.
The NFTE took a very positive approach in the matter and persued it vigorously.
The NFTE HQR records its sincere thanks and appreciation to the BSNL management
for the great but most troublesome efforts for completion of the examination.
03-06-2013 :
Agitation for 78.2% IDA merger: Dharna
on 05-06-2013 at SSA, Circle and Corporate office levels. Organize with
full zeal and vigour and prepare for indefinite strike from 12-06-2013.