24-03-2025 : Extended CEC meeting of Chennai Telephones on 22-03-2025:-
On 22nd March , the extended CEC meeting of NFTE - BSNL in Chennai Telephones Circle was held at Flower Bazaar telecom complex under the presidentship of Com M K Ramasamy, Circle President and was inaugurated by Com. N. Danapal , State President of Tamilnadu NFTCL . Com C K M explained the agenda points. 70 members of the extended CEC participated in the meeting while 15 comrades took part in the discussion on agenda points.
The extended CEC meeting filled up the two vacancies in the Circle Union and elected unanimously comrades -
S Chitrarasu as Circle Vice President
N Danapal as Assistant Circle Secretary
The meeting formed a 15 member CORE COMMITTEE for preparation of ensuing tenth membership verification in BSNL. Com N Danapal was nominated as the Convenor of the CORE COMMITTEE.
Senior comrades T Sathya ( Chromepet ) , S Meganathan ( Tirutani), Samudhravelu ( Ennore) and Arumugam ( Kalmandapam ) were felicitated by the Circle Union for their retirement this month and next month.
The extended CEC meeting reviewed the joint conference of four district unions based on OA pattern and expressed full satisfaction over the success of the event on 05/03/2025.
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24-03-2025 : 40th meeting of National Council Minutes held on 13-01-2025 (Hindi version):-
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22-03-2025 : Numerous Contempt Petitions/Court Cases/Legal Notices/Representations received for implementation of the Hon'ble Supreme Court order dated 26.07.2023 in Civil Appeal No. 1971-1973/2012- reg. Letter No.-BSNL/WS&I/DOT-EMP/2024, dt- 21-03-2025.
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22-03-2025 : Claims receivable from DoT for telecom facilities provided to various DoT officers/officials (working/retired). Letter No.-2-1/2022/BSNL/RM-I/CFA/DoT Billing, dt-18.03.2025.
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21-03-2025 : Minutes of 40th meeting of the National Council held on 13-01-2025. Letter No.-BSNL/20-7/SR/2024, dt-21-03-2025.
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20-03-2025 : General Secretary met to the PGM (Estt) and discussed the following issues:-
(1) Payment of Kashmir Valley allowance to the BSNL employees working in Kashmir Valley.
(2) The case of pending MACP of Shri Prakash Mani, ATT Kanpur BA under UP (East) Circle. The issue is pending since February, 2025.
The PGM reciprocated positively and assured early finalization of both the above issues.
20-03-2025 : Non-finalsiation of case of modified assured carrier progression (MACP) in respect of Shri Prakash Mani,ATT (HR No.-60220558) of Kanpur BA under UP (East) circle. Letter No.-TF-023, dt-20-03-2025.
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20-03-2025 : Rotation of officers holding sensitive posts – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/13/5/2020-PERS1-Part(1), dt-19-03-2025.
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18-03-2025 : Scrap four labour code – The National convention of workers organized jointly by the Trade union centers at Delhi in Pyare Lal Bhawan near ITO on 18-03-2025. A draft declaration was placed before the convention by the committee of Trade union Centers, which was adopted as a resolution unanimously by the workers to press upon the Govt. through continuous struggle including total mass strike on 20-05-2025.
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13-03-2025 : NFTE CHQ extends Happy Colorful Holi greetings to one and all:-
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12-03-2025 : Hon’ble CMD BSNL Shri A. Robert J. Ravi, ITS have written a letter to all CGMs regarding updating of DOT period leave encashment data in ERP – SAP i.r.o. retired BSNL absorbed employees for submission of reimbursement claim to DOT - CMD advised all CGMs to complete these data latest by 25-03-2025. F. No.-E-2473, BSNLCO-CA/15(11)/1/2020-CA-ERP-FICO-Part(1), dt-11-03-2025.
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12-03-2025 : 7th Circle Conference of Tamilnadu on 06-03-2025 and 07-03-2025 at Chidambaram:-
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11-03-2025 : Extension of special concessions/incentives to the Central Govt employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under control of the central Government for a further period of three years w.e.f. 01-08-2024 – reg. Letter No.-TF-010, dt-11-03-2025.
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11-03-2025 : On the way to Corporate office G.S. and Com. Rajamouli, AI Treasurer visited office of the SEWA BSNL today (11-03-2025). Both the leaders were given a warm welcome by Br. N.D. Ram G.S. SEWA, Br. Satbir Singh, C.S. CNTX North SEWA and others in the office. Shri N.D. Ram Ji offered a Diary published by the SEWA to both the leaders of NFTE (BSNL). We are very much thankful to the brothers of SEWA BSNL for their love and affection.
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11-03-2025 : Relaxation in Kanishtha Rajbhasha Adhikari in the LICE held in 2023. Letter No.-TF-24(K), dt-08-03-2025.
respect of recruiting circles - reg. Letter No.-TF-24/1(J), dt-08-03-2025.
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11-03-2025 : Review of results of failed SC/ST candidates in LICEs for promotion in
respect of recruiting circles - reg. Letter No.-TF-24/1(J), dt-08-03-2025.
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11-03-2025 : Supply/payment of livery items to employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-22/3, dt-08-03-2025.
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11-03-2025 : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) A Ray of Hope. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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10-03-2025 : Meeting of the all Unions and Associations:- The Meeting of all organizations in BSNL held at NFTE (BSNL) office, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi at 11 am under the Chairmanship of Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE. Com. P. Abhimanyu conveyed the meeting in which Com. M.S. Adsul G.S. SNEA, Com. N.D. Ram, G.S. SEWA, Com. Ravisheel Verma G.S. AIGTEOA, Com. Veera Bhadra Rao, President AIGETOA, Com. Suresh Kumar, G.S. BSNLMS and other General Secretaries were attended the meeting. Majority of the General Secretaries invited for the meeting were present. Com. A. Rajamouli A.I. Treasurer was also present in the meeting. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS BSNLEU placed a brief note on various issues which were discussed in length in the meeting. The discussion held on various issues related to 3rd wage revision/PRC, 2nd VRS and issues related to services of BSNL. The next meeting have been fixed at 3pm on 19-03-2025 for further discussion and decisions there on.
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10-03-2025 : Meeting with HR officers in Corporate office:- General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli A.I. Treasurer met with PGM(SR) and PGM (Est) and discussed the issues pending under their jurisdiction, after patient hearing both the officers reciprocated positively to look into the issues raised by the union.
10-03-2025 : The two days circle conference of Tamilnadu circle NFTE NSNL concluded at 07.30 pm on 7th March 2027:- The traditional approaches of Tamilnadu circle NFTE, BSNL has been maintained by the existing leaders of circle union and they vacated the chief executives posts without any hesitation after retirement from the service. Honouring the traditional approach com. Muralidharan and com K.Natrajan vacated the post of circle president and circle secretary respectively and very peacefully the new election was completed for 21 circle office bearers headed by com Balakumar AOS Salem as president, com Kulandainathan JE Codduloru as circle secretary and com K.,Bala subramaniam TT Coimbatore SS Treasurer. The CHQ congratulates the newly elected office bearers.
10-03-2025 : Grant of festival advance to BSNL employees. Letter No.-TF-8/6, dt-08-03-2025.
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10-03-2025 : BSNL Transfer Policy – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/2, dt-08-03-2025.
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10-03-2025 : Review of three JTO LICE-S results - case of Punjab circle. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-08-03-2025.
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10-03-2025 : Regarding PAN INDIA scheme for offering Vanity/Fancy numbers through CSC at discounted charges. Dated:-07-03-2025.
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09-03-2025 : Corporate office issues letter on International Women’s Day celebration in BSNL – 8th March 2025. Lette No.- BSNLCO-ADMN/Misc-2025, dt-07-03-2025.
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07-03-2025 : Inspiring 4 District Conferences in Chennai on 05/03/2025:-
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07-03-2025 : Corporate office (Establishment Section) issues a letter on Inter circle transfer i.r.o. of JTOs (T) cadre under Rule 8 of BSNL Transfer Policy Status of Territorial Circles. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB-Part(1), dt-06-03-2025.
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07-03-2025 : Ministry of Communications (GOI) Department of Telecommunications issues a letter on Extension of Special concessions/ incentives to the Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached / subordinate offices or PSUs falling under control of the Central Government for a further period of three years with effect from 01.08.2024. Letter No.-6-21(01)/2019-PAT, dt-03-03-2025.
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07-03-2025 : Very fine and commendable start by Hon’ble CMD, BSNL:- Chairman’s Trophy/Gold medals for performers:-
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06-03-2025 : Increase in contribution towards superannuation funds for D/RS and allowances will be considered after March, 2025 as per information.
06-03-2025 : Corporate office issues letter on rewards and Recognition for Performers - March 2025 --- exemplary performance for the month March 2025 will be recognized and rewarded. Letter No.- BSNLCO-RSTG/20(11)/1/2025-RSTG, dt-06-03-2025.
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06-03-2025 : Review of JTO LICE result for the year 2023:- The LICE was held on 08-09-2024. The vacancy year as well as merit list both are same. Therefore, the next official, Shri Alakanti Ajay, J.E. Karnataka be declared successful as Shri Ranjith has resigned.
PGM (Est) has been apprised of this by the President, NFTE (BSNL).
05-03-2025 : Corporate office issues order on transfer, posting and relieving of Staff in March 2025 – transfer/relieving of any staff from their present place of posting may not be carried until 31-03-2025 – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PETS/12(11)/1/2025-PERS1, dt-04-03-2025.
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04-03-2025 : Promotion Committee:-
The management has agreed in formal and NC meetings for formation of a committee to evolve the new promotion policy for non-executive employees. Till date nothing has been done.
President met PGM (Est) today and reminded him about the assurances. He promptly told the Dy. GMs etc for processing the matter so that the committee is formed earliest.
04-03-2025 : JTO LICEs results – Case of Punjab Circle:-
President met PGM (Est) on date and handed over letter of CGM, Punjab circle No.-PBCO-COMN/18(11)/1/2022-HR ADMIN, dt-28-02-2025, containing comments on the representations of employees relating to non-declaration of results for three LICEs and abolition of posts. This has disturbed the parity in respect of other circles and sealed the future of affected staff, the PGM was told. Further, vacancies cannot be altered after notification. The PGM (Est) assured to process and discuss it again, if needed. NFTE pressed as before for restoration of vacancies.
04-03-2025 : Scheduled Meeting of the joint committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 is differed. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-03-03-2025.
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04-03-2025 : Corporate office issues guidelines & ceiling rates for Lung and/or Heart transplant in respect of (CGHS/CS(MA) and BSNL MRS beneficiaries. File No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12(12)/2/2025-ADMN, dt-03-03-2025.
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03-03-2025 : Informal discussions with PGM(SR), (Restg)/PGM(Est):- President NFTE discussed the following issues today (03-03-2025). The items on which discussions took place are as below. (1) Wage revision committee meeting – The scheduled meeting on 10th March will not take place. It has been confirmed by PGM (SR). The Chairman Wage Revision Committee will proceed for training.
(2) The employees attaining the age of 55/56 years in the month of March will not be transferred to other station or in rural area.
PGM (Est) was also told and both are agreeable to include it as before for continuance.
(3) Settlement of VRS – 2019 claims – It has been stressed for settlement. The case of Shri Ram Krishnan, O.S, Coimbatore was particularly referred to.
01-03-2025 : NFTE delegation led by Com. A. Nagendra Babu C.S. AP circle met with Hon’ble union Minister of State for Communications and Informational Technology, Shri Pemmasani Chandrashekhar Rao at his camp office at Jayabhery homes, Mangalagiri today (01-03-2025) and submitted a memorandum to our Minister on wage revision issue, which was pending since 01-01-2017 and also they explained the Hon’ble Minister need of wage revision to BSNL employees at this juncture. They requested the minister to consider their request on humanitarian prospective. The Hon’ble Minister have patiently listened their request and assured to look into the matter. The delegation is comprising C.S, Com. G. Nageshwar Rao Circle Treasurer, Com. V. Hemlata convenor of NFTE State women employees coordination committee, Com. T.V. Subbarao of Guntur, Com. Anil Reddy ADS, Krishna District and Com. N. Babji were present in the programme. At last the delegation expressed their gratitude to Hon’ble Minister for giving this opportunity.
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01-03-2025 : BSNL has turned a profit, but has not become profitable. (Source… The Hindu, dt-25-02-2025).
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01-03-2025 : Corporate office letter on broadband connectivity in Government Secondary Schools under Bharatnet project. File No.-BSNLCO-BNUT/13/7/2023-BN UTIL, dt-14-02-2025.
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28-02-2025 : Meeting of the Joint Committee for Wage Revision of Non-Executive Employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL -reg. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-28-02-2025.
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27-02-2025 : Shri Sanjeev Tyagi, PGM (A):- Shri Tyagi, PGM (Admn) has been promoted as Advisor and posted in DOT.
27-02-2025 : Memorandum to CMD, BSNL:-
The forum of all unions in Assam Circle has submitted memorandum to CMD, BSNL on 24th, February at Guwahati. It contains wage revision as well as redressal of other grievances.
27-02-2025 : Proposed New Transfer Policy:- It has been told to Dy. GM(SR) that the employees attaining age of 55/56 years should not be transferred either to other station or Rural Areas.
Letter will also be sent to C.O. for inclusion.
27-02-2025 : BSNL HQR News:- POS – Four Cases of PO relating to Maharashtra Circle have been sent to DOT by Corporate office. The CHQ will now contact DOT officers.
25-02-2025 : An appeal from CHQ observe “March 2025” as revenue month as per call of CMD, BSNL. Move unitedly irrespective of grade to generate revenue for BSNL concentrate in all revenue earning activities.
Trust and Hope – CMD, BSNL to respond to our efforts and achievements and settle wage revision and promotion policy.
Long live NFTE (BSNL ----BSNL Hamara Hai ----NFTE (BSNL) Zindabad.
22-02-2025 : Capacity building of all non-executive employees - reg. Letter No.-TF-15, dt-20-02-2025.
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21-02-2025 : Formation of BAs in East UP circle - request for minor change. Letter No.- TF-58(a), dt-20.02.2025.
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21-02-2025 : LICE for promotion to Telecom Technician (T.T) Cadre reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-20.02.2025.
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20-02-2025 : Late but good beginning:-
The SR/Restg/PSNL Head, Madam Anita Johri, CGM held formal meeting today on the issue of “New Transfer” policy in which all concerning officers were present. The Chair person, Mrs Johri welcomed all and asked each for introduction. The NFTE (BSNL) leaders viz President and General Secretary not only reiterated the suggestions submitted earlier but added more points. The points made are enumerated below.
(1) Temporary Transfers be minimum for 4/5 years in respect of spouse and compassionate cases.
(2) The Temporary Transfer be of 2 years in 1st spell to minimize administrative exercise similarly, second be of 2 years.
(3) Rule 8 transfers of spouse and compassionate cases should be accepted and resolved.
(4) Waiting list of Rule 8 transfers be maintained for surplus circles also.
(5) Employees recruited on SSA basis will not be transferred as per existing orders of BSNL HQR. Such employees can be transferred in Rule 9/8 grounds.
(6) Existing rural policy for transfer will continue. The ladies will not be transferred to rural and remote areas.
(7) Sanctioned posts of all circles be revisited and revised according to size and staff strength to ensure career progression of employees through LICEs to the Cadres of JTO, JE and T.T as well as for transfers.
(8) Detailed suggestions on each points have been submitted and these be taken into consideration.
(9) Special LICE JTOs stay be of 2 instead of 5 years and their repatriation should be accepted.
The official side fully appreciated our points stated in the meeting.
20-02-2025 : Revision of Transfer Policy of employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/2, dt-20-02-2025.
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20-02-2025 : New year opportunities and transformation – reg. Letter No.-TF-19/1(C), dt-19-02-2025.
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19-02-2025 : Informal discussion between the BSNL management and the recognised unions on wage revision issue:- Informal discussion is held today, between the Management and the two Recognised trade unions, on the issue of Wage Revision. From the Management Side, Shri Rajeev Soni, CGM (EW), who is the Chairman of the Wage Revision Committee, Ms.Anita Johri, PGM (SR & Pers.), Shri Ramkishan, DGM(Estt.), Ms.Asha Bawalia, DGM(SR), Shri Sanjeev Kumar AGM(Estt) and others attended. From the recognised trade unions, Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU and Com. Chandeshwar Singh,GS, NFTE, participated. Detailed discussions took place in today's meeting for finalising the new pay scales of the Non - Executives, based on the 90 live stagnation cases already submitted to the Management. Management Side officers gave patient hearing to the presentation given by both the General Secretaries, regarding the new pay scales. After detailed discussions, it is agreed by the Management side and the two unions, to hold the next meeting of the Joint Committee for Wage Revision on 10-03-2025. In that meeting, the new pay scales of the Non- Executives will be finalised.
19-02-2025 : We remember the bravery and wisdom of Chattarpati Shivaji Maharaj on the day of his Jayanti and extend the best wishes and warmest greetings to all our members and well wishers.
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19-02-2025 : Upgradation of Prayagraj for the purpose of CCA during the Maha Kumbh Mela period - reg. Letter No.-TF-10/4(a), dt-19-02-2024.
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19-02-2025 : Online transfer of applications for transfer - clarification reg. Letter No.-TF-20/2, dt-19-02-2025.
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18-02-2025 : Increase in contribution from 5% for deposit in "Superannuation Benefit" fund for BSNL recruited employees - reg. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), dt-18-02-2025
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18-02-2025 : Formulation of New Non-executive Promotion Policy - reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-18-02-2025.
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18-02-2025 : Revision of BSNL Employees Transfer Policy notified on 07-05-2008 and subsequent amendments issued from time to time – meeting of the committee thereof. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/6/2024-PERS1, dt-17-02-2025.
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14-02-2025 : Corporate office personnel section issues letter on deputation of permanent BSNL employees to other organizations. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/1/2025-PERS1, dt-29-01-2025.
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14-02-2025 : Corporate office, Admn & PR section issues letter to all CGM’s quarterly target for empanelment of new hospitals. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/11(12)/1/2020-ADMN-Part (1), dt-10-02-2025.
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14-02-2025 : ALTTC Ghaziabad letter on schedule and seat allotment of JTO phase -1 Induction Training – LICE for promotion to the grade of JTO (T) & JTO (TF). Letter No.-ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/17/2023-TM Faculty-Part (1), dt-13-02-2025.
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14-02-2025 : Corporate office letter on new process in ERP – SAP for capturing leave details of currently working absorbed employees as on the date of their absorption in BSNL. Efile No.-BSNLCO-CA/11/8/2021-CA-ERP-FICO-Part (2)/1158301, dt-13-02-2025.
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13-02-2025 : Two NFTE Comrades of A&N have received commendation certificates from Dy. Commissioner Commendation on 26-01-2025 for their hardwork and dedication to duty:- 1) Com. T Wallaba Rao, Telecom Technician is working at Telephone Exchange, Mayabunder, located at North Andaman. His name was recommended by his controlling Officers for his hard work, dedication to duty and exemplary meritorious service at Mayabunder in the public interest. 2) Com. Shalin Anand, Junior Engineer is working at Baratang Telephone Exchange, located in North Andaman. He is also looking after additional duties of Kadamtala Telephone Exchange. His name was recommended by members of Zilla Parishad, PRI members & panchayats of Baratang & Kadamtala for his hard work, dedication for duty, and improving telecom infrastructure for the public of these areas. NFTE CHQ congratulates them and feel very proud of achievements in A&N.
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12-02-2025 :CEC of Kerala Circle:- Circle Executive committee meeting of Kerala Circle Union on 3rd February 2025 at Adhyapaka Bhavan Ernakulam.
The meeting was started on 10 am under the presidentship of Com. Basheer 5, Circle vice president. In the beginning the meeting paid homage to the departed Leaders including former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Our great Leader Com. Sheshadri and others.
Com. Jayanth Jacob, CS, welcomed all the participants to the meeting.
After Presidential address CS presented the Report on activities since last CEC and the First Circle Council held recently.
All the Dist. Secretaries and Circle Office Bearers were taken part in discussion.
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11-02-2025 : BSNL - STRUGGLING EMPLOYEES AND THEIR UNCERTAIN FUTURE. Editorial, Telecom, English & Hindi.
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11-02-2025 : Corporate office issued clarification on 2nd Saturday closed holiday in field unite. F. No.-File No. BSNLCO-A/14(14)/1/2023-ESTAB, dt- 10.02-2025.
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10-02-2025 : Corporate office (Admin & PQ section) released the minutes of GTI meeting held on 06.02.2025. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-06-02-2025.
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08-02-2025 : The Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and independent Sectoral
Federations/Associations, dt-06-02-2025
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08-02-2025 :Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives and Non-executives - guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01.03.2025. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/2/2022- ESTAB, dt-07.02.2025.
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08-02-2025 : BSNL Corporate office endorsement of Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Section Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates w.e.f. 01.11.2025, F. No.BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2024-ESTAB, dt-07-02-2025.
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05-02-2025 : Circle executive committee meeting of Bihar circle on 29th & 30th January 2025:-
The circle executive committee meeting started as per the notification schedule on 29th Jan 2025 with flag hoisting.
The National flag was hoisted by com B.N.Sinha chief patron of the union in Bihar circle and the NFTE's flag was hoisted by comrade Sanjay Kumar Singh CS NFTE Bihar.
The delegate session was started after lunch at ३ pm under the presidentship of com R. K. Chaube Circle president.
After the initial submission of the report and activities from the last CEC up to this meeting by Com Sanjay Kumar Singh and the placement of the agenda before the house the deliberation of the meeting was taken over by Com R. K Chaube .
He directed to Com. Surya many to anchor the meeting after taking the attendance register of the meeting and declared the house in order.
At 6 pm the meeting was adjourned for the next day with directions to all participants to attend the meeting the next day at 10.30 am sharp.
The second-day meeting was inaugurated with the speech of Com R.
K. Chaube president.
Almost all district secretaries except, Saharsa were present in the meeting and took part in debate on the agenda points.
The discussion continued up to launch.
After the launch, some of the circle office bearers also spoke on the present situation of employees and BSNL company.
The GS was present in the meeting and addressed the meeting and exhorted upon all the long pending HR issues of the non-executive employees and also narrated the past history of the union.
He appealed to the workers to keep themselves united to face the anti-worker policy of the government.
GS explained the back story of 3rd the wage revision and other HR issues.
After the conclusion of the speech of the GS, com Sanjay Kumar Singh
CS replied to the points raised by the speakers in the debate on agenda points .thus the meeting concluded at 6…30 pm after a vote of thanks by com Divya Jyoti.
While he was thanking all the participants including GS he also added his anxiety about the pending 3rd wage revision, stagnation LICE, and new promotion policy.
Thus the meeting ended with slogans in favour of NFTE AND WORKERS' UNITY.
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04-02-2025 : Meeting for renewal of group term insurence policy (GTI) for the executive and non executive staff of BSNL is notified by the Admin section of corporate office,to be held on 6 th feb 2025 at 4 th floor meeting hall of corporate office.Officers of HR wing and the representatives of recognised union and Assns will take part along with the Life insurance corporation(LIC) personals..
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03-02-2025 : Latest status of EPF Higher Pension cases as per Supreme court Judgment. Letter No.-E-180523/BSNLCO-CA/30/1/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-31-01-2025.
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30-01-2025 : Deputation of permanent BSNL employees to other organizations. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/1/2025-PERS 1, dt- 29-01-2025.
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30-01-2025 : Delegation of power for condonation of delay in submission of medical claims. File No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12(12)/2/2025-ADMN, dt-29-01-2025.
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29-01-2025 : Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates. Letter No.- W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-/2024,dt-28.01.2025.
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28-01-2025 : Corporate office letter on creation of Social Media Accounts by BSNL Employees to enhance BSNL reach and increase fan following. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CORM/11/1/2024-CORM, dt-23-01-2025.
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25-01-2025 : On this special day, let us salute the spirit of India and the principles of our Constitution. Happy Republic Day!
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24-01-2025 : BSNL MRS - Clarifications regarding. Letter No.- BSNLCO-ADMN/12(12)/1/2025-ADMN, dt-23-01-2025.
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23-01-2025 : DOT issues clarification on grant of notional increment to absorbed employees of BSNL/MTNL who retired/are retiring a day before it became due in any month of the year, for the purpose of calculating the pension admissible. Letter No.-38-45/2024-Pen(T)(Part -1), dt-22-01-2025.
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23-01-2025 : Corporate office (SR Cell) reconstituted joint Committee to recommend wage structure for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL after retirement of Shri Saurabh Tyagi Ji. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-23-01-2025.
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23-01-2025 : Com. B. Rambabu, Rtd. Line Inspector expired on 22-01-2025 at 16.00 hrs in Vijayawada with heart attack at the age of 85:- He born on 20-06-1940 at Vijayawada. He came to department as mazdoor and appointed as line men on 05-08-1960 in Hyderabad. He retired from service on 30-06-2000 as line inspector. He left with wife and 4 daughters. He was a notable personality in the entire Hyderabad in organizational. He used to travel first on cycle and then on two wheeler (TVS) in the city. His commitment two wards organization works is not comparable. He was an expert in decorating meeting places with banners, flexes and NFTE flags. He never feel tired in the organizational works, but he took rest today (22-01-2025) at the age of 85 years. He has done watchmen duty to save the union property at Padma Rao Nagar at difficult times. He was a good fighter and never compromised on line staff issues. He was a back bone and advisor to HTD union at all times. His commitment with dedication two words settlement of Line staff issues is rememberable. He was a close associative of late Com. L. Damodar Rao and Com. Malli Shetty. NFTE lost a dedicated soldier at this crucial time in Hyderabad. NFTE CHQ pays respectful homage to the departed soul and share the grief of the family. Com. B. Ram Babu Amar Rahe --- Amar Rahe.
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22-01-2025 : Corporate office (Pers) issues letter on submission of immovable property returns for the year 2024 (as on 31-12-2024) by the executive/non-executives of BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/12(28)/1/2021-CSS, dt-21-01-2025.
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22-01-2025 : Corporate office seeking clarification from DOT on grant of annual increment falling due on the next day of retirement for the purpose of pensionary benefits. File No.-BSNLCO-A/12(17)/3/2021-ESTAB, dt-20-01-2025.
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22-01-2025 : Establishment section of BSNL informed that the LIC have credited SPS claim amount to the tune of Rs 1.03 Crores in BSNL SPS Trust account for the members which is indicated in the list attached. However, the bank details of the employees/beneficiaries are not available with this office as the entire claim form was sent to LIC. These details are essential in order to disburse the amount to the eligible retired employees/beneficiaries. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/12(12)/4/2021-ESTAB, dt-15-01-2025.
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20-01-2025 : Appointments committee of Cabinet (ACC) has given approval for extension further six months i.e. 15-01-2025 to 14-07-2025, to Shri Ravi A. Robert Jerard, the additional charge to the post of CMD BSNL, alongwith CMD MTNL and CMD BBNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PER1/20(11)/6/2021-PERS1, dt-17-01-2025.
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18-01-2025 : Corporate office (Est) issued clarification on online transfer application module for inter-circle transfer under Rule -8 of BSNL Transfer Policy. Letter No.- BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-16-01-2025.
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18-01-2025 : Shri Ravi A. Robert Jerard, CMD BSNL’s inspirational message (From CMD BSNL’s Desk):- Dear BSNL family,
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you and your team for your unwavering dedication and support over the last six months.
Together, we have achieved significant milestones, including the rollout of the 4G network, fast-tracking the Amended Bharat Net Tender, and the launch of innovative services like IFTV (Intranet Fibre TV), National Roaming WiFi, and BiTV (Intranet TV on Mobile). This, in addition to focussing on the basics - Network QoS, Customer Service and Sales - to protect our existing market share. And, addressing long pending HR issues with a human face.
These initiatives have significantly enhanced our service portfolio, strengthened our customer base, and reinforced BSNL’s commitment to technological excellence even while creating a positive and dynamic work environment in BSNL.
Looking ahead, I would like all to focus on the following five key initiatives for the next six months. This should be apart from improving QoE for customers and taking all steps for retention of customers by all circles.
I encourage CGMs to select and lead one or more of these projects to drive innovation and make BSNL a leader in delivering cutting-edge services:
1. Security-as-a-Service
2. Enterprise-Specific Services
3. Digital Wallet and Payment Services
4. IoT-Driven Home Applications
5. AI-Powered Virtual Assistance for Customer Grievances
By taking ownership of these initiatives, we can deliver exceptional value to our customers, increase engagement, and strengthen BSNL’s position as a trusted and innovative telecom provider. Let us work together to make BSNL a source of pride for the nation once again.
Brief description/concept is shared below...
(• *Security-as-a-Service*: Introduce subscription-based cybersecurity solutions, including anti-phishing, malware protection, and parental controls, to safeguard customer data and devices. Offer enterprise-level security packages tailored to businesses, enhancing data integrity and operational safety.
• *Enterprise-Specific Services*: Launch IoT solutions for inventory management, vehicle tracking, and smart manufacturing. Introduce high-speed Enterprise Data Packs and integrated collaboration tools for remote work, like video conferencing and document sharing, to attract SME and large-scale business customers.
• *Digital Wallet and Payment Services*: Develop an integrated telecom wallet to enable seamless bill payments, mobile recharges, and e-commerce transactions. Partner with fintech companies to offer microloans, credit facilities, and financial literacy tools for underserved populations.
• *IoT-Driven Home Applications*: Roll out smart home solutions such as IoT-enabled cameras, lights, and locks, along with home network security tools. Introduce energy monitoring services to help users track and optimize power consumption.
• *Cloud Gaming and Music/Podcasts*: Partner with cloud gaming platforms to provide subscription-based, high-speed gaming services. Offer exclusive access to music streaming and podcast platforms, including regional and niche content, to enhance entertainment options.
• *AI-Powered Virtual Assistance for Customer Grievances*: Deploy a multilingual AI chatbot for 24/7 customer support. The assistant will handle billing queries, plan recommendations, troubleshooting, and escalations efficiently, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.)
Looking forward to excellent team work and inspirational efforts by all in the near future.
Ravi A Robert Jerard
17-01-2025 : The Ministry of Communications extended the tenure of CMD BSNL Shri A. Robert J. Ravi for 3 months, w.e.f. 15-01-2025 to 14-04-2025 or until further orders.
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17-01-2025 : Union Govt. approved the constitution of 8th pay commission to central Govt. employees/pensioners. It will benefit about 50 lakhs employees and 65 lakhs pensioners. The term of 7th pay commission is set to conclude in 2026. The 7th pay commission was set up in 2014 and its recommendations were effected from 1st January, 2016. 8th pay commission will be effective from January, 2026.
16-01-2025 : Corporate office letter on mandatory eight (08) hours training courses on iGOT portal in Q-4 (2024-2025), under Mission Karmayogi. Letter No.-BSNLCO-TRG/26(11)/2/2021-TRAINING –Part(2), dt-15-01-2025.
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15-01-2025 : Message given by Hon’ble CMD BSNL Shri A. Robert J. Ravi, ITS on new year’s day.
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15-01-2025 : ALTTC letter on Schedule of Pre- Basic-I and Pre-Basic – II Induction training for LICE for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom office (T) held on 08-09-2024. Pre Basic -I training begins from 27-01-2025 for 3 weeks – pre basic –II training begins from 17-02-2025 for 3 weeks. E-file No.-ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/17/2024-TM Faculty – Part (1), dt-08-01-2025.
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15-01-2025 : Extension of last date for submission of higher pension cases to EPFO as a last opportunity for employees. E Comp. No.-180523 File No.-BSNLCO-CA/30/1/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-07-01-2025.
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13-01-2025 : Wish you all Happy Makar Sankranti and Pongal on 14-01-2025:-
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13-01-2025 : Consideration to review of the result of TT LICE in light of the discussion held in NC on 13-01-2025 and enquiry upon the individual application. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-13-01-2025.
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13-01-2025 : 40th National Council Meeting held today (i.e. 13-01-2025) in a very cordial atmosphere under the Chairmanship of Director (HR) BSNL:-
The following important points raised by staff side out of agenda.
(1) Appointment of wage committee Chairman.
(2) Review of NEPP.
(3) Issuance of orders for liveries.
(4) Benefit of 7th CPC to Casual Mazdoors/TSMs.
(5) Tremendous shortage of JEs in M.H. Circle.
(6) Non-functioning of councils at BA/Circle level.
(7) Manning of outsourced CSCs by our own staff.
(8) Training and deployment of staff in FTTH segment there by disengaging of tips gradually.
(9) Consideration of transfers on spouse ground one time measure taking all these cases together.
(10) Restarting of standing committee meetings of National Council.
(11) Mobile facility to all non-executive staff.
(12) Strongly opposition to 2nd VRS in BSNL.
(13) DOT coverage to all working DOT recruits in light of Supreme Court decision.
(14) Communication of results of JTO (LICE) Punjab Circle for the year 2014 -15,15-16, 16-17.
Director (HR) and Management side responding positively and assured to resolve the grievances in time bound manner. Regarding review of NEPP a receptive change in attitude of management witnessed in the meeting.
Hon’ble CMD (BSNL) also attended the meeting and underlined the following views. (i) Importance of indigenous technology regarding data security. (ii) Necessity of human sense to HR issues. (iii) Necessity of effective working of every BTS and every OLT in the interest of BSNL. Besides this all the agenda items were discussed which minutes will be followed.
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13-01-2025 : VRS 2.0 in BSNL. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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13-01-2025 : NFTE CHQ extends greetings on the auspicious occasion of Lohri and Bhogi. May the festivals bring the warmth of Joy, peace and prosperity in every one’s lives.
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11-01-2025 : Important Direction from CHQ – All the Circle/District Secretaries requested to please hold the Circle/District Conference i.e. the tenure of 3/2 years have been completed for circle/District level respectively. All the due conferences must be completed before 31st March, 2025. Please treat it as mandatory.
11-01-2025 : Corporate office letter on operational issues of phase IX.2 CM network – to conduct a route cause analysis enhancing network monitoring and prioritizing fault resolution in high impact areas. Letter No.-BSNLCO-COMN.17(11)/27/2024-NWO CM II, dt-09-01-2025.
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10-01-2025 : The extended meeting of the Chennai Telephones Circle Executive Committee was held at Ambattur telephone exchange compound on 09/01/25 in which 80 comrades participated throughout the day. The meeting was presided over by Com. M K Ramasamy, Circle President. Com T Kalyanasundaram, Circle Vice President welcomed the participants. Com K M Elangovan paid homage to the departed leaders including Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and a minute’s silence was observed as a mark of respect. The ECEC meeting which began at 11 am concluded at 5.15 pm . Out of 21 Circle Office bearers 19 participated in the meeting. Out of 30 Branch Secretaries 24 attended . All the five District Presidents and District Secretaries participated. Out of 4 special invitees 2 attended. Com M Muthukaruppan , NFTCL District Secretary, CPT was elected as the special invitee in the vacancy caused by the untimely death of Com R Pannerselvam .
Com N Muneer Ali, Organising Secretary ( CHQ) inaugurated the meeting and delivered a speech on the current situation.
Com C K M , Circle Secretary introduced the agenda points which include the present status of the third wage revision , Second VRS, Telecom Society fraud and holding of a special conference to restructure the existing five district unions in to four O A based unions namely Chennai ( North), Chennai ( Central), Chennai ( West) and Chennai ( South).
Com N Danapal , the State President of Tamilnadu NFTCL addressed the meeting and conveyed his warm greetings.
In the afternoon session many branch secretaries , District Presidents, District Secretaries and Circle Union office bearers took part in the discussion on all the agenda points notified for the said ECEC meeting.
Finally Com CKM summed up the discussion and proposed resolutions on the agenda points which were unanimously approved by the meeting. Com T Dhansingh , Circle Vice - President proposed vote of thanks.
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09-01-2025 : ALTTC Ghaziabad issued schedule and seat allotment of TT Induction Training – The induction training scheduled to commence from 27-01-2025 for four weeks at ZTTC Pune. Letter No.-ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/13/2023-TM Faculty- Part (I), dt-07-01-2025.
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07-01-2025 : NFTE team led by Com. Rangaswamy D.S, Com. Lakshman BT, Com. Kiran HG, Com. Zarina and Com. Chayamani have submitted a memorandum to Shri Kotasrinivasa Poojary, M.P. Chikkamagaluru for settlement of 3rd wage revision to BSNL employees, who visited the Chikkamagaluru BSNL office today (07-01-2025).
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07-01-2025 : 3rd Circle conference of A.P. held at Ongole from 04-01-2025 to 05-01-2025:-
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07-01-2025 : 13th death anniversary of Com. OPG observed on 06-01-2025 in the country – view of photos.
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07-01-2025 : NFTE submitted views on revision of BSNL Transfer policy – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/2/Rlg, dt-06-01-2025.
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06-01-2025 : 4.3% IDA increased from 01-01-2025, total:- 224.2% +4.3% = 228.5% w.e.f. 01-01-2025.
06-01-2025 : Today (06-01-2025) is 13th Death Anniversary of late legendary and visionary leader of P&T movement Com. OPG. Comrades from different parts of the country paid rich tributes to him and remembered his services to uplift the downtrodden workers in P&T. His achievements are regularization of more than 1 lakh Casual Mazdoors/Aayas/Part time workers and getting Govt pension to PSU (BSNL) employees etc. Red Salute Com. OPG.
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06-01-2025 : Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM (Rectt & Trg) have taken voluntary retirement from service from 03-01-2025 (A/N). He is presently Chairman of 3rd wage revision committee. Letter No.-BSNLCO-EW/23(11)/1/2020-Elect. Workers-Part (1), dt-03-01-2025.
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06-01-2025 : Advanced Level Telecom Training Centre Ghaziabad issues schedule and seat allotment of JE Induction Training – Merit list of LICE for promotion to the grade of JE(T) held on 08-09-2024. JE Induction Training scheduled to commence w.e.f. 13-01-2025 . Letter No.-ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/3/2024-TM Faculty, dt-01-01-2025.
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06-01-2025 : Corporate office letter on Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Personal Assistant to the grade of Private Secretaries in BSNL field units for vacancy years – 2020-2021 & 2022 held on 08-09-2024 (Paper -1) & 13-09-2024 (Paper –II), declaration of merit list. E-file No.-BSNLCO-11/13(11)/3/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-04-12-2024.
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03-01-2025 : All Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to organize meetings and pay rich tributes to Com. OPG on 06-01-2025 i.e. 13th Death Anniversary of Late legendary, visionary and unparallel leader of P&T movement. And also explain in detail the noble deeds of Com. OPG, viz. Regularization of above one lakh Casual Mazdoors/Ayas/Part time Mazdoors, Govt pension to PSU employees, automatic promotions etc.
03-01-2025 : Minutes of meeting held on 07-11-2024 between unions and Director (HR), BSNL Board, New Delhi. Letter No.-TF-4/6, dt-03-01-2025.
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03-01-2025 : CHQ writes a letter to Director (HR) regarding allotment of quarters to recognized unions in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-5/5, dt-03-01-2025.
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02-01-2025 : Com. Shivaji Chavhan, Circle Treasurer M.H. bereaved, Shri Bhagvanrao Chavhan father of Com. Shivaji Chavhan has taken his last breath at Sambhajinagar at the age of 87 years. He retired from DOT in Maharashtra Circle. CHQ and M.H. Circle pays respectful homage to Late Shri Bhagvanrao Chavhan and share the grief of the family.
02-01-2025 : Inauguration of 2025 NFTE Calendar in Hyderabad on 01-01-2025:- Shri Vijay Kumar PGMTD inaugurated the 2025 Calendar. NFTE team led by Com. V.K. Muthu D.S. and other Comrades were present at the occasion. The team met all the officers in BSNL Bhavan and Telephone Bhavan and distributed 2025 NFTE Calendars.
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01-01-2025 : NFTE delegation led by Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President, Com. G.K. Hanumanth Rao, ACS, Com. G. Krishna Reddy, ACS, Com. Geetha, D.S. Circle office and other Comrades met Shri G. Ratna Kumar, CGMT today and they requested the CGMT to inaugurate the 2025 NFTE Calendar. CGMT Telangana kind enoughly accepted the request and inaugurated the calendar 2025 of NFTE (BSNL).
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31-12-2024 : WELCOME TO NEW YEAR 2025 – GOOD BYE TO 2024.
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29-12-2024 : Holding of 40th meeting of National Council- reg. Letter No.-BSNL/20-7/SR/2024, dt-27-12-2024.
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28-12-2024 : A formal meeting of NFTE was held on 04.10.2024 under the Chairmanship of Director (HR). The list of participants is enclosed as Annexure A. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2024, dt-27.12.2024.
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28-12-2024 : Record of discussion of the reconstituted joint committee on wage revision for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 19.12.2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO/38-1/SR/2016, dt-27-12-2024.
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27-12-2024 : Training for LICE successful candidates - reg. Letter No.-TF-24/1(b), dt-26-12-2024.
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27-12-2024 : Settlement of VRS -2019 claims of employees - reg. Letter No. - TF-58, dt-24-12-2024.PERS/15(11)/6/2024 PERS1, dt- 26-12-2024.
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27-12-2024 : Revision of BSNL employees transfer policy notified on 07.05.2008 and its subsequent amendment issued from time to time. Letter No.- BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/6/2024 PERS1, dt- 26-12-2024.
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24-12-2024 : NFTE(BSNL) CHQ wishes a Merry Christmas to all the members. Well wishers and entire BSNL families.
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24-12-2024 : Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Circle Secretary, Bereaved:- Smt. Parvati Devi, Mother of Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh passed away on 23-12-2024 at 11.30 pm. We on behalf of CHQ pay a very respectfull homage to the deputed soul and extend deep condolences to the family members.
24-12-2024 : Kind attention to all the Circle Secretaries NFTE (BSNL) – Comrades, the Calendar for year 2025 have been dispatched by name to all the Circle Secretary through registered Post.
Non- receipt in any circle may please to communicated to the CHQ.
24-12-2024 : Addendum in Merit list of Group ‘C’ employees of last JTO (T) result after correcting discrepancies BSNL CO-11/13/(12)/1/2024-Rectt-CO, dt-23-12-2024.
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24-12-2024 : Discussions with Director (HR):-
An informal meeting took place on 23rd instant with the Director (HR) in which PGM (Rectt and Trg), PGM (SR)/Restg were present. The following issues were discussed.
(1) Review of Transfer Policy in respect of Rule 8/9 Transfers.
PGM(Restg) was advised to get the matter expedited in the committee.
(2) VRS News:- The NFTE (BSNL) leaders expressed their views strongly and told clearly that it will oppose tooth and nail. It was asserted that nothing should be done in clandestine way. The Rectt in the Cadres of TT, JE and JTO be done and CGA Cases be taken up in the interest quality of services as vendors don’t have commitment.
(3) Grant of festival advance. The union again demanded for settlement of the issue.
(4) Payment of livery Items:-
A detailed letter was submitted for action. The same was passed on to PGM (SR) to discuss the issue with the PGM (Adm).
(5) Increase in quantum of reimbursement of medical expenses for outdoor treatment. It is under consideration.
President and General Secretary, NFTE (BSNL) participated in the discussions.
23-12-2024 : Grant of festival advance to non-executive employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-8/6, dt-23-12-2024.
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23-12-2024 : News on second VRS in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-23-11-2024.
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20-12-2024 : Review of Transfer Policy for Rule-8/9 Transfer, Policy – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/3, dt-20-12-2024.
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20-12-2024 : Supply/payment livery items – reg. Letter No.-TF-22/3, dt-20-12-2024.
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19-12-2024 : Minutes of formal meeting, held on 04-10-2024, between management and NFTE (BSNL) – Issuance reg. Letter No.-TF-4/6, dt-19-12-2024.
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19-12-2024 : Revalidation of BSNL Medical Card in respect of retired employees – reg. Letter No.-32/2, dt-19-12-2024.
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19-12-2024 :Introduction of EPF scheme in respect of TSMs instead of GPF – final settlement reg- case of NE-2 Circle. Letter No.-TF-3/5, dt-19-12-2024.
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16-12-2024 : Procedure for outdoor medical reimbursement to BSNL serving/ retired employees - review reg. Letter No.-TF-32, dt-16-12-2024
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16-12-2024 : As it was communicated by PGM (SR) on 12-12-2024 telephonically regarding holding of wage negation committee meeting on 19-12-2024. The notification and reconstitution of the committee has been notified today by the SR cell of BSNL Corporate office.
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11-12-2024 : It is a very encouraging news that Kumari Akshita a student of 9 th class of Aryan Global school Rohtak (Haryana) and D/O Com. Uttam Kumar Duhan working circle secretary CN-TX New Delhi has won the Gold medal in a All India inter school shooting championship held from 29th Nov to 3rd Dec 2024 at Kalyan Bigha Stadium, Nalanda, Bihar.
It is a matter of proud for all of us.
We on behalf of NFTE CHQ congratulate com Uttam for this marvelous achievement of his daughter and wish a very bright future in her carrier for Miss Akshita D/o Com. Uttam Kumar.
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11-12-2024 : The CEC meeting of Chennai Telephones Circle was held on 10/12/2024 at Flower Bazaar telecom compound under the presidentship of Circle President Ramasamy. Asst Circle Secretary Com. V Mathivanan welcomed all the participants. The CHQ Organising Secretary N Muneer Ali inaugurated the Circle E C meeting. The reception committee treasurer for the recently concluded Chennai Metro District Conference handed over the balance amount of rupees 35000 to the Circle Treasurer Ravi .
Com S Rajan, AOS was elected unanimously to the post of Assistant Circle Secretary which fell vacant due the election of comrade Ravichandran as the District Secretary of the newly formed Chennai ( South) District union on 25/11/2024.
Circle Secretary & Secretary ( CHQ) , C K Mathivanan spoke on all the agenda points and explained in detail about the reasons for the inordinate delay in the implementation of third wage revision with effect from 01/01/2017. He also explained the reasons for the stagnation issue which is causing huge financial loss to nearly 35 % of employees in BSNL due to the wrong stand taken by the BSNLEU during second wage revision agreement which was signed by the BSNLEU alone on the spacious plea that BSNLEU was the ONLY recognised union in BSNL from 2004 to 2013. Com CKM also stressed the importance of implementing a new promotion policy as the present NEPP which was signed by the BSNLEU is discriminatory and faulty . In the discussion 16 comrades took part and spoke on the agenda points proposed by the Circle Union. Com Kothanda babu proposed vote of thanks.
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10-12-2024 : Corporate office Establishment Section asking information from territorial circles regarding sanctioned and working strength in respect of JTO (T)/JE(T)/TT Cadres for provisioning online inter circle transfers. Rule -9 transfer cases (Outgoing) ---- Rule-8 transfer cases (incoming) ---- deputation to DOT etc. Letter NO.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB –Part(I), dt-09-12-2024.
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10-12-2024 : Corporate office letter on reverification of all GSM service connections and services provided on these service connections. Letter No.-BSNLCO-FICM/15(13)/1/2023-FIN CM, dt-04-12-2024.
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07-12-2024 : THE TRAGEDY OF SALARY AND PENSION REVISION. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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06-12-2024 : Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s death anniversary observed in Chennai Telephones:-
On 06/12/2024 the Secretary ( CHQ) of NFTE - BSNL paid respectful homage to Dr B R Ambedkar on his death anniversary ( 06/12/1956) on behalf of NFTE-BSNL along with many other leaders of both NFTE and NFTCL including Comrades N . Muneer Ali, Organising Secretary ( CHQ ) , M K Ramasamy , Circle President- NFTE in Chennai Telephones and N Danapal , State President of Tamilnadu NFTCL . All comrades offered floral tributes to the bust of Dr Ambedkar at the BSNL staff quarters in Kilpauk. In addition our comrades at Anna Nagar exchange and Kodambakkam exchange paid respectful homage to the Bharat Ratna by garlanding the statues of Dr Ambedkar .
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06-12-2024 : Circle working committing meeting of Karnataka on 05-12-2024:-
The Circle Working Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL Karnataka Circle was held at BGTD Union office on 5th December 2024 under president ship of com A M Balakrishna Circle President KTK Circle has co-opted com Hiriyanna as Circle Secretary Karnataka circle in the presence of ,Com Ranganna Special Inventive NFTE Chq New Delhi and Com G Babu Ex Circle Secretary NFTE Class III Union Karnataka Circle Com.A Rajashekhara Organizing Secretaries . and Brother Jagadish. T SEWA BSNL Assistant General secretary South India greeted the meeting. More than 120 Members were present in the meeting hall. CHQ congratulates Com. Hiryannabhn on his election and hope that under his leadership the union will be strengthened in the circle. He is an experienced leader of our organization as he was working in the team of Com. Sheshadri in the capacity of Asst. Circle Secretary.
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04-12-2024 : OPG Trust inauguration ceremony held on 30-11-2024 at B.R AMBEDKAR BHAVAN URVA STORE MANGALORE under the chairmanship of Shri. Harish Chandra Shetty:-
The ceremony begun with prayer by Mrs. Sandhya Madhav. At first the house observed three minutes silence and paid respectful homage to the departed leader Comrade Sh. Sheshadri (Dy General Secretary, All India /circle secretary NFTE Karnataka).
Com. Shashidhar trust Secretary welcomed the huge gathering in the ceremony. Shri. Manoj Kumar, Mangalore city corporation Mayor inaugurated the ceremony with lightening of lamp. Shri Naveen Gupta, Principal General Manager BSNL DAKSHIN KANNADA is Chief Guest to the ceremony. Shri Lanchulal Astra Group Managing director, Sh. Shailesh Kumar Head postmaster Mangalore , Com. T.V Paulose, Ex.AGS Kerala circle secretay NFTE Union ,Com. Vellarian Mascranhas Ex AGS NFTE, Shri. Ajith kumar ULLAL social worker , Sh.Abdul Salam All India BSNL Fiber association president , Com. Balakrishna Circle president Karnataka NFTE Union, Com. Hirianna ACS NFTE Karnataka,Shri. Rama chandra advocate and legal advisor of OPG TRUST Mangalore were attended the ceremony as guest of owner. Mangalore Comrades felicitated the Chief Guests and other dignitaries in the ceremony with Shawl, flower mala and bouquet. The ceremony is a memorable one in Mangalore. The ceremony ended with vote of thanks by Shri. Praveen Kumar.
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03-12-2024 : Corporate office declared T.T. results on 02-12-2024. The examination was held on 08-09-2024 under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022. Letter No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-02-12-2024. NFTE CHQ congratulates the qualified candidates in the examination.
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03-12-2024 : Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal Lucknow Bench have given a judgment in writ petition No.-6808 of 2005 in respect of seven applicants, who recruited by DOT and joined in BSNL from 01-10-2000 are eligible all the benefits including GPF and pensionery benefits w.e.f. 01-10-2000. (date of their appointment), TA No.-332/00002 OF 2016, dt-12-11-2024.
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03-12-2024 : Corporate office endorsed DOT letters related to Pensionery benefits to all Circles/Telecom Districts/Regions/Projects/ Telecom Stores/Telecom Factories and other administrative offices for settlement of pension cases. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/12(14)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-29-11-2024.
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03-12-2024 : General agreement between BSNL and MTNL executed at New Delhi on 22-11-2024 under article five. The mutually binding agreement shall come in to effect from 01-01-2025 for a period of 10 years – Certificate No.-IN-DL90571842996170W, dt-22-11-2024.
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03-12-2024 : Revision of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No.-269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE, dt-01-01-2010 in CDA pay scale as per 6th CPC. File No.-BSNLCO-A/13(16)/4/2021-ESTAB, dt-02-12-2024.
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03-12-2024 : A Condolence meeting was organized on 02/12/2024 at Bengaluru by the District NFTE union to pay respectful homage to the departed leader Com. K. S. Sheshadri, Dy GS and Karnataka Circle Secretary. BGTD District President Ranganna presided. District Secretary Kumar welcomed all the invitees including the Secretary ( CHQ ) C K Mathivanan , PGM Venkateswaralu , G M
Ashok , former Circle Secretaries Babu , Chengappa , Gunasekar and the sister union leaders of SNEA , SEWA , AIBSNLPWA and others. A two minute silence was observed at the beginning of the meeting. Com C K Mathivanan unveiled the portrait of Com. K. S. Sheshadri and offered floral tributes followed by the higher officers and leaders of fraternal unions and Associations. In his crisp initial speech comrade C K M recalled the sacrifice and achievements of the departed leader who tirelessly worked for the upliftment of telecom employees particularly in Karnataka Circle for decades. Several Karnataka Circle union office bearers of NFTE reminded the selfless service of Com. K. S. Sheshadri. Both the PGM and GM appreciated the qualities and approach of the departed leader in dealings with the management.
After the conclusion of the condolence meeting Comrade C K M , Secretary ( CHQ ) separately spoke to the activists of NFTE who had assembled in the District Union Office of Bengaluru . He answered the questions of all the members and explained the important issues of Delay in the implementation of Wage revision, Stagnation of considerable number of employees and the efforts of NFTE - BSNL for achieving the new Promotional Scheme for the employees in place of useless, outdated and discriminatory NEPP which was signed by BSNLEU unilaterally in 2006 when NFTE union was not having the recognition.
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02-12-2024 : Hon’ble MOC writes a letter to Shri S. Venkatesan Ji Hon’ble member of parliament (Lok Sabha) with regard to pension revision for BSNL/MTNL retirees. D.O. No.-34-45/2019-Pen(T), dt-25-11-2024.
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29-11-2024 : Corporate office letter on intimation of PwBD year-wise vacancy for PS (under 33% LICE Quota) in field units for the vacancy years 2020-2021 and 2022. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/12(20)/1/2024-CSS, dt-25-11-2024.
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29-11-2024 : Corporate office letter on settlement of claims from DOT on account of providing Mobile Telephone service connections to DOT officers/officials working/Retirees up to the year 2023-24. Letter No.-BSNLCO-FICM23(11)/1/2020-FIN CM, dt-13-11-2024.
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26-11-2024 : Inspiring District Conference of Chennai Metro NFTE - BSNL on 25 th November, 2024:- A massive and impressive district conference was held full day at Flower Bazaar exchange compound on 25/11/2024 under the presidentship of Comrade S Arokyaraj, JE and the District President of NFTE in Chennai Metro . National Flag , NFTE flag and NFTCL flag were hoisted at the conference venue respectively by Comrades P V Deenadayalan ( Anna Nagar) ,
A Sagayam ( Kellys) and P Gunasekaran ( Kalmandapam) . Com C Ravi, Circle Treasurer paid respectful homage to the martyrs. District Secretary S Chitrarasu welcomes the participants numbering around two hundred including 62 women comrades representing all the 14 branches. NFTCL State President
N Danapal inaugurated the conference with an inspiring speech. Report on activities of the District Union was formally submitted and approved by the conference unanimously.
Circle President M K Ramasamy, NFTCL State Secretary S Anandan, CHQ Organising Secretary N Muneer Ali , Senior most Secretary ( CHQ ) and Circle Secretary C K M , Assistant Circle Secretary K M Elangovan addressed the conference and explained the present status of wage revision etc in detail. Comrades S Ekambaram , R Stephen , G Kumaravel respectively the District Secretaries of Chengalpattu,Thiruvallur and Kanchipuram greeted the Conference.
After the lunch break a seminar was organised under the caption “ The role of employees in the expansion of BSNL’s Customer base and improving the quality of telecom services “ .
Comrade CKM introduced the topic and Sri
Dhanraj, GM ( North), Smt . Kamalini , GM ( West) , Smt. Subhashini , GM ( Central) spoke at the seminar. All the three General Managers shared useful information with the delegates attending the seminar and appealed for fullest cooperation and effective assistance to the efforts of the management for improving the quality of telecom services provided by BSNL to our valued customers.
At the concluding session the 71 st Formation Day of NFPTE was celebrated with cutting a cake and explaining the achievements of NFPTE- NFTE - NFTE ( BSNL) .
The Conference unanimously approved to bifurcate the Chennai Metro District Union set up in to two for effective performance and to ensure active participation of membership in union activities. Accordingly Chennai ( NORTH) and Chennai ( South) District Union bodies were formed and office bearers for both districts were elected unanimously. Comrades S Chitrarasu, AOS , ( Anna Nagar) and T Ravichandran, T T ,
( Adyar ) were elected as District Secretary respectively for Chennai ( North) and Chennai (South) district unions of NFTE - BSNL in Chennai Telephones Circle.
The reception committee for the said conference which exhibited its full responsibility and commitment in holding this conference in a very successful and grand manner must be congratulated. Comrades M Sendhil , Mahendra Rao , T Manivannan , C Ravi , V Mathivanan,
V G Ravisekar , N Kamalakannan needs to be mentioned specifically for their hard work and effective implementation of decisions taken by the reception committee.
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25-11-2024 : On the auspicious day of the 71st foundation day of NFPTE ie on 24th Nov.2024., the Bihar Circle Union of NFTE BSNL honoured and felicitated the pride of BSNL Bihar Md Adnan Ahmad TT on his achievement of a silver medal in an All India BSNL W/L, P/L, B/P meet at Guwahati from 11 to 13 Nov. 2024. Md Adnan is a very disciplined, dedicated worker of BSNL and also an active member of NFTE in Patna BA. He was blessed by all for further better career in service as well as in sports activities.
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25-11-2024 : 71st foundation day of NFPTE was celebrated throughout the country on 24th Nov.2024. The CHQ received related news and photos from most of the circles and BA.
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22-11-2024 : Result of LICE held on 08-09-2024 for the promotion to the post of Junior Engineer (T) against 50% quota for vacancy year 2023.
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22-11-2024 : 71st Foundation day of NFPTE on 24-11-2024:- All respected Circle Secretaries/BA/OA Secretaries please remember the resolution adopted at Sangli (M.H) in our NEC to celebrate 71st Foundation day of NFPTE, the mother organization of NFTE. The 24th November, 2024 falling on Sunday so please avoid to avail holiday and celebrate the foundation day in grand manner with flag hoisting, meeting, sweet distribution etc and share the great history of our mighty organization among members.
22-11-2024 : News paper clipping from Hindu daily of dated -22-11-2024.
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22-11-2024 : Yearly revalidation of BSNL MRS Card for retirees, regarding. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/61/13/2022-ADMN, dt-21-11-2024.
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21-11-2024 : All India Conference of SEWA BSNL:- The All India conference of SC/ST Employees Welfare Association held on 19-11-2024 & 20-11-2024 at New Delhi. On this occasion an open session was organised on 19-11-2024 in Ambedkar Bhawan New Delhi. In absence of G.S. NFTE as he was on tour to Telangana circle, Com. Mahabir Singh All India Secretary attended and addressed the open session which was full with gathering in the hall. Com. Singh exhorted and explained the legitimated demand of BSNL employees viz 3rd wage revision and growth of BSNL etc.
Com. N.D. Ram re-elected again as General Secretary of SEWA BSNL alongwith a team of office bearers for next tenure of 2024 to 2027.
We on behalf of central head quarters and entire our members extend a hearty congratulations to all newly elected office bearers of SEWA BSNL.
On return of Com. C. Singh at Delhi on 21-11-2024, he alongwith Com. Mahabir Singh, AI Secretary rushed to SEWA office and felicitated and congratulated to Com. N.D. Ram alongwith all present brothers of SEWA in the office hall.
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20-11-2024 : 3rd Circle Conference of Telangana circle on 18-11-2024 and 19-11-2024 at Khammam in CPI office (COM. Rajab Ali Hall):-
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20-11-2024 : Com A.Rajamouli re-elected circle secretary with a team of 21 office bearers in which Com. B.Sunita and Com. Soma ready elected as president and Circle treasurer respectively.
Com. V.Muthu elected a senior Asst circle Secretary.
Ground report by Chandeshwar Singh G.S.
The details report and photos will follow.
20-11-2024 : Merit list of JTO LICE lied on 08-09-2024 for the vacancy year 2023. E file No.-BSNLCO-11/13/(12)/1/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-19-11-2024.
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19-11-2024 : Partial modification in facility of immunity from transfer to recognised and support association. Letter No.-BSNL/20-4/SR/2022, dt-18-11-2024.
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18-11-2024 : District Conference of NFTE - BSNL in Chengalpattu ( Chennai Telephones Circle) was held at Chromepet telephone exchange compound on 16/11/2024 in which hundreds of employees enthusiastically participated and was inaugurated by Com N Muneer Ali , Org Secretary ( CHQ) . Earlier NFTE and NFTCL red flags were hoisted by Comrades M K Ramasamy and T Sathya respectively. Com Nithyanandam of Chengalpattu who has joined our union after resigning from the BSNLEU very recently was honoured by Com CKM.
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18-11-2024 : Com E.Narsimulu J.E.and our District secretary of Adilabad took his last breathe today on 17th Nov. 2024.
He was very committed to the organization and contributed a lot for NFTE. It is a great loss for his family and also for our organisation.
on behalf of CHQ and all our members we pay a very respectful homage and extend a deep condolence to his family ,friend specially to the entire members of Telangana circle.
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16-11-2024 : Reimbursement of cost of GSM Mobile Handset to JTO and above – Discrimination-reg. Letter No.-TF-19/4, dt-16-11-2024.
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16-11-2024 : Capacity building of all non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-15, dt-16-11-2024.
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16-11-2024 : Enhancement of maximum limit of gratuity from 20 lacs to 25 lacs on reaching the Dearness Allowance to 50% - Applicability to the BSNL/MTNL absorbees opted for pension for combined service governed under Rule -37 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021. Letter No.-40-11/2024-Pen(T), dt-12-11-2024.
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14-11-2024 : Happy Gurunanak Jayanti.
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14-11-2024 : Shri Vijay Ram, ATT won gold medal ,circle office Kolkata telephone circle cum asst. Circle secretary of NFTE BSNL , WBT circle & from Bihar circle abhay sunder (AO) Silver in 110 KG , Adnan (TT) Silver in 90-100 KG ,Abdin Siddique (OAS) Muzaffarpur in 70-80 KG Gold has achieved medal in all India weight lifting/power lifting/BP championship held at Guwahati (Assam), We on behalf of CHQ NFTE BSNL & On behalf of our entire members congratulate to Sh. Vijay Kumar for his grand achievement
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13-11-2024 : Note for consideration of Management Committee of Board. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/77/2/2024-ADMN, dt-08-11-2024.
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13-11-2024 : Holidays to be observed in BSNL offices during the year 2025. File No.-BSNLCO-A/14(14)/2/2020-ESTAB, dt-01-11-2024.
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08-11-2024 : Director (HR) holds the meeting with recognised unions/associations on 07-11-2024 in his chamber. This meeting took place because, taking over the services of MTNL by BSNL in Delhi and Bombay. Then leaders said, knowingly the financial condition of BSNL, the entity should not be burdened with heavy expenditure for restoration of services in Delhi and Mumbai. Management only aimed to deploy 255 officers of MTNL in BSNL at present to maintain the services. The associations in particularly raised the issue of scales/promotions of MTNL staff are different with existing BSNL officers. The Director (HR) very patiently listened all and did not give complete details. He assured all that he will give full details in the next meeting. All have raised wage revision/PRC issue in the meeting and demanded early settlement. Director (HR) agreed to reconstitute the wage revision committee of non-executives at earliest. Mrs. Anita Johari, PGM(SR) also given some details on maintenance of services of MTNL in BSNL. In this meeting non-executives deployment issue has not come in the discussion. The leaders requested the management to release the minutes of the meeting to know the factual position.
07-11-2024 : Union Minister Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia unveils BSNL’s new logo and seven customer centric services on 22-10-2024 at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi:-
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07-11-2024 : The 71st Foundation Day of NFPTE. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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06-11-2024 : Director (HR) called a meeting on 07-11-2024 with Recognized unions/Associations to discuss transfer of MTNL operations to BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/7/2024-PERS1, dt-05-11-2024.
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06-11-2024 : Corporate office letter on temporary transfer under Rule-9/ Mutual under Rule-8/ one way Rule-8 transfer of executive(s) in the Cadre of Junior Telecom officer (Telecom) – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/1/2024-ESTAB, dt-30-10-2024.
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05-11-2024 : Chhath Puja Festival begins from today – Happy Chhath Puja:-
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02-11-2024 : HAPPY BHAI DOOJ - 2024:-
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30-10-2024 : May this Divine Festival Color the Rages of your life with peace, Joy and Happiness --- Happy Diwali:-
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30-10-2024 : Corporate office training Section Eastern Court writes a letter to GS NFTE/GS BSNLEU on capacity building of all non-executive employees and seeking views on this proposal by 11-11-2024. Letter No.- BSNLCO-TRG/30(15)/8/2024-TRAINING, dt-29-10-2024.
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30-10-2024 : NFTE - BSNL and NFTCL of Chennai Telephones jointly organised Protest Programme at CGM’s office compound on 28/10/2024 to protest against the inordinate delay in settlement of problems of employees.
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28-10-2024 : Grant of festival advance to non-executive employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-8/6, dt-28-10-2024.
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28-10-2024 : Clarification regarding timely payment of GPF final payment in the retiring Government servant – regarding. No.-3/7/2024-P&PW(F)(10139), dt-25-20-2024.
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26-10-2024 : More photographs of condolence meetings:-
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26-10-2024 : Retirement benefits be released timely. DOPT No.-1-15/2024(P and PW(F) 9809, dt-25-10-2024.
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25-10-2024 : Coverage of DOT recruited employees, prior of 1st October, 2000 under Govt Pension scheme – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-25-10-2024.
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25-10-2024 :
Cremation process of Com. Sheshadri has started at cremation site Comrades of Karnataka Circle are assembled at the site Com. K. Natrajan C.S. Tamilnadu is also present there and reporting the news continuously.
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25-10-2024 : Dead body of Com. Sheshadri rached safely at Bengaluru. The body will be kept for Darshan from 2 pm. After that the funeral procession will start and it will go to cremation site. Com. K. Natarajan, C.S. Tamilnadu reach there he will associate with local Comrades of Karnataka. Com. Sheshadri Amar Rahe….
25-10-2024 : Payment of IDA at revised rates w.e.f 01-10-2024. BSNL endorsement No.-BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2024-ESTAB, dt-24-10-2024.
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24-10-2024 : Stagnation of employees on maximum of scales - Resolution regarding. Letter No.-TF-9/4c, dt-24-10-2024.
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24-10-2024 : Denial of option in fixation of pay sequel to promotion under NEPP in year 2019 – Case of Jharkhand circle. Letter No.-TF-011, dt-24-10-2024.
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24-10-2024 : Resolutions adopted at NEC meeting:-
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24-10-2024 : IDA order issued by Department of Public Enterprises. Letter No.- W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XVII/2024, dt-22-10-2024.
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23-10-2024 : Photos of Condolence meetings at different places:-
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23-10-2024 : Meeting of the Joint Committee for Wage Revision deferred-- Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-23-10-2024.
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23-10-2024 : NFTE BSNL lost a very dynamic, undisputed, a strong organisational pillar and a dedicated leader:-
Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary, of NFTE(BSNL) passed away today i.e. on 23-10-2024 at about 4 am at Jhansi Medical College and hospital Jhansi (UP). He was travelling in Train to come to Delhi to attend the wage revision committee meeting scheduled at 3 pm on 23-10-2024. Before reaching at Jhansi he was suffocating and the Railway Personal took him out from the coach and send to the Medical College and Hospital Jhansi, where he took his last breath at about 4 am. Com. Sheshadri has sacrificed his life for the cause of the working class. This is very sad news for our entire members as well as BSNL employees. He greatly admire to our beloved legendary leader and founder of NFPTE/NFTE Com. Om Prakash Gupta Jee. We on behalf of Central Head Quarters of union as well as on behalf of entire members of NFTE BSNL pays very respectful homage to departed soul and extends heartfelt condolences to Comrades of Karnataka Circle, and to his friends and relatives.
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21-10-2024 : Conditions for grant of additional pension to the retired Central Government Civil Employees covered under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021. F. No.-38/10(04)/2024-P&PW(A) (e 10124), dt-18-10-2024.
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21-10-2024 : Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee on wage revision for Non-executive employees w.e.f.01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 22.03.2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO/38-1/SR/2016, dt-21-10-2024.
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19-10-2024 : As per notification dated 4 th september 2024 the meeting of NEC began with flag hoisting.on 19 th October 2024 at sangli.
Tha National as well as union flag were hoisted jointly by com Islam Ahmad,com chandeshwar Singh ,com C.K.Mathvanan & com Mahabir Singh.
Earlier at entrance gate the participants were welcomed with melodious music by several types of instruments.
The meeting started tn a wonderful decorated hall under the presidentship of com Islam Ahmad.
He declared house on corum and directed the General secretary to place initial speech with explanation on agenda points.
After completion of speech of the GS ,the debates on agenda started which also continued after lunch break.
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17-10-2024 : Items of agenda for National Council meeting. Letter No.-TF-2/3, dt-17-10-2024.
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17-10-2024 : Supply/Payment of livery items to non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-22/3, dt-16-10-2024.
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17-10-2024 : Relaxation for promotion to the Cadre of “Kanishth Raj Bhasha Adhikari” in LICE 2023-reg. Letter No.-TF-24(k), dt-16-10-2024.
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17-10-2024 : Formation of New Circle “BBNW” with HQR at Bangalore – reg. Letter No.-TF-63, dt-16-10-2024.
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17-10-2024 : Upgradation of Rajamoundry City based on census data – reg. Letter No.-TF-10/4(a), dt-16-10-2024.
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17-10-2024 : Grievances of TSMs/Casual Laborers – reg. Letter No.-TF-31/7, dt-16-10-2024.
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15-10-2024 : Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training issues order on grant of notional increment on 1st July/1st January to the employees who retired from Central Govt. service on 30th June /31st December respectively for the purpose of calculating their pensionary benefits. Letter No.-19/116/2024-Pers.Pol.(Pay)(Pt), dt-14-10-2024.
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14-10-2024 : Wage revision committee meeting of non-executive employees of BSNL will be held on 23-10-2024 at 15.30 hrs at 6th floor library, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-14-10-2024.
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11-10-2024 : NFTE CHQ Wishing you and your family a Happy Dussehra and Durga Puja filled with love, laughter, and happiness.
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10-10-2024 : BSNL EMPLOYEES IN A DILEMMA. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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09-10-2024 : Corporate office NWP-BB Cell issues clarification in policy for provision of FTTH service connection through Partner OLT. Letter No.-BSNLCO-NPBB/11(13)/3/2020-NWP- BB, dt-08-10-2024.
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08-10-2024 : Message from CMD (BSNL) on 25th formation day of BSNL.
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08-10-2024 : Corporate office building section writes a letter to all CGMs regarding upkeep & maintenance of BSNL colonies & inspection quarters. Letter No.-BSNLCO(11)/1/2020-BW, dt-30-09-2024.
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08-10-2024 : Corporate office letter on empanelment of CGHS/ECHS Hospitals. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/11(12)/1/2020-ADMN-Part (1), dt-04-10-2024.
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08-10-2024 : All Circle Secretaries/All India office bearers and Invitees please go through the following information regarding our NEC at Sangli (M.H.):-
(1) Address where accommodation is arranged..
- Hotel ICON Inn,
Sangli- Miraj Road, Vishrambag, Sangli.
(2) Those coming via Pune are advised to either come by train or by Private taxis in sharing. Because travelling by state transport bus is much more hectic & time consuming as road widening work at some place on the route to Sangli is in progress.
(3) Accommodation venue is somewhat 2 km away from Sangli railway station & 5 km away from Miraj Railway station. Travelling from Sangli station to our venue may cost Rs 50/- & Miraj station to our venue may cost Rs 100/- by Auto rickshaw.
(4) Contact numbers of Reception committee members,
Contact numbers:-
(i)Com Jagtap
(ii)Com Patel
(iii)Com Ravil Mane.
07-10-2024 : Grand success mass meeting at Kolkata on 28th Sept.2024:-
An open mass meeting was called by NFTE (BSNL) Calcutta telephones circle on 28 sept.2024.
It was the occasion of biennial joint meeting of two Districts of Calcutta telephones.
Com Chandeshwar Singh General secretary NFTE ,Com Mahabir Singh All India secretary ,com krishnendu Naskar circle secretary Calcutta telephones circle attended the meeting on behalf of our union and Mr Dipesh Chandra Thikadar CGMT CTD,Mr Koshik Mukharji PGM (HR) Mr Kujur GM (F) and DGM (HR) were present from CTD management.
All these leaders and officers addressed the meeting.
Com chandeshwar Singh GS in his inaugural speech elaborately exhorted all the long pending grievances of employees including wage revision.
He added that 60 percent non executive workers are under stagnating and there are facing much hardship as they have lost a lot till the date.
Wage revision is denied in name of loss making company but the employees have no concern with the policy of the company. The employees are contributing much but it does not convert into revenue due to the wrong policy of the Govt.
The treatment either of the Govt or the BSNL board with BSNL employees is totally beyond the justice,ethics, tradition and even of natural justice.
Mr Dipesh Chandra Thikar in his address to the participants reported the development activities as well as about achieving the target fixed by the BSNL head quarter.
In a simple language he narrated the technical activities which was very easy to understand every body.
Com Mahabir Singh explained the historic position of BSNL in mobile area and he compared the situation with present scenario.
He also added that for declining the revenue and down fall in technologies are the outcome of the Govt.policy.
Mr. Koushik Majumdar PGM HR very strongly told that there is no issue related with the non executives are pending in circle office He invited the local leaders to com in case whether you feel difficulties in settlement of grievances ,the door of the HR wing will always be opened for you.
After a vote of thanks by Com Krishnendu Naskar ,the president declared the session adjourned..
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07-10-2024 : Grant of Rule-8/Rule-9 transfers to employees in surplus circles – relaxation reg. Letter No.- TF-20/3(a), dt-07-10-2024.
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07-10-2024 : Grant of festival advance to employees – reg. Letter No.- TF-8/6, dt-07-10-2024.
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05-10-2024 : A formal meeting of NFTE (BSNL) with Director (HR) at 12 hrs on 4th October 2024.---
We raised the following issues out of the agenda ..
(1) wage revision meeting. The meeting will be held in 3 Rd week of October 2024
(2)DA payment to TSMs/ casual labourers-- it will be considered.
(3)Huge recovery from Shri Dinesh Prasad TT Lakhisarai under Bhagalpur BA on grant of 2nd upgradation under NEPP.
(4) Declaration of result of LICEs....it will come soon.
(5) Redressal of stagnation...It will clubbed with wage revision...
(6) The staff side demanded a copy of the recommendation by the BCG consultant. A copy will be supplied when BCG submits the final report on HR issues.
(7) Cash payment in lieu of liveries items and uniforms. The final uniform decision will be taken within one month.
(8) Non-compliance of Corporate office letters / Orders by field units.
A letter will be issued to all the CGMs to ensure compliance within a time frame.
Agenda items-
(¹)Review of circle-sanctioned strength for each cader...
Restructuring cell has been directed to consider all the points raised by the staff union to enable them to get chance to appear in the LICE.
(2)Grant of festival Advance to employees---
Will be considered favourably.
(3) New promotion policy for Non executive employees- It will be examined.
(4) Upgradation of CSS staff...The vacant posts will be filled up within 30 days.
(5) Cases of presidential order---- cases of Punjab, up east have been settled.
The Director (HR) will personally take up the cases of Bihar, Jharkhand and Maharashtra
(6) Cadre controlling for the staff working under BB NW---
Respective circles will be the cadre controlling authority.....
(7)Employees getting wages though ERP be allowed to opt for union membership.
(8) Empanelment of cashless hospital for treatment of employees.
It will be looked into.
(9) Promotion through LICE..... The points raised by the union will be taken at the time of finalisation of final policy.
(10) Non functioning of councils at various levels ...
The Director (HR) will write to all circle heads to ensure council meeting as per schedule.
(11) Hardship to employees in transfer.
A committee has been constituted to study and search out the methodology to help the data in transfer cases.
Before finalisation ,the staff side will be consulted.
(12) coverage of DOT recruits staff under OPS ...
The points raised by the union will be taken under consideration.
(13) Problems of wage revision and payment of DA it will be taken with DOT.
(14) Lifting ban on Compassionate appointment......
It will be considered at priority basis...
The official side was presented by the....
(1) Director (HR),
(2) PGM SR& Restructuring,
(3) PGM Pers
(4) PGM Estt,
(5) PGM Admn,
Staff side....
President, General Secretary, Com K. Sesheshadri DGS and
Com Rajmouli CHQ Treasurer.
01-10-2024 : 6.4% IDA increased from 01-10-2024, Total=217.8 + 6.4% = 224.2 % w.e.f. 01-10-2024....
28-09-2024 : The General Secretary addressed the open session at Guwahati:-on the occasion of
Asam Circle's executive committee meeting and Kamrup BA's biennial conference, an open session was scheduled to be held on 26th Sept 2024 at 11.30 am.
The session started after flag hoisting.
Com Chandeshwar Singh General secretary hoisted the NFTE flag.
Shri J.B.Singh, GM.admin & HR, Shri Chourasiya, GM BA Kamrup other DGMs and AGMs of Kamrup BA were present in the session.
com Singh GS inaugurated the session of a gathering of about 200 workers. More than a dozen lady workers were also participating..
GS in his inaugural speech exhorted and elaborately explained the suffering of employees of BSNL. He added that at the time of corporatization, none of the union leaders and employees expected that they would have to face such a painful situation after some time in BSNL.
The BSNL which was a miniratna company in the year 2004-05 and was to be entered as Navratna company Of the country, due to the stepmother treatment of the Govt the financial position of the company started to decline from 2007-8.
After VRS 2020 also the company did not turn fast toward growth rather a similar critical situation continued till December 2021.
Even the salary of staff was not paid on time.
The present situation is also critical for the staff.
The wage revision is denied due to the loss of the company for which employees are not responsible at all.
The profit and loss of any company depend upon the policy of the owner.
It is a totally abnormal and peculiar situation prevailing in the company as it's 60 percent employees are facing stagnation. LICEs are conducted in half of the circles and employees of half of the circles are not getting chance to appear in exam in the name of no vacancy.
The then BSNL management in 2021 ruined the future carrier of employees in name of restructuring staff and distribution of manpower.
About 13 circles became surplus for all Caders.
This methodology to manage human resources is unique in the country.
This has blocked the facilities of inter circle / BA transfer of the staff, even the spouse cases are denied violating the order of DOPT.
GS said that all together the development of human resources and welfare measures for them has stopped.
The abnormal delay in rolling out of 4 G-based mobile services reduced the market share to worse.
For all these lapses employees are punished which is beyond even the natural justice.
Shri J.B.singh GM of HR addressed the meeting and reported that all HR issues of the employees are taken care of on time and settled within a time frame.
Shri Chourasiya ji GM BA Kamrup also addressed and reported regarding the growth of services. He added that the relation with staff unions is very cordial and every issue are being settled very smoothly in Kamrup BA.
The open session was concluded with a vote of thanks by Com P.C. patagiri who was the chairperson of the meeting.
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27-09-2024 : People Analytics/BSNL Samvad Mobile APP. File No.-BSNLCO-COMN/11(15)/6/2024-RSTG, dt-25-09-2024.
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26-09-2024 : Message from Director (HR) BSNL Board to all field units regarding monetization of non-core assets of BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-LM/15(12)/1/2022-LM, dt-23-09-2024.
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25-09-2024 : Providing education Data and job profile of all “ Group -C “and “Group – D” Employees (non-executives) for imparting them suitable trainings through FTP. Letter No.--TRG/30(15)/5/2021-TRAINING, dt-24-09-2024.
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24-09-2024 : Dear all our respected visitors of the NFTE (BSNL) website it is to inform you that our website and entire computer systems are not functioning due to civil and electrical repair works being in progress in CHQ offices.
Kindly co-operate with us.
We are arranging some important updates from outside.
Thank you all..GS.
18-09-2024 : All unions and Associations of BSNL submitted a memorandum to CMD BSNL on VRS/IPMS issue. -Dated:- 17-09-2024.
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14-09-2024 : Amendment in the Policy Guidelines dated 19-01-2024 for provision of FTTH concessional connection for DOT retiree – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/80/1/2020-ADMN, dt-09-09-2024.
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13-09-2024 : 13th meeting of BSNL Welfare Board calling of agenda items Reg. Letter No.-TF-4(b), dt-13-09-2024.
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12-09-2024 : District Conference of Kancheepuram ( Chennai Telephones Circle) held on 09/09/2024:-
The District Conference was inaugurated by Comrade M K Ramasamy , Circle President. Several NFTE - BSNL and NFTCL leaders addressed the conference including Comrades CKM, Circle Secretary, Ravi, Circle Secretary, Ekambaram , Chengalpattu District Secretary. The election of officebearers was unanimous.
District President S . Gopal , T T ( R),
District Secretary G Kumaravel , T T , Porur and
District Treasurer A . Dellibabu , ATT , KCM
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12-09-2024 : HR issues and initiatives. Letter No.-Dir(HR) BSNL Board/2024/Misc./02, dt-12-09-2024.
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09-09-2024 : Grant of Special Casual Leave for attending National Executive Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL on 19-10-2024 & 20-10-2024. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2023, dt-06-09-2024.
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06-09-2024 : “Human Resource Development in BSNL”. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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06-09-2024 : Meeting with PGM (SR):- G.S. and Com. Rajamouli A.I. Treasurer met with PGM(SR) and discussed to fix the formal meeting with Director (HR) and regarding issue instructions to all the circle head to follow the transfer policy circulated by the Corporate office strictly. The Leaders also requested the PGM to suitable instructions may kindly also be issued to take proper care at the time of rotational transfers to exempt the staff from transfer, who are eligible to get the immunity from transfer.
The PGM(SR) after patiently hearing reciprocated positively on all the issues.
06-09-2024 : Meeting with PGM (Est) both the leaders met with Shri S.P. Singh, PGM(Est) and pointed out that in Bihar circle there is no vacancies in any of the promotional Cadre for non-executive, but the circle management is giving permission to some employees of CNTX – Est zone to appear in the LICE scheduled to be held on 08-09-2024. The PGM(Est) talked to the GM(HR & Admn) of Bihar circle and suggested not to allow any employee in LICE and if the admit Card has been issued, it should be cancelled to avoid further litigation and complication.
06-09-2024 : NFTE Karnataka Circle Leaders met New CGMT , Karnataka Circle Smt Sujatha .N on 05-09-20024 at Bangalore and extended warm welcome to KTK Circle and assured her all co-operation for necessary developments of KTK Circle ,specially to achieve targets given to KTK Circle to install /commissioning of 6500 4G Sites .CGM assured all effects will be put by using available resources /developing KTK Circle in the interest of customers /Department .Also remarked that she is with BSNL Employees and assured in solving problems of employees within a stipulated time and frame rules .
Com K.S.Sheshadri Dy GS & Circle Secretary, Com Ranganna Dist President, Com Hiriyanna ACS, Com A.Rajashekhara, Circle Org. Secretary, Com. S.Srinivas Treasurer were Present .
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06-09-2024 : Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week – 2024. Letter No.-21-11/2024-VA, dt-04-09-2024.
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06-09-2024 : Processing of e-APAR for “Executive and Non-executive” employees of BSNL, online through ESS – Portal for year 2023-24 –reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/19(12)/2/2022-PERS1 Part1 Part(3), dt-05-09-2024.
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06-09-2024 : Conduction of Paper-II of LICE exam (Personal Assistant to the grade of Private Secretaries in BSNL field units) at ALTTC, Ghaziabad on dated 13th September 2024 (Friday) – Non – availability of Hostel facility in ALTTC Ghaziabad. File No.-ALTTC-ALT/13/9/2023-PRO, dt-04-09-2024.
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06-09-2024 : Utilizing the influence of sports persons in BSNL for marketing of BSNL products & Service – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CORM/11/1/2024-CORM, dt-04-09-2024.
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05-09-2024 : Wrong concept in holding LICE on 08-09-2024 against raised vacancies for CNTX – East zone for the Cadre of T.T, JE(T) and JTO (T). Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-05-09-2024.
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05-09-2024 : Review of Policy of Transfer under Rule -9 (Temporary Transfer). Letter No.-TF-20/3, dt-05-09-2024.
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05-09-2024 : NFTE lost a very dynamic and committed leader of BA level of Varanasi UP (East) circle.
Com. Ashok Singh, Ex. T.T, District Secretary & Astt. Circle Secretary of NFTE (BSNL) expired on 3rd September 2024 at evening due to kidney failure.
Shri Singh was very committed leader and daring personality in the organizational. He kept the NFTE flag always high in Eastern Zone of UP (East) circle.
We on behalf of CHQ and entire members of our organization extend a respectful homage to departed soul and deep condolence to his family and entire comrades of UP (East).
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04-09-2024 : Notification issued for holding NEC meeting at Sangli (Maharashtra) from 19-10-2024 to 20-10-2024. Letter No.- TF-4/1, dt-04-09-2024.
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03-09-2024 : District working committee meeting of Circle office Bangalore held on 02-09-2024 in District union office, CTO compound under the Presidentship of Com. Ranganna. Com. K.S. Sheshadri, C.S. and Deputy G.S. attending the meeting as Chief Guest. Com. Rajashekhar, District Secretary, Circle office have given report on pending issues of circle office. Com. K.S. Sheshadri have given detailed note on issues pertaining to local and all India issues. Com. J Kumar also addressed the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Dayanand Prabhu District Treasurer.
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03-09-2024 : Corporate office (Personal Branch) letter on entry/verification of PwBD data in respect of BSNL employees in SAP/ERP. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/18(11)/4/2022-DPC-Part(I), dt-29-08-2024.
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03-09-2024 : All respected Circle Secretaries, CHQ office bearers and invites, Dear Comrades, it is decided with the consent of our All India President to hold the NEC meeting at Sangli (Maharashtra Circle) on 19th and 20th October, 2024. The meeting will be for two days only, hence all of you are requested to reach positively at Sangli on 18th October, 2024 to take full time of 19th for the meeting. You may book your return tickets on 20th after 7 pm. The fooding and lodging arrangement will be available for all participants from 18th October, 2024 evening to 20th October, 2024 night.
Please don’t delay and book your tickets to and fro journey immediately… With warmest greetings. C. Singh, G.S. NFTE (BSNL).
Venue of the meeting:- Sukhrup Garden and Multipurpose Hall, Sangli - Haripur Road, Haripur (Sangli).
30-08-2024 : Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) letter regarding conduct of paper II of LICE i.e. PA to PS in BSNL units at ALTTC , Ghaziabad – intimation of date of Paper II Examination. File No.-BSNLCO-11/13(11)/5/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-23-08-2024.
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29-08-2024 : Informal discussions with PGM (Est):- Discussion with union office bearer took place on following issues.- (1) Transfer of Draughtsman, Shri L.M. Bhandere, now designated as JE cannot be equated with JET). He agreed to the point and promised to speak to circle authorities. (2) POS - (a) Bihar circle office has again sought some clarification. it is being replied by BSNL HOR. (3) (b) Cases from Jharkhand circle are still not received. Matter will get due attention on receipt.
29-08-2024 : Implementation of Online Transfer Application Module for inter-circle transfer under Rule -8 of BSNL Transfer Policy – regarding. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-29-08-2024.
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28-08-2024 : UPS:-
The Central Govt has now introduced unified “Pension Scheme” (UPS) for central Govt employees in addition to “New Pension Scheme” (NPS). Both schemes are contributory. The CG employees and unions had been demanding restoration of “Old Pension Scheme” (OPS). The concerned employees and their unions are dissatisfied with the UPS and want OPS which was in existence before. The “UPS” is not applicable to PSU employees including BSNL.
It will be premature to offer comments before detailed study of the new rule.
However, now three Rules viz NPS, UPS and OPS exist.
28-08-2024 : Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) approved by the Union Cabinet.
This scheme aims to benefit government employees and offers several key features:-
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25-08-2024 : HAPPY JANMASHTAMI:-
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21-08-2024 : Transfer of Shri Jaynarain Sahu, JE Chas to Dhanbad against Transfer guidelines – request for cancellation reg. Letter No.-TF-20/2, dt-21-08-2024.
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21-08-2024 : Comparative analysis of revenue receipts of July by Circles in respect of LL, Mobile, EB revenue. Targets, have been also fixed BSNL No.-4-1/2029-20-BSNL/TR, dt-16-08-2024 from CMD, BSNL to all IFAs circles.
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21-08-2024 : Leaders of unions and associations submit memorandum to the CMD BSNL on Pay Revision / Wage Revision:-
As per the decision taken in the meeting of all unions and associations, held on 13.08.2024, a memorandum on the issue of Pay Revision / Wage Revision was presented to the Shri Ravi A Robert Jerard, CMD BSNL, today. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com.M.S. Adasul, GS, SNEA, Com.Veerabadra Rao, President, AIGETOA, Com.N.D. Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL, Com.L.N. Shukla, President, BTEU BSNL, NTR, Com.Manoj Singh, GS, AIGETOA, Com.Rewati Prasad, AGS, ATM BSNL and Com.Sumit Soni, GS, CBOWA participated in today's meeting. The leaders told the CMD BSNL that, the Pay Revision of the Executives has already been recommended by the BSNL Board and sent for the approval of the DoT. The matter is lying pending with the DoT and it needs to be pursued further. As regards, the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives, a deadlock has arisen since the Management has gone back from the pay scales already finalised in the Wage Negotiating Committee, through mutual consensus between the Management Side and the Unions. The leaders requested the CMD BSNL that this deadlock created in the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives needs to be removed. The CMD BSNL received the memorandum and assured that needful action would be taken. For photo and memorandum -----please click…
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16-08-2024 : Corporate office Admin & PR Branch writes a letter to all CGMs/Unit Heads on empanelment of CGHS/ESHS hospitals – the purpose is to make sure that at least one empanelled hospitals is available in every operational area (OA). Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/11/(12)/1/2020-ADMN-Part (1), dt-13-08-2024.
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13-08-2024 : All Union Association meeting decides to take vigorous action to settle Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue:-
A meeting of the All Unions and Associations is held in AIGETOA’s office at New Delhi today, to discuss about the ways and means to settle Pay Revision / Wage Revision, which is the most burning issue of the employees. This meeting is attended by BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIGETOA, SEWA BSNL, BTEU, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BSNLMS, AITEEA, ATM BSNL, TEPU and DEWAB. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, G.S, NFTE, presided over the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, explained the latest position of the issue of Pay Revision / Wage Revision and the need for taking united efforts by all unions and associations to settle the same. All the representatives participated in the discussion. It is unanimously decided to take up the Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue vigorously with the CMD BSNL and the Government. As a first step, it is decided to write letter to the CMD BSNL on the following two points.
(1) BSNL Management should write letter to the DoT demanding expeditious action to settle the Pay Revision of the Executives.
(2) As regards the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives, the Management should immediately sign agreement with the Recognised Unions, based on the pay scales finalised through mutual agreement in the Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held on 27.07.2018.
It is decided that letter is to be written to the CMD BSNL under the signature of the General Secretaries of all the unions and associations.
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13-08-2024 : DGM (Admn) Corporate office writes a letter to all CGMs on “Har Ghar Tiranga” Campaign from 09th -15th August, 2024. Letter No.-BSNL CO/Admn- III-Pt/Misc./2021, dt-08-08-2024.
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12-08-2024 : Noida transfer issue:- The issue was discussed with the Director (HR) on 09-08-2024 in presence of PGM(SR) and PGM(Est).
Today General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli met to PGM (SR) and enquired about status of the issue. The District Secretary and Treasurer of NFTE (BSNL) have been transferred from BA headquarter to sector 62 and in the area of greater Noida. The union pointed out that the decision of the GM BA Noida is against the Rule of immunity from transfer to union office bearer.
The PGM(SR) assured to intervene to settle the issue.
12-08-2024 : Denial of vertical promotion to non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-12-08-2024.
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10-08-2024 : Increase in the rate of quantum of contribution towards superannuation pension scheme – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), dt-10-08-2024.
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10-08-2024 : Relaxation for promotion to the Cadre of “Kanishta Rajbhasha Adhikari” in LICE 2023-cade of UP(E) Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/(K), dt-09-08-2024.
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09-08-2024 : Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL Board today:- President, General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli met to the Director (HR) BSNL and discussed the following issues.
(i) Pick and Choose transfers in field units ignoring the BSNL transfer policy.
(ii) No weightage and care in transfers to the union leaders who fall under provision of immunity from transfer.
(iii) Fixing the date and time for holding the formal meeting with NFTE-BSNL.
(iv) Holding of circle/local council meetings periodically as per prescribed schedule circulated by corporate office.
(v) Adamancy and vindictive attitude of PGM BA Patna and transfer of District Secretary and Treasurer by the BA head Noida.
After a patient hearing by the Hon’ble Director (HR), directed the PGM (SR) to write a general letter to all the CGMs to follow the transfer policy of BSNL and also settle the immunity cases without prejudice. He assured to address the remaining issues.
Shri S.P. Singh, PGM (Est) and Smt. Anita Johri PGM(SR) were also present in the meeting.
09-08-2024 : Ministry health and family welfare Govt of India issues guidelines on CGHS Dte. General of Health Services, the following instructions are to be followed strictly by all HCOs empanelled under CGHS Delhi/NCR, failing which necessary action will be initiated in accordance with the MOA. F. No.-5-36/CGHS (HQ)/HEC/2024, dt-05-08-2024.
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08-08-2024 : Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) letter on holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) – intimation of date of online examination. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/20(11)/5/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-07-08-2024.
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08-08-2024 : Formation of new circle “BBNW” with HQR at Bangalore – reg. Letter No.-TF-63, dt-08-08-2024.
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08-08-2024 : Sufferings of employees redressal – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/3(a), dt-08-08-2024.
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08-08-2024 : Upgradation of Central Secretariat staff, CSS, absorbed in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/1(h), dt-08-08-2024.
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08-08-2024 : Meeting with PGM(SR):- General Secretary, President and Treasurer met to PGM(SR) and discussed the following issues – (i) Delay in issuance of Presidential order to the left out staff of Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Bihar. The PGM reciprocated that even after DO letters from the Director (HR) to all the circles, these circles are not sending the proper report needed for the purpose. He assured that he will persue the issue on his personal basis to finalise it.
(ii) Non-issuance of order for payment of DA for TSMs and Casual Mazdoors due from 01-01-2024, the PGM replied that the case has been put up for approval but not returned, after receiving the approval the required order will be issued soon.
06-08-2024 : Coverage of DoT Recruits, transferred and appointed in BSNL, under old Pension Scheme (OPS). Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-06-08-2024.
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06-08-2024 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:-
President, General Secretary of both the recognised unions viz NFTE (BSNL) and BSNLEU met the CMD, BSNL today and urged for resumption of negotiation on wage revision issue. CMD assured to speak to the chairman of wage committee.
In course of discussions he told the targets of 80% upgradation of sites and total by December, 2024. He went on and said workers will get their share in revenue earning. Later, the delegation met the chairman wage committee also and exchanged views for negotiations.
06-08-2024 : Review of sanctioned strength of circles in respect of non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-06-08-2024.
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06-08-2024 : NFTE CHQ writes a letter to Hon’ble MOC Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia Jee, requesting to settle stagnation issue in respect of non-executives in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-9/8(PRC), dt-06-08-2024.
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06-08-2024 : Employee’s aspirations in a changing environment. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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05-08-2024 : BSNL subscribers on rise, home grown 4G network ready, says Hon’ble MOC, Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia. He said we will install 80,000 towers by the end of October, and remaining 21,000 by March next year. Which means one lakh towers of 4G will be installed by March 2025 (source – ET Telecom)
03-08-2024 : Last Date for NIC GHI Policy Extended on Public Demand: As per predefined schedule, 01/08/2024 was last date for submission of online option to join NIC GHI Policy proposed by SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL and till now many have opted for this policy.
But we have received many requests for extending date of submission of options for NIC GHI Policy as salary is received on 30/07/2024 and many could not opt for this GHI Policy in given date 01/08/2024.
The issues were discussed with National Insurance Company and among General Secretaries and it has been decided to extend the last date for submission options up to midnight of 05/08/2024.
One can apply for this GHI policy within this extended due date and as Policy has to be made effective immediately, no further extension will be possible.
For further details about NIC GHI Policy and to opt for the enrolment to this Group Health Insurance Policy please visit
Website: http://aubsnlghi.co.in. <<<>>>
User ID: HR No. (9 digit)
Password: DoB (DDMMYYYY)
Wiling individuals may join special Whats app group for any further queries and response from the expert team.
03-08-2024 : Grand felicitation to Com. K. Natarajan, J.E/C.S. Tamilnadu on 30-07-2024:- On the occasion of superannuation of Com. K. Natarajan, C.S, Tamilnadu circle organised a grand felicitation meeting in CGM office from 1500 hrs 2000 hrs. Com. G.S. Murlidharan Circle President presided over the meeting. At first Com. Sridar welcomed all to the meeting. Com. R. Pattabiraman former C.S, Com. R.K, Com. Sowda, Com. Tamilamani, Com. T.M. Murthy AITUC Secretary, Com. M. Radha Krishnan T.N. State AITUC Secretary, Com. Pannerselvan, C.S. SEWA, Com. Perumal All India Advisor, Com. Vijaya Kumar, G.S. TEPU, Com. Ravindran, Com. Chella Pandian, Krishnan, Com. Chellapa, Dy. G.S. BSNLEU, Com. Balu Radha Krishnan, Com. Raju, C.S. SNEA, Com. Valanarasu C.S. AIGETOA, Com. Senthi Kumar, Com. Anand C.S. AIBSNLEA, Com. Lingamurthy, All India President FNTO, Com. Bala Krishna CBEU Secretary, Com. Sundareshan C.S. BTEU, Com. C. Balakumar all India Special invitee, Com. Sundar Krishnan C.S. AIBSNL PWA, Com. Siva Kumar and Com. M.S.R participated in the function and expressed best wishes to Com. Natarajan on his superannuation. All have honoured Com. Natarajan with Shawls. All have appreciated the role played by Com. Natarajan as a Circle Secretary NFTE from 2016. The CGM T.N. also mentioned that, he was associated with him for 40 days only but he appreciated his attitude in dealing the issues. Com. R. Pattabiraman have given a brief note on Com. Natarajan, about his childhood, family background. He appreciated the role of Com. Natarajan in Trade Union movement since 2016. Com. C. Singh, General Secretary attended the felicitation function and honoured him with a shawl. He notedly mentioned the commitment of K. Natarajan in Trade union movement as C.S. of NFTE. He mentioned that Com. Natarajan suffered a lot in Corona period at Guwahati CEC, but he stayed there for 7 days. He continued the legacy of Com. R. Pattbiraman and strengthen the organization in T.N. Circle. He expressed his best wishes to him on that occasion. Com. Sridar, Com. P. Kamaraju, Com. S. Palaniappan, Com. Manoj and his team, Com. Jaya Chandram, Com. Balu and Com. Tamilselvam have made elaborate arrangements for success of retirement function of Com. K. Natarajan. Com. Balu Conveyed vote of thanks in the meeting. Com. Natarajan also have conveyed his thanks to all the organizers and participants at the end.
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31-07-2024 : Holding of 5 Limited Internal Competitive Examinations LICEs (TT, JE(T), PA to PS in field units, JTO (T), JTO(TF) (- Role & responsibilities of circle team… reg. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/20(11)/5/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-26-07-2024.
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31-07-2024 : Corporate office letter on Re-verification of all GSM Service connections and facilities provided on these service connections. Letter No.-BSNLCO-FICM/15(13)/1/2023-FIN CM, dt-26-07-2024.
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31-07-2024 : Corporate office letter on furnishing of status of pending Courts Cases related to re-fixation of pay i.r.o. absorbed employees of BSNL who were promoted prior to 01-10-2000 but opted under FR-22(1)(a)(i) for fixation of their pay in the promoted scale on the date of their next increment in the lower grade which falls after 01-10-2000. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(17)/1/2024-ESTAB, dt-26-07-2024.
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31-07-2024 : NFTE (BSNL) and BSNLEU have written a joint letter to Shri A. Ravi A Robert Jerard, CMD BSNL for settlement of 3rd wage revision of non-executives in BSNL and requested to remove the bottle-neck in the issue. Dated:-31-07-2024. (English version)
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31-07-2024 : NFTE (BSNL) and BSNLEU have written a joint letter to Shri A. Ravi A Robert Jerard, CMD BSNL for settlement of 3rd wage revision of non-executives in BSNL and requested to remove the bottle-neck in the issue. Dated:-31-07-2024. (Hindi version)
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26-07-2024 : Meeting with PGM(Est):- General Secretary met to PGM(Est) and discussed the following issues – (i) Delay in issuance of Presidential order to the left out staff of Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Bihar. The PGM reciprocated that even after DO letters from the Director (HR) to all the circles, these circles are not sending the proper report needed for the purpose. He assured that he will persue the issue on his personal basis to finalise it.
(ii) Non-issuance of order for payment of DA for TSMs and Casual Mazdoors due from 01-01-2024, the PGM replied that the case has been put up for approval but not returned, after receiving the approval the required order will be issued soon.
25-07-2024 : Revision of IDA for executive and non-executive employees of PSEs w.e.f. 01-07-2024.
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25-07-2024 : Efforts by SNEA, AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL for better Group Health Insurance (GHI) policy:-
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25-07-2024 : The BSNL management has withdrawn the order of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy of M/S Oriental Insurance Company vide letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-24-07-2024.
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25-07-2024 : District Conference of Darbhanga BA and a zonal meeting of workers on 21-07-2024:-
On the occasion of the District conference of Darbhanga BA a zonal meeting of all the reprsentatives and active members of the OAs under the Darbhanga BA area was organised by the District union of Darbhanga. After conclusion of Darbhanga BA conference the special zonal meeting was held under the Presiedentship of Com. Manoj Mishra, President of the Darbhanga BA. This meeting was addressed by the Com. Shashikant Jha, D.S. Darbhanga, Com. Surender Prasad D.S. Samastipur, Com. Pawan Jha, District President, Madhubani, Com. Rozy Alam, D.S. Khagariya, Com. Awadhesh Kumar, District President, Patna, Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh, C.S. Bihar and Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE. G.S. in his speech elaborately exhorted all the HR issues pending from long period viz stagnation, 3rd wage revision, promotional examinations, new promotion policy and Rule -8/ Rule-9 transfers. The G.S. explained each and every issue in detail upto satisfaction of the workers.
Com. Manoj Kumar Mishra, Com. Sashikant Jha and Com. Jitender Kumar were elected as President, District Secretary and Treasurer respectively for Darbhanga BA.
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25-07-2024 : Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE warmly welcomed the Mr. Robert Jerard Ravi, Chairman and Managing Director of BSNL on 24-07-2024 at 03.20 pm and requested to start the negotiation for settlement of scales and other items related to wage revision. The Hon’ble CMD assured to look into the matter very shortly.
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25-07-2024 : All the major unions and associations of BSNL welcomed the new CMD:-
We are pleased to share that the General Secretaries and CHQ office bearers of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIGETOA, BTEU, SEWA, and AIBSNLEA warmly welcomed our new CMD, Shri Robert Jerard Ravi. During the meeting, Mr. Ravi emphasised BSNL’s role in servicing MTNL areas, particularly in Mumbai and Delhi, which generate the highest revenue. He set an ambitious target of capturing a 25% market share and ensuring company viability by March 2025, addressing HR and 3rd PRC issues. Union representatives expressed full support but stressed the importance of resolving pending HR issues including 3rd PRC/Wage revision. Mr. Ravi assured that Management is open to settling the 3rd PRC/wage revision and related issues. Under Mr. Ravi's leadership, we are confident that BSNL will reach new heights. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. participated with the team of unions/associations on behalf of NFTE –BSNL.
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24-07-2024 : Online Transfer Portal(OTP) – Opening of window on six monthly basis – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PSEA/11/3/2024-SEA, dt-22-07-2024.
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23-07-2024 : Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 – payment of IDA at revised rates. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XIV/2024, dt-22-07-2024.
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18-07-2024 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) – extension of last date of online Registration. Efile No.- BSNLCO-11/20(11)/5/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-13-07-2024.
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15-07-2024 : The Appointment committee of the cabinet has not extended the tenure of Shri P.K.Purwar CMD BSNL and appointed Shri Ravi A. Robert Jerard DDG (SRI) has been appointed as CMD BSNL,CM,BBNL and CMD MTNL w.e.f. 15
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13-07-2024 : Hearty congratulations to Madam Madhu Arora for elevation to post of Member (Technology) in the Ministry of Telecommunications. She was earlier GM (Restg), GM(Est) and GM(Mobile) in BSNL HQR and thereafter as CGM (West Bengal Circle). She was presently holding the charge of Advisor (T) in DOT. The NFTE HQR fully aware and admire her contribution in BSNL.
13-07-2024 : Extended CEC meeting of Chennai Telephones:- The extended CEC meeting of Chennai Telephones Circle was held on 12/07/2024 in Flower Bazaar telecom compound under the presidentship of Circle Union President M K Ramasamy. Circle Treasurer C Ravi welcomed the participants. Including three women comrades 57 executive committee members participated. Com CKM introduced the agenda points. A minute silence was observed to offer our condolences to all those innocent people died in Ukraine- Russia war, Israel bombing in Gaza on Palestinians etc .
After threadbare discussion on the agenda points the following decisions were taken unanimously.
(1) Distinct Conferences of Chennai Metro, Kanchipuram and Chengalpattu district unions will be completed by December 2024 as two years passed since the last conference in the above three districts.
(2) Meeting the members personally every month may be continued in July month also for five days visiting all the 13 branches in Chennai Metro District by the Circle leaders.
(3) All branches wherein the comrade holding the Branch Secretary post is either retired or died should hold general body meetings and elect a working person for the post of Branch Union Secretary.
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13-07-2024 : Corporate office issues order on implementation of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees in association with M/s Oriental Insurance Company Limited w.e.f. 25-07-2024. The window for submission of options will be from 12-07-2024 to 18-07-2024 and for withdrawal of the option from 19-07-2024 to 20-07-2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-12-07-2024.
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12-07-2024 : The Ministry of Finance has notified the EPF interest rate at 8.25% for 2023-24.
12-07-2024 : PGM (Finance) CM writes a letter to All Heads of Territorial Circles & Metro Telephone Districts, regarding settlement of claims recoverable from DOT on account of providing Mobile Telephone Service connections to DOT officers/officials working/retirees up to the year 2023-24. Letter No.-BSNLCO-FICM23(11)/1/2020-FIN CM, dt-10-07-2024.
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10-07-2024 : 1% IDA increased from 01-07-2024, Total=216.8 + 1 % = 217.8 % w.e.f. 01-07-2024.
10-07-2024 : Corporate office order on grant of 60 days special maternity leave in case of death of a child soon after birth/still birth. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(25)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-08-07-2024.
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08-07-2024 : Corporate office order on processing of e-APAR for “Executive and Non-executive” employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2023-24. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/19(12)/2/2022-PERS 1 Part (3), dt-28-06-2024.
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08-07-2024 : Monetization of BSNL assets. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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06-07-2024 : Applications called for grant of book award to the outstanding school going children of the employees of BSNL Corporate office for the year 2024-25. Last date for submission of applications for book awards is 6th August, 2024 (06-08-2024). Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/63/6/2020-ADMN, dt-05-07-2024.
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05-07-2024 : Meeting with CGM (SR) BSNL:- General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli CHQ Treasurer met with CGM (SR) and discussed the following issues (i) Jabalpur issues:- The union representatives drew the attention of CGM (SR) regarding partial attitude of GM BA Jabalpur and ignorance of NFTE union. CGM (SR) assured to intervene.
(ii) National Council meeting and formal meeting with Director (HR):- The CGM (SR) reciprocated positively and told that the Director (HR) has not return from leave after his return at headquarters, meeting may be arranged.
05-07-2024 : General Secretary and Treasurer discussed with AGM (Est) in absence of PGM(Est) regarding non -payment of GTI amount for more than twenty four expired employees. Specially the union representatives pointed out the very long pending issue of Shri Bashir Ahmad Sheikh, ATT Srinagar (J&K), he said Corporate office is pursuing the issue with LIC authorities for early resolutions.
05-07-2024 : General Secretary attended a grand felicitation function at Kanpur on 03-07-2024:-
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04-07-2024 : Milestone BSNL 4G Sites Deployed:-
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), India's state-owned telecommunications company, has announced the successful deployment of 10,000 4G sites across the nation as part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India) initiative. The Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative aims to make India self-reliant in critical sectors, including telecommunications. According to earlier reports, BSNL has reached a 4G subscriber base of 8 lakh in the initial phase of the 4G launch across northern states, including Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and western Uttar Pradesh. The telco is currently rolling out 4G and is working with Indian companies to deploy the technology. (Source Telecom Talk)
01-07-2024 : Heroic win of Indian Cricket team in the world cup played at Barbados Island (West Indies). The team achieved the goal after 17 years waiting. NFTE CHQ heartily congratulates the team members and management for their memorable achievement.
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29-06-2024 : Central Trade Union leaders met Hon’ble Minister of Finance Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman and submitted a memorandum, view points on issues to be considered for framing budget for the year 2024-25. Dated:-24-06-2024.
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28-06-2024 : Group Health Insurance Policy for employees & their dependents, reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-25-06-2024.
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21-06-2024 : Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized
supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) -Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. O1.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding.File No.BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2024-ESTAB, dt-21.06.2024.
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20-06-2024 : Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Telangana Circle on 19.06.2024 at Kachiguda, Hyderabad:-
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20-06-2024 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICEs) – intimation of starting date of online registration. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/20(11)/5/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-19-06-2024.
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19-06-2024 : Meeting to finalise the premium for health insurance has been call on 21-06-2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-19-06-2024.
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19-06-2024 : On behalf of NFTE ( CHQ), NFTE Circle Union in Chennai Telephones and NFTCL Tamilnadu State Committee today (18/06/2024) a felicitation was jointly organised for Shri Sudhakar Rao Papa , CGM on his selection to the BSNL board of Directors as the next Director ( Enterprise Business) at the Conference hall in CGM’s Office at Purasawakkam , Chennai-10.
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18-06-2024 : Empanelment of all network hospitals under Fortis Healthcare, regarding. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/11(12)/1/2020-ADMN- Part (1), dt-13-06-2024.
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14-06-2024 : D.P.E. Order - I.D.A. 1.4% increased. Letter No.- W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-VIII/2024, dt-13-06-2024.
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14-06-2024 : PGM(Restg)BSNL HQR has again been requested to finalise the fixing of non-executives Strength to end surplus condition.
14-06-2024 : Settlement of pending Disciplinary cases against non-executive employees:-Corporate office vide letter No. -BSNLCO-A/15(16)/17/2023-ESTAB, dt-10.06.2024 had asked circles for early settlement within Stipulated period.
13-06-2024 : Group Health Insurance meeting today (i.e. 13-06-2024):- As per notification by the Admn section of BSNL Corporate office. The meeting took place at 11.00 am at 4th floor meeting room. Shri Tyagi, PGM (Admn) was in Chair. Smt. Anita Johari CGM (SR), Shri S.P. Singh, PGM (Est) Shri Chiramiya, PGM (F) and other officers from management were present. From union and Association representatives from all the recognised Union/Associations were present in the meeting. From NFTE (BSNL), Com. Islam Ahmad and Com. Chandeshwar Singh participated in the meeting.
The rate and terms placed by the M/S Oriental Insurance Company was not accepted by the staff representatives and the Chairman advised the representatives of Insurance Company to arrange for reduction in rate with comparison to the rate of 2023-24. The meeting was adjourned without any decision.
13-06-2024 : Discussions/Consultations at field level with BCG reg. Letter No.-TF-21/6, dt-12-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : Corporate office letter on expediting the action to settle disciplinary cases pending after the issue of charge sheet in respect of JTO’s and Non-Executive officials. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(16)/17/2023-ESTAB, dt-10-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : Corporate office letter on training to proceed without Hostel facilities at ALTTC Ghaziabad w.e.f. 10-06-2024. File No.-ALTTC-ALT/50/(20)/12/2023-TM Faculty, dt-06-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : Inordinate delay in settlement of POS of Non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-24/4, dt-12-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : Relaxation in the service condition after change in crucial date 1st January of Calendar year – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(a), dt-12-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : Merger of Telecom stores with West Bengal Telecom Circle at Kolkata – view reg. Letter No.-TF-04, dt-12-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : NFTE CHQ writes a letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India requesting to settle 3rd wage revision and provision of 4G/5G in BSNL to improve revenue. Letter No.-TF-21/6(d), dt-12-06-2024.
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12-06-2024 : Coverage of DOT recruits, appointed in BSNL as per DOT (Govt) orders before 01-01-2004 – reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-12-06-2024.
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11-06-2024 : HEARTY WELCOME:-
Hearty welcome to Hon’ble Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia Hon’ble Minister of Communications, Dr. Chandra Shekhar Pemmani, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications. Hope under their dynamic leadership early completion of 4G upgradation in BSNL and settlement of 3rd wage revision. Their stewardship will bring cheerfulness in BSNL and to employees.
11-06-2024 : Voluntary group health insurance policy meeting will be held on 13-06-2024 at 11.00 am in 4th floor meeting Hall, BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-10-06-2024.
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10-06-2024 : AGM (welfare & sports) BSNL CO have written a letter to all CGMs/GMs/Secretaries BSNL circle welfare boards for submission of agenda items for proposed 13th meeting of the BSNL staff welfare board latest by 30-06-2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/63/3/2024-ADMN, dt-07-06-2024.
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10-06-2024 : ENGAGEMENT WITH THE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP?. Telecom, Editorial (English & Hindi).
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10-06-2024 : Circle executive committee meeting of Jharkhand circle & inaugural function of union office at Ranchi on 08.06.2024:-
The newly allotted union office of Jharkhand circle union was inaugurated with full enthusiasm of workers .Com. C.singh GS NFTE inaugurated the office with cutting the ribbon at entrance gate. Slogans were shouted by a huge gathering. The office was fully decorated.
After cutting the ribbon at entrance by the GS all the assembled members under the leadership of Com Mahabir Singh entered in the hall of union office and the CEC begun under the chairmanship of Shri R.K Yadaw Circle president. Com. Mahabir singh placed the agenda points with detail and the debate started on the agenda points.
All the District secretaries and several circle office bearers took part in debate and shared their views. Com Mahabir singh replied the questions raised by the speakers upto their satisfaction..
At about 01 pm, Shri Sanjay Kumar CGM Jharkhand Circle and Shri U.P. Sah G.M. BA, Ranchi joined the meeting with other officers of management.
They were given a warm welcome by the gathering with claps and shouted slogans.
All the guests including General Secretary were felicitated by Com. Mahabir Singh, CS and com Suresh Kumar DS Ranchi BA.
Com C.Singh addressed the meeting and exhorted the HR issues and regarding abnormal delay in implementation of 3rd wage revision as well as ignorance of management with regard to removal of stagnation of more than sixty percent non executive employees.
He also questioned on the need of engagement of Boston consulting Group ( BCG) an American company to study the situation of BSNL and recommend its suggestions regarding tips to make the company at par with the global standard.
Shri Sanjay Kumar CGM in his address reported that Jharkhand circle has also come in EBITDA positive for FY 2023-24, he also added that the 4G installation will start from Deoghar and it will be completed throughout the Jharkhand Circle upto Dec. 2024.
Shri U.P.Sah GM BA Ranchi, who has been transferred to circle office as GM EB in his address expressed his views and explained that EB segment is more important in connection with generation of huge revenue and appealed to the workers to contribute better in provisioning of leased circuits and its better maintenance.
The meeting was ended for lunch break at 02.45 pm.
The house again assembled at 04 pm and concluded at 06 pm with a vote of thanks by Com. Mahabir Singh CS.
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08-06-2024 : Circle Executive Committee meeting of Chennai Telephones on 08/06/2024:-
The CEC meeting of NFTE - BSNL in Chennai Telephones held at Flower Bazaar exchange compound under the presidentship of Com . M K Ramasamy, Circle President. The meeting inaugurated by Com. N. Muneer Ali , Organising Secretary ( CHQ) .
Comrade C K M introduced the agenda points. Comrades appreciated the Circle Union for organising a massive demonstration on 30/05/2024 at Thiruvallur exchange in protest of MOU signed with the American company Boston Consulting Group (BCG) .
The May Day celebrations committee submitted the accounts and handed over the balance amount of rupees 38861/- to the NFTE and NFTCL unions (Rs. 23240 for NFTE and Rs. 11620 for NFTCL). The CEC meeting appreciated the May Day Celebrations Committee for its best efforts in organising the MAY DAY on 01/05/2024 .
Circle Treasurer Com. C. Ravi proposed vote of thanks.
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08-06-2024 : Corporate office has filled up the vacant CGM posts and ordered for transfers in CGM level on 07-06-2024 (Tamilnadu, UP(East), Uttarakhand, West Bengal, NE-2, Maharashtra, Haryana and QA Circle) . Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/11(13)/3/2023-PERS1, dt-07-06-2024.
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08-06-2024 : 1.4% IDA increased from 01-04-2024. Total = 215.4% + 1.4% = 216.8% w.e.f. 01-04-2024.
07-06-2024 : President, GS and Financial Secy held meeting with the CMD, BSNL on 6th instant and discussed the following issues.
(1) Reimbursement of cost of Mobile Handset to JTO and above:-
The office bearers very strongly expressed the concerns and anguish over discriminatory treatment extended to non-executive employees in the matter.
The CMD replied that the system is in vogue for last 15 years and the management has only revised the rate. The staff side stated that the situation is now changed as such the plea is untenable. The CMD assured to consider the demand. There has been positive indication sustained efforts will be made for settlement.
(2) Wage revision of employees:-
The lengthy discussions took place and he sought time for a month for resolution.
(3) Deputation of non-executive employees of corporate office to CBI etc. The matter will be considered as these are independent agencies.
(4) Regular arrangement of circle Heads.
The staff side pointed out that the CGMs posts are vacant at Maharashtra, UP (E) etc circles.
The matter is receiving due attention, CMD told.
(5) LICE for promotion of ATTs to TT Cadre:-
Union proposed that the LICE be held as per total vacancies of BA and posting in OAs be done as per merit and option. The CMD appreciated the proposal.
(6) Tainted officers should not be posted as BA and OA Heads – Union demanded that the tainted officers should neither be posted nor retained as BA and OA Heads. There has been positive response from CMD side.
(7) Gate erected between Eastern Court and K.L. Bhawan causing hardship to employees.
The CMD phoned to ED MTNL on the spot for remedial measure.
07-06-2024 : Meeting with PGM (Est) on 06-06-2024:-
Before meeting the CMD we also held discussions with the PGM (Est) and the following points were raised.
(I) Inordinate delay in issuance of POS to employees –
PGM (Est) told that the necessary information are not being furnished by Bihar, UP(E), Maharashtra and Jharkhand circles despite DO letter of Director (HR). We were shocked over this.
The circle Secretaries are requested to persue the matter at their respective levels so that information is sent by Circle.
(II) Non-settlement of GTI claim of late Bashir Ahmad Sheikh, ATT 199605121 Srinagar (Kashmir).
Matter is pending in LIC. CO will persue the matter for settlement.
06-06-2024 : Non-settlement of GTI claim – case of late Shri Bashir Ahmad Sheikh, ATT (HR No.-199605121) of Srinagar BA. Letter No.-TF-023, dt-06-06-2024.
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06-06-2024 : Reimbursement of cost of GSM Mobile Handset to JTO and above officers in BSNL – Discrimination regarding. Letter No.-TF-19/4, dt-06-06-2024.
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06-06-2024 : Promotion of UDC (CCS) staff to Assistant Grade – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/1, dt-06-06-2024.
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06-06-2024 : Com. D.V. Padma ATT, Vice President of Kolar SSA expired in Bangalore hospital on 04-06-2024, due to serious ill health. She was very active in the organization. NFTE CHQ Condoles the untimely death of Com. D.V. Padma and share the grief of the family.
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06-06-2024 : Formal meeting with Director (HR):-
Date is not being fixed as Director (HR) has gone to abroad.
06-06-2024 : President and General Secretary met the PGM (Restg)/SR and held detailed discussions on the issue of review of sanctioned strength of non-executive Cadres of Circles. Some circles have not furnished detailed information as yet.
06-06-2024 : Corporate office SR section issues a letter option to change authorization for deduction of membership subscription from salary . The existing system for exercising option for deduction of membership subscription in respect of non executives employees unions to continue as per prescribed form.
There is no change for non executives.
Donot confuse with corporate office SR cell letter dated 03.06.2024 which is mainly for executives. Letter No.-BSNL/8-1/SR/2022, dt-03-06-2024.
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05-06-2024 :NFTE (BSNL) leaders met shri R.K.Goyal chairman wage revision committee on 4th instant and urged for early holding meeting for finalisation of the process of negociations.
05-06-2024 : Com. Mallisetty Janardan Rao ex-circle secretary of AITEEU Line staff & group -D (NFPTE/NFTE) expired on 04th June 2024 at about 05.30 pm at Vijayawada at the age of 86 years. He worked as circle secretary of joint AP circle 36 years continuously. He also worked as circle secretary of NFTE (BSNL) after merger of all the unions of NFTE under one umbrella after formation of BSNL. Once upon a time he was National secretary of NFTE in Com. Gupta ji regime. He was fully committed for the union work and scarified his whole life for the cause of working class. We on behalf of CHQ pay respectful homage to departed soul and deep condolences to his family members and entire followers of AP & Telangana circle.
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04-06-2024 : Group Health Insurance scheme for BSNL employees – Union leaders met PGM (Adm) at BSNL HQR on 03-06-2024. According to information conveyed efforts are continuing to get the price of premiums proposal further reduced.
04-06-2024 : UP(E) Circle Executive meeting of NFTE (BSNL):-
The meeting was held on 22nd May, 2024 at Lucknow in lawplace Hall under the Chrimanship of Shri Atul Singh, President of Circle union.
CGM, Shri R.K. Soni and GM(HR) grace the occasion as Chief and special guests respectively. A seminar on “BSNL Financial Health” was also organised. Com. Islam also attended the meeting. CGM explained gave details of development programme. Com. Islam stressed it is due to Govt’s policy BSNL could not launch 4G/5G services through unions have raised the demand from year 2014. Govt should compensate the loss occurred.
Circle Secy, Com. Sanjay Dubey highlighted the employees grievances and monetization of quarters etc.
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04-06-2024 : Organisation Transformation in strategic areas of BSNL - Meeting - reg. Letter No.-TF-18/8, dt-04-06-2024.
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04-06-2024 : Non-release of IDA increase for QE March, 2024 - reg. Letter No.-TF-9/9, dt-04-06-2024.
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04-06-2024 : Organisation transformation in strategic areas of BSNL Notice to unions/ associations for meeting. Letter No.-TF-18/8, dt-04-06-2024.
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03-06-2024 : Dr. Neeraj Mittal, IAS Secretary writes a DO letter to all Secretaries of Ministries/Departments to the Government of India regarding decision of union Cabinet taken in 2019 for revival plan of BSNL/MTNL which also includes monetization its surplus land/building assets. D.O. No.-10-1/2022-Asset Mgmt, dt-21-05-2024.
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03-06-2024 : Implementation of online Transfer Application Module for inter-circle temporary transfer under Rule -9 of BSNL Transfer Policy. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(17)/5/2023-ESTAB, dt-31-05-2024.
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03-06-2024 : Corporate office Establishment Section writes letter to all CGMs for submission of pending superannuation pension scheme (SPS) cases in respect of retired/expired employees. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/12(12)/4/2021-ESTAB/, dt-21-05-2024.
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03-06-2024 : Declaration of Rate of Interest for the Employees’ Provident Fund Members Account for the year 2023-24. Letter No.-INV-11/2/2021-INV/1460, dt-31-05-2024.
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03-06-2024 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Personal Assistant to the grade of Private Secretaries in BSNL field units. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13/(11)/3/2024-RECTT-CO-Part(1), dt-17-05-2024.
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31-05-2024 : Vacancies estimated to arise in the Cadre of JE (T) during 01-01-2024 to 31-12-2024 for the calendar year 2024 due to Superannuation/Promotion/Registration/Death etc – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(14)/1/2022-ESTAB, dt-28-05-2024.
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31-05-2024 : Demonstration at Thiruvallur exchange compound by NFTE - BSNL in Chennai Telephones Circle on 30/05/2024:- to protest against the MOU signed by BSNL with a American company BOSTON CONSULTATION GROUP ( BCG ) for a cost of rupees 132 crores. More than 150 comrades enthusiastically took part in it despite the scorching sun and heat weather conditions. Comrade M. K. Ramasamy, Circle President presided. Com. N. Danapal, District President (Thiruvallur ) raised slogans effectively. Com C K M spoke opposing the recent MOU signed by BSNL with an American firm Boston Consultancy Group ( BCG ). He told the gathering that this MOU signed with a firm in USA is useless and unnecessary and hence demanded its immediate.
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31-05-2024 : Com. Balakrishna, Circle President, NFTE BSNL, Karnataka circle is felicitated by Karnataka Circle Union, on the occasion of his superannuation retirement, in presence of Com. K. S. Sheshadri, AGS & CS, Com. Rajashekhar, COS, Com. Shashidharn. DS, Mangalore, Com. krishneGowda, Circle Vice President, Com. Srinivas, Dist. Treasurer, CO, BG. and others.
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28-05-2024 : Meeting of leaders of Recognized Associations and Unions: In pretext of Meeting called by CMD BSNL, the leaders of recognized Associations and Unions had a meeting at 1500 hrs to discuss and decide certain strategies. This meeting was presided over by Shri. C. Singh, GS NFTE BSNL and was attended by Shri. Animesh Mitra, President BSNLEU, Shri. C. K. Gundanna, AGS BSNLEU, Shri. N.D. Ram, GS SEWA, Shri. Mukesh, CS SEWA BSNL CO, Shri. Arvind Pal Dahiya, CS SNEA BSNL CO, Shri. Manish Samadhiya, President CHQ and Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA.
This meeting was called to have one voice strategy on whatever may be agenda of the meeting as no agenda was shared for this special meeting. It was analyzed that this meeting will be for update on BCG Consultant appointment, for update on development issues and may be on issues related to merger of MTNL with BSNL. It was discussed about need of consultant at this stage when BSNL has already shown certain profit, the huge expenditure of Rs 132 crore for consultant, curtailment on the expenses of daily need, poor maintenance of Bldg. and Staff quarters, Unrest among entire workforce of BSNL on long pending Financial benefits of Executives and Non-Executives mainly losses due non-implementation of 3rd PRC, further enhancement of Mobile Hand Set reimbursement for executives, Extension of Mobile Handset facility to Non-Executives and need of minimum level of motivation for Executives/Non-Executives is BSNL etc were discussed in length. After elaborate discussions on different points from all angles, it was unanimously decided to pursue these issues with more vigorously and with strong unity. It was decided that whatever may be agenda of the Meeting by CMD BSNL, the leaders will keep single demand for implementation of 3rd PRC for all executives and non-executives with at least 5% fitment formula. The meeting concluded with thanks by Shri. Arvind Pal Dahiya CS SNEA BSNL CO.
After our internal meeting we all together joined in the meeting called by CMD BSNL.
We shared our views as discussed and decided by us.
On our query CMD confirmed that there is no initiative for VRS and downsizing of man power and it is not in terms and condition in the document of BCG constancy.
He added that the consultancy has been appointed to study for.... (1) brand quality of services (2) To bring the non executive staff in main stream after better training to increase their skills (3) Customer satisfaction (4) Arrangement of standard CSCs extra.
The leaders of Associations and Unions requested to CMD to arrange settlement of wage revision with 5% fitment and no freezing of HRA to CMD assured to discussion on the issue.
27-05-2024 : NFTE District union of Bihar circle Patna organised a mass meeting on 22.05.2024 in conference hall at 5th floor of Sanchar Sadan Patna:-
Com. Sarita Singh was in chair. Com Raj Kumar Singh District secretary welcomed the participants members as well as guests. He placed initial speech and narrated the membership position and functioning of NFTE in circle office, Patna. Com. Amarjit Prasad, Shri Washi Ahmad Circle Secretary AIGETOA, Shri Anand Kumar Singh, Circle Secretary AIBSNL EA, Shri Thakur DGM , Abul Kalam DS PTD, Com Sanjay Kumar Singh CS NFTE and Com C.Singh G.S. NFTE addressed the meeting. All the speakers raised the HR issues which are long pending and appealed to the workers to be more attentive and contribute better to bring the BSNL in profitable position.
The meeting was anchored by Com. Suryamany .
After a vote of thanks by Com. Sarita Singh meeting was ended.
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23-05-2024 : CMD BSNL’s meeting with Recognised Unions and Associations. Letter No.-BSNL/31-04/SR/2024, dt-22-05-2024.
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22-05-2024 : Meeting with BSNL management on 22-05-2024 at 04.00pm for renewal of Group Health Insurance Policy. Letter No.-BSNL CO-ADMN/12/3/2020-ADMN, dt-20-05-2024.
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22-05-2024 : Extended executive committee meeting of NFTE BSNL Patna BA Patna held at Telephone Bhawan R, Block Patna on 18th May 2024.
On this occasion a mass meeting was convened by the District union at 1 pm on 18.05.2024:-
This open mass meeting was presided over by Com. Awadhesh Kumar and a appreciable anchoring was done by Com. Surymany Prasad.
The Bihar circle has achieved a better position in financial aspect and has got EBITDA positive in last financial year.
The meeting was addressed by Com. Abul Kalam District secretary Patna BA Circle secretary com Sanjay Kumar Singh, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and from management Shri Jitendra Kumar GM Patna OA also addressed the gathering of staff.
A very good number of ladies workers were also participating in the meeting.
Circle secretary raise the issue of dirking water at different work places. Com C. Singh GS in his address exhorted the long pending HR issues of staff like, wage revision, stagnation ,LICE, new promotion policy and other issues for which the workers are suffering.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Com. Suryamony Prasad.
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22-05-2024 : Processing of e-APAR for executives and non-executives (NE-9 & above) of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2023-24. Letter No.- BSNLCO-PERB/19(12)/2/2022-PERS1 Part (3), dt-22-05-2024.
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21-05-2024 : Bihar circle executive committee meeting held at Muzaffarpur in a grand manner:-
The circle executive committee meeting held on 15th & 16th May 2024 under the Presidentship of Com. R.K.Chowbey .
Open session- An open session was organised at 23 hrs on 15th May 2024.The session was presided over by com R.K.Chowbey and anchored by com Surya many prasad.
Com N.K.Singh BA secretary Muzaffarpur,Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh circle secretary, and Com. Chandeshwar Singh General secretary addressed the meeting.
The PGM BA along with the other officers also present in the meeting.
While the circle leaders raised the issue of wage revision, stagnation, less payment of perks and allowances and the issue of poor dealing for BSNL MRS, also regarding left out cases of presidential orders.
The GS explained all the issues one by one specially he exhorted in details regarding wage revision and stagnation. He added the these both issues of wage revision and stagnations are co related and only the implementation of wage revision from
01.01.2017 is the way out to overcome from stagnation for which the NFTE is trying hard to be success in the matter.
Com GS also pointed out the unilateral drastic decision of BSNL management regarding abolition of vacancy prior VRS while stopped the career progression of all the Cadres and it snatched the facilities of rule - transfer from employees.
He assured the gathering that after general election the wage revision meeting will be called as it has been indicated by the Management..
He appealed to the workers to work hard to bring the BSNL in profitable position and thanked the circle management and all the employees to bring the Bihar circle in EBITDA positive first time after 14 years.
After vote of thanks the open session was concluded.
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18-05-2024 : Inter circle transfer of JTOs(T) /JE(T) under Rule 8 of BSNL Transfer Policy. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-17-05-2024.
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17-05-2024 : Clarification on concession to Residential Service plan for BSNL Executive/Employees. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/80/1/2020-ADMN, dt-16-05-2024.
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17-05-2024 : Scheme and syllabus for Direct Recruitment to the post of senior Executive Trainee (DR) of Telecom Stream. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(17)/2/2023-PERS1(Tel), dt-16-05-2024.
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16-05-2024 : Minutes of the meeting of the committee of management and unions /Associations to finalise the terms and conditions of health insurance for executive and non- executive employees of BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-14-05-2024.
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11-05-2024 : Employees provident fund organization (Ministry of Labour and Employment Govt. of India), has increased retirement gratuity and death gratuity by 25% to 25 lakhs existing Rs. 20 lakh on account of revision of dearness allowance payable to central Government Employees to 50% of the basic pay from 01-01-2024. Letter No.-HRD -1/8/2024/Misc, - Circulars-Part (1)/1004, dt-30-04-2024.
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10-05-2024 : Discrimination with the non-executive employees with regard to reimbursement of cost of GSM Mobile handset. Letter No.-TF-19/4, dt-10-05-2024.
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10-05-2024 : Request for grant of scheduled meeting to union - reg. Letter No.-TF-4/6, dt-10-05-2024.
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07-05-2024 : Corporate office order on immunity to office bearers of Unions/Associations as per REA Rules 2014 and its amendments issued from time to time – circulation of revised proforma. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PRII/19(13)/1/2022-PERS-II, dt-06-05-2024.
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07-05-2024 : Corporate office issued directions to all heads of telecom circles/project/regions and other Administrative units for disposal of the unauthorizedly absent cases of more than 5 years (deemed to be resigned) and between 3 to 5 years i.r.o. JTO’s and Non –executive employees of BSNL and submit the compliance report latest by 15-05-2024 . Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(22)/1/2021-ESTAB, dt-03-05-2024.
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07-05-2024 : Corporate office issues a letter on development of disciplinary cases monitoring mechanism in ERP. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PER1/20(11)/27/2022-PERS1, dt-03-05-2024.
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06-05-2024 : May Day – 2024. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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03-05-2024 : Notification issued for holding online limited internal competitive examination for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% interest quota for vacancy year 2023 (for working eligible BSNL employees only). Total vacancies in 18 circles are 608 (OC =408, SC = 130, ST=70) PWBD =39. These includes carry forward vacancies of 2022 Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(13)/2/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-02-05-2024.
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03-05-2024 : JE vacancies for JE(T) LICE for vacancy year 2023 for vacancies upto 31-12-2023 (Annexure –I). Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(14)/1/2022-ESTAB, dt-18-04-2024.
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03-05-2024 : Corporate office Establishment branch issued an order for direct relieving through ERP in respect of executive(s) in the Cadre of JE (T)/JTO(T), who have over stayed beyond the permissible period of temporary transfer under Rule-9 of BSNL transfer policy before 31-03-2024. Letter No.- BSNLCO-A/16(17)/1/2023-ESTAB, dt-30-04-2024.
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02-05-2024 : MAY DAY Celebrations in Chennai Telephones :-
On 01/05/2024 the red flags of both NFTE and NFTCL were jointly hoisted at 42 centres throughout Chennai Telephones Circle. The main function was organised in a grand manner in Flower Bazaar exchange compound at 3 pm in which more than 300 comrades including 20 women employees very enthusiastically participated. NFTE General Secretary Chandeswer Singh , National President of NFTCL Ashaq Ahmad Buch , Comrade C K M and Sri Papa Sudhakar Rao , Chief General Manager were the main speakers at the May Day meeting which was jointly presided over by Comrades M K Ramasamy and N Danapal . Comrades Muneer Ali , Organising Secretary ( CHQ) , K M Elangovan , Asst Circle Secretary, Chhattisgarh NFTCL Secretary Zaffar Iqbal Qureshi, Tamilnadu NFTCL Secretary S Anandan , General Manager ( North) . P. Dhanaraj and many other leaders and office bearers of both the unions spoke at the May Day Celebrations.
All the speakers recalled the history of Eight hours duty and the supreme sacrifice the trade union leaders of Chicago ( America) made to achieve it . The speakers also highlighted the anti labour policies of the Modi government and pinpointed the pending issues of BSNL employees including abnormal delay in implementing the third wage revision, perks and allowance revision besides deliberate attempt to delay the allotment of 4G for BSNL’s mobile service nationwide which is cutting down the revenue as well as profits of BSNL. The leaders demanded that the BSNL be permitted to have fair and equal competition with its private sector competitors.
In memory of the 135 th May Day two separate pillars with carvings made up on the granite stone for NFTE and NFTCL were inaugurated by Comrades C . Singh and C K M respectively which were sponsored by Comrades B . Selvam and S . Ravi. Assistant Circle Secretaries C . Venkatesh and V . Mathivanan jointly presented a brand new mike set to the Circle Union. Despite the heavy heat in Chennai due to the peaking of summer season the huge participation of our Chennai Telephones comrades in the 135 the May Day celebrations is highly appreciable and laudable . CHQ congratulate the Chennai Telephones Circle Union for this massive and enthusiastic participation.
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01-05-2024 : May Day observed at various places in the country by hoisting our flag with commitment and paid rich tributes to Martyrs who sacrificed their lives to the cause of worker to achieve the workers rights. NFTE CHQ extends revolutionary greetings to all the participants in the May Day celebrations – view of photos.
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01-05-2024 : Corporate office (Admn) has released minutes of the meeting held on 29-04- 2024 for renewal of voluntary group health insurance policy. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-29-04-2024.
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30-04-2024 : NFTE CHQ calls upon the Circle/BA/OA Branches to celebrated May Day by hoisting our union flag on 01-05-2024:- The working class of entire world are celebrating May Day on first May of every year to pay rich tributes to Martyrs of Chicago, who sacrificed their lives to achieve the demand of 8 hours working period. All are requested to organise big meetings and explain the importance of May Day.
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30-04-2024 : Settlement of OTBP/BCR of Govt status, DOT employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/1, dt-29-04-2024.
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30-04-2024 : Medical claims reimbursement facility without voucher – reg. Letter No.-TF-32/6, dt-29-04-2024.
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30-04-2024 : Upgradation of CSS staff – reg. Letter No.-TF -9/1(h), dt-29-04-2024.
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30-04-2024 : Formation of new Circle “BBNW” with HQR at Bangalore – reg. Letter No.-TF-63, dt-29-04-2024.
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29-04-2024 : Establishment section of Corporate office writes a letter to all CGMs for expediting the action to settle disciplinary cases pending for more than one year after the issue of charge sheet in respect of JTO (T) & Non-Executive officials. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(16)/17/2023-ESTAB, dt-26-04-2024.
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29-04-2024 : Meeting for renewal of Group Medical Health proposal took place today under the chairmanship of PGM (Adm). PGMs (SR) and (Est), and Dy. GM (Adm) were also present.
President, NFTE (BSNL) attended the meeting.
The following points were emphasised.
(1) Premiums should not be increased at any cost.
(2) BSNL management should pay the premiums amount to some extent.
(3) Possibilities be explored to get proposals from other companies but not with Private companies.
The official side was receptive.
Annexures are enclosed for perusasl and comments from circle unions etc.
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27-04-2024 : Meeting with BSNL management on 29-04-2024 at 11.00 hours for renewal of Group Health Insurance Policy. Letter No.-BSNL CO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-24-04-2024.
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25-04-2024 : Empanelment of cashless hospitals at each station – reg. Letter No.-TF-32/6, dt-23-04-2024.
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25-04-2024 : Grant of festival advance to non-executive employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-8/6, dt-23-04-2024.
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22-04-2024 : Relaxation in Transfer Policy in respect of spouse cases. Letter No.-TF-20/2, dt-22-04-2024.
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22-04-2024 : Review of sanctioned strength of non-executive posts for post VRS period – reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-22-04-2024.
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22-04-2024 : Medical facility for direct recruited employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-32/2, dt-22-04-2024.
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22-04-2024 : In-ordinate delay in settlement of PO cases – solicit for intervention. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-22-04-2024.
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09-04-2024 : Glimpses of 102 second birth anniversary celebrations of late Com. O.P. Gupta Ji:-
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06-04-2024 : Unfair treatment. Editorial, Telecom ( English and Hindi).
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03-04-2024 : Inter circle transfers of JEs (T) under Rule 8 of BSNL Transfer Policy. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(14)/1/2022-ESTAB, dt-03-04-2024.
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03-04-2024 : All the Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to celebrate 102nd birth anniversary of O.P. Gupta Ji on 08-04-2024. Kindly organize big meetings and explain the achievements of Com. OPG … G.S.
02-04-2024 : Corporate office (Establishment Branch) issued instructions to all CGMs/Circle heads regarding submission of claims w.r.t. Group Term Insurance Scheme. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/4/2020-ESTAB, dt-28-03-2024.
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02-04-2024 : Corporate office (Recruitment) declared results of JE (T) LICE 50% internal quota examination held on 04-02-2024. Total qualified candidates in 14 circles are 78 (OC=71, SC=6, ST=1) --- NFTE CHQ congratulates the qualified candidates in the examination. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(13)/1/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-01-04-2024.
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01-04-2024 : Corporate office issued order with regard to relieving of officers/officials in the Cadre of JE(T)/JTO(T) who have overstayed beyond the permissible period of temporary transfer under Rule – 9 – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(17)/1/2023-ESTAB, dt- 21-03-2024.
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01-04-2024 : BSNLMRS – Review of BSNLMRS policy. Letter No.-BSNL/Admn.I/15-10/07, dt-27-08-2010.
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28-03-2024 : Annual Health check-up at hospitals empanelled under CGHS in respect of CGHS pensioner beneficiaries aged 75 years and above. File No.-Z.16025/12/2024/CGHS-III, dt-18-03-2024.
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23-03-2024 : Happy Holi to all BSNL Family:-
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22-03-2024 : The meeting of the joint wage revision committee held on 22.03.2024 under the chairmanship of Shri R.K. Goyal.
All the members of management and staff side participated. The deliberation took place in a very cordial atmosphere. Com. Islam Ahmad, Com. Chandeshwar Singh and Com. K.S.Sheshadri attended from NFTE.
The chairman stated that the NFTE has submitted some live cases of stagnation in proposed scales as well as views for an increase in the minimum(lower band) and maximum (upper band) of some of the proposed scales the chairman said that the cases submitted by NFTE have been checked and found justified. The chairman concluded that the next meeting date will be notified for finalisation and in the meantime staff side should submit live cases of stagnation if any in proposed scales for consideration.
22-03-2024 : Trade union action programme (badge wearing campaign and demonstration) from 3rd to 5th April, 2024 as per decision in National Secretariat meeting held at New Delhi on 6th & 7th March 2024 is deferred keeping in view the ensuing general election in the country.
21-03-2024 : Relaxation in Transfer Policy in respect of spouse cases - reg. Letter No.-TF-20/3, dt-21-03-2024.
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20-03-2024 : Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Telangana Circle on 18.03.2024:-
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20-03-2024 : Working Women’s’ Coordination Committee Meeting of Telangana Circle on 17-03-2024:-
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20-03-2024 : Order dated 26-07-2023 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeals 1971/2012 (SLP No.-35048), 1972/2012(SLP No.-35148) & 1973/2012 (SLP No.-35384) filed by BSNL & Ors Vs. Raj Kumar & Ors, BSNL & Ors Vs Subhash Chander & Ors and BSNL & Ors Vs Baijinder Singh & Ors respectively – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-SR/13(12)/1/2021-SR, dt-05-03-2024.
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19-03-2024 : Extract from the meeting of District Secretaries of NFTE BSNL Maharashtra Circle on wage revision :-
It's a unique situation in BSNL that their is no wage revision since 17 years & no allowances revised since 22 years. More than 54% of absorbed employees & 22 % direct recruited employees have lost their annual increments due to stagnation. This financial atrocity is imposed on the employees for the no fault of their own. New pay scales are denied in the name of affordability & profitability of BSNL. It is well known fact that BSNL is not working for profit only but it has to discharge its duty to serve the nation & society as a whole. To provide communication services in rural, hilly areas, & maintain during natural calamities has been a track record of BSNL although it’s a loss making activity. Thus profitability is accompanied by social obligation only in case of BSNL, being a Govt PSU. It is also performing it’s role as a price regulator & committed to expanding the services at an affordable rates. This all prestigious nature of BSNL is making it as a
“strategic sector”. In short BSNL has to implement Govt agenda in which employees have no voice.
Naturally denying the wage revision to the employees on the plea of profitability is totally wrong & unjustified. Taking this legitimate stand, NFTE on its own & also along with other unions & associations launched many struggles for getting wage revision implemented. Due to these sustained efforts DOT has permitted to start negotiations by forming joint wage committee & endorsed our right to get wage revision. We hereby earnestly appreciate the hard efforts & tedious exercises done by wage committee under the guidance & leadership of Com. C. Singh & Com. P. Abhimanyu. Now, as assured by the management during our Protest week from 13th February to 17th February, meetings of wage committee have been restarted. We honestly feel that we should use this opportunity to reach to the agreement for new pay scales which will remove stagnation & pave the way for considerable increase in basic pay of employees.
In circle secretariat meeting held at New Delhi on 6th March, it was categorically told by Our GS that management is ready to protect Pay Loss & also demand of no stagnation till 2027 will also be taken care of. The maximum possible enhancement in NE-9 scale also can be considered. In view of this situation, we unanimously resolve to appeal to both the Stalwarts of staff side in wage committee to sign the agreement at an earliest for emancipation of employees from the evil of stagnation & financial distress thereof. We also hope that no other factor including fitment formula will become a hurdle in signing the agreement for new pay scales. However, if in future, executives get more fitment than non ex, the same should be made applicable to non ex also. Hope our expectations do not turn into despair.
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19-03-2024 : Meeting of the Joint Committee for wage revision of Non-Executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/38-1/SR/2016, dt-18-03-2024.
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18-03-2024 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) – intimation of date of online examination – reg. File No.-BSNLCO-11/15/1/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-15-03-2024.
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18-03-2024 : Com. Zafar Iqbal Quershi CHQ organizing Secretary bereaved:- Begum Mumtaz Shamim Quershi mother of Com. Zafar Iqbal Quershi passed away on 11-03-2024. She took her last breath at 7.00 hrs on the day. CHQ extends a very respectful homage to departed soul and deep condolences to the bereaved family.
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14-03-2024 : Record of discussion of the reconatituted Joint Committee on wage revision for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL held on 05-03-2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO/38-1/SR/2016, dt-14-03-2024.
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13-03-2024 : (A) Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) issued notification for holding LICE for promotion to JTO (T) from JE, under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2023 on 12-03-2024. The date of examination and registration details will be communicated. Total vacancies in 23 circles are 525+9(PWBD)- OC =221, SC=197, ST=107. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(12)/1/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-12-03-2024.
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13-03-2024 : (B) Circle wise distribution of JTO(T) vacancies for VY- 2023 upto 31-12-2023 – Details of examination centers. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(12)/1/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-12-03-2024.
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13-03-2024 : Corporate office (Establishment Branch) requesting all CGMs to send the details of Rule -8 applications on spouse ground pending in the circles in respect of JTO, JE and JAO Cadres within 7 days. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-08-03-2024.
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12-03-2024 : 3rd Wage Revision – Need to Rethink. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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11-03-2024 : All the circle/District Secretaries are requested to start preparations for success of “Badge wearing campaign” from 03-04-2024 to 05-04-2024 at all levels as per the decision of National Secretariat meeting held from 06-03-2024 to 07-03-2024 in New Delhi. Kindly print the badges with the demands (a) Implementation of 3rd wage revision. (b) Lifting of ban or compassionate ground appointments. (c) Review of norms arbitrarily announced for all Cadres. (d) Revision of Perks & Allowances. (e) New Promotion Policy. And also conduct massive lunch hour demonstrations with mobolisation of workers on the last day i.e. 05-04-2024.
07-03-2024 : National Secretariat meeting of NFTE (BSNL) held at Kabir Palace, Karol Bagh New Delhi on 6th & 7th March 2024 out of 29 circles 23 circle Secretaries participated in the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Com. Islam Ahmad All India President. Com. N.J. Bhatia working President associated with the president in conducting the meeting. After two days marathon discussion and debate the following resolutions were adopted. The discussion was focused mainly on 3rd wage revision.
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07-03-2024 : National Secretariat meeting continued on 07-03-2024:- All the participated circle secretaries participated in the debate on agenda issues. At the end Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. have answered all the questions raised by Circle Secretaries in the meeting.
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06-03-2024 : Petition containing grievances of low paid BSNL employees - solicit kind intervention. Letter No.-TF-9/8(PRC), dt-05-03-2024.
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06-03-2024 : Staff grievances - redressal regarding. Letter No.-TF-21/6(d), dt-05-03-2024.
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06-03-2024 : The meeting of National secretariat begun today at 10.30 hrs at Hotel Kabir Palace Karol Bagh New Delhi. Com. Islam Ahmad All India President was in chair. Com. N.J.Bhatia working President CHQ was associating with in functioning of the President.
Total 23 circle secretaries and office bearers working at head quarters are participating in the meeting.
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06-03-2024 : The meeting of Joint negotiation committee for third Wage Revision in BSNL for non executive employees was held on 05/03/2024 at the BSNL Corporate HQ in New Delhi. The three representatives of NFTE - BSNL, Comrades Chandeswer Singh, Islam Ahmad and Seshadri participated in it . According to the management side the pay scales circulated in 2022 was insisted for third wage revision on zero fitment formula. The staff side was asked to submit its opinion / objectively if any on the management’s proposal in the next meeting scheduled on 22/03/2024.
After this committee meeting General Secretaries of both NFTE & BSNLEU jointly met the CMD and discussed about the third wage revision. The CMD expressed concern about the difficult financial condition of BSNL and requested both the unions to agree to the management’s proposal of pay scales with shorter span . However the CMD agreed to consider any reduction in pay or anomaly arising out of the wage revision despite the management’s best efforts to avoid this for 95% of employees.
The notification for the General elections to the Parliament is expected in the second week of March 24 and the code of conduct for elections will begin immediately thereafter. Hence any decision on the implementation of third wage revision had to wait till the new central government is formed . But there’s no bar to continue the joint negotiations. Anyhow the two day meeting of the National Secretariat of NFTE -BSNL beginning tomorrow (06/03/2024) will be briefed elaborately by the General Secretary on the details of the joint wage revision negotiations committee meeting held on 05/03/24 and the opinion of the Circle Secretaries will be sought.
Let us dispassionately assess the management’s proposal keeping in mind the difficult financial position of BSNL and evolve a concesus on the implementation of third wage revision which is already delayed by seven years and nearly one third of employees are facing stagnation for the past several years.
05-03-2024 : Trade union work shop at Darbhanga (Bihar) on 02-03-2024:-
The NFTE (BSNL) ,District branch of Darbhanga BA organized a trade union work shop at Darbhanga in the premises of GM office.
The District secretaries and active members of all the OAs under the jurisdiction of Darbhanga BA participated in this special work shop.
The meeting was presided over by Com. Nand Lal Yadav, Ex District president. Com Shashi Kant Jha Dist Secy, Com. Surendra Yadav Dist Secy Samastipur,com Tamtra Nath chowdhary DS Madhubani, Com. Divyjyoti Asst. Circle secretary, Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh circle secretary and Com. C.Singh General secretary addressed the work shop.
G.S in his speech explained regarding agitation activities organized by CHQ and explained the demands noted in “call attention and protest week” programme from 13th to 17th Feb 2024 throughout the country. He conveyed revolutionary greetings to all the participants in the programme.
He told that due to our efforts the management has fixed the meeting of wage revision committee on 5th March 2024 in Corporate office.
He added that the workers should contribute better for growth and development of BSNL and call the attention of authorities to settle the legitimate grievances of employees too.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Manoj Mishra Dist President.
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05-03-2024 : NFTE BSNL writes a letter to CMD BSNL on plight of JTO LICE examinees – case of Punjab Circle. Letter No.-TF-020, dt-04-03-2024.
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04-03-2024 : All unions and Associations have organized a grand felicitation to Shri Ravi Ji, CGM Karnataka on his transfer to Kolkata on 28-02-2024 in the CGM office auditorium complex. From NFTE, Com. K.S. Sheshadri C.S and DGS, Com. Jay Kumar D.S, Com. Ranganna D.P. Com. Dayanand Prabhu DT, Shri Kamla Kannan COB, Com. Thambi Durai ADS, Com. Srinivas, Circle office, and Comrade Malarveni ADS attended the farewell function of CGM. They also welcomed Shri Ujjawal Gulani, New CGM Karnataka in the function.
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02-03-2024 : 6th District conference of Patna BA held on 24-02-2024 to 25-02-2024 in PGM office in a grand manner. Com. Manmohan Mishra Vice President presided over the meeting. More than 100 comrades participated in the conference enthusiastically. Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. and Com. Sanjay Singh C.S. were Chief Guests to the meeting. Com. Sanjay Singh, C.S. explained the issues of Patna in detail. Com. C. Singh have elaborately explained the demands in particular 3rd wage revision status and promotion policy for more than 1 hour, and also he conveyed sincere thanks to one and all for making the all India call “Call attention cum protest week” a big success in the circle and in the country. Com. Awdesh Kumar T.T, Com. Abul Kalam T.T. and Com. Vikram Kumar T.T. were elected unanimously as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Abul Kalam.
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02-03-2024 : Corporate office letter on processing of pending payments of Ex-Gratia and pensionary benefits including leave encashment in respect of VRS – 2019 retirees. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11/11/2023-ESTAB, dt-19-02-2024.
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24-02-2024 : Meeting of the joint committee for wage negotiation:-
The meeting of the joint committee for wage negotiation has been fixed at 12 pm on 5th March 2024.
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22-02-2024 : As per the direction of CHQ Memorandum submitted to CGMs/PGMs/GMs/OA heads, - view of photos.
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20-02-2024 : Corporate office letter on the convening of CPC from PA to PS in field units. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/12(13)/1/2022-CSS, dt-13-02-2024.
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20-02-2024 : Demonstration conducted on 16-02-2024 – View of photos:-
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20-02-2024 : On the call of CHQ lunch hour demonstration observed at various places in the country on 2nd & 3rd day (15-02-2024) – view of photos.
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20-02-2024 : Corporate office issued letter on grant of special casual leave to office bearers of NFTE for National Secretariat meeting at New Delhi on 6th and 7th March, 2024. Letter No.-BSNL/39-1/SR/2023, dt-16-02-2024.
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20-02-2024 : Tenure areas in BSNL as sort, semi hard and Hard tenures – case of J&K Circle – reg. Letter No.-TF-20/3, dt-15-02-2024.
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20-02-2024 : Dt- 18-02-2024: NFTE BSNL AP circle working women Employees co-ordination committee Extended Executive meeting was held at Vijayawada under the presidentship of com P C Rani chairman of co- ordination committee. 35 women Employees from all Districts attended with Enthusiasm and discussed many organisational matters. Com V Hemalatha convienor of the committee invited all the chief guests and circle leaders on the Dias. com. Sudha Madhuri State AITUC leader (AIBEA) attended the meeting and delivered her speech on the subject" need of women employees to work in union organisation and strengthen the union”. com T Gangadhar Senior Journlist and psychologist delivered a good speech on " personality Development" and " Time management". Com D Somasudar State AITUC Vice- president delivered his speech on" Labour movement and united struggles to safe guard the PSUs. com ch Chandrasekhara Rao circle president appreciated the committee leaders, Com Hemalatha and Com P.C. Rani for their efforts to gather the good number of women employees that to on Sunday. Com. K Anjaiah circle secretary NFTE Explained on the staff pending core issues ' Wage revision, New promotion policy, stagnations ' etc. and the vigorous efforts of NFTE chq union to sort out the issues. He also delivered lecture on the matter to develop the "communication skills" and efforts to attract the BSNL women employees in work spots to join the NFTE . The full day meeting was ended with vote of thanks by the com V Hemalatha conveinor of the committee.
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20-02-2024 : "Call attention and protest week" was observed enthusiastically from 13th to 17th February, 2024. Tremendous support was given by the workers throughout the country.
The CHQ received very encouraging news from each and every place and the call was observed in letter and spirit at all level in BSNL.
As per report thousands of postcard campaign observed by demanding relaxation in affordability clause in DPE guidelines for the 3rd wage revision have been sent to the Hon’ble Prime Minister by the workers of BSNL. The call has been largely supported by the workers irrespective of the unions.
We on behalf of our CHQ congratulates all our circle/BA/OA level leaders for making the programme successful beyond expectation of CHQ. We also thanks to all the participants irrespective of unions and associations. Comrade we are sorry to intimate you that due to technical fault in website we could not uploaded the photos of 2nd and 3rd programme of call attention week.
13-02-2024 : Lunch hour demonstration organized today (13-02-2024) at various places in the country as per the notice issued by CHQ on 31-01-2024. It is a first day of “Call attention protest week” programme.
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13-02-2024 : Demonstration at BSNL HQR:- The demonstration took place today at BSNL HQR which was attended by central leaders also as per the notice of CHQ.
The G.S. addressed the gathering and explained the 3 demands viz relaxation in DPE guidelines for wage revision, New Promotion Policy and revision of present sanctioned strength of non-executive posts.
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13-02-2024 : LICE for promotion of ATTs to Telecom Technician Cadre – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-13-02-2024.
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13-02-2024 : Formation of a new circle – reg. Letter No.-TF-63, dt-13-02-2024.
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13-02-2024 : Corporate office Establishment Branch issues a letter on Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives and Non-executives – guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01-03-2024. File No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-09-02-2024.
The details will be follow.
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10-02-2024 : Meeting with Director (HR) on the notice served by the NFTE (BSNL), the representatives are invited to discuss the issues hence a meeting was held on 09-02-2024 between Director (HR) and NFTE (BSNL) on three issues viz wage revision, New Promotion Policy and revision of staff strength of circles. Meeting took place in very cordial atmosphere. The Director (HR) assured the delegation that the meeting on wage revision committee will be held soon, but the union representatives of NFTE demanded commitments on other issues also. The Director (HR) responded positively.
PGM (SR) and PGM (Est) both were also present. The union was represented by G.S. President and Circle Secy J&K.
10-02-2024 : “In 235th meeting of central Board of Trustees, the EPFO has fixed an 8.25% interest rate on employees provident fund for the year 2023-24 financial year”.
10-02-2024 : Delegation of NFTE (BSNL) consisting GS, President and circle secretary J&K, met with Detector (HR) on his invitation to discuss on agitational notice PGM (SR) and .PGM (Admin) were also present in the meeting.
The details will be follow.
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09-02-2024 : Replacement of copper lines by FTTH – reg. Letter No.-TF-19/4, dt-09-02-2024.
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09-02-2024 : Relaxation in Transfer policy in respect of spouse cases - reg. Letter No.-TF-20/3, dt-08-02-2024.
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09-02-2024 : Redressal of staff grievances - reg. Letter No.-TF-20/2, dt-08-02-2024.
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08-02-2024 : Petition pertaining to the grievances of BSNL low paid employees - solicit kind intervention. Letter No.-TF-9/8(PRC), dt-08-02-2024.
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08-02-2024 : Corporate office letter on reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs). Letter No.- 28-6/2022-SCT, dt-06-02-2024.
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06-02-2024 : Condolence meeting:- Kerala comrades organized a condolence meeting at Earnakulam on 05-02-2024 in memory of Com. S.P. Mohan Kumar, C.S. Kerala, who expired on 12-01-2024 in a road accident. The meeting held under the chairmanship of Com. Basheer, V.P, Com. K. Natarajan C.S, T.N, attended the meeting on behalf of CHQ. Senior Comrades Poulos, K.M Joseph, Com. Elizabeth of AITUC and Com. Balu, D.S. Com. Elangovan from TN, Com. Radhakrishna, and Com. Hafiz Ahamd CHQ office bearer attended the meeting. All have paid rich tributes to Com. S.P. Mohan Kumar and garlanded the photo. All have remembered him and noted his activities in the organization in Kerala Circle. Red Salute to Comrade Mohan Kumar.,,
Circle Executive Committee Meeting:- In the afternoon Circle Executive Committee meeting held under the Presidentship of Com. K.M. Joseph, V.P, Com. Jineesh Kumar ACS have given a brief note on sad demise of Com. S.P. Mohan Kumar C.S. The CEC elected Com. Devassy, Retd . OS(G) as President and Com. Jayanath AOS/TRI as C.S. of Kerala Circle and other vacant posts in circle were also filled up in the meeting. Com.K. Natarajan, C.S.(T.N.) have explained the status of the all India issues in particular 3rd wage revision/PRC. He also explained the decision of National Secretarial meeting held on 23-01-2024 in online and the programme “call attention and protest week”.
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06-02-2024 : Notification to observe Nationwide "Call attention day" on the call of
NFTE (BSNL) to settle legitimate demands of employees. Letter No.-TF-38/4, dt-31-01-2024.
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05-02-2024 : CMD BSNL addressed a gathering of all associations/unions during his visit to Ahmedabad for inauguration of the Mela organised by TWWO on 03-02-2024:-
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02-02-2024 : Fate and Future of BSNL Workers. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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02-02-2024 : Meeting with LIC for renewal of Group Term Insurance Scheme for executives and non-executives. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-01-02-2024.
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30-01-2024 : Granting four days Special Casual Leaves to Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan) in addition to normal 12 days Casual Leaves in a year. File No.-BSNLCO-A/13(20)/6/2023-ESTAB, dt-29-01-2024.
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30-01-2024 : Corporate office letter on updating of leave encashment data in SAP for regulating claim with DoT for
reimbursement against DoT period leave for retirees. Letter No.- E-2473- BSNLCO-CA/15(11)/1/2020-CA-ERP-FICO-Part(1), dt-22-01-2024.
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30-01-2024 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022. Letter No.-
BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2024-RECTT- CO, dt-25-01-2024.
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27-01-2024 : Board level&below Board level posts including non-unionized
supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA
at revised rates - regarding. File No. -BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2024-ESTAB, Dt-23.01.2024.
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27-01-2024 : Policy Guidelines for Provision of FTTH Service Connections in Office and Residence of Serving and Retired Officers/Officials in BSNL where area is TNF or Copper based Exchange is closed. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/80/1/2020-ADMN, dt-19-01-2024.
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26-01-2024 :NFTE Central headquater extend a very happy Republic day to all our members in particular and the entire people of the country in general.
The day on which Indian constitution was adopted in 1950 is being celebrated nation wide with participation of common people .
"Long live Indian Republic".
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26-01-2024 :An on line meeting of National Secretariat was held on 23.01.2024 .All the circle secretaries and office bearers working at headquarter participated through Google meet link. The issue of 3rd wage revision, Framing new promotion policy, Increase of sanction strength in r/o TT, JE, JTO and JAO were discussed in length. All the participants have taken serious note of an inordinate delay in implementation of wage revision & sufferings of non-ex staff due to stagnation. After a deep discussion it was decided unanimously that NFTE- BSNL will organise
" Call Attention and Protest Week " from 12 th Feb to 17 th feb 2024.
The details of program will be circulated latter on.
19-01-2024 : Pay revision of non-executive employees in BSNL – resolution reg. Letter No.TF-9/8/PRC, dt-17-01-2024.
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19-01-2024 : Coverage of DOT recruits, appointed in BSNL, as per DOT (Govt.) orders before 01-01-2004 under (OPS). Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-17-01-2024.
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19-01-2024 : Review of non-executive posts VRS-19 period reg. Letter No.-TF-58, dt-17-01-2024.
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19-01-2024 : With consent of our President it has been decided to hold an “online emergent meeting” of all the circle secretaries on 23-01-2024 at 7 pm (Tuesday evening 7pm). All the Circle Secretaries are requested to join the meeting on time to discuss only a single agenda of 3rd wage revision. The link will be intimated to all circle secretaries on their personal whatsApp by G.S.
17-01-2024 : Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL Board:- G.S. Com. Rajamouli Treasurer CHQ, Com. Dharmendra Malik, C.S. Corporate office, Com. Surendra Kumar Treasurer Corporate office, NFTE (BSNL) met with Director (HR) and extended New Year greetings on behalf of NFTE (CHQ).
The issue of retention of quarter on transfer, pending JTO LICE result of Punjab Circle and are individual case of Shri Prakash Mani ATT who is DOT employee as he has not opted to be absorbed in BSNL. The management not providing him the facility of HRA, Transport allowance, promotion at par with the Govt (DOT) employees Hon’ble Director (HR) after patient hearing assured the delegation, to look into the matter to resolve these issues shortly.
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17-01-2024 : CHQ issues notification for holding National Secretariat committee meeting at Delhi from 06-03-2024 to 07-03-2024. Letter No.-TF-4/2, dt-17-01-2024.
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17-01-2024 : New Promotion Policy for non-executive employees in BSNL - reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-17-01-2024.
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17-01-2024 : Notification of Pay Scales of non-executive employees incorporating the 78.2% IDA merger approved on 10th June, 2013 by DOT. Letter No.-TF-9/8/PRC, dt-17-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Non payment of HRA Transport allowance and extension of other facilities at par the Govt employees to Shri Prakash Mani ATT under Kanpur BA of BSNL. Letter No.-TF-023, dt-15-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Migration from Copper lines to FTTH vis-à-vis concessional residential connections for BSNL employees. Letter No.-TF-19/3, dt-15-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Re-categorization of circles on the basis of revenue- reg. Letter No.-TF-19/5, dt-09-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Declaration of JTO LICE results – case of Punjab Circle. Letter No.-TF-020, dt-09-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Retention of departmental quarters or transfer- reg. Letter No.-TF-27/1, dt-09-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Medical facilities to BSNL for employees including retired personnel - reg. Letter No.-TF-32/2, dt-09-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : Promotion of UDC/ LDC (CSS) staff – resolution - reg. Letter No.-TF-9/1(h), dt-09-01-2024.
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15-01-2024 : All circle secretaries please note......
As decided in NEC meeting at Lucknow the National Secretariat(only circle secretaries) meeting is decided to be held on 6th and 7th March 2024 at New Delhi .
The formal notice will follow with all information...
You all are requested to book your to and fro tickets, to avoid inconvenience.
The meeting will start at 10.30 am sharp on 6th march ,so please try to reach Delhi on 5th march 2024 evening to start the meeting smoothly. The meeting will be concluded after lunch on 07.03 .2024.
This meeting is limited to circle secretaries only....
It is earnest request to all of you to kindly bring the following information in black and white..
(1) Membership details of circle list obtained from circle office.
(2) list of BA/OA secretaries with their proper addresses and mobile number.
Note...Both side journey fare will be paid for all the circle secretaries for 3rd AC Rail fare or equal to it.
With warmest greetings.
Chandeshwar Singh
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15-01-2024 : Amendment to the BSNL Recognition of non-executives’ Unions and Representation in the council Rules, 2012. File No.-BSNLCO-SR/14/(11)/2/2023-SR, dt-26-12-2023.
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15-01-2024 : Procedure to be followed by the Departmental Promotion Committee with regard to retired employees – letter from Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training. File No.- 22011/1/2023-PP (D-Promotion), dt-11-12-2023.
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15-01-2024 : Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare issues order on amendment to CSS (Pension) Rules, 2021 – Allowing female Government servants/female Pensioner to nominate her child/children for family pension in precedence to her husband in the event of marital discord leading to filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing of a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or Indian Penal Code – reg. Letter No.-1/1(1)/2023-P&PW(E), dt-01-01-2024.
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13-01-2024 : Com. S.P. Mohan Kumar circle secretary Kerala is no more:-
Com S.P. Mohan Kumar lost his life in a road accident yesterday night in his native town 25 km from Ernakulam. We on behalf of NFTE CHQ and our entire members extend a respectful homage to the departed soul and deep condolences to family members.
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12-01-2024 : Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01 .2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding. Letter No.- N o. W-02/ 0002/20 14-D P E (WC )-GL-III/2024, dt-11-01-2024.
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12-01-2024 : NFTE Bangalore District Working committee, celebration of 70th foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE, &11th Death Anniversary of Com O.P.Guptaji, on 6th January 2024 at district NFTE Union Office CTO compound Raj Bhavan Bangalore, under the chairmanship of District President and CHQ permanent invitee com Ranganna, the photo of Com O.P Gupthaji was unveiled, homage & rich tribute was paid to the veteran leader "who knew the way, went the way & showed the way". All the senior comrades of the KTK circle & District Office bearers graced the event. A brief report on all activities of the District was presented by Com J. Kumar District Secretary, a wall clock as a gift to, District comrades commemorating the 70th foundation day of our Great NFTE. Com Seshadri Dy General Secretary & KTK circle Secretary on behalf of CHQ & Circle explained in detail regarding NFTE history, 4G & 5G, Wage revision Status, new NEPP & New telecom bill etc. The meeting was closed with a vote of thanks by the District Treasurer Com Dayananda prabhu. The house was completely satisfied and praised all the yeoman efforts of the past and present NFTE Comrades at branch, district, circle, and headquarters.
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12-01-2024 : Meeting with GM (Pers). Corporate Office:-GS along with Com Rajamouli CHQ Treasurer, Com Ranvir Singh ACS corporate office, and Treasurer C.O. met with GM (Pers) and discussed the issue of CSS staff viz UDC, LDC, and group D staff who are absorbed in BSNL after a written agreement, but now only 90 such employees are presently working in a corporate office and almost all are facing stagnation.
We requested to hold the promotional examination for them even on a matching saving basis so that their stagnation Will be removed.
The GM reciprocated positively to look into the matter.
12-01-2024 : Executive committee meeting of NFTE (BSNL) Bihar circle:- Circle executive committee meeting held on 07.01.2024 to 08.01.2024 under the presidentship of c Rajesh Kumar Choubey.
Com B.N.Sinha Pattern and very senior leader of NFTE was also present in the meeting.
Out of twenty District secretaries and twenty-one office bearers all were present except one. Dist secretary Madhubani was not present in the meeting. About four active members of Patna BA were participating.
The discussion on agenda issues was started on the direction of the president.
Com Sanjay Kumar Singh circle secretary placed the keynote and explained the agenda issues.
All the District secretaries and eleven office bearers took part in the debate.
The debate was centralized on wage revision and stagnation of more than sixty percent of absorbed employees who were east while DOT employees.
Com Chandeshwar Singh GS also addressed the gathered employees and exhorted the history of ways of revision and stagnation.
He also narrated the status of the 4 G spectrum and asked the workers to contribute better to improve the services and launch all the efforts in the growth of BSNL.
He added that we are hopeful that the 3 rd wage revision will be implemented in BSNL.
After presidential speech by com R.K.Chowbe, the meeting was concluded.
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07-01-2024 : News and photographs received from several places related to death anniversary of com O.P.Gupta Jee. Our comrades paid a respectful homage and shouted slogans in remembrance of Com. Gupta Jee.
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06-01-2024 : Welcome new year 2024. Editorial, Telecom, English & Hindi.
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03-01-2024 : *Ap circle Executive committee meeting held at SRIKAKULAM from 28-12-2023 to 29-12-2023*
The circle Executive committee meeting was held at srikakulam " kranthi bhawan" under the chairmanship of com G Bhaskara Rao circle vice- president due to non availability of the circle president com chandrasekharaRao. The National flage hoisted by com SrinivasaRao Dist President of Srikakulam and NFTE flage hoisted by senior comrade of Dist union com H PapaRao. Circle secretary com K Anjaiah given a brief report on the activities of circle union. com Seshadri Dy General Secretary attended as chief guest on behalf of chq and explained in detail regarding NFTE history, wage revision present status, NFTE efforts in getting the wagerevision etc. The house is very much satisfied with his speech in regional ( Telugu) language . most of the Dist secretsries participated in discussions. The house taken resolutions on wage revision. The meeting also taken a decisdion to take efforts to strengthen the union organisation in the circle.
The two days meeting was ended with vote of thanks by ACS com Yateendranadh.
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03-01-2024 : 10 th death anniversary of com O.P.Gupta ji on 06.01.2024.
Circle secretary, BA/OA secretaries please organise meeting in union office and arrange to pay respectful homage to Late Come O.P.Gupta...
Narrate the fighting character, vision and idiology of Com Gupta ji and his achievement for the workers right from the foundation of NFPTE/NFTE.
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29-12-2023 : 0.2% IDA decresed from 01.01.2024. Total 215.6% -0.2%= 215.4% from 01.01.2024.
28-12-2023 : Clarification sought from corporate office on visit report for hospitalisation. Letter No. - BSNLCO-ADMN/12(11)/1/2021-APAR,dt-27.12.2023.
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25-12-2023 : Merry Christmas.
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21-12-2023 : Circle conference of Odisha circle:-
Circle Conference of NFTE ( BSNL) Odisha circle completed on 20th December 2023 at RTTC Bhubaneshwar.
It begins with flag hoisting.
The General Secretary hoisted the NFTE flag at 10.30 am.
All the delegates entered the conference hall.
Com Pradeep Kumar Pillai was in the chair.
After being satisfied with the attendance of delegates and District secretaries, the house was declared in Corum by the president.
All the District secretaries took part in debates on agenda issues.
Open session and seminar-- An open session and seminar on the subject "Huddles in the growth of BSNL and its remedial measures".
Besides General Secretary NFTE, Shri R.N.Pillai CGMT ,BSNL Odisha, was invited as chief guest. He participated along with Shri P.K.Mahapatra Sr GM (HR&Admn), Siddharth Sahu GM, CNTX .Com A.K.Jena invitee of CHQ was also present on the dais.
First of all Com Ran Singh Babu circle secretary placed the keynote before the open house.
Com Chandeshwar Singh in his address elaborately explained the current situation of BSNL and exhorted that the need-based infrastructure is essentially required for the growth of BSNL..
He added that the staff grievances are increasing day by day due to the ignorance of top-level management.
The burning issues like wage revision, removal of stagnation, opening the promotional avenue through LICEs, etc are pending and it is a spiritual truth that the suffering staff can't contribute better.
Shri R.N.Pillai CGMT Odisha delivered a very motivational, impressive, and educative speech and asked the gathering to always think positively, it will give encourage ment which ultimately helps in the growth of BSNL.
Shri P.K.Mahapatra Sr GM HR and Shri Siddharth Sahu GM CNTX also addressed and exhorted about services and activities of development in Odisha circle.
The open seminar was concluded before lunch break after a vote of thanks to all the guests and participants.
The house again assembled at 03.30 pm after lunch and the remaining agenda was discussed.
The secretary's report and account were passed.
The president placed the agenda of the election of circle office bearers in the house..
After a deep discussion and sharing of views among delegates and District Secretaries, a unanimous election took place Pradeep Kumar pillai, Com Ram Singh Babu, and Com Been hi Naik were elected as circle president, circle secretary, and circle Treasurer respectively along with 21 other office bearers.
The conference was concluded in very pleasant atmosphere.
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19-12-2023 : Rule 8 transferees not relieved so far - information regarding. Letter No.- BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2//2022-ESTAB, dt-18-12-2023.
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18-12-2023 : Circle Executive Committee meeting of Telangana:-
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17-12-2023 :
North Bengal convension of NFTE (BSNL) :-
An very unique largely attended convension of BSNL workers organized today at Raigarh through a reception converter comprising with members from siliguri and Ray ganj.
Representatives from all the OA erst while SSA under Siliguri BA participated in the convention including a good number of women employees.
The District secretaries of Siliguri ,jalpaiguri, Raiganj ,Malda,kuchbihar, spoken and shared the problems faced by them at working place.
All the speaker's pointed out the pitiable condition of approved casual labourers, for whom wages has not been revised after 01.01.2010. Shri Naween kumar Dist Secretary AIGTOA addressed the gathering and shared his view's.
Com Sudipto Purkaith, AI organizing secretary ,com Uma shankar Thakur Astt circle secretary ,com Dukhan kumar circle secretary in their address explained the situation of services as well as HR issues of workers.
Com C.singh General secretary in his one hour twenty minutes speech elaborately exhorted the issues of wage revision, stagnation, New promotion policy, need based infra structure, compassionate appointment, and grabbing the BSNL assets one by one arbitrarily by the DOT.He pointed out the current robbing of ALTTC Gaziabad ,which is spreaded in 83 acre of land with value of Rs/- 6000 crores.
Very sinior comrade Lalit eshwar Patel presided over the meeting.
The reception committee arranged delicious lunch for about 150 participants.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks by com Laliteshwar Patel.
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14-12-2023 :
Himachal pradesh circle executive meeting at Mandi :-
HP circle NFTE (BSNL,) conducted circle executive commitee meeting under the president ship of Com Balbir singh.
Com Brij Bihari Ram anchored the meeting.About 60 members were participating including all the office bearers and District secretaries. From headquarter com chandeshwar singh General secretary,Com Vinay Raina secretary CHQ attended the CEC.The CEC started at 10.30.The presence was very highest in comperison to corum.
All the District secretaries took part in debate on agenda notified for the meeting.
Com Hitendra Prakash Actg circle secretary spoken and explained the organizational situation as well activities as officiating circle secretary under the guidance of com Nand Lal sharma.
Com Yashwant sharma also addressed and touched all the issues of agenda.
Com Nand sharma spoken in length and answered the questions raised by the District secretaries.
On behalf of headquarter com vinai Raina spoken first and exhorted the HR issues very nicely.
Com chandeshwar singh GS in his speech elaborately placed the latest status of the long pending issues.
He added that the DOT is violating its own commitment and grabbing the assets of BSNL one by one.
He explained the incident of ALTTC Gaziyabad which is a new target of DOT to snatch it from BSNL.
The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by com Bri Bihari.
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13-12-2023 :
Circular of AUAB based on the meeting held on line at 8 pm of 12.12. 2023.
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11-12-2023 :
Lunch Hour Demonstration conducted massively through out the country----
On the short notice and call of the AUAB , BSNL workers have conducted demonstration and strongly opposed the move of the DOT to take over the ALTTC Ghaziabad free of cost.
Every where appeal's were made to the union Govt. to intervene in this issue and stop DOT to snatch assets of BSNL one by one.
At Delhi demonstration was held in front of corporate office.
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11-12-2023 :
Lunch Hour Demonstration conducted massively through out the country.
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06-12-2023 : Notice from AUAB for organizing a demonstration on 5.12.2023 opposing the taking over of the ALTTC campus Ghaziabad by DOT. All the circle /BA/OA secretaries are requested to kindly ensure to organize a massive demonstration at all levels coordinating with all the unions and Associations.
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03-12-2023 : Mass motivational meeting of BSNL workers at Patna:-
A mass motivational meeting was organized on 2.12.2023 in the main telephone exchange campus.
The meeting was organized by the Branch union of the Main telephone exchange Budh Marg Patna.
Com Sanjay Kumar Branch secretary Com Manish Kumar president and their team played a unique role in organizing a very big meeting with a presence of about 200 workers including a good number of Ladies..
The meeting was presided over by com Man Mohan Mishra and com Sury Mony anchored the mass meeting..
Com Chandeshwar Singh GS, Com Sanjay Kumar Singh CS all the leaders and office bearers of Patna business area and CGMT district Brach, and all the Branch secretaries were invited to the meeting and all of them were present.
Shri Arvind Prasad PGMT Patna business area, Shri Manoj Kumar Pandey GM, Patna operational area, and a good number of officers were present in the meeting.
The meeting was addressed by com Ajay Kumar acting DS, com Sanjay Kumar Singh CS, and Com. Chandeshwar Singh GS. In his address, GS exhorted the issues related to Staff and the development of BSNL.
Shri Arvind Prasad PGMT Patna narrated all the managerial as well as development activities of the Business area Patna. He also shares the current status of revenue earning in the business area..
The meeting concluded after lunch with all participants.
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02-12-2023 : Human resources development in BSNL. Editorial, Telecom (Hindi & English):-
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30-11-2023 : Information’s are receiving from nook and corner of the country regarding success of call given by joint forum of non-executive unions and associations. The call of conducting human chain has been responded well by the branches of field units. The NFTE CHQ congratulates and thanks all the circle/ BA leaders and all the members who participated in the programme to make it successful.
30-11-2023 : Com. Vinay Raina, Secretary CHQ from Punjab circle joined at CHQ and worked at headquarter smoothly w.e.f. 25-11-2023. He will returned back today (30-11-2023) evening to his working place Ludhiana (Punjab Circle).
30-11-2023 : Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2024 –reg. File No.-BSNLCO-A/14(14)/2/2020-ESTAB, dt-29-11-2023.
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29-11-2023 : The Bellary SSA (Karnataka Circle) District Working Committee meeting held a successful meeting on November 27, 2023, at the main Telephone Exchange of MDF. The District President, Com. S. Chidananda, presided over the meeting.
The members were addressed by Com K.S. Sheshadri, Deputy General Secretary of CHQ New Delhi and Circle Secretary of Karnataka Circle, as well as Com A. Rajashekhar, Organizing Secretary. All the members of NFTE were present in the meeting and discussed various local issues in the presence of Com, M R Ashok, the District Secretary, Com P V Prasad Rao, the Assistant District Secretary, and Com B Venkata Ramesh, the District Treasurer of Bellary SSA.
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29-11-2023 : On the call of Joint Forum of Non-executive unions and Associations the field units responded well and conducted Human Chain programme throughout the country in grand manner. The NFTE CHQ extends thanks to all participants of joint forum for making the programme successful. Photos received at CHQ.
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28-11-2023 : Visit of BA Heads of every district HQs regularly regarding. Letter No.-BSNLCO-COMN/18(11)/47/2023-RSTG, dt-21-11-2023.
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28-11-2023 : It feels immense pleasure to convey that Sri Vijay Ram, ATT/Circle office Kolkata, Asstt. Circle Secretary of NFTE (BSNL), West Bengal Telecom Circle has created history by acquiring the 3rd position in National Bench Press Competition, 2023; held at Bengaluru, of late. This achievement was created after competing with several other PSU's in the event. He was even felicited by the AGM (Welfare), Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru; for his success. We congratulate him for his dedication and hard work and wish him good health and best of luck for all his future endeavors while enlightening BSNL by his sincere efforts.
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25-11-2023 : Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) – intimation of date of online examination ...Reg. Efile No: - BSNLCO-11/13/3/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-23-11-2023.
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25-11-2023 : Successful Circle Conference of Chennai Telephones :-
The eighth conference of NFTE - BSNL in Chennai Telephones Circle was held for three days from 22/11/2023 to 24/11/2023 in a grand manner with a massive participation of 350 comrades. The conference was presided over by Com M K Ramasamy , the Circle President. To mark the eighth conference eight flags of our Union were hoisted by eight comrades including the General Secretary, C Singh and Secretary ( CHQ ) , CKM . Homage was paid to the martyrs by the Organising Secretary ( CHQ ), N. Muneer Ali . Welcome address was given by the Convenor of the Reception committee , S. Chitrarasu .
In his inaugural address , Com Chandeshwer Singh explained the resolutions of the recently concluded National Executive Committee meeting held in Lucknow . He also dealt with the issue of continuing stalemate in the wage revision since 01/01/2017 and the Allowance revision since 01/01/2007. He appreciated the Chennai Circle Union for organising such a massive conference despite the drastic reduction of employees through VRS -2019. On behalf of sister unions , the leaders of SNEA, AIGETOA , AIBSNLPWA , NFTCL , SEWA participated in conferences .
Com CKM translated elaborately the speech of our General Secretary in Tamil . Both Report on activities and audited accounts presented to the conference were passed unanimously. The discussion on Organisational review was initiated by Com K M Elangovan , Assistant Circle Secretary.
A seminar was organised on 24/11/2023 on the role of Technology and Human Resources for the growth of BSNL which was coordinated by Com CKM .Present and former CGMs, P. Santhosam, V K Sanjeevi, C V Vinod ,
D. Tamilmani and GM ( HR), D M Bhaskar participated in the seminar and shared vital information among the delegates attending the conference . Smt. Subhashini ,GM ( Central ) and Smt. Kamalini , GM ( West ) greeted the conference . In the afternoon the 70 th Formation Day of mighty NFPTE was observed . A big cake specially ordered for this occasion was jointly cut by both Comrades C Singh and
CKM . A Veteran comrade G M Swamy who is 83 years old was present and spoke on the history and success of NFPTE . He was honoured by the General Secretary. Senior Comrades L Subbarayan ( Coimbatore ) ,
P. Shanmugam ( Tenkasi ) and P. Sundaram ( Karur ) participated in the Seventieth Federation Day celebrations of NFPTE .
The concluding session was marked by a brilliant speech by a prominent Congressman,
Former MP/ MLA , Hon’ble S. Peter Alphonse, is now the chairman of the Tamilnadu State Minorities Commission. He explained the ills of nine years of BJP government under Modi . He appealed to the delegates to safeguard the Public Sector.
Election of Circle Union Office Bearers was smooth and all the 21 Office bearers and 6 permanent invitees were elected unanimously . Comrades M K Ramasamy , C K Mathivanan ,
C Ravi were re-elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary, and Circle Treasurer.
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24-11-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries please note:- Human Chain programme (28-11-2023) posters were dispatched by CHQ on 06-11-2023 through post. Kindly collect the same from concerned post offices for success of Human Chain programme on 28-11-2023. G.S. NFTE (BSNL).
24-11-2023 : 70th NFTE Foundation Day celebration in Circle Office Bangalore on 24.11.2023:- Com K. S Sheshadri, Deputy General Secretary, NFTE-BSNL & Com. A Rajashekaarappa Circle organizing secretary, NFTE Karnataka Circle Participated and addressed the member.
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24-11-2023 : Today is the 24th of November, the day on which our mighty organization NFPTE was born under a re-alignment scheme.
The then Union minister for communication late Babu Jag Jiwan Ram played a vital role in the unification of several unions functioning in those days in P&T department brought under an umbrella organisation NFPTE. To remember the glory and historic achievements of the employees
Our CHQ called upon the branches to celebrate the 70th Foundation Day throughout the nation in a grand manner. The call of the headquarters has been responded to by our branches throughout the country. Photos are continuously being received at headquarters.
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24-11-2023 : Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani has been appointed as Director (HR) BSNL. Letter No.-E-1-3/2022-PSA, dt-21-11-2023.
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22-11-2023 : All circle secretaries /BA, OA secretaries are requested to celebrate 70th foundation day of NFPTE / NFTE on 24 November 2023.
Arrange union flag hoisting at union offices and share the history of the P&T Trade union movement with the new generation....
The NFPTE is the root symbol of unification and after the bi-furcation of posts and telegraph wings in two departments as post and telegraph's Deptt in the year 1986, our mighty organization NFPTE was also divided into two parts for postal employees NFPE and for telecom NFTE.. our flag and symbol of nine joined hands is continuing from 24th November 1954. Celebrate it in a grand manner and send the photos to CHQ.
With warmest greetings...
21-11-2023 : All the Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to celebrate 70th foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE on 24-11-2023 in grand manner. This is the day where our union have taken birth in Indian Trade union movement (P&T) and also organize big meetings with all Comrades and explain the achievements of NFPTE/NFTE in these years. NFTE is always working with determination to strengthen BSNL and protecting the rights of the employees. The glaring examples are regularisaton of above one lakh Casual Mazdoors including Ayas, Protection of Govt Pension to BSNL absorbees, SC/ST reservation in OTBP/BSR promotion etc. And also remember the great leaders, who sacrificed their lives to the cause of workers. (Comrade. Om Prakash Gupta, Com. Chandrashekar, Com. Jagan, Com. Vichare and other leaders). Kindly send the photographs of the programme to CHQ….G.S. NFTE(BSNL)----- NFTE –Zindabad – Long live BSNL.
20-11-2023 : Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) letter on holding of limited internal competitive examinations (LICE) – intimation of starting date of online registration. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13/3/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-02-11-2023.
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18-11-2023 : The mobile subscribers base of BSNL reduced with a tune of 22,20,654 in the month of August, 2023.
The information is based on TRAI report.
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16-11-2023 : NFTE (BSNL) extends a very happy Chhath Vart Puja to our members and all the BSNL employees:-
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16-11-2023 : Letter from AUAB of BSNL to the Secretary DOT, opposing the unilateral decision to transfer ALTTC Ghaziabad to a Private institute. Letter No.- No: UA/2023/01, dt-16-11-2023.
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16-11-2023 : Transfer and posting of officer (s)/executive (s) of CGM/PGM/GM level. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/11(13)/4/2023-PERS1, dt-15-11-2023.
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15-11-2023 : HAPPY BHAI DOOJ:-
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09-11-2023 : NFTE-BSNL wishing you all Happy Diwali be free from the darkness and abundant with shining light.
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09-11-2023 : Corporate office letter on Modifications in Comprehensive Renting-Out Policy (CROP-2020) for renting-out of spareable building space including residential accommodation and other built-up facilities in
BSNL- Amendment No. 6 thereof. Letter No.-BSNLCO-LM/13(11)/1/2020-/CROP-A6, dt-07-11-2023.
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09-11-2023 : Corporate office (Establishment section) seeking information from all circles i.r.o JTO and JE currently under temporary transfer under Rule-9 of BSNL transfer policy. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/4/2023-ESTAB, dt-02-11-2023.
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09-11-2023 : All the Circle/District/Branch Secretaries are requested to celebrate 70th foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE on 24-11-2023 in grand manner. This is the day where our union have taken birth in Indian Trade union movement (P&T) and also organize big meetings with all Comrades and explain the achievements of NFPTE/NFTE in these years. NFTE is always working with determination to strengthen BSNL and protecting the rights of the employees. The glaring examples are regularisaton of above one lakh Casual Mazdoors including Ayas, Protection of Govt Pension to BSNL absorbees, SC/ST reservation in OTBP/BSR promotion etc. And also remember the great leaders, who sacrificed their lives to the cause of workers. (Comrade. Om Prakash Gupta, Com. Chandrashekar, Com. Jagan, Com. Vichare and other leaders).
NFTE –Zindabad – Long live BSNL
09-11-2023 : Advice of Central Vigilance commission (CVC) for systemic improvement - Regarding non recovery of dues from allottees of staff quarters. Letter No.-BSNLCO-LM/13(13)/2/2020-O/o GM(LM), dt-03-11-2023.
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08-11-2023 : Meeting with GM(A):- General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli met with GM (A) and discussed the issue of payment of cash in lieu of liveries items to the non-executive staff of BSNL. The leaders pointed out that the order has not been withdrawn but the field units are denying payment for the same. We submitted the letter of Telangana Circle through which clarification was souted by the circle.
The GM assured to enquire into the matter at earliest.
(2) Functioning of council in Corporate office. The leaders pointed out that the union has status of circle level in Corporate office, hence the circle council meeting should be held as per prescribed period in non-executive union recognition rule. The GM reciprocated positively and assured to conduct the meeting after receiving nominations from the both recognised unions.
08-11-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries please note:- Human Chain programme (28-11-2023) posters were dispatched by CHQ on 06-11-2023 through post. Kindly collect the same from concerned post offices for success of Human Chain programme on 28-11-2023. G.S. NFTE (BSNL).
07-11-2023 : Denial of BA level status at Circle office Ambala by the GM (HR) Haryana Circle. Letter No.-TF-08, dt-07-11-2023.
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07-11-2023 : Non-functioning of councils at various level in BSNL. Letter No.-TF-2/1(c), dt-07-11-2023.
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07-11-2023 : Meeting with GM(Est) Corporate office, G.S. and Com. Rajamouli, Treasurer met with GM(Estt) and persuaded the issues (i) Grant/Payment of Kashmir Valley allowance to the BSNL workers. The GM assured speedy action on the issue.
(ii) The issue of regularization of TSM – Case related to Hyderabad BA. This issue is about to settlement and a favorable order may come at earliest as informed by the GM(Est).
(iii) Payment of Group Term Insurance amount:- death of the member of GTI who have contributed their premium on time.
We pointed out the case of Shri Prashanth Landge, AO and Shri Milind Ramesh Deepke of Maharashtra. The GM (Est) assured to consult with the concerned Insurance Company, and enquire that even after laps of five months of submitting the clear case of both employees, why the payment is delayed by the insurance company. It is expected that the issue may be resolved without further delay.
07-11-2023 : Meeting with PGM (SR) we pointed out the issue of Ambala circle office BA. We told that we have written a letter to the Director (HR) in past.
PGM (SR) was kind enough and heard very positively the issue and assures us to resolve the same at earliest.
07-11-2023 : Corporate office issued consolidated instructions for encashment of Earned Leave (EL)/Half Pay Leave (HPL) at the time of retirement/resignation/technical resignation to various categories of employees of BSNL. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(25)/4/2023-ESTAB, dt-06-11-2023.
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06-11-2023 : Meeting with CMD, BSNL:-
General Secretary and Com. Ashaq Ahmad Circle Secretary Jammu & Kashmir, met with Hon’ble CMD (BSNL) and discussed the following issues:-
(1) Grant/payment of Srinagar Valley allowance to BSNL employees posted under Kashmir Valley . The CMD heard our request very politely and responded positively. We hope the issue will be settled soon by the grace of CMD (BSNL).
(2) Issue of carrier progression of sports personal of BSNL:-
The NFTE (BSNL) had written twice to release the order in favour of nine sports personnel, whose cases had already approved. The CMD, BSNL replied that after getting some complaints, enquiry were made and some lacunas were found the CMD BSNL added that a new key para meters has been approved and circulated and the action will be taken after receipt of such applications in new proforma under new policy and it will be finalized within two/three months.
(3) Non payment of insurance claims of the members of Group Term insurance specially the case of late Com. Prashant Landge and Millind Ramesh, the CMD talked to concern GM on phone and directed him to take up the issue with insurance Company. He asked us to keep and watch, if the issue is further delayed bring it to my knowledge.
06-11-2023 : Resolutions adopted in NEC meeting held at Lucknow, UP (East) from 03-11-2023 to 04-11-2023.
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06-11-2023 : Brief notes on National Executive Committee meeting held from 03-11-2023 to 04-11-2023 at Lucknow, UP(East):-
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02-11-2023 : A note of joint forum of non-executive Unions and Associations on wage revision issue.
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01-11-2023 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. - Notification of Exam. efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(13)/2/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-31-10-2023.
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31-10-2023 : Condolence meeting in Patna union office:- Com. Ranjit Kumar Yadav, T.T. and District President Patna BA expired yesterday in AIM’s hospital, New Delhi. On this occasion condolence meeting is organized in union office at Patna today. Com. C. Singh, General Secretary NFTE (BSNL), Com. Sanjay Singh, Circle Secretary, Bihar and active Comrades, leaders of Patna have participated in the condolence meeting and paid rich tributes to departed soul.
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31-10-2023 : 70th Foundation Day of NFPTE/NFTE. Editorial, Telecom (Hindi & English).
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31-10-2023 : SAD NEWS: Com. Ranjit Kumar Yadav, T.T. and District President of Patna Telecom District (BA) expired in AIM’s hospital in Delhi yesterday evening. He was in service and active Comrade of NFTE BSNL. His dedication towards organization is memorable. He was very prominent and disciplined soldier of NFTE BSNL. It is a big loss to our organization at this juncture. His wife expired 4 years back, now left with son and daughter. NFTE CHQ condoles the untimely death of a brave Comrade and share the grief of the family.
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31-10-2023 : Grant of festival advance for BSNL non-executive employees. Letter No.-TF-038, dt-21-10-2023.
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30-10-2023 : Corporate Accounts section issues a letter on 1.16% increased contribution from employer’s share into the Pension Fund on salary exceeding Rs. 15,000/-. File No.-E. No.-BSNLCO-CA/30/1/2022-CA-ERP-FICO-Part(1), dt-30-10-2023.
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28-10-2023 : Corporate office letter on stores and inventory management structure at Circle level. File No.- BSNLCO-COMN/18(11)/9/2022-MMP, dt-25-10-2023.
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28-10-2023 : Opening Ceremony of Vigilance Awareness Week -2023 –Administration of Integrity pledge by CMD, BSNL on 30-10-2023 at 11.00 am at Podium, Ground floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan. Letter No.-24-11/2023-VA(Pt.I), dt-25-10-2023.
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28-10-2023 : Non-executives Unions/Associations have finalized poster for “HUMAN CHAIN” programme to be organized on 28-11-2023. All Circle/District Secretaries are requested to download the poster and print copies for “HUMAN CHAIN” programme. The model poster is enclosed herewith.
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27-10-2023 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021 – OA – Vacancy wise list of qualified candidates – total 41 candidates qualified in T.T. exam held on 27-08-2023 in 15 circles (OC -27, 1 OC(PwBD), SC – 13, ST –NIL) NFTE CHQ congratulates the qualified candidates in T.T. exam. Letter No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2022-RECTT-CO, dt-25-10-2023.
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25-10-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to start preparations for holding mass meeting on 02-11-2023 with the co-ordination of all unions/associations of Joint Forum. And also explain in detail the steps taken by all unions/associations for settlement of 3rd wage revision since 2018 to till date. And make the meetings a big success by moblising all at SSA head quarters.
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20-10-2023 : Cash payment in lieu of liverires items to the employees of BSNL. Letter No.-TF-16/1, dt-20-10-2023.
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20-10-2023 : Conversion of land line concessional Telephone of working 7 retired employees of BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-19/3, dt-20-10-2023.
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19-10-2023 : Notice of agitational programme against circle management of Maharashtra Circle, served by both recognised union of non-executive employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-38, dt-19-10-2023.
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19-10-2023 : Grant/Payment of Srinagar valley allowance to BSNL staff posted in Srinagar valley – reg. Letter No.-TF-010, dt-19-10-2023.
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19-10-2023 : BSNL Sports Calendar for 20th All India BSNL Tournaments for the year 2023-25. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/74(12)/13/2023-Sports, dt-18-10-2023.
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16-10-2023 : Carrier progression of outstanding sports personnel, based on fixed key parameter of 2019. Letter No.-TF-16/2, dt-14-10-2023.
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14-10-2023 : Maharashtra circle CEC meeting held at Beed (Maharashtra) on 12th and 13th October, 2023:-
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14-10-2023 : Result of LICE for promotion to the Cadre of Junior Telecom officer (JTO-T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022, LICE held on 27-08-2023.
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13-10-2023 : Deduction of monthly union subscription with new rate of members of NFTE – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2023, dt-12-10-2023.
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12-10-2023 : Meeting with CMD:- G.S. and Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ met to the CMD and offered the album of photographs of All India conference held on 28th August to 30th August, 2022 at Ranchi. The CMD attended and addressed the AIC at Ranchi. The representatives also requested regarding removal of stagnation of more than 60% non executive employees.
The CMD reciprocated positively and he assured to pursue the issue of wage revision to the Govt.
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12-10-2023 : The above leaders met to GM(Admn) also and discussed the issues of Rule-8/Rule-9 transfer the GM assured to enquire and added to take action according to norms.
12-10-2023 : Board level & blow Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors and Non-executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007 –Payment of IDA at revised rates – reg. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2020-ESTAB, dt-11-10-2023.
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11-10-2023 : An enthusiastic District Executive Committee meeting of Circle Office (O/o CGM) Hyderabad held on 10-10-2023 in meeting Hall (10th Floor of CGM Office) under the president ship of Com.Hanumanth Rao. The Hall well decorated with NFTE Flags and buntings.
At the beginning of meeting leaders paid rich tributes to Late O.P.Guptaji, Com.C.Singh-General Secretary was Chief Guest to the meeting, Com.Rajamouli-C.S, Com.G.Krishna Reddy-ACS and more than fifty(50) comrades including women employees participated in the meeting. G.S offered NFTE Kandavas to all the members of Circle Office. It is a significant to note that the members have raised the issues of staff and requested reply from G.S on 3rd wage revision, LDC Conversion, Stagnation, DOT/BSNL employees issue, BSNL MRS-CGHS, Corona Leave period, New promotion policy, Drivers issue, online attendance, examinations for promotion and ERP related issues etc., Com.C.Singh-G.S patiently heard all the issues and explained status on all issues in detail. He assured the members, if needed we will take up the issues in National Council. Com.G.Krishna Reddy-ACS have also spoken on issues, C.S have clarified the issues in Telugu and explained the note given by G.S. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Sunitha-Senior Comrade Circle Office. Com. Geetha, D.S have made marvelous arrangements for success of the meeting with the good co-operation of all the members.
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10-10-2023 : 4th District Conference of Hyderabad Telecom District held on 09-10-2023 :-
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09-10-2023 : Decision of joint forum “online” meeting held on 07-10-2023 at 07.00pm. Letter No.-JF/2023/17, dt-09-10-2023.
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07-10-2023 : Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) – Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01-01-2007- Payment of IDA at revised rates – reg. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XIX/2023, dt-06-10-2023.
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05-10-2023 : Corporate office, SR Cell issued a letter on Grant of Special Casual Leave for attending National Executive Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL on 03-11-2023 & 04-11-2023. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2023, dt-04-10-2023.
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04-10-2023 : G.S. attended Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Rajsthan Circle on 26th & 27th September, 2023:-
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03-10-2023 : Notification issued for holding National Executive Committee meeting at Lucknow (UP East) from 03-11-2023 to 04-11-2023. Letter No.-TF-4/1, dt-03-10-2023.
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02-10-2023 : Happy Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti:-
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01-10-2023 : Today is BSNL formation day. BSNL born on 01-10-2000. Now, BSNL had completed 23 years. In the long journey we experienced many up and downs. After VRS workers are feeling very un happy without 3rd wage revision/PRC. We hope good days will come to workers and company. NFTE CHQ conveys best wishes to one and all. NFTE – Zindabad … Long Live- BSNL, G.S. NFTE.
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29-09-2023 : 10% IDA increased from 01-10-2023. Total 205.6%+10%=215.6%(w.e.f. 01-10-2023).
29-09-2023 : Twenty three years of BSNL. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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29-09-2023 : Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, father of India’s green revolution passes away on 28-09-2023 in Chennai. He was 98 years old. He was a world reputed agricultural Scientist. NFTE CHQ pays respectful homage to Shri M.S. Swaminathan and share the grief of the family.
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26-09-2023 : The Staff Side of the National Council records it’s strong protest for preparing a fabricated minutes of the 39th meeting of the National Council held on 07-08-2023. Letter No.-NC/Staff Side/2010, dt-26-09-2023.
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26-09-2023 : All circle secretaries, central office bearers and invites please note:-
The National Executive committee meeting will be held on 3 rd and 4th November 2023 at Lucknow (UP East).
You are requested to book your to and fro Train tickets immediately.
All should try to reach Lucknow at evening of 2nd November 2023 and return ticket at late evening after 7 pm of 4th November or 5th November morning as per your convenience. Notice and other guidelines will follow.
With warmest greetings ..
C.Singh, G.S NFTE.
26-09-2023 : Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi – Judgment on revision of Pension (O.A. No.-1272/2020, M.A. No.-1581/2020, M.A. No.-76/2020, M.A. No.-1582/2020, Pronounced on :- 20.09.2023.
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26-09-2023 : Establishment section of Corporate office issued a letter on Redistribution of Hindi Cadre Posts of Kanistha Rajbhasha Adikhari and JHT & SHT. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(12)/1/2023-ESTAB, dt-21-09-2023.
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26-09-2023 : Restructuring cell of Corporate office issued letter on digital transformation – implementation of organizational structure in ERP (IOSE) 2023. Letter No.-3-6/2022-RSTG, dt-21-09-2023.
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26-09-2023 : Corporate Account Section letter on payment of interest on delayed payment of GPF final payment. Letter No.-97577/BSNLCO-CA/25/2/2021-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-14-09-2023.
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25-09-2023 : Resolution passed in the Joint Forum meeting held at New Delhi on 25-09-2023. Letter No.-JF/2023/16, dt-25-09-2023.
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25-09-2023 : Corporate office released minutes of the 39th meeting of the National Council held on 07-08-2023. Letter No.-BSNL/20-05/SR/2022, dt-25-09-2023.
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24-09-2023 : Issuance of Presidential orders to left out cases of Maharashtra Circle. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-24-09-2023.
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24-09-2023 : Retention of union office accommodation in earlier allotted residential quarter at circle unit – reg. Letter No.-TF-5/5, dt-24-09-2023.
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24-09-2023 : Carrier progression of outstanding sports personnel- case of Shri B. Ezhilnilavan, Personal No.-200904636. T.N. Circle. Letter No.-TF-16/2, dt-23-09-2023.
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24-09-2023 : Grant of festival advance to the employees in the festive month – regarding. Letter No.-TF-8/6, dt-23-09-2023.
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22-09-2023 : Arbitrarily stoppage of recovery of monthly union subscription of the members of NFTE (BSNL) under Gaya BA of Bihar Circle. Letter No.-TF-05, dt-22-09-2023.
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22-09-2023 : Corporate office issued guidelines on consolidated guidelines on Tenure Areas in BSNL Categorization of areas as Hard Tenure, Semi Hard, Soft Tenure as well as facilities/entitlements. File No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/6/2020-PERS1, dt-19-09-2023.
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20-09-2023 : Regarding permission to join another CPSE on contractual basis after taking VRS from BSNL. File No.-A-41/12/1/2020-ESTAB, dt-19-09-2023.
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19-09-2023 : Happy Ganesh Chaturthi:-
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15-09-2023 : Minutes of the 12th Meeting of BSNL Sports and Cultural Board held on 19th April,2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/74(11)/1/2022-Sports, dt-14-09-2023.
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11-09-2023 : Circle conference of Calcutta Telephones circle:-
Circle conference of Calcutta Telephones circle was due from long time..
Even after several telephonic conversation as well as written direction by GS NFTE , conference was not being notified by the ex circle secretary.
At last warning by GS the notification was discussed by circle secretary to conduct the conference on 2nd June 2023.
GS could not attend that time due to I'll health.
Two panels of office bearers claiming elected were received by the CHQ and both were rejected by the GS as there was no election took place in the house.
Later under the provision of constitution the notice was issued by GS Vide TF-027/Notice-2023 dated 16.08 .2023, the conference was conducted on 4th & 5th Sept 2023 bases on the notice circulated by the GS. The conference held under the Presidentship of Com. Mahabir Singh All India Secretary.
The conference started after inauguration of newly allowed office accommodation for our union at 5th floor of Telephone Bhawan.Com Mahabir Singh and Com. C.Singh GS jointly inaugurated the union office and then flag hoisting were done both the CHQ leaders hoisted the National as well as NFTE Flags.
The delegate session began at 11.00 am Com. Mahabir Singh was in chair.
The delegates one by one spoken and raised the HR issues like wage revision, new promotion policy, stagnation, and also some local problems.
Com. Mahabir Singh in capacity of AI Secretary addressed the meeting and explained the updates of HR related issues.
Com C.Singh GS also addressed the gathering of delegates and exhorted the activities done by the unions for settlement of wage revision and other issues raised by the delegates.
At 01.30 house adjourned for lunch.
At 03.30 pm house again assembled and agenda of election was taken.
After a deep discussion among delegate a list was placed before the house.
After queries by the president whether any objection of any delegate on the list received to him, non of the delegated raised hand and the list was declared unanimously elected by the president. Com Ashok Kumar Manna, Com Krishnendu Naskar and Com Sanjay Haldar were elected as president, circle secretary and treasurer respectively. Total 21 office bearers for three years from the date of election were elected. The conference concluded with vote of thanks by Com. Krisnendu Naskar newly elected circle secretary.
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08-09-2023 : Review of strength of non-executive in Post VRS period – proposal regarding. Letter No.- TF- 58, dt-08-09-2023.
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07-09-2023 : HAPPY JANMASHTAMI:-
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05-09-2023 : (1) Results of LICEs held for promotion to T.T, J.E. and JTO Cadres:-
The results will be declared within the month of September, 2023.
(2) Status of non-executive union in circle offices:-
The status of non-executive unions in Circle offices and facilities will remain as before. The “SR Cell” will issue necessary clarification after 12th September.
04-09-2023 : Methodology issued for celebration of BSNL Day on 1st October, 2023. BSNL CO-CFAO/11(14)/2/2020-CFA-BSNLCO, dt-04-09-2023.
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02-09-2023 : MTNL has signed MOU with BSNL for synergy of Telecom operation for implementation of Cabinet decision of 29th July, 2022, Company Secy MTNL. Letter No.-MTNL/SECTT/SE/2023, dt-01-09-2023 to BSE/NSE.
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01-09-2023 : Reportedly Shri Neeraj Mittal, IAS is new Secy, DOT. NFTE(BSNL) HQR extends warm greetings and assures cooperation.
01-09-2023 : 4G/5G PLANNING, REVENUE AND FUTURE OF BSNL. Editorial, Telecom (English and Hindi):-
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31-08-2023 : AGM Recruitment writes a letter to all concerned head of circles regarding deploying of provisional answers key and grievances window on examination portal for the LICEs held on 27-08-2023. The provisional question and answer will be provided on examination portal for the period of seven days w.e.f. 29-08-2023 to 04-09-2023. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2022-RECTT-CO, dt-28-08-2023.
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31-08-2023 : Corporate office order on closing of BSNL offices in Delhi from 08-09-2023 to 10-09-2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit in Delhi. Letter No.-BSNL/ADMN.1/8-5/2023(pt.I), dt-30-08-2023.
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31-08-2023 : Shri Hemanth Kumar Ji, Manager TERRACOM has given appreciation letter to CGMT BSNL Karnataka for providing network support for Chandrayan Mission.
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29-08-2023 : HAPPY RAKSHA BANDHAN -2023
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29-08-2023 : Online attendance system in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(25)/4/2022-ESTAB, dt- 29-08-2023.
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29-08-2023 : Com. Siddalingappa G T.T, retired on superannuation. The retirement function was held on 28/08/2023 at Shankarapuram Telephone Exchange Bangalore.
Dy. G.S. Com. K S Sheshadri along with circle leaders attended farewell function at Bengaluru. Com. N. Rajshekhar, Secretary Circle Secy conducted.
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29-08-2023 : HAPPY ONAM 2023 – Best wishes from NFTE (BSNL) CHQ:-
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29-08-2023 : Press Release by all Central Trade unions on 28-08-2023(English & Hindi):-
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28-08-2023 : Reply given by Corporate office to GS NFTE (BSNL) with regard to issuing of presidential orders to the employees recruited and sent for training by the DOT, prior to 01-10-2000 and who joined duty after the formation of BSNL – requesting to treat them as DOT recruitees, based on the criterion laid down by the Department of pension and pensioners welfare. Letter No.-48-2/2023-Pen.(B), dt-22-08-2023.
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26-08-2023 : NFTE (CHQ) writes a letter to PGM(SR), BSNL C.O. New Delhi, on recognition period of the unions of BSNL. Letter No.-TF-1/1(H), dt-26-08-2023.
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25-08-2023 : Ministry of Communications Department of Telecommunications (SNG Section) issued a letter on clarification/instructions regarding forwarding of cases for approval of Presidential orders of seeking Vigilance clearance for retirement/voluntary retirement etc. File No.-27-01/2001-SNG(Vol.III)/Guj, dt-04-08-2023.
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25-08-2023 : Clarification issued by corporate office to Bihar Circle and other circles on BSNLMRS(Payment of CGHS subscription) one time payment will continue. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12(11)/1/2021-ADMN, dt-01-08-2023.
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25-08-2023 : Coverage of DOT recruits appointed in BSNL, under old pension rules as per DOT communication dated 03-03-2023 –reg. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-24-08-2023.
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24-08-2023 : District working committee meeting of Shimoga SSA held on 23-08-2023 under the Presidentship of Comrade Subramanya at Sharavathi Telephone Exchange, Shimoga. Com. Manjappa Gouda, District Secretary explained the organizational position of Shimoga SSA. Com. Rajshekhar, Circle organizing Secretary, Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy G.S. attended and addressed the meeting on current issues of BSNL employees viz..3rd wage revision, New Promotion policy and brief on National Council meeting. More than 25 Comrades participated in the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by District Secretary.
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24-08-2023 : MOU with IDBI Bank for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees. This agreement is valid upto 20-08-2024. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CBB/34/2/2023-CBB, dt-22-08-2023.
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24-08-2023 : Corporate office letter on circle office and one BA office to be changed to “open office structure” so as to optimize the sitting space and identify more space for renting out. Letter No.-BSNLCO-LM/13(13)/2/2020-(GM) LM, dt-22-08-2023.
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24-08-2023 : Successfully landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon on 23rd August, 2023, at 18:04 pm and making India the first nation to successfully land a spacecraft on the lunar south ... NFTECHQ New Delhi congratulates all the scientists and staff who worked hard for this noble work. We feel proud of them.….
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22-08-2023 : Clarification on mutual transfer under Rule-8 of BSNL employees transfer policy in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(11)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-16-08-2023.
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19-08-2023 : CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees (Combined Service Pensioners) who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates- Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/2/2022-ADMN-Part-I, dt-17-08-2023.
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17-08-2023 : Processing of e-APAR of Executive & Non-executive" employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for the year 2022-23- regarding. Letter No.- BSNLCO-PERB/ 19(12)/2/2022-PERS1-Part(2), dt-16-08-2023.
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16-08-2023 : Circle executive committee meeting of Bihar circle at Patna:-
The circle executive committee of Bihar circle held on 12.08.2023 in presence of patrons Com. B.N.Sinha Ji and Com. Ratnesh Mishra Ji.
Com P.Mishra very senior leader of our organization presided over the meeting.
Com. Surymony anchored the meeting very nicely.
The initial speech was delivered by Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh circle secretary .He reported the HR related works executed by the circle union after circle conference, which was held on 28th & 29th May 2023.
He also reported that the circle union is smoothly functioning with a team comparing the circle office bearers at circle headquarters and Com. Raj Kumar Singh DS Circle office BA and Com. Abul Kalam DS with association of Com. Ajay Kumar Jt DS Patna BA.
The team of circle union has solved the issue of long pending medical bills, issues of Bhagalpur BA ,cash payments of staff items etc.
CS extended his gratitude for electing him as circle secretary and he assured the circle representatives to serve the union and it's members as and when required the intervention of the circle union.
After speech of Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh CS the District secretaries participated in debate on agenda items which was notified in the notice of the meeting.
All the District secretaries of BAs and OAs appreciated the functioning and behavior of the circle secretary.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh General Secretary, despite his I’ll health attended and addressed the meeting in brief and exhorted all the relevant issues related to staff and implementation of 4G/5G spectrum Technology in BSNL.
The meeting was ended with vote of thanks by Com. Suryamony.
At last the meeting was concluded with National anthem by all the participants.
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12-08-2023 : Meeting with CGMT CN-TX (South) at Bengaluru on 11-08-2023:-
Com. K.S.Sheshadri Deputy GS NFTE, along with DS Circle office Ktk Com. Rajashekhar, DS & President BGTD, Com. Kumar and Com. Ranganna met with CGM CN-TX South. Shri P.Muralimohan and GM CN-TX KTK at Bengaluru and discussed staff problems in detail.
In a one-hour meeting, leaders exhorted the issues of Staff of Karnataka working under CN-, TX South circle.
After a patient hearing, CGM responded positively to the staff-related issues submitted by the representatives.
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10-08-2023 : D.O. letter No.-2023/Tele/Misc, dt-09-08-2023 to Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD-BSNL from Smt. Aruna Singh, Additional Member Telecom Commission, Govt of India, appreciating the quick execution of work for the Railway (Amrit Bharat Station).
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10-08-2023 : Preparation of BSNL Sports Calendar for 20th All India BSNL Tournament. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/74(12)/1/2022-Sports, dt-08-08-2023.
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10-08-2023 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021 – Familiarisation of Exam Portal (CBT- Computer Based Test) - Training to aspiring candidates. Letter No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2022-Rectt-CO, dt-08-08-2023.
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09-08-2023 : Purification of data in Attendance Portal – reg. File No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/62/6/2020-ADMN, dt-08-08-2023.
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08-08-2023 : 39th National Council meeting held on 07-08-2023 - Highlights:-
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05-08-2023 : Minimising the medical expenditures in respect of retired BSNL employees – reg. Letter No.-TF-32/2, dt-05-08-2023.
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05-08-2023 : Rule 8 Transfers of non-executive employees by mutual exchange denial regarding. Letter No.-TF-20/3(c), dt-05-08-2023.
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05-08-2023 : Corporate office have issued a clarification to CGMT Karnataka with regard to immunity from transfer. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2023, dt-26-07-2023.
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04-08-2023 : Corporate office issues orders on revision of flat of license fee for BSNL Residential Accommodation. These revised rates are effective from 01-07-2023 throughout the country. Letter No.-BSNLCO-LM/13(13)/2/2020-O/o GM(LM), dt-02-08-2023.
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03-08-2023 : Restructuring Cell of Corporate office has requested all CGMs to send required data for review of Organisational Restructuring in BSNL latest by 10-08-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-RSTG/15(14)/1/2020-RSTG-Part(1), dt-02-08-2023.
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02-08-2023 : Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Information & Broadcasting, will look after as the Secretary Telecom till the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders, whichever is earlier. Letter No.-36/01/2023-EO(SM-I), dt-31-07-2023.
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02-08-2023 : Extreme Sufferings of Employees. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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01-08-2023 : Corporate office letter on processing of e-APAR of “Executive & Non- Executive” employees of BSNL, online through ESS – Portal for year 2022-23. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/19(12)/2/2022-PERS1, dt-27-07-2023.
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31-07-2023 : NFTE- BSNL congratulates the next Director( HR) of BSNL on 31/07/2023:-
On behalf of NFTE- BSNL ( CHQ) Comrade C K Mathivanan, Secretary ( CHQ) met
Dr. Kalyan Sagar , presently the PGM ( Finance) of Chennai Telephones Circle and congratulated him on his elevation as the Director ( HR) at BSNL Corporate Headquarters in New Delhi. He is expected to join the BSNL HQtrs in few weeks time . He has requested Comrade CKM to give detailed notes on few important issues pending at Corporate level. Secretary ( CHQ) informed Dr. Kalyan Sagar that the General Secretary, C. Singh will soon submit a detailed note on important issues of non executive employees as requested by Dr. Kalyan Sagar.
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29-07-2023 : CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees (Combined Service Pensioners) who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates - Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement. Letter No.- 4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part (1), dt-21-07-2023.
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28-07-2023 : Corporate office Accounts Section issues a letter on notice for amendments in BSNL employees Superannuation Pension Trust Rules in terms of clause 12(i) of BSNL Employees superannuation Pension Trust Rules (Existing). Letter No.-E-35875 BSNLCO-CA/30(12)/2/2021-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-26-07-2023.
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28-07-2023 : Comrade please note for booking of BSNL IQ at New Delhi, the management have changed the system and advised to fill up the proforma and it should be send to PS to GM (Admn) BSNL CO, New Delhi, by Email Id – bsnliqnd@gmail.com, Phone No.-011-23734157 --G.S, NFTE(BSNL), New Delhi.
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27-07-2023 : The SLP filed by the DOT (GOI) against the decision of Hon'ble High court Chandigarh in respect of the employees who were recruited against the notification of the DOT/GOI or the employees recruited on CGA before 30.09.2000 and they joined the service in BSNL.
These employees were not allowed in GPF scheme and compelled by the DOT to accept EPF scheme and the presidential orders were also denied to them now the Hon'ble Apex Court of India has dismissed the SLP filed by the Dot, yesterday (26.07.2023). Now, as per the judgment of Hon'ble Chandigarh High Court, such employees are entitle for presidential orders and Govt. Pension at par with the absorbed employees.
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26-07-2023 : Selection for the post of Director (Human Resources), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).
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26-07-2023 : Corporate office (Welfare & Sports (Admn) O/o GM (Admn) issues a letter on selection of All India BSNL Athletics Team. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/74(12)/11/2023-Sports, dt-24-07-2023.
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25-07-2023 : Govt approves 8.15% interest rate for PF deposits of 2022-2023:- The Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the employees provident fund organization (EPFO) recommended to increase the interest rate of deposits in provident fund (PF) to 8.15% from 8.10%. The Govt accepted the recommendations of CBT. The new rates will be applicable for last financial year (Source the Hindu).
25-07-2023 : Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) issues a letter on duties and responsibilities of examination Co-ordinator (EC), Examination Superintendent (ES) and Examination observer (EO) during the conduct of LICE for promotion to the grade of JTO (T) – VY 2022, JE(T)-VY2021 and TT-VY 2020 & 2021 to be conducted on 27-08-2023. E file No.-BSNLCO-11/13(13)/1/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-21-07-2023.
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24-07-2023 : 39th National Council meeting will be held on 07-08-2023 at 11.00 am in the conference hall, 9th floor Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. Letter No.- BSNLCO-SR/14(12)/3/2023-SR, dt-24-07-2023.
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22-07-2023 : Partial modification in facility of immunity from transfer to recognized and support association. Letter No.-BSNL/20-4/SR/2022, dt-21-07-2023.
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21-07-2023 : Supply of Information/Data of the officers/officials of JTO and JE Cadre transferred under Rule -9 transfer of BSNL transfer policy – reg. Letter No.- BSNLCO-A/16(11)/4/2023-ESTAB, dt-19-07-2023.
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19-07-2023 : Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f.01.01.2007-Payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2020-ESTAB, dt-18-07-2023.
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21-07-2023 : Agenda items from NFTE (BSNL) to be discussed in forthcoming National Council meeting.
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18-07-2023 : Inter Circle/Tenure Transfer of SDEs(T)/AGMs(T)/ DGMs(T). Letter No. BSNLCO-PRII/19(11)/6/2021-PERS-II-Part(1), dt-14-07-2023.
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15-07-2023 : Planning and roll out of Phase IX.2 4G equipment. Letter No.-BSNL/Dir(CM)/4G/2023, dt-10-07-2023.
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13-07-2023 : Finalization of the provisional All India Eligibility list of Junior Accounts Officers – Departmental JAO of 2016 Batch. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/14/10/2021-PERS1, dt- 11-07-2023.
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08-07-2023 : NFTE CHQ conveys thanks to all the Circle Secretaries/District Secretaries and active Comrades, who participated in the Dharna programme and made it a big success at Jantar Mantar on 07-07-2023.
08-07-2023 : DPE issues 3.3% increased IDA order from 01-07-2023. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XIV/2023, dt-07-07-2023.
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08-07-2023 : BSNL CO (Admn Section) issued order for linking the preparation of Pay in ERP-Pay bill to New Online attendance records. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/62/6/2020-Admn, dt-06-07-2023.
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08-07-2023 : Constitution of National Council – list of staff side/official side members. Letter No.-BSNL/20-5/SR/2022, dt-07-07-2023.
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08-07-2023 : Corporate office pension section issues letter on payment of benefits admissible under BSNL employees superannuation pension scheme to the employees separated during 05-05-2016 to 28-09-2017, who could not be made member of the scheme. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/12(12)/2021/ESTAB, dt-07-07-2023.
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07-07-2023 : Joint Forum of non-executive unions/associations Dharna at Jantar Mantar on 07-07-2023:- A powerful and successful Dharna organised at Jantar Mantar under the Chairmanship of Com. C. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. NFTE(BSNL) and Chairman Joint Forum. The constituents of Joint Forum General Secretaries of NFTE, BSNL EU, BSNL MS, TEPU and Pensioners association have participated in the Dharna and addressed upon our demands 3rd wage revision, launching of 4G/5G in BSNL and settlement of new promotion policy. More then 800 comrades from all states have participated in Dharna. Even after rain interruption, comrades have not left the Dharna place. At first Com. C. Singh have given spirited message upon our demands in particular 3rd wage revision. Com. P. Abhimanyu, G.S. BSNLEU and Convenor have elaborated the demands in detail with latest position on demands. The central trade union leaders Com. Amarjeet Kaur G.S. AITUC and Com. Tapan Sen CITU have addressed the Dharna with all details, how the present Govt is doing and implementing Anti Labour and Anti PSU policies in India. They openly criticized the polices of the Govt in Centre and expressed their strong opposition. They advised the workers that “Not to be panic with the developments” and assured that all Central Trade Unions will extend fullest support for BSNL survival and for settlement of demands of workers. Our leaders said struggles will continue till settlement of demands. The Chairman and Convenor conveyed revolutionary greetings to one and all at the end.
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07-07-2023 : An enthusiastic Rally organised from CHQ to Jantar Mantar (Dharna Place) on 07-07-2023. The Comrades of NFTE-BSNL who came from nook and corner of the country to participate in the Dharna at Jantar Mantar have reached to Dharna place from CHQ office – View of photos:-
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06-07-2023 : Corporate office (Restructuring) writes a letter to all CGMs for sending required data for review of orgnisational Restructuring in BSNL. Letter No.-BSNLCO-RSTG/15(14)/1/2020-RSTG-Part(1), dt-05-07-2023.
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03-07-2023 : Corporate office (Personal Branch) requests all CGMs to furnish data on rotation of officers holding sensitive posts. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/13/5/2020-PERS1, dt-30-06-2023.
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30-06-2023 : 3.3% IDA increased from 01-07-2023, Total 202.3% +3.3%= 205.6% w.e.f. 01-07-2023.
30-06-2023 : GOVERNMENT POLICY, CHALLENGES BEFORE TELECOM SECTOR. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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28-06-2023 : EPFO extends dead line to apply for higher pension till July 11, 2023. The earlier dead line to apply for higher pension was May 3/June 26. So far, EPFO has received more than 12 lakh applications for higher pension. (Hindu News, dt-27-06-2023).
26-06-2023 : Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Telecommunications (Pension Section) circulated order of DOP& PW OM No.-1/1(1)/2022-P&PW (E) dated 26-10-2022 - regarding grant of family pension to a member of the family, whose name is not included in Form 4 or office records. Letter No.-36-03/2019-Pen(T)/5, dt-03-11-2022.
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22-06-2023 : Principal General Manager (CA/ERPFICO/CSC) corporate office writes a letter to all CGMs/IFAs for inclusion of training period for the purpose of preparation of wage data for higher pension. E- 180523 BSNLCO-CA/30/1/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-20-06-2023.
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20-06-2023 : Directorate of CGHS issues letter on revision of CGHS rates for 36 radiological/investigations – These rates are applicable in all CGHs Circles – The revised rates shall be applicable from the date of issue and shall be valid till further orders. File No.-Z15025/8/2023/DIR/CGHS, dt-19-06-2023.
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17-06-2023 : Retention of quarter for CHQ in respect of recognized unions – reg. Letter No.-TF-5/5, dt-16-06-2023.
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17-06-2023 : Joint Forum of non-executive unions/associations calls on “submission of memorrundum to State Governors” was organised well in circles on 14-06-2023. In few circles it was not organised because of non grant of police permission for submission of memorandum. We salute all the Comrades who participated in the programe ---- G.S. NFTE(BSNL).
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16-06-2023 : Com. Mahabir Singh, Secretary CHQ bereaved:- Smt. Guna Devi M/o Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ, expired on 14-06-2023 in the evening hours at the age of 87 years. She was in the hospital for 23 days at Ranchi. CHQ condoles the death and share the grief of the family.
15-06-2023 : BSNL MRS Clarification sought from corporate office. Letter No.-BSNLCO/ADMN/12(11)/1/2021/ADMN-Part(1), dt-14-06-2023.
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15-06-2023 : Waiver of recovery of excess payment made to Government servants - General instructions for Ministries/Departments - reg. Letter No.-09/(20)/2023-E.II(A), dt-01-06-2023.
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15-06-2023 : Coverage of DOT recruits, appointed in BSNL, before 01-01-2004 under “Old Pension Rule” as per DOT communication dated – 03-03-2023 -regarding. Letter No.-TF-11/3, dt-13-06-2023.
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15-06-2023 : Facility of immunity in transfer:- Gujrat BSNL circle is misinterpreting the contained in SR Cell letter No.-BSNL/20-4/2022, dt-30-01-2023 PGM(SR) urged to clarity TF-1/1(f), dt-07-06-2023.
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15-06-2023 : Frame new promotion policy for non-executives staff as NEPP was evolved more than decade ago. NFTE (BSNL) was not a party to the agreement. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-07-06-2023 to CMD, BSNL.
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12-06-2023 : As per the decision of the joint forum of Unions and Associations of BSNL, a memorandum has to be submitted to the Hon’ble Governor of each state under the sign of all the circle secretaries of circle level joint forum.
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11-06-2023 : Circle conference of J&K:- 7th Circle conference of J&K held under the Presidentship of Com. B.A. Shah, in the conference hall of GM office at Srinagar from 07-06-2023 to 09-06-2023. Com. Ashaq Ahmad C.S. have placed the brief report and Accounts for house approval. Both were approved in the house. He explained the organizational position of J&K and also elaborated the pending issues viz 3rd wage revision, new promotion policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL. More than 100 comrades from all the parts of the state attended the conference. In particularly, the male and female JE Comrades have enthusiastically present in the conference. At the end a unanimous panel was elected for 2023-26. Com. Amit Chaudhary JE, Com. Ashaq Ahmad and Com. Bilal Ahmad Rathor (O.S.) were elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer. General Secretary was scheduled to be present in the conference in given dates but he could not attended on health grounds. The conference ended with vote of thanks by Com. Ashaq Ahmad C.S.
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09-06-2023 : Informal discussions with the PGM (Est):- Union representatives met the PGM(Est) on 8th instant and discussed following items:-
(1) Change of allotted circles in respect of successful candidates in last special JTO LICE:-
PGM (Est) asserted that the change is not possible as same has been done as per candidates option.
(2) PGM (Adm):- Settlement of medical claims beyond six months:- CGM, Chhattisgarh letter on the subject was handed over to the PGM (Adm) who agreed to process for settlement. Claims relate to Covid affected personnel.
(3) Coverage of DOT recruits, appointed in BSNL before 01-01-2004 under CCS Pension Rules as per DOP and PW No., dt- 23-03-2023 - PGM (Est) told on 8th June that all representations received from unions have been sent to DOT for consideration.
08-06-2023 : Third revival package for BSNL. The union Cabinet approved allotment of 4G/5G.
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07-06-2023 : LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre against vacancies of year 2022 on 27-08-2023. Registration last date 07-07-2023 beginning from 08-06-2023. BSNL HQR No.-BSNLCO-11/13/(12)/2/2023-Rectt-CO, dt-06-06-2023.
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07-06-2023 : Option to change aurthorisation for deduction of membership subscription from salary – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/8-1/SR/2022, dt-06-06-2023.
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06-06-2023 : Authorization for deduction of unions subscription online basis – reg. Letter No.-TF-1/2(c), dt-06-06-2023.
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06-06-2023 : Minutes of formal meeting with Director (HR) on 01-03-2023. Letter No.-TF-4/6, dt-06-06-2023.
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06-06-2023 : Meeting with PGM(SR):- President met the PGM (SR) today and apprised her the deep concerns of the union on the issuance of unilateral orders dt 05-06-2023 for authorization, online of deduction of unions subscriptions. She was told that right of consultation, should be respected. There is every likelihood of misuse of the procedure. She agreed the lapse of consultation and assured to come back to union tomorrow after meeting with the Director (HR). It was urged to rescind the orders dt-05-06-2023.
05-06-2023 : Eviction/Displacement of staff from quarters at Dadar, Powai in Mumbai:- Human sufferings involved in the displacement have been reported to the management. The steps are being taken by CHQ to prevent the displacement.
05-06-2023 : Coverage of DOT Recruits appointed in BSNL as on 01-01-2004 under CCS(Pension) Rule – 1972:-
Matter has been discussed with PGM (Est) and earlier rules issued vide No.-28/30/2004-P and PW(B), dt-26-07-2005, 38/58/06-P and PW(A), dt-11-10-2006 and 05-03-2008 have been submitted to PGM (Est).
The PGM (Est) has told to President of union that all these will be sent to DOT for coverage of employees in Pension Rule, 1972.
05-06-2023 : Facility of Immunity in Transfers:-
There is no change/modification. It some where problems are created by management the CHQ be informed. The PGM (SR) has told this to President today in informal meeting.
03-06-2023 : Schedule and seat allotment of JTO Phase –I Induction Training – Special LICE JTO (T) 2022 for VY2021 held on 18-12-2022. Letter No.-ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/6/2023-TM Faculty – Part (3), dt-01-06-2023.
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03-06-2023 : BSNL HQR No.-BSNLCO-A/15(19)/13/2022-ESTAB, dt-01-06-2023 sequel to Court Verdict. The Hon’ble High Court at Lucknow has hold that the CGA is not an alternative to Direct Recruitment.
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03-06-2023 : Applications for validation of option/Joint Options – Method of Computation of Pension. Letter No.-Pension/SC/Higher Pension/2022/1357, dt-01-06-2023.
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01-06-2023 : On the call of Joint Forum of Non-executives "human chain program" successfully conducted throughout the country as reports coming continuously from nook and corner of the country. The NFTE CHQ extends warm greetings to all Circle/BA/SSA leaders and non-executives employees for their tremendous support of the call. The next phase of struggle -- All the non-executive employees at every circle headquarter will March to Governor's house on 14th June 2023 and a memorandum will be submitted to the Hon’ble Governor of state for settlement of their demands.
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31-05-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to organise successfully “Human Chain programme” at all level on 01-06-2023 by co-ordinating with all unions/associations. And also write our demands on play cards (1)Settlement of 3rd wage revision. (2) Launching of 4G/5G in BSNL. (3) New Promotion Policy.
31-05-2023 : Reconciliation of GPF balance of BSNL GPF subscribers – PGM CA BSNL C.O. issued reminder to all IFAs of Circles regarding delay in submission of GPF data of CCA offices by Circles.
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30-05-2023 : Corporate office Taxation Section issued a letter to all CGMs/IFAs regarding increase in the exemption limit of leave salary encashment from Rs. 3,00,000/- to Rs. 25, 00,000/- w.e.f. 01-04-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-TAXN/13(18)/3/2020-Taxation-Part(1)/4961, dt-29-05-2023.
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30-05-2023 : Narrative of wage revision. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi):-
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29-05-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to start mobilization of workers for success of 1st phase of agitational programme call (i.e. Human Chain with play cards on 01-06-2023) given by the Joint forum of non-executive unions/associations. And make the programme a big success with the co-operation of all unions and pensioner associations ---G.S. NFTE (BSNL).
27-05-2023 : Processing of e-APAR for executives and non-executives (NE-9 & above) of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2022-23. Letter No.- BSNLCO-PERB/19(12)/2/2022-PERS 1 Part(2), dt-26-05-2023.
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27-05-2023 : Issuing of notification for organising programme of action by the Joint Forum of the Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL, demanding settlement of the burning issues – reg. Letter No.- JF/2023/14, dt-26-05-2023.
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26-05-2023 : Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) informed to Chief General Managers of 23 circles for conducting examination on 27-08-2023 by clubbing notifications issued in respect of (i) LICE Junior Engineer (T) for VY-2021.(ii) LICE Telecom Technician (TT) for VY -2020 & VY 2021 and (iii) LICE JTO(T) for VY 2022. And also informed that terms and conditions related to each exam will be issued separately. File No.-BSNLCO-11/13/(12)/2/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-26-05-2023.
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26-05-2023 : Govt of India Ministry of Finance Dept of revenue has released notification for tax exemption on leave encashment on retirement for non- Govt. salaried employees, enhanced from Rs. 3 lakhs to 25 lakhs w.e.f. 01-04-2023. Gazette of India No.-CG-DL-E-24052023-246047, dt-24-05-2023.
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24-05-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to start mobilization of workers for success of 1st phase of agitational programme call (i.e. Human Chain with play cards on 01-06-2023) given by the Joint forum of non-executive unions/associations. And make the programme a big success with the co-operation of all unions and pensioner associations ---G.S. NFTE (BSNL).
24-05-2023 : It is very sorry to intimate you all a shocking news that Smt. Nirmala Sharma W/o Late Com. M.L. Sharma (expired on 26-04-2023) have passed on 16-05-2023, living two daughters. Mrs. Sharma left us after 20 days only after death of Com. M.L. Sharma. She was ideologically always supported Com. M.L. Sharma in his activities in Trade union movement in the life. We salute her. NFTE CHQ condoles the death of Mrs. Sharma and share the grief of the family.
23-05-2023 : Corporate office issued guidelines for reduction of group health insurance scheme subscription amount from pay role of May, 2023 in ERP HCM for implementation of scheme w.e.f. 01-06-2023. Letter No.-BSNL CO-CA/11/8/2021-CA-ERP-FICO-Part(1), dt-22-05-2023.
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23-05-2023 : Corporate office letter on posting of suitable and sufficient staff in EB sales on exclusive basis. Letter No.-BSNLCO-EBII/II(16)/1/2022-EB-II, dt-22-05-2023.
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23-05-2023 : Corporate office extended submission of option for voluntary group health insurance scheme for BSNL employees till 25-05-2023, withdrawal window will be open on 26-05-2023 only. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-22-05-2023.
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22-05-2023 : Sad News:- Comrade Sanabam Somorjit Singh, Ex. ATT and District Secretary of Manipur SSA expired on 16-05-2023 at 9pm. He was an active Comrade of our organisation, it is very lose to our organisation and his family. CHQ NFTE pays respectful homage to the departed soul and share the grief of the family.
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22-05-2023 : Delhi Chalo programme’s date changed to 07.07.2023 – all comrades are requested to kindly make note please:-
The Joint Forum of the Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL has already taken decision to organise a massive Delhi Chalo programme on 26.06.2023. However, comrades from many circles have informed that, train tickets to and from Delhi are not available during that period. This is due to the fact that, it is vacation period for North India up to 30.06.2023 and hence there will be a lot of rush in the trains. The Joint Forum reviewed this position and has now decided to organise the Delhi Chalo programme on 07.07.2023. Lot of train tickets are available for this date. Hence, all the circle secretaries of the constituents of the Joint Forum are requested to immediately book the tickets for the Delhi Chalo programme and to make it a grand success. It must be also noted that, there is no change in the dates of the Human Chain and March to Governor’s Residence programmes….C. Singh, G.S. NFTE –BSNL, Chairman Joint Forum of the non-executives Unions and Associations.
22-05-2023 : Corporate office have written a letter to all CGMs/Unit Heads regarding provision of premium payment in two installments for voluntary group health insurance scheme for BSNL employees. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-19-05-2023.
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20-05-2023 : Issuing of Presidential Orders to the employees recruited by the DoT and sent for training prior to 01.10.2000 and who joined duty after the formation of BSNL – requesting to treat them as DoT recruitees, based on the order of the Hon’ble Kerala and Rajasthan High Courts – reg. Letter No.- JF/2023/12, dt-19.05.2023.
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18-05-2023 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom officer (Telecom) [JTO(T)] under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022 (Calendar Year) up to 31-12-2022. efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(12)/2/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-16-05-2023.
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16-05-2023 : Circular of Joint Forum of Non executive unions & Associations of BSNL- Based on decision taken in on line meeting held on 15.05.2023. Letter No.-JF/2023/10, dt-16-05-2023.
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16-05-2023 : Corporate office letter on implementation of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees w.e.f. 01-06-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-15-05-2023.
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16-05-2023 : Processing of e-APAR for executives and non-executives (NE-9 & above) of BSNL, online through ESS – Portal for year 2022-23. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/19(12)/2/2022-PERS1 Part(2), dt-15-05-2023.
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13-05-2023 : Removal of stagnation through evolving some new promotional mechanism on matching – saving formulae. Letter No.-TF-34, dt-13-05-2023.
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11-05-2023 : Regarding increasing pass mark in internal test in Training centre for JE(T) Trainees:– CHQ wrote a letter to CMD BSNL to review the increasing pass mark 50% for internal test in training centre based on the information of some of the Circle union. The CMD BSNL responded and conveyed that the 50% pass marks is in practice from much earlier and nothing has been increased or changed by the management in previous provisions, rather he added that the previous provision of 80% pass marks for practical test has been reduced to 50% only.
11-05-2023 : Popularizing BSNL Social Media-reg. E-office File –BSNLCO-CORM/16(11)/2/2022-CORM, dt-10-05-2023.
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11-05-2023 : Merit list of Special LICE 2022 to the grade of JTO (T) – held on 18-12-2022, schedule of JTO pre basic -1 & 2 training thereof – reg. File No.-ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/6/2023-TM Faculty-Part(4), dt-10-05-2023.
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10-05-2023 : Coverage of BSNL employees recruited before 31-12-2023 under Central Civil Service (Pension) rules -1972 in the light of DoP and PW OM No.-57/05/2021-P&PW/B, dt-03-03-2023 and endorsed by the DOT vide No.-36-03/2019-Pen(T), dt-17-04-2023. Letter No.-TF-11/3(c), dt-10-05-2023.
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10-05-2023 : Special increments (Personal Pay) for achievement/performance in National/International sports events. Letter No.-BSNLCO-AADMN/74/1/2021-Sports, dt-08-05-2023.
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10-05-2023 : Nomination of outstanding sportspersons for career progression upto the eligibility of December, 2022. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/74(17)/1/2021-Sports, dt-08-05-2023.
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08-05-2023 : Discrimination & double standard adopted by the M.P. Circle Management in conversion of GPF to EPF. Letter No.-TF-014, dt-08-05-2023.
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06-05-2023 : Inter circle mutual transfer under Rule – 8 – Case of Shivaji, JE (60146700) Sagar BA, MP Circle with Smt. Kusum Lata Morya, JE (200002804) O/o DGM Azamgarh OA, under UP (East) Circle. Letter No.-TF-20/3(c), dt-06-05-2023.
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06-05-2023 : Coverage of pre induction training period under the EPF scheme for BSNL direct recruits. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), dt-06-05-2023.
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05-05-2023 : Rajasthan Circle NFTE (BSNL) lost a very active, prominent and dedicated leader. Com. Satyanarayana Sharma ACS Rajasthan passed away at 8.30 pm on 04-05-2023 due to a severe heart attack.
Com. Satyanarayan was a dynamic leader and as a person he was very humorous. He was kin closed to his circle Secretary Com. R.G. Dixit and a good friend of G.S, CHQ pays a very respectful homage to the departed soul and extends a deepest condolences to the bereaved family and the team of friends. Red Salute to Com. Satyanarayan.
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05-05-2023 : Message of the May Day. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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05-05-2023 : Unjustified decision to increase qualifying marks of induction Training for the qualified JE(T) trainees and withdrawal of differentiation qualifying marks for SC/ST/OBC Candidates. Letter No.-24/2(a), dt-05-05-2023.
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05-05-2023 : Non - payment of EPF contribution for the Casual Labourers from 01-10-2000 to 10-01-2011 – Case of Anantpur BA of A.P. Circle. Letter No.-TF-11/10(b), dt-05-05-2023.
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05-05-2023 : NFTE CHQ wishes you all a happy Budha Purnima:-
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05-05-2023 : EPFO extends date for filing applications regarding pension on Higher wages till 26-06-2023.
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02-05-2023 : Corporate office (Admn & PR Branch) have issued clarifications regarding reimbursement of outdoor medical claims of BSNL retired employees. Letter No.- BSNLCO-ADMN/45/1/2021-ADMN, dt-02-05-2023.
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02-05-2023 : 5th District conference of Bhagalpur BA held on 24-04-2023 under the Preisentship of Com. Kali Prasad Yadav. The meeting held in the premises of GM office. Com. C. Singh, General Secretary was Chief Guest to the meeting. Com. Chaubey C.S. Bihar and Shri Manish Sahu GM, Bhagalpur attended the meeting and addressed. More than 70 Comrades participated in the meeting. Com. C. Singh, G.S. have given a brief note on All India issues viz 3rd wage revision, CGA, launching of 4G, Group health insurance Policy etc. Com. Kali Prasad Yadav, Com. Sunil Prasad Singh and Com. Manoj Kumar Mandal were elected as District President, Secretary, Treasurer respectively. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by the President.
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02-05-2023 : 6th Circle conference for Bihar Circle held at Patna from 28-04-2023 to 30-04-2023:-
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02-05-2023 : May Day was observed at many places in the country on 01-05-2023 by hoisting our NFTE flag. And paid rich tributes to “Hey Market” Martyrs. NFTE CHQ conveys sincere thanks to one and all – G.S, NFTE (BSNL).
01-05-2023 : More views of May Day observed in different places in the country:-
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Red salute Comrades – G.S.
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01-05-2023 : BSNL CO requested the oriental insurance company Ltd to honour the Terms and conditions of the MOU and commitment towards, BSNL under the group Insurance Policy and resolve the complaints on denial of cash less treatment facility. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-27-04-2023.
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30-04-2023 : NFTE CHQ extends the Revolutionary May Day greeting to all:-
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30-04-2023 : BSNLEU pays respectful homage to Com.M.L. Sharma:-
BSNLEU is extremely saddened to know that, Com.M.L. Sharma, a towering leader of the P&T, Telecom, and BSNL trade union movements has passed away. Com.M.L. Sharma, a leader of NFPTE / NFTE has always maintained cordial relationships with the leaders of BSNLEU and also with other trade unions. He strongly stood for the unity of trade unions and for strengthening the working class movement. BSNLEU pays its respectful homage to Com.M.L. Sharma. BSNLEU also conveys it’s heartfelt condolences to the family members and relatives of Com.M.L. Sharma.
28-04-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to observe May Day on 01-05-2023 at all levels by hoisting our NFTE flag. And also organise meetings and explain the importance of May Day and Chicago sacrifices to the cause of workers. We pay rich tributes to the martyrs with a slogan “Workers of the world unite”.
27-04-2023 : Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) have written a DO letter to all the CGMs and advised them to clear the pending vigilance cases of BSNL VRS – 2019 retirees without further delay. Total 131 cases as on 17-03-2023 are still pending in 28 circles. DO. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/15/2020-ESTAB, dt-27-04-2023.
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27-04-2023 : A VETERAN LEADER OF P&T TRADE UNION MOVEMENT COM. M.L. SHARMA IS NO MORE :- Com. M.L. Sharma, Ex-C.S, Punjab Circle expired on 26-04-2023 at about 20.30 hrs at Patiala at the age of 83 years. He worked as Circle Secretary NW Circle and Punjab for 40 years. NFTE lost a committed and devoted leader. He born on 13-08-1939 at Pagwara (Punjab) Com. Sharma was a man of simplicity and integrity and he never aspired for any office in central leadership. He was honest and humble in his own words. He remained faithful to the cause of workers in his entire life. Com. M.L. Shrama was a no problem Comrade. He left with two daughters and wife. NFTE BSNL pays its respectful homage to our beloved leader Com. M.L. Sharma and deep condolences to the bereaved family members. – Red Salute Comrade.
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27-04-2023 : 19th All India cultural meet held at Bangalore from 24-04-2023 to 26-04-2023. Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL was present in the meet for two days. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S, Com. Rajashekar C.O.S, Com. Krishna Goud, CVP, Com. Rangana District President, Com. J. Kumar D.S. and brother N.D. Ram G.S. SEWA BSNL attended the meet.
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26-04-2023 : Corporate office letter on posting of 5% staff in EB sales on Exclusive basis for better performance in enterprise business. Letter No.-BSNLCO-EBII/11(16)/1/2022-EB-II, dt-25-04-2023.
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26-04-2023 : Corporate office issues instructions to All CGM’s for empanelment of Hospitals on cash less basis. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12(12)/1/2021-ADMN, dt-26-04-2023.
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25-04-2023 : DGM(NWO-BB&IN) Corporate office writes a letter to All CGMs on action points w.r.t. CFA Vertical observed during HoCC held on 10th April-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-COMN/14(12)/2/2022-NOW-BBIN, dt-22-04-2023.
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21-04-2023 : May this EID bring Lovely and Endless moments of Joy and Happiness in your Life……Eid Mubarak.
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21-04-2023 : Corporate office endorsed increased IDA order from 01-04-2023 i.e. 201.2% to 202.3% (1.1%). File No.-BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2020-ESTAB-Part(1), dt-21-04-2023.
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21-04-2023 : Circulation of DOP&PW OM No.-38/41/19-P&PW(A)-[6018] dated 10-04-2023 – regarding amendment of Rule 8 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021. Letter No.-36-03/2019-Pen(T), dt-17-04-2023.
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21-04-2023 : Corporate office letter on regarding furnishing of certificate under Para 26(6) for exercising option for higher pension under EPF (for Employees retired on or after 01-09-2014 or are presently working). Letter No.-BSNLCO-CA/30/2022-CA-ERP-FICO/02, dt-19-04-2023.
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20-04-2023 : The CMD (BSNL) has advised all the CGMs to furnish a list BA wise details of ongoing Court cases, filed by casual Labourers on the matter of Regularization/Reinstatement latest by 30-04-2023 to Corporate office. File No.-BSNLCO-A/13(11)/9/2023-ESTAB, dt-19-04-2023.
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20-04-2023 : 3rd Meeting of Group Health Insurance:-
Third meeting of group health insurance held in presence of Sri Arvind Vadnerkar Director (HR) BSNL on 19-04-2023. All the four recognized Unions/Associations were present in the meeting. Staff side unitedly rejected the proposal of M/s oriental company and insisted for a fresh tender from open market which was accepted by the Director (HR), Com Chandeshwar Singh G.S. and Com Vikram Kumar from Patna attended the meeting on behalf of NFTE (BSNL).
20-04-2023 : Brief of the 12th Meeting of BSNL Sports and Cultural Board:-
The meeting of BSNL sports and cultural board held on 19.04.2023. Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Director (HR) & Vice Chairman BSNL Board was in Chair. All together 24 participants were present in the meeting. On behalf of NFTE (BSNL) Com. Vikram Kumar attended the meeting and submitted the suggestions and grievances collected from the players of field units in BSNL.
The following points were submitted by Com Vikram Kumar, representative from NFTE-BSNL in the meeting :-
1. Revision of fixed Kit Money from Rs. 3500 to Rs. 5000/-.
2. All the outdoor events must be completed in 3 days, two days is not sufficient.
3. Enhancement of daily allowances of players from Rs. 200/- to 500/-.
4. All the players who have been recruited under sports quota should have to be given 2 hours relaxation in duty for their practices.
5. Basket Ball and footballs are the most popular games, these should also be included in All India events.
6. The limit of 8 games should be relaxed upto 10 games.
7. The allocation of the budget for sports is less than requirement hence the enhancement in budget amount is the need for the development of sports activities in BSNL.
The details of discussion and decisions there on will be published in the minutes of the meeting.
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19-04-2023 : Policy for Allotment of Accommodation to Unions and Associations of BSNL 2022. Letter No.-BSNL/20-2/SR/2022, dt-19-04-2023.
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19-04-2023 : Joint letter from recongised Unions/Associations on the issue of renewal of Group Health Insurance.
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18-04-2023 : Very important information regarding higher pension from EPFO based on the Supreme Court order. Director (HR) of BSNL Board shared some important information with all the representatives of unions/associations through an online meeting at 4.00 pm on 17-04-2023:-
(1) All the eligible BSNL direct Recruits employees, who have joined the BSNL before September 2014 may opt for higher pension.
(2) One 26.6 certificate is mandatory to be submitted alongwith option form through ERP.
(3) Certificate 26.6 will be furnished by BSNL management through ESS portal which has to be downloaded by the employee and it has to be submitted with option form.
(4) Certificate 26.6 will be available through ESS upto 21-04-2023 and the window to opt for higher pension will be available from 22-04-2023.
(5) The last date for option is 03-05-2023, the option submitted after 3rd May will not be entertained.
(6) The Director (HR) was kind enough to assure to open a help desk at all Circle/BA level to help the non-executive employees in exercising their option smoothly.
All the Circle/BA/SSA Secretaries are requested to please circulate the information to all eligible direct recruits employees to keep them in readiness to opt for higher pension from EPFO till 3rd May, 2023.
18-04-2023 : Kind attention to all Circle Secretaries:-
Dear comrades….
It is seen that some the BA/OA secretaries are sending direct nomination for LCM to CHQ.
It is not proper and it will not be approved by the CHQ.
Hence circle secretaries are requested to please collect all the nomination for BA/OA and send it to CHQ on its mail id.
The approved nomination will be sent without delay to concern BA or OA head with a copy to CS/DS….
17-04-2023 : Minutes of the meeting of Director (HR) with NFTE held on 01-03-2023. File No.-BSNL-CO-SR/14(12)/1/2023-SR, dt-17-04-2023.
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17-04-2023 : A.P. Circle NFTE(BSNL) organised an working women convention at Vijayawada on 16-04-2023:- Com.Chandrasekararao Circle president presided over the convention. Com.Chandeshwar Singh G.S NFTE attended the meeting as Chief Guest. Sri KV Satya Prasad, Sr.GM(HR), O/o CGMT, AP CIRCLE attended and addressed the meeting and Grace the occasion. Com.R. Raghupati, Vice-president –CHQ was also participated in the meeting.
A seminar on the subject “Role of the women employees in the industry and in the Trade union” was organised in the convention. Working women employees forum of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh AITUC Com.Prema Pavani and Com.R Laxmi Devi respectively attended and addressed the seminar.
A Co-ordination committee of AP CIRCLE NFTE WOMEN EMPLOYEES was formed and affiliated to the circle union. Com. P Rani,AOS, Nellore as Chairman, Com. D Abhinaya, JE Ongole as vice-chairman, Com.K Hemalatha AOS, Guntur as circle Convener and Com. Shahanaz Begum AOS Vijayawada as Co-convener along with nine other members from all Districts taken into committee as members. Nearly 60 women employees of NFTE members participated in the convention from different Districts of A.P. Circle with enthusiasm. Com.K Anjaiah, Circle secretary proposed and organised this convention and seminar, and made it a great success.
The meeting was closed with a vote of thanks by Com. P C Rani, Chairman of the women Employees co- ordination committee, AP Circle.
Next by 3pm, the District Secretaries meeting was conducted. Our GS has explained in detail about wage revision, merger of MTNL and its impact on BSNL, New promotion policy, compassionate appointments, 4G services, Group health insurance etc.
The district secretaries meeting decided to meet all the employees with effect from Mayday celebrations to strengthen the NFTE organisation in future.
District secretaries meeting closed by 6 pm on 16-04-2023.
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14-04-2023 : We are thankful to our field units for their sincere response on the call to celebrate the 132nd Birth Anniversary of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Even after the declaration of the holiday today, our members celebrated the birth anniversary of Baba Saheb
and paid rich tributes to him.
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14-04-2023 :
Dr B R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary was observed on 14/04/23 in Chennai Telephones Circle jointly by NFTE- BSNL and NFTCL. Comrades M K Ramasamy , Circle President and N Danapal , State President of NFTCL jointly garlanded the statue of Dr. Ambedkar which was erected at the initiative of NFTE- BSNL in 2003 when our union was the only recognised union in BSNL. On our compulsion, this statue was erected inside the compound of BSNL staff quarters in Taylor’s road , Chennai. Since then for twenty years our union observing both the birth and death anniversaries of the great son of mother India .
This year also the birth anniversary was respectfully observed at Taylor’s road quarter compound. Comrades K M Elangovan , Officiating CS and National Organising Secretary
N. Muneer Ali and many other leaders including Com . Kannappan ( AIBSNLPWA) , Com . T . Satya ( NFTCL) offered floral tributes to the father of Indian Constitution. Circle Union Office bearers T. Dhansingh, S C Bose, M. Sendhil, G. Mahendran, C D Purushothaman , V . Mathivanan and many others attended. Com
S. Chitrarasu , Chennai District Secretary ( NFTE) proposed vote of thanks. Despite 14/04/23 being a holiday and Tamil New-year day more than 30 comrades participated enthusiastically in the function.
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14-04-2023 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021 – Notification of Exam Registration date. Letter No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2022-RECTT-CO, dt-13-04-2023.
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14-04-2023 : Today on 14th April people of our country celebrate several regional festivals like Bihu, Vishu, Vaisakhi, Bohag Bihu, Mesadi, and Tamil New Year etc. On the occasion of all these festivals which all cover the people of the entire country, we extend the warmest greeting to all of the people of the nation.
At the same time we remember the slogan of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar -" Educate, unite, and fight for your right. Today’s 132nd birth anniversary of Baba Saheb is also being celebrated as a great festival.
Thousands of Salutes to Baba Saheb.
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14-04-2023 : Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates, w.e.f. 01.04.2023. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-VII/2023, dt-13-04-2023.
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14-04-2023 : Non-settlement of Wage Revision of BSNL employees – fervently requesting to grant a meeting to discuss the issue- reg. Letter No.- JF/2023/08, dt-13-04-2023.
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13-04-2023 : We remember and Salute Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on his 132nd Birth Anniversary which is falling tomorrow on 14-04-2023. He is also known as the Father of Indian Constitution which provide individual fundamental rights to all the citizens of the Nation.
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13-04-2023 : Letter from BSNL Corporate office Admin Cell in respect of renewal of Group Health Insurance scheme w.e.f. 01-05-2023 and the final premium quotes received to the management from M/S Oriental Insurance Corporation Ltd. The staff side has not agreed to opt for renewal with this premium with 58% hike upon the existing premium. All the circle/BA/SSA Secretaries are requested to share their views if any in this regard to CHQ immediately so that the proper reply may be submitted to the management.
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13-04-2023 : Discussion with PGM (SR) regarding transfer of office bearers entitle for immunity from transfer case of Manipur BA under NE-2 Circle.
The PGM (SR) intervened in the matter and talked on phone with GM(HR) of NE-2 Circle and conveyed him the ruling position of immunity for the non-executive unions. As the PGM(SR) conveyed to G.S. that the GM(HR) NE-2 Circle has reciprocated to look into the matter according to ruling position.
The case in brief is that our District Secretary, Assistant District Secretary and the Treasurer of our union of Manipur Business Area under NE-2 Circle have been transferred from Manipur to Arunachal Pradesh BA with a direction to the controlling officer to relieve the official without substitute by local arrangement. The Circle management is seems to desire to close our union in Manipur BA. Our union letter No.-TF-017/A, dt-06-04-2023 and NE-2 Circle office letter No.-NE2CO-11/20(18)/1/2022-HR ADMN/4, dt-05-04-2023.
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13-04-2023 : Revision of consultation Fee, Room Rent and ICU charges for All Health Care organizations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS. File No.-ZI5025/28/2022/DIR/CGHS, dt-12-04-2023.
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13-04-2023 : Group Health Insurance:- Meeting for GHI held twice under the Chairmanship of Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM (Estt) C.O. Delhi. First meeting held on 12-04-2023 and second meeting held at 11.00 am on 13-04-2023.
The representatives of M/S Oriental Insurance Corporation Ltd. were present in both the meeting. They placed before the house the existing rate of premium and the premium for renewal of the policy. Their proposal with 58% hike plus 18% GST upon the existing premium rupees 13594 plus 18% GST for the initial option for self plus spouse plus 3 Children i.e. option –1 for rupees 21071 plus 18% GST.
The representatives of staff side not agreed with this proposal and requested to the management to call for a fresh tender from market and after comparison of premium rates the staff side representatives may be called to discuss and take decision.
12-04-2023 : NFTE CHQ call upon its Circle/BA/SSA/Branches to celebrate Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar 132nd Birth Anniversary by holding meeting at all levels on 14th April 2023. Honour the statue/photo of Baba Saheb by garlanding. Leaders should exhort regarding the Noble deeds for the nation and the struggle and contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, specially as Father of the Indian constitution as it was drafted by taking all the experience of several countries constitution as the Chairman of constitution draft committee. CHQ extends all the honour and salute the great personality of Baba Saheb who has provided the freedom to the people of the Nation. All are requested to send the reports and photos to CHQ for further uploading on our website.
11-04-2023 : Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2023 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. File No.-12/4/2020-CJA, dt-11-04-2023.
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11-04-2023 : Meeting for deliberation on renewal of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy from 01-05-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-10-04-2023.
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11-04-2023 : The 6th District conference of NFTE Circle office Karnataka held on 01-04-2023 at Bangalore in Circle Union office Bangalore. The senior Com .M Shanmugam has presided over the meeting. Com. K. S. Sheshadri. Dy. General Secretary, and Circle Secretary NFTE, Bangalore has attended the conference as the chief guest and addressed the members. Com. M. Rajendiran, Com. A Rajashekhar and Com. S. Srinivasan have been elected as District President, Dist Secretary and Dist Treasurer respectively.
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11-04-2023 : Com. O.P. Gupta Ji’s 101st birth anniversary was celebrated in circle office of BSNL Karnataka. On this occasion Com. K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary exhorted his experiences of association with Com. Gupta Ji. Com. Rajshekhara Circle organizing Secretary and Com. Srinivas also attended the function.
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10-04-2023 : 101st Birthday Celebrations of Comrade OPG on 08/04/2023 in Chennai jointly by NFTE- BSNL and NFTCL:-
At Kodambakkam telephone exchange a grand celebration was organised to mark the 101 st Birthday of our greatest leader Gupta ji . 90 comrades enthusiastically took part in this celebration and the portrait of Gupta ji was garlanded at the function. Comrades M K Ramasamy, N. Danapal , N. Muneer Ali, K. M. Elangovan , C. Ravi, T. Satya, S. C. Bose, T. Dhansingh, M. Kabali, M.Sendhil, P. Sangili , S. Chitrarasu, T. R. Rajasekhar , and many others spoke on the sacrifice and achievements of OPG for the benefits of P&T and BSNL employees. He was a unparalleled trade union leader and his memories will be immortal.
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08-04-2023 : Tremendous response by NFTE (BSNL) field units on the CHQ direction to celebrate the 101st birthday of our towering and legendary Leader comrade O.P.Gupta ji.
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08-04-2023 : The 6th District Conference of Tumkur Telecom District in Karnataka Circle was held on 02/04/2023 at Tumkur. Com.Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary & Circle Secretary attended as the Chief guest and addressed the meeting. Com.Lingadevaru,
Com M.Rajakumar & R.Jayashankar were elected as District President, Secretary, and Treasurer respectively.
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07-04-2023 : Failure of Shri S.P.Singh, GM(Admin), in consulting the Recognised Trade Unions on important issues affecting the Non-Executives - requesting for your kind intervention-reg. dt-06-04-2023.
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07-04-2023 : Renewal of Group Health Insurance for BSNL employees- high premium quoted by M/s Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.- reg. dt-06-04-2023.
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06-04-2023 : Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Direct Taxes (TPL Division) letter on clarification regarding deduction of TDS under section 192 read with sub-section
(IA) of section 115BAC of the Income-tax Act, 1961. File No.-370142/06/2023-TPL, dt-05-04-2023.
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05-04-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to celebrate 101st Birth Day of Com. OPG on 08-04-2023 by organizing meetings at all levels. Kindly explain the noble deeds and achievements of Com. OPG for working class. He was an unifier and visionary leader in the P&T movement. We feel very proud to remember him and celebrate his 101st birthday of an unparallel leader of the P&T working class movement.
01-04-2023 : O.P. Gupta Jee – A symbol of Unity and Tolerance (On the Occasion of 101st Birthday). Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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01-04-2023 : CMD BSNL writes a DO letter to all CGM’s on special drive for efficient, secure and aesthetically improved telecom installations. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CMQS/24(11)/4/2020-NWOCM II, dt-31-03-2023.
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31-03-2023 : 1.1% IDA increased from 01-04-2023, Total=201.2%+1.1%=202.3% w.e.f. 01-04-2023.
31-03-2023 : Corporate office (Personal Branch) letter on processing of e-APAR of employees of BSNL, online through ESS- Portal for year 2022-23. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERB/19(12)/2/2022-PERS1, dt-29-03-2023.
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31-03-2023 : Declaration of Merit List of Special Limited Internal Competitive Examination LICE 2022 to the grade of JTO(T) on pan India basis in BSNL for vacancy year 2021 (diverted 50% DR quota) for vacancies up to 31-12-2021 (for working eligible BSNL employees only ) – held on 18-12-2022. E. File No.-BSNLCO-11/13(12)/4/2022-RECTT, dt-31-03-2023. Total qualified candidates as per the Merit List is 429(OC=305, SC=87, ST=37), NFTE CHQ congratulates the candidates who qualified in the examination held on 18-12-2022.
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31-03-2023 : Sad News:- Com. M.R.Nagaraj a well known and committed leader of NFPTE/NFTE Karnataka circle, took his last breath today morning ( i.e. 31st March 2023) at the age of 86. He worked in the capacity of circle treasure for long time and also officiated as Circle Secretary when Com. Babu took volunteer retirement from the union. He was continuously residing in the circle union office at Vijay Nagar, Bangalore, as he was not having his own house.
He was fully dedicated to our organization.
NFTE lost a very honest and committed leader.
CHQ extends a respectful homage to our beloved leader and deep condolences to the bereaved family members.
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31-03-2023 : Com. R.G. Dani, Circle Secretary (M.H) bereaved:-
Shri Gopal Rao Dani, 89 years, father of Com. Ranjan Dani C.S Maharashtra passed away early morning at 02.40 am on 30th march 2023.
On behalf of entire members of our union CHQ extends a respectful homage to departed soul and deep condolences to the family and friends of Com. Ranjan Dani, C.S.(M.H).
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29-03-2023 : Wish you all a very happy Ram Navami.
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29-03-2023 :
ALTTC Ghaziabad, Advanced Level Telecom Training Centre issued JE induction training programme for 213 LICE qualified candidates shall commence from 10-04-2023 to 19-05-2023 (six weeks). Letter No. ALTTC-ALT/50(24)/4/2023-TM Faculty, dt-28-03-2023.
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29-03-2023 : 12th meeting of BSNL sports & culture Board will be held on 18th April 2023 at 15.00 hours instead of 11th April, 2023. The meeting will took place in conference hall, 9th floor Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, HC Mathur lane Janpath, New Delhi – 110001. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/78(11)/1/2022-Sprots, dt-28-03-2023.
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29-03-2023 : The platform of scheme workers of AITUC consisting of Anganwadi, Mid-day meal, Asha workers, Block facilitators and Umed workers from Maharashtra have organised a big rally in New Delhi on 28-03-2023 for settlement of long pending demand “status of Govt employees and till such time minimum rates of wages to scheme workers”. More than 5000 workers across the country assembled at Jantar Mantar. Com. Amarjit Kaur, G.S. AITUC, Com. Binay Vishavam MP(CPI), Com. Shanmugam MP(DMK) and Senior Trade Union leaders of Asha workers federation, All India Anganwadi workers federation, All India Mid day meal workers federation and Umed workers union addressed the gathering on workers demand.
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28-03-2023 : Government of India Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Direct Taxes have extended last date for linking PAN - Aadhar till 30-06-2023. (Press release, dt-28-03-2023)
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27-03-2023 : Government of India Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Direct Taxes have extended last date for linking PAN - Aadhar till 30-06-2023. (Press release, dt-28-03-2023)
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28-03-2023 : The Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the employees provident fund (EPFO) fixes 8.15% interest rate on employees provident fund for 2022-23. (Source Times of India)
27-03-2023 : Reply from Hon’ble Minister of State for communications Shri Devusinh Chauhan in Loksabha to the unstarred question No.-3678 regarding online attendance system for BSNL employees.
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24-03-2023 : Com. Prashant Landge, former District Secretary Nagpur expired on 23-03-2023 at the age of 52. He was appointed as Sr. TOA on compassionate grounds and elected as District Secretary of Nagpur. He worked as District Secretary till his promotion. At present he is working as AO at Bhandara (M.H). NFTE CHQ condoles the untimely death of Comrade and share the grief of the family.
23-03-2023 : Ramadan will start on March 22 evening and end on April 21, 2023:-
May you be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity this Ramadan.
23-03-2023 : The Circle EC meeting of NFTE-BSNL in Chennai Telephones Circle was held on 23/03/23, under the Presidentship of Com MKR, the CEC meeting was held at Flower Bazaar compound. Com . K M Elangovan , Circle Secretary ( Officiating) conducted the proceedings. The meeting paid rich tributes to the sudden demise of Com E S Anandadevan, Circle Organising Secretary. His portrait was opened and floral tributes were paid to him by Com Muneer Ali , Organising Secretary ( CHQ) .
The 93 rd Martyrdom day of Bhagat Singh was also observed at the meeting. His portrait was garlanded and a speech was delivered on the sacrifice of Bhagat Singh by Com N Danapal, State President, NFTCL.
The Circle EC meeting resolved to hold the next Circle Conference in November 2023. For this the whole CEC will function as the reception committee. The meeting also planned to enroll the maximum number of new membership during the new membership enrolment in July 2023.
The State Secretary of NFTCL in Tamilnadu , Comrade S. Anandan also participated in this meeting and paid rich tributes to both Comrades Bhagat Singh and Anandadevan. A four page printed pamphlet was distributed to all in the house.
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23-03-2023 : NFTE CHQ pays rich tributes to Sardar Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, who sacrificed their lives for motherland:-
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23-03-2023 : Corporate office letter issued letter on facility of immunity from transfer to recognized unions/associations and support association – extension of date of data entry in SAP portal. Letter No.-BSNL/20-4/SR/2022, dt-15-03-2023.
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22-03-2023 : JE induction training:- According to information received to CHQ, the JE induction training is expected to be started w.e.f. 10th April, 2023.
22-03-2023 : 6th Circle conference of UP (West):- Two days 6th Circle conference of UP(West) circle held at Bulandshahar in Kailash Hotel on 19th and 20th March, 2023. The delegate session was presided over by Com. Mayank Bashisht, J.E. and Vice President of Circle union.
Open session:-On 20-03-2023 an open session was notified and it begun at 11.30 am with lamp lighting by Shri Suryakant CGMT UP(West) who was associated with Shri B.P. Srivastava GM(HR) circle office, Shri Subhash Chand GM, Noida BA, Com. C. Singh, G.S. and Com. N.J. Bhatia working President. Com. Sanjay Dubey, C.S. UP(East) were also present on this occasion.
The inaugural speech was delivered by Com. Anil Chauhan convenor of reception committee followed by Com. Sompal Saini, Circle Secretary. Com. Saini explained the situation faced by the Circle union in different area but the UP (West) won the 9th membership verification with a good margin of votes. Com. N.J. Bhatia All India working Presidentm Com. C. Singh, G.S, Shri Suryakant CGMT UP(West), Shri B.P. Srivastava GM(HR), Shri Subhash Chand GM, Noida BA. Shri Himanshu Ji leader of AIGETOA, Com. B. Chakarborty Circle Treasurer of SEWA BSNL, and other officers and trade union leaders addressed the meeting and shared their views.
At evening in delegate session a committee of 21 office bearers were elected unanimously which was lead by Com. Sompal Saini as Circle Secretary.
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22-03-2023 : Plight of Assistant Telecom Technicians(former RMs) placed in Lineman Scale for want of vacancies in Telecom Technician cadre vis-a-vis up gradation of ATTs directly. Letter No.- TF-26/6, dt-22-03-2023.
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22-03-2023 : Shri Vijay Ram, ATT/Circle office Kolkata, Asstt. Circle Secretary of NFTE (BSNL), WBT Circle , participated in All India Weight Lifting/Power Lift/BP Championship held at Kerala and won the GOLD medal for the category. We are proud of his excellent achievement. He is a power and proud of BSNL, WBT. Circle. CHQ congratulates Com. Vijay Ram for his hard work to won the gold medal in all India competition.
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22-03-2023 : 6th Distt. Conference of Karwar Telecom Distt. In Karnataka Circle has been held on 20-03-2023 at Karwar. Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S. and C.S, Com. Rajshekhar Circle Organising Secy NFTE BG, have attended the conference as Chief Guest and addressed the meeting. Com. Vasudev Naik, Com. M.S. Malya, O.S. and Com. N.V. Prasad were elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
22-03-2023 : District conference of Hazaribagh (Jharkhand Circle) held on 19-03-2023 under the Presidentship Com. B.N. Srivastava. Com. Mahavir Singh C.S. Jharkhand and Secretary CHQ attended and addressed the conference. Com. Mahavir Singh, C.S. have given all details on pending issues and given clarifications to the questions raised in the meeting. Com. Janardan Singh, Com. Kamatha Singh and Com. Pinto Singh were elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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22-03-2023 : The 6th district conference of Gulbarga telecom district has been held on 14th March 2023 at Gulbarga city of Karnataka circle Com. Raje Shivsharanappa senior comrade has presided the meeting, Com K.Sheshadri Dy General secretary NFTE BSNL New Delhi and Com. Rajshekhar circle organisation secretary have attended the conference and addressed the members. Com. Kistaiah, Com. Umakant Sawathkhed and Com. Shilparani were elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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22-03-2023 : 6th Circle Conference of Gujrat Circle:-
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18-03-2023 : Corporate office issued a notification for holding limited internal competitive examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021 – [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. Efile No.- BSNLCO-11/13(13)/1/2023-RECTT-CO, dt-17-03-2023.
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17-03-2023 : Com. Dukhan Kumar (Circle Secretary/WB) and Com. Sekhar Kr. Majumdar (Circle Secretary/CTD) along with Com. Sudipta Purokait (Org. Secretary/CHQ), Com. Uma Sankar Thakur (ACS/WB) and other Comrade of NFTE WB, CTD and CNTX-E are present in meeting with Honorable CMD in Kolkata, welcome him with flowers bouquet and hand over the memorandum with burning issues of BSNL employees.
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16-03-2023 : 6th district conference at BSNL Bidar Telecom Distt. in Karnataka circle has been held on 15.03.2023 at Bidar SSA, Smt Anita Patil DGM Bidar have inaugurated the conference. Com. K. S. Sheshadri Deputy General secretary and circle secretary Bangalore and A. Rajshekhar circle organizing secretary NFTE Karnataka Bangalore, have attended the conference as chief guest and addressed the meeting. Com C Veershetty, Com. Md Faheemuddin and Com. Kaviraj H have been elected as a Distt. President, District Secretary and District Treasure respectively.
14-03-2023 : Examination for promotion of UDCs and LDCs, erstwhile absorbed CSS staff, for promotion to Assistant Grade and UDC Cadres – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/5/CSS staff, dt-14-03-2023.
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14-03-2023 : NFTE BSNL 7th District Conference Raichur SSA successfully conducted Under the Presidentship of Com Hussain Sab on 13-03-2023:-
The following were Present Com K.S. Sheshadri Deputy General Secretary NFTE CHQ, Com. A Rajashekhar Circle Organising Secretary, Com. S. V. Arali Former Circle President NFTE Karnataka circle, Shri Prabhu Dorai DGM Raichur SSA , Shri Omkar Dasari SDE, Shri Kishore Reddy Circle Vice President AIGOETA, & Com. Babulal Distt Secretary NFTE BSNL Raichur. The following New Office Bearers elected in the 7th District Conference.
(1) President – Com. L. Sharanappa Gouda JE,
(2) Distt Secretary – Com. Babulal T.T,
(3) Distt. Treasurer, Com Tayyab Ali
are Elected Unopposed.
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13-03-2023 : Functioning of local councils at SSA levels – reg. Letter No.-TF-2/1, dt-13-03-2023.
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13-03-2023 : Grant/Payment of Srinagar Allowance to BSNL staff posted in Srinagar Valley – reg. Letter No.-TF-010, dt-13-03-2023.
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13-03-2023 : Regularisation of TSMs/Casual Labourers in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-31/1, dt-13-03-2023.
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13-03-2023 : Telangana Circle Working Womens Co-ordination Committee meeting on 11-03-2023:- NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle Working Womens Coordination Committee meeting held in Circle Union under the Chairman Ship of Com.Laxmi Vaidyanath a Senior Leader. The meeting begun with flag hoisting ceremony. Com.C.Singh G.S and Com.Laxmi Vaidyanath hoisted the NFTE Flag jointly. Com.C.Singh G.S was Chief Guest to the meeting. More than 35 working women employees assembled in beautifully decorated hall. The women employees represented from HTD, Circle Office and Sangareddy SSA. At first they celebrated “International Woman's Day” by cutting cake. Com C.Singh G.S and C.S wished them all a big success in their duties. Com.C.Singh G.S said Telangana Circle have started a new era in the country by organizing working womens co-ordination committee meeting with NFTE comrades. Com.B.Sunitha Circle President and Com.B.Geetha, DS Circle Office-Hyd have played a vital role in forming the Co-ordination Committee. They discussed all the problems of working womens in detail.
They elected Com.B.Sunitha, Sr.Acct, CO-HYD as Chairman and Com.B.Sunitha, AOS(G), HTD BA as convenor with 10 executive members for the Circle. Com.Hanumanth Rao, ACS, Com.A.Somareddy, Treasurer, Com.B.Prasanna Kumar, Com.Sukumar, Com.A.Satyanaranaya, Com.V.K.Muthu, Com.Vijay and Com.N.Venkateswarlu have contributed a lot for success of the meeting. Com.Karunakar Reddy ADS(HTD), Com.Bhasker ACS(HTD) and Com. Nagaraj, CO HYD have arranged lunch to all the participants. Com.B.Geetha D.S Circle Office-Hyd have honoured Com.C.Singh, G.S, C.S, C.P, ACS-1, ACS-2 and others with shawl. The meeting was in festive mood to all working women employees is memorable and the meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Geetha. On the request of all the participants Com.Laxmi Vaidyanath accepted to work as Chief Advisor to Co-ordination committee.
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13-03-2023 : 3rd Circle Executive committee meeting of Telangana on 10-03-2023 :- The CEC meeting of Telangana held in “Royal Function” hall at Mahaboobnagar under the President ship of Com.B.Sunitha Circle President Com.G.Singh GS was Chief Guest to the meeting. Except Khammam, Nalgonda SSA's, all District Secretaries and majority Circle Office bearers attended the meeting. The CEC began with flag hoisting ceremony Com.B.Sunitha Circle President and Com.Raja Ratnam District President hoisted National Flag jointly. Com.C.Singh G.S and Com.Srihari Veteran leader of Mahaboobnagar hoisted jointly NFTE flag. The meeting hall was decorated beautifully in these hard days.
Circle Secretary given very detail report on state issues and all India issues. All the district secretaries expressed their views on the basis of field report. They said openly that members were disappointed for non- settlement of 3rd wage revision, new promotion policy and other issues in particular JE cadre transfers. The members are feeling unhappy with less vacancies in JE, TT cadres to appear the exams and no relaxation has come for appearing examinations. Com.C.Singh G.S explained in his speech what NFTE achieved after winning in 2013 and also given factual position of 3rd wage revision, pension status of Direct recruitees. Com. Ram Mohan District Secretary AITUC and Sri G.V.REddy, DGM-Mahaboobnagar attended and addressed the meeting. Circle union honoured the winning District Secretaries with shawl and honoured carrom players with shawl who stood 2nd in All India. District union also hounoured all the District Secretaries with shawl and honoured G.S and C.S with Gajamala. They honoured circle president with bouquet and shawl. The team led by Com.Anjaneyulu D.S have made elaborate arrangements for success of the CEC. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Circle Secretary.
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13-03-2023 : The 6th District Conference of Bangalore Telecom District in karnataka Circle has been held on 07.03.2023 in NFTE Union office, old CTO Building, Bangalore. Shri, Prakash Goplani,PGM, BGTD, Shri, Manoj Kumar, GM(HR/Admn,BGTD. Shri, Venkateshwarlu, GM,(CM) Bangalore have attended to Conference as Chief guest and addressed to the members. Com,Seshadri, Deputy General Secretary, Com, G.Babu,former Circle Secretary, Shri, A.M.Balakrishna,Circle president, Com,A.Rajshekar, Circle Organising Secretary, Com. Jagadisha, Circle Secretary, SEWA BSNL BGTD, have attended the above meeting. Com. Ranganna, Com.J.Kumar, Com.Dayananda Prabhu have been Elected as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
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07-03-2023 : Wish you all a Happy Colorful Holi to one and all (08-03-2023):-
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07-03-2023 : Happy Women’s Day (08-03-2023):-
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06-03-2023 : NFTE delegation led by Com. Ranjan Dani, C.S. alongwith Com. Shivaji Chauhan, Com. R.P. Joshi, Com. Bhansing Pohal and other Comrades met Shri Bhagwat Karad, Hon’ble Minister of State Finance Govt of India on 04-03-2023. They submitted a memorandum to Hon’ble Minister on important issues like allotment of 4G/5G to BSNL, settlement of 3rd wage revision, lifting of ban on compassionate ground appointments, recruitment of staff and implementation of CVC guidelines in BSNL. Hon’ble Minister reacted positively on the demands.
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06-03-2023 : D.O. letter from CMD BSNL to all CGM’s on unauthorised absent of JTO’s and non-executive cases (3 yrs, 5 yrs). DO No.-BSNLCO-A/15(22)/1/2021-ESTSB, dt-01-03-2023.
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04-03-2023 : Wage revision in BSNL:-
The issue of wage revision was also discussed in the formal meeting held on 1st instant. The union strongly demanded for resumption of negotiation. It was indicated to hold the meeting in April, 2023.
04-03-2023 : Joint Forum of Non-Executive unions and Associations writes a letter to CMD BSNL by expressing views on Merger of MTNL with BSNL. Letter No.-JF/2023/07, dt-03-03-2023.
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04-03-2023 : Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare issued a letter on Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National
Pension System, of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 22.12.2003 – option may be exercise by the concerned Govt. servant latest by 31-08-2023. Letter No.-57/05/2021-P&PW(B), dt-04-03-2023.
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03-03-2023 : Formal meeting with Director (HR) on 01-03-2023:-
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03-03-2023 : Corporate office requested A&N, CH, CTD, GUJ, HAR, KRL, KTK, M.H, M.P, OD, PB, Raj, UP(W), TLNG and UKD Circles to notify the T.T. examination 50% internal quota including the vacancy position latest by 01-03-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2022-RECTT-CO, dt-01-03-2023.
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03-03-2023 : Brief of the meeting of All Unions/Associations with CMD BSNL on 28th February, 2023:-
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02-03-2023 : Stay on publication of special JTO LICE is vacated yesterday on 1st March 2023,now result may published immediately.
01-03-2023 : 7th District Conference of Hasan SSA held on 23-02-2023 under the Presidentship of Com. Anand Gouda. The inaugural ceremony started with lighting the lamp by Smt. Malini. V. PGM Tumkur BA, Dy. G.S. NFTE BSNL. Circle President, Organising Secretary and other office bearers of NFTE BSNL were present in the conference. Nearly 200 comrades assembled in the hall. The District union of Hasan have arranged lunch in dignified manner. Com. Daranesh, Com. Firoz Pasa and Com. Sidde Gouda were elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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01-03-2023 : Intolerance circumstances. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).
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01-03-2023 : Corporate office issued notification for conducting LICE for JE (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021. Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(13)/1/202
-RECTT-CO, dt-28-02-2023.
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28-02-2023 : Circle working committee meeting of Maharashtra circle held at Ahemad Nagar on 25/26 February 2023:- Two days CWC meeting of MH circle was conducted on 25th & 26th Feb 23 at Ahmednagar. On 25th Feb meeting was inaugurated by national vice president Com Deepak Jadhav. 25 District Secretaries and Circle office bearers took part in thread bare discussions for a whole day upto 10 pm. Based on the discussion A memorandum consisting of major issues like wage revision, 4G/ 5G, CGA appointments, new recruitment, deterioration of services due to large scale contractorisation, implementation of CVC guidelines to prevent corruption etc was prepared and it was unanimously decided to hand over this to all MPs in Maharashtra circle. On 26th Feb a well attended open session was organised in a very grand manner under the presidentship of Com. C. G. Jagtap, circle president. General Secretary Com C Sing, a veteran proletarian leader and genius poet from Ahmednagar district Com K W Shirsath, DGM, Shri Rashinkar were the chief guests. At the outset circle secretary Com Ranjan Dani delivered introductory speech in which he has congratulated activists and workers for their support to NFTE in getting recognition. The desire of employees for 3rd PRC, 4G / 5 G and increasing stress on workers causing destruction of “work life balance” was focused by him. General Secretary Com. C. Singh explained all burning issues in his 90 minutes firy and satirical speech which was reciprocated by the audience with big hands, and inspiring slogans. He has explained the importance of PSUs in the development of society and nation in detail & recalled the fighting spirit and visionary tradition of NFTE before and after Independence. NFTE has the only wisdom to break any ice in any situation whatsoever adverse it may be, he underlined. Protection of Govt pension after corporatisation was a glaring example, he added. After elaborating the details about present status of wage revision, he told that an adamant attitude of management and lack of wisdom in responsible leaders creating a hurdle in the achievement. However we are bound to get third PRC and for getting it broad based Unity with collective approach is being built up. NFTE will be at forefront to any struggle to get the legitimate rights of workers, he promised. At last he appealed to entire workers not to fell victim to any divisive propaganda being done by ruling class along the lines of caste, religion, language, culture etc. To maintain and build a strong workers Unity in real sense, a proletarian consciousness must be developed and leadership needs to eliminate their Egos in the interest of BSNL and employees, he told. Com Shirsath opined that during present days rightist politics is at its peak and it is mainly responsible for all miseries, agonies of the workers and people at large and is creating widespread unrest among the different sections of society including organised/ un organised workers. Due to this situation, pendulum is bound to shift to other end, he added. Two poems written by him were read by circle secretary and his books of poems were purchased enthusiastically by our comrades.
Com. Shivaji Chavhan and Com. Amrut Mane have beautifully anchored the session. All India Invitee com Mansingrao Patil, Com Ulhas Jawlekar, SEWA leader Com. Aaushyman Gajendra Pise, Aigetoa D.S, Com. Samir Mallebari, All India Office bearer of pensioner’s association Com. Ram Nimbalkar also addressed.
Ahmednagar district secretary Com Ashok Hinge and his Team has very nicely made all the arrangements which were appreciated by all and really imemorable. The circle CWC was held for two days in a grand manner.
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27-02-2023 : Reimbursement of claims relating to staff amenities etc – reg. Letter No.-TF-22/1, dt-27-02-2023.
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27-02-2023 : LICE for Telecom Technician Cadre – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(d), dt-27-02-2023
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25-02-2023 : Corporate office letter on annual renewal of Group Term Insurance for Executives and Non-executives –providing another online window from 01-03-2023 for exercising option to join the scheme. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11/(11)/2022-ESTAB, dt-24-02-2023.
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25-02-2023 : Comrade Mursheid Ali, Former Circle Secretary, Telecom Factory, West Bengal breathed his last on 24th February, 2023. The CHQ extends condolences to the breathed family. The NFTE (BSNL) has suffered a great loss to the demise of veteran leader.
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25-02-2023 : D.O. letter from Director (HR) to all CGMs regarding online attendance. D.O. No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/62/6/2020-ADMN, dt-23-02-2023.
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24-02-2023 : 8th Dist Conference of Mysore SSA in Karnataka Circle has been held on 22/02/2023 at Mysore Nazarbad Telephone Exchange premises. Com V.Nagesh Rtd T.T, presided the meeting. Com. K.S Sheshadri DY GS NFTE, Com m. Balakrishna Circle president and Com. A Rajashekara circle Org. Secretary NFTE Bangalore have attended the conference as chief guests and addressed the members com V Nagesh Rtd. T.T, Com. Nagendra T.T and Com.D Srinivasan JE Mysore were elected as Dist President, Dist Secretary and Dist Treasurer respectively.
24-02-2023 : Corporate office (Establishment) requested all circles to furnish JE vacancies arose during 01-01-2022 to 31-12-2022 for the calendar year 2022 due to Superannuation/Promotion/ Resignation/Death etc. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(13)/1/2023-ESTAB, dt-23-02-2023.
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23-02-2023 : Corporate office issues letter on correction in employee data in EPFO records. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CA/30/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-21-02-2023.
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23-02-2023 : CMD BSNL will address all BSNL unions and associations 9th floor conference hall on 28th Feb, 2023 at 6pm - regarding latest developments and merger of MTNL and BSNL. Letter No.-BSNL/7-2/SR/2022(pt.), dt-22-02-2023.
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23-02-2023 : Joint forum of non-executive unions and associations of BSNL writes a letter to Secretary DOT and CMD BSNL – regarding genuine apprehensions of BSNL employees. Letter No.-JF/2023-/06, dt-21-02-2023.
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23-02-2023 : Corporate office issued guidelines for strict implementation of provision of Rule -9 of BSNL Transfer Policy – Relieving of officials who have completed deputation period. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/15(22)/28/2021-ESTAB, dt-21-02-2023.
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23-02-2023 : The 7th District Conference of Mandya SSA in Karnataka was held on 22-02-2023 at TRC, Telephone Exchange, Mandya Com P.Shivalingaiah, District President has presided over the Conference Com K.S.Sheshadri,Circle Secretary and Deputy General Secretary, CHQ New Delhi, Com. A.M.Balakrishna, Circle President, Com.A.Rajashekar, Circle Organising Secretary have attended the Conference as a Chief Guest Smt, Saji. SS, DGM, Smt,Rose Mary Bindu K F, AGM have attend and greeted the Conference. Com, P Shivalingaiah, Com, D.Ramalingegowda and Com. D.S.Bhagirathamma were elected unanimously as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively. All Comrades enthusiastically participated in the Conference and made it a grand Success.
21-02-2023 : Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL absorbed employees- Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale. Letter No.-40-12/2004-Pen(T)(pt.), dt-20-02-2023.
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20-02-2023 : 6th District conference of Bellary SSA (Karnataka Circle) was held on 14.02.2023 at Ballari Dioceses Development Society, Infantry Road, Ballari over the conference Com K Nagaraja District president has presided over the meeting. Com K S Sheshadri Circle Secretary & DY General Secretary, Com A M Balakrishna Cirle President, Com A Rajashekar Circle Organising Secretary, Bangalore have attended the conference and addressed the members. Shri B D Mahadeva DGM (A&P) Bellary and Smt M Manju IFA Bellary have the conference as chief guest and greeted, Com S Chidananda OS (P) District President, Com M R Ashok OS (G) District Secretary and Com B Venkata Ramesh JE Treasurer have elected unanimously.
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15-02-2023 : Implementation of new online attendance system in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/62/6/2020-ADMN-Part(1), dt-14-02-2023.
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14-02-2023 : Informal Discussions with PGM (Est):- President and Vice President, Com. Naresh Kumar met the PGM(Est) and discussed the following issues. Progress on items are as under:-
(1) JTO LICE (special result):- Special hearing fixed for today could not take place. The Hon’ble Court will hear the case now on 1st March only.
(2) Issuance of Pos:- Reminders are being issued to CGMs Bihar, Jharkhand and UP for supply of reply on (5) specific items. UP(E) has furnished evasive reply.
(3) JE LICE for vacancies of year 2021:- Notification for LICE is under process.
(4) Settlement of Mutual Transfer Cases:- concerned circles have been appropriately instructed.
14-02-2023 : Training for promotion to JE Cadre:- The training class of qualified departmental candidates for promotion to JE(T) Cadre is most likely to commence from 1st week of March, 2023 as per information given by GM(Trg).
14-02-2023 : The 9th District Conference of Davangere SSA (Karnataka Circle) was held on 10.02.2023 at TRC (Telephone Exchange), Davangere Com R.Anand, Circle Vice President has presided over the conference Com.K.S.Sheshadri, Circle Secretary and Dy. G.S, Com.A.M.Balakrishna, Circle President, Com A.Rajashekar Circle Organising Secretary, Bangalore have attended the conference as a chief guest Sri P.K.Gopal, DGM, Davangere, Smt G.Anitha, CAO & Sri M.Kantharaju AGM have attended and greeted the Conference. Com.N.A.Narasimhamurthy, Asst, Office Superintendent (G) as a District President and Com.Jayappa Naik, Rtd, AO, as a District Secretary and Com.B.G.Manjula Asst, Office Superintendent (G) as a Treasurer have elected unanimously.
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13-02-2023 : Joint option date for higher Pension from EPF is now extended upto 15-02-2023. BSNL CO-CA/30-/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-10-02-2023.
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13-02-2023 : Shri Rajiv Kumar has taken over the charge of Director (F) BSNL Board on 10-02-2023. BSNL CO-PSEA/11(23)/10/2023-SEA, dt-10-02-2023. President and Vice President Com. Naresh Kumar met today and greeted him.
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10-02-2023 : Two days circle conference of NFTE (BSNL) Assam circle conducted and concluded in very impressive manner:-
On 09.02.2023 evening Circle executive committee meeting held under the president ship of Com. P.C.Ptgiri.
The reports on activities as well as the annual accounts were placed by the officiating circle secretary and circle treasurer respectively.
Very deep discussion took place on both the reports and after some clarification by the circle secretary and treasurer both the reports were approved by the CEC to place before general delegates in conference on 10.02.2023.Com C.Singh, General Secretary addressed the house in his one hour speech he exhorted all the relevant HR issues including wage revision.
On 10th February the conference is started with flag hoisting.
The union flag was hoisted jointly by Com. C.Singh GS and Com P.C.Patgiri Circle President.
Com Singh addressed the gathering assembled at flag hoisting and narrated the histry of initiations workers in building trade union in our country in 18th century.
He added the history of Red flag of trade union and explained it's connection with 1886 workers movement of Chicago city of America.
After that all the leaders and delegates requested to assemble in Auditorium at Panbajar BSNL guest house.
The Auditorium was well decorated and totally packed with the presence of workers.
Besides Kam tum many ladies comrades attended in the conference in very good never.
First of all the house paid homage and absorbed two minutes silence in condolence of com G.Kalita circle secretary who passed away two months before.
All the leaders paid tributes to Com O.P.Gupta ji.
The president declare the house in quorum and on his direction circle secretary placed both the reports for discussion.
Seven District secretaries som office bearers and general delegates specially delegates different Districts belong to JE cader participated in delebration and pointed out the difficulties faced by the Dr JEs specially reg wage revision,portion through upgration and through LICs.
The pointed out the difficulties faced by the in transfer under rul -8/9 .
The house was addressed by sri Chourasiya GM Kam rup. DGM Admin of circle office,other leaders of the sister union and Associations .
Com Bijay Deka circle secretary of BSNL Employees union also addressed the open house.
Come Jignesh Das CS explained the issues raised by the delegates and after adoption of reports on C.Singh GS delivered his more than one and half our speech and touched and explained every issues.
The house was adjourned for kuch break.
At 3.30 house again assembled and the president started the issue of agenda...
After two hours exercises a list of 21 office bearers was placed before the dais.
The president read the name one by one and the unanimous election held for all the 21 posts of office bearers. Com. P.C.Patgiri, Com, Jugesh Das and Com. Bhupendra kalita elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
The conference concluded at 06.45 after a vote of thank by com Jugesh Das newly elected circle secretary.
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10-02-2023 : Meeting of Director (HR) with NFTE – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/39-2/SR/2021, dt-10-02-2023.
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10-02-2023 : Corporate office letter on reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)- Clarification with regard to the concept of own merit. Letter No.-28-6/2022-SCT, dt-09-02-2023.
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09-02-2023 : NFTE BSNL congratulates all the participants in the lunch hour demonstration organised on 07-02-2023 by non-executive unions/associations at all levels in the country for settlement of burning issues of non-executives, 3rd wage revision, New Promotion Policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL.
09-02-2023 : Corporate office letter on gratuity sanction/memo generation and payment of gratuity to BSNL recruitees in ERP –SAP. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CA/11/8/2021-CA-ERP-FICO-Part(2), dt-08-02-2023.
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09-02-2023 : Corporate office issues guidelines for annual renewal of group term insurance for BSNL non-executives scheme from 01-03-2023. The online window for existing members, new entrants and withdrawal option for existing members will be open from 11-02-2023 to 17-02-2023 (7 days). F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(11)/2/2022-ESTAB/2, dt-08-02-2023.
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09-02-2023 : Corporate office letter on Pan India Launch of Web Portal for BSNL Retired Employees. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/MRS/Web Portal/Ret. Emp./2021-22, dt-08-02-2023.
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08-02-2023 : Forum of non-executive unions/associations of BSNL conducted lunch hour demonstration for settlement of 3rd wage revision, new promotion policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL, at different places in the country – view of photos.
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08-02-2023 : A spirited lunch hour demonstration held at Corporate office on 07-02-2023 on the call of Forum of Non-Executive unions/Associations. Com. C. Singh, G.S. NFTE BSNL, Com. P. Abhimanyu, G.S. BSNLEU, Com. R.C. Pandey G.S. BTEU, Com. Jaya Prakash G.S. FNTO, Com. Suresh G.S. BSNLMS, Com. Rewati Prasad AGS ATM BSNL, Com. M.C. Sharma Vice President WRU participated in the demonstration and addressed the mass gathering on burning issues 3rd wage revision, New Promotion policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL. A large number of Comrades from NTR, Corporate office were present in the demonstration.
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06-02-2023 : Settlement of PO cases – issuance reg. Letter No.-TF-24/4, dt-06-02-2023.
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06-02-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to organise Lunch Hour Demonstration on 07-02-2023 at all levels for settlement of 3rd wage revision, New Promotion Policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL. Kindly co-ordinate with all unions/associations to make the demonstration a massive one…G.S.- NFTE(BSNL).
04-02-2023 : LICE for promotion to Telecom Technician Cadre under 50% departmental quota vacancies for year 2020 and 2021 – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-04-02-2023.
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04-02-2023 : Wage revision of non-executive employees in BSNL – reg. Letter No.-TF-9/8(PRC), dt-03-02-2023.
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04-02-2023 : NEPP – reg. Letter No.-TF-26/6, dt-03-02-2023.
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04-02-2023 : New R/R for JTO – reg. Letter No.-TF-14/2(b), dt-03-02-2023.
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03-02-2023 : Corporate office issued modal exam notification for LICE to for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (T.T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021. The examination will be held in 15 Circle only ( A&N), Calcutta Telephones, Chhattisgarh, Gujrat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, M.H, M.P., Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP(West), Uttarakhand and Telangana. Total vacancies 452, year wise vacancies OC=393(2021)+59(2020). Efile No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2022-RECTT-CO, dt-02-02-2023.
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03-02-2023 : Web portal for retired BSNL employees starts functioning from 01-03-2023. (D.O. letter from Director (HR) BSNL), D.O. No.-BSNLCO-Admn/MRS/Web Portal/Ret.Emp./2021-22, dt-02-02-2023.
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02-02-2023 : Regarding cancellation of Motivational Training “Customer/Citizen Centricity Promgramme” for LICE JTO trainees under training at various training centers w.e.f. 04-02-2023 (Saturday ) for 3 days (4th, 6th and 7th Fen, 2023) just after the completion of their JTO phase -1 training. Letter No.-BSNLCO-TRG/26(11)/2/2021-Training. dt-01-02-2023.
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02-02-2023 : Notice of lunch hour demonstration on 07.02.2023 to CMD BSNL and Secretary DOT from Joint Forum of Non executive unions and Associations of BSNL to settle the burning issues of Non-Executive employees. Letter No.- Joint Forum/2023/02, dt-01-02-2023.
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01-02-2023 : Removal of stagnation though evolving a new promotional mechanism on matching – saving formula. Letter No.-TF-34, dt-31-01-2023.
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01-02-2023 : Inter circle mutual rule -8 case of Shri Shivaji JE (60146700) Sagar BA MP Telecom Circle with Smt. Kusum Lata Morya JE (200002804) O/o DGM OA Azamgarh UP(East) Circle. Letter No.-TF-20/3(c),dt-31-01-2023.
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31-01-2023 : Role of Public Sector undertakings in the growth and development of our Country. Editorial, (English & Hindi), Telecom.
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31-01-2023 : 6th District Conference of NFTE BSNL, Dharwad Telecom District Hubli was held in conference hall of GMTD Hubli on 30-01-2023 under the Presidentship of Com. N.S. Nadaf. It was organised in a grand manner. Com. A.H. Belur ACS, Designed the hall nicely and anchored the conference in a systematic manner.
Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S, Com. Balakrishna Circle President and Com. A. Rajashekar ACS attended the conference. Shri Dhananjay Kumar Tripathi, GM Hubli attended the conference as Chief Guest. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. elaborately in depth explained the CHQ/Circle matters such as wage revision, New Promotion Policy for Non-executive and other HR issues. Shri Dhananjay Kumar Tripathi GM Hubli and Com. Sheshadri Dy. G.S. felicitated Com. Girish C. Chindi T.T. who stood toper in JE LICE examination held on 18-12-2022. They also felicitated Com. Manoj Subramanya T.T. and Com. P. Saki T.T. in the conference.
Com. C.T. Kumbar, Com. S.L. Pujar and Com. Asif N. Attar were elected unanimously as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. All Comrades enthusiastically participated in the conference and made it a grand success.
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31-01-2023 : Notice served by Hyderabad (BA) Management for recovery of huge amount after retirement on VRS against license fee of quarters. Letter No.-TF-38, dt-31-01-2023
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31-01-2023 : Instructions and guidelines for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 04-11-2022 in the matter of special leave petition (C) No.s8658-8659 of 2019, exercise of option for higher Pension. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CA/30/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-30-01-2023.
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31-01-2023 : 5th District conference of Shimoga SSA was held on 29-01-2023. Com. K.S. Sheshadri Dy. G.S, Com. Balakrishna Circle President and Com. A. Rajashekar C.O.S. participated in the meeting. Com. K.S. Subramanaya, Com. Lohitha and Com. Ambika were elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
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31-01-2023 : 6th District Conference of Mangalore held on 28-01-2023 at Hotel Srinivas under the Presidentship of Com. Harish Shetty. Shri G.R. Ravi CGMT Karnataka inaugurated the conference by lighting the lamp alongwith Com. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S, Com. Harish Reddy welcomed all the guests Com. Bala Krishna Circle President, Com. Rajashekar, Shri Suryanarayana IFA and Com. Shasidharan D.S. SNEHA to the conference. Com. Madhava, Com. Shasidharan and Com. Praveen Kumar were elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The conference ended with vote of thanks by Com. Madhava.
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30-01-2023 : NFTE (BSNL) leaders led by Com. C. Singh G.S. congratulated and felicitated member services:- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S, Com. A. Rajamouli Treasurer and Com. Habib Khan, C.S. M.P. met to Shri Dr. Mahesh Shukla Ji member services in his officer chamber and felicitated with flower bouquet and shawl, who is retiring from service on 31-01-2023 .
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30-01-2023 : Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Bihar Circle on 28-01-2023:- The CEC of NFTE(BSNL) Bihar Circle held on 28-01-2023 under the Presidentship of Sr. Leader Com. B. N. Sinha. The District Secretaries of 6 BAs and 14 OAs were present alongwith the Circle office bearers.
Com. Chandeshwar Singh, G.S. inaugurated the meeting and exhorted the issues of 3rd wage revision, new promotion policy and other HR issues. He warned the workers to be vigilant against the sugar coated policy of the Govt in centre regarding provision of 4G/5G spectrum for BSNL services. He added that in name of Swadeshi to fulfill the desire of our honorable prime minister the high tech infrastructures based the 4G/5G has not been implemented in BSNL resulting a big loss and effecting the earning more revenues and at the other hand the wage revision of the workers are denied in name of no profit in BSNL. One can understood the policy of the Govt and the owner of the BSNL that the one side they do not allow the BSNL to provide better services to the customers to earn more revenue other side they have made policy of wage revision on profit at loss basis.
All the District Secretaries took part in debate on the agenda issues circulated by the Circle Secretary. Circle Secretary and G.S. replied to the questions raised by the Comrades.
Com. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Com. Abul Kalam, Com. Ajay Kumar Sah, Com. Vikram Kumar, Com. B.K. Singh Circle Treasurer and a team of Patna BA played a vital role to make the meeting a grand success.
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30-01-2023 : Declaration of National Convention of workers held at constitution club Annexe today (i.e 30-01-2023). From NFTE BSNL Com. C. Singh G.S, Com. Naresh Kumar V.P, Com. Ranjith Kumar ACS C.O. and other Comrades attended the convention.
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30-01-2023 : Intimation regarding formation of the Joint Forum of the Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL – reg. Letter No.-Joint Forum/2023/01, dt-28-01-2023.
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25-01-2023 : NFTE CHQ extends a very happy 74th Republic Day:-
The day on which our unparalleled constitution was introduced and implemented for the people of the country. This is the day on which
all the citizens particularly the working class are taking pledges to keep faith in our constitution and to save it to protect the right of people and national integrity.
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25-01-2023 : Com. Brij Lal Sharma former circle Secretary Himachal Circle is no more:-NFTE lost a veteran leader and pillar of union Shri Brij Lal Sharma who passed away at the age of 78 years He starts the union’s Branch cashier of NFTE in 1968 he became 1st Circle secretary of HP Circle in 1989. He remained a National Council member from 2002 to 2004, he was the real identity of a union leader.
We extend respectful homage to the departed soul of comrade a deep condolences to bereaved family members.
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24-01-2023 : Extension of Special concessions/incentives to Central Govt. employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under control of Central Government for a further period of three years with effect from 01.08.202. File No.- BSNLCO-A/14(21/1/2021-ESTAB, dt-23-01-2023.
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24-01-2023 : All-unions meeting of the Non-Executives is held online on 23-01-2023, to discuss about the Wage Revision issue. The meeting is attended by the General Secretaries of BSNLEU, NFTE, BTEU, FNTO, SNATTA, BSNL MS, ATM BSNL and BSNLEC. After in depth discussions, the following decisions are taken unanimously.
1)An umbrella organisation of the Non-Executive unions and associations is formed. It will be called as the Joint Forum of Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE is will be the Chairman and Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU will be the convenor of this Joint Forum.
2)The following issues will be actively taken up by the Joint Forum:-
a) Expeditious settlement of the Wage Revision.
b)Implementation of a New Promotion Policy for the Non-Executives.
c) Immediate launching of BSNL’s 4G and 5G services.
3)Lunch Hour demonstrations will be organised on 07-02-2023, demanding settlement of the above demands.
4)A physical meeting of the Joint Forum will be held at New Delhi on 07-02-2023, to decide about the next course of action.
23-01-2023 : Instructions and guidelines for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 04-11-2022 in the matter of special leave petition © No.s 8658-8659 of 2019. Letter No.-BSNLCO-CA/30/2022-CA-ERP-FICO, dt-19-01-2023.
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18-01-2023 : Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2020 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only] held on 18.12.2022- declaration of merit list. File No.-BSNLCO-11/13(13)/1/2022-Rectt-CO, dt-18-01-2023.
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18-01-2023 : Extension of the LTC block year 2018-21(extended) for a period of three months. F. No.-BSNLCO-A/11(22)/2/2022-ESTAB, dt-16-01-2023.
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17-01-2023 : Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs). Letter No.-28-6/2022-SCT, dt-05-01-2023.
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16-01-2023 : Grand District conference of Sangli SSA and zonal convention gives New Energy to Maharashtra circle union:-
- 6th District conference of Sangli SSA was held on 14th January in a very grand manner. Whole campus of Auditorium & dias of the function was beautifully decorated with cut outs, flexes & photos of Com O P Gupta Com. M. B. Vichare, Com C sing & circle leaders also. On this occasion a Zonal convention was organised under the presidentship of Com Mansingrao Patil, District President. It was well attended by Sangli comrades & District secretaries of Pune, Kolhapur, Satara com Anand Mudvikar, com Amrut Mane & Com Salunke along with many activists from these
areas. General secretary Com C sing as a Chief Guest addressed the huge gathering for one hour & explained current scenario in BSNL & HR issues in detail. Regarding a burning issue of 3rd PRC he recalled different initiatives taken by NFTE started through All India Hunger strike on 3July 2017 & other joint agitations thereafter. He further explained the wrong motive of the management to confine wage revision merely to formation of new pay scales only. For implementation of 3rd PRC & it’s benefits to all existing staff, fitment formula is equally important for which mangmnt adopting negative approach, he added. Also justifiable reform in NE-9 pay scale is also of utmost relevance as regard to young engineers in BSNL & NFTE is committed to bring receptive change in N-9 scale, he assured. He also informed about joint efforts of recognised unions & warned the management not to deprive the employees from their legitimate right of PRC & disrupt the industrial peace which no one of us would like to afford during revival phase of the company. On 23rd January all non executive unions are to meet & discuss further course of action that may include serious & effective nationwide agitation to get 3rd PRC to BSNL employees, he informed. Circle secretary Com Ranjan Dani, Circle president Com C G Jagtap & Circle Secretary of AIBSNLPWA com Narendran also addressed the gathering. New District body was unanimously formed in which Com A A Patel, Com C G Jagtap & Com Digambar Mandlik were elected as President, Secretary & Treasurer. Circle vice president com R P Joshi, Treasurer Com Shivaji Chavhan, AGS-AIBSNLPWA, Com Ashok Nalawade were among the prominent presence. Representatives of SNEA, AIGETOA & BSNLEU & SEWA were felicitated in the function.
Very impressive & nice conduction of the conference & convention added new energy into the overall functioning of MH circle union.
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13-01-2023 : NFTE(BSNL) HQRs extends warm greetings of Lohri, Makar Sankranti, Bihu and Pongal to all members, well wishers and all the BSNL employees.
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13-01-2023 : Deadlock in the wage negotiation of the Non-Executives – requesting for your kind intervention – reg. dt-13-01-2023.
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13-01-2023 : Entrustment of additional charge of CMD, BBNL to Shri P.K. Purwar CMD(BSNL) for three months w.e.f. 03-01-2023 to 02-04-2023 vide DOT order No.-BSNL CO-PER1/20(11)/30/2020-PERS1, dt-11-01-2023.
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13-01-2023 : Deadlock in the Wage Negotiations - NFTE (BSNL) and BSNLEU write joint letter to the CMD BSNL, demanding his intervention.
Com.Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE (BSNL) and Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU have written a joint letter to the CMD BSNL regarding Wage Negotiation. The following points are mentioned in the letter.
The Wage Negotiations of the Non-Executives is in a deadlock, due to the following reasons:-
(1) The new Pay Scales of the
Non-Executives are already finalised in the Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held on 27-07-2018. But, now, the Management wants to cut down the minimum and maximum of those Pay Scales, in the name of reducing the company’s expenditure on Pension Contribution. The 3rd PRC has already given the Pay Scales of the Executives. BSNL Management has no power to cut down those Pay Scales. Then, why the Management wants to cut down the Pay Scales of the Non-Executives alone?
(2) The Management says that, they do not want to sign the Wage Agreement now, but only want to finalise the Pay Scales of the Non-Executives and send them to the DoT. This is not acceptable to us.
(3) The Management says that, the Allowances cannot be revised now. Allowances of the employees are not revised since the formation of BSNL. Hence revision of Allowances must be done.
Both the General Secretaries of BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL have demanded the intervention of the CMD BSNL to resolve the deadlock.
12-01-2023 : Order for payment of IDA w.e.f. 01.01.2023 has been issued by corporate office New Delhi. File No.-BSNLCO-A/11(18)/1/2020-ESTAB, dt-12-01-2023.
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11-01-2023 : Additional agenda to be added in formal meeting with NFTE (BSNL) as requested vide our letter of even No. dt-15-12-2022. Letter No.-TF-4/6, dt-11-01-2023.
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11-01-2023 :
Circular No.- 198 Extension of Special concessions incentives to the Central Govt empl working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under control of the Central Government. No.-6-21(01)/2019-PAT, dt-11-01-2023.
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10-01-2023 : Grand Celebration of Golden Jubilee Celebrations in Chennai on 09/01/2023:-
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09-01-2023 : Corporate office (Establishment branch) forwarded Recruitment rules of Junior Telecom officers (Telecom) – 2023 to all heads of circles. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16(12)/2/2022-ESTAB/1, dt-31-12-2022.
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07-01-2023 : 11th death anniversary of Com. O.P.G. observed at different places in the country on 06-01-2023.
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07-01-2023 : Circulation of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare OM No.-38/01(05)/2022-P&PW(A), dt-26-10-2022 regarding power to withhold or withdraw pension/gratuity in case of grave misconduct or negligence during period of service under the Centre Civil services (Pension) Rules 2021. Letter No.-36-03/2019-Pen(T)(1), dt-04-11-2022.
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06-01-2023 : 11th death anniversary of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, observed at different places in the country – view of photos.
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06-01-2023 : NFTE CHQ observed 11th death anniversary of Com. Om Prakash Gupta Ji in union office and paid rich tributes to him.
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06-01-2023 : Corporate office (Personal Branch) issues Recruitment Rules of BSNL management services – CSS/CSSS & others stream (MSRRs- CSS/CSSS/others)-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(17)/4/2022-PERS1(CSS/CSSS/others), dt-31-12-2022.
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05-01-2023 : DPE issues increased IDA order. Letter No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE(WC)-GL-II/2023, dt-04-01-2023.
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05-01-2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to observe 11th Death Anniversary of Com. Com. Prakash Gupta Ji on 06-01-2023 by organised meetings at all levels. The tallest personality of P&T movement expired on 06-01-2013. 10 years passed away. His contribution to P&T movement can not be forgotten. He was a great visionary icon. CHQ pays respectful tributes to the great soul and salute him. “Com. Gupta Ji Amar Rahe”…G.S.
04-01-2023 : Submission of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2022(as on 31-12-2022), by the Executives/Non-executives of BSNL- last date for submission of immovable property returns is 31-01-2023. Letter No.- BSNLCO-PERS/12(28)/1/2021-CSS, dt-02-01-2023.
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04-01-2023 : Corporate office issues guidelines under BSNLMRS for reimbursement of cost of appliances Reimbursement of cost of hearing Aids. Letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/76/1/2021-ADMN, dt-02-01-2023.
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03-01-2023 : Entering in New Year with Scattered Dreams. Editorial, Telecom, (English & Hindi).
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02-01-2023 : Inauguration of 2023 calendar by Shri Chaganti Srinivas, CGMT Telangana and Shri K.V.K. Prasad Rao PGM (S&M) Circle office. The team led by Com. Geetha District Secretary, Circle office and Com. G.K. Hanumanth Rao ACS alongwith other Comrades were also present in the inaugural session in Circle office Telangana.
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02-01-2023 : Recruitment Rules of BSNL Management Services – Telecom Operations Stream (MSRRs- TELECOM)-2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-PERS/15(17)/4/2022-PERS1(Telecom), dt-31-12-2022.
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02-01-2023 : Corporate office (Establishment ) issues recruitment Rules of Junior Accounts officer -2023. Letter No.-BSNLCO-A/16/(12)/2/2022-ESTAB/2, dt-31-12-2022.
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