30-06-2015 : IDA w.e.f. 01-07-2015 will be 102.6% means 2.1% increase from 1st July, 2015.
30-06-2015 : Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government. F. No.-15012/1/2003-Estt. (D), Dated:- 29-06-2015.
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30-06-2015 : Regarding grant of Child Care Leave to women employees of BSNL – clarification reg. Letter No.-1-6/2015-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-02-06-2015.
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27-06-2015 : Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations decisions on 26-06-2015.
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27-06-2015 : Corporate office guidelines to employees to register their ID in ERP for getting pay slip on E-Mail from June, 2015. Letter No.-CIT/8-2/2015/ERP/Roll out, Dated:-26-06-2015.
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27-06-2015 : Revision of stipend in respect of DR JTO’s/ JAO’s/Sr. TOA/TM, w.e.f. 01-01-2007, during induction training period, following revision of IDA pay scales in BSNL (arrears thereof). Letter No.-16-1/2003-Trg, Dated:-26-06-2015.
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27-06-2015 : 15th All India Badminton tournament (2015-16) at “Khokhra sports complex Ahmadabad (Gujrat) from 08-09-2015 to 11-09-2015. Letter No.-29-04/2015-BSNL(Sports), Dated:- 16-06-2015.
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27-06-2015 : 15th All India BSNL cultural completion (2015-16) at “Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) from 02-09-2015 to 04-09-2015. Letter No.-29-02/2015-BSNL(Sports), Dated:-15-06-2015.
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27-06-2015 : 15th All India Lawn Tennis Tournament (2015-16) at “Nagpur” (Maharashtra) from 24-09-2015 to 26-09-2015. Letter No.-29-03/2015-BSNL (Sports)/, Dated:-11-06-2015.
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26-06-2015 : Meeting with GM(Banking):- GS and Com. Rajmouli met with GM finance(Banking) and discussed regarding delay in allotment of GPF fund to circles from head quarter, due to delay our employees were facing hardships in circles to take advance/withdrawal from GPF. GM(Banking) explained the position of circle concerned and assured that if the requirement is received in time from circle the fund will be allotted accordingly without delay.
26-06-2015 : Meeting with GM(SR):- GS and Com. Rajmouli met GM (SR) and discussed regarding merger of Jind SSA with Sonipat(SSA) in Haryana circle without looking after the geographical condition on ground. The GM (SR) told to review it if Comments from CGM(Haryana) are received.
26-06-2015 : Extension of special concessions/facilities to employees working in J&K from 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2015. Letter No.-39-8/2001/TE-II/ (Pt. II), Dated:-24-06-2015.
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25-06-2015 : Pay erosion of Post 2007 recruits (Non-Executive):- NFTE was regularly persuing for removal of wage lose of post 2007 recruits (Non-Executive) since long time. At last the BSNL Board has approved on 19-06-2015 in the meeting to add one increment w.e.f. 10-05-2010 with arrears only for TTA cadre, but the management has deprived the benefit to other cadres. We congratulate SNATTA Comrades for their regular persuasion regarding this issue (i.e. wage loss). We assure that we will persue the matter for others also.
25-06-2015 : MoU signed by BSNL with DOT to meet targets fixed for the year 2015-16.
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25-06-2015 : Inauguration of union office at Jaipur at 11.00 AM on 24-06-2015 : - The union office of NFTE circle union Rajasthan was inaugurated by Shri R.K. Mishra CGM. A large number of workers including ladies were present in the function. At evening a mass meeting was held under the presidentship Com. Kishori Lal Sharma, which was attended and addressed by Com. R.G. Dixit C/S Rajasthan, Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S., Shri R.K. Mishra CGM, and GM IT of Rajasthan circle. Com. Singh welcomed Shri Mishra Jee as CGM of Rajasthan circle and exhorted the situation faced by the workers in the country. He appealed the workers to come forward to cooperate with management for revival of BSNL by making coordination with other union also. Shri R.K. Mishra CGM assured the workers to address their grievances and urge upon them to work with devotion to bring the BSNL out of crisis. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Com. R.G. Dixit circle Secretary Rajasthan. Com. L.P. Vijay conducted the programme very nicely.
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20-06-2015 : Corporate office letter to Jharkhand circle for consolidation of SSA’s in to business areas – It is a part of ERP implementation in the circle. Letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg.(Vol.III), Dated:-18-06-2015.
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19-06-2015 : Meeting with GM(Est):- G.S. and Com. Rajamouli Treasurer met with GM(Est) and discussed regarding early publication of result of JTO LICE 2013 in respect of Ex-Serviceman in Bihar and other circles. (2) Delay in issuance of Presidential order to left out officials opted for absorption in BSNL specially referred the case of Shri D.A. Nale RM and Shri Bhujbal, L.K. RM of Augrangabad (MH) who are on the verge of retirement. The GM(Est) assured to settle the cases.
19-06-2015 : Several HR issues have been taken in the agenda of today’s BSNL Board meeting, NFTE regularly pursuing the issues of wage loss of Post 2007 recruits and amendment of JTO R.R, JAO R/R and some other issues of non-executives.
19-06-2015 : BSNL Board Meeting is taking place today (i.e 19-06-2015) at 3 PM, as it was differed yesterday.
18-06-2015 : Issue of pay erosion (one extra increment with arrears in respect of Post 2007 appointees) and Recruitment rule of JTO are on priority in today’s BSNL Board meeting for consideration.
18-06-2015 : Dream of one Nation one Number come true. Now BSNL has clarified the points related to PAN India roaming free on pre/post paid mobiles.
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18-06-2015 : PM Narendra Modi meets Ravi Shankar Prasad on BSNL revival:- NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi undertook a meeting with Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad to deliberate on the revival strategy of state-run BSNL a couple of days back. According to sources, the meeting, which took place on Monday, went on for about 45 minutes and a presentation was given to the Prime Minister about the initiatives being taken by BSNL for its revival strategy. Apart from Prasad, senior officials of DoT and BSNL were also present in the meeting. The PM wanted a complete presentation of the entire working of BSNL and the legacy issues faced by the company were outlined to him, a source said. Mr. Modi was also briefed about the steps being taken to improve the profitability of the company, the source added.
Prasad had earlier said that the government was committed to reviving BSNL and a number of initiatives are in the pipeline to bring the PSU back as a market leader.
17-06-2015 : BSNL started free WiFi Network at Tajmahal:- Hon’bel Minister for Communication & IT Shri Ravishankar Prasad started WiFi Network at Tajmahal on 16-06-2015, WiFi service will be free for the first 30 minutes, after which users can pay Rs. 20/- for 30 minutes, Rs. 30/- for an hour, Rs. 50/- for two hours and Rs.70/- for a day. Minister said, BSNL will create141 WiFi Hot spot in UP (East), connecting 17 cities and connect 37,455 village panchayats.
17-06-2015 : Com. A.M. Patil Circle Secretary, Gujrat BSNLEU expired on 16-06-2015 at Dalhousie (H.P.), while he was attending their National Executive Meeting CHQ condoles untimely death of Com. A.M. Patil and share the grief family.
17-06-2015 : Abnormal delay in settlement of Pension cases of BSNL retirees – BSNL CO Letter No.-40-7/2015-Pen(B), Dated:-15-06-2015 and DOT Letter No.-5-3/TA-11/SWR/2012-2013/Pt/2698, Dated-21-04-2015 alongwith circle wise details of pendency.
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15-06-2015 : G.S. and Com. Rajamouli met Sr. GM(SR) and discussed staff related issues including issue of pending presidential order of left out cases of Rajasthan circle and fixation of date for PLI and designation committee meeting.
15-06-2015 : Opportunity to Grab:- Some time past the BSNL Board has decided and issued orders extending free calls facility to the subscribers between 9 P.M. to 7 A.M. from its land line phones to any part of the country. It is well known fact that there has been enormous surrender of landline phones in the past due to various factors. The free call facility has now been extended to attract the subscribers for new connections as well as for restoration of surrendered phones. In the National Council’s meeting of 14th May the staff side expressed genuine apprehension on above issue in view of fact that the required materials for new connections and for restoration are not available in the field. The management asserted that materials are in the field. Therefore, we have to grab the opportunity if necessary materials are available we have to strive hard to ensure that customers desirous for restoration and new basic connections are not disappointed and disillusioned on the plea of “non-feasibility”. The Headquarter be promptly informed by the Circles in case connections are not extended on the excuse of materials. Remember BSNL provides us livelihood as such it is our abundant duty to contribute for its growth.
15-06-2015 : CMD BSNL announces Free Roaming for a year:- BSNL is launching free roaming for a year from today (i.e. 15-06-2015) BSNL mobile customers across the country receive incoming calls at no cost and BSNL mobile customers need not carry multiple SIMs and handsets during roaming. They are free to talk as long as they want without worrying about any charges during incoming calls.
13-06-2015 : Grand felicitation to Com. M.L. Sharma at Ludhiyana on 12-06-2015:-
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12-06-2015 : D.O. Letter from CMD BSNL to All CGMs/Head of SSAs to popularize free night calling for BSNL landline customers and free All India Roaming for BSNL mobile customers to increase customer base of both services. No.-CMD/BSNL/2015-L-5339, Dated:-11-06-2015.
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12-06-2015 : SHRADHANJALI:- We Salute Com. M.B. Vichare (Ex General Secretary) on his death day (i.e. 12-06-2008). We always remember him for his self less contribution to organization.
12-06-2015 : Corporate office letter to all circles for sending expenditure statement (welfare grant) for the period 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2015 to release 50% final welfare grant for the year 2014-15. Letter No.-13-3/2014-BSNL-(WL), Dated:-10-06-2015.
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12-06-2015 : Clarification to CGM Haryana from corporate office in respect of compassionate ground appointment. Letter No.-273-19/2015/CGA/E-IV, Dated:-10-06-2015.
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11-06-2015 : Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Government Servants, PSU/Autonomous body employees, et al. Letter No.-VI/401/01/05/2014, Dated:-26-05-2015.
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11-06-2015 : BSNL holds first position in the Broadband segment:- Total broadband connection in the country are 1.55 crore and BSNL shares 64.2% from it. The total connections of BSNL are 99 lacs. This is our proud and we request all our circle and District Secretaries to try our best to maintain the position as well as all efforts should be made to increase our market share in the broadband segment which is possible only when we will increase our landline telephones, taking the advantage of free calls from 9 PM to 7 AM on landline phones. In wireless segment total connections in the country are 97.3 crore BSNL connection are 7.8 crore. Thus the BSNL share comes 8% only. Including all segment total Telephone connections in the country are 100 crore in which BSNL connections are 9.4 crore thus BSNL share comes as 9.4% only.
10-06-2015 : Non-issue of Presidential order to Shri Nale D.A. RM and Shri Bhujbal L.K. RM of Aurangabad SSA, Maharashtra circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, Dated:-09-06-2015.
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10-06-2015 : 78.2% IDA merger for pensioner:- The Cabinet note has been approved and signed by the Hon’ble Minister for Communication and IT. Now it will be sent to the nodal ministries for comment. The issue is moving in positive direction and it is an outcome of our joint struggle under the banner of Forum.
10-06-2015 : Leaders of constituent Union/Association (core committee of forum) met to CMD at 4 PM on 09-06-2015. CMD reported that Rs.1250 crore deficits for providing services in rural area is expected to be paid to BSNL at earliest as Telecom Commission has taken this issue on priority basis. The other issues related to viability of BSNL are moving slow for which forum is trying to meet the Secretary DOT to pursue the issues raised by forum in two days strike. Com. C. Singh President (Forum), Com. P. Abhimanyu (convener) and Com. Prahlad Rai (member core committee) met with CMD.
09-06-2015 : Corporate Office Letter No.-407-1/2011-TPS(c) dated 01/06/2015 reg. circle wise status of adequate supply of stores and materials. It is an outcome of regular efforts made by NFTE as well as by forum of BSNL executive and non-executives union/association. All the circle and district secretaries are requested to go through the status report and obtain the report from circle/Districts. The net result should have to be reported to CHQ reg. availability of stores and field level:-
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08-06-2015 :Srinagar Valley Allowances: - CHQ wrote several letters and met concern officers of BSNL HQ and DoT level .Now the letter from DoT has been issued and it is expected that the BSNL Corporate Office will issue the order without further delay for payment of valley allowance.
08-06-2015 :Forum’s call to popularise free call concession on landline telephones and the increase the land line connections starts today:-
It was decided in the meeting held on 25th of May 2015 to observe one month campaign to popularise free call connections on landline from 9 Pm to 7Am and to boost up the landline connections starts today.
Accordingly all the circle secretaries and District secretaries are requested to coordinate with all other constituent union/Assns of forum and to focus on the issue jointly by observing gate meetings, Conventions, Melas etc. The local management may also be contacted as a joint campaign may give a better result in improving our services in landline area.
08-06-2015 :Felicitation of Com. M.L.Sharma at Ludhiana :-
The circle union of Punjab has decided to organize a felicitation of Com. M.L Sharma at Ludhiana on 12/06/2015. On this occasion all the circle office bearers, District Secretaries, active members of our union will attend this historic event. Besides our organization the leaders and well wishers of other organizations are also invited. G.S. is expected to join the occasion on behalf of CHQ.
06-06-2015 : Do Letter from CMD to all CGMs reg. for all India roaming to all BSNL mobile w.e.f 15th June 2015:-
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04-06-2015 : Do Letter No. 7 -3/2015-PHM, Dated the 2nd June, 2OI5 by the Director (CF)( to all CGM,s, BSNL regarding full utilization of free calls on landline telephones between 9PM to 7AM:-
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04-06-2015 :Union Cabinet of India has upgraded 29 cities and towns on the basis of 2011 census for payment of HRA and transport allowance:-
29 cities and towns have been upgraded from its previous status to one step upper status for payment of HRA and transport allowance. The cities and towns are Ahmedabad ,Pune, Nellore, Gurgaon, Bokaro, Gulbarga, Thrissur, Malapuram, Kannur, Kollam, Ujjain, Vasai-Virar city, Malegaon, Nanded-Waghala, Sangli, Rourkela, Ajmer, Erode, Noida, Firozabad, Jhansi, Siliguri and Durgapur. Apart from this, Patna, Kochi, Indore, Coimbatore and Gazhiabad are advanced to "Specified Higher Class. These upgradations are effective from 1st April,2014.
03-06-2015 :G.S. met to the Sr G.M. (S.R.) and requested to fix the date of designation committee and PLI committee meetings. Sr G.M.(sr) assured to fix the date at earliest possible after consulting other staff side members.
03-06-2015 : Government approves proposal for Reclassification/Upgrading of certain Cities /Towns on the basis of Census-2011 :-
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03-06-2015 :BSNL has increased its revenue by 2.1% in 2014-15, says the Telecom Minister. Shri Ravi Shanker Prasad, Minister for communications and the IT has stated that the BSNL is on the recovery path. The Minister said that BSNL’s revenue went up by 2.1% in 2014-15.he further stated that under the phase 7 expansion, 15,000 new base tower stations were commissioned in one year, which have reduced call – drops and have eased the congestion.
03-06-2015 :BSNL is going to introduced free incoming calls on roaming, from 15th of June.Telecom Minister , Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, has announced that BSNL having a mobile subscriber base of 7.72 Cr at the end of the march 2015.roaming may result in a slight fall in the revenue. However, This fall in the revenue can well be offset, Since the free incoming offer will bring in new customers to BSNL, said the CMD.
02-06-2015 : Declaration of result of Limited internal competitive examination (LICE) for promotion from LDC to UDC at BSNL Corporate office level:-
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02-06-2015 : Declaration of result of Limited internal competitive examination (LICE) for promotion from UDC to Assistant Manager at BSNL Corporate office:-
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02-06-2015 :G.S. and Com K.K. Singh participated in a meeting of office bearers and active members of NFTE (BSNL) in the union office recently allotted to our union at corporate office and discussed organizational matters.
02-06-2015 :G.S. along with Com K.K. Singh secretary CHQ and Com M.P. Singh circle President of Corporate office branch met the G.M.(Admin) and discussed common issues related to staff including reopening of BSNL canteen in corporate office which is closed since last three years.
01-06-2015 : New income tax forms brought by Finance Ministry, Last date of submission of forms 31st August 2015-
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30-05-2015 :CHQ wishes early recovery of Com Nand lal Shrma circle secretary Himachal Pradesh who suddenly hospitalized on 19/05/2015 after serious illness. We hope that he will resume his duty and union work at earliest.
30-05-2015 : Circle executive committee meeting of Himachal Pradesh:-
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30-05-2015 : Reply from corporate office with regard to grace marks for failed SC/ST candidates in JTO departmental examination 35% quota Lr.No:-5-1-Estt-!V/2014 dated 25/05/2015.
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30-05-2015 : In response of NFTE Lr.No. TF -14/2(b), Dated 22/05/2015, Regarding incorrect calculation of vacancies for JTO LICE 2013.The management has issued instructions to CGMT Tamilnadu for recalculation of vacancies vide number 5-11/2009/Estt-!V dated 29/05/2015.
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29-05-2015 :The Mother of Com. Ramesh Ayre Circle secretary Maharashtra expired today at 7 AM. The Headquarters mourns her death and share the grief of family.
29-05-2015 : BSNL,MTS in talks to offer 4G services-However, the deal would be subject to approvals by DoT and is likely only across select circle.(source:-Business Standerd).
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28-05-2015 : Need to strengthen Negotiating Machinery. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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28-05-2015 : Decisions of Forum Meeting held on 25-05-2015. All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to make the month long programme a success. (i.e. 8th June to 7th July, 2015).
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28-05-2015 : Year wise expenditure made by DOT for payment of pension and License fee received from BSNL. Letter No.-16-16/2014-B/596, Dated:-08-04-2015.
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28-05-2015 : Narendra Modi government keen to revive BSNL and MTNL. (Source Economic Times).
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28-05-2015 : DOTs Approval for Issue of Presidential order to Casual Labourers who have been conferred Temporary Status on or before 30-09-2000 and who were regularized in BSNL on or after 01-10-2000. Letter No.-27-2/2006-SNG (Pt.III), Dated:-20-05-2015.
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28-05-2015 : Opening of Mansoon Control Room at SSA/Circle head quarters. Letter No.-5-1-2014 PHM, Dated:-25-05-2015.
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26-05-2015 : Facilitation to Shri R.K. Mishra Ji CGM:- NFTE Karnataka circle organized a farewell function to Shri R.K.Mishra ji CGM on his transfer to other circle on 22/05/2015.The function was chaired by com.Krishna Mohanan.circle President.Com.Sheshadri CHQ Secretary, COM. Khrisna Reddy acting circle secretary, all circle/Distt. office bearers and leaders participated in the function and they said that Shri R.K.Mishra Ji is a work oriented officer and he developed the circle with care. He visited all SSA’s in the circle to know the problems of employees as well as customers. The function ended with vote of thanks by com. Hiryana ACS.
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26-05-2015 : ALL INDIA GENERAL STRIKE ON 2nd SEPTEMBER 2015-Declairation by National convention of workers held on 26/05/2015 in MALVANKER HALL, New Delhi.
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26-05-2015 :Forum of BSNL unions/association met in BSNL MS office on 25/05/2015 and facilitated com.V.A.N. Namboodiri former convener of Forum for his contribution in joint struggles. Later Forum decided to contribute in increasing landline connections throughout the country to “SAVE BSNL SAVE NATION”.
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26-05-2015 :Meeting with CMD BSNL on 22/05/2015:- Chairman and convener of joint action committee of Non-Executive Unions/Associations met CMD and requested to arrange a separate meeting with JAC to discuss pending issues.CMD BSNL positively reacted to the request of leaders.
22-05-2015 : GPF Transfer:- The DOT after almost 15 years of formation of BSNL has woken up and asking the PSU to transfer all GPF matters including sanction of loan to “DOT CELLS”.GM(EF) sought the view from union. It has been made clear to her by President that this will invite sufferings to employees and not acceptable,However, BSNL is facing financial crunch also causing delay in sanction of loans. Circle unions should give their views to CHQ in the matter. The “DOT “is determined for transfer.
22-05-2015 : Inordinate delays in settlement of medical bills of hospitals.L.No.-BSNL/Admn.!/15-2/13,Dated-21/05/2015.
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22-05-2015 : Corporate office accounting instruction for provision of labiality on account of payment of EPF to casual laborers for the period between 01/10/2000 to 10/01/2011.L.No.500-31/2014-15/CA-1/BSNL/A1/302,Dated-20/05/02015.
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22-05-2015 : DOPNT clarification with regard to voluntary retirement in respect of Disabled Government Servants.F.No.-25012/1/2015-Estt(A-!V),Dated – 19/05/2015.
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21-05-2015 : Increase in Service Tax Rate from 12% to 14% with Effect from 1st of June,2015 (source from Press information Bureau, dated 20/05/2015).
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20-05-2015 : Officials possessing two years ITI certificate in any discipline are eligible to appear in LICE for TTA and Sports assistants having 9020-17430 Pay Scale with 5 years service are also eligible to appear in LICE for TTA to be held on 07/06/2015.No.-250-7/2013-pers-!!!, Dated 25/05/2015.
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20-05-2015 : Shri Anupam Srivastava,CMD will hold additional charge of Director(Finance) for three months beyond 01/03/2015, or until further orders whichever is the earliest.No.414-21/2013-Pers.1,Dated 19/05/2015.
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20-05-2015 : DOPT clarification regarding the eligibly of government employees in respect of Home Town LTC.No.-31011/4/2007-Estt.(A-!V),Dated -18/05/2015.
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20-05-2015 : Clarification issued to A.P. Telecom Circle with regard to educational qualifications for TTA (LICE) under 50 % quota for the RY-2014.L.No. 250-3/2015-Estt-!!! (Part-2), Dated-18/05/2015.
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19-05-2015 : Implementation of BSNL transfer policy in circles.L.NO.-6-1/2007-Restg(Pt) Dated - MAY 2015.
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19-05-2015 : Corporate office letter on Payment of EPF to casual laboures in BSNL for the period between 01/10/2000 to 10/01/2011.F.No.-11/05/2010-LE,Dated -18/05/2011.
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19-05-2015 : The SSAS have been asked to report why meetings of works committee have not been held.The issue was raised in the National Council. Lr. No. BSNL/39/11/SR/2007 Dated 18/05/2015 to all CGMs.
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19-05-2015 : Guide lines from urban development ministry for Swach Bharat Mission to keep cleanliness in Govt. office.Lr. No. BSNL/Admn-1/23-1/2014 Dated 14-05-2015.
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19-05-2015 : President along with Snatta comrades met GM(Rectt)/Personal and discussed for review of departmental examination result ,held in year 2013 in respect of S/C,S/C candidates with reference to the staff side demand in the National council meeting of 14th may.
19-05-2015 : President met GM(Rectt),Trg and personal discussed regarding review of results of S/C,S/T candidates in departmental examination from year 2013. the issue was raised in National Council on 14th May.
19-05-2015 : BSNL HQR is contemplating to convert all training centers in to Degree College in a phased way.
16-05-2015 : Review of result of S/C S/T candidates by extending relaxation - regarding. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), Dated:-16-05-2015.
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16-05-2015 : Free unlimited calling from BSNL landline to any landline or mobile between 9PM to 7AM –reg. Letter No.-TF-19/3, Dated:-15-05-2015.
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16-05-2015 : Rs. 200/- value Sims to employees working in MTNL areas:- Matter is now with the Management Committee.
16-05-2015 : Revised JTO/JAOs RRs are being resubmitted to BSNL Board.
16-05-2015 : Arrears payment of stipend to the non-executive employees:- The proposal for payment of arrears wef 01-01-2007 is now in the Management Committee for consideration.
15-05-2015 : National Council Meeting:-
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15-05-2015 : Com. Bhagavanthu, Ex. Circle Secretary of T4 union (NFPTE) expired today morning in Hyderabad. CHQ condoles the death of senior leader and share the grief of family.
15-05-2015 : Functioning of works committee meetings at SSA level – Instructions from corporate office. F. No.-BSNL/39-11/SR/2007, Dated:-13-05-2015.
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15-05-2015 : Guidelines for deduction of service tax on PLI premium in the ERP system. Letter No.-CIT/8-2/2015/ERP, Dated:-14-05-2015.
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14-05-2015 : Extension of additional facility of unlimited free calls between 9PM to 7AM on landline & mobile of any network within India under all the “retail” Broadband combo plans including circle specific BB Combo plans & those BB combo plans which were earlier withdrawn for new customers but still some customers are working in these plans. Letter No.-1-1/2015-R&C (CFA), Dated:-13-05-2015.
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14-05-2015 : All circles are requested to furnish the information to corporate office in respect of casual labourers who had been conferred temporary status on or before 30-09-2000 and who have been appointed subsequently as Telecom Mechanic in BSNL. F. No.-11-1/2015-LE(Part), Dated-13-05-2015.
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13-05-2015 : NC council staff side meeting:- The National Council staff side meeting has taken place today at Dada Ghosh Bhavan to adopt unified approach on items of agenda.
13-05-2015 : Decisions of JAC (non-executive unions/associations) meeting held on 12-05-2015:- (1) New PLI formula be evolved by ensuring payment of a minimum PLI. (2) Sr. TOs placed in NE-10 and above should be designated as superintendents, TTAs as JES be designated. (3) The process for wage revision wef 01-01-2017 should immediately start. (4) Deolittee recommendation should be discussed.
12-05-2015 : Introduction of ERP - difficulities reg. Letter No.-TF-9/1, Dated:-12-05-2015.
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12-05-2015 : Sanction of grants for circle sports and Cultural Board. Letter No.-29-8/2014-BSNL (sports)/, dt-11-05-2015.
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12-05-2015 : Hindi version of TF-11/3, dt-28-04-2015, addressed to Honble Minister of communications and IT, relating to dilution of pension orders and non-settlement of pension revision sequel to extension of 78.2% IDA fixation benefits to serving employees.
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11-05-2015 : Punjab Circle Confernce:-
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11-05-2015 : Allotment of Staff Qtrs to the Officers of DOT Units viz VTM/TERM/CCA-Cells etc. F. No.-BSNL/6-2/SR/2015, Dated:-07-05-2015.
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11-05-2015 : Constitution of Local Councils at Circle Hqrs. and SSA levels – guidelines regarding. F. No.-BSNL/1-1/SR/2015, Dated:-08-05-2015.
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11-05-2015 : Labour laws reforms:- The Govt feels that the present labour laws are impediments for the economic growth and with this mind set labour laws changes are proposed for easier retrenchment of employees and stiff rules for forming unions.
08-05-2015 : CMD BSNL desires to provide uninterrupted telecom services to customers in monsoon season. Letter No.-CMD/BSNL/2015-L 3398, Dated:- 07-05-2015 to all CGMs BSNL.
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08-05-2015 : "Operation Samundra(BSNL) Manthan". Letter No.-1/OSD to CMD/Misc/2015/7, Dated:-07-05-2015.
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08-05-2015 : LICE for TTA under 50% quota for recruitment year 2014 to be held on 07-06-2015 – Clarification of representation reg. Letter No.-37-1/2015-Rectt-IV, Dated:-07-05-2015.
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08-05-2015 : Immunity from transfer to the recognized representative Unions of non-executive employees in BSNL – regarding. F. No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012 (Vol.II), Dated:-07-05-2015.
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07-05-2015 : Minutes of the 21st meeting of Standing Committee of National Council held on 10th February, 2015 and 12th March, 2015 in 8th floor Committee Room, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan. Letter No.-BSNL/39-5/SR/2014, Dated:-20-04-2015.
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07-05-2015 : Status report on 30 points demand of JAC submitted by BSNL management to RLC in course of conciliation meeting held on 06th May, 2015.
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06-05-2015 : Punjab Circle Conference:- Circle conference of Punjab circle is scheduled to be held on 9th & 10th May, 2015 at Firojpur. General Secretary will attend and address the inaugural session and delegate session.
06-05-2015 : National level JAC meeting:- JAC of non-executive Unions/Associations will meet at 4 pm on 12-05-2015 at BSNLMS office to discuss and decide the further course of action.
06-05-2015 : Conducting Circle High Power Committee (CHPC) meeting for consideration of Compassionate ground appointment (CGA) cases as per changed procedure. Letter No.-273-18/2013/CGA/E-IV, Dated:-05-05-2015.
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02-05-2015 : Forum Meeting with Secretary DOT:-
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02-05-2015 : BSNL announces reduction in Roaming Tariff by 75%. Letter No.-13-2/2014-S&M-CM/, Dated:-01-05-2015.
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02-05-2015 : Photos of May Day Celebration by NFTE Branches at various places:-
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01-05-2015 : Jaipur Meet. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi)
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01-05-2015 : A mass meeting took place today in Kaiserbagh Telephone Exchange(Lucknow) today under chairmanship of Com. A.S. Kushwaha to celebrate May Day and to pay homage to those who scarified their lives for 8hrs duty. Com. Islam paying rich tributes to martyrs called upon workers be ready for sustained struggle to protect BSNL. He gave details of PLI, Pension, Stalemate. Govt, DOT, is avoiding to refund dues of BSNL. Comrades Sanjay Dube, Circle Secy, R. Verma, circle President, V. Verma Distt. Secy etc also addressed the mass gathering.
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01-05-2015 : Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Minister for communications & IT said Government is committed to revive BSNL (press information Bureau).
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01-05-2015 : 100.5% IDA w.e.f. 01-04-2015, but not from 01-01-2015 – Corrigendum. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-01-05-2015.
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30-04-2015 : MAY DAY GREETINGS - 2015.
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30-04-2015 : Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations meeting with DOT Secretary on 01-05-2015 at 1700 hrs in Sanchar Bhawan, Committee Room on two days strike demands. Letter No.-BSNL/7-9/SR/2014, Dated:-29-04-2015.
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30-04-2015 : BSNL sports (Tournaments/meets) calendar for the year 2015-16. Letter No.-28-1/2015-BSNL (Sports), dt-28-04-2015.
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29-04-2015 : Non-adherence of uniform procedure departmental for declaration of result and deputation for training in respect of Ex-Servicemen in the departmental JTO examination held on 2nd June, 2013. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), Dated:-29-04-2015.
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29-04-2015 : Remember sacrifices on May Day and salute the martyrs with full glory:- The labour organizations in the Capitalist Country of USA demanded 8 hours duty for the workers and organised strike in Chicago. The workers organised meeting on 4th May, 1886 at Hey Market Chowk against police atrocities during strike. Someone threw bomb at the crowd causing death of a police man. Fake case was registered against the leaders and Albert Parsons, August Sples, Adolph Fischer and George Engel sentenced to death and others imprisoned for life. One leader Louis Lingg Committed suicide but other leaders viz, Samuel Fielden, Michael Sahwab and Aaskar Nibe imprisoned for life. Hold meeting to awaken the workers as the present Govt’s intention is to finish BSNL and take away the Job of employees and darken their future. Keep ready for sustained struggle.
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29-04-2015 : BSNL’s bold decision to stop the churning of landline customers by introducing free calling scheme from BSNL landline network to any of the networks across the nation free of cost between 9PM to 7AM. CMD’s Letter No.-CMD/BSNL/2015-L3132, dt-28-04-2015.
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29-04-2015 : BSNL HQR Vide Letter No.-BSNL/7-9/SR/2014, dt-27-04-2015 has issued orders apparently to Curb the demonstrations and Dharnas within office premises. We strongly feel this is outcome of 2 days heroic strike. But the management should not become vindictive and instead of should appreciate for the cause struggle took place. Reiteration of such provocative orders will impair the harmony and industrial peace in the PSU.
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29-04-2015 : Letter to Shri Anupam Srivastav, CMD, BSNL enclosing letter TF-11/3, dt-28-04-2015, addressed to Honble MOC, for consideration of the points and taking up the matter with the DOT.
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29-04-2015 : Payment of Pension to DOT absorbed employees in BSNL. Letter from NFTE to Shri Rakesh Garg, Secretary DOT, forwarding Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-28-04-2015, addressed to Honble MOC, for appropriate remedial action in the matter.
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28-04-2015 : May Day:- Celebrate May Day with enthusiasm and pay homage to those who scarified their lives for 8 hours duty to the workers.
28-04-2015 : The National Executive Meeting at Jaipur has deliberated at length about pension payment to absorbed employees in BSNL. The DOT and MOF has revised orders at occasions causing apprehensions amongst staff. The retirees have not be extended the benefit of 78.2% IDA fixation benefit although rule 37A is statutory. CHQ Vide TF-11/3, dt-28-03-2015 has requested the Honble MOC to intervene into the matter to dispel the doubts amongst employees about payment of pension. The circle Secretaries and Central office bearers may go through the detailed letter and send their views and comments for further action.
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28-04-2015 : Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees-reg. Letter No.-TF-32/4, Dated:-25-04-2015.
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28-04-2015 : DPE clarification with regard to Travel by premium Trains on official duty/Training/Transfer. Letter No.-19046/2/2008-E.IV, Dated:-23-04-2015.
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28-04-2015 : DPE clarification for entitlement of conversion of Hometown LTC facility in respect of un-married Govt Servants. Letter No.-F.No.-31011/1/2013-Estt (A.IV), Dated:-21-04-2015.
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27-04-2015 : Notice for 32nd National Council Meeting on 14-05-2015.
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27-04-2015 :The tremors have brought havocs at Nepal. People have lost their lives and properties and undergoing untold suffering. Our country is also victim of tremors. We share the grief of panic stricken people. The NFTE stands with Nation to wipe out tears from the eyes of the effected people Specially of Nepal.
25-04-2015 : Strike photos of Wardha (M.H.) (21-04-2015 & 22-04-2015.
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25-04-2015 :Heavy loss of lives and properties in Northern and Northern Eastern Districts of Bihar due to cyclonic storm. NFTE shares the grief and sufferings of the people and stand with them.
25-04-2015 :No Sale of BSNL and Air India Stake:- Both the PSUs are in heavy loss. However, Govt of India has no proposal at present to sale the shares of two PSUs. This has been stated yesterday by Minister of state for finance, Shri Jayant Sinha, in the Lok Sabha.
25-04-2015 :Revival demands of BSNL:- Reportedly, the Honble Minister of Communication yesterday held meeting with the MPs on revival of BSNL in the light of demands raised by Forum of unions. The Minister, it is learnt, has agreed to consider the demands pioneered by the Forum.
25-04-2015 : National Council meeting scheduled for 28th April is postponed and the new date will be intimated. Letter No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2014, Dated:-24-04-2015.
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24-04-2015 : Strike photos of Nagpur(MH) (21-04-2015 & 22-04-2015).
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24-04-2015 :Management not keen for smooth and effective functioning the Negotiating Machinery.
Time and again demands have been raised for regular and effective functioning of councils at all levels. But these are in vain even at National level leave aside circle and local councils. The National Council meeting was due in December, 2014. The management avoided to hold it. After much persuations it was fixed for 28th April. All of sudden we are informed meeting is differed as chairman of council will not be available at Delhi. Obviously the unions are being taken for ride. But this will not go on for long. The management is inviting labour unrest.
24-04-2015 :Meeting with the Secretary, DOT scheduled for 27-04-2015 has been rescheduled for 1st May, 2015.
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24-04-2015 :National Council Meeting scheduled for 28th April stands cancelled.
24-04-2015 : Special concessions to central Govt employees working in Kashmir Valley or PSUs under the Central Govt from extended for 2 years from 2014. The package of incentives have been revised also from 1stJan, 2015.
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23-04-2015 :Person who attacked Com. C.K. Mathivanan, Circle Secy, Chennai TD has been placed under suspension.
23-04-2015 : Meeting between unions and DOT on 27-04-2015. Letter No.-BSNL/7-9/SR/2014, Dated:-22-04-2015.
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23-04-2015 : Strike view of different Distt/SSA in Rajasthan of 21-04-2015 & 22-04-2015.
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23-04-2015 : Strike Photos (22-04-2015) of (A.P.), A&N, Odisha, UP(East), Bhopal, Nagaur and Moradabad(UP West).
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23-04-2015 : Wide spread and unprecedented strike:-
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23-04-2015 :Meeting between Forum unions and DOT is rescheduled for 27th April at 1700 hours on strike demands.
23-04-2015 :Nation Council Staff Side meeting will take place on 27th April at 1030 hours in Dada Ghosh Bhavan.
23-04-2015 : Severely condemn the brutal and murderous attack on Com. C.K. Mathivanan, Circle Secy, NFTE Chennai TD and Chairman of Forum on dt 22nd April. Demand immediate action against the culprit.
22-04-2015 : Two days strike had been wide spread and unprecedented NFTE HQR conveys greetings to all Comrades who made untiring efforts for success of the strike. Expect Govt will see writings on the walls.
22-04-2015 : Strike photos (22-04-2015) of Shimla(H.P.), Panipat(Haryana), Purulia(W.B.), Chattisgarh, Jind(Haryana), Narsinghpur(M.P.), Kareli Branch(M.P.) & Gottagoin Branch(M.P.) & Yeotmal(MH).
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22-04-2015 : A massive two kilometer rally at Kolkata by Forum of BSNL unions/associations from Kolkata Tram. CO. office to Metro Channel in Esplanade area to SAVE BSNL – SAVE NATION on 21-04-2015.
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22-04-2015 : Corporate office instructions for indication of Adhar Number in the Salary Package software and pension papers of retiring Government employees. Letter No.-48-5/2015-Pen.(B), Dated:-20-04-2015.
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22-04-2015 : Circles are empowered to waive of the out-door ceiling in deserving cases. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/1, Dated:-17-04-2015.
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22-04-2015 : Double financial burden on BSNL and weaken the financial position of BSNL because of works undertaken/carried out by BSNL on behalf of DOT. Letter No.-500-57/BSNL/2014-15/CA-I/Vol-VI, Dated:-16-04-2015.
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22-04-2015 : Strike photos (22-04-2015) of Bhilwara(Rajasthan), Ambala(Haryana), Patna (Bihar), and Dewas (M.P.).
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22-04-2015 : Photos of Karnataka Circle Forum strike on 21st April, 2015.
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22-04-2015 : Strike photos (21-04-2015) of Patiala(Punjab), Mangalore(Karnataka), Indore(M.P.), Raipur(Chhattisgarh) and West Bengal(Kolkata).
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21-04-2015 : CHQ receiving the strike reports are very encouraging from all corners of the nation. It reveals that employees are committed for SAVE BSNL – SAVE NATION. CHQ conveys revolutionary greetings and red salute to one and all. And request you all to make the strike success on 2nd day (i.e. 22-04-2015).
21-04-2015 : Strike photos of Maharashtra circle.
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21-04-2015 : Strike photos (21-04-2015) of Corporate office, Jamshedpur(Jharkhand), Yeotmal (MH), Haryana, Narsinghpur(M.P.), Gujrat, Motihari (Bihar) and Ranchi (Jharkhand).
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21-04-2015 : Hearty Congratulations and greetings for the excellent and glorious strike. The workers have responded tremendously in the entire country.
21-04-2015 : Strike Photographs Views of Circles.
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20-04-2015 : 48 Hours (2 Days) strike will begin from '0' Hours of 21.04.2015 to 2400 Hrs of 22.04.2015. Observe stay out strike. All are requested to participate in the strike and make it grand success. And send reports to CHQ along with photos.
18-04-2015 : Information at a glance conveyed by CMD, BSNL in meeting on 17th April:-
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18-04-2015 : The Forum will meet at 11.00 AM on 20-04-2015 for last minute consultations. In the meantime the Circle/SSA/Branch Secretaries are requested to fully mobilize the workers for the two days strike on 21-22 April, 2015. New developments, if any, will be intimated.
18-04-2015 : CMD, BSNL held meeting with unions and associations on 17th April, 2015 in a positive atmosphere. The management has provided brief on items and apparently some headway is visible. Secretary, DOT may meet the unions. General Secretary attended the meeting BSNL Reply/Comments.
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18-04-2015 : The CGM (STR) and CGM(STP) merged under single CGM (STR and STP) BSNL 4-2/2014-Restg, dt-17-04-2015.
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18-04-2015 : Clarification for reimbursement of dietary supplements under BSNLMRS. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-6/14, Dated:-17-04-2015.
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17-04-2015 : Circle conference of Uttarakhand:- Circle conference of Uttarakhand held on 15th and 16th April, 2015. On this occasion an open session was organised at 15.00 hrs on 15-04-2015 under the Presidentship of Com. S.S. Rautela. It was inaugurated by Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE. Shri S.S. Shukla CGM Uttarakhand along with all General Managers of circle headquarter were attended and addressed the session. Shri Arun Kumar Mittal GM, Dehradun was also addressed the meeting. G.S. in his inaugural speech explained the critical situation faced by the BSNL and appealed to the workers and told them to fight unitedly to Save the BSNL. He explained the issues raised by the forum of BSNL Unions/Associations for which strike is proposed on 21st and 22nd April, 2015. A large number of BSNL workers including women workers were participated in the open session. The session was ended with a vote of Thanks by Com. A.B. Uniyal C.S. Uttarakhand. Latter in the delegate session Com. Jagbir Singh Rana, Com. Anand Bihari Uniyal and Com. Rakesh Kumar Bijwani were elected unanimously as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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17-04-2015 : There are some important staff problems which are either pending in BSNL Board or in Committees. The NE meeting has expressed resentment over delay in settlement of these problems. Letter No.-TF-21/6, Dated:-16-04-2015 addressed to CMD, BSNL for intervention.
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16-04-2015 : 21st and 22nd April, 2015 Strike Poster by Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations (English & Hindi).
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16-04-2015 : Meeting between CMD and Forum leaders on two days strike demands on 17-04-2015 at 1600 hrs.
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16-04-2015 : Message from CMD for growth of Data revenues in BSNL. Letter No.-CMD/BSNL/2015-L 2716, Dated:-15-04-2015.
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16-04-2015 : Option for retired DOT/BSNL employee for availing of CGHS facilities. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.1/14-15/09(pt.), Dated:-02-04-2014.
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15-04-2015 : Message from CMD BSNL to all CGM’s regarding “Importance of customer care”. Letter No.-CMD/BSNL/2015-L-2670, Dated:-10-04-2015.
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15-04-2015 : Forum Convention at Rewari (Haryana):- A massive convention was organised at Rewari on 14-04-2015 under Presidentship Com. H.K. Goyal, Circle Secretary NFTE. Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE, Com. Sabastin G.S. SNEA(I), Com. Suresh Kumar, GS BSNLMS and Com. Balbir Singh President BSNLEU were attended and addressed huge gathering. All the National leaders explained and exhorted the demands listed in strike notice. All the Circle Secretaries of Haryana assured to make the Strike cent per cent success on 21st & 22nd April, 2015. The convention ended with Vote of Thanks by Com. H.K. Goyal, CS NFTE, Haryana.
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15-04-2015 : 100.5% IDA order. Letter No.-14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL), Dated:-13-04-2015.
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13-04-2015 : 14-04-2015 is 124th berth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, CHQ pays respectful tribute on this day.
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13-04-2015 : Unlimited free calls on Landline & Mobile (BSNL) on any network within India between 9.00 PM to 7.00 AM. Letter No.-3-4/2015-R&C (CFA), Dated:-10-04-2015.
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13-04-2015 : Seminar at Meerut:- A seminar organised by District Union Meerut on the occasion of their conference held today. Com. Prem Sagar Tiwari placed the subject Direction and Condition of BSNL in seminar and explained in detail the importance to save BSNL and its employees. Com. C. Singh, G.S, Com. Sompal Saini, C.S. UP(W) attended and addressed the seminar. They appealed the members to participate in two days strike on 21st, 22nd April to Save BSNL & employees. Com. Jabbar Khan, All India Vice President, Shri Arun Kumar, Sr. GM, Shri Bhupendra Kaushik DGM & Shri C.K. Jain DGM attended and addressed the seminar.
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13-04-2015 : National Executive Meeting at Jaipur:-
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13-04-2015 : Review of provisional pension & gratuity cases for timely action. Letter No.-40-14/2013.Pen(B), Dated:-09-04-2015.
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13-04-2015 : Nomination of co-ordinating officer to monitor Timely settlement of pensionary benefits. Letter No.-40-06/2015-Pen. (B), Dated:-09-04-2015.
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11-04-2015 : Maharashtra circle convention at Mumbai:- The Forum of Maharashtra circle conducted a mammoth convention on 01-04-2015 at Mumbai. More than 1,300 Non-Executives and Executives participated in it. Com. Ramesh Ayare, CS, NFTE, and the President, of Forum, presided over the convention. Com.N.K.Nalawade, CS, BSNLEU, and Convener of Forum, welcomed everyone. Com.M.Adasul, CS, SNEA, conducted the proceedings. The convention was addressed by Com.K.S.Seshadri, Secretary HQ NFTE, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA and com.C.M.Saste, Organising Secretary, AIBSNLEA(West Zone). The leaders spoke about how BSNL’S procurement of equipments was stalled for nearly 6-7 years, due to the conspiracy hatched by the private telecom companies and the politicians in power, which drastically affected the company's network expansion and resulted in the deterioration of services. They explained the other important demands including BSNL and MTNL merger and urged the employees to make the strike 100% success. They congratulated the Circle Forum, for making a massive mobilisation and making excellent arrangements for the success of the convention. Com. R.N. Ayare in his presidential address, assured CHQ leaders, successful strike in Maharashtra Circle on behalf of Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations. Com. A.G.Joshi, CS, AIBSNLEA, proposed the vote of thanks.
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11-04-2015 : Organise Two Days Strike on 21-22 April, 2015 – Joint Circular from Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations.
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08-04-2015 : Meeting of the Forum held on 07th April, 2015.
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08-04-2015 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 – Payment of IDA at revised rates – regarding. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE (WC)-GL-IV/15, Dated:-06-04-2015.
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08-04-2015 : CHQ leaders have proceeded to Jaipur to attend National Executive Meeting and will return to Delhi on 11th April.
07-04-2015 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:- President accompanied with Comrades K.K. Singh (Secy), Circle Secretaries of J & K and Jharkhand met the CMD, BSNL and raised the following issues. (i) Growth and improvement of BB and Mobile Services in J & K. (ii) PSU be brought in profit in 2016 to ensure wage revision for employees. (iii) CMD assured a Director will attend the meeting at Jaipur either on 9th or 10th. He is proceeding to uttarakhand alongwith Secretary, DOT.
07-04-2015 : Meeting with Shri Mittal, Sr. GM (CFA):- President accompanied with Comrades K.K. Singh (Secy), Circle Secretaries (J & K, Jharkhand) met him and held discussions on the following issues:- (i) Immediate payment of Rs. 7000/- to flood Victims as per orders of BSNL HQR. (ii) Distribution of winter and summer uniforms:- He immediately contacted the circle authorities for appropriate action. (iii) Improvement of quality and growth of Broad Band services at Srinagar (Kashmir).
07-04-2015 : Meeting with Director (HR):- President, GS and Com. Mahabir Singh (Circle Secy) met Director (HR) on 6th April regarding alternate union accommodation. He immediately contacted ED(Enterprise) and Sr.GM(SR) and directed for positive approach in the matter. Satisfactory orders are expected.
07-04-2015 : Meeting with GM(Admn):- President accompanied with Comrades K.K. Singh (Secy), Mahabir Singh (Circle Secy) and Ashique Ahmad (Circle Secy, J &K) met the GM(Adm) and raised the following issues. (I) Inordinate delay in settlement of Indoor Medical Claim of staff:- Instruction will be issued to all CGMs for settlement. (II) Sim of Rs. 200/- Talk Value to employees serving in MTNL areas and offnet calls:- Matter will be settled by end of this month.
07-04-2015 : Govt of India instructions for enrolment of Aadhaar number and its seeding in pension records of all pensioners and family pensioners. Letter No.-1/19/2014-P&PW (E), Dated:-31-03-2015.
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07-04-2015 : To Revive or To Derail. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi)
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07-04-2015 : Denial of financial assistance from welfare fund to the flood affected employees of J and K circle - reg. Letter No.-TF-16/1(c), Dated:-07-04-2015.
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07-04-2015 : Allotment of funds for summer and winter uniform-case of J & K circle. Letter No.-TF-20/3, Dated:-07-04-2015.
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07-04-2015 : Special Casual Leave to staff on account of crippling of Transport facilities due to law and order situation in MP. TF-014/MP, dt-01-04-2015.
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07-04-2015 : Non settlement of Indoor Medical Claims of staff of M.P. and Rajasthan circles. Letter No.-TF-32/6, dt-01-04-2015.
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04-04-2015 : Engagement details of casual labourers. F. No.-11-3/2014-LE, Dated:-31-03-2015.
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04-04-2015 : Circle Level Convention in A.P. Circle at Hyderabad on 01-04-2015.
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04-04-2015 : Seminar at Chapra (Bihar):- A seminar on “SAVE BSNL - SAVE NATION" was orgnised by NFTE (BSNL) chapra SSA. The District Secretaries of BSNLEU, SNEA, BSNLEA, FNTO along with their members participated in seminar the Shri Alok Kumar G.M, AGM and other executive officers were attended, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary NFTE and other circle level leaders of NFTE attended and addressed the assembled workers Com. C. Singh in his speech asked the workers to work with full dedication and unite in one piece to protect the BSNL as company is passing through a critical situation due to of its owner ie is Govt of India. He added that required materials are not supplied in time to provide better services to the customers and the issues raised by the unions/associations regarding irregularities and corruption are not taken up seriously by the management. The total work force in BSNL are on agitation since last four months but not a single step in respect of survival of BSNL is taken by the Govt. Now there is no alternative left before the workers of BSNL except to adopt the path of strike which is already notified by the National forum. He appealed to the workers to observe complete strike on 21st and 22nd April 2015. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. P. Mishra President NFTE Chapra (Bihar).
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01-04-2015 : Meeting with the CMD, BSNL:- President met the CMD today and impressed upon him to grace the open session of National Executive meeting on 9th/10th April at Jaipur. He has firmly told that it will be his best efforts to participate. He also said that the Director (HR) has been asked to provide suitable alternate accommodation to NFTE in lieu of present one.
01-04-2015 : Photographs of Bhopal District Conference held on 30-03-2015.
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01-04-2015 : Organise two days Strike on 21st and 22nd April in protest against the unhelpful attitude of Govt towards BSNL. Contact every employee for cenpercent strike.
01-04-2015 : National Council Meeting on 28th April. The staff side members of NFTE BSNL are requested to reach Delhi on 26th April.
01-04-2015 : Financial assistance to flood victims at J and K circle:- President met ED finance and requested for release of more fund. She asserted there is no problem of fund. She contacted IFA to know actual requirement of fund.
01-04-2015 : BSNL vide letter No.-BSNL/6-1/SR/2015, dt-31-03-2015 has approved 2% quota for ladies pool for allotment of staff quarters. BSNL/6-1/SR/2015, dt-31-03-2015.
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01-04-2015 : Meeting with Sr. GM(SR):- President met the Sr. GM(SR) and apprised him about vindictive and hostile attitude of TDM, Sawai Madhopur towards NFTE and its membership. He immediately contacted the CGM Rajasthan and advised him to restrain the SSA Head regarding vacation of union’s accommodation. It is unfortunate that the TDM is dancing at the tune of a particular union.
01-04-2015 : BSNL Board to meet on 7th April:- The Board is meeting on 7th April. It is reported that the HR issues of non-executive employees are not in the agenda. The plea is that the BSNL has not yet evolved its “HR” plan. How long the employees will be deprived of their justified claims. The frustrations are bound to effect the performance of the staff.
01-04-2015 : Meeting with GM(Adm) at BSNL HQR:- President met the GM(Adm) and discussed the following problems. (i) Non-settlement of Indoor medical claims of staff at M.P. and Rajasthan circles what to say of payments. The claims of employees are kept in cold storage from year 2012. (ii) Sims of Rs. 200/- Talk value for non-executive staff:- The cases of employees serving in MTNL areas and facility of offnet call are processed and awaiting decision at Director/CMD level.
31-03-2015 : IDA increase .2% total IDA 100.5%.
31-03-2015 : Marvelous District Conference held at Bhopal:-
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30-03-2015 : Holding of 32nd meeting of National Council-regarding. F. N.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2014, Dated:-24-03-2015.
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30-03-2015 : Corporate office issued guide lines for operation Samundra (BSNL) Manthan to all circle. Letter No.-1/OSD to CMD/Misc/2015, Dated:-27-03-2015.
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30-03-2015 : Com. Subhash Singh District Secretary, Jaunpur UP(E) expired on 29-03-2015. We pay respectful homage to departed soul and share the grief of the family.
30-03-2015 : Com. C. Singh, GS attended the mass meeting at Puducherry:-
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27-03-2015 : HAPPY RAM NAVAMI.
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27-03-2015 : Updation of ERP system of BSNL employees. Letter No.-3-1/2013-Estt.III, Dated:-27-03-2015.
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27-03-2015 : Corporate office requested all circles to furnish the information with regard to revision of pension/family pension of pre-2007 retirees BSNL IDA pensioners/family pensioners, who retired prior to 01-01-2007 and post 2007 BSNL IDA pensioners/family pensioners, who retired between 01-01-2007 and 09-06-2013 within 10 days. Letter No.-48-04/2015-Pen(B), Dated:-26-03-2015.
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27-03-2015 : Com. Shantanoo Babu Rao Shete, District Secretary Yeotmal retention order. Letter No.-1-7/2015-Pers-II. Dated:-25-03-2015.
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27-03-2015 : Result of Junior Hindi Translator examination held on 09-11-2014. Letter No.-50-1/2013-DE, dt-25-03-2015.
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27-03-2015 : Decisions of Forum meeting held on 25-03-2015.
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27-03-2015 : Revised Timings for CGHS wellness Centers. Letter No.-S.11030/55/2012-CGHS(P), Dated:-24-03-2015.
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26-03-2015 :Circle Conference of Uttrakhand.: The Circle Conference of Uttrakhand is notified to be conducted on 15th & 16th April 2015. Com Chandeshwar Singh G.S. Will attend the Conference.
25-03-2015 : “SAVE BSNL:- Save Nation” memorandum submitted to Shri Lakhan Lal Sahu, Hon’ble MP Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) by NFTE union on 24-03-2015
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25-03-2015 : Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL talks about various steps the state run BSNL is taking under his leadership to turn around things (Tele Analysis).
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25-03-2015 : Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2014 - Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. File No.-3-1/2013-TE, Dated:-24-03-2015.
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24-03-2015 : Non-issue of POS in respect of TSMs regularised on 01-10-2000 or thereafter - Case of M.P. Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, Dated:-24-03-2015.
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21-03-2015 : Joint CEC at Ahmadabad:- A joint circle Executive Committee Meeting of all the unions and Associations which are the constituent of Forum of BSNL unions and Associations held at Pranshankar Bhai Hall, Bhai Ravnath Road Ahmadabad on 20-03-2015. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE and Chairman national forum presided over the joint meeting. Com. P. Abhimanyau GS BSNLEU, Com. Sabastin G.S. SNEA(I) Com. Suresh Kumar G.S. BSNLMS and Prahalad Ray G.S. AIBSNLEA were attended and addressed the gathering of Executive and non executive workers assembled in the hall. The meeting was much impressive and it was a unique symbol of unity in BSNL. All the leaders explained in detail the demands submitted to the BSNL management and DOT alongwith strike notice. All the leaders exhorted the policy of the Govt for which BSNL is passing through a critical situation. The leaders appealed to the workers to forget the differences if any and be united to face and fight against the anti PSU and anti working class policy of the Govt. Latter all the circle Secretaries of participating unions/associations also addressed the meeting and they assured full support to the call of national forum and participation of two days strike on 21st and 22nd April, 2015. The circle Secretaries addressed the meeting are Com. D.G. Patil SNEA(I) Com. Belani AIBSNLEA, Com. S.R. Chhatriya BSNL ATM, Com. P.K. Rathor BSNLMS, Com. P. Mathew AIGETPA, Com. N.J. Bhatia, NFTE (BSNL) and A.M. Patil. The circle level forum was also formed at the end of meeting for which Com. N.J. Bhatiya was nominated as President and Com. A.M. Patil as convener, all the circle Secretaries of consistent unions/Assns. will be the members of circle forum. This proposal was approved unanimously by the house.
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21-03-2015 : Convention at Guwahati:- Under the banner of Forum of BSNL unions and associations Assam circle conducted a massive convention on 18-03-2015 under the presidenship of Com. Shyamlendu Bhattacharjee. A large number of BSNL workers including women were attended from nook and corner of Assam circle. Com. K.K. Singh Secretary CHQ New Delhi attended on behalf of NFTE and Com. Animesh Mitra All India Vice President attended from BSNLEU. Both the leaders addressed the huge gathering of workers. Com. K.K. Singh exhorted the demands chartered by the national forum and explained the need of united struggle to defeat the anti Public Sector policy of the Govt. The convention was addressed by all the circle secretaries. All the circle Secretaries assured national leaders regarding- cent-percent participation of workers in Strike on 21st and 22nd April 2015 in Assam circle. The meeting was ended in a very impressive manner.
20-03-2015 : National Council Meeting:- The meeting of NC scheduled for 13th April is being deferred.
20-03-2015 : Meeting with CMD and Director (HR):- President met the CMD and Director(HR) both and mentioned following issues. (1) Invitation to attend the open session of National Executive on 9th April at Jaipur:- CMD responded in a positive way. (2) Alternate union accommodation in place of C-4/1 Bangla Saheb Road:- Matter under consideration. CMD/Director (HR) both assured that needful will be done. (3) Recent orders for extension of immunity in Transfers to office bearers. Issues involved were explained at length. Director (HR) told that the orders will be modified.
20-03-2015 : Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2015 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. F. No.-12/6/2015-JCA-2, Dated:-19-03-2015.
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19-03-2015 : Restoration of outdoor medical expenditures facility without voucher – consideration of. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-22/14, Dated:-17-03-2015.
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19-03-2015 : All SSA Heads should meet the Hon’ble MPs in their respective constituencies. D.O. No.8/Cord./2015, Dated:-18-03-2015 from BSNL HQR.
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19-03-2015 : Immunity from transfer to the recognized representative unions of non-executive employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/(d), Dated:-18-03-2015.
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18-03-2015 : Holding of 32nd meeting of National Council on 13th April. F. No.-BSNL/39-3/SR/2014, dt-16-03-2015- Agenda of items proposed to be discussed in the council meeting.
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17-03-2015 : Meeting with ED(F):- President met ED(F) and enquired about financial help coming from DOT. Till date even Rs. 1250 crores as recommended by Trai have not been paid to BSNL by DOT. The issue of PLI was also discussed with her.
17-03-2015 : Meeting with the Sr. GM(SR):- President met the Sr. GM(SR) and told that orders dt-13-02-2015 issued by “SR Cell” for extension of facility of “Immunity” to office bearers of recognized unions are not in good taste and will create many difficulties. Sr. GM(Sr) asked for the representation in this regard.
16-03-2015 : Immunity from transfer to the recognized representative Unions of non-executive employees in BSNL. F. No.-BSNL/5-1/SR/2012 (Vol.II), Dated:-13-03-2015.
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16-03-2015 : National Council meeting on 13th April, 2015 as notified vide letter No.-BSNL/29-3/SR/2014 at 16-03-2015.
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16-03-2015 : National Exective Meeting at Jaipur:- Circle Secretaries please note. The Circle Secy, Rajasthan has intimated that there is acute and serious problem of accommodation at Jaipur. The reception committee is not in position to arrange extra accommodation. In the situation circle Secretaries are requested to discourage the observers to avoid inconveniences and hardships to reception committee. Those coming even after this advice have to make their own arrangements. Please contact circle Secy, Rajasthan on No.-09414753221.
16-03-2015 : Easter UP circle Conference:- The conference was held on 13th and 14th March at Jhansi which was attended by President, General Secretary and organizing Secy of HQR. The brave Comrades of host branch led by Com. Purushotam Singh, Distt Secy made tremendous efforts to make the conference memorable and purposeful. They deserve greetings and congratulations. The CHQ leaders addressed the Seminar, open session as well as delegate sessions presided by Comrades Paliwal(VP) and Rajiv Verma, President, GM, Jhansi TD attended the open session and addressed.
14-03-2015 : Two days UP(E) circle conference at Jhansi concluded today. Com. Rajeev Verma, Com. Sanjay Dubey and Com. Ashok Rai have been elected as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The conference was a glorious success. President and General Secretary attended the conference.
14-03-2015 : Reply of Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad MOC in Rajya Sabha in respect of “Share of BSNL in Mobile Service Market”.
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14-03-2015 : Reply of Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad MOC in Rajya Sabha in respect of “Turn around plans for BSNL”.
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14-03-2015 : Reply of Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad MOC in Rajya Sabha in respect of “Persons employed in BSNL”.
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14-03-2015 : Govt rules out privatization of BSNL, MTNL – (Source Business line).
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14-03-2015 : Fixation of responsibility- Presidential orders to Temporary status mazdoors. Letter No.-269-2/2011-P-IV/LE Vol. III, Dated:-13-03-2015.
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13-03-2015 : Gist of items discussed in the Standing Committee meeting of NC held on 12th March, 2015.
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13-03-2015 : Lunch hour Demonstration at Indore (M.P.) on 12-03-2015.
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13-03-2015 : No plan to shut down MTNL: Ravi Shankar Prasad.
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13-03-2015 : Latest development in Superannuation benefits to D/R BSNL staff:- Matter has reportedly been referred to the “Remuneration Committee” in BSNL.
13-03-2015 : Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations Strike Notice for two days on 21-04-2015 and 22-04-2015.
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13-03-2015 : MTNL declared sick alongwith Air India:- Two Central Govt PSUs MTNL and Air India have been declared sick as per report appearing in Economic Times of 11th March. The present Govt headed by BJP is apparently in hurry to sale the PSUs.
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13-03-2015 : Lunch hour Demonstration at Corporate office:- Lunch hour demonstration was conducted at corporate office on 12-03-2015 as per the decision of Forum of BSNL unions/Associations, under the chairmanship of Com. C. Singh G.S. Com. V.A.N. Namboodri convener of Forum explained in detail the importance of agitation. All the General Secretaries of Forum addressed the well organised gathering at corporate office. And requested the members to make success two days strike which begins from 21st April to 22nd April, 2015 to protect BSNL and its employees. Later on strike notice was handed over to CMD BSNL by the Forum leaders on pending demands.
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12-03-2015 : Meeting with the CMD:- President, General Secretary and Com. Rajmouli met the CMD and raised following issues for settlement pending in Board. (i) Wage erosion of employees appointed on 01-01-2007 or thereafter. (ii) Superannuation benefits to D/R BSNL staff. (iii) E-1 scale in NEPP. (iv) Approval of R/Rs for JTO/JAO. The CMD gave patient hearing. The union also extended invitation to grace the open session of National Executive meeting at Jaipur. He responded favourably.
12-03-2015 : PLI committee meeting:- The meeting took place today at 1100 hours under the chairmanship of Shri Shamim Akhtar, Sr. GM(SR). Sr. GM(Est), GM(Restg), GM(Rect) and GM(Est Accounts) were present. The NFTE was represented by Comrades Islam Ahmad and A. Rajmouli, Treasurer of NFTE.
The demand to include the scale of “Fair” alongwith Excellent, Very Good and Good was accepted by the management side. The official side was undecided if the evolved formula will be applicable for non-executive staff only. As for as inclusion of VLR etc are concerned same will be as per MOU provisions to be signed between DOT and BSNL.
The NFTE again reiterated its demand that the minimum amount of PLI be fixed and thereafter formula be evolved even if the PSU is in loss. The official side indicated to get the orders from CMD/Director (HR) on the issue. It was made clear that there will be no compromise on this demand.
It was also stated that the committee has been formed for non-executives and linking it with Executive how not desirable. The item is in National Council.
12-03-2015 : Grant of Special Casual leave on request to members of National Executive at NFTE-BSNL for attending of National Executive from 9th to 10th April, 2015 at Jaunupyong Bhavan, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2015, Dated:-11-03-2015.
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11-03-2015 : Pre-Paid Sim of Talk value of Rs. 200/- to the non-executive employees - reg. Letter No.-TF-19/4, Dated:-11-03-2015.
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11-03-2015 : Eastern UP circle conference on 13th and 14th March at Jhansi.
11-03-2015 : Meeting with Director(HR):-
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10-03-2015 : Further inputs regarding approval of revival and HR plan by BSNL Board:- It is further learnt that the Board in its meeting, held on 26-02-2015, has approved the revival and HR plan as recommended by the Deloittee and authorized the management committee to review estimated profit and loss. The Board has directed to evolve action plan for restructuring of circles, quality of Service improvement, outsourcing of network, customer satisfaction, increase in revenues, manpower requirement, restructuring of SSAs, Sales and marketing skill upgradation, performance culture etc etc.
The union earlier represented that due to merger or consolidation of SSAs non-executive staff may not be displaced. This has already been clarified. The SSA concept should continue. The circle Secretaries are again requested that they should submit their views for action by HQR. The HQR has already given detailed views and same will be persued vigorously. Entire efforts will be to ensure that the non-executive employees are unharmed and no reduction in posts takes place.
10-03-2015 : Non-settlement of staff problems pending in BSNL Board – reg. Letter No.TF-21/6(d), Dated:-10-03-2015.
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09-03-2015 : Revival Plan of BSNL:- It is reliably learnt that the BSNL Board in its meeting, held on 26th February, has approved all the recommendations of Deolittee after the consultant’s presentation to them. It is astonishing the Management has not consulted the unions as assured on 9th February meeting.
09-03-2015 : STD Carrier Charges:- BSNL HQR is assessing the financial effect of Trai orders reducing the STD carrier from 65% to 35%.
07-03-2015 :Celebration of International Women's Day Week - Corporate Office letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-11/15,Dated:-04-03-2015.
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04-03-2015 :Regional trade union workshop and seminar on save BSNL at Sasaram:- Com C. Singh G.S attended workshop and seminar on-04-03-2015 at Sasaram. The work shop was attended by the Distt. Secretaries, Branch Secretaries of Sasaram Ara and Gaya. The workshop was presided over by Com. Ratnesh Mishra circle president and the seminar was presided over by Com. C.D Singh Distt. president Sasaram, Trade union class was conducted to inculcate the sense of workers how to bargain for demands as well as to unite against corruption and to save own organisation by building a strong unity of staff the seminar was addressed by Com. Keshav P.D. Singh D/S Sasaram (Bihar) Com. Ram Lakhan Singh D/S Patna Com. Ghanshyam D/s Ara. Com. C. Singh G.S explained all the hidden agenda of the government to de-stabilise the public sectors including BSNL. He urged upon the workers to unite and participate in struggle with full determination to defeat the anti workers policy of the government, the meeting was ended with vote of thanks by Com. Ratnesh Mishra president.
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04-03-2015 :Contempt proceedings against DOT for retention of its officers. Honble judge highcourt declined to hear due previous involvement in the matter. Listed now for 23rd March.
04-03-2015 :Review petition of DOT for retention of its personnel in BSNL has been dismissed on 3rd March by highcourt. Review was filed by DOT after 2 years of verdict. DOT approach is really astonishing. Contempt case is yet to be heard.
04-03-2015 :TRAI orders on IUC:- TRAI orders may result in direct savings of Rs. 60 crores. This will be on IUC. Tariff flexibility will increase much for off net calls.
03-03-2015 :Record of discussions of the committee meeting regarding evolving a scheme of PLI on the basis of Performance Management System (PMS). Letter No.-1-5/2012-Restg, Dated:-02-03-2015.
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03-03-2015 :Timely settlement of pensionary benefits – regarding. Letter No.-40-06/2015-Pen (B), Dated:-02-03-2015.
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02-03-2015 :Marvellous March And Thereafter Magnificent Strike. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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02-03-2015 :A Seminar on "Save BSNL Save nation was conducted at Kankarbagh (Bihar) by the district Branch of NFTE BSNL Patna for the workers of rural area:- More than.200 workers including Ladies were attended, The Seminar was presided over by Com. B.N Sinha and addressed by Com. Ram Lakhan Singh dist sec, Com. C. Singh G.S NFTE and Executives of the area were also participated in seminar. Com. C. Singh exhorted all the demands taken by Forum of BSNL union/Association and explained the need of united struggle against the anti BSNL thoughts of the Government. He also informed the revised decision of Forum under which 2 days strike will take place on-21st and 22nd April 2015 and appealed to the workers to unite together to make the struggle a grand success, The seminar was also attended by Com. Sanjay and Com. Lal Senior leaders of NFTE, The meeting was ended with vote of thanks by Com. R.C Sinha.
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28-02-2015 :Smt. Sujatha Ray, present ED(F) is selected for the post of Director(HR)/ BSNL by PESB. NFTE extend whole heated congratulations to her.
28-02-2015 :Comrade S.S. Gopal Krishnan, Secretary CHQ retiring today. CHQ wish him a happy retired life.
28-02-2015 :Two days strike on 21st, 22nd April, 2015, instead of indefinite strike from 17th March, 2015 – Forum of BSNL unions/Associations decision on 27-02-2015.
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27-02-2015 :National Executive Meeting – reg. (Notice). Letter No.-TF-4/1, Dated:-27-02-2015.
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27-02-2015 :Delay in final payment of GPF be avoided. BSNL Letter No.-500-57/14-15/BSNL/CA-I/VOI VI, Dated:-23-02-2015.
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27-02-2015 :The National Executive meeting will take place at Jaipur on 9th/10th April. The meeting will conclude on last day ie 10th April only after 1900 hours. The participants should accordingly arrange their return journey. The venue of meeting is Jan Upyogi Bhawan Shastri Nagar, Jaipur which is three Kms away from Railway Station.
26-02-2015 :March to Parliament - A mega event.
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24-02-2015 :Meeting of Forum on 23rd February, 2015.
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23-02-2015 :Presidential orders in respect of about 60 TSMs belonging to AP, UP(W), Himachal etc issued by DOT.
23-02-2015 :Parliament March:- All NFTE BSNL participants should assemble at Eastern Court premises at 0930 hours. The union badges will be distributed there during breakfast period. March will start at 1000 hours.
23-02-2015 :All India National Executive Committee meeting will be held at Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 09-04-2015 to 10-04-2015. This meeting is restricted to all India office bearers, circle Secretaries and special invitees. The venue of the meeting will be intimated very soon. All are requested to book your tickets to Jaipur to and fro to avoid inconvenience.
21-02-2015 :Circle executive committee meeting of Bihar circle:- Circle executive committee meeting of NFTE (BSNL) was held at Darbhanga on.20.02.2015 under the joint presidentship of Com. Ratnesh Mishra and com. B.N Sinha.
Out of 19 District Branches 14 District Secretaries and all the circle office bearers attended. All the District secretaries took part in discussion on notified agenda. Com. S.K Dubey circle secretary replied on the issues raised by the District Secretaries and others. Com. C. Singh G.S attended and addressed the open session which was attended by a large number of workers. Com. Singh explained all the current issues related to workers and he appealed to the workers to work hard to make the parliament march on 25th Feb. 2015 and indefinite strike from 17 march.2015 a grand success and historic one. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by com R.N Jha District Secretary-Darbhanga.
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21-02-2015 :Lodging arrangement for participants of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra:- The participants of 25th Feb “Parliament March” coming on 24th will stay in Rooms No.-3,4,6, and 7 at Hindu Mahasabha Bhavan near Laxmi Narain Mandir (Birla Mandir) situated at Mandir Marg. The participants of above circles ie Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh should straight way go to stay there. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to NFTE participants at Eastern Court premises. The rally will proceed from Janpath to Parliament. Rooms 2, 14 and 15 will also be available on 25th February.
21-02-2015 :Lodging arrangements for remaining circles:- The participants coming from other circles on 24th/25th February to participate in the “Parliament March” will stay at “Eastern Court CTO Dormitory”, Janpath, New Delhi. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to NFTE participants at Eastern Court premises. The rally will proceed from Janpath to Parliament.
21-02-2015 :Congratulations to Comrades for successful signature campaign in AP, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, UP(E), UP(W), Bihar, Kerala, Orissa, Punjab etc. Our Comrades have also met Hon’ble MP’s at various places and requested them to raise the issue in Parliament for saving the BSNL. People have showed faith in BSNL network.
20-02-2015 :Department of Personnel & Training Establishment Division guidelines for submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants for each year. F. No.-11013/3/2014-Estt. (A), Dated:-17-02-2015.
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20-02-2015 :The small SSAs in Chhattisgarh, MP, UP(E) and UP(W) have been consolidated into business areas. The concerned circle Secretaries are requested to convey the effects to CHQ urgently for appropriate action in light of BSNL HQR letter No.-4-2/2014-Restg(Vol-III), dt-19-02-2015.
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19-02-2015 :Convention at Jaipur (Rajasthan):- The circle convention of Rajasthan has been held today under the presidentship of Com. R.G. Dixit Circle Secretary, NFTE BSNL & Com. Parikh convener. The central leaders of unions and associations addressed the mass gathering. All appealed to make indefinite strike successful. Com. Islam President represented the NFTE. Dr. Akhilesh Shukla, President of Customer Cell of BJP promised to draw the attention of PM, MOC & CM Rajasthan in respect of our demand ‘SAVE BSNL – SAVE NATION’. He also said BSNL still carry the confidence of people of India.
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19-02-2015 :Memorandum submitted to Shri. Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, Member of Parliament of Khammam District (A.P. Circle) by Forum leaders to raise the question in Parliament for survival of BSNL.
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19-02-2015 :
Convention at Patna (Bihar)- A massive convention was conducted at Patna under the banner of Forum of BSNL Union/Assn.Bihar circle. The Convention Was Presided over by Com. B.P Singh C.S BSNLEU and the Charter of demand was placed and explained by Com. S.K Dubey C.S NFTE. The Meeting was addressed by Com.C.Singh G.S NFTE, Com. Swapan Chakraboty D.G.S BSNL EU, Com. A.P Dhaya A.G.S SNEA and all the Circle Secretaries of Constituent Unions/ Assn. of Forum. The meeting was very impressive and about 600 workers including Executives and Ladies were present and supported the call of Forum. All Circle Secretaries in their address assured cent per cent participation of Workers in Bihar Circle in the indefinite strike scheduled to be held w.e.f. 17-03-2015 and a large number of workers will participate in parliament march on 25-02-2015. The meeting was concluded with a vote of Thanks by Com. R.P Sinha C.S FNTO.
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19-02-2015 :Forum Meeting now on 23rd February at 3 pm.
19-02-2015 :Secretariat Meeting at 1200 hours on 23rd February.
18-02-2015 :Corporate office issued clarification for ERP implementation in respect of looking after arrangement. Letter No.-ERP/HCM/Clarifications/1, Dated:-18-02-2015.
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18-02-2015 :Revival and HR plan of BSNL - reg. Letter No.-TF-18/5, Dated:-16-02-2015.
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18-02-2015 :BSNL Board is meeting on 20th February. The issues of Wage erosion of TTAs, Superannuation benefits to D/R BSNL staff are in agenda.
18-02-2015 :President met the GM(Restg) on 17th instant and conveyed union’s concerns relating to HR plan for consideration of BSNL Board. She maintained till date Restg Cell has not finalized the plan.
18-02-2015 :Corporate office resolved issues raised by field units in respect of Salary module in ERP. Letter No.-CIT/8-10/2013/ERP/Vol. 1, Dated:-17-02-2015.
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18-02-2015 :DOE guide lines in respect of TA to attendant accompanying disable persons on tours/training etc. Letter No.-19030/3/2013-E. IV, Dated:-17-02-2015.
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17-02-2015 :Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of TTA for the Recruitment Year 2014. Letter No.-37-1/2015-Rectt-IV, Dated:-16-02-2015.
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17-02-2015 :NFTE CHQ Accounts details.
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17-02-2015 :BSNL Vide letter No.-2-01/2013-PHA, dt-13-02-2015 has taken up with the MTNL for 30% discount in the Telephone bills of BSNL staff residing in MTNL areas effective from 15th April, 2015. Past cases will be separately taken up.
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16-02-2015 :Non-functioning of Local Council meeting at Hoshiarpur in Punjab Telecom Circle – regarding. F. No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2014, Dated:-13-02-2015.
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16-02-2015 :Secretariat meeting on 21-02-2015 – Notice.
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16-02-2015 :Trade union International (TUI) Public Service Congress held at Kathmandu (Nepal) – A constituent union of WFTU the TUI Public services held its congress on 13 & 14 Feb, 2015 at Kathmandu (Nepal). Com. C. Singh General Secretary attended the same. Delegates from 29 countries attended the congress, The congress concluded with unanimous declaration and resolution that the workers of the world will continue to fight against Imperialism and capital reforms through which the Govt. of different countries are imposing, privatisation, out sourcing, downsizing, ban on recruitment and several anti workers policies.
16-02-2015 :On behalf of BSNL JAC Sangareddy, Medak district(A.P. Circle) submitted a memorandum to the Honourable M.P,Zaheerabad Shri .B.B Patil Garu for raising question in parliament for survival of BSNL In the interest of Nation.
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14-02-2015 :Forum of BSNL unions/Associations – Parliament March & Indefinite Strike – Poster.
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14-02-2015 :The legendary leader of the Central Govt. Employees, Com. S.K. Vyas Ji passed away at about 20.25 hrs on 13th February, 2015 at Jaipur hospital. It is a great loss to Trade union movement of Central Govt. Employees. Our heart felt condolences to the bereaved family.
14-02-2015 :Appointment of ‘Junior Accounts Officer on probation’ under 40% quota/10% quota consequent on completion of 4 weeks of Phase-1 induction training. Letter No.-4-4/2014-SEA, Dated:-12-02-2015.
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13-02-2015 :SAVE BSNL – SAVE NATION:- Memorandum submitted to Shri Varaprasda Rao, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) by Tirupathi Comrades in A.P. circle.
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12-02-2015 :Recommendations of Management Committee of BSNL Board on Deloittee consultant’s recommendations on revival and HR plan of BSNL. BSNL Letter No.-CP&M/1-256/BRPSE/Revival Plan/2012-13/Vol-II, dt-10-02-2015. All the central office bearers, circle Secretaries and others are requested to send their views on the report by 16th February positively.
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12-02-2015 :Weightage points for CGA:- Revised weightage points will be circulated by BSNL HQR after March, 2015.
12-02-2015 :Signature Campaign:- All the Circles/Districts union are again reminded that maximum signatures be obtained from the public in the memorandum, addressed to PM, and send the same to CHQ by courier or bring the same while coming to “Parliament March” on 25th February.
12-02-2015 :Guidelines for consolidation of bank accounts on migration to ERP in the circle. Letter No.-1-4/BFCI/BA/Project A/c Opening/2011-12, Dated:-11-02-2015.
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12-02-2015 : Com. C. Singh G.S. departed to Kathmandu(Nepal):- G.S. will attend the 12th conference of Trade Union International Public Services (WFTU) on 13th and 14th Feb, 2015. He will return to headquarter on 15th Feb, 2015.
11-02-2015 : Com. Gopalkrishnan Secretary CHQ-NFTE attended convention at Bangaloru(Karnataka):- A massive convention was organized by circle level Forum of union/Assn. At Bangaloru on 10th Feb, 2015. Com. Gopalkrishnan Secretary CHQ attended and addressed the huge gathering assembled in the convention on behalf of NFTE. He explained the situation under which the central forum of unions/Assn. decided to start struggle to Save BSNL. He appealed to workers to participate in parliament march on 25th Feb 2015 and make preparation to make the indefinite strike w.e.f. 17 March a grand success. Com. Gopalkrishnan rushed to Trichur(Kerala) and he addressed the convention of Kerala circle on 11th Feb, 2015.
11-02-2015 :Business Rule for the functioning of National, Circle and Local Councils in BSNL:- The Draft proposal has been handed over to the union. All are requested to peruse the contents and send comments to CHQ at the earliest. The NFTE HQR has earlier submitted its “Note” on the issue long ago.
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11-02-2015 :BSNL and SBI has signed a MOU on 06-02-2015 for extending various loans to the employees and circulated vide letter No.-1-9/BBF/STAFF LOAN/2014-15, Dated:-10-02-2015.
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11-02-2015 :The Hon’ble Supreme Court has held that the granting of grace marks is against rule as there is no such provision. The BSNL has been directed not to violate the rules. BSNL letter No.-9-25/2007-SEA(Pt), Dated:-04-02-2015.
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11-02-2015 :Inconclusive standing committee meeting of National Council:- The meeting was held on 10th February under the Chairmanship of Sr. GM(SR). Brief of discussion on items are as attached.
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10-02-2015 :Regularisation of TSMs working in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-31/1, Dated:-10-02-2015
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10-02-2015 :Recognition of elected office-bearers of NFTE(BSNL) West Bengal Telecom Circle Kolkata. Letter No.-TF-04, Dated:-30-01-2015.
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10-02-2015 : Wage erosion of TTAs. Matter sent to BSNL Board for consideration.
10-02-2015 : PLI meeting:- The Joint Committee Meeting on PLI has taken place today under the Chairmanship of Shri Shamin Akhtar, Sr. GM(SR). The GM(Restg) supplied the targets of years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 and thereafter discussions commenced. The NFTE representative, Com. Islam Ahmad, mentioned the following points. (i) There should be another Column of “Fair” besides Excellent, Very Good and Good. (ii) Minimum of PLI amount be fixed. (iii) Revenue earnings and sales should not be linked for PLI as BSNL is facing tough completion and there is no materials and equipments in the field. Moreover, PLI is not linked with the profit and performance. The official did not agree and maintained while it will not be linked with the profit but revenue earnings will be retained. (iv) Record of discussions should be prepared. The Committee will meet now on 12th March.
10-02-2015 : Forum meeting with Management under the Chairmanship of CMD:- In the meeting Shri. A.N. Rai Director HR, Shri N.K. Gupta Director GM, Shri Shamin Akhtar Sr. GM(SR), and Smt. Sujata Rey ED(F) were |